F-15C: Introduction and Navigation


Welcome to your FAM flight in the McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle! The legendary Eagle is one of the world's most successful fighter aircraft with an unmatched combat record in modern times.


The Eagle is an all weather day/night air superiority fighter aircraft powered by twin Pratt and Whitney PW-220 afterburning turbofan engines each rated at 23,830 pounds of static thrust.

イーグルは全天候昼夜間運用能力を持つ制空戦闘機で、各23,830ポンドの静止推力を持つPratt and Whitney社製PW-220アフターバーナー付きターボファンエンジンを2基搭載しています。

This bird is capable of reaching speeds in excess of 1,400 kts and Mach 2.5 with a service ceiling of 60,000 feet. You are in for one heck of a ride!! To take control of the aircraft at any time, press the 'CTRL-Q' keys. To exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.

この「鳥」は最高速度1,400ノット(マッハ2.5)以上で実用上昇限度60,000フィートの能力があります。あなたは凄い乗り物に乗っているわけです! 「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。

In this flight you will learn about the HUD, the panel gauges, and how to navigate using those instruments.


Starting with the HUD you can see that it is quite similar to the HUD in the A-10A so I'll go over the basics quickly.


In the center of the HUD is the Velocity Vector(VV) and the pitch ladder, on the left side is the airspeed scale and on the right the combination barometric and radar altitude scale. The heading tape is on the top of the HUD with the small inverted 'V', caret, showing current heading and the small vertical line is the heading bug. This is where the similarities end.


In the center of the HUD is a 'W' shaped symbol which is the waterline and it represents the longitudinal axis of the aircraft at all times or the exact spot the nose is pointing. The distance between the waterline and the VV is the aircraft's angle of attack.


Above the waterline and below the heading scale is the gun cross which is aimed 2 degrees above the waterline and will appear when the Master Arm switch is in the 'ARM' position.


Below the airspeed scale is the G readout and will show both positive and negative Gs.


Below the altitude scale is the navigation block which displays information regarding your current steerpoint and navigation mode.


Now we will move down to the main instrument panel. The basic 5 flight instruments that are required to keep the blue side up when we can't see anything outside the canopy are very similar to the A-10A so I won't go over them now.


Additional instruments on the panel that differ to the A-10A are the Angle of Attack indicator which displays the current angle of attack in units from 0 to 45. An index mark is set at the critical AOA of 22 units. Below it is the Accelerometer(G Meter).


Next are the engine N1 fan tachometer gauges which indicate the engine speed as a percentage of maximum RPM for both the left and right engines. The red band indicates afterburner.


Below the N1 tach's are the Fan Turbine Inlet Temperature Indicators which use an analog pointer to indicate the temperature in increments of 10 degrees Centigrade. The red band indicates excessive temperature.


Continuing down the panel, the Fuel Flow gauges show the fuel flow, including afterburner, for each engine. Flow is measured in pounds per hour.


Next, the Exhaust Nozzle Position Indicators which show the exhaust nozzle position for each engine. The display shows the position as a percentage of being completely open.


To the right, the Fuel Quantity Indicator shows the remaining fuel in the internal and external tanks measured in thousands of pounds and further right is the annunciator panel.


Ok, time to learn about the navigation information displayed on the HUD. On the NAV block, the navigation information is displayed on 3 lines, the first showing the currently selected steerpoint and NAV mode.


The second line shows the distance in nautical miles to the selected steerpoint.


The third shows time remaining to reach the steerpoint. We can cycle through the steerpoints by pressing the '~TILDE' key.


On the HUD we also have another NAV symbol, the Integrated Flight Director, which gives pitch and steering guidance. To use the flight director just maneuver the aircraft to keep the director cross in the center of the HUD.


Navigation in the F-15C is identical to the A-10A which was previlously explained so there is no need to repeat it in this mission.


Using the HUD and your navigation instruments will help keep you on course and at the proper altitudes while carrying out exciting missions in the F-15C Eagle. The programmed flightplan has a few more steerpoints with a landing set up at Sukhumi. Press the 'CTRL-Q' keys to take control or the 'ESC' key to exit. You have control.

HUDと航法用計器を使えば、F-15Cイーグルでエキサイティングなミッションを遂行している間もコースからずれない正しい高度の飛行が可能です。入力されたフライトプランには、Sukhumi飛行場への着陸を含むステアポイントが数ヶ所あります。「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーで終了してください。操縦を任せます。
