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Latin proverb says that ...

Latin - English -Japanese proverbs

Cat: LAN

Kanzo Kobayashi

up 0612


Latin proverb says that .....


Latin - English -Japanese proverbs ラテン語・英語・日本語の諺
  • What is the most attractiveness in learning Latin? I think that it is affluent aphorism and proverbs backed by the long history since the Roman Empire.
  • It is really useful and interesting to explore the old sayings and to take lessons and witness from the past.
  • In English Dictionary contains not a few corresponding Latin proverbs. I refered in particular: "Sanseido's Dictionary of English Proverbs (1976), Kenkyusha's New English-Japanese Dictionary (1966), and Anglo-American Law Dictionary (Yuhikaku, 1971), and others."
  • Thanks to Mr. Taro Yamashita, my master of Latin.
  • ラテン語を学ぶ魅力は何だろうか? 思うに、それはローマ帝国以来長い歴史に裏付けられた多くの金言や諺が沢山あることである。
  • 古い言葉を探索し、過去から教訓は機知を学ぶことは有益であり楽しいことである。温故知新である。
  • 英語の辞書には少なから対応するずラテン語の諺が載っている。特に、三省堂英語諺辞典 (1976) 、研究社新大英和辞典(1966)、英米法辞典 (有斐閣,1971) などを参照した。
  • ラテン語の師匠山下太郎氏に感謝

>Top A:

  1. Abeunt studia in mores.
  2. Absens haeres non erit.
  3. ab uno disce omnes
  4. ab urbe condita (AUC)
  5. a capite ad calcem
  6. Ad astra per aspera.
  7. Ad consilium ne accesseris antequam voceris.
  8. Ad cuius venial scit cattus lingere barbam.
  9. ad Karendas Graecas
  10. A la volonte de Dieu (F)
  11. Alea jacta est.
  12. Amantes amentes
  13. Amicitia sal vitae.
  14. Amicus curiae; Amor caecus
  15. Animis opibusque parati
  16. Annuit coeptis
  17. Anser, Apis, vitulus, populos et Regna gubernant.
  18. ante bellum
  19. ante mundane
  20. Aquila non capit muscas.
  21. Arbiter elegantiaum
  22. Arbores serit diligens agricola, quarum aspiciet baccam ipse nunquam.
  23. Arcades ambo
  24. a Rome comme a Rome (F)
  25. Ars longa, vita brevis.
  26. Ars neminem gravat.
  27. Assidua stilla saxum excavat.
  28. Audax et celer
  29. Audi alteram partem.
  30. Aurea mediocritas
  31. Aurora musis amica.
  32. aut mors aut vicotria
  33. Avarus, nisi cum moritur, nil recte facit.


  1. Studie become habits.
  2. Out of sight, out of mind.
  3. from one example judge of the rest.
  4. from the founding of the city
  5. from head to heel
  6. to the stars through difficulties
  7. Come not to the counsel uncalled.
  8. The cat knows whose lips she licks well enough.
  9. at the Greek calends
  10. At the will of God
  11. The die is cast.
  12. Love is blind.
  13. Friendship is the salt of life.
  14. a friend of the court
  15. prepared in mind and resorces
  16. He has favored our undertakings
  17. The calf, the goose, the bee; the world is ruled by these three.
  18. before the war
  19. before the world
  20. The eagle does not catch flies.
  21. a judge in matters of taste
  22. The diligent gardener plants trees, not one fruit of which he will ever see.
  23. both Arcadians
  24. Do in Rome as Rome does.
  25. Art is long, life is short.
  26. Cunning is no burden.
  27. Constant dropping will wear the stone.
  28. Bold and speedy
  29. Hear the other side.
  30. Golden mean (Horatius)
  31. Aurora is a friend to the Muses.
  32. Death or victory
  33. A covetous man does nothing good until he dies.


  1. 熱意は習慣に変わる
  2. 去る者日々に疎し
  3. 一事が万事
  4. ローマ建国以来 (BC753) :年号と共に
  5. 頭からつま先まで
  6. 苦難を通して星まで
  7. 頼まぬ経を読む
  8. 犬はその主を知る
  9. ギリシャ暦ついたちに; 永久に...しない
  10. 神の思し召し;insha Allah
  11. 賽は投げられた。
  12. 恋は盲目
  13. 友情は人生の塩である
  14. 法廷の友;公平な顧問
  15. 物心の用意のある
  16. 神は我らの企てに微笑み賜えり
  17. 鵞鳥、蜜蜂、子牛が民衆と王国とを支配する。(Goose=pen, Bee=seal, Calf=parchment)
  18. 戦前に
  19. 天地創造以前の
  20. 鷲は蝿を捕らえず
  21. 趣味の審判者、目利き
  22. 熱心な庭師は木を植える。その実がなるのを見るべからずとも
  23. 双方同じ趣味の
  24. 郷に入っては郷に従え
  25. 芸術は長し、人生は短し
  26. 知恵は荷物にならず
  27. 点滴石を穿つ
  28. 大胆かつ迅速に
  29. もう一方の言うことも聞け
  30. 黄金の中庸
  31. ミューズの友オーロラ
  32. 勝利かさもなくば死か
  33. 強欲者は死ぬまで善事をしない

