from KBS TV drama, "Winter's
Cat: MIS
Pub: 2002
Kim Eun-Hee & Yoon Eun-Kyung (갸울연가 Keoul Yeonga)
"Winter's Sonata"
from KBS TV drama, "Winter's Sonata."
韓国KBS TVドラマ「冬のソナタ」から
Kim Eun-Hee & Yoon Eun-Kyung
- 0. Preface:
- Scene-1: Encounter
- Scene-2: Transient love
- Scene-3: Man of destiny
- Scene-4: Unforgettable love
- Scene-5: Trap
- Scene-6: Oblivion
- Scene-7: Winter storm
- Scene-8: Suspicion
- Scene-9: Wavering heart
- Scene-10: Resolution
- Scene-11: Falsehood
- Scene-12: Truth of a decade ago:
- Scene-13: Recollections
- Scene-14: Second accident
- Scene-15: Journey to the past
- Scene-16: Shadow of father
- Scene-17: Obstacles
- Scene-18: Irony of fate
- Scene-19: Father and a son
- Scene-20: End of winter
- 21: Lyrics of theme song:
- Soft power can bridge the historical abyss between two countries.
A Korean TV drama 'Winter's Sonata' of Jun-sang (by Bae Yong Jing)
and Yoo-jin (by Choi Ji Woo) in 2002 is surely one of these powers.
- It is widely said that this love story drama contains contemporary
themes; 1) character duality (Jun-sang and Min-hyung), 2) identity
problem (or amnesia), 3) reactions to the loss of love, 4) incestuous
love, 5) fate, and 6) puppy love, with the beautiful snowy scenery
and melancholic music.
- There is no more exaggerated film set used in this drama. But
the leading actors speak straightforward or metaphorically in occasions.
- Some suitable captions are intentionally added in the following
quoted speech or phrases, as well as the love-winning score of Jun-sang
(Min-hyung); shown as 【Each score / Total score】by arbitrary &
biased view.
- Let's retrace a sad story of 'Romeo and Juliet' of Korean version!
- ソフトパワーは2つの国の歴史的な溝に橋をかける。チュンサン (ペ・ヨンジュン) とユジン (チェ・ジウ)主演で2002年の韓国のTVドラマ「冬のソナタ」は、このソフトパワーの一つである。
- このラブストーリーのドラマには現代的なテーマが含まれていると言われている。1) 主人公の二重性 (チュンサンとミニョン) 、2)
記憶喪失、3) 失恋への対応、4) 近親恋愛、5) 運命、6) 初恋が美しい雪景色やメランコリーな音楽と共に綴られている。
- このドラマには大がかりな撮影セットはない。しかし主演俳優たちは、折に触れ直裁的にあるいは比喩的に語る。
- 以下引用の台詞には意図的に適当な表題を追加した。さらにチュンサン (ミニョン)の恋の得点を独断と偏見で示した。【各得点/合計点】
- では、悲しい韓国版のロメオとジュリエットの物語なぞってみよう。
Key word
>Top 0. Episode in this
- There are several symbolic episode to which leading players adhere
in this drama:
- Shoes: get into shoes:
- Snow; the first snow, winter
- White: white snow, snowman, ski resort
- Polaris: and the Polaris necklace
- Muffler & Gloves; pink mitten
- Shadow: chase the shadow
- Memory: amnesia
- Piano: the first time
- Tarot cards: destiny
- Jigsaw puzzle: fit in the last piece of jigsaw puzzle.
- Half blood?
- 靴*1:靴を履かせる
- 雪:初雪、冬*2
- 白:白い雪、雪だるま*3、スキー場
- ポラリス:ポラリスのネックレス
- 手袋*4、ピンクとミトン
- 影*5:影踏み
- 記憶*6:記憶喪失
- ピアノ:初めて*7
- タロットカード:運命*8
- ジグソーパズル:最後の1ピースをはめる
- 異母兄妹?
>Top Scene-1: Encounter
- Curiosity & Imagination: <Professor Kim>
The most important thing to remember in mathematics is not the formula
or explanations of the problems already solved. It's curiosity and
imagination. I would rather you imagine it on the blackboard where
it has nothing on it.
- The land of shadows: <Jun-sang>
Do you know the story about a person who went to the land of the
shadows?.... A man went to the land of shadows. All the shadows
didn't even want to talk to him. Then what happened? Then this man
was very lonely.
- How to make a friend:【1/1】<Yoo-jin>
I think you need a friend. It won't be so bad to be in good relationship
with your classmates, is it? Shall I give you a tip on how to make
a friend? It's really simple. You just need to go nearer to
the person step by step. But you shouldn't do that for just one
person. Watch. Right foot, left foot. Right foot, left foot.
You can become better friends if you keep going nearer.
- Reason for missing someone: <Jun-sang>
Are you the kind who never makes the same mistake twice or the kind
who can't help making the same mistake twice? ... For example, you
decided that you won't see someone again. Would you keep it that
way or would you see that person again?
- <Yoo-jin>
I would try to see that person again.
- <Jun-sang>
- <Yoo-jin>
You don't have to have a reason for missing someone.
- Immobile guidepost:【1/2】<Jun-sang>
Can you see the stars in the shape of Cassiopeia? Can you Polaris
beside that? The star of the polar. Can you see the big star in
between the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia? Whenever you get lost in
the mountain, look for the Polaris first. And then you open
your arms and be a compass .... Polaris doesn't move the whole year
round. You will be able to find it easily whenever you are. When
you are lost, try to find Polaris first.
It will be there where you last saw it
- 影の国*7:<チュンサン>
- 友達*8の作り方:【1/1】<ユジン>
- 誰かに会う理由*12:<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- 不動の道標:【1/2】<チュンサン>
カシオペアの形の中に星々が見えるだろう?ポラリス*19はその傍に見える。北斗七星*20とカシオペアの間の大きな星*21が見えるか? 天のポラリスだ。山で道に迷ったら、いつもまずポラリスを探す*22んだ。そして腕を広げて羅針盤*23に見立てる。...ポラリスは一年中絶対*24に動かないんだ。君がどこにいても簡単にそれが見つかるよ。道に迷ったらまずポラリスを探すんだ。それ以前に見た場所を示してくれるから。
>Top Scene-2: Transient love
- Favorite things:【1/3】 <Yoo-jin>
Let's answer together to the questions I am going to ask you.
Let's see if we are feeling the same about things.
- What's your favorite color? - (White)
- What's your favorite season? - (Winter)
- What's your favorite food? - (I like everything ... Toppoki)
- <Jun-sang>
Hey, I thought we were going to answer together. Why aren't you
saying anything?
- <Yoo-jin>
I wanted to remember your favorite things. Now ask your question?
- <Jun-sang>
What's your favorite flower? - (White roses)
What about your favorite animal?
- <Yoo-jin>
Puppies. What about you?
- <Jun-sang>
- <Yoo-jin>
Human? Who in particular?
- <Jun-sang>
Let's meet here at 31st December. Then I will tell you. Okay?
I will tell you then.
- 好きな色は?(白*1)
- 好きな季節*2は?(冬)
- 好きな食べ物は?(何でも...トッポッキ)
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <ジュンサン>
>Top Scene-3: Man of destiny
- Bad news: <Yoo-jin>
What's wrong? What's the matter? What is it?
- <Jin-sook>
Yoo-jin. Jun-sang ... Jun-sang is dead.
- <Yoo-jin>
What are you talking about? What are you talking about?
- <Chea-reen>
It's true. He died in a car accident.
- <Yoo-jin>
It can't be.
- <Sang-hyuk>
Yoo-jin. Yoo-jin! Yoo-jin.
- <Yoo-jin>
I have to hurry.
- <Sang-hyuk>
Where are you going?
- <Yoo-jin>
I have to tell him something. I need to tell Jun-sang something.
I promised to meet Jun-sang. I promised him that I would remember
him. I have to tell him something. I need to Jun-sang now! What
am I going to do? I can't remember his face. I can't remember
what Jun-sang looked like. What am I going to do?
- Funeral: <Jin-sook>
We should burn something to remember him on his funeral day.
- <Yong-kook>
Come to think of it, we don't have anything that belonged to
Jun-sang. Nothing. Let's just burn this.
.... Jun-sang, Goodbye!
- <Chea-reen>
Yoo-jin, how could you be so cold? How could you act like nothing
had happened? Jun-sang died when he was going out to meet you.
How can you do this to him? How can you ...
----- After ten years
- Yoo-jin's scrabble: 【1/3 revival】
"Was I dreaming when I saw you? I still remember everything.
I remember you playing the piano for me. I remember the sunset in
the lake where we used to walk. I still remember you used to smile
at me when holding my hand. I still remember ... I always prayed
to God that I wanted to see your similes again. Maybe the first
snow had made my dream come true. I hope I wasn't the only
one dreaming in Daehakro that night when I saw you. Jun-sang, where
are you? Where are you now?"
