A-10A AIM-9 Sidewinder Air to Air Missile
A-10A AIM-9サイドワインダー空対空ミサイル
Welcome to the AIM-9 Sidewinder training mission in the A-10A. In this mission you will learn how to use the AIM-9 Sidewinder infra-red heat seeking air to air missile against airborne targets. It's important to know that the AIM-9 is considered a 'self defense' weapon when on the A-10A.
We are off the coast of Sukhumi and our target is an Su-25 Frogfoot out ahead of us. To take control of the aircraft at any time, press the 'CTRL-Q' keys. To exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.
現在Sukhumiの海岸沿いを飛行中で、前方にはターゲットのSu-25フロッグフットが飛んでいます。「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。
The Raytheon AIM-9 Sidewinder is a short-range heat seeking all aspect supersonic air to air missile. Because the A-10 has no air-to-air radar to help acquire targets you will be depending on your Mark-1 eyeball to both locate and align the AIM-9 on the target.
I'll uncage the AIM-9 by pressing the '6' key. The sound you hear is the growl of the missile's seeker head searching for a target. The circle on the HUD is the AIM-9 seeker Field of Regard and indicates the limits of Sidewinder's seeker head. You must place your intended target within that circle in order to attain a lock.
The growl has now changed into a high pitched lock tone indicating the seeker of the missile has acquired a lock on the heat of the Su-25's engines and the large circle has collapsed onto the Su-25.
Using the 'ENTER' key to fire, Fox 2!
Good hit! The pilot's ejected and the jet is going down!
Remember, the AIM-9 seeker track, is your visual cue that you have a lock. If several aircraft are in the air, this circle shows you which aircraft is locked. Be sure to ID your target before launching this weapon from the A-10A.
There is a second Frogfoot out ahead of us that just took off from Guduata airbase. I suggest that you take control by pressing the 'CTRL-Q' keys and practice with the remaining Sidewinder or press the 'ESC' key to exit. You have control.
2機目のフロッグフットがGuduata飛行場を離陸して前方を飛行中です。「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぎ残りのサイドワインダーを撃つ練習をしてみてください。または「ESC」キーで終了できます。操縦を任せます。