Fighter Weapons School - Top Gun
"Barrel roll" missile evasion maneuver


Welcome to the ''barrel roll'' anti-missile maneuver training mission.


You can take control at any time by pressing 'Ctrl-Q'.

Ctrl Q」キーを押せば、いつでも操縦を引き継げます。

Don't use the mouse, keyboard or joystick while the track is playing. Use the 'S' key to pause and resume.


An armed enemy fighter approaches our airbase at medium speed and altitude. Our task is to shoot him down, and remain intact.




The idea behind the ''barrel roll'' is to effectively outturn the enemy missile. First, we fly directly towards the target. This increases the maximum missile launch range for the enemy and triggers an early shot. When the hostile missile is inbound, we perform a ''barrel roll'' - a spiral turn around the bearing to the missile - while continuing to approach the target and keep it within the tracking limits of our radar. As we keep changing our direction, the missile must continually correct its motion towards a new point of intercept. This increases the flight path of the incoming missile, while also slowing it down. A hostile missile launched from maximum head-on range will not have enough energy to complete the intercept against our maneuvers.
We'll launch our own missile from a shorter range, to ensure it has enough energy against the target's evasive maneuvers.
The main challenge of the ''barrel roll'' is to keep the target within the radar tracking limits without loss of lock.


Our target has locked us up on his radar. We select the BVR radar mode and lock the target...


We approach the target, waiting for him to fire...
Note the average of Rmax and Rtr (near 25 kilometers). We'll launch our own missile at this range.

RmaxとRtrの中間値(約25km)を覚えておいて下さい。こちらはその距離でミサイルを発射します。(訳注:Rtrとは「Target Turn-and-RunRange」の略で回避機動するターゲットに対する最大射程の事です。HUD上では非機動ターゲットに対する最大射程Rmaxと最小射程Rminの間にマークが表示されます。)

Missile inbound! We continue to close, waiting for 25 km range...


The range is 25km. Missile away! We start the ''barrel roll'':
- Begin a climb, keeping the radar antenna position indicator within the rectanglar limits to maintain a stable lock.


- Start the roll, placing the radar antenna position indicator at the left (or right - consist from roll direction) rectangular limit.


- Maintain the radar antenna position indicator in this constant position. To do this, we continue the roll while simultaneously pulling G. Throttle set to full afterburner...


Target destroyed! But the enemy got off a second missile shot at the last moment, this time from short range! We stay calm and continue the ''barrel roll''...


As you have seen: the first hostile missile lost its energy and was unable to follow our maneuver in the end-game. At same time our own missile, launched from shorter range, had enough energy to hit its target.
The second hostile missile had plenty of energy, but was still unable to follow our complex spatial maneuver - at the end-game, the missile's seeker was unable to hold track against such a rapidly crossing, high-G target.


Thanks to the ''barrel roll'' maneuver, we won this BVR engagement without using any chaff or ECM.
This maneuver is most useful at low and medium altitudes when the opponent launches missiles from maximum range, but it can also help against missiles launched from shorter ranges.
Remember the three elements of this maneuver: time the launch of your missile, roll and pull G together, and keep the radar antenna position indicator near left or right rectangular limit.


You may now practice the ''barrel roll'' maneuver yourself.
Another hostile fighter is heading this way.
press 'Ctrl-Q' to take control now, or exit by pressing 'Esc'.

Ctrl Q」を押して操縦を引き継ぐか、「ESC」を押して終了して下さい。