- Jun-sang? appears: <Min-hyung>
- <Chea-reen>
- Hi, Min-hyung. Why are you so late?
- <Min-hyung>
I was caught in the traffic.
- <Chea-reen>
Come in, it's cold, isn't it? Let me introduce him to you. His
name is Lee Min-hyung and we met in France. Min-hyung. These
are my high school friends I was telling you about.
- <Min-hyung>
How do you do?
- <Chea-reen>
There are my friends who are getting engaged today.
- <Min-hyung>
I see. Congratulations.
- <Chea-reen>
He looks very similar to him, doesn't he? I was surprised at
first too.
- <チンスク>
- <ユジン>
- <チェリン>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- 考えてみると、僕らはチュンサンの持ち物は何もない。何にもない。これでも燃やすか。
... チュンサン、さようなら!
- <チェリン>
ユジン、あなたはよくも平然としていられるわね? 何で、何事もなかったように振る舞えるの?チュンサンはあなたに会いに行こうとして死んだのよ。なのに彼に対してどうしてこんな風にできるの?どうして?
-------- 10年後
ユジンの走り書き:【1/3 復活】
- <チェリン>
- <ミニョン>
- <チェリン>
- <ミニョン>
- <チェリン>
こっちの二人 は今日婚約*11したばかりなの。
- <ミニョン>
- <チェリン>
>Top Scene-4: Unforgettable
- Reunion: <Min-hyung>
Aren't you Che-reen's friend? We met in Choonchun, didn't we? What
a nice coincidence. My name is Lee Min-hyung. Don't you remember
- <Yoo-jin>
I remember.
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin. Yoo-jin. I like your name. Your fiance must enjoy calling
your name. I saw your fiance that day, didn't I? Shall we start
business now? I heard from my employees that your team didn't
like the way I do my work, is that right? I should have been
nice to you. If I knew you were Chea-reen's friend. We both
agreed on the general concept ... Shall we look through the
final plan before going into the meeting?
What do you think? Do I look alright to you? I have two eyes,
one nose and a mouth ... Do you always look at a person like
that? Are you okay? Was I being too rude to you? Yoo-jin. Look
- <Yoo-jin>
I am sorry.
- Drive on snowy road: <Min-hyung>
Do you like snow? Don't you like snow?
- <Yoo-jin>
I like snow.
- <Min-hyung>
That's very pretty. I mean your ring. Is that your engagement
ring? But it's too shiny and it doesn't seem to suit your style.
Ladies who fall in love always have some kind of light coming
out of their face. But you look depressed. Is it because
of the long time relationship?
- <Yoo-jin>
You have a very unique interest, Mr. Lee.
- <Min-hyung>
Did I offend you?
- <Yoo-jin>
It doesn't feel that good.
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin, your blood type is A, isn't it? You are honest, can't
hide your feeling well, can't lie to someone, but you always
keep the most important thing in your heart and never tell anyone,
isn't that true?
- <Yoo-jin>
Stop it. I don't feel good when someone who doesn't even know
me speak to me as if they knew me a lot.
- <Min-hyung>
I got it correctly, didn't I? Otherwise you wouldn't have felt
bad about it.
- <Yoo-jin>
Mr. Lee?
- <Min-hyung>
My name is Lee Min-hyung. I hope you wouldn't call me Mr. Lee.
I would like you to call my name. I am calling you Yoo-jin,
don't I?
- Favorite home: <Min-hyung>
Where do you want to live when you get married?
- <Yoo-jin>
I have never thought about that before.
- <Min-hyung>
That's funny. I thought women think about what kind of
house they want to live in, and how they would decorate their
bed room, entrance, kitchen and that kinds of things.
- <Yoo-jin>
I don't know. If they are really in love, I don't think that would
matter so much.
- <Min-hyung>
Then what is important?
- <Yoo-jin>
A house itself doesn't really matter to the couple. To the couple
who are in love, their heart would be their favorite home.
- Put a fire of questions:【1/4】 <Min-hyung>
Come and sit down. It will be warm soon. ...
Yoo-jin. You save too much of your talking time. There were not
many girls who doesn't have any questions to ask me.
- <Yoo-jin>
I don't have anything to say.
- <Min-hyung>
I was only joking. Did you take it seriously? My shoes are wet.
How about your shoes? We can dry them here. Aren't you going to
dry yours?
- <Yoo-jin>
Which high school did you go to? Were you in the States? Are you
sure you were in the States?
- <Min-hyung>
Yes, I graduated school in the States.
- <Yoo-jin>
Choonchun, do you know Choonchun? Choonchun high school. Don't
you remember Je-il high school in Choonchun? Haven't you ever
lived in Korea?
- <Min-hyung>
Ask me one at the time. How did you keep quiet all this time?
- <Yoo-jin>
Can you take off your glasses? Please, can you take off your glasses?
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin ...
- <Yoo-jin>
I am sorry.
- <Min-hyung>
Is everything alright? You sound strange whenever I see you. Is
there a reason for doing that? Can you tell me?
- <Yoo-jin>
Would you believe whatever I say?
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 雪道のドライブ:<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 気に入った家:<ミニョン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- 矢継ぎ早の質問:【1/4】<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
冗談ですよ。そう真剣にとられちゃ... 靴が塗れています。あなたの靴はどうですか?ここで乾かしましょう。あなたの靴を乾かしませんか?
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
申し訳ありません 。
- <ミニョン>
どうしたんです?*21 僕がユジンさんを見ると、いつも変ですよ。何か訳でもあるのですか?話してくれませんか?
- <ユジン>
>Top Scene-5: Trap
- At the Sushi bar: <Min-hyung>
How was Yoo-jin at high school? ... She looked like she is worried
about something all the time.
- <Chea-reen>
Not at all. Yoo-jin is like a boy. She was very mean to me when
we went to high school. Maybe Yoo-jin has changed. Now, I know.
I know why Yoo-jin did that. She's one of those kinds of girls.
I fully understand them. ... You know that kinds who become
dumb in front of nice men? That's all because you are handsome.
Don't pay too much attention to that.
- <Min-hyung>
You mean she did it to get my attention?
- <Chea-reen>
What's wrong with that? Do you feel bad about that?
- <Min-hyung>
Of course not. I appreciate it. I appreciate it if a beautiful
and an intelligent lady is interested in me. It must be
thrilling when I work with her.
- <Chea-reen>
Min-hyung, Yoo-jin is engaged.
- <Min-hyung>
You even get a divorce when you feel like it, what's so important
about an engagement? Don't you think so? ... Hey, I was only
joking. Why are you so serious?
- 寿司屋にて:<ミニョン>
- <ミニョン>
- <チェリン>
- <ミニョン>
- <チェリン>
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-6: Oblivion
- Hasty judgment:【-4/0】<Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang. ... It's Jun-sang, right? It's you, right? How can you
do this? I've never once forgotten you in my life. How can you do
this? This isn't a dream, is it? Right?
- <Min-hyung>
Did you miss me that much?
- <Yoo-jin>
Why didn't you recognize me? Why did you pretend not to
know me? I've missed you so much ...
- <Min-hyung>
I have Chea-reen.
- <Yoo-jin>
But you liked me. Didn't you like me? Did you forget me? Have
you forgotten me?
- <Min-hyung>
No. .... Is it too easy, Yoo-jin? Is this the end of the story?
- Mr. Kim - pit boss:
There are three things Yoo-jin can't do. Drinking!, Lying! And sleeping
around. Yoo-jin can't drink. She just passed out. I've seen that
couple of times.
- The present for the dead:【-1/-1】
The best present for the dead is to forget the dead.
- <Yoo-jin>
You've never truly love anyone, have you? That's why you can
say those things so easily. You know what it's like to lose
someone who was right by your side, realizing that nothing has
changed but there's an empty space instead of him. You wouldn't
know. A person like you would never know.
- At the Chea-reen's boutique: <Min-hyung>
Jin-sook. Do I really look like him?
- <Jin-sook>
What are you talking about?
- <Min-hyung>
I heard that there was someone who looked like me. Do I really
look alike?
- <Jin-sook>
Did Chea-reen tell you about it? That girl, telling me not to
say anything. You know, when I first saw you in Choonchun, I
thought my heart was going to stop beating. My, I've never thought
there could be someone who looked so alike.
- <Min-hyung>
That person's name is Jun-sang ...
- <Jin-sook>
Yes, Kang Jun-sang.
- <Min-hyung>
Did Chea-reen like him a lot?
- <Jin-sook>
She did like him. But he liked Yoo-jin.
- <Min-hyung>
Where is he now?
- <Jin-sook>
He's dead. Chea-reen didn't tell you?
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
いいや.... ユジンさん、簡単*3すぎますよ。これが物語*4の結末ですか?
