Su-25: Introduction and Navigation
Comrade, welcome to your formal training in the Sukhoi Su-25 Frogfoot! The Su-25 Frogfoot is a small very tough and heavily armoured ground attack aircraft specializing in Combat Air Support(CAS) missions with bombs, rockets, and guided tactical air to ground missiles.
同志よ、スホーイSu-25フロッグフットの公式訓練にようこそ! Su-25フロッグフットは小型堅牢で重武装の地上攻撃機で、爆弾やロケット、戦術空対地誘導ミサイルを用いた戦闘航空支援(CAS)ミッションに特化されています。
The Su-25 is powered by two Tumansky R-195 turbojet engines each rated at 4,500 Kg of thrust and is capable of reaching 970 km/h at sea level, a maximum of Mach .80 with a maximum range of 1250 kilometers, and has a ceiling of 7,000 meters.
The Su-25 uses conventional hydraulically boosted flight controls and although it's not pretty to look at, it is a fast, highly maneuverable, and dependable air to ground weapons platform.
To take control at anytime press the 'CTRL-Q' keys or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.
「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。
In this flight you will learn about the instrument panel and how to navigate using only the gauges on the panel. You will learn about the weapons sighting glass once we move to the combat training missions.
Now we will move down to the main instrument panel. We will start with the 5 basic flight instruments. The first is the ADI or Attitude Direction Indicator which is the primary instrument of the 5.
It is an artificial horizon which displays the aircraft's pitch and bank attitudes. Pitch is shown by a scrolling pitch scale and bank attitude is shown by a small aircraft symbol that banks as the aircraft banks. The pitch scale is displayed in 5 degree increments with grey showing a climb and black showing a descent.
The bank scale is graduated in 5 degree increments to 30 degrees then 15 degree increments to 60 degrees of bank. Integrated into the ADI is a flight director that will provide precise guidance in course, and altitude to the programmed waypoint. The yellow horizontal line is the required pitch line and the yellow vertical line is the required bank line.
バンク目盛りは30度までが5度刻みで60度までが15度刻みです。ADI に内蔵されているのはフライトディレクターで、プログラムされたウェイポイントに向かうコースと高度への正確な誘導を可能にします。黄色の水平の線は目標のピッチラインで、黄色の縦線は目標のバンクラインです。
The small white tick mark on the top of the ADI is the required course line and the tic mark on the left side is the required altitude line. Keeping the yellow bars crossed and each tic mark in the center will put on you the exact course at the proper altitude. It is important to remember that the pitch scale does not rotate like western ADI's and the aircraft symbol mimics your own wings.
Next is the HSI or horizontal situation Indicator which shows a horizontal, top-down view of the aircraft superimposed on a compass. The compass rotates so that the aircraft heading always appears at the top of the display.
On the compass ring are 2 needles, the long, narrow bearing needle with the circle at the head which always points in the direction of the selected waypoint, and the short, wide needle that is always oriented to the required course to the waypoint.
Displayed in the center of the HSI are the ILS localizer and glideslope guidance bars which are used when conducting an instrument landing.
To the Left of the HSI is the waypoint distance gauge and displays the distance to the selected waypoint in kilometers.
Next is the airspeed indicator which shows indicated airspeed. This gauge has a fixed airspeed scale, graduated from 100 to 1100 km with a pointing needle on the outside and a yellow scrolling number readout in the center graduated in 10 km/h increments. Add the 2 to get your total airspeed.
Below it is the barometric altimeter which displays the aircraft's altitude above mean sea level at all times with an outer scale and needle indicating altitude in 10m increments to 100m and an inner barrel scale indicating total altitude in numerical format.
The last of the 5 is the Variometer which indicates the aircraft's current rate of climb and rate of turn. The scale of the instrument ranges from a maximum climb of 200 meters/second to a dive of 200 meters/second.
The turn rate scale ranges from 1 to 3 degrees/second to the left and right. The black ball in the glass liquid filled casing is the slip indicator and is used to coordinate turns. You would 'Step on the ball' or apply rudder to the side the ball is on to center it.
To the right of the Variometer is the MACH meter gauge and indicates the aircraft's Mach number ranging from .50 to 1.0.
