Sense of English
Cat: LAN
Pub: 1993
Eiichoro Ohtsu (大津栄一郎)
up 18x05
Sense of English
; Active verb; Afferent; Apodosis; Article; Bare infinitive; Causative verb; Cognate verb; Combination of words; Comparative expression; Definition of limit; Demonstrative pronoun;Dynamic capture; Efferent; Epithet; Factitive verb; Gerund; Impersonal it; Kind of nouns; Mental activity; Metaphysical; Mood; Occurrence time; Paragraph; Participle; Passive voice; Perceptive verb; Phantom; Protasis; Satire; Speaker; Stance of expression; Stative verb; SVOC; Temporal awareness; That clause; Transitive verb;
>Top 0. Preface:
- To use a foreign languse as a second one, we must use it for ourselves, or for self-assertion neither to be neglected nor crushed (like an immigrant to USA).
- This book is titled as 'Sense of English', which means 'The world-view required to speak English' or 'Some views on English as a Japanese.'
- 敢えて単純に英訳できない表題「英語の感覚」とした。
1. 序文:
>Top 1. Visible thing or non-visible?:
- Personal pronoun:
- big difference of personal pronouns between English and Japanese.
- Japanese personal pronoun is derived from demonstrative pronoun.
- あなた =you; こなた =I
- ¶ This is Brown speaking.; Who is this?
- Japanese personal pronoun is not independent, which is included as a part of pronoun.
- >Top Visible or invisible (metaphysical) pronoun
- demonstrative pronoun = mentioning visible; personal pronoun = invisible
- ¶ There is an old man coming up here. I know him. (I know that old man.)
- ¶ I don't understand you.
- ¶ Do you catch me?
- ¶ Have you go him?
- it has personality:
- ¶ Our baby is crying. It wants mother's care.
- ¶ What is this? It is a book. (本です。it=人称代名詞)
- ¶ What is this? That is a book. (それは本です。that=指示代名詞)
- >Top Impersonal it: formal or provisional subject; itは特定を保留・回避した代用語
- ¶ It is not use crying over spilt milk.
- ¶ I thought it best to keep silent.
- ¶ The rain falls./The weather is rainy./It is rainy. (その時は雨模様)
- ¶ The room is dark./It's dark in the room. (部屋は何かが暗い。)
- ¶ That's it. (見聞きしたものはそれだ。)
- ¶ Don't let it come to a breach between us. (それ=友情を壊すな。)
- ¶ Fight it out. (苦境を戦い抜け。)
- ¶ I've had a good time of it. (楽しい時間を過ごせた。)
- ¶ They made a night of it.
- ¶ Make it to Jamaica. (it=your way, the way, your effort, time, or money...)
- ¶ She made it as a jazz singer. (it=success, reputation, money...)
- ¶ You will make it if you hurry. (punctually, preparation, arrangement...)
- ¶ That guy made it with her. (sex ...)
- ¶ Take it easy (relax, comfortable, )
- ¶ He made a good job of it. (profitable, acceptable...)
- ¶ Let me set it right. /Let me sum it up./I did it/I've done it/Your answer is it./I feel it's hot in the heard.
- >Top Article:
- the Browns
- Lake Michigan: 固有名詞化
- in the morning; in the evening
- at night, by night; in the night.
- ¶ Mix the sugar with the flour.; Mix the sugar with flour.; Mix sugar with the flour. (レシピ表示の一定量)
- Adjective and Adverb: 日本語は見える範囲での表現する言語
- ¶ She gazed at the baby with a happy simile. (幸福そうな微笑で)
- ¶ She left the store happily. (幸福な気持で)
1. みえるもの、見えないもの:
- personal pronoun: 人称代名詞; 見えないもの=形而上的存在
- demonstrative pronoun: 指示代名詞; this, these, that, those
- formal/provisional subject: 仮主語
- 人称/指示代名詞の日英比較
he>that man
- 名詞の分類:
- 英: 何でも名前をつける
- ¶ forms of bolts and boltheads
- >Top 冠詞は話者
- in the morning
- at night
- ものの総称:
- a horse; horses; the horse; the horses
- a man; men; the man; the men;
- ¶ Man is mortal.