>Top B:

  1. beati possidentes
  2. bellum omnium contra omnes.
  3. benedictus benedicat.
  4. bene vale vobis
  5. bis pueri senes
  6. bona fide
  7. bona vacantia


  1. Happy ae those who possess
  2. A war of all against all.
  3. May the blessed one (=God) bless!
  4. Good luck to you.
  5. Old men are children twice.
  6. in good faith
  7. Unclaimed goods


  1. 占有者は幸なり;占有は9分の勝ち
  2. 万人の万人に対する戦い(Hobbes)
  3. 神のご加護を
  4. 汝、健やかなれ
  5. 三つ子の魂百まで
  6. 善意で
  7. 無主物、所有者のない動産

>Top C:

  1. caeca invidia est.
  2. Caecus not judicat de colore. (Aristotle)
  3. Camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures perdidit.
  4. Canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet.
  5. caput mortuum
  6. Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.
  7. Catus amat pisces, sed non vult tangere.
  8. Cave tibi a cane muto et aqua silente.
  9. Cicada cicadae cara, formicae formica.
  10. Cogito, ergo sum. (Descartes)
  11. Consulenti nunquam caput doluit.
  12. Contraria inter se opposita magis elucescunt.
  13. Corruptio optimi pessima.
  14. Corruptio unius generatio.
  15. Crambe bis posita mors.
  16. Cras amet qui numquam amavit quique amavit cras amet.


  1. Envy is blind.
  2. A blind man can judge no colours.
  3. The camel going to seek horns lost his ears.
  4. Cowardly dogs bark much.
  5. dead head; a worthless man
  6. Pluck the day, trusting as little as possible tomorrow.
  7. The cat would eat fish but she will not wet her feet.
  8. Beware of a silent dog and still water.
  9. Like attracts like. (similia similibus)
  10. I think, therefore I am.
  11. The conforter's head never arches.
  12. Contraries being set the one against the other appear more evident.
  13. The correption of the best is worst.
  14. The corruption of one is the generatio of another.
  15. Cabbage twice cooked is death.
  16. One who never loved will love tomorrow, and one who loved will love tomorrow.


  1. 妬みは盲目
  2. 盲人は色を判定できず
  3. 欲こきゃ損する
  4. 痩せ馬の声嚇し
  5. 死んだ頭;無価値な人
  6. 明日は信用せず、その日の花を摘め
  7. 猫は魚を好むが、足を濡らすのは好まない (=労を厭う)
  8. 黙り者の屁は臭い。
  9. 蝉は蝉に、蟻は蟻に親しい;類は友を呼ぶ
  10. 我思う、故に我在り
  11. 人の痛いのは三年でも辛抱する。
  12. 反対物は対置されると更に目立つ (=馬鹿があって利口が引き立つ)
  13. 最良の腐敗は最悪
  14. 甲の腐敗は乙の生成
  15. 二度蒸し返したキャベツは死である (=二度蒸し返した陳腐な話)
  16. 愛したことなき人は明日愛するように、また愛した人も明日愛することを

>Top D:

  1. De gustibus non est disputandum
  2. Delenda est Carthago (Cato Major)
  3. Dignum patella operculum.
  4. Disce aut discede
  5. Docere est discere
  6. Duas tantus res anxius optat, panem et circenses. (Satires)
  7. Dum spiro, spero
  8. Dum vivimus vivamus


  1. There is no disputing about tastes.
  2. Carthago must be destroyed
  3. The cover is worthy of such a cup.
  4. Learn or leave
  5. To teach is to learn.
  6. bread and circuses
  7. while I breathe I hope.
  8. while we live, let us live. (Epicurus)


  1. 蓼食う虫も好き好き
  2. カルタゴは滅ぼさねばならない
  3. 割れ鍋に綴じ蓋
  4. 学べ、しからずんば去れ
  5. 人々はパンと円形競技場を求める
  6. 息ある限り、希望を抱く
  7. 生きている間は希望を抱く

>Top E:

  1. Emere malo quam rogare.
  2. Errare humanum est.


  1. Better to buy than to beg.
  2. To err is human.


  1. 買うは乞うに勝る
  2. 過ちを犯すことは人間的である

>Top F:

  1. fallitur visus
  2. festina lente (Suetonius)
  3. Fiat lux
  4. fides Punica
  5. flamma fumo est proxima
  6. Flos unus non facit hortum.
  7. Fluctuat nec mergitur.
  8. fortuna favet fortibus.
  9. furiosus furore suo punitur.