- キム班長:
- 死んだ人への贈り物:【-1/-1】
- <ユジン>
- チェリンのブティック:<ミニョン>
- <ミニョン>
- <チンスク>
- <ミニョン>
- <チンスク>
- <ミニョン>
- <チンスク>
- <ミニョン>
- <チンスク>
>Top Scene-7: Winter
- Recollection: <Yoo-jin>
I want to forget everything, if I could. Everything that relates
to Jun-sang ... I wish I wouldn't remember any of those. But even
though I try to forget him, my eyes remember Jun-sang's face. My
heart remembers what Jun-sang has said to me. What should I do?
What can I do about this?
- Misunderstanding: 【1/0】<Min-hyung>
I am sorry. I apologize for being rude to you all this time.
I am sorry that I couldn't apologize to you earlier.
- <Yoo-jin>
I don't know what you are talking about. You mean you acted
like that on purpose?
- <Min-hyung>
That might sound like an excuse, but I was misunderstanding
- <Yoo-jin>
Do you feel different about me now?... I am glad to hear that
- <Min-hyung>
Don't you want to know what I misunderstood about? I really
didn't think there was someone that looked exactly like me.
I thought you made up the story to become close to me.
- <Yoo-jin>
Why would I do that to you?
- <Min-hyung>
I realized I was wrong. I thought there was something wrong.
At first I was very confused because it was nothing like what
I felt when I saw you for the first time. When you first saw
me, I remember that you cried ... Was it because I reminded
you of him? Was it because of him that you didn't want to do
this work? And also you saved my life because of him, didn't
you? Do I really look like that person named Kang Jun-sang?
- <Yoo-jin>
Yes. Sometimes I wanted to believe you are Jun-sang. So many
times, I wanted to think you were Jun-sang. You once said to
me that the best thing for the deceased is to forget the dead
person. I know you are right about that. But still
I can't help it.
- <Min-hyung>
Can you forgive me?
- <Yoo-jin>
I don't have anything to forgive you, you were just misunderstanding
- <Min-hyung>
Let's start all over again. Don't mistake me again. My name
is Lee Min-hyung. Nice to meet you.
- <Yoo-jin>
I am Jung Yoo-jin.
- Reasons to love: <Min-hyung>
Then tell me why you love him so much.
- <Yoo-jin>
Sang-hyuk knows more about me than anyone else. He's born with
a warm heart. We have grown up like a family since we were young.
He's full of understanding and responsibility ... Why do you
- <Min-hyung>
Nothing ... You have too many reasons for loving a person ...
But for example, give me reasons why you should like me ...
You can't., can you? You shouldn't be able to explain why you
like something, if it's something special ... I was only joking,
I'll be serious this time. Why do you like Jun-sang so much?
Can you give me reasons for that?
- The shadow land: <Yoo-jin>
Have you heard of the man who went to the land of shadows?...
There was a man who went to the shadow land. But no one there even
talked to him ... He was really lonely. That's the end. It's boring,
isn't it?
- <Min-hyung>
Who told you that story?...I think your friend was very lonely
too. That's why your friend told you that story ...
- <Min-hyung>
Do you know why I brought you here? Come this way ...
Look. Look at all that. Isn't it beautiful? This place is so
beautiful but what do you remember of this place? You can only
think of memories, isn't that it? You look like you only have
sad memories to remember. How can you love another person if
you close yourself like that? You look like you are the one
who's living in the land of shadows. Are you going to continue
to love with loneliness? Why do you live outside in the cold
lonely place when you have such a warm and beautiful place?
See? See all that.
- Declaration in a storm:【1/1】 <Min-hyung>
Until when are you going to remember that friend? That person ..
Is it really hard to forget that person? Yoo-jin. Let me ask you
one thing. Is he was still alive ... Do you think you two were still
in love? The reason you can't seem to forget him is because he's
dead and that he's not living in this world, isn't it?"
- <Yoo-jin>
I don't want to talk about it. I don' think that's none of your
- <Min-hyung>
No. I don't think it's none of my business. You said to
me that I never loved a person with all my heart. You are right,
I don't know anything about love. But in my point of view, it
isn't a real love not to forget about someone who's already
- <Yoo-jin>
Please, stop it.
- <Min-hyung>
That' not love. It's like an attachment, lingering affection,
or self-pity for him! Please face the reality. That person is
dead! That person is dead.
- <Yoo-jin>
Stop it! Please, stop it!! Why are you doing this? Why are you
doing this to me?
- <Min-hyung>
Because I love you! ... Because I ... I love you too much
- 誤解:【1/0】<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
もう誤解は解けましたか? ... それはよかったですね。
- <ミニョン>
どんな誤解していたのか聞かないんですか?... 本当に僕と似ている人がいるなんて思いませんでした。だからあなたが僕の気を引くために作り話をしたのかと思っていました。
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
そうですよね。何かおかしいと思いました。最初 ユジンさんを見たときとはずいぶん違うので僕も戸惑いました。初めて僕を見たとき涙を流したのは、彼を思い出したからでしょう?この仕事をやりたくないといったのも...僕の代わりに怪我*4をしたのも、その人のためだったのでしょう?僕はカン・ジュンサンという人とそんなによく似てますか?
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
最初からやり直しましょう。今度は間違えないで。僕はイ・ミニョンです。どうぞよろしく*6 。
- <ユジン>
- 愛する理由:<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
ただ、愛する理由が多すぎるような気がして...では、例えば、私を好きな理由を挙げられますか?できないでしょう。本当に好きなら、今のように理由を挙げられないものなのですよ。... 冗談*10ですよ。今度はもっと真面目に聞きます。チュンサンをあれほど好きな理由は何ですか?その理由をあげられますか?
- <ミニョン>
- <ミニョン>
- 嵐の中の告白:【1/1】<ミニョン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-8: Suspicion
- Next morning after the stormy night:
I was so worried about you last night. You could have got lost in
the mountains. Don't ever do that again. ... I am not going to apologize
for last night. I know I hurt your feelings ... but I wanted to
tell you that. I don't regret it.
- <Yoo-jin>
I always wondered ... If Jun-sang was alive, what would he look
like now? I only know Jun-sang in the age of 18,
I always wondered what he would look like at the age of 28.
I was actually happy to see Jun-sang's older face by looking
at you. But to be honest with you ... I have no feelings for
you. I am sorry if you misunderstood me.
- <Min-hyung>
Haven't you ever felt that you loved me? Haven't you ever loved
me as Min-hyung, not as Kang Jun-sang? ...
- <Yoo-jin>
I never loved you. I never loved you as Min-hyung. Honestly?
No one can take away Jun-sang's place. Then ...
- <Min-hyung>
What about Sang-hyuk? Who is the person you are in love right
now? Tell me. Who is the person you love?
- <Yoo-jin>
Let go of me.
- <Min-hyung>
Tell me. Who is the one you are really in love with?
- The next day: <Yoo-jin>
You asked me who I love, didn't you? I will answer it right now.
That one I should love right now is Sang-hyuk.
- Game of endurance: <Min-hyung>
I asked Chea-reen to break up today. When you realize that you don't
love someone any more, I think it would be better for the person
to know it sooner. It might make her sad at first but that
way, she will be hurt less. But this time, I suddenly realized that
I did it for myself. I said everything just to get the burden off
my back. The reason I confessed to you was because I wanted to feel
comfortable. I just couldn't keep it for long. I was like having
a stone stuffed in me. I never thought it would make it so
hard for you. I am sorry I confessed to you in front of Sang-hyuk.
I really didn't mean to hurt you. I am honestly telling the truth
about you, Yoo-jin. But I won't make it hard for you because
of myself, ever again. Treat me comfortably like you always have.
Can you do that?
- Bar in a hotel: <ミニョン>
Yoo-jin, what do you want to do right now?
- <Yoo-jin>
Why do you ask?
- <Min-hyung>
I want to help you if I could.
- <Yoo-jin>
Why are you being nice to me? Why are you being nice to me?
- <Min-hyung>
I told you last time. I love you. Even though I love you ... I
know that I am not the one you want. Then all I can do for you
is to help you do whatever you want to do. ....
- Near snowing-machine:【1/2】 <Yoo-jin>
Why are we here?
- <Min-hyung>
Isn't this the place you wanted to come? You want to cry right
now, don't you? This is the best place to cry. No one can hear
you from here.
... Go on. Cry as much as you want. No one can hear you cry
here. Cry as much as you want, okay?
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 持久戦:<ミニョン>
- ホテルのバー:<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 降雪機の近く:【1/2】<ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-9 : Wavering
- The fork: <Min-hyung>
Stay still. It's cold. There are moments when you have to decide.
Shall I take this road or that road? Life is a constant decision
making. It's not a bad idea for your heart to decide when you don't
have the answer. Just like this moment ...
- Reconsideration: <Yoo-jin>
Sang-hyuk. Can you reconsider our marriage?
- <Sang-hyuk>
What do you mean?
- <Yoo-jin>
It's not because of that night. So try to not to misunderstand
what I'm saying. It's so hard for me these days. Nothing seems
clear ... Everything I believed in is shaky and unclear. Can
you reconsider our marriage?
