Su-33: Carrier Launch and Trap


Welcome to the Su-33 basic carrier ops practice mission.


You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せばいつでも操縦を引き継げます。

Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.


We extend the flaps with 'Shift-F'.

Shift F」でフラップを下げます。

Increasing engine thrust...


Full afterburner!


Take off! Maintaining 20° pitch, we raise the gear by pressing the 'G' key.


After the fighter accelerates, we retract the flaps with 'Ctrl-F'.

機体が十分加速したら、「Ctrl F」でフラップを上げます。

We establish horizontal flight at an altitude of 500m and airspeed 500km/h... and start the first 180° left turn with 30° angle of bank.


To keep airspeed near 500km/h at low altitudes, we need about 77-82% engine RPM.


We turn onto the downwind leg.


At a range of 12km, we extend the airbrake with the 'B' key and start the third (base leg) 90° left turn with a 30° bank angle.


The base turn slows the fighter to 350km/h.


Now we maintain 350km/h by increasing the RPM to 85-90%.


While pressing the 'G' key to lower the gear, the flaps are simultaneously extended to the landing position.


We lower the tail-hook with 'Ctrl-G'.

Alt G」でテイルフック(制動フック)を下げます。(訳注:原文の誤りを修正しました。)

With the carrier at the 10 o'clock position, (as determined visually with reference to canopy details), we start the fourth 90° turn to the final leg.


The '1' key selects the ''LNDG'' (landing) mode.


We complete the final turn and establish a precise approach, using the ILS course deviation bar and ADI course director bar for guidance. When the ILS glide slope bar is centered, we descend and decelerate to 240-250km/h airspeed.


For the fighter to stay on a straight glide path, the aircraft carrier should minimize crosswind by heading into the wind. (The carrier's heading needs to be set correctly beforehand by the mission designer.)


We maintain the assigned airspeed (240-250km/h) with the engine RPM at about 83-88%. At the same time we maintain a vertical velocity of -3..-5m/s.


To the left of the HUD is the ISM-1 AoA indicator. It shows the deviation from assigned AoA on the glide path. It's very useful to help keep the assigned speed on the glide path :
YELLOW BLINKING - AoA is dangerously low; reduce the airspeed,
YELLOW - AoA is less then assigned, slightly reduce the airspeed,
YELLOW+GREEN - AoA is little bit less then assigned, adjust the airspeed,
GREEN - AoA is normal, keep the current airspeed,
RED+GREEN - AoA is little more than assigned, rise the airspeed,
RED - AoA is more than assigned, urgently increase the airspeed,
RED BLINKING - AoA is critically high, DANGER! Apply full afterburner, abort the approach and go around again!
Keeping the ADI steering and ILS bars centered and the green light on the ISM-1 will provide a precise final approach to the carrier.

HUDの左側にISM-1 AOA(迎え角)指示器があります。グライドスロープ上での指定されたAOAからのズレを表示します。これはグライドパス上で指定された速度を維持するのに非常に役立ちます。
黄色の点滅 :AOAが危険なまでに小さい。速度を落とせ。
黄色      :AOAが小さい。速度を少し落とせ。
黄色+緑色 :AOAが指定より多少小さい。速度を調整せよ。
緑色      :AOAは正常。現在の速度を維持せよ。
赤+緑色   :AOAが指定より多少大きい。速度を上げよ。
赤の点滅   :AOAが危機的に大きい。危険!フル・アフターバーナーにして、アプローチを中止し周回をやり直せ。

If there is glidepath error or too much airspeed when the fighter descends to 50m - abort the approach and go around again.


Just before touchdown, we fly visually to the arrestor cables. Just before the moment of touchdown, we apply full afterburner.


Got the cable! Power to idle...


We retract the flaps ('Ctrl-F'), airbrake ('B') and arrestor hook ('Ctrl-G'), fold the wings ('Ctrl-P'), and taxi to the 1st starting position.

フラップ(「Ctrl F」)とエアブレーキ(「B」)、制動フック(「Alt G」)を格納し、主翼を折り畳み(「Ctrl P」)第一発艦位置にタキシングします。

If we missed the arrestor cable (i.e. the plane doesn't jolt) - then we keep full afterburner, retract the airbrake and go around for a second approach. We go to full afterburner just before touchdown to provide as much speed as possible in case of this emergency.


We stop the fighter at the starting position.


The 'U' key sets us up for another launch.


'Ctrl-P' unfolds the wings.

Ctrl P」で主翼を拡げます。

You may now practice basic carrier operations. Take control now by pressing 'Ctrl-Q', or exit by pressing 'Esc'.

空母での基礎運用の訓練をしてみて下さい。「Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。
