Su-27: The N001 Pulse-Doppler Radar


Welcome to the Su-27 Radar long-range practice mission.


You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せばいつでも操縦を引き継げます。

Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.


The Su-27 Flanker is an interceptor designed to oppose air targets day or night, in any weather conditions, at a wide range of speeds and altitudes.


The Su-27 can carry a payload up to 4 tons on 10 pylons. In this case are short and medium range air-to-air missiles.


Our fighter is armed with 4 medium-range semi-active radar homing (SARH) R-27ER missiles,


2 medim-range infra-red homing R-27ET missiles,


2 short-range infra-red homing R-73 missiles,


and 2 SPS-170 ''Sorbtsiya'' electronic countermeasures (ECM) pods.

そして2基のSPS-170 ''Sorbtsiya''電子対抗手段(ECM)ポッドを装備しています。

The fighter is equipped with a N-001 pulse-Doppler radar, designed for detecting air targets and aiming SARH air-to-air missiles.


Some air targets are nearby, so let's start our practice.


We select the beyond visual range (BVR) mode by pressing the '2' key.


We turn on the radar by pressing the 'I' key.


We use the 'D' key to select R-27ER missiles. The chosen weapon type is shown in the HUD.


The HUD also indicates the weapon stations carrying the chosen missile. This information is duplicated on the paylod indicator beneath the HUD.


The radar scan pattern for detecting targets has dimensions of +-30°in azimuth and +-5°in elevation.


We can slew the scan pattern in +-30°discrete steps to the left and right by pressing 'Shift <' and 'Shift ?'. The azimuthal position of the scan zone is indicated on HUD and HDD.

Shift ,」と「Shift /」を押して、スキャンパターンを左右に±30度ずつ不連続に動かす事ができます。スキャンゾーンのアジマス(水平)位置はHUDとHDD(ヘッドダウンディスプレイ)に表示されます。

To control the elevation of the scan pattern we use:


'Ctrl =' and 'Ctrl -' to set the target's expected range (indicated in lower part of the HUD in kilometers), and

Ctrl +」と「Ctrl -」で想定されるターゲットの距離を設定します。(HUDの下部にキロメートル単位で表示されます。)そして、(訳注:「Ctrl +」キーは日本語キーボードでは入力できません。)

'Shift ;' and 'Shift >' to set the expected difference of altitude between our fighter and the target (indicated at the right side of the HUD).

Shift ;」と「Shift .」で自機とターゲットの想定される高度差(スキャンゾーンのエレベーション)を設定します。(HUDの右側に表示されます。)(訳注:自機の位置とターゲットの設定位置を結ぶ方向に対し水平±30度、垂直±5度の範囲がスキャンゾーンになります。例えば、想定距離10kmで高度差3kmの場合と、距離20kmで高度差6kmの場合ではスキャンゾーンは同じになります。スキャンされる高度範囲は距離の約6分の1と覚えておくと良いでしょう。また、機首を上げ下げしてもスキャンする高度は変化しません。)

The current scan zone elevation and the elevation bar are located in the same place. Near the top of the bar is indicated its scale. Scan zone elevation limits are +55°and -35°.


We can center scan zone by pressing 'Ctrl i'. This will select 10km range and 0km altitude difference.

Ctrl i」キーを押せばスキャンゾーンを中央に戻す事ができます。そうすると距離10kmで高度差0kmになります。

We can change radar display scale by pressing '+ ' and ' - ' keys.


Now let's examine the N-001 radar modes.


The radar has three emission modes, which can be selected by pressing 'Win i' keys:

このレーダーには3種類の発振モードがあり、「RWin i」キーで切り替えられます。(訳注:「RWin i」キーはキーボードによっては入力できません。)

- High Pulse Repitition Frequency (RPF) . It's used to intercept head-on ('high aspect') approaching targets. Note that this PRF has poor detection range against receding targets. On the HUD is indicated 'HI'.


- Medium Pulse Repitition Frequency (PRF) . It's optimized for pursuit of receding targets. Note that this PRF has reduced performance against approaching targets. On the HUD is indicated 'MED'.


- Interleaved mode. This mode alternates the radar scan between 'HI' and 'MED' PRF. It can detect both approaching and receding targets, but detection range is somewhat reduced. On the HUD is indicated 'ILV'.


The N-001 radar has two search modes, which can be switched by pressing 'Alt i' keys:

N-001レーダーは2種類の探知モードがあり、「Alt i」キーで切り替えられます。

Range While Scan mode. This mode is compatible with all three emission modes (HI, MED, ILV). In this mode, detected targets are indicated on the HUD but are not tracked. There are several types of target symbol:


- Double row indicates a friendly target.


- Single row indicates a foreign target.


The number of dots in the row corresponds to the target's radar signature.


- Active Electronic Countermeasures symbol. ECM can prevent the radar from measuring target range. When ECM is detected, the 'АП' symbol appears in the HUD.


- Electronic warfare. This can appear when the range to EW aircraft is short.


Track While Scan mode (TWS). This mode is compatible only with constant PRF (HI, MED). TWS can't be used when there is ECM in the scan zone. TWS mode can track up to 10 targets. The pilot can know the heading for all of them. In this mode the target symbols on the HUD and HDD are:


- the friendly target symbol,


- the foreign target symbol.


Now we'll use the automatic lock of the most dangerous target. We select the TWS-HI mode by pressing 'Alt i' and 'Win i'.

ここで最大脅威ターゲットの自動ロックを使用してみましょう。「Alt i」と「RWin i」を押してTWSのHIモードを選びます。

After some time, the automatic system puts the radar cursor over the target. After that, the range bar is indicated:


Range bar with it's scale,


Current range.


Maximum launch range versus non-maneuvering target,


Maximum launch range versus maneuvering target,


Minimum launch range.


After locking the target, the HUD symbology changes:


Lock On symbol,


Target aspect. The target is approaching our fighter,


Target symbol. It shows the current target position,


Radar antenna position indicator. It must be within the rectanglar limits to maintain a stable lock.


LA - Launch Authorized. The square indicates which missile is ready for launch.


Launch... ('spacebar').


Target destroyed!


Now we'll lock onto the ECM.


To lock the target we must move the radar cursor to the target symbol with < ? ; > keys and press 'Tab'.


When we've locked the ECM, we can't measure target's range or aspect.


To launch the missile we must manualy input target range by 'Ctrl =' ・'Ctrl -' keys.

ミサイルを発射するには「Ctrl +」と「Ctrl -」キーでターゲットの距離を手動入力しなければなりません。

Now let's see what happens when we lock a friendly target.


To lock the target we must move the radar cursor to the target symbol with < ? ; > keys and press 'Tab'.


When we've locked the friendly target, the 'F' symbol is displayed in the HUD and there is no Launch Authorization. The other symbology is the same.


As we can see, the radar of the Su-27 is a complex system, which allows a skilled pilot to perform numerous air-to-air tasks in different conditions.


You may practice using the radar on the remaining targets by pressing 'CTRL+Q' keys now, or exit by pressing 'Esc'.

残ったターゲットでレーダーの訓練をしてみて下さい。「Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。