- <Sang-hyuk>
Are you breaking up with me? Why is it so hard for you? Is it
because of Min-hyung?
- <Yoo-jin>
It's not just because of him.
- <Sang-hyuk>
If it's not just because of him, he is part of the reason for
all these. Is it?
- <Yoo-jin>
Can we go back to the way we were before? Like a family, like
a friend? Can you do that for me? Can you?
- <Sang-hyuk>
I can't. I can't do that.
- Third Decision: <Yoo-jin>
Yesterday you said that there are moments when we have to decide.
This road or that road. I like you. But I can't let myself do that.
If I let myself be with you I can't get let Sang-hyuk go. If stay
with Sang-hyuk, I can't let go of you ... I can't take either road.
That's my decision. Can you understand? ... I told Sang-hyuk today
that I couldn't marry him. And I can't go to you either.
I'm going to be alone from now on. I don't know if I'll
be okay, but I'm going to try. Min-hyung, I don't want to be a bad
person to either you or Sang-hyuk. Can you help me?
- <Min-hyung>
I can't do that. That' not a decision. That's giving up.
I can't help you to give up.
- Self-destruction of Sang-hyuk: 【1/3】
Sang-hyuk ... The things I said last time, I meant them. It
wasn't a passing remark. Please don't do this. It's not going to
change anything. It's not going to change my decision.
- <Sang-hyuk>
I said I couldn't agree to your decision. I firmly said I couldn't
do that.
- <Yoo-jin>
Let's talk later.
- <Sang-hyuk>
Yoo-jin! Don't you think it's too one sided if you decide not
to marry me? What about how I feel? Yoo-jin.
- <Yoo-jin>
I'm sorry, Sang-hyuk. Can't you just try to understand me?
- <Sang-hyuk>
It's okay if you don't love me. You don't have to.
Anyway, I loved you by myself until now.
- <Yoo-jin>
Sang-hyuk ... So until now you thought I didn't love you. And
you thought that was fine? Why think like this?
- <Sang-hyuk>
Just stay beside me like you did. That's all I ask of you.
- <Yoo-jin>
No, I can't do that. If that's the case I really can't do that.
- <Sang-hyuk>
What the reason? Answer me. Don't beat around the bushed by saying
all kinds of thing. Just give me one solid reason. Why can't you?
You want me to answer it for you? It's because of Lee Min-hyung.
No matter how much you deny I know it's because of him. Isn't
it because of Lee Min-hyung?
- <Min-hyung>
What are you doing? Yoo-jin, why don't you go in now. I'll have
a talk with Sang-hyuk. So why don't you go in.
- <Sang-hyuk>
You really.
- <Min-hyung>
If you want to hit me go ahead. I'll take it. But
I can't let you treat Yoo-jin like this. ... Why? You can't hit
me? Because it's not a morally right thing to do?
- Cross-examination by San-hyuk's mom:【1/4】
Excuse me for interrupting. I'd like to apologize if there's been
a misunderstanding because of me. I don't know what you've seen
to say all these but Yoo-jin has never done anything to be misunderstood.
- <Sang-hyuk>
Get out, Lee Min-hyung. Get lost!
- <Yoo-jin>
Please stop! Stop it, Sang-hyuk ... I can't. I can't get married.
Mom, I'm sorry. I can't get married. ....
- <Min-hyung>
I truly want to forget if I can't see you ever again. Do as
I say. Answer me. Just follow me now.
- On a bench near village: <Yoo-jin>
Do you know Polaris? Polaris?
- <Min-hyung>
I do.
- <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang told me about it. He said if I ever get lost I should
look for Polaris. All the stars move with the change of season,
but Polaris doesn't. It's always there where it is.
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin ... Do you feel lost?
- <Yoo-jin>
I hurt the people I care about today. Mom, Yon-kook, Jin-sook
... Sang-hyuk ... They might never forgive me. What should I
- <Min-hyung>
You said that Polaris always stays where it is even when other
stars move with the season. Isn't it? If other pople can't forgive
you, and left you because they don't understand you. If I stay
where I am right. Yoo-jin, can you trust me?
- 岐路:<ミニョン>
- 再考:<ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- 第三の選択:<ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- サンヒョクの自滅:【1/3】<ユジン>
サンヒョク... 前に私が言ったことは本気なのよ。一時の気持で言ったのではないわ。こんなことしないで何も変わらないし、私の決断も変わらないわ。
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ミニョン>
- <サンヒョク>
お前 、よくも...
- <ミニョン>
- サンヒョクの母の詰問:【1/4】
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
やめて。やめてサンヒョク... 私、結婚できません。*9 結婚することはできません。お母さん、ごめんなさい。私、結婚できないの。
- <ミニョン>
- 別荘近くのベンチで:<ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
私は、今日大切な人々を傷つけてしまいました。お母さん、ヨンゴク、チンスク...サンヒョク... 私を二度と許してもらえないかも知れません。どうしましょう。
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-10:
- Time by little steps: <Min-hyung>
Start with our right foot. Right, left, right, left...What do you
think all these little steps add up to? Time. There is one thing
I envy about Sang-hyuk, do you know what it is? It's time. All these
times he spent with you. You can't take two steps at once.
- The fork:【-3/1】<Min-hyung>
Go in now ... It is right. You are worried about him, aren't you?
- <Yoo-jin>
I am. But I decided not to worry about him. So let's just go
back, together.
- <Min-hyung>
I'm okay so go and see him. I'll wait here till you come back.
- <Yoo-jin>
What if ... I won't be able to come back? I may not able to
come back ... after I see him. What happen then?
- <Min-hyung>
That's okay. It's better than to see you suffer like this.
Yoo-jin ... Can you find Polaris? I'm okay so go. But ... Can
you find the way back? After a long time, even after long time...Can
you find the way back?
- <Yoo-jin>
I will. I will find my way back.
- Word of separation:【-1/0】<Yoo-jin>
I'm not going to say sorry to you. I don't want to. Because you
took the most important part of me. You took my heart ... so I'm
not sorry ... I love you.
- <Min-hyung>
Thank you, Yoo-jin ...
- 小さな歩みによる時間:<ミニョン>
- 岐路:【-3/1】<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
もし、帰って来られなかったら? 彼の顔を見たら、私帰ってこられなくなるかも知れません。そうしたらどうします?
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- 別離の言葉:【-1/0】<ユジン>
私はあなたに、ごめんなさいとは言いません。 そう言いたくないのです。なぜならあなたは私の一番大切なものを持っていったから。私の心を持っていったから...私、謝ろうとは思いません....愛しています。
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-11: Falsehood
- Make-believe: <Yoo-jin>
Mom, I ... Can I just live by myself?
It's just that .... I feel like I'm a bad person. If I still can't
forget him, doesn't that make me a bad person? Mom. Whenever I look
at Sang-hyuk now, I feel like there is a big hole in my heart. Isn't
that bad? After Jun-sang died ... I've been bad. I was so sad, so
sad that I didn't really care about Sang-hyuk ... And how can I
stay beside Sang-hyuk now? Huh? How can I do that?
- <Mom>
Still, you have to.
- <Yoo-jin>
It's so hard ... I really feel sad. Mom ... did you know? It's
so hard for me.
- <Mom>
Stay strong, Yoo-jin ... Love is not the only important thing.
Who you are to Sang-hyuk, the fact that you belong to
someone is as important. That's destiny, Yoo-jin ... Don't be
in pain. Don't hurt yourself. Yoo-jin ...
- Psychological test: <Sang-hyuk>
I saw Min-hyung Lee tonight.
- <Yoo-jin>
Why are you telling me that?
- <Sang-hyuk>
Just ... I thought you might want to know.
- <Yoo-jin>
What do you want me to say? I feel like you are testing me. You
know I don't do too well in tests. What is the right answer for
that? Can you give me a clue? If I say I don't feel anything that's
a lie. And if I say I felt something you are going to feel bad
about it ... What do I have to say to make you feel better?
- <Sang-hyuk>
It's okay. What you said is fine. You don't have to
be more honest with me.
- Return of the necklace: 【1/1】<Yoo-jin>
The reason I called today is ...
- <Min-hyung>
Hold on. Before you say anything, can I just look at you
for a moment and imagine? Can I just imagine for a moment that
you called me out because you missed me? Is it okay?
- <Yoo-jin>
The reason why I called is ... This. I feel like I have to return
it to you. It shouldn't belong to me anymore ... I'm sorry,
- <Min-hyung>
No. I'm sorry. When you called me ... I knew you wanted to see
me because of the necklace ... But still there was this expectation.
I'm so stupid, right? But I thank this necklace. Because of this
I get to see you once more. It feels weird to be back in
Seoul from the ski resort. What about you?
- <Yoo-jin>
Winter seems over, here. There isn't any snow ... And everyone
seem different. ... Everything feels unfamiliar ...
