F-15C: AN/APG-63 Pulse Doppler Radar

F-15C:AN/APG-63 パルスドップラーレーダー 

Welcome to the Beyond Visual Range or BVR radar training mission in the F-15C Eagle. In this training mission you will learn how to use the powerful Hughes AN/APG-63 pulse Doppler fire control radar to acquire and engage airborne targets.


You will learn how to use the Range While Search(RWS), Track While Scan(TWS), and Single Target Track(STT) radar modes and interpret the data on the HUD and Vertical Situation Display(VSD). Using this information you will engage airborne targets with The AIM-7M Sparrow medium range semi-active guided and the AIM-120C AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Active radar guided missiles.

具体的にはRWS探知中測距、TWSスキャン中追尾、STT単一目標追尾の各レーダーモードの使用方法とHUDとVSD垂直状況ディスプレイのデータの読み取り方を学びます。この情報を使って、AIM-7Mスパロー中距離セミアクティブ誘導ミサイルと AIM-120 AMRAAM 中距離アクティブレーダー誘導ミサイルで航空目標を攻撃します。

To take control of the aircraft at any time, press the 'CTRL-Q' keys. To exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。

Out ahead of us at various distances and altitudes are some drone aircraft for us to use and abuse at our will but first let's learn how to use this multi-million dollar microwave oven.


Located in the nose, the APG-63 radar is a highly effective, all-weather multi-mode radar. The APG-63 combines long range acquisition and attack capabilities with automatic features to provide the instant information and computations needed during air-to-air combat operations.


We enter the Range While Search or RWS mode by pressing the '2' key. This will change the HUD and the VSD to the Beyond Visual Range search mode.


Now I'll bring up an AIM-7M Sparrow semi-active radar guided missile by cycling the hardpoints with the 'D' key and note it becoming 'RDY' on the Programmable Armament Control Set or PACS.


I'll activate the radar with the ' i ' key and you can see the VSD come to life displaying the radar antenna sweep and other important information.


On the bottom of the VSD we can see the sweeping radar antenna azimuth caret and scale with limit circles providing illumination 60 degrees off the centerline or 120 degrees in its full sweep. We can also change the azimuth by pressing the 'CTRL+' and 'CTL-' keys to switch between a 30 and a 60 degree antenna sweep.

VSDの下側に走査状態を示すレーダーアンテナ方位角ポインタと目盛りがあり、レーダー照射の制限角度を示す丸印が正面から左右各60度、計120度の走査角を示しています。また「Ctrl +」と「Ctrl -」キーを押すことでアンテナ走査方位角を±30度と±60度の間で切り替えられます。(訳注:「Ctrl +」キーは日本語キーボードでは入力できません。走査方位角が±30度の時は、「Shift ,」と「Shift /」で走査範囲を左右に動かす事ができます。走査範囲角を±30度にすると走査の頻度が倍速くなります。)

On the left side of the VSD is the antenna elevation caret and scale. The circles beside the elevation scale represent the radar beam coverage and display the maximum and minimum altitudes being scanned in thousands of feet. The elevation scan volume can be raised or lowered with the 'SHIFT-SEMI-COLON(;)' and 'SHIFT-PERIOD(.)' keys.

VSDの左側にはアンテナ仰角ポインタと目盛りが見えます。仰角目盛りの横の丸印はレーダー波の範囲を表し、スキャンされる最大と最小高度が千フィート単位で表示されます。仰角スキャン範囲は「Shift ;」と「Shift .」キーで上下に移動できます。(訳注:スキャンする最大・最小高度はTDCの距離での値です。それより近くでは高度範囲が狭くなり、遠くでは広くなります(下図参照)。また、仰角は地表に対して設定されるので機首を上げ下げしてもスキャンする高度は変化しません。)

The digital number on the upper right of the VSD is the selected range which can be cycled with the '+ and -' keys with the minimum range being 10 and the maximum being 160 nautical miles.


The readout on the bottom right is your aircraft's true airspeed(T) and on the bottom left is its groundspeed(G).


In the center of the VSD is an artificial horizon line and the symbol with two small vertical lines, '| |', is the slewable Target Designation Cursor(TDC). We can slew the TDC with the 'PERIOD(.)', SEMI-COLON(;)', 'COMMA(,)', and 'FORWARD SLASH(/)' keys. Slewing the TDC up and down will also change the anntena elevation scan volume.

VSDの中央には人工水平儀と、移動可能な目標指示カーソル(TDC)が小さな2本の縦線のマーク「| |」で表示されています。TDCは「.」、「;」、「,」、「/」キーで移動可能です。TDCを上下に動かすとアンテナ仰角スキャン範囲も変化します。

Solid horizontal bars are hostile airborne contacts or 'tracks'. Solid circles are friendly aircraft.


