Su-25: Guns and Rockets


Welcome to the Su-25 Air to Ground (A-G) strafing practice mission.


You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せばいつでも操縦を引き継げます。

Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.


The Su-25 is armed with a GSh-302 twin-barrelled 30mm internal cannon.
The Su-25 can additionally be armed with 2 or 4 SPPU-22 23mm twin-barrlled gunpods.
Finally, the Su-25 can carry up to 8 rocket launchers of different types:
S-5: 57mm rockets, 32 per launcher
S-8: 80mm rockets, 20 per launcher
S-13: 130mm rockets, 5 per launcher
S-24: heavy rocket, one per rail-type launcher
S-25: modern heavy rocket, one per tube-type launcher.

Su-25はGSh-302 30mm二砲身内蔵機関砲を装備しています。
また、2または4基のSPPU-22 23mm二砲身機関砲ポッドを追加装備する事ができます。
S-5:57mm ロケット、ランチャー1基当たり32発
S-8:80mm ロケット、ランチャー1基当たり20発
S-13:130mm ロケット、ランチャー1基当たり5発

Pressing the '7' key activates the ''ground'' mode.
The S-8 rockets are selected by default.


We line up for a diving attack...


The pipper shows the calculated impact point.


To improve aiming precision, we turn on the laser rangefinder (LR) with ' Shift-O '. The green lamp indicates that the LR is active.
A range scale with the current range to the impact point is displayed around the pipper.

照準の精度を上げるため、「Shift O」でレーザー測距計(LR)を作動させます。緑色のランプが点灯しLR作動を表します。

The orange lamp signals, ''Launch Authorized!''.


We maneuver the aircraft to put the pipper onto the target...


Launch! (hold down the ' Spacebar ' key).


We hold the ' Spacebar ' key depressed until the desired quantity of rockets have been fired.


We select the internal gun (ВПУ) by pressing the 'C' key.


The burst length can be adjusted in two ways:
- Manual burst cut off: the guns continue firing as long as the trigger (' Spacebar ' key), is held. This the default mode.
- Automatic burst cut off: the guns automatically stop firing after 25 shots. This mode can be toggled ' Shift-C ' .
For this pass, we'll use the automatic burst cut off.

・手動連射停止:機関砲はトリガー(「スペース」キー)を押し下げている間ずっと発射し続けます。このモードは「Shift C」で切り替えられます。(訳注:原文の誤りを修正しました。)

We maneuver the aircraft to put the gunsight pipper onto the target...


Shoot! ('Spacebar' key)


Shoot! Shoot!

発射! 発射!

For the next pass, we'll use the SPPU-22 gunpods in fixed barrel angle mode.
To activate this mode you must to turn off the laser rangefinder and set the quantity selector (' Shift Spacebar ' keys) to the ''ПО2'' or ''ПО4'' position.
''ПО2'': in this case only two gunpods will fire
''ПО4'': in this case all gunpods will fire

このモードを起動するには、レーザー測距計を切り、(「Ctrl スペース」キーで)兵器数セレクターを「ПО2」または「ПО4」に切り替える必要があります。

The green lamp on the weapons control panel is shows that gunpod barrels are deflected from boresight (boresight is parallel to the aircraft longitudinal axis and internal gun). If the gunpod barrels are boresighted, the the green lamp is dark.
We can deflect the barrels manually with ' Ctrl - ' and ' Ctrl + ' (discretely) or ' Alt - ' and ' Alt + ' (smoothly).

Ctrl -」と「Ctrl +」(不連続変化)や「Alt -」と「Alt +」(連続変化)を使って、手動で砲身の俯角を変える事ができます。(訳注:「Ctrl +」、「Alt +」キーは日本語キーボードでは入力できません。)

We use ' Ctrl - ' and ' Ctrl + ' (discretely) or ' Alt - ' and ' Alt + ' (smoothly) to deflect the barrels to desired angle (using the gunsight pipper as a reference).

Ctrl -」と「Ctrl +」(不連続変化)や「Alt -」と「Alt +」(連続変化)を使って、(照準ピパーを目安に)砲身の俯角を望む角度に変えます。

We maneuver the aircraft to put the pipper onto the target...


Shoot! ('Spacebar' key)


Next target we'll engage with only two gunpods. We press ' Shift Space ' to set the quantity selector to the ''ПО2'' position.

次のターゲットは2基の機関砲ポッドだけで攻撃します。「Ctrl スペース」キーを押して兵器数セレクターを「ПО2」の位置に切り替えます。

In this pass, we'll also use the ''ПРОГР'' mode, which is active when the laser rangefinder and gunpods are used together.
In this mode the gunpod barrels remain aimed at the fixed point on the ground, where they were aimed at the start of the burst.
If we fly with zero bank angle, all the shells in burst should impact the same point.


We press ' Shift-C ' to disable the automatic burst cut off.
Now the burst will end only when we release the trigger.

Shift C」を押して自動連射停止を解除します。

'Shift-O ' turns on the laser rangefinder for the ''ПРОГР'' firing mode.

Shift O」でレーザー測距計を作動させ「ПРОГР」発射モードにします。

We maneuver the aircraft to put the pipper onto the target...


Then we hold the trigger (' Spacebar ' key) for as long as we want to keep firing.


After one minute, the laser rangefinder (LR) will automaticaly switch off (we can do this manually by pressing ' Shift-O ' ). LR is now in the cooling mode, indicated by a blinking green LR light. When the laser has cooled down, this light will go dark - then we can use the laser again.

1分経過すると、レーザー測距計(LR)は自動的に切れます(「Shift O」を押して手動で切る事もできます)。するとLRは冷却モードになり、緑色のLRランプが点滅します。レーザーの冷却が終わるとランプは消え、再びレーザーが使用可能になります。

The three windows at the bottom of the WSP indicate remaining ammo in:
- Outer hardpoint gunpods
- Inner hardpoint gunpods
- Internal cannon
Remaining ammo is indicated in quarters:
''К'' - Full
''3/4'' - Three quaters
''1/2'' - A half
''НЗ'' - One quater
''////'' - Empty


As we have seen, the Su-25 has several effective weapons and modes for use when strafing ground targets. These weapons can be used effectively against all types of ground vehicles.


You may practice these gunnery and rocket tactics against the remaining targets. Take control now by pressing ' Ctrl-Q ', or exit by pressing 'Esc'.

残っているターゲットに対して今回学んだ機関砲やロケットの戦術を試してみて下さい。「Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。