  1. Appearance oft deceives.
  2. Make haste slowly.
  3. Let there be light.
  4. Punic faith
  5. There is no smoke without fire.
  6. One flower does not make a garden.
  7. It may fluctuate, but it does not sink.
  8. Fortune favors the brave.
  9. Anger punishes itself.


  1. 外見は欺く
  2. 急がば回れ
  3. 光あれ
  4. カルタゴ人の信義;背信
  5. 火のない所に煙は立たない
  6. 一輪の花では庭は作れない
  7. 船(Paris)、たゆたえども沈まず
  8. 運命は勇者に味方する
  9. 激怒する人と自分の激怒によって罰せられる。

>Top G:

  1. Gallus in suo sterquilinio plurimum potest.
  2. Gutta cavat lapidem


  1. A cock is bold on his own dunghill.
  2. A water drop hollows a stone.


  1. おんどりは自分の糞の山では大胆 (=内弁慶は誰でもできる)
  2. 水滴石をも穿つ

>Top H:

  1. honor vitutis pretium.


  1. Honor is the reward of virtue


  1. 名誉は美徳の報酬

>Top I :

  1. idus Martiae
  2. Igne semel tactus timet ignem postmodo cattus.
  3. Impletus venter non vult studere libenter.
  4. In varietate concordia.
  5. Invidiosum esse praestat quam miserabilem.
  6. ira furor brevis est.

I :

  1. the ides of March
  2. A burnt child dreads the fire.
  3. A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.
  4. United in diversity (EU motto)
  5. Better to be envied than pities.
  6. Anger is short madness.

I ::

  1. 3月15日 (カエサル暗殺日)
  2. 羮に懲りて膾を吹く
  3. 大食腹に満つれば学問腹に入らず
  4. 多様性における統一; 和して同ぜず
  5. 哀れまれんよりむしろねたまれよ
  6. 短気は損気
>Top J:
  1. Jucunda vicissitudo rerum.


  1. Change is sweet.


  1. 変化は楽しい

>Top K:



>Top L:

  1. laborare est orare
  2. Levis est fortuna id cito reposcit quod dedit.
  3. lupus in fabula


  1. To work is to pray. (Benedictus)
  2. Luck is ficke. It asks back for what has given.
  3. Talk of the devil, and he will appear.


  1. 労働は祈りなり
  2. 運命の女神は軽薄である。与えたものをすぐ返すよう求めるから。
  3. 噂をすれば影

>Top M:

  1. Mari aquam addere
  2. Meden agan
  3. Manus manum lavat. (Seneca)
  4. Memento mori
  5. Mendici pera nunquam impletur.
  6. Mens sana in corpore sano.
  7. Mors certa, hora incerta.


  1. cast water into the sea
  2. Greek
  3. One hand watches the other
  4. Remeber you must die.
  5. A begger's purse is botomless.
  6. A sound mind in a sound body.
  7. Nothing more uncertan than the hour of death.


  1. 川に水運ぶ (=無駄なことをする)
  2. 何事も過ぎることなく (アポロン神殿の碑)
  3. 手は手を洗う (=相互扶助)
  4. 死ぬことを忘れるな
  5. 乞食の財布は底なし
  6. 健全な精神は健全な肉体に宿る
  7. 死は確実、時は不確実

>Top N:

  1. Nihil agendo male agere discimus.
  2. Non omne quod nitet aurum est.
  3. Non tam ovum ovo simile.
  4. Nusquam est qui ubique est.


  1. By doing nothing we learn to do ill.
  2. All that glitters is not gold.
  3. as like as one egg to another.
  4. Everywhere is nowhere.


  1. 小人閑居して不善を為す
  2. 輝くもの皆金ならず
  3. 瓜二つ
  4. どこにでもいる人はどこにもいない

>Top O:

  1. Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit.
  2. Odi et amo.
  3. Omnia mea mecum porto.
  4. Omnia vincit amor
  5. Omne nimium verititur in vitium.
  6. Otia dant vitia.
  7. Ovo prognatus eodem.


  1. As truth gets hatred so flattery wins love.
  2. I hate and I love.
  3. All his wardrobe is on his back.
  4. Love conquers all.
  5. the parent of all vice.
  6. come ot the same egg.


