Su-25T: Free-fall Bombs
Welcome to the Su-25T Air to Ground (A-G) practice mission for free-fall bombs.
You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.
「Ctrl Q」キーを押せばいつでも操縦を引き継げます。
Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.
Free-fall bombs of different calibers and types are the main weapons of the Su-25T Frogfoot.
It can carry a payload of up to 4300kg.
The Su-25T is not as maneuverable as a fighter, but it has powerful weapons and a modern targeting system, which allow it to destroy targets of any type.
Pressing the '7' key activates the ''GND'' (ground attack) mode.
We press the ' D ' key to select the RBK-500 cluster bombs. They are intended for use against close groups or area targets.
Preprogrammed target locations are indicated on the HUD. The currently selected target is indicated by a diamond. We press the ' ~ ' key to switch targets.
The ' NOL ' indicator can warn of altitude or other hazard against weapons employment.
We aim at the target to attack it in a dive...
... and prepare the weapons control system (WCS):
Pressing the ' Shift-Space ' keys sets the salvo quantity:
「Ctrl スペース」キーを押して投下数を設定します。
''По1'' - drop bombs from one hardpoint
''По2'' - drop bombs from two hardpoints
''По4'' - drop bombs from four hardpoints
''Все'' - drops all available bombs of the currently selected type.
We set the WCS to drop bombs from two hardpoints at a time - ''По2''.
The ' V ' key sets the time interval between weapon release.
''Залп'' - drops weapons simultaneously
''0.1'' - drops weapons with 0.1 sec interval
''0.2'' - drops weapons with 0.2 sec interval
''0.3'' - drops weapons with 0.3 sec interval
''0.4'' - drops weapons with 0.4 sec interval
''Серия КМГУ/МБД'' - release from the next hardpoint will occur immediately after release from the previous hardpoint.
「СЕРИЯ КМГУ-МБД」:1カ所のハードポイントから投下が終わると直ちに次のハードポイントから投下します。
The target is a co-ordinate. In this case we set to drop bombs with zero interval - ''Залп'.
The Su-25T doesn't have as much thrust as a fighter, and so it requires a greater distance from the target to gain the altitude for dive bombing (not less than 2000m).
Optimal dive parameters for bombing occurs with:
- diving angle -10..-30°
- airspeed near 620-650km/h
- flaps in first position
High-speed vibrations can make accurate aim a challenge, but practice makes perfect.
・降下角 -10〜-30度
・対気速度 約620〜650km/h
・フラップ 第一ポジション(ハーフフラップ)
We use the ' F ' key to set flaps to the first (maneuvering) position.
If we're diving correctly then the aiming cue is visible in the gunsight.
A range scale with current range to the impact point is displayed in the HUD.
We maneuver the fighter so that the pipper is on the target.
Bombs away! (hold down the ' Spacebar ' key until bombs are released).
We'll attack the next target by bombing from horizontal flight, using the CCRP mode.
The target is a group of objects. To increase weapon dispersal we set the interval between drops to 0.3 sec - ''0.3''.
We aim at the next target...
We press the ' ~ ' key to select the next target.
We maneuver the fighter so that the pipper is on the target, and hold the 'Spacebar' key.
Next, we maneuver the fighter so that the G-load line crosses the center of director circle.
A time scale with the remaining time to release is indicated in the HUD. A tone warns the pilot 2 seconds before automatic weapon release.
Bombs away! (hold down the ' Spacebar ' key until bombs are released).
We'll attack the next target by bombing from horizontal flight with the CCRP mode, this time using the autopilot with the I-251 ''Shkval'' targeting system.
次のターゲットもCCRPモードを使って水平飛行から爆撃しますが、今回はI-251 Shkval標的システムと組み合わせてオートパイロットを使用します。
We'll use small caliber general-purpose FAB-100 bombs carried on MERs, with four bombs per hardpoint.
For this, we'll use a special release mode intended for MERs and KMGU dispensers:
''Серия КМГУ/МБД'' - drop from next hardpoint will be just after finishing of releasing bombs from previous hardpoint.
「СЕРИЯ КМГУ-МБД」:1カ所のハードポイントから投下が終わると直ちに次のハードポイントから投下します。
We set to drop the bombs from all hardpoints - ''Все''.
We line up the aircraft with the next target.
We press the ' ~ ' key to select the next target.
We turn on the 'Shkval' by pressing ' O ' key, then lock the target (or a point on the ground).
Turn on the autopilot with the ' A ' key or ' Alt-6 ' .
The SAU-8 autopilot system guides the aircraft precisely to the drop point.
「A」キーまたは「Alt 6」キーでオートパイロットを作動させます。
Near the target, we turn on the laser rangefinder by pressing ' Shift-O ' .
ターゲットに近付いたら、「Shift O」を押してレーザー測距計を作動させます。
Hold the fire button ('Spacebar' key).
As you can see, the SAU-8 keeps the G-load line precisely on the center of the director circle.
Bombs away! (hold down the ' Spacebar ' key until bombs are released).
We turn off the autopilot with ' Alt-9 '.
「Alt 9」でオートパイロットを解除します。
To let you practice the use of free-fall bombs, we return to the airfield to rearm.
As we have seen, the Su-25T can accurately and effectively use free-fall bombs in conditions of good visibility, day or night (using the ''Mercury'' LLTV targeting system at night). This fact, together with the aircraft's armor and powerful bombs, makes the Su-25 a very dangerous enemy on the modern battlefield.
ここまで見てきたように、Su-25Tは良い視界の条件では昼夜問わず(夜間は''Mercury'' LLTV標的システムを用いて)正確かつ効果的に自由落下爆弾を運用できます。こうした事実が、機体の装甲と強力な爆弾と相まって、現代の戦場においてSu-25を敵に回すと非常に危険な存在としています。
Now we stop - we can only rearm when the aircraft is fully stopped.
We stop the plane and rearm it by pressing ' Ctrl-W ' .
機体を停止させ「Ctrl W」を押して再武装します。(訳注:ドラッグシュートも再装備されます。Su-25/Tではエンジンを停止すれば、「Ctrl R」を押している間だけ燃料補給する事も可能です。)
Take off...
You may practice these free-fall bombing tactics against the remaining targets. Take control now by pressing ' Ctrl-Q ', or exit by pressing 'Esc'.
残っているターゲットに対してこれらの自由落下爆弾戦術を試してみて下さい。「Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。