Su-25 Unguided Bombs
Su-25 無誘導爆弾
Welcome to the unguided bomb training mission in the Su-25 Frogfoot. In this flight you will learn to destroy targets using both general purpose and cluster type bombs.
To take control at anytime press the 'CTRL-Q' keys or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key.
「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを押します。
We are in the Varnavinskoye Weapons Range and will be attacking a group of buildings and some armoured military vehicles.
For our first attack run we will be using FAB-500 general purpose 500 Kg bombs. These bombs are free-fall munitions so you must drop them from a higher altitude so you are not hit by the blast fragments.
I'll first select the air-to-ground weapons mode by pressing the '7' key. The FAB-500s are on the initial weapons stations selected so I won't have to cycle them. You must first know what weapons are on each station since there is no HUD indication.
Now look at the weapon readiness panel. The '6' symbol indicates we are in air to ground weapons mode with bombs selected for release and you can see the indication that the 4 outboard stations with FAB-500s are illuminated green meaning they are ready to drop. This panel is the only indication you have of the currently selected weapon with 'HPC' meaning rockets and the '6' symbol meaning bombs.
Looking at the sighting glass we see the unguided bomb air to ground targeting cross. The quarter circle around the cross is the range scale with a solid thick arc indicating the range limit and a small triangle showing the current slant range.
I'll press the 'O' key to activate the laser range finder.
As we get closer to the ground the triangle moves clockwise down the scale and when it's within the 'in range' arc the amber light comes on and we are assured of good accuracy.
I'll extend the flaps with the 'F' key, start a dive, and maneuver the jet to place the targeting cross on the building.
Now we are in range as indicated by the amber light.
Using the 'SPACEBAR' key to pickle, Bombs Away! Now I'll execute an escape maneuver dropping flares, extend away from the target area.
「スペース」キーを押して投下します。爆弾投下! そしてフレアを放出し脱出機動を行ない、ターゲット周辺から離脱します。
Bombs on Target!
For our next attack run we will be using RBK-AO-500 anti-armour cluster bombs. The RBK-AO series of cluster bombs are designed to destroy armoured vehicles by releasing a large number of smaller bomblets which disperse and accelerate vertically down into the vehicles.
I'll check the weapon readiness panel to confirm we have the 4 inboard stations with RBK-500s on them selected.
I'll start the run into the target with a pop-up.
I'll remain offset to the target to keep it visible in the left front windscreen.
Now I'll roll inverted to acquire the vehicles and start a dive.
There is the amber light, we are in range.
Using the 'SPACEBAR' key to pickle, Bombs Away!
Good hits again! What a spectacular display of fireworks on those vehicles!
また命中です! 車両に降り注いだ花火の何と壮絶な事でしょう!
I'll complete the escape maneuver and extend away.
Notice how I aimed just ahead of the first vehicle because when the bomb canister opens it sends the bomblets further forward before they accelerate downward into the vehicles.
There are still 2 FAB-500 and 2 RBK-500 bombs aboard and now it's now your turn to practice using unguided bombs. Press the 'CTRL-Q' keys to take control or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key. You have control.
FAB-500とRBK-500爆弾が2発ずつ残っていますから、次はあなたが無誘導爆弾の使い方を練習する番です。「Ctrl Q」キーを押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーを押して終了してください。操縦を任せます。