Additional instruments are the combined Angle of Attack/G meter which displays angle of attack(AoA) on the left side and instantaneous positive and negative G-loads on the right. The AoA range is from zero to 40 degrees with the red mark indicating maximum operational angle of attack.
The G meter scale indicates from 0 to positive 10 G's with a red line of 6.4 G's.
Below the Altimeter indicator is the radar altimeter or 'RADALT' which displays the aircraft's altitude above ground ranging from zero to 1500 meters.
Next, below the Mach meter is the dual needle engine N2 fan RPM gauge which indicates the engine speed as a percentage of maximum RPM for both the left and right engines with '10' indicating 100% military thrust.
To the left of the N2 RPM gauge is the clock. The built in timer can be started and reset to zero by pressing the 'ALT-C' keys.
N2回転数計の左は時計です。内蔵されたタイマーは「Alt C」キーを押すことでスタートとリセットができます。
Below the RPM gauge are the two jet pipe temperature gauges which indicate the temperature of the gases at the turbine exhaust. The scale reads Celsius in 100 degrees increments up to 1000 degrees.
To the right of the Mach meter is the Fuel gauge which shows the remaining fuel measured in 200 KG increments to 1,200 KG on the right side and in 1000 Kg increments to 5000 KG total on the left side of the gauge.
Finally, above the fuel gauge is the Radar Warning Receiver(RWR) which is explained later in your training.
Now that we know how to interpret data from the instrument panel it's time to use it to navigate a series of waypoints. There are 3 navigation modes in the Frogfoot and they are cycled by pressing the '1' key.
The first sub-mode is the Enroute mode, which we are in now, and this the primary navigation mode you will use when following a flight plan. You can cycle the waypoints with the '~TILDE' key.
The second sub-mode is the Return mode which will automatically select the initial approach fix or IAF of the airport you have designated to land at in your flight plan. You can cycle the IAF of all the airports with the '~TILDE' key.
The final NAV mode is the ILS mode which will automatically select the final approach fix or FAF of the airport you have designated to land at in your flight plan, as well the FAF's of all the airports can be cycled with the '~TILDE' key.
We are currently heading for waypoint 1 level at 1000 meters, when we reach it the computer will automatically select waypoint 2.
There is the switch to waypoint 2 and notice the bearing needle is now pointing to the right at waypoint 2 and the course needle is also pointing right set for the required course of '334'.
We'll use a 30 degree intercept and we chose the intercept heading by either adding or subtracting 30 degrees from the course. In this case the bearing needle is pointing to the right of the course needle which means we are left of track so we'll add 30 degrees which gives us a heading of 004. If the bearing needle was pointing left of the course needle we would subtract the intercept angle.
Now we can monitor 3 instruments, the ADI flight director, the HSI by waiting for the bearing needle to align with the course needle, and the waypoint distance gauge.
It is important to not exceed 30 degrees of bank when flying in cloud during instrument conditions.
We just intercepted the course and have a descent indication on the flight director so we'll begin descending to 500 meters.
Now we're on course and at altitude heading for waypoint 2. I will select waypoint 3 early.
There, the course and the bearing pointer are pointing left, indicating a course of '270' and already are closely aligned so I'll just turn to the course heading, roll into the intercept and start climbing to 4000 meters.
You can see the two white tick marks center as we capture the course and altitude.
Now we're on course and at altitude heading for waypoint 3. I will select waypoint 4 early and we'll intercept on our own.
This time we'll use a 45 degree intercept so since the course is 001 subtract the intercept angle of 45 which equals 316 so we'll turn to a heading of 316 and wait for the bearing needle to align with the course needle, intercpet, and we'll be on course.
To fully understand the Frogfoot's cockpit, please read the manual.
There, we are almost on course for waypoint 4.
Upon reaching waypoint 4 the NAV computer will switch to the 'Return' mode and direct you to the IAF for a landing at Krymsk and now it's time for you to finish the flight on your own. Good luck! Press the 'CTRL-Q' keys to take control or the 'ESC' key to exit. You have control.
ウェイポイント4に到達すると航法コンピュータが「帰還」モードに切り替わりIAFに誘導されKrymsk飛行場に着陸できます。この飛行をあなた自身で完了させる番です。幸運を祈ります!「Ctrl Q」キーで操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」キーで終了してください。操縦を任せます。