- ¶ human being; divine being; animal being
- play baseball; play the piano
- 日: 見える範囲で表現
- 英: 目に見えないものも見える
- >Top 名詞の種類, Kind of nouns:
En. Grammar
Common Noun
Collective N.
Material N.
Abstract N.
Proper N.
boy; word
family; audience; crew; police; enemy; public; machinery
meat; iron; wine; brick; earth; oil;
justice; art; furniture (=to furnish a room suitable); equipment (=to equip with necessary items)
Tokyo, Lincoln
Visible/ nonvisible
¶What fruits are in season now?
¶You needn't make allowances for my being a woman.
¶She comes from the oldest family in Devonshire.
¶Pass me a glass.
¶A man of family is not necessarily a man of ability.
¶There are many Tokyos now in Japan.
¶ The Fatal Sisters/the Weird Sisters (Nona, Decima, Morta); telomerase.
Winter is gone. Spring has come.
¶ A church looked down over the square.
Dynamism of noun
¶ Anger had never been easy for him.
¶ There is too much betrayal, there is a general atmosphere of intellectual disgrace.
- Every noun has its unique name.
>Top 2. Moving self or nonmoving?:
- 英: 発想の遠心性 (efferent)と日: 発想の求心性 (afferent):
- Paragraph (段落): a distinct section of a piece of writing.
- 英: Paragraphの構成、論理的な表現方法を重視。(文法やSpellよりも)
- 英: 結論が先。日本語の翻訳の難しさは、結論が最後に来る文体のため。
- 日: Paragraphの概念が欠除。論理的に表現する技術が自覚されない。
- 日: 俳句が芸術なのも、発想の求心性に依存。
- >Top 事象の変化(=時間認識 temporal awareness):
¶ I dislike him.
¶ He satands six feet.
- その瞬間静止した状態: 現在時制
- そお瞬間進行中の状態: 現在進行時制
- その瞬間完了した状態: 現在完了時制
2. 動かない自己、動く自己:
- temporal: relating to worldly/time
- 動詞の位置:
- 英: 動詞が前。文は遠心的。前述した動詞はその後も意識される。
- 日: 動詞が最後。一つの文で完結。一文毎に話者の位置や姿勢が変わり得る
- 時間認識:
- 日: 過去から未来へ
- 英: 未来が次々やって来る
>Top 3. The world of existence or non-existence:
- Mood:
- Indicative mood: 直接法: 存在界の事象を伝達
- Subjenctive mood: 仮定法: 非存在界(幽霊的phantom or ghost)の事象を伝達
- 仮定+推測によって非存在界を表現する(=仮定法)
- <仮定の接続詞> if, unless, suppose, suppposing, provided, in case
- <推測の助動詞> will, shall, can, may, must
- 動詞の意味を強めるには時制を過去にする進める。
- ¶ if you had ... / if that were ...
- 直接法過去→仮定法過去完了
- 直接法現在→仮定法過去
- 直接法未来→仮定法現在
- 推測表現 ¶ He will be there.
→過去未来(過去起点の未来表現) ¶ He would be there.
- Imperative mood: 命令法: 存在界&非存在界の事象を伝達
>Top 仮定節 (条件節): Subjunctive clause (Assumption clause); Protasis
仮定法 (仮定法過去完了)
- As he had gone away,
- If he had not gone away,
- Because he was not there,
- If he had been there,
- When she was walking in the park,
- If she had not been walking in the park,
- Since you could not stay home,
- If you could have stayed home,
- As he has not come yet,
- If he had been there,
- As he will not have been there,
- If he would have been there,
- As he may not have been there,
- If he might have gone there,
仮定法 (仮定法過去)
- When he is not home,
- If he were(was) home,
- As I can not start soon,
- If I could start soon,
- Since he will go,
- If he would not go,
- Because I shall not fail this time,
- If I should fail this time,
仮定法 (仮定法現在)
複数の現在形(古風); notなし
- If it will rain tomorrow,
- If it rain (rains) tomorrow,
- In case he will stay here,
- If he stay(stays) here,
仮定法 (仮定法過去完了)
- he had done it.