- <Min-hyung>
Me too. I seem to be the only one living in winter. Because what
I should and what I shouldn't do is so clear here. I want to go
- Broken signals: <Min-hyung>
I guess it's broken. If I didn't look like Kang Jun-sang, you probably
wouldn't even have given me a chance, right? At first, you thought
that I might be Jun-sang right?
- <Yoo-jin>
I did. Later, I knew that you weren't him.
- <Min-hyung>
Yeah. I can't be Jun-sang ... These days, I feel like I'm waiting
for a broken signal.
- <Yoo-jin>
Don't do this, Min-hyung. Don't think like that.
- <Min-hyung>
I know, it doesn't make sense. Shall we take the crosswalk down
the road? Do you want to go?
- <Yoo-jin>
There was a time like this when I was young. At that time, I
took a different route. And I remember the way home seemed
so long and hard. The road I should take is already decided.
Even though the signals broken, I feel like this is the road
I should take. No none would changed it. If I take a different
route, I might get lost again. And feel more tired. Bye.
- 偽り:<ユジン>
- <母>
- <ユジン>
- <母>
- 心理テスト:<サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒュク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- ネックレスの返却:【1/1】<ユジン>
今日お電話した 理由は...
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
用件というのは....これです。やはりこれはお返しすべきと思って。これはもう私のものではないような気がして... ごめんなさい、ミニョンさん。
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 壊れた信号:<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
そう、僕がチュンサンであるはずないのに... 最近僕は壊れた信号を待っている気分です。
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
>Top Scene-12: Truth of a decade ago
- Lose temper: <Yoo-jin>
I came right after you, why did you come so fast? You drove real
fast, didn't you? I told you not to do that.
- <Sang-hyuk>
... I'm sorry.
- <Yoo-jin>
Don't you feel bad about getting so angry? The person who
loses temper is the loser. ... I'm sorry.
- Memory place: <Yoo-jin>
What a surprise. I didn't expect to see you here. Did you
come out for fresh air? Min-hyung? ... What's the matter?
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin, am I ... strange? I'm really strange ...
- <Yoo-jin>
Can you tell me ... Is something wrong? Min-hyung?
- <Min-hyung>
Yoo-jin ... What if ... If .... If ... I ...
- My herat felt them as one:【1/2】 <Yoo-jin>
Sang-hyuk ... he asked me. What I like about Min-hyung ...
- <JIn-sook>
So what did you say?
- <Yoo-jin>
I couldn't answer him. How could I put that in words? When I
looked at Jun-sang I felt like something was falling inside
me. Like my heart and my soul were toward him. I thought it
was what love is. What destiny is. I thought I'd never feel
that way again since Jun-sang died. But when I met Min-hyung
something fell inside me again. As if he's back. It's
not because they look alike. Not that. My heart beating disregarding
what I was thinking. Just like when I was with Jun-sang ...
he made me fell that way again. How is that possible? They are
certainly different people. But my heart felt them as one. I
sounds strange but they were like one person to me. I knew you
found out.
- 怒った方が負け:<ユジン>
- <サンヒュク>
- <ユジン>
あんなに怒ったこと悪いと思うでしょ?そもそも怒った方が負けなんだから... ごめんね。
- 思い出の場所:<ユジン>
驚きました。ここであなたにお会いするなんて思っても見なかったわ。気晴らしにいらしたんですか?... どうなさったんですか?
- <ミニョン>
ユジンさん、僕... 変ですよね?本当に変ですよね。
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- 心が一つと感じてる::【1/2】<ユジン>
- <チンスク>
- <ユジン>
私の考えていることとは関係なく胸がときめく感じ。私がチュンサンといるときみたいに... ミニョンさんがそう感じさせるの。こんなことってあるの?二人は確かに別の人なのに...
>Top Scene-13: Recollections
- I'm Jun-sang:【-2/0】<Min-hyung>
We need to talk.
- <Yoo-jin>
Why are you doing this? Let go of me. What's the matter with
you? Why are you doing this? I have to get back. My friends
are waiting ... What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so
unlike you?
- <Min-hyung>
What's like me? What's like Min-hyung?
... Who am I? Tell me, Yoo-jin. Who am I? Yoo-jin, I'm Jun-sang.
I'm Jun-sang whom you couldn't forget.
- <Yoo-jin>
Min-hyung, you shouldn't do this. You shouldn't make fun of
people like this ... Let me go. It doesn't change anything.
- Difference from Jun-sang: <Yoo-jin>
I'll tell you how different you are from Jun-sang. I want
to tell you why you can't be Jun-sang. Jun-sang didn't say my name
like that ... He didn't force his emotions on others like this.
He wasn't good at handling relationships with others, but he never
hurt anyone using other people's wound. He ... couldn't even say
he liked me. Shall I tell you more? You always look confident, but
Jun-sang was a little drawn back. Your walk is so brisk and upright,
but Jun-sang ... looked somewhat nervous and insecure. You've got
such a bright smile, but Jun-sang couldn't even smile often. You
want to know to more? Do you want to listen? Min-hyung, you are
not Jun-sang ... you're someone else.
And now even if Jun-sang comes back ... I can't leave Sang-hyuk.
I ... chose Sang-hyuk. You also sent me back to Sang-hyuk. Please
let me go ... This is it.
- My first love ... by Sarah Teesdale:
"Look back with longing and find
me walking after you.
Help me to my feet with your love.
Like a breeze lifting a swallow.
Rain or shine, let us fly far away ...
But what should I do if my first love calls me back? "
- Insincere wedding dress:【1/1】 <Min-hyung>
Looks good on you. Yoo-jin ... I want to ask you something, will
you answer it? You don't have to if you don't want to. Don't worry
it doesn't mean anything.
- <Yoo-jin>
I'll answer any question.
- <Min-hyung>
You said you liked me, you loved me. Was that because I looked
like Jun-sang?
- <Yoo-jin>
No. You as Min-hyung ... and Jun-sang as Jun-sang ... I loved
you both.
- <Min-hyung>
Thank you. I came to say good bye ... Congratulations. I'm sorry.
- 僕はチュンサンです:【-2/0】<ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
- チュンサンとの違い:<ユジン>
- 私の初恋... サラ・ティーズデール:
- 偽りの花嫁衣装:【1/1】<ミニョン>
ユジンさん... ひとつ聞きたいことがあるのですが、答えてくれますか?答えたくなかったら答えなくても構いません。他意ははありませんから心配しないで下さい。
- <ユジン>
- <ミニョン>
- <ユジン>
いえ。ミニョンさんはミニョンさんとして、そしてチュンサンはチュンサンとして... 私は二人とも愛していました。
- <ミニョン>
>Top Scene-14: Second
Memo of Min-hyung attached to
the CD【1/2】:
"Yoo-jin ... I'll probably be in the plane now. This
present could be a burden to you ... But I couldn't just leave.
I can't make a tape for you like Jun-sang ... but I wanted to
give you this. I wish for your happiness."
- <Yoo-jin>
I' never told anyone ... about the tape Jun-san gve me ... I've
never said it.
- Revoir: 【2/3】<Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang ... Jun-sang ...You're Jun-sang, right? It is you. I'm
sorry. Jun-sang, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't recognize
- <Yoo-jin>
I can't believe I can actually see you. Jun sang ... Jun-sang
... Jun-sang
- <Jun-sang>
Yoo-jin. If you want to say something say it ... I don't remember
anything but I'll listen.
- <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang ... I wished ... to call out your name like this ...
I wanted to say yourname out loud every time I missed you. But
I couldn't because you'd seem really dead if you didn't answer
me when I call you. I really didn't want to believe that
you were dead. That couldn't be .. you promised to see me ...
you wouldn't break ... you promise.
- <Jun-sang>
I ... I did that?
- <Yoo-jin>
You don't remember? We were suppose to meet ... you don't remember.
You don't remember anything? Anything at all. I even gave you
a mitten ... a pink mitten ... You were suppose to give it back
to me on December 31st ... You don't remember, any of it? Anything?
Then, you don't remember playing the piano for me? Cut class ...
Ride bicycle ... Holding my hand. ... It's not your fault ...
It's all Jun-sang's fault. You lost your memory ... It's all Jun-sang's
fault. Forgetting all about me when he's still alive ... I haven't
forgotten anything ... I remember everything ...
Note left by
Min-hyung (Jun-sang)
"Yoo-jin ... How did I call you before? Yoo-jin ... Yoo-jin
... Yoo-jin ... But I can't remember anything. Kang Jun-sang,
who you miss so much is me but not me at the same time. Without
the memory we shared ... Jun-sang is just a meaningless name even
if I'm Jun-sang. I'm sorry. I thank you for being part of my forgotten
past. With all my heart ..."
- Secnd car accident:【1/5】Cheareen> How did
it happen? He got into an accidenwhile he was with you, right? Am
I right?
- <Yoo-jin>
...Yes ... He got hurt because of me.
- <Chea-reen>
Jun-sang had an accident on the way to meet you and now Minhyung?
