UPT - Undergraduate Pilot Training
Introduction: Changing Direction With Pitch, Roll, and Yaw


Welcome to Lock On: Modern Air Combat and Undergraduate Pilot Training in the Republic A-10A Thunderbolt II aircraft, more affectionately known as, the Warthog! Please, do not manipulate the views or zoom levels while the training track plays.

Lock On: Modern Air Combatにようこそ。これは学生パイロット訓練で、イボイノシシの愛称で知られるリパブリック社製A-10AサンダーボルトII を用います。トレーニング再生中は視点やズームの操作を行なわないで下さい。

The A-10 is a robust, tough, and easy to fly American designed and built twin turbofan ground attack aircraft featuring conventional instruments and systems.


This is your introduction to flight training where you will learn the information that the Head Up Display or HUD provides you and how to maneuver the aircraft with pitch, roll, and yaw.


To take control of the aircraft at any time press the 'CTRL-Q' keys. To exit this mission, press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。

Near the top of the HUD is the Total Velocity Vector(TVV) and the pitch ladder. The TVV shows you the instantaneous flight path of your aircraft at all times. If you place the TVV above the crest of a hill as you approach it you will clear the hill.


The pitch ladder, which is a similar to the artificial horizon on the instrument panel, shows you your pitch attitude or nose position with reference to the horizon.


The pitch ladder is labeled in 5 degree increments. It has a solid line at the top; this is the horizon line and is indicated by the '0' pitch digit. It also has dashed lines below it which indicate nose low pitch, and solid lines above it which indicate nose high pitch.


As the aircraft rolls and banks the pitch ladder will remain stabilized with the true horizon and will show you what bank attitude you are in even if you can't see outside the cockpit.


On the left side of the HUD is the digital airspeed readout which shows the aircraft's indicated airspeed displayed in knots or nautical miles per hour.


On the right side of the HUD is digital altitude readout indicating the barometric altitude of the aircraft or height above sea level.


Below the altitude readout is a digital pitch angle indication which displays the pitch of the aircraft with a negative number, representing a nose down pitch and a positive number indicating a nose up pitch.


Below the radar altitude scale is the digital radar altimeter which displays the altitude with an 'R' after the readout. This will not be displayed if the radar altitude is above 5,000 feet or the aircraft is rolled into more than 45 degrees of bank as the radar loses the earth's surface to reflect the radio waves back to the aircraft.


Below the pitch ladder is the heading tape which displays the aircraft's magnetic heading as a scrolling tape and at the bottom center of the tape is a triangle that marks the aircraft痴 current heading.


Using the HUD alone you can fly the aircraft in control without any outside visual references. This is all you need to know about the HUD for this introductory training mission.


To change the aircraft pitch to move the nose up or down the elevator is moved with the flight stick by pulling back or pushing forward.


To roll and bank the aircraft we move the ailerons by pushing right or left on the flight stick.


You can also change the direction the nose is pointing by using the rudder pedals to move the rudder and yaw the aircraft. Left rudder input or pressing the 'Z' key will yaw the nose to the left and pressing the right rudder, 'X' will yaw the nose to the right.


Due to the aircraft's yaw dampening system, rudder input will not be normally be required in flight unless you lose an engine or are recovering from a stall or spin.


Below and to our left is Sukhumi Airfield in the Independent State of Georgia and ahead are the magnificent Caucasus Mountains.


We will begin from level flight at 5000 feet accelerating to 300 kts on a heading of 360 degrees. While climbing and descending we monitor the pitch ladder while watching our altitude on the right side of the HUD and airspeed on the left side of the HUD.


This is a climb, note the positive pitch ladder indication on the HUD, the increasing altitude, and decreasing airspeed.


This is a descent, note the negative pitch ladder indication, the decreasing altitude, and the increasing airspeed.


Changing direction with roll requires smooth movements with flight stick. I will roll right to approximately 30 degrees of bank and you can see that we are slowly turning by looking at the heading tape.


I'll increase to 60 degrees of bank and as the turn rate increases the nose wants to drop due to loss of lift so I must pull back slightly on the stick and increase thrust slightly to maintain our altitude and speed.


Once we have changed direction by 180 degrees or have come to a heading of 180 I will reverse the turn by pushing the stick to the left and roll into to a 60 degree bank and maintain the turn until we reach our original heading of 360.


If you can do this steep turn maneuver with a maximum of 100 feet in altitude deviation and 10 knots in airspeed deviation you are doing very well and flying to a high standard.


I suggest that you practice flying yourself using pitch, roll, and yaw. Press the 'CTRL-Q' keys to take control or the 'ESC' key to exit. You have control.

ピッチ、ロール、ヨーを使って自分自身で操縦を練習してみてください。「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーで終了してください。操縦を任せます。