- he would not have done it.
- she did not say so.
- she would have said so.
- I was walking in the park.
- I would not have been walking in the park.
- you could not be in time.
- you could have been in time.
- she has done it.
- she would not have done it.
仮定法 (仮定法過去完了) 感情・判断付き
- (To my regret,) he did not do it.
- he should have done it.
- (To be regretable,) he did it.
- he should not have done it.
- (I'm sorry that) he did not come.
- he ought to have come.
- (To my sorrow,) he came.
- he ought not to have come.
- (To my surprise,) she did not say so.
- she might have said so.
- (To my surprise,) he did not become a billionaire.
- he might have become a billionaire.
仮定法 (仮定法過去)
- he does not believe it.
- he would believe it.
- he is walking.
- he would not be walking.
- I am not glad.
- I would be glad.
仮定法 (仮定法過去) 推測・謙譲・婉曲→意外
- I will(shall) like to visit you.
- I would(should) like to visit you.
- You shall obey your father.
- You should obey your father.
- What can I do for you?
- What could I do for you?
- May I come it?
- Might I come in?
- What will you say about this?
- What would you say about this?
- Why shall you suspect me?
- Why should you suspect me?
>Top 様々の仮定節+推測節時制の組み合わせ; 事象発生時期occurence timeを明確に把握
- If I were you , I would act at one.
- If he had not died in the accident, he would be 20 now.
- If he were in this town, we would have already seen him somewhere.
- If he had been bewildere before, he was now terrified.
- I wish I could come to see you.
- I wish I were a bird. /I wished I were a bird.
3. 存在界のことか、非存在界のことか:

>Top 4. Dynamic capture of things:
- 動かすのか、動かされるのか; 他動詞の分類:
fail→abandon, disappoint
¶ Words failed me.
¶ His courage failed him.
¶ I could not stand the cold.
¶ He stood us a drink.
¶ He stood a ladder against the wall.
¶ Such a mystification becomes him.
¶ I can't go this heat.
¶ This tree bears well.
cook, boil, fry, roast
¶ Meat cooks [boils, fries, roasts] better than vegetables.
¶ His voice does not carry well.
¶ This lock does not catch.
cut→short cut
¶ This lane cuts.
drink→good taste
¶ This drinks [eats] well
¶ This cloth feels well.
¶ Shirts of thsi cloth wear[wash] badly.
¶ It pays to advertise.
pull→exert force
¶ These roots pull hard.
¶ The train pulled in.
¶ This sells well.
¶ Children swept in.
¶ The news swept through the town.
¶ A jetliner took off.
¶ The cloud tore.
¶ He tore through the street.
- 他動詞の用法:
Active voice (積極的な声の調子)
Passive voice (消極的な声の調子)
¶ He abhors to be criticized.
名詞句 (noun phrase); 不定詞
¶ Children learn how to skate easily.
名詞句; 疑問詞+不定詞
¶ He now regrests having quit college.
名詞句; 動名詞
¶ She knows what she should do.
名詞節 (noun clause)
¶ He laid himself on a couch.
再帰動詞 (reflexive verb)
¶ He overworked himself.
¶ He live a happy life.
>Top 同族目的動詞 (cognate verb)
¶ That hourse ran a mile-and-half's race.
¶ They laughed at her.
¶ They played on her credulity.
¶ They robbed me of my wallet.
of: 分離ではなく同格の前置詞
¶ They stripped me of my shirt.
¶ The new mediccine will cure him of his cronic kedney disease.
of: 分離の前置詞
¶ He asked a few questions of me.
of: 出発点
¶ Do me a favor.
授与動詞 (dative verb):
ask, bring, buy, deny, fetch, give, lend, hand, make, order, pass, reach, refuse, send, show, teach, tell
¶ They offered her a good postion.
¶ Would you reach me the sugar.
¶ She denied her son nothing.
¶ They refused Tome the promotion.
¶ He taught her how to ski.
¶ I can't tell you how sorry I was to hear the sad news.
¶ He told us that he had never doubted us.
¶ He gave her to understand that he had to part from her.