You are really something. Yoo-jin, you must be really happy? It
would be better if Min-hyung gets his memory back as Jun-sang!
- <Yoo-jin>
Yeah, I'm happy. ... That Jun-sang got hurt ... I'm so happy he
got hurt trying to save me. How stupid ... I didn't even
know that he was Jun-sang ... I didn't treat him well, I
just hurt him, I'm so happy to have Jun-sang back even like this.
Are you happy now that I said it? Are you?
- Resolution of Intensive care: <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang ... I'm sorry that I got scared and cried like a fool.
I'm sorry. I won't get scared anymore. I can do this. I won't let
you go ever again. Like this ... I won't let go of your hand ...
So don't you let go of my hand and come to me ... get it?
- Display resolution to Mom: <Yoo-jin>
When I think of Sang-hyuk ... it hurts and I feel so bad. But mom
... he is my destiny. I fell in love with a same person twice. And
now he's in comma because of me. If something goes wrong ... I'd
have killed him twice ... Now ... Nothing's on my mind, but saving
his life. I don't care about other thing. I can't think of anything.
He doesn't have to love me ... he doesn't have to remember anything.
He just has to live. Mom ... you said it's all going to come back
to me? I'm willing to take it ...
ユジンさん 、僕は今頃、飛行機の中でしょう。このプレゼントはあなたにとって重荷になるかも知れませんが、このままではお別れできないのです。チュンサンみたいにテープに録音してあげられませんが、どうしてもこれをあげたかったのです。幸せになって下さい。*1
- <ユジン>
- 再会 :【2/3】 <ユジン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
私と会う約束してたのに... あなたが約束破るはずないのに...
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
思い出せませんか?私と会う約束してたのに、覚えていないのですか?何も思い出せませないの。何も... 私、手袋も貸してあげたのに...
ピンクのミトン...12月31日に返してもらうことになっていたのに ... 何一つ思い出せないの?何も?じゃ、私にピアノを弾いてくれたことも覚えてないのね?授業をさぼって自転車に乗ったことも...
手をつないでくれたことも... ミニョンさんはちっとも悪くありません。みんなジュンサンが悪いのよ。あなたが記憶をなくしたことも、みんなチュンサンのせいよ。生きていながら、私のことみんな忘れるなんて...
でも僕は何も思い出せない。ユジンさんがあれほど会いたかったカン・ジュンサンは僕でありながら僕ではありません。一緒にいた思い出がなければ、僕がカン・ジュンサンであっても、それはただの名前に過ぎないからです。ごめんなさい。僕の失ってしまった過去の中にあなたがいてくれたことに..感謝します。*7 心から...
二度の交通事故:【1/5】<チェリン> どうしてこうなったの?ユジン、あなたと一緒にいて事故に遭ったのでしょう?そうでしょ?そうなのね?
- <ユジン>
- <チェリン>チュンサンもあなたに会いに行く途中で事故にあったし、今度はミニョンさんまで?あなたって本当にたいした人ね?ユジン、本当は幸せなんじゃない。ついでにミニョンさんがチュンサンの記憶まで取り戻したらもっとうれしいでしょ!
- <ユジン>そうよ。うれしいわ。チュンサンが怪我をして...私を助けようとしてこんなことになって本当にうれしいわ。私なんてバカだったんでしょう。彼がチュンサンだったことに気付かないで、やさしくしてあげることもしなかったし、傷つけてしまったんだから...
- 看護の決意:<ユジン>
- 母への決意表明:<ユジン>
サンヒョクのことを考えると申し訳なくて胸が痛むわ。でもお母さん、彼は私の運命の人なの。同じ*9人に二度も愛したの。彼は、今私のせいでああやって寝ているの。もしものことがあれば、私はあの人を二度も死なせることになるのよ。今は彼の命が助かること以外は、何も考えられない。私を愛してくれなくてもいいの。何も覚えてなくていいの。ただ生きていてさえいてくれれば....お母さん、罰*10 が当たるって言ったわね?私、その罰を喜んで受けるわ。
>Top Scene-15: Journey
to the past
- Recover memory:【1/6】<Jun-sang>
I need your help. ... Will you lend me your memory? Let's go to
Choonchun. You can tell me what we used to do and talk about. I
might be able to remember better that way. ... I just suddenly
have an urge to remember everything. Let's go.
- <Yoo-jin>
We used to sit here together all the time. I sat here, and you
sat there.
- <Yoo-jin>
I stepped on your back and climbed over the wall here once.
Do you remember that?
- <Jun-sang>
I'm not sure.
- <Yoo-jin>
Bend over. Let's try it. You might remember if we try it. Come
on. Bend over.
- <Jun-sang>
Like this?
- <Yoo-jin>
No, a bit more.
- <Jun-sang>
Were you this heavy then, too?
- At the bench: <Jun-sang>
I wonder what we did here. What did we do here?
- <Yoo-jin>
Guess. What do you think we did here?
- <Jun-sang>
Did we eat here?
- <Yoo-jin>
- <Jun-sang>
Then ... I don't know. What did we do?
- <Yoo-jin>
We made snowmen. We made one each.
- <Jun-sang>
Jun-sang snowman and Yoo-jin snowman?
- <Yoo-jin>
You made our snowmen kiss each other.
- <Jun-sang>
I made them kiss each other? Didn't we kiss?
- <Yoo-jin>
- <Jun-sang>
We kissed, too, huh? How did we kiss? Come here. How did we
kiss? Like this? Like ... It wasn't like this, huh? I really
can't remember anything. I'm sorry.
- Jun-sang in the past: <Jun-sang>
I couldn't remember a thing but you never forget me for 10 whole
years. There's nothing that I've done for you.
- <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang, You want to remember because of me, right? That's
why you asked to come here, right? I thought that would be the
- <Jun-sang>
No, that's not it. I want to remember, too. I want to become
the real Kang Jun-sang for you.
- <Yoo-jin>
Do you remember what you told me when you were Lee Min-hyung?
You asked me why I just remembered the sad memories despite
there being so many beautiful memories. You asked me that. I
think you were right. It's so beautiful here. But why are we
just trying to go back to the past? Past memories are important
but we'll be making so many memories together in the future.
Let's not try to remember the past. You are you. It's OK for
me even if you don't remember. I don't love the Jun-sang in
my memory. I love the person standing in front of me now.
- December 31 after a decade:【1/7】 <Yoo-jin>
Do you remember where we are?
- <Jun-sang>
I'm sorry.
- <Yoo-jin>
It's OK. It'll come back to you one by one. It'll feel like a
present every time you remember. We went to too many places today.
You're tired, huh? Shall we have a cup of coffee? I'll get It.
- <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang ... Jun-sang?
- <Jun-sang>
We were supposed to meet here, right? On the 31st of December.
I remember. What I wanted to say to you. Yoo-jin ... I love you.
- 記憶を取り戻す:【1/6】<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- ベンチで:<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
僕たちもキスしたんだね?どうやって?こっち向いて。こうかな?... こうじゃなかったんだね。本当に何も覚えていない。ごめんよ。
- 過去のチュンサン:<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- 十年後の12月31日:【1/7】 <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
僕たちここで会うことにしていたんだね?12月31日に。思い出したんだ。あの日君に言いたかった言葉を... ユジン、愛している。
>Top Scene-16: Shadow of father
- Bench by a river: <Yoo-jin>
Jun-sang. I ... I wanted to tell you that, too. I regretted not
being able to tell you that all along. You don't know how much I
wanted to tell you ... that I love you. What else do you remember?
Do you remember anything else?
- <Jun-sang>
Yeah ... A lot of my memories are about school. Getting punished
by the teacher ... The first day I transferred here, I got off
a different bus stop from you. I remember going to the cabin
up in the mountains with the guys ...
- <Yoo-jin>
You remember our friends? Yong-kook, Jin-sook and Chea-reen?
- <Jun-sang>
I remember being mean ... Hurting you a lot ... I remember the
Polaris, too ... Yoo-jin, why you named the company Polaris
... Now I know.
- Propose in a church:【1/8】 <Yoo-jin>
I'm praying that I'm grateful for today and that I can be here with
you like this. You pray, too.
- <Jun-sang>
There is a woman I love. I wish to accompany this woman. I want
to grow old with her. I would like to have children that take
after her and be their father. I would like to be their warm
hands and strong legs ... I love you. ... Will you marry me?
- 川のほとりのベンチ:<ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
そうだね。覚えていることは学校でのことだ。先生に罰を与えられたことや... 転校してきた最初の日に、間違ったバスの停留所に降り立ったよね。仲間と山小屋へ行ったことも思い出した。
- <ユジン>
友達のことも?... ヨンゴク、チンスク、チェリン?...
- <チュンサン>
意地悪したことも... 君のこと傷つけたことも... それからポラリスのことも。ユジン、なぜ君が、会社にポラリスという名前をつけたのか...
- 教会でのプロポーズ:【1/8】<ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
愛しています... 僕と結婚してくれる?