  1. へつらいは友を作り、真理は憎しみを生む
  2. われ憎みかつ愛す
  3. 着たきり雀
  4. 愛は全てに勝つ
  5. 過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし
  6. 無為は悪徳を生じる
  7. 小人閑居して不善を為す
  8. 同じ親の子 (同窓生)

>Top P:

  1. Pactio tollit legem.
  2. Pares vetere proverbio cum paribus facillime congregantur. (Cicero)
  3. Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus
  4. Partus sequitur ventrem.
  5. Pecuniae obediunt omia.
  6. Per ardua ad astra
  7. Post bellum auxilium.
  8. Plus valet in manibus avis unica fronde duabus.
  9. Praestat semel malum quam semper incommodum.


  1. Condition makes and conditon breaks.
  2. Birds of a feather flock together.
  3. Much cry and little wool.
  4. The child followeth the womb.
  5. All things are obedient to money.
  6. Through adversity to the stars.
  7. After death the doctor.
    Apres le mort le medicin. (F)
  8. Better a bird in hand than a vulture flying.
  9. Better once a mischief than always an inconvenience.


  1. 協定が法律を無効にする
  2. 類は友を呼ぶ
  3. 大山鳴動して鼠一匹
  4. 子供(出生)は子宮に従う
  5. 地獄の沙汰も金次第
  6. 困難を超えて栄光へ
  7. 戦いの後に援助
  8. 手中の一羽の方が森の二羽より価値がある;
  9. 不断の不便より一度の災害のほうがよい

>Top Q:

  1. Quieta non movere
  2. Quo melius, eo pejus (Diogenes)
  3. Quo vadis, Domine?
  4. Quod invitus facis, non est scelus.
  5. Quot homines tot sententiae


  1. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  2. The better the worse.
  3. Where are you going, Lord?
  4. Compelled sins are no sins.
  5. So many men, so many minds.


  1. 触らぬ神に祟りなし
  2. 上手であるほど一層悪い
  3. 主よ、いづこに行かれるのか
  4. 強制された罪は罪でない
  5. 十人十色

>Top R:

  1. Reduction ad absurdum
  2. RIP=Requiesca(n)t in pace
  3. Rubor est virtutis color.


  1. Reducrtion to absurdity
  2. Rest in peace
  3. Blushing is virtue's colour.


  1. 背理法
  2. 安らかに眠れ
  3. 赤面は道徳の色

>Top S:

  1. Scribere scribendo, dicendo dicere discunt.
  2. Simia in purpura.
  3. Sustine et abstine.


  1. By writing you learn to write.
  2. as fine as an ape in purple
  3. Bear and forbear


  1. 猟は鳥が教える
  2. 紫衣を着た猿のよう
  3. 耐えよ、そして (快楽を)控えよ

>Top T:

  1. Tempus fugit
  2. timidus Plutus.
  3. Tussis pro crepitu


  1. Time flies like an arrow.
  2. as fearful as Plutus
  3. Cloak a fart with a cough.


  1. 光陰矢の如し
  2. 臆病な (富の神)プルータス; 
  3. 屁を咳きで覆い隠せ

>Top U:

  1. uno saltu duos apros capere
  2. ut seres, metes.


  1. Kill two birds with one stone.


  1. 一石二鳥
  2. 善因善果、因果応報

>Top V:

  1. Varietas delectat
  2. Veritas vincit
  3. Vilis saepe cadus nobile nectar habet.
  4. Vive hodie
  5. Vivere est cogitare (Cicero)
  6. veni, vidi, vici
  7. venter non habet aures.
  8. Verecundia inutilis viro egenti
  9. Vox Populi, vox Dei


  1. Variety delights.
  2. Truth prevails
  3. The best wine comes out of an old vessel.
  4. Live today
  5. To live is to think.
  6. I came, I saw, I conquered (Julius Caesar)
  7. The belly has no ears.
  8. Bashfulness is the enemy to poverty.
  9. The voice of the people, the voice of God.


  1. 多様性は喜ばせる
  2. 真理は勝利する
  3. 外ぼろの内錦
  4. 今日生きよ
  5. 聞きることは考えること
  6. 来た、見た、勝った
  7. 理詰めより重詰め
  8. 羞恥心は貧乏人には無用
  9. 天声人語

>Top X:



>Top Y:

  1. vestis virum facit.


  1. Apparel makes the man.


  1. 馬子にも衣装

>Top Z:



  • Latin language is the stream of Wester culture: religion, literature, language, philosophy, science and people's mindset ...
  • Proberbial phrases are the compressed messages which have been forged and inherited by people through long history.
  • ラテン語は西欧文化の源流である。宗教、文学、言語、哲学、科学、そして人々の発想までも
  • 諺的な表現は圧縮されたメッセージである。それは、人々によって長い間の歴史を通じて鍛えられ伝承されてきたのだ。

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