Fighter Weapons School - Top Gun
Pursuit Geometry: Lead, Lag, Pure Pursuit


Welcome to Fighter Weapons School...


...and your first Basic Fighter Maneuver or 'BFM' lesson, pursuit geometry training, in the F-15C Eagle.


In this flight you will learn about attack geometry and the three different pursuit courses, Lead, Pure, and Lag and when to use them during a dogfight. To take control at anytime press the 'CTRL-Q' keys or to exit this mission press the 'ESC' key and to pause at anytime to read the text press the 'S' key.

この飛行で学ぶのは、攻撃形態と、リード、ピュア、ラグ追跡という3種類の追跡コースと、これらをドッグファイト中のどんな場合に使うかです。「Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。ミッションを終了するには「ESC」キーを、一時停止してテキストを読むには「S」キーを押します。

Our target, a Turkish F-4E Phantom, is just about a mile ahead but first let's learn about the different pursuit geometry courses.


The first is pursuit course is 'Lead Pursuit' which is when we place our nose and velocity vector ahead of the bandit's. It is used to close the distance and effectively cut off the bandit's path in the sky. You would use lead pursuit when you have an energy advantage and are trying to bring the bandit into the HUD for a guns shot.


Using Lead pursuit against a fighter with similar or better turn characteristics is not wise since you will drain your energy trying to keep your nose ahead of his.


Let's GO!


This is lead pursuit and you can see how I'm cutting off the Phantom and reducing the distance to him by placing my velocity vector(FPM) out in front of him. You do have to be careful that you don't overshoot though!


Next is 'Pure Pursuit' which is when we place our FPM on the target and is best used when shooting missiles. Again, be aware that a pure pursuit course can lead to an overshoot if followed long enough.


Here is a pure pursuit course and you can see that I'm placing my FPM on the bandit throughout the pursuit intercept.


The third and final pursuit course is 'Lag Pursuit' which is when we place our FPM behind the bandit and 'lag' behind his flight path.


This is the best course to fly when approaching the bandit or trying to reduce closure and the angle off his tail in order to get a good low aspect position behind him.


This is lag pursuit.


You must be able to out turn the bandit when using lag pursuit in order to switch to lead pursuit to bring him into the HUD for a shot.


Yahoo! Good formation...

ヤッホー! 綺麗な編隊飛行です・・・

That's enough... He's nervous... :-)




Lag pursuit is also used when making out of plane maneuvers like yo-yo's but more on that in an upcoming training mission.


This concludes attack geometry training using lead, pure, and lag pursuit. I suggest you exit this mission and re-start it taking control to practice pursuit course BFM maneuvers. Press the 'ESC' key to exit.