I'll slew the TDC over the hostile contact and press the 'TAB' key to lock it up and enter Single Target Track mode or STT. To undesignate or unlock a target press the 'CTRL-TAB' keys.

TDCを敵性コンタクトの上に移動させ「Tab」キーを押してロックしSTT単一目標追尾モードに移行させます。ロックを外すには「Ctrl Tab」キーを押します。

We are now in Pre-Launch mode and all the radar energy is solely focused on the one aircraft, our Primary Designated Target or PDT, is providing us with information on the target including its airspeed, aspect angle, and heading displayed left to right on the upper left of the VSD.


Its altitude is next to the arrow on the elevation scale indicating 16,000 feet and our closure rate is tracking down the right side of the Dynamic Launch Zone(DLZ) scale indicating 108 knots and increasing. NCTR is indictaing a IL-76 heavy transport jet.


We are closing on the IL-76.

IL-76 に接近中です。

On the HUD the target designation(TD) box is added showing us the location of our locked target and the ASE circle with its angle off indicator telling us which direction it's headed, indicating the same direction we are and now in a descending left turn.


Fox 1!
Active on the bottom left of the HUD, the flashing TTI timer tells us 'Time to Intercept' and when it counts down to zero the Sparrow has either hit or missed so we can lock up another aircraft or launch a second Sparrow.


Good hit! Looks like the Il-76 is going down. Splash one!


Time to find our second target so I'll press the 'D' key to select the AIM-120C noting the indication on the PACS.


I'll extend the range, slew the elevation up to search and select TWS mode by pressing the 'ALT-I' keys.

レンジを延長し、探知用に仰角を上に移動し、「Alt i」キーを押してTWSモードに切り替えます。

Contact! Looks like several targets above us and I can see contrails in the distance. It's going to get busy!


The tracks are now grey, indicating altitude, and angle off telling us which way they are heading, head on.


Slewing the TDC over the track and 'bugging' it or designating it as the PDT now brings up the same information as seen with the Sparrow but to launch a Sparrow we would have to designate the target again to put it into STT mode.


I'll bug the second hostile track and we will engage both of them simultaneously while in TWS mode. The second track now becomes the 'Secondary Designated Target' or 'SDT' with a '1' designating it.


In TWS mode with AIM-120C's we have the ability to simultaneously designate and launch on 2 separate targets.


On the HUD, Inside the altitude scale is a DLZ, identical to the one on the VSD.


We are in range as inidctaed by the STAR symbol under the TD box on the HUD.


On the bottom right of the HUD is the target range, the target aspect, and the Time To Active(TTA) timer for the next missile on the rail

HUDの右下にターゲットレンジ、アスペクト、次に発射されるミサイルの「アクティブになるまでの時間」を示すTTAタイマーが表示されています。(訳注:TTAの場合は、時間の左に「M」が表示され、発射後何秒経つとミサイルに搭載されたレーダーが作動し始めるかを示します。距離が近付くと発射後すぐにミサイルのレーダーが作動するので、表示はミサイルがターゲットに到達する所要時間TTI に切り替わり、左に「T」が表示されます。ミサイルがアクティブになる(=ミサイルのレーダーが作動する)と相手にはロック警告が出ます。)

Just outside RTR, using the 'SPACEBAR' key to fire, 'Fox 3 twice!

RTRの少し外側で「Enter」キーで発射します。フォックス3、2発!(訳注:RTRとは「Target Turn-and-Run Range」の略で「回避機動するターゲットに対する最大射程」の事です。DLZ上では非機動ターゲットに対する最大射程Rmaxと最小射程Rminの間にマークが表示されます。)

The first AMRAAM will track the PDT and the second the SDT. Looking at the flashing Post Launch Timer we see the 'M' telling us 'Time to Active' for the next missile on the rail.


Good hit! Splash 2
...and splash 3!


The AIM-120 can also be launched in STT mode by bugging the target a second time but anytime you have an STT target that aircraft will know you have locked him up.


Using the TWS mode allows you to remain somewhat hidden as you will only alert the enemy with a search warning while at the same time you have AMRAAM's headed his way.


It is also important to know that we can use the radar to lock and fire AIM-9M Sidewinder infrared guided dogfight missiles in STT mode only.


This training tutorial should help you with Beyond Visual Range engagements using the F-15C Eagle's powerful APG-63 radar but to fully understand it make sure you read the manual.


This concludes the AN/APG-63 radar training mission. There are a few more targets ahead for you to play with so engage at will! Press the CTRL-Q' keys to take control or the 'ESC' key to exit. You have control.

これでAN/APG-63レーダー訓練ミッションを終了します。まだ複数のターゲットが前方に飛行していますから自由に攻撃して構いません。「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーで終了してください。操縦を任せます。
