F-15C Programmable Armament Control Set and Tactical Electronic Warfare System

F-15C PACSプログラマブル兵器制御セット 及び TEWS戦術電子戦システム



Welcome to the F-15C Eagle training mission on the Programmable Armament Control Set(PACS) and the Tactical Electronic Warfare System(TEWS).





The PACS displays the weapon inventory onboard the aircraft and the TEWS receives, interprets, warns, and displays radar emitting threats to your aircraft.





To take control of the aircraft at any time, press the 'CTRL-Q' keys.  To exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.


Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。



We'll begin with the PACS and go over what  information it displays to us.  Starting at the top the external fuel tank stations are listed, Left, Center, and Right.  With the 'FUEL' text indicated the PACS is telling us we have external fuel tanks loaded at each particular station.





With no fuel tank loaded, the text will read, 'PYLON'.





On the upper left side of the display is the gun rate indication and it will read either 'HIGH' for 6000 rounds per minute or 'LOW' for 4000 rounds per minute.  The gun rate can be changed with the 'SHIFT-C' keys.


左上には機関砲発射率表示があり「HIGH」が毎分6000発で「LOW」が毎分4000発となります。ガンレイトは「Shift C」キーで切り替えできます。



Across the display on the upper right is the expendable countermeasures inventory.  The remaining CHAFF and FLARES will be indicated here.





Down the right side is the AIM-9 infrared seeker 'COOL' indication.  The AIM-9 seeker needs to be cooled before it can be used to acquire hot targets.  When the 'COOL' text is boxed, the seeker is being cooled.  The box will only appear when the MASTER ARM is in the 'ARM' position.





You can toggle the MASTER ARM with the 'ALT-SPACE' keys.


マスターアームは「Alt スペース」で切り替えられます。



On the lower left of the PACS is the 'SCAN' field.  When the AIM-9 is selected in the non-radar SCAN mode the word 'SCAN' will be boxed.





The primary information you will be using the PACS for is the weapon station inventory.  The PACS display represents a rough, top-down view of the aircraft, with the nose of the aircraft oriented towards the top of the display.





The large triangular brackets represent the wings of the aircraft.  The locations of the eight weapon stations on the underside of the aircraft are indicated, along with the type and status of the weapon loaded at each station.





Two types of weapons can be selected, medium-range missiles(MRM) and short-range missiles indicated by 'SRM'.  You can cycle the different types with the 'D' key.   When an MRM missile is selected as the active weapon, the word 'RDY' is displayed above it.





All other MRMs on the display have 'STBY' displayed above them.  All SRMs have 'SRM' displayed above them.   If an SRM is selected, the active SRM will have 'RDY' displayed above it and all other SRMs on the aircraft well have 'SRM' displayed above them.





Any MRM on the aircraft will have 'STBY' displayed above them.  This should help you understand the Programmable Armament Control Set.





The TEWS system includes the Loral AN/ALR-56 Radar Warning Receiver which provides electronic detection and identification of both surface and airborne threats.





In addition, the TEWS allows for activation of appropriate countermeasures including electronic jamming and dispensing of expendables such as chaff and flares.  The TEWS display will tell the pilot the following information.





The radar emitter mode, search, lock, or launch; the bearing of the emitter in relation to our jet; the general type of the emitter such as airborne, naval, or ground based and the specific type of emitter such as a particular SAM or aircraft.





Looking at the TEWS display or scope we see a cross in the center.  That cross is our aircraft from a top down perspective.  Next we have the  inner/lock zone ring which will display emitters that have locked onto our jet.





The outer most ring is the search zone where emitters that have detected our jet but have not locked on are placed and around the search zone of the display are several dots at the standard clock positions.  These are always on the display and always remain static.





We are currently flying towards a hostile area with numerous air and land based emitters where we can  see how these emitters are displayed on the TEWS and what aural warnings we will hear.





We are currently being painted by several emitters, an A-50 Mainstay AWACS aircraft indicated by the '50' at 2 o'clock, an Early Warning Radar indicated by 'EW' to our 6 o'clock.


現在いくつかの発信源から照射を受けています。A-50メインステイAWACSが2時方向に「50」で示され、早期警戒(Early Warning)レーダーが6時方向に「EW」で示されています。



There are also search hits from a SA-11 Buk Gadfly SAM system's Snow Drift, 'SD' search radar at our 11 O'clock and SA-10 Grumble 'Big Bird(BB)' search radars at 1 o'clock.  It is important to remember that the TEWS scope only gives bearing and level of emission power information and does NOT give range to the threat.


またSA-11 Buk Gadfly SAMシステムの「SD」(Snow Drift)探知レーダーが11時方向から、SA-10 Grumbleの「BB」(Big Bird)探知レーダーが1時方向から発信しています。重要なのは、TEWSスコープは方位と発信源の強度の情報のみを示し、その脅威の距離を示しているわけではないことをきちんと理解することです。



All the TEWS display symbols are listed in the manual so be sure to have a copy of them handy when flying dangerous missions.





An SA-11 Buk TELAR now is priority threat and its symbol is made in a diamond.


現在、SA-11 Buk TELARが第一の脅威で、そのシンボルがひし形で囲まれています。



I'll keep beaming the SA-11 to stay out of it's launch envelope.  At this altitude and speed, we should be safe from the Buk system.





Now a Mig-31 Foxhound has spiked us, indicated by the '31' symbol.





The Mig-31 has locked onto us!  We hear the lock tone.


MiG-31がこちらをロックしました! ロック音が聞こえます。



The TEWS is really cluttered at this point but we do have some filters we can use to make it more readable in a high threat environment.  Using the 'SHIFT-R' keys we can select 2 additional filters to declutter the display.


この時点でTEWSがだいぶ混んでいますが、脅威が多い状況ではフィルターを使って見やすくすることができます。「Shift R」キーで表示を整理するために2つのフィルターを選べます。



The first is the 'SHOW ONLY LAUNCH' which will only display launched emitters locked on our jet.  Such while is not present.





Pressing 'SHIFT-R' again will select the 'SHOW ONLY LOCK' which will only display inner lock zone emitters locked on our jet.  There, now you see that just the Mig-31 are shown. Pressing it once more will return to the 'SHOW ALL' filter.


もう一度「Shift R」を押すと「ロックのみ表示」となり、内側のロックゾーンの、自機にロックしている発信源のみを表示します。すると、今はMiG-31のみが表示されているのが分かります。もう一度同じキーを押すと「全表示」に戻ります。



Repeat once again.





The MiG-31 can launch a missile now.





This is getting too dangerous!  It's time to turn tail, dive for the deck, and get out of here!


このままでは余りにも危険です! 反転し地表近くまで降下し、ここを離れましょう!



Looks like we're clear of the 31 threat now.  We don't want to mess with them!





What a blast racing through the valleys!





We just got spiked by the A-50!





We have to get to some deeper valleys to lose the A-50!





The Mainstay spiked us again!  We are still vulnerable!  Deeper valley ahead!


またメインステイに捕捉されました! 我々はまだ無防備なままです! 前方の深い渓谷に入りましょう!



I hope in this chaos that you have been able to learn about the PACS and the TEWS and the symbols and tones it gives you to help manage the threats that you encounter in combat.  Press the 'ESC' key to exit or the 'CTRL-Q' keys to take control and play in the mountains.



混乱した状況の中でしたが、PACSとTEWSそしてシンボルマークや警告音を習得できたでしょうか。これらは交戦中に遭遇しうる様々な脅威に対応する助けとなるはずです。「ESC」キーを押して終了するか、「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぎ山岳地帯の飛行を楽しんでください。





