Su-25 and Su-25T Handling Characteristics




A small-radius turn when taxiing should be performed at no more than 5-10 kph. Higher speeds may lead to excessive wing-tip and even tire blow-out.




Set flaps to take-off configuration. Apply wheel brakes to keep the aircraft motionless and increase RPM to no more than 80%. When your RPM gauges indicate 70-75%, release the wheel brakes and increase throttle setting to 100%. Keep on the centerline of the runway by using small, smooth rudder pedal inputs; be careful not to over-control. After reaching 160-180 kph (200-220 kph if heavily loaded), pull the control stick towards you for about 2/3 of its travel. This should place the pitot tube ends on the horizon. Once at this angle, the aircraft will lift off by itself. Once airborne, you may need to apply forward pressure on the control stick to keep the nose from rising too fast and thereby losing speed too quickly.


At an altitude of 10 meters, retract the landing gear. After reaching a speed of 320-340 kph and an altitude of no less than 150 meters, fully retract the flaps. During this process, the landing gear retraction process will cause a pressure drop in the secondary hydro-systems and the "HYDRO 2" indicator may light.

高度10mで車輪を格納します。速度が320〜340km/hに、高度が150m以上に到達したら、フラップを完全に格納します。この手順の間、車輪格納動作によって第二油圧システムの油圧が低下し「HYDRO 2」指示器が点灯するかもしれません。

Crosswind Take-off


The Su-25/25T is a peculiarity narrow and short-wheel-based aircraft. This makes take-off and landings in a crosswind rather difficult. Nevertheless, on a dry runway it is possible to safely get the aircraft airborne in a 11-14 m/sec cross wind. When taxiing, the aircraft will tend to bank into the wind; this is why it is important to counter with control stick inputs into the wind direction. Due to the crosswind effect, the aircraft will try to turn its nose into the wind like a weathervane, which is countered by smooth rudder pedal deflection.




When in your landing approach, extend your landing gear at no more then 400 kph. After extending flaps to landing configuration, the aircraft will feel rather "heavy" and will "wallow" around. If in the process of lowering flaps you notice considerable longitudinal asymmetric forces, it probably indicates and that the flaps were not extended properly. If so, you are to retract the flaps and land in flight configuration with no flaps. Thus, your approach and touch down speed will increase by 40-60 kph.


A safe landing is only possible if you maintain the correct landing approach speed. On-glide-slope take-off / landing configuration speed starts at 290-310 kph and decreases to 260-280 kph at the inner beacon marker. The flare should start approaching the runway threshold and you will be 5-8 meters above the ground and at a speed of 250-270 kph. When 1 meter above the runway, reduce the throttles to idle and gradually reduce the angle of attack- the pitot tubes ends should be on the horizon. At main wheel touchdown, the aircraft should be traveling at 220-240 kph. Push gently forward on the control stick to lower the nose wheel; deploy the braking chute; and apply the wheel brakes. Landing run-out should be done with small, smooth rudder inputs; be careful not to over-control. If the aircraft begins to slide, release the brakes, straighten the aircraft down the runway, and reapply brakes. If you run off the runway at more than 50 kph, retract the landing gear, open the canopy, and turn off power systems.


Crosswind Landing


When performing a landing approach in a crosswind, you will find that your aircraft heading is actually different than the heading of the landing runway, which is called a crab. When over the runway threshold, you must eliminate that difference by using the rudder to align the aircraft’s longitudinal axis with that of the runway’s. You should also move the control stick in the direction of the wind to counter the aircraft rolling in the wind direction. If done properly, you will land with minimal side-slip while touching down on the upwind main gear first. When both the main wheels come in contact with the runway, place the rudder in a neutral position and lower the nose wheel carefully. With all wheels down and running down the center of the runway, apply the wheel brakes carefully. If the cross wind is over 4-5 m/sec, do not release the braking chute as it will be difficult to keep the aircraft on the runway. If during wheel braking the aircraft shows any yawing tendencies, release the brakes, straighten the aircraft, and reapply brakes. Remember, just as in a crosswind take-off, the aircraft will want to weathervane into the wind during the landing roll out.


Common Landing Mistakes


Overshoot. This occurs when the approach speed is too high or the aircraft is flared too late. If excessive, you are to go around for a second landing attempt.


Undershoot. This occurs if the aircraft is at too low a speed before flaring or the flare is begun too early. To correct such a mistake, increase engine thrust to reach the correct approach speed.


High leveling. This is the result of flaring at too high an altitude or flaring with too great a pitch angle. To prevent such a mistake, begin your flare when you are only 5-8 meters above the runway and bring the pitot tube ends to the horizon during the flare. If you do flare too high, too much, or deploy the braking chutes too early, the aircraft will land with considerable vertical speed and possibly damage or destroy the aircraft.


Stalls and spins


Even at very low speeds in level flight, the aircraft is not very susceptible to spin; however, control response in roll and lateral stability will suffer. A rapid control input with the stick during a maneuver will also degrade roll and lateral control response and may even result in a wing drop. To regain better control, push the control stick forward.


To place the aircraft into a spin, you must do so on purpose. If you do enter a spin, you must place the control stick in its neutral position. To hasten spin recovery, use the standard spin recovery method: idle throttle, deflect rudders against the spin rotation direction and push the control stick forward.


When in a take-off or landing configuration, entering a spin is possible if you exceed the maximum angle of attack, especially when the center of gravity has shifted (if the internal gun has deleted its ammunition, the center of gravity will move towards the rear of the aircraft). In such a case, spin recovery is nearly impossible.

