Su-27 N001 Pulse Doppler Radar and Radar Warning Receiver

Su-27 N001パルスドップラーレーダー 及び レーダー警戒受信機



Welcome to the Beyond Visual Range or BVR radar training mission in the Su-27 Flanker-B. In this training mission you will learn how to use the N001 radar to acquire and engage airborne targets. To take control at anytime press the 'CTRL-Q' keys or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key. Please have the HUD set to display Russian in the options.


Su-27フランカーBのBVR視程外距離レーダー訓練ミッションにようこそ。このミッションではN001レーダーで航空機ターゲットを攻撃する方法を学びます。「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを押します。オプションでHUDをロシア語表示にしておいてください。(訳注:COCKPITオプションの「HUD IN RUSSIAN」をオンにしてください。)



Press the `2` key to select Beyond Visual Range (BVR) mode, than press `I` key to activate the N001 radar. Ensure that radar is on. An `N` should appear on the left side of the HUD, this is the Radar Cue. Note that the HUD Mode indicator shows `DBB`(BVR) notation and submode indicator shows `OB3`(Scan).





You can see a box in the middle of the HUD that is your designator. You can use this to individually select targets to track or to lock on to.





You can see twin horizontal line on the left side of the HUD, this is frendly aircraft marker. Single horizontal line is enemy aicraft marker.





On the MFD you see a cone that represents your radar coverage.





To lock onto target, dislocate the designator box using the scan zone controls on target. The vertical scan controls are the semi-colon `;` and period `.` keys. The horizontal controls are the comma `,` and forward slash `/` keys.





Press `TAB` key. Now the radar switches to Attack submode. In the bottom right part of the HUD you can see `ATK` cue, and `A` cue appears above the Radar Cue.





You can select the appropriate air-to air missile for the range and type of target by pressing `D` key. Once you have a launch autorized cue `NP` in the center of the HUD, you may shoot.





To unlock from a target press `TAB` key again.





Now we will move down to the main instrument panel that to know how to interpret data from the Radar Warning System (RWS).





The SPO-15 `Beryoza` Radar Warning System (RWS) detects enemy radar signals and operates like any radar detector. Thanks to a more complicated antenna system (fitted in the tailcone) and more processing power, the RWR not only detects enemy radar, but also indicates the bearing to the transmitter and type of radar detected. This system is used in a variety of Russian aircrafts including the MiG-29 and Su-25.





The ten lights surrounding the MiG-21 picture illuminate to indicate the bearing to the transmitter. A flashing light indicates your aircraft is being painted occasionally by the emitter. A solid light will indicates that a transmitter is tracking your aircraft.





A red light surrounding the silhouette will idicates a lock onto your aircraft.





The six lights along the bottom of the RWS indicated categories of radar signals. First light from left to right that we can see right now is airborne type radar. Another lights from left to right: short-ranged SAM, medium-ranged SAM, long-ranged SAM, early warning radar, AWACS.





Two semi-circles at the center of the RWS indicate the emitter position on upper (`B`) or lower (`H`) hemi-sphere.





All Russian aircraft are equipped with an Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system, allowing the RWS to distinguish between friendly and hostile radar contacts. This system also replies to friendly emitters, alerting them that you`re not a hostile target.





To take control press the 'CTRL-Q' keys or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key.


Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーで終了してください。