>Top Scene-17: Obstacles
- Obtain consent:【-3/5】 <Jun-sang>
Mother ... I would like to marry Yoo-jin. Please, allow
us to get married.
- <Yoo-jin>
Mom, please ... Allow us to get married.
- <Jun-sang>
I'm confident that I can make her happy. Please, give us
your approval.
- <Mother of Yoo-jin>
This is all so sudden ... I'm all too unfamiliar with this.
- <Yoo-jin>
- <Mother>
Please leave now.
- <Jun-sang>
I understand that you might not have the highest opinion of me.
I gave Yoo-jin such a hard time. But I'll try. I'll
try ... So ...
- <Mother>
It's nothing like that. It's not that simple. I'll tell Yoo-jin
everything, so please leave now.
- The first dinner:【1/6】 <Yoo-jin>
Let's do everything together from now no. Let's watch everything
together, think together, feel together ... Let's be together until
the end ... OK?
- Division by Toss: <Yoo-jin>
A long time ago, I saw a movie, and they divined whether they would
get married or not by flipping a coin. If it was heads, it meant
they would get married, and it was tails it meant they couldn't.
- <Jun-sang>
So? What happed in the movie?
- <Yoo-jin>
They got heads and they got married.
- <Jun-sang>
You want to try it, too?
- <Yoo-jin>
I'm lucky, so I'm sure I'll get heads. Watch.
- <Jun-sang>
You didn't pay attention to the movie, did you? In the movie,
they attach two coins together so that the two sides of the
coin are both heads. You fool. You weren't going to marry me
if you got tails?
- <Yoo-jin>
No. It's not that ...
- Memorial photo: 【1/7】<Jun-sang>
Thing about it, you and I don't have any pictures together.
- <Yoo-jin>
That's right. During the 10 years you were away, I regretted
the fact that I didn't have a picture of you. But what's the
occasion for taking pictures?
- <Jun-sang>
The present. Yeah. How could we be more happy than now? So we're
taking picture to celebrate the present. After you, Ms.
Jung Yoo-jin.
- <Yoo-jin>
Thank you, Mr. Kang Jun-sang.
- <Photographer>
You two look great. Will the lady press up a bit more towards
the gentleman? Right ... Why, the gentleman seems like a natural
at this. You two don't seem like brother and sister ... Are
you married?
- <Jun-sang>
Well, how do we seem to you?
- <Photographer>
People who ask like that are either not married, madly in love
seeking confirmation, or if not that ... engaged in immoral
love or are a couple who's faced with opposition from the people
around you. Which is it?
- <Jun-sang>
He's really psychic.
- <Photographer>
I'll make this moment last forever ... Wow, you two really look
alike. You two must really be in love. OK, I'll take the shot
- Der tag:【1/8】 <Jun-sang>
Let's get married today.
- <Yoo-jin>
You're kidding, right?
- <Jun-sang>
No, I'm not kidding. Let's get married today. Just by ourselves.
- <Yoo-jin>
You're really acting weird. Why are you being like this all
of a sudden?
- <Jun-sang>
I just don't want to wait anymore ...
- <Yoo-jin>
Is it because you're angry that our mothers oppose?
- <Jun-sang>
No, that's not it.
- <Yoo-jin>
Then, why?
- <Jun-sang>
I need you. I need you right now. You're going to marry me even
if my mother opposes, right? Even if your mother opposes, right?
Me, too. We're going to end up marrying each other in the end.
Why should we wait being anxious like this? We've already waited
for over 10 years ... I don't want to wait anymore ... Let's
get married.
- 同意を得る:【-3/5】<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジンの母>
そんなに急にお話されても... こういうことに慣れていないので...
- <ユジン>
- <ユジンの母>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジンの母>
- 最初の食事:【1/6】<チュンサン>
これからは何でも二人でやっていこう。何でも一緒に見て、一緒に考えて、一緒に感じていこう。生涯一緒に歩んでいこう.... いいね?
- コイン投げ:<ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- 記念写真:【1/7】<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
今だよ。そう今が一番幸せだから... それで今を記念する写真を撮るんだ。さあ、チョン・ユジンさん、どうぞ。
- <ユジン>
- <写真屋>
- <チュンサン>
- <写真屋>
- <チュンサン>
- <写真屋>
- 決行の日:【1/8】<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
>Top Scene-18: Irony
of fate
- Marriage:【2/10】→【-2/8】<Jun-sang>
Lord .... Forgive me ...
- <Yoo-jin>
I, Jung Yoo-jin take thee, Kang Jun-sang as my lawfully wedded
husband and to promise to love and cherish until death do us
- <Jun-sang>
I Kang Jun-sang ... take thee, Jung Yoo-jin as my lawfully wedded
wife and promise to love and cherish until death do us part
- .... <Sang-hyuk, suddenly>
Yoo-jin, let's go. You thought you could get married by yourselves
like this?! You two can't get married. You can't! I'm going
to stop you. You two can't get married!
- First trip to the sea:【2/10】→【-3/7】
Now that I think about it, it's the first time to the sea ...
- <Yoo-jin>
You've never been to the sea before?
- <Jun-sang>
No. It's the first time to come to the sea with you. So this
is our first trip to the sea together.
- <Yoo-jin>
That's right ... This is our first trip to the sea together
- <Jun-sang's monologue>
And ... It's also our last trip to the sea together. I'm going
to bid farewell to her here ...
- Conquer our fate: <Yoo-jin>
Look! I bought it for you with the coins. Let's make a lot of memories
here. So that we'll have a lot to remember. This much! Its nice,
huh? And this is my present to you! Turn it over. Like you said,
they flipped a coin like this; one to tell their future in the movies.This
is how you conquer your fate! Flip it. You'll get the answer you
want. It's simple. Just need a little money No matter what happen
next, fate is on our side now. Right?
- 結婚:【2/10】→【-2/8】<チュンサン>
神様... お許し下さい
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- ....<サンヒョク、突然に>
- 最初の海:【2/10】→【-3/7】
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサンの独白>
(そして... 最後の海だ。ここで僕は彼女に別れを告げようとしている。)
- 運命の克服:<ユジン>
>Top Scene-19: Father
and a son
- In front of father's tomb:【-2/5】 <Yoo-jin>
Dad ... I had a dream ... Jun-sang and I came here together ...to
see you ... We had a drink together, too ... We came and showed
you how close we were ... The two of us for a long time ...maybe
the reason I loved him so much ... It's because we were the same
from the start, right? That's why, right, Dad? So then I shouldn't
have dreams like that anymore ... right, Dad?
- Bid farewell:【1/6】 <Jun-sang>
Yoo-jin, I'm sorry ... I didn't want you to find out ...I wanted
to protect you ...
- <Yoo-jin>
You should've tried harder. It would've been better if
we broke up without knowing.
- <Jun-sang>
Are you ... Are you OK?
- <Yoo-jin>
What about you? Jun-sang, I love you ... I loved you up to now,
and I'll love you in the future, too. Is it bad for me to love
you now? Is it?
- <Jun-sang>
No, it's not bad.
- <Yoo-jin>
Yeah, i's not bad. I'm going to think that it's not
bad. No matter what anybody says, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed
of my love. I'm not ashamed ... I got tingles over it ... I
got excited over it ... There were hard times, too ... Do you
know they are all precious memories to me ... Jun-sang, I really
love you. Remember that ... Jun-sang I'm going to remember everything.
My memories belong to me, so I'm going to remember every single
one of them. So will you remember me, too? Just remember me.
I'll possess our memories until I die, OK?
- <Jun-sang>
OK. I'll remember you. No matter what ... I won't forget you.
I'll remember.
- <Yoo-jin>
Let's promise one more thing. Let's not look back at each other
when we walk away. I don't my last memory of you to be your
- Father:【2/8】 <Kim Jinwoo>
I'm surprised that I didn't know all along. You look so much like
your grandfather ... I'm surprised that I didn't realize all along.
Yes ... I guess that's why you left a strong impression with me
from the start ... Jun-sang ... You're my son! .... I found out
yesterday at the hospital. I confirmed it with your mother, too.
You're not Hyun-soo's son. You are my son. I'm sorry ... I'm sorry,
- 父の墓前:【-2/5】<ユジン>
- 別れを告げる:【1/6】<チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- 父:【2/8】<キム・ジヌ>
今まで知らずにいたことがおかしい。こんなにおじいさんに似ているのに... 私がそれに今まで気づかなかったとは。ああ、だからあんなに君のこと気にかかっていたんだな。チュンサン...
>Top Scene-20: End
of winter
- Cry on parting: <Yoo-jin>
You look terrible. You look sick ...
- <Jun-sang>
It's probably because I've been busy. I had a lot of thing
to take care of.
- <Yoo-jin>
You're leaving tomorrow, huh ...
- <Jun-sang>
I hear that you're going abroad to study. Sang-hyuk told me.
