Su-25: Laser-Guided Missiles


Welcome to the Su-25 Air to Ground (A-G) Laser-Guided missiles practice mission.


You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せばいつでも操縦を引き継げます。

Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.


The Su-25 can be armed with three different types of laser-guided missiles:
- Kh-25ML Air to Ground Guided Missiles (AGM), designed for use against pinpoint targets (buildings, enclosures) and small ships. The Su-25T can carry up to 4 Kh-25.
The range of the Kh-25ML is 12km.
- S-25L AGMs, designed for attacking fortifications, armored ground targets and stationary naval targets. The Su-25T can carry up to 8 missiles of this type.
The range of the S-25L is 6km.
- Kh-29L heavy AGMs, which can destroy heavily fortified buildings (bunkers, command centers, underground structures), bridges, and frigate-sized ships. The Su-25T can carry two Kh-29L.
The range of Kh-25L is 12km.
Our task is to destroy a group of enemy ships. Two of them are tied up at the pier, and another two are leaving port to the open sea at medium speed.
To accomplish this task, our Su-25 is armed with Kh-25ML and 4 AGM S-25L AGMs.

● Kh-25ML空対地誘導ミサイル(AGM):(建物、防御陣地などの)ピンポイント目標や小型船舶の攻撃用として設計されています。Su-25は最大4発のKh-25MLを装備できます。
● S-25L空対地誘導ミサイル:要塞や、装甲を持つ地上目標、停泊した海洋目標の攻撃用として設計されています。Su-25は最大8発を装備できます。
● Kh-29L空対地誘導重ミサイル:厳重に要塞化された建築物(バンカー、指令センター、地下建造物)や橋、フリゲート級の艦船を破壊できます。Su-25は2発のKh-29Lを装備できます。

Pressing the '7' key activates the ''ground'' mode.


We press the ' D ' key to select the AGM S-25L.

D」キーを押してAGM S-25Lを選びます。

We line up for a diving attack on the target. To reduce angle of attack (AOA) in the dive and improve the field of view, we lower the flaps to the maneuver position (with the ' F ' key).


We approach until range to the target is a bit more than the maximum launch range of the missile (6km for S-25L).


We turn on the laser rangefinder by pressing ' Shift-O ' . It is necessary for using laser-guided missiles.
We use the ' ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' / ' keys to slew the gunsight pipper towards the target and press the lock key ( ' Tab ' ).

Shift O」を押してレーザー測距計を作動させます。これはレーザー誘導ミサイルを使用するために必須です。

After pressing the lock key, a scale appears around the pipper to show the range to the locked terrain point.
We use the ' ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' / ' keys to precisionly aim the pipper at the target.


The orange light means, ''Launch Authorized!''.


Launch! (press the ' Spacebar ' key).




Target destroyed.


One minute after activating the laser rangefinder (LR), it automaticaly switches off (pressing the ' Shift-O ' keys can turn it off earlier). The laser is now in the cooling mode, as indicated by the blinking green LR light. After cooling off, this lamp will go dark, and the LR will again be ready for use.
If necessary, we can override the cooling mode by rapidly (six times per second) pressing 'Shift-O'.

レーザー測距計(LR)は、作動後1分経過すると自動的に切れます(「Shift O」を押して早目に切る事もできます)。するとLRは冷却モードになり、緑色のLRランプが点滅します。レーザーの冷却が終わるとランプは消え、再びLRが使用可能になります。
必要があれば、素早く(6回続けて)「Shift O」を押して冷却モードを強制解除できます。

We press the ' D ' key to select the AGM Kh-25ML.
These AGMs are much better than S-25L against large moving targets, like ships.
In fact our next target is a moving ship, emerging from port to the open sea.


We line up for a diving attack on the target.


Let's get closer to the target...


We turn on the laser rangefinder by pressing ' Shift-O '.
We use the ' ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' / ' keys to slew the pipper towards the target and press the lock key ( ' Tab ' ).

Shift O」を押してレーザー測距計を作動させます。

After locking the terrain, we continue to make precise aiming adjustments with the ' ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' / ' keys.


Launch! (hold down the ' Spacebar ' key)




We continue to keep the pipper on the target by using the ' ; ' ' . ' ' , ' ' / ' keys after launch.


Target destroyed!


As we have seen, although the Su-25 has a simple targeting system, it allows precise and effective use of laser-guided AGMs. The Su-25 can engage numerous types of targets with AGMs.


You may now practice using laser-guided missiles against the remaining targets. Take control now by pressing ' Ctrl-Q ', or exit by pressing 'Esc'.

残ったターゲットでレーザー誘導ミサイルの練習をしてみて下さい。「Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。