名詞節; 理解するようにthat...を与える。
¶ She bought herself a pet dog.
=She bought a pet dog for herself.
¶ He asked me strane questions.
=He asked strange questions of me.
¶ He played us a dirty trick.
=He played a dirty trick on us.
¶ Bees provide us honey.
=Bees provide honey for us. 米
¶ He supplied me the necessary information 米
=He suppled the necessary information for[to] me
̄ >Top
¶ He name his son George.
目的各補語: 目的語の状態・動作・変化を伝達
¶ I believe him innocent.
- 作為動詞 (factitive verb):
- 〜とする: make, choose appoint, elect get, have, keep, leave, let, render.
- 〜考える: think, believe, consider, find, take
- 〜と称す: call, name
¶ We thought it him
¶ I found him in.
¶ Tell the boy to return soon
¶ Imagine him nursing a baby.
¶ He left her perplexed by his words.
¶ We consider this of the most importance.
¶ I have made him what he is.
- 使役動詞 (causative verb)
- have, make, let, bit: (原形不定詞)
- get, allow, bid,, cause, compel, force, induce: (to不定詞)
¶ Have him do it.
¶ She let him kno it.
¶ He bade the boy go at once.
¶ Get him to do it.
¶ The commander ordered him men to advance.
¶ He demanded that we should include him.
☓ He demanded us to include him.
¶ He had[got] a new bicycle bought by his mother.
- >Top 知覚動詞 (perceptive verb)
- see, watch, look at, notice, observe, perceive, watch
- hear, listen to
- feel
- △perceive; Nobody perceived Jamie going out of the room. (原形不定詞は稀)
- ☓ find; I found the rumor to be true.
¶ I saw a bird fly. 知覚動詞
¶ A bird was seen to fly. (to必要)
¶ He heard someone knock.
¶ Someone was heard to knock.
¶ I sometimes feel my heart beat these days.
¶ My heart is sometimes felt to beat these days.
¶ A voice was heard to call for help.
¶ I felt an ant creeping on my leg 進行相
An ant was felt creeping on my leg.
¶ I heard a door slammed upstairs.
☓A door was heart slammed upstairs.
¶ We have brakfast at seven o'clock.
☓ Breakfas is had at seven o'clock.
¶ I have just had a letter from my son.
☓ A letter from my son has just been had.
¶ Carry this. (命令形の場合)
¶ Let this be carried.
¶ Have him do it.
¶ Let him (☓ be had to) do it.
¶ Yoiu have got to do it at once. 米
have to=have got to 個別的
- >Top 分詞・原形不定詞・不定詞・動名詞
¶ With a view to becoming an artist.
¶ 画家の状態になる視野をもって (現実域の表現)
¶ I like teaching English.
¶ 英語を教えている現実が好きだ
¶ I like to teach English
¶ 英語を教えるような未来が好きだ
¶ You need exercising.
¶ 運動が足りない。
¶ You need to exerise.
¶ これから運動が必要だ。
¶ I remember having met her before.
¶ =I remember meeting her before.
¶ He helped her do the dishes.
¶ 同時に皿洗いを手伝った。
¶ He helped her to do the dishes.
¶ 彼女を皿洗いを間接的に手伝った。
¶ You must obey your father.
¶ 父親に直ちに従え
¶ You must to obey your father.
¶ 父親には従う心構えが必要
have to
¶ You have to see her home.
¶ 彼女を家まで送り届けることを持っている→送り届けなければならない。
be to
¶ She is to return to her mother's.
¶ 母の家に戻るために存在→はずだ。
4. ものごとを動的にとらえる:
- transive verb: 他動詞
- transive: <transit, gone across
- stative verb: 状態動詞
- active verb: 動作動詞
- 英語には10の時間表現→進行相や完了相の表現方式。
- 日本語は目的語を含め動詞が全体として自動詞的
- 英語の動詞は大半が他動詞
- 英訳も他動詞的に
- ¶ I don't think they will elect him president. 会長に得られることはあるまい。
- ¶ This district will have winter soon. もうすぐ冬になるだろう。
- ¶ Stay and eat curried rice, as I am making it now. 手料理を食べていってくれたまえ。
>Top 動かすのか動かされるのか
- 能動態と受動態
Active/Passive voice
- 再帰動詞
- ¶ He overworked himself.
授与動詞(dative verb)
- ¶ Do me a favor.
- >Top 作為動詞(factitive verb)
- ¶ We thought it him.
- 使役動詞(causative verb)
- ¶ He made me go.
- 知覚動詞(perceptive verb)
- ¶ I saw a bird fly.
- [do]が隠れている。
- I [do]make reports in the morning.
I do always make ...
- I am busy with reports in the morning.
I am alyas busy ...
- >Top 分詞(participle ≤participate);
- beある+ingしつつ=進行形
- beいる+ppし終わって=受動形
- ¶ He has the hedge sheared.刈り込まれた垣根を持つ→He has sheared the hedge.刈り込んでしまった。
- >Top 動名詞gerund=現在分詞の転用による動詞的な名詞
- ¶ Stop being idel.
- 原形不定詞とto不定詞; 未現実の実現
- ¶ I like to teach English.
- 米の用法:
have to =have got to
- SVOC文型: 不完全他動詞;
- 分詞 (particle <participate): 動詞が形容詞/現在/過去に参加している分詞の意
- 不定詞: 動詞の名詞化; 原形の転用による不定詞; infinitiveはfiniteでない=限定されない; 原形動詞は観念なので、それが具体的に現れた時の呼称が不定詞;
- to不定詞のtoは、動詞的状態への到達する未来を意味。
- I like to teach English. 英語を教えるようなるのを好む。
- 動名詞: 動詞の名詞化:
現在分詞の転用による動名詞; 動的な名詞の形成
- Stop weeping. 進行中の泣くのをやめよ。
- 動名詞は、現在進行中〜過去の事象を表現する。
- 不定詞 (infinitive <L. infinitus, infinite)、原形不定詞 (bare infinitive)、動名詞 (gerund <L. gerere, do):

- 助動詞: 推測(will, shall), 可能(can, may), 義務(must, ought)は動詞に時速間を与える。
- 助動詞doは、あらゆる動作を包括し、動詞に具体性を与える助動詞。
>Top 5. Combination of words:
- 英語の単語は即物的 (realistic & practical)
- 組み合わせによる表現の多様化
- SVOC文型の発展 (>Fig)
- 前置詞+名詞→形容詞句、副詞句
- ¶ He that lies down with dogs, will rise up with fleas. (朱に交われば)
- 動詞(分詞・不定詞・動名詞)→形容詞句、副詞句、名詞句
- 名詞句・形容詞句・副詞句・代名詞句・動詞句・助動詞句・前置詞句・接続詞句→節
- 代名詞句: one another
- 動詞句: catch out, take place, cut a person's face
- 助動詞句: ought to, had etter, had rather
- 前置詞句: out of, from behind, inside of, on the side of
- 接続詞句: as if, as though
- 節:
- 名詞節
- 形容詞節: 関係詞
- 副詞節
- thatの用法: thatの前の前置詞の省略
- I am sure of it, that you will succeed.
- → I am sure of it that you will succeed.
- → I am sure that you will succeed.
- that 非省略の動詞: advise, agree, assert, assume, assure, aver, boast, calculate, claim, conceive, confide, convince, doubt, explain, find , forget, hold , judge, learn, maintain, reckon, persuade, promise, prove, privide, read, recollect, recommend, suspect, state, sugget , write
- >Top 精神活動(mental activity)の諸形態を表示する動詞:
[〜だと...; 意味はthat節をとる自動詞的] be+形容詞[過去分詞]+that
- that 省略 or非省略の動詞: confess, consider, declair, grant, hear, hope, kno, perceive, propose, say , see, tell, understand
- that 普通省略の動詞: believe, jmagine, presume, remember, think, suppose
- that 常に省略の動詞: wish
- 動詞とthat節との間の隙間:
- He insists that she is innocent.
- We believe she is innocent.
- to不定詞(推測・信念)とthat節(事実);
- We know him to be an architect. =We know that he is an architect.
- I think her to be a good mother. =I think that she is a good mother
- We advised him to keep his neutral position. =We advised him that he (should) keep his neutral position.
- I promised him to meet him at the airport. =I promised that I would meet him at the airport.
- >Top 比較表現 (Comparative expression):
- as〜as any...; as〜as...can; as〜as ever...
- She was as great a statesman as any was. [as any could be; as ever lived]
- We might as well cooperate with him as not.
- We might as well expect the sun to rise in the west.
- not so much ... as
- He is not so much a scholar as a journalist.
- He did not so much as cast an eye on it. (一瞥もせず)
- no more ... than; no less... than; not any more ...than; ☓not any less ...than
- He is no more satisfied than you.
- A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.
- A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.
- He is no less same than you.
- >Top 転移形容語句(transferred epithet)
- a nice cup of tea =a cup of nice tea
5. 言葉を組み合わせる:
- combination: joining of different parts in which component elements are individually distinct

- 句の形成: 前置詞+名詞
- 節の形成: 接続詞・関係詞・疑問詞
- 文法用語の限界:
- ¶ I made haer change her plan.ではchangeは補語だが、change her planは形容詞句か名詞句か?
- to不定詞:
- >Top that節(that clause): 現実の表現
- 建築家だろうと思う
- 建築家であると知る
- 感情表現vs 精神活動表現
- I am fond of it
- I am sure that
- >Top ε-δ definition of limit:
if for ever $\epsilon >0$
there exists a $\delta$ such that, for all $x\in D$, if ... , then, ...
>Top 6. Stance of expressions:
- 風刺 (satire): 自分の真意を強く印象づけるため
- You are as good as an umbrella on a rainy day.
- What a blessed nuisance.
- He may be a descendant of the great John Knox himself, for what we know to the contrary.
- for aught I know, for all I know, for what I know.
- A parrot, who, for any signs of life he had previously given, might have been a wooden bird.
- He failed for all his efforts.
- as likely as not =probably =very likely
- as often as not =more often than not =very often
- Nothing comes out of nothing.
6. 表現の姿勢:
- satire: use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule
- humour: quality of being amusing or comic.
- bored: feeling weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lack interest in one's current activity.
- Humour:
- 人間は退屈する動物:
Human being is an animal which usually getting bored.
- There are many exceptions in English grammar; we are only forced to remember them to imitate the native exceptional expressions.
- This is a book explaining a part of the reason with the knowledge of linguistics and other historical background of English as well as full imagination of culture and people, so as not to be bored.
- 英文法には多くの例外表現がある。我々はその固有の例外を模倣すべく覚えなければならなかった。
- 本書は、言語学の知識や英国の歴史的背景、さらには文化や人々に対する想像力を使って、(退屈しないような表現で) その理由の一部を解明しようとしている。
Sense of English
Cat: LAN |
Eiichoro Ohtsu (大津栄一郎) |
up 18x05 |
Title |
Sense of English |
英語の感覚 |
Index |
Tag |
; Active verb; Afferent; Apodosis; Article; Bare infinitive; Causative verb; Cognate verb; Combination of words; Comparative expression; Definition of limit; Demonstrative pronoun;Dynamic capture; Efferent; Epithet; Factitive verb; Gerund; Impersonal it; Kind of nouns; Mental activity; Metaphysical; Mood; Occurrence time; Paragraph; Participle; Passive voice; Perceptive verb; Phantom; Protasis; Satire; Speaker; Stance of expression; Stative verb; SVOC; Temporal awareness; That clause; Transitive verb; |
>Top 0. Preface:
1. 序文:
Résumé |
Remarks |
>Top 1. Visible thing or non-visible?:
1. みえるもの、見えないもの:
>Top 2. Moving self or nonmoving?:
2. 動かない自己、動く自己:
>Top 3. The world of existence or non-existence:
3. 存在界のことか、非存在界のことか:
・ |
>Top 4. Dynamic capture of things:
4. ものごとを動的にとらえる:
>Top 5. Combination of words:
5. 言葉を組み合わせる:
>Top 6. Stance of expressions:
6. 表現の姿勢:
Comment |