Yoo-jin! I'm just looking at you ... I might never get to
see you again. You were so pretty the first time I saw you.
I was surprised that there was someone as pretty as you. And
when I first saw you at Polaris ... The way you were working
so hard was dazzling ... You were so beautiful and dazzling
... Yoo-jin, I couldn't help you maintain your beauty and
shine ... I just made you sad all the time.
- <Yoo-jin>
No, that's not so. You don't know how happy I was that I met
you. I was really happy.
- <Jun-sang>
Thanks, Yoo-jin ...
I have a favor to ask you ... You'll do it for me, right?
Whatever it is, you'll do it for me, right? Yoo-jin. Go abroad
to study together with Sang-hyuk. I think I'll be at rest
knowing that you're with him. I know how much he loves you.
I'll be at rest. He'll take good care of you more than anyone
- <Yoo-jin>
No. No, I can't do that for you. No.
- <Jun-sang>
Yoo-jin, do it for me. Sang-hyuk will be able to make you
happy. It's for me. Do it for me. Try to be happy for me.
- <Jun-sang>
Don't come to the airport tomorrow. It'll make it harder for
me to leave leaving you here. And promise me that you'll eat
well, sleep well and live well wherever you go.
- <Yoo-jin>
I promise.
- <Jun-sang>
And Yoo-jin. Let's not meet again. Let's make the memories
we had at the sea together the last and not meet again. Let's
just remember the beautiful memories we had together. You
can do that for me, right? ... Thanks. I'll get going now
... Bye.
- Bring out the truth:【1/9】 <Sang-hyuk>
Yoo-jin, hurry up! We have to go! Jun-sang's leaving. He's leaving
- <Yoo-jin>
I know. I met Jun-sang yesterday. And I promised that I wouldn't
go to the airport.
- <Sang-hyuk>
That's not it, stupid! Yoo-jin ... Yoo-jin, I'm sorry. I'm
so sorry. I lied to you. I was afraid I'd lose you again.
No. I couldn't bear the fact that Jun-sang was my father's
son ... That's why I couldn't say anything to you.
- <Yoo-jin>
What are you talking about?
- <Sang-hyuk>
Jun-sang's my father's son. He's my brother. He has nothing
to do with you! And Jun-sang might die ... He's sick right
now. He might lose his eyesight, and he might die. He's going
to the States to get surgery. That's why he left without saying
anything to you! You should've asked me to stop.
- At the impossible house:【2/10】 <Jun-sang>
What do you think? Do you like it? ...
- Who is it? .... Who is it?.... Yoo-jin?....
- <Yoo-jin>
- <Jun-sang>
Yoo-jin ...
- 最後の別れ:<ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
- 真実明らかに:【1/9】<サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- <ユジン>
- <サンヒョク>
- 不可能な家:【2/10】<チュンサン>
- <チュンサン>
- <ユジン>
- <チュンサン>
>Top ♪From beginning to now♪-Ryu
*A: You won't return to my side. It's impossible
I console myself that I should stop loving you now
*B: If I can't meet you again, I really hope to
forget you, to forget the entire of you in my heart.
*C: Every time I want to smile, you let me cry.
You make me everything go wrong.
Every time I think of you, all my defences give way.
Tried hard to forget you, but I just couldn't.
*D: I never know it is so hard to love someone.
♪最初から今まで♪ -
*A: もう戻ることはない。戻るはずもない "最後だよ"とそっとつぶやく。
*B: 二度と逢えないのなら本当に忘れたいよ。溢れ出る思いのすべてを。
*C: 笑いたい時はいつも僕を泣かせてしまうから。そして僕の心が動かなくなる。
*D: 知らなかったよ。愛することがこんなに苦しいなんて...

♪My Memory♪ - Ryu
My memory.
I remember every second of it.
Even for trivial things, if I close my eyes, I can still see them.
You're far away.
I couldn't tell you that I am still in love with you, still waiting
for you.
*It is not even in my dream that I thought we could meet again
like this.
Therefore, I have to be frank with you: I am still in love with
I wanna love you forever.
If it is not too late for our fate, I wish I could stay with you
For a ling time, you have been alive in my heart.
No matter how long we have parted, no matter how far you are, you
are always in my heart.
♪My Memory♪ - リュウ
My memory すべて憶えているよ。
目を閉じれば どんな小さなことも浮かんでくる。
You're far away 手の届かないところに
*今でも信じられない あなたとこんな風に再び逢えるなんて
まだあなたを愛してる やっと伝えられるよ
I want I love you forevever 間に合うのなら
たくさんの時が流れても どんなに遠く離れていても
あなたはずっと 私の胸で生きてきた

♪Moment♪ - Ryu
Don't cry, my Love.
We still have a long way to go...
Don't move, let me hold you for a moment so that I can remember
our fond embrace
*Even without words, we know we will always belong to each other
And because I love you so much...
I am willing to let you go in order for you to find true happiness
Promise me, you will come back to me someday.
Promise me, you will be happy ... even without me.
It hurts too much to see you tormented by our love for so long.
I am sorry for being unable to protect you.
I have to leave everything behind, so that you can leave me...
do that for me, please...
Just remember this moment and leave me, promise me.
♪Moment♪ - リュウ

♪Violet♪ - Ryu
When I met you for the first time,
you were a little girl, upon your hair a violet flower.
With a smile you said to me.
To far away, you wish to fly like a bird.
When I saw you again, you looked very thin.
With sweat beads you smilingly said to me.
Even the smallest thing can make you cry.
When I saw you for the last time,
You were peaceful, looking beyond the window to far away
With a smile you said to me.
Even in the midnight, you wish to be wakeful.
♪スミレ♪ - リュウ
私に初めてあなたに逢ったとき、あなたは幼い少女で その髪にはスミレ
私が最後にあなたに逢ったとき、 あなたはとても安らかで窓の遠くを見やり

- Is this a really happy-end story? There are too many adversity
and unhappy accidents happen on the truthful couple during the whole
story. But this story tells us not only joy but sorrow of love.
- The leading characters play well the destined lovers with rich
expression and frequent teardrops, which arouse us deep empathy.
- これは本当にハッピーエンドの物語だろうか。あまりにも逆境と不幸な事故が誠実な二人の上に全編を通じて起きる。この物語は、愛の喜びも哀しみも語ってくれる。
- 主役たちは、運命づけられた恋人たちを豊かな表現と多くの涙で演じており、深い感情移入を起こさせる。
![]() |
Winter's Sonatafrom KBS TV drama, "Winter's Sonata."
Kim Eun-Hee & Yoon Eun-Kyung (갸울연가 Keoul Yeonga) |
0407u/1813r |
Title |
"Winter's Sonata" |
冬のソナタ |
Subtitle |
from KBS TV drama, "Winter's Sonata." | 韓国KBS TVドラマ「冬のソナタ」から |
Author |
Kim Eun-Hee & Yoon Eun-Kyung | キム・ウニ&ユン・ウンギョン |
Published |
2002 |
2002年 |
Index |
Why? |
Summary |
要約 |
Key word |
>Top 0. Episode in this drama:
>Top Scene-1: Encounter
>Top Scene-2: Transient love
>Top Scene-3: Man of destiny
----- After ten years
-------- 10年後
>Top Scene-4: Unforgettable love
>Top Scene-5: Trap
>Top Scene-6: Oblivion
>Top Scene-7: Winter storm
>Top Scene-8: Suspicion
>Top Scene-9 : Wavering heart
>Top Scene-10: Resolution
>Top Scene-11: Falsehood
>Top Scene-12: Truth of a decade ago
>Top Scene-13: Recollections
>Top Scene-14: Second accident
![]() |
>Top Scene-15: Journey to the past
>Top Scene-16: Shadow of father
>Top Scene-17: Obstacles
>Top Scene-18: Irony of fate
>Top Scene-19: Father and a son
>Top Scene-20: End of winter
>Top ♪From beginning to now♪-Ryu*A: You won't return to my side. It's impossible
now. *C: Every time I want to smile, you let me cry. *D: I never know it is so hard to love someone. |
♪最初から今まで♪ - リュウ*A: もう戻ることはない。戻るはずもない "最後だよ"とそっとつぶやく。 |
♪My Memory♪ - Ryu
*It is not even in my dream that I thought we could meet again
like this. * |
♪My Memory♪ - リュウ My memory すべて憶えているよ。 You're far away 手の届かないところに *今でも信じられない あなたとこんな風に再び逢えるなんて たくさんの時が流れても どんなに遠く離れていても * |
♪Moment♪ - Ryu Don't cry, my Love. *Even without words, we know we will always belong to each other * I am sorry for being unable to protect you. |
♪Moment♪ - リュウ 言葉を交わさなくとも、お互いの心はわかっている |
♪Violet♪ - Ryu When I met you for the first time, When I saw you again, you looked very thin. |
♪スミレ♪ - リュウ 私に初めてあなたに逢ったとき、あなたは幼い少女で その髪にはスミレ |
Commen |