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Ideographic characters in English words

- 英単語の中の表意文字 -

・Pub: 2009

Kanzo Kobayashi

Up 09923

Key Latin
  • <A> ac-鋭rui4, aev-年nian2, ag-動dong4, agon-苦ku3, agr-農nong2, alt-高gao1, alb-白bai3, ali-異yi2, am-愛ai4, ambul-巡xun2, anim-魂hun2, ann-年nian2, anthorop-人ren2, ap-適shi4, aqu-水shui3, arch-治zhi4, astrer-星xing1, audi-聞wen2, aug-増zeng1
  • <B> bat-打da3, bel-戦zhan3, bi-命ming4, bi-二er4, bib-飲yin3, bon-良liang2, brev-簡jiang3, bulli-沸fei4
  • <C> cad-落luo4, cis-切qie1, cal-熱re4, cal-呼hu1, cand-耀yao4, cant-歌ge1, cap-捕bu3, capi-t頭tou2, carn-肉rou4, car-車che1, cau-警jing3, caus-因yin1, cav-凹ao1, ced-歩bu4, cel-蔵cang2, celer-速su4, cel-頂ding3, center-中zhong1, ce-确que4, chro-色se4, chron-時shi2, ci-動dong4, circ-円yuan2, civ--公gong1, clam-呼hu1, clar-明ming, claud-閉bi4, cli-傾qing1, cult-耕geng1, cord-心xin1, corpo-身shen1, cred-信xin4, cre-育yu4, cruc-十shi2, culp-罪zui4, cub-抱bao4, cumul-積ji1, cup-欲yu4, cur-保bao3, cur-合he2, cuss-打da2
  • <D> da-与yu3, deb-負fu4, dec-礼li3, dem-民min2, dent-歯chi3, di-日ri4, dic-言yan2, dign-威wei1, doc-教jiao1, do-l痛tong4, dorm-家jia1, don-与yu3,dorm-睡shui4, du-二er4, duc-導dao3, dur-堅jian1,
  • <E> edi-建jian4, emp-取qu3, equ-等deng3, erg-活huo2, err-浪lang4
  • <F> fa-話hua4, fabr-造zao4, fac-作zuo4, fall-騙pian4, fasc-束shu4, fav-熱re4, fend-打da3, fer-運yun4,ferv-沸fei4, fess-言xin4, fid-信xin4, fix-固gu4, fil-繊xian1, fili-子zi3, fin-限xian4, fig-塑su4, firm-堅jiang1, fla-膨peng2, flag-燃ran2, flec-曲qu1, flig-撞zhuang4, flor-花hua1, flu-流liu2, foli-葉ye4, fort-力li4, fortu-運yun4, frag-砕sui4, fren-縄sheng2, frig-凉liang2, fron-t頭tou2, frug-果guo3, fug-逃tao, fund-基ji1, fud-散san4, fung-効gong1
  • <G> gam-結婚hun1, gen(er)-族zu2, ger-運yun4, glo(b)-球qiu2, glutin-粘nian2, (g)na-生sheng1, (g)no-知zhi1, grad-走zou3, graph-書xie3, grati-謝xie4, grav-重zhong4, greg-群qun2, gru-和he2
  • <H> hab-習xi2, her-執zhi2, herb-草cao3, her(ed)-継ji4, hod-道dao4, hor(r)-恐kong3, hort-推tui1, hospit-歓kuang3, host-客ke4, hum-地di4, hydr-水shui3
  • <I> i-去qu4, im-像xiang4, insul-島dao3
  • <J> jac-投tou2, jac-横heng2, judic-裁cai2, jun(n)g-結jie2, jur-正zheng4, ju(ve)n-少shao4
  • <K> kybem-治zhi4
  • <L> lab-落luo4, labor-労lao2, lac-歓huan1, laed-撞zhang4, lat-運yun4, lat(ter)-横heng2, lau-洗xi3, lax-緩huan3, leg-1集ji2, ,leg-2法fa3, leg-3派pai4, lev-軽qing1, liber-自zi4, libr-重zhong4, lic-許xu3, lig-結jie2, limin-口kou3, limit-l限xian4, line-綫xian4, ingu-舌she2, li(n)qu-遺yi2, liqu-液ye4, lith-石shi2, liv-褪tui4, loc-場chang3, log-論liun4, loqu-説shuo1, luc-光guang1, luct-奮fen4, lud-游you2, ly析xi1
  • <M> mag(n)-大da4, man-1留liu2, man-2狂kuang2, mand-,命ming4, man(u)-手shou3, matur-熟shu2 , med-医yi1, medi-間jian1, melior-善shan4, mem-記ji4, mend-修xiu1, mens-測ce4, ment-心xin1, merc-商shang1, merg-移yi2, min-1小xiao3, min-2突tu1, min-3威wei1, mir-驚jing1, mis-嫌xian2, misc-雑za2, mit(t)-送song4, mod-節jie2, mol-量liang4, moll-軟ruan3, mon-監jian1,
    monstr-展zhan3, mont- 山shan1, mor-遅chi2, mor-死si3, mord-咬yao3, mo(u)-動dong4, mult-多duo1, mun-共gong4, mut-変bian4
  • <N> nau-船chuan2, nec-結jie2, neg-否bu4, nerv-腱jian4, nigr-黒hei1, noc-害hai4, noct-夜ye4, nom-法fa3, nomin-名ming2, norm-標biao1, not-記ji4, nov-新xin1, nud-luo3, null-無mu2, numer-数shu4, nunti-告gao4, nutri-養yang3
  • <O> ocul-眼yan3, odi-嫌xian2, omin-兆zhao4, oner-重zhong4, onym-語ci2, op-視shi4, oper-lao2, opt-選xuan3, or-祈qi2, ordin-序xu4, ori-源yuan2, orn-飾shi4, os-口kou3, oti-閑xian2
  • <P> pand-拡kuo4, pa(n)g-固gu4, par-1等deng3, par-2備bei4, par-3現xian4, part-部bu4, pat(e)r-父fu4, path-感gang3, pati-忍ren3, ped-脚jiao3, pejor-減jian3, pel(l)-駆qu1, pend-衡heng2, pet-求qiu2, pha(n)-現xian4phon-音yin1, pil-積ji1, pi(n)g-色se4, plac-歓huan1, pla(n)-面mian4, pla(n)g-嘆tan4, plaud掌zang3, plec-曲qu1, ple(n)-満man3, plor-哀ai1, pod- 脚jiao3, poli- 城cheng2, pon-放fang4, pond(er)-重zhong4, port-運yun4, post-後hou4, pot-力li4, prec-祈qi2, prehend-捉zhuo1, press-圧ya1, preti-値zhi2, prim-主zhu3, pris-成cheng2, priv-私shi1, prob-証zheng4, prol-産chan3k, prop-近いjin4, pud-羞xiu1, pugn-拳quan2, pun-罰fa2, pung-針zhen1, put-計ji4
  • <Q> quer-求qiu4, quie-静jing4
  • <R> ra-数shu3, rad-擦ca1, radi-放fang4, radic-根gen1, rap-捕bu3, reg-正zheng4, rid-笑xiao4, riv-河he2, robor堅jiang1, rod-食shi2, rog-尋xun2, rot-円yuan2, rudi-粗cu1, ru(m)p-砕sui4
  • <S> sac(e)r-神shen2, sal(i)-跳tiao4, salu-救jiu4, san-健jian4, sanct-仙xian1, sap味wei4, sat-満man3, scal-梯ti1, scand-登deng1, scept-標biao1, sci-知zhi1, sci(n)d-切qie1, scrib-写xie3, sec-刻ke4, sed坐zuo4 semin-種zhong3, sen-老lao3, sent-感gan3, sequ-追zhui1, ser-接jie1, serv-1保bao3, serv-2服fu2, sider-占zhang1, sign-標biao1, simil-似si4, sinu-凹ao1, sist-立li4, soci-伴ban4, sol-1孤gu1, sol-2慰wei4, sol-3慣guan4, sol-4陽yang2, solid-固shui4, solu-溶rong2, somn-睡shui4, son-音yin1sorb-吸xi1, spars播bo1, spec-観guan1, sper-望wang4, spir息xi1, spond応ying4, sta立li4, staur-回hui2, stel使shi3, stell-星xing1, stern伏fu2, still-滴di1, sti(n)g-刺ci4,stingu消mie4, stri(n)g束shu4, stru-積ji1, stup-呆dai1, suad-説shuo1, sue-慣guan4,sum-取qu3, summ-頂ding3, super-超chao1, surg-復fu4,
  • <T> tac-黙mo4, tag-列lie4, tali-刻ke4, ta(n)g-触chu4, teg蓋gai4, tem-区qu1, temper-気qi4, tempor-時shi2, tempt-試shi4, ten-持chi2, tend-張zhan3, tenu-薄bao2, terg-洗xi3, terior-更geng4, termin-界jie4, ter(r)-畏wei4, terr-地di4, test-証zheng4, tex-織zhi1, the-1神hen2, the-2置zhi4, ting-染ran3, tol-忍ren3, tom- 断duan4, ton-調diao4, torqu-捻nian3, torr-焦jiao1, trah-拉la1, trem-震zhen4, trepid-担dan1, tri-磨mo2, trib-族zu2, tric-糾jiu1, trud-貫guan4, trunct-縮suo1, tu-看kan4, tum-膨peng2, turb-乱luan4
  • <U> ul-終zhong1, um-湿shi1, umbr-影ying3, un-一yi1, und-流liu2, urb-市shi4, ut-用yong4
  • <V> vac-空kong1, vad-走zou3, vag-浪lang4,val-健jian4, van-虚xu1, vari-変bian4, vast-粗cu1, veh-運yun4, vel-遮zhe1, ven-来lai2, ven(d)-売mai4, vent-風feng1, ver-真zhen1, verg-曲qu1, vert-転zhuan3, vest-服fu2, veter-旧jiu4, vi-1道dao4, vi-2力li4, vic-代dai4, vid-見jian4, vi(n)c-破po4, vindic-報bao4, vir-男nan2, viti-悪e4, vi(v)-活huo2, voc-声sheng1, vol-1飛fei1, vol-2欲yu4, volu-旋xuan2, vor-咽yan4, vov-献xian4, vulg-衆zhong4
  • It is said that English is composed of photographic characters, but there is ideographic parts in each spelling. It looks like a genetic information mostly derived from Latin or Greek origin, which is also like Kanji ideographic character.
  • It is worth to notice such ideographic part, or root of word contained in English vocabulary.
  • References:
    • The Kenkyusha Dictionary of English Etymology
    • The Kodansha English-Japanese Dictionary
    • Casssell's Latin Dictionary
    • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
    • Shogakkan Chinese-Japanese Dictionary
  • 英語は表音文字からなると言われるが、各綴りの中には表意文字の部分が含まれている。それはほとんどラテン語やギリシャ語由来の遺伝子情報のように見える。また漢字の表意文字ようなものである。
  • 英単語に含まれるこの表意文字、すなわち語根の部分に着目することが意味がある。
  • 参考文献:
    • 研究社英語語源辞典
    • 講談社英和辞典
    • Casssell's Latin Dictionary
    • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
    • 小学館中日辞典
Root of word
Latin / Greek

>Top <A>:

  1. ac-
  2. aev-; ev-
  3. ag-, og-, ig-
    過分 act-
  4. agon-
  5. agr-
  6. al-; ol-, alt-,
    過分 ult-
  7. alb-
  8. ali-, alter-, altr-; ulter-, ultr-
  9. am-; im-
  10. ambul-
  11. anim-
  12. ann-; enn-
  13. anthrop-
  14. ap-; ep-
    過分 apt-; ept-
  15. aqu-
  16. arch-
  17. aster-; astr-
  18. audi-;
    過分 audit-
  19. aug-; auct-,
    過分 aux-


  1. acus = needle;
    ake (Gk) = point
  2. aevum = age;
    per aevom
  3. agere = to do
  4. agon = contest;
    agonia (Gk) = stuggle for victory
  5. agros (Gk) = field;
    ager = land, field;
  6. altus = high
  7. albus = white
  8. alius = another
  9. amare = to love;
    amicus = friend
  10. ambulare = walk
  11. animus = mind
  12. annus = year
  13. anthropos (Gk) = man
  14. aptitudo = fitness
  15. aqua = water
  16. arkhes (Gk) = leader;
  17. aster (Gk) = star;
  18. audire = to hear
  19. augere = increase


  1. acerbity, acetic, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acumen,
    acute, exacerbate, acutifoliate
  2. coaeval, longevity, medieval
  3. act, agenda, agent, agile, agitate, ambiguous,
    coagulate; cogent, cogitate; examin, exigent, exigible, intransigent, transact
  4. agony, antagonist, antagonize, protagonist
  5. agrarian, agriculture, agronomy
    • acre, acreage
  6. abolish, adolescent, adult, aliment, altar, altitude, alto, alumnus, coalesce, coalition, exalt, obsolete
  7. alb, albescent, albino, album
  8. alibi, alien, alienness, alienate
    • allergy, allophone
    • alter, alternate, altruism, altruistic
  9. amateur, amiable, amicable, amity, amorous, enamor, enemy, enmity
  10. ambulant, noctambulate, perambulate, preamble, somnambulate
  11. animadvert, animal, animate, animosity, animus, equanimity, exanimate, magnanimous, unanimous
  12. annal, anniversary, annual, biennial, perennial, superannuate
  13. anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy
  14. adapt, adaptation, adept, apt, aptitude
  15. aquarium, aquatic, aqueduct, aqueous
  16. anarchy, monarchy, oligarch, polyarch
  17. aster, astronaut, astronomy, disaster, amphiaster
  18. audible, audience, audition, auditorium, obedient
  19. augend, auction, augment, auxiliary


  1. 鋭rui4:辛辣、酸、苦い、刺激性、洞察力、急性、激化、鋭先形葉
  2. 年代nian2:同年代、長寿、中世
  3. 押・動dong4・駆・導;凝固する、説得力、熟慮、法外、強要、頑固、
  4. 苦ku3・戦:反対者、中和、主役
  5. 農nong2:土地利用、農学
    • 地積
  6. 育・高gao1:思春、扶養、合体、賛美、
  7. 白bai2:祭服、白っぽい、白子
  8. 異yi4:異邦人、疎遠
    • 異音
    • 愛他主義、×egoistic
  9. 愛ai4:友好、好色、魅惑、憎悪
  10. 徘徊:夢遊、巡回xun2、前文、
  11. 魂hun2・生気:叱責、敵意、沈着、生気のない、寛大
  12. 年nian2:年報、隔年、多年、老朽
  13. 人ren2:厭世、博愛
  14. 付着:達人、適切shi4、適性
  15. 水shui3:水生、水路、水性
  16. 統治zhi4:寡頭、多頭
  17. 星xing1:キク科アスター、悪運、双星
  18. 聞wen2:可聴、講堂
  19. 増zeng1:被加算数、増加、補助

>Top <B>:

  1. bat-; batt-
  2. bel-; bell-
  3. bi- 1
  4. bi- 2
  5. bib-
  6. bon-
  7. brev-
  8. bulli-


  1. battuere = to strike
  2. bellum = war
  3. bios (Gk) = life
  4. bis = twice
  5. bibere = drink
  6. bonum = good thing;
    bona fide = in good faith
  7. brevis = short
  8. bullire = boil


  1. abate, batter, battle, combat, debate, rebate
  2. bellicose, belligerent, rebel, rebellious
  3. amphibious, biography, biology, microbe
  4. bilateral, biscuit, combine
  5. beverage, imbibe, imbue
  6. bonus, boon, bounty
  7. abbreviate, abridge, brevity, brief
  8. boil, ebullient


  1. 打da3・戦:衰退、強打、
  2. 戦争zhan4:好戦、交戦中、反逆
  3. 生命ming4:
  4. 二er4:二度焼き
  5. 飲yin3:飲み干す、染み込ませる
  6. 良liang2:恩恵、報償
  7. 短:簡潔jian3 brevity of life
  8. 沸fei4・玉:ほとばしる

>Top <C>:

  1. cad-, cid-
    過分 cas-
  2. caed-, cid- 過分 cis-
  3. cal-1
  4. cal-2; cil-
  5. cand-; cend-
    過分 cens-
  6. cant-; cent-
  7. cap-, cup-, cip-
    過分 capt-, cept-
  8. capit-
  9. carn-
  10. car-, carr-
  11. cau-
  12. caus-; cus-
  13. cav-
  14. ced-;
    過分 cess-
  15. cel-;
    過分 cult-
  16. celer-
  17. cel-, cell-, cul-
  18. center-, centr-
  19. cer-, cern-, cri-, cert-,
    過分 cret-
  20. chrom-
  21. chron-
  22. ci- ;
    過分 cit-
  23. circ-
  24. civ-
  25. clam-;
    過分 clamat-
  26. clar-
  27. claud-; clud- claus-,
    過分 clus-
  28. cli-, clin-
  29. col-;
    過分 cult-
  30. cord-
  31. corpo-
  32. crat-
  33. cred-;
    過分 credit-
  34. cre- cresc, cret-,
    過分 crut-
  35. cri-
  36. cruc-, cruci-
  37. culp-
  38. cub-, cumb-
  39. cumul-
  40. cup-
  41. cur-
  42. cur-, curr
    過分 curs-
  43. cut-
    過分 cuss-


  1. cadere = to fall
  2. caedere = to cut
  3. calor = heat
  4. calare = to call
  5. candere = to shine;
  6. canere = to sing
  7. capere = to take
  8. caput = head
  9. caro =flesh
  10. carrus = wain;
    karros (Celt);
    carr (Welsh)
  11. cautio = caution
  12. causa = cause
  13. cavus = hollow
  14. accedere = to approach
  15. celare = to conceal
  16. celeritas = swiftness
  17. culmen = top
  18. centrum = centre
  19. certus = certain
  20. khroma (Gk) = color
  21. khronos (Gk) = time
  22. citare = 教会裁判所に呼び出す < ciere = to move
  23. circus = circle
  24. civis = citizen
  25. clamare = to call out
  26. clarus = clear
  27. claudere = to shut
  28. clinatus = inclined
  29. colere <cult = to cultivate
  30. cord <kardia, Gk = heart
  31. corpus = body
  32. kratos (Gk) = power
  33. credo = to trust
  34. crescere = to grow
  35. krisis (Gk) ~ to decide
  36. crux = cross
  37. culpa = fault, blame
  38. incubo = to lie on, lie over
  39. cumulus = heap, pile
  40. cupere = eager
  41. curo = to care for
  42. currere = to run
  43. concutere = to strike


  1. accident, cadence, caducity, case, casual, chance, decadent, decay, incident, occasion, occident
  2. circumcise, concise, decide, excise, genocide, homicide, incision, precise, suicide
  3. calefacient, calefaction, calorie, nonchalant
  4. conciliate, council, reconcile
  5. candescent, candid, candidate, candle, incandescent, incendiary, incense
  6. accent, chant, enchant, incantation
  7. accept, anticipate, capable, capacious, capacity, captivate, capture, conceive, deceive, except, inceptive, incipient, intercept, occupation, occupy, participate, perceive, perceptive, percipient, receive, recipient, recover, recuperate, susceptible
  8. achieve, capital, capitulate, chapter, chief, decapitate, handkerchief, mischief, occipito
  9. carnage, carnal, carnation, carnival, carnivorous, incarnation
  10. car, cargo, caricature, carry, charge
  11. caution, cautious, precaution
  12. accuse, because, causation, cause, excuse
  13. cave, cavity, concave, excavate
  14. accede, access, antecedent, cease, concede, concession, decease, exceed, excess, incessant, intercede, precede, proceed, process, procession, recede, recess, retrocede, secede, succeed
  15. cell, conceal, occult, occultism
  16. accelerate, celerity, decelerate
  17. culminate, excel, excellent
  18. center, central, concentrate, eccentric
  19. certain, certitude, concern, crime, decree, discern, discreet, discrete, discretion, discriminate, secret
  20. achromatic, monochrome, panchromatic
  21. chronicle, chronology, chronometer, synchronize
  22. cite, excite, incite, recite, resuscitate, solicit
  23. circle, circumambient, circumference, circumstance, research, search
  24. citizen, city, civil, civilize, civilization
  25. acclaim, acclamation, claim, clamor, declaim, disclaim, exclaim, exclamation, proclaim, proclamation, reclaim, reclamation
  26. clarify, clarity, clear, declaration, declare
  27. clause, close, conclude, conclusion, enclose, exclude, exclusive, occlude, occlusion, preclude, recluse, seclude
  28. clinic, decline, declivity, inclination, incline, recline
  29. agriculture, colony, cult, cultivate, culture
  30. accord, concord, cordial, discord, record, cardiology, cardiosurgery
  31. corporal, corporation, corporeal, incorporate
  32. aristocrat, democrat, plutocracy, theocracy
  33. accredit, credit, credo, credulous, creed, incredible
  34. accretion, accrue, concrete, crescent, crew, decrease, increase, recruit, syncretize, syncretism
  35. crisis, criterion, critical
  36. cross, crucial, crucify, cruise, crusade, crux
  37. culpable, culprit, inculpate
  38. concubine, incubate, incubus, incumbent, succubus, succumb
  39. accumulate, cumulate, cumulus
  40. concupiscent, covet, Cupid, cupidity
  41. accurate, cure, manicure, procure, secure, sinecure
  42. concur, concourse, course, current, curriculum, cursive, cursory, discourse, discursive, excursion incur, incursion, occur, precursor, recur, succour
  43. concuss, discuss, electrocute, percussion repercussion


  1. 落ちるluo4:拍子、もろさ、退廃、日没=西
  2. 切qie1・倒・殺:割礼、切除、切開
  3. 熱re4:温感剤、無頓着
  4. 呼ぶ hu1:調停、和解
  5. 耀yao4:白熱、率直、熱烈、発火・扇動、芳香
  6. 歌うge1:魅了、呪文
  7. 捕えるbu3・容れる:回復、魅了、初期、明敏、回復、余地がある
  8. 頭tou2・頂:降伏、首切、腕白、後頭
  9. 肉rou4:大虐殺、肉欲、カーネーション<肉色、肉食の中止、托身(受肉)
  10. 車che1:ゆがんだ←重荷を負わされた
  11. 用心:警戒jing3、予防措置
  12. 原因yin1・訴訟:告発、因果
  13. 凹みao1:空洞、凹面、くり抜く
  14. 歩むbu4、歩み去る:同意、先例、譲歩、死亡、絶え間のない、仲裁、先行、後退、離脱、
  15. 隠す・蔵cang2:細胞、隠匿、オカルト、神秘主義
  16. 速su4い:加速、機敏、減速
  17. 聳える:南中、絶頂ding3、勝る
  18. 中心zhong1:離心→奇矯
  19. 判定・確定・确que4:信仰の確信、命令、判別、慎重、離散、裁量、差別
  20. 色se4:無色、全整色
  21. 時間shi2:歴史、年表、年代記、経度測定用精密時計
  22. 動かすdong4:引用、動かす>刺激、扇動、呼び寄せる→暗唱、蘇生、勧誘
  23. 円yuan2:取り巻く、円周、周辺、
  24. 市民・公民gong1:
  25. 叫ぶ・呼ぶhu1:賞賛、怒号、熱弁、拒絶、宣告、布告、更正、再利用
  26. 明るいming2:透明、宣言する
  27. 閉じるbi4:遮断、閉塞、妨げる、遁世、隠遁
  28. 傾くqing1:下り坂 ×acclivity、性向、傾斜、
  29. 耕すgeng1・崇拝:
  30. 心xin1:適合、一致、強心、不調和、思い出す>記録
  31. 身体shen1:身体上の、形而下の、具体化>法人化
  32. 権力quan2:貴族、金権政治、神権政治
  33. 信ずるxin4:帰する、使徒信経、軽信的、教義
  34. 育つyu4:成長、生じる、共に成長→具体化、増加する←三日月、増援→一団、連合・合作、混合主義・文化的重層構造・諸教混淆
  35. 切る・分けるfen1:規範、危機
  36. 十字架shi2:虐待、航海、十字軍、核心
  37. 罪zui4:不埒、犯人・刑事被告人、有罪とする
  38. 伏す:側室、抱卵bao4、悪夢、悪霊
  39. 堆積ji1:累加、山積・積雲
  40. 欲するyu4:強欲、切望、貪欲>libido
  41. 配慮・保護bao3:正確、矯正、心配のない、調達、閑職
  42. 合流he2:同意、大通路、行為の課程、筆記体、通り一遍、談話、推論、脱線、陥る、侵害、前兆、循環、援軍
  43. 打撃da2:衝撃、感電死、振動、波紋

>Top <D>:

  1. da-, di-, dat-,
    過分 dit-
  2. damn-, demn-
  3. deb-,
    過分 debit-
  4. dec-
  5. dem-
  6. dent-
  7. di-, diurn-
  8. dic-,
    過分 dict-
  9. dign-
  10. doc-,
    過分 doct-
  11. dol-
  12. dom-
  13. don-
  14. dorm-,
    過分 dormit-
  15. du-
  16. duc-,
    過分 duct-
  17. dur-


  1. dare = to give;
    data Romae
  2. damnum = damage
  3. debitum = debit
  4. decorum = decency
  5. demos (Gk) = people
  6. dens = tooth
  7. dies = day
    diurnus = daily
  8. dicere = to say
  9. dignus = worthy
  10. docere = to teach, to instruct
  11. dolere = suffer pain
  12. domus = house; domus Dei
  13. donare = to give
  14. dormire = to sleep
  15. duo = two; duplus = twice
  16. ducere = to draw
  17. durus = hard; durabilis = durable


  1. abscond, condition, data, date, dative, edit, perdition, recondite, tradition, traitor
  2. damage, damn, condemn, indemnify
  3. debit, debt, due, duty, indebt
  4. decent, decorate, decorous, decorum
  5. democracy, endemic, epidemic
  6. dental, dentist, edentate, indent, trident
  7. adjourn, dial, diary, diurnal, journal, journey, meridian
  8. abdicate addict, benediction, contradict, dedicate, dictate, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, index, indicate interdict, jurisdiction, malediction, predicate, prediction, valediction, verdict
  9. dignity, design, dignify, disdain, indignant
  10. docile, doctor, doctrine, document, indoctrinate
  11. condole, doleful, dolorous, indolent
  12. daunt, domain, domestic, domicile, dominate, dominion
  13. condone, donate, pardon
  14. dormant, dormitory
  15. double, doubt, dual, dubious, duel, duplicate
  16. abduct, conduce, conduct, conduit, deduce, deduction, educate, educe, induce, produce, reduce, seduce, subdue
  17. durable, duration, during, endure, obdurate


  1. 与えるyu3:持ち逃げ、魂の喪失←地獄へ、難解、戒め、売り渡す→裏切り
  2. 害hai4:糾弾、補填する
  3. 負うfu4:負債がある
  4. 上品:礼儀正しさli3
  5. 民衆min2:風土病、流行性・伝染性
  6. 歯chi3:歯のない、刻み目、三叉
  7. 日ri4:延期、日時計→ダイヤル、日周、日記、一日の仕事→旅行、子午線
  8. 言うyan2・示す:宣言して退位、委ねる>ふける、祝福、反駁、献呈、修辞的な話し方、格言、布告、指し示す>索引、禁止命令、管轄権、呪い、公に宣言する、告別の辞、評決
  9. 威厳wei1:荘重、表示→デザイン、威厳をつける、蔑視、価値なしと憤慨する
  10. 教えるjiao1:従順、教義、規範、吹き込む
  11. 苦:痛みを感じるtong4→哀悼、悲嘆、悲痛、遅進性・無精
  12. 家jia1:威圧、主人→版図、居住地、支配権
  13. 与えるyu3:許し→黙認、
  14. 睡眠shui4:休止、休憩→寮
  15. 二er4:二択>躊躇、曖昧、二者間闘争
  16. 導くdao3:外転→誘拐、呼び集める>もたらす、推論、演繹、発現、帰納、前へ連れてくる→生産、信念を捨てさせる>誘惑、服従、
  17. 堅いjian1:永続性、説得がきかない>頑固

>Top <E>:

  1. edi-
  2. emp-;
    過分 empt-
  3. equ-; iqu-
  4. erg-
  5. err-


  1. aedes = a building
  2. emere = to obtain
  3. aequare = to make level
  4. ergon (Gk) = work
  5. errare = to wander, stray


  1. edifice, edify
  2. example, exemplary, exempt, peremptory, prompt, redeem, redemption
  3. adequate, equal, equanimity, equate, equilateral, equilibrate, equilibrium, equinoctial, equinox, equivalent, equivocal, iniquity
  4. allergy, energy
  5. aberrant, err, erratic, error


  1. 建てるjian4:殿堂、徳性を養う
  2. 取るqu3:規範的、免除、破壊的な絶対命令、即座、贖罪→弁済・償却
  3. 等しいdeng3:適切、釣り合い>沈着、同等とみなす、等辺、平衡状態、春分秋分、曖昧、不揃い→不公平
  4. 仕事・活動huo2:
  5. 外れる・流浪lang4:常軌を逸した、誤る、気まぐれ

>Top <F>:

  1. fa-
    過分 fat-
  2. fabr-
  3. fac-, fic-
    過分 fact-, fect-
  4. fall
    過分 fals-
  5. fasc-
  6. fav-, fo-
  7. fend-
    過分 fens-
  8. fer-
    過分 lat-
  9. fer-, ferv-
  10. fess-
  11. fid-
  12. fig
    過分 fix-
  13. fil-
  14. fili-
  15. fin
  16. fig-, fing-
    過分 fict-
  17. firm
  18. fla-
    過分, flat-
  19. fla-, flag-
  20. flec-
    過分 flect-, flex-
  21. flig-
    過分 flict-
  22. flor-
  23. flu-,
    過分 fluct-, flux-
  24. foli-
  25. fort-
  26. fortu-
  27. frag-, frang-, fring-
    過分 fract-
  28. fren-
  29. frig-
  30. front-
  31. frug-, fruct-
  32. fug-,
    過分 fugit-
  33. fund-
  34. fud-, fund-,
    過分 fus-
  35. fung-,
    過分 funct-


  1. fari = to speak
  2. fabrica = craft
  3. facere = to do
  4. fallere = to deceive
  5. fascis = bundle
  6. favere = to favor
  7. fenden = to defend
  8. ferre = to bring
  9. fervere = to boil
  10. fateri = to admit
  11. fidere = to trust
  12. figere = to fasten
  13. filum = thread
  14. filius = son
  15. firis = end
  16. fingere = to shape
  17. firmus = strong
  18. flare = to blow
  19. flagrare = to blaze
  20. flectere = to bend
  21. fligere = to strike
  22. flos = flower
  23. fluere = to flow
  24. folium = leaf
  25. fortis = strong
  26. fortuna = chance
  27. frangere = to break
  28. frenum = bridle
  29. frigus = cold
  30. frons = front
  31. flux = fruit
  32. fugere = to flee
  33. fundus = bottom
  34. fundere = to pour
  35. fungi = to perform


  1. affable, fable, fabulous, fame, famous, fate, ineffable, infamous, infamy, preface, prefatory
  2. fabric, fabricate, forge
  3. affect, artificial, beneficial, benefit, confect, confectionary, counterfeit, defeat, defect,
    deficient, difficult, effect, efficient, face, facile,
    facilitate, facility, fact, factory, faculty, feasible, feat, feature, forfeit, infect, office, perfect,
    proficient, profit, satisfaction, satisfy, superficial, traffic, faction
  4. default, fail, fallacious, fallacy fallible, false, fault
  5. fasces, fascism
  6. favor, favorite, foment
  7. defence, defend, fencing, fend, fender
  8. circumference, confer, defer, differ, interfere, offer, prefer, transfer, vociferate
  9. effervesce, ferment, fervent, fervid, fervor
  10. confess, profess
  11. affiance, confident, defiant, defy, diffident, faith, fealty, fidelity, perfidious
  12. affix, crucifixion, fix, fixture, prefix, suffix
  13. filament, filage, filaria, file
  14. affiliate, filial, filiation
  15. affinity, confine, define, definite, definition, final,
    finance, fine
  16. effigy, feign, feint, fiction, figment, figure
  17. affirm, confirm, firm, infirm
  18. afflatus, deflate, inflate, inflation
  19. conflagration, deflagrate, flagrance, flame
  20. deflect, flexible, inflect, reflect
  21. afflict, conflict, inflict, profligate
  22. effloresce, floral, florescent, florid, flourish, flower
  23. affluent, circumfluent, confluence, efflux, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, flux, influence, superfluous
  24. foil, foliage, foliate, folio
  25. comfort, effort, fortify, fortitude, fortress, forte
  26. fortuitous, fortunate, fortune
  27. fraction, fracture, fragile, fragment, infraction, infrangible, infringe, refract
  28. frenum, refrain
  29. frigid, refrigerate
  30. affront, confront, effrontery, frontal
  31. fructify, frugal
  32. centrifugal, fugacious, fugitive, refuge,
  33. foundation, fundamental, profound, profundity
  34. circumfuse, confound, confuse, diffuse, effuse, fusion, infuse, perfuse, profuse, suffuse,
  35. defunct, function, perfunctory


  1. 話すhua4:愛想、寓話、小説的、言うに言われぬ、悪名高き、序文
  2. 造作zao4:織物、組み立てる、鍛造、
  3. 作るzuo4・置く:調合、偽の、器用、手際のよい、誤って作る→没収、毒を盛る>感染、仕事(opus)→職場、堪能→efficient、
  4. 欺く・騙すpian4・欠ける:誤謬、誤りやすい、
  5. 束shu4:束桿斧(ローマの権威の表彰)、
  6. 熱re4:蒸す→扇動
  7. 打つda3:、防衛、かわす
  8. 運ぶyun4:呼び出す>相談、待つ>延ばす、退ける>異なる、前に運ぶ>好む、絶叫する
  9. 沸くfei4:泡立つ→熱狂、発酵、白熱、熱烈
  10. 言う:信仰告白、自称・公言する>宣誓shi4して宗門に入れる→宣誓=先生
  11. 信ずるxin4:婚約、挑戦的→傲慢、反抗、自信がない、柱石、信頼を通り過ぎて→不忠実
  12. 固定するgu4:添付、磔、据付、接頭語、接尾語
  13. 糸:繊維xian1、紡糸、糸状虫、とじ糸→ファイル
  14. 息子zi3・娘:子会社、雑種世代(F1, F2)、認知
  15. 境界・末端:相性、限定xian4、定義、 明確、定義、最終、決着→支払、決算>罰金
  16. 塑造su4・こねる:彫像、捏造、見せかけ、小説、虚構、姿
  17. 堅いjiang1:断言、確証、堅固、堅固でない
  18. 息:霊感、収縮、膨張peng2、インフレーション
  19. 燃えるran2:大火、爆燃、破廉恥、炎
  20. 曲げるqu1:偏向、柔軟、湾曲・屈曲、反射
  21. 衝突・撞くzhuang4:倒す、衝突、課する、破壊>堕落
  22. 花hua1:開花、花の、全盛期、華美、隆盛、花
  23. 流れるliu2:豊かに流れる、環流性の、合流、流出、変動、流暢、流動、影響、過剰
  24. 葉・叶ye4:箔、群葉、葉状、二つ折り
  25. 強い・力li4:元気づける、努力、固める、剛毅、要塞、フォルテ
  26. 運yun4:偶然、幸運、運→富貴
  27. 破る・砕くsui4:分数、骨折、もろい、断片、違反、壊れない、侵害、屈折
  28. 手綱・縄sheng2:繋帯、拘束→自制
  29. 冷たい・凉liang2:厳寒、冷却
  30. 額・正面・頭tou2:侮辱、対面、厚顔、正面
  31. 果物guo3:結実、倹約
  32. 逃げるtao2:遠心、早落性→はかない、逃亡、避難、言い逃れ
  33. 土台:創設、基礎ji1、深い、深淵
  34. 蒔く:放散san4、混合、混乱、拡散、噴散、融合、注入、灌流、惜しみない、覆う、浸透
  35. 行う・効用gong1:無効、機能、機械的な

>Top <G>:

  1. gam-
  2. gen(er)-
  3. ger-
    過分 gest-, gist-
  4. glo(b)-
  5. glutin-
  6. (g)na-
    過分 (g)nat-
  7. (g)no-, (g)ni-, (g)not-, (g)nit-
  8. grad-,
    過分 gred-, gress-
  9. graph-, gram-
  10. grati-
  11. grav-
  12. greg-
  13. gru-


  1. gamos (Gk) = marriage
  2. gens = clan
  3. gerere = to carry
  4. congerere = to heap up
  5. gluten = glue
  6. nasci = to be born
  7. nobilis = known
  8. gradi = to go
  9. graphein (Gk) = to write
  10. gratus = pleasing
  11. gravis = heavy
  12. grex = flock
  13. congruere = to agree


  1. bigamy, endogamy, exogamy, monogamy, polygamy
  2. congener, congenial, congenital, degenerate, engender, gender, general, generate, genius, genteel, gentle, homogenous indigenous
  3. congeries, congest, digest, gesticulate, gesture, register, suggest
  4. agglomerate, conglomerate, global, globe
  5. agglutinate, conglutinate, gluten, glutinous
  6. agnate, cognate, native, native, nativity, nature, pregnant, renascense
  7. acquatint, cognizant, ignoble, ignorant, ignore, noble, prognosticate, recognition recognize
  8. aggress, aggression, congress, degree, digress, egress, gradate, grade, gradual, ingredient, progress, regress, retrograde, transgress
  9. biography, epigraph, program, telegram, telegraphy
  10. agree, congratulate, grace, grateful, gratify, gratitude, ingratiate
  11. aggravate, grave, gravitate, gravity, grief, grievous
  12. aggregate, congregate egregious, gregarious, segregate
  13. congruent, congruous, incongruous


  1. 結婚hun1:同族結婚、異族結婚、
  2. 種、種族zu2:同類、同性質、堕落、生む、育ちの良い、固有の
  3. 運ぶyun4、もてなす:集積、租借、身振り、
  4. 球qiu2:塊にする、礫岩
  5. 膠:接着、粘着性のnian2
  6. 生まれるsheng1:父系親族、女系親族、自生の
  7. 知るzhi1:認識、卑しい、高貴、予知
  8. 歩む・走zou3、段階:攻撃、集合、脱線、退出、中に入る=成分、退歩、逸脱
  9. 書くxie3:伝記、碑文、計画、電信
  10. 快い:満足、感謝xie4、おもねる
  11. 重いzhong4:悪化、厳粛、沈下、重力
  12. 群れqun2:統合、招集、名うての、社交的、隔離
  13. 合致:合同、調和he2、不釣り合い

>Top <H>:

  1. hab-, hib, 過分 habit- hibit
  2. her-,
    過分 hes-
  3. herb-
  4. her(ed)-
  5. hod-
  6. hor(r)-
  7. hort,
    過分 hortat-
  8. hospit-
  9. host-
  10. hum-
  11. hydr-


  1. havere = to have
  2. haerere = to stick
  3. herba = herb
  4. heres = heir
  5. hodos = way, journey
  6. horrere = to shudder
  7. hortar = to encourage
  8. hospes = guest, host
  9. hospitale = hospice;
    hostis = enemy
  10. humus = ground
  11. hudraulis (Gk) = water


  1. exhibit, habit, inhabit, inhibit, prohibit
  2. adherent, adhesive, coherent, hesitate, inherent
  3. herb, herbaceous, herbarium, herbivorous
  4. heir, hereditary, heredity, heritage, inherit
  5. episode, exodus, method, period
  6. abhor, horrible, horrid horror
  7. exhort, hortative, hortatory
  8. hospitable, hospital
  9. host, hospice, hostel, hostess, hostile, hostility, hotel
  10. exhume, human, humble, humiliate, humility, humus
  11. hydrant, hydraulic, hydrogen


  1. 持つ:展示、習慣xi2、生息、抑制、禁止
  2. 付着:信奉、執着zhi2、首尾一貫、躊躇
  3. 草cao3:草状、植物標本、草食性
  4. 後継者ji4:遺伝性、相続、遺産
  5. 道dao4:挿話、移住、進路、一回りの道→周期→期間
  6. 身の毛よだつ:嫌悪、忌まわしい、恐怖kong3
  7. 説得:推奨tui1、勧告、奨励
  8. 歓待kuang3:手厚い、入院
  9. 客ke4・敵:宿泊、敵の、敵愾心
  10. 地上di4:発掘、謙虚、屈辱、謙遜、腐植土
  11. 水shui3:消火栓、水力、水素

>Top < I >:

  1. i-,
    過分 it-
  2. im-
  3. insul-

< I >:

  1. ire = to go
  2. imago = image
  3. insula = island

< I >:

  1. ambience, ambition, circuit, concomitant, exit, experience, experiment, experl, expertise, initial, initiate, issue, iterate, itinerant, itinerary, perish, preterite, reiterate, sedition
  2. image, imitate
  3. insular, insulate, isle, isolate

< I >:

  1. 行く・去くqu4:環境、野心、随伴、専門技術、繰り返し、消滅、過去の、扇動
  2. 似る:像xiang4・画像、模倣
  3. 島dao3:絶縁、分離

>Top < J >:

  1. jac-,
    過分 jact- ject-
  2. jac-
  3. judic-
  4. jun(n)g-, 過分junct-
  5. jur-, just-
  6. ju(ve)n-

< J >:

  1. iacere = to throw
  2. iacere = lie
  3. iudicicum = judgement
  4. iungere = to join
  5. iurare = to swear
  6. iuvenis = young

< J >:

  1. adjective, conjecture, deject, ejaculate, eject, inject, interject, object, project, projectile, subject
  2. adjacent, circumjacent, interjacent
  3. adjudicate, judge, judicature, judicial, judicious, prejudice
  4. adjunct, conjugal, conjugate, conjunction, conjuncture, disjunct, enjoin, join, junction, subjugate
  5. abjure, adjure, conjure, injure, jurist, just, justice, perjure
  6. junior, juvenile, rejuvenate

< J >:

  1. 投げるtou2:推測、落胆、射出、注射、差し挟む、知覚されたもの、突き出た部分、発射物、取って代わる
  2. 横たわるheng2:近接、取り巻き、間に横たわる
  3. 裁決cai2:宣告、司法権、司法の、慎重な、予断→偏見
  4. 結ぶjie2:付加物、婚姻上の、軛でつなぐ、巡り合わせ、分離した、提示する、服従させる
  5. 正しいzheng4:放棄する、厳命、呪文、傷つける、正義、偽証
  6. 若い:年少shao4、回春

>Top <K>:

  1. kybern cybern


  1. kubernan (Gk) = to govern


  1. cybernetics, govern, government, governance


  1. 舵:統治zhi4、政府、被支配状態

>Top <L>:

  1. lab-,
    過分 laps-
  2. labor-,
    過分 laborat-
  3. lac, lic,
    過分 lect-
  4. laed-, lid-,
    過分 les- , lis-
  5. lat-
  6. lat(ter))-
  7. lau-, lav-,
    過分 lot- , lut-
  8. lax-
  9. leg-1, lig-
    過分 lect-
  10. leg-2
  11. leg-3
    過分 legat-
  12. lev-
  13. liber-
  14. libr-
  15. lic-,
    過分 licit-
  16. lig-
    過分 ligat-
  17. limin-
  18. limit-
    過分 limitat-
  19. line-
  20. lingu-
  21. li(n)qu-,
    過分 lict-
  22. liqu-
  23. lith-
  24. liv-
  25. loc-,
    過分 locat-
  26. log, leg-
  27. loqu-
    過分 locut-
  28. luc-, lum-, lun-, lust-
  29. luct-
  30. lud-,
    過分 lus-
  31. ly


  1. labi = to lapse
  2. labor = work
  3. delectare = to please
  4. laedere = to strike
  5. latus = brought
  6. latus = side
  7. lavere = to wash
  8. laxus = loose
  9. legere = to gather
  10. litigare = to sue
  11. legare = to send
  12. levare < levis = light
  13. liberare = to free
  14. librare = to balance
  15. licere = to be permitted
  16. ligare = to bind
  17. limin = threshold
  18. limit = border
  19. linum = thread
  20. lingua = tongue
  21. linquere = to leave, abandon
  22. liquere = to be liquid
  23. lithos (Gk) = stone
  24. livere = to be bluish
  25. locus = place
  26. legein (Gk) = to speak
  27. loqui = to speak
  28. lucere = to shine
  29. eluctari = to struggle
  30. ludere = 遊ぶ
  31. luein (Gk) = to loosen


  1. collapse, elapse, lapse, relapse
  2. collaborate, elaborate, labor, laborious
  3. delectable, delicate, delicious, delight
  4. collide, collision, elide, lesion
  5. ablate, collate, delate, dilate, elate, legislate, relate, superlative, translate
  6. bilateral, collateral, equilateral, lateral, latitude, unilateral
  7. ablution, dilute, laundry, lavatory, lotion
  8. lax, relax, release
  9. collect, college, diligent, eclectic, elect, elegant, lecture, legend, legion, lesson, neglect, predilection, recollect
  10. allege, illegal, legal, legislation, legitimate
  11. delegate, legacy, legation, relegate
  12. alleviate, elevate, lever, levitate, levity, levy, relief, relieve
  13. deliver, liberal, liberate, liberty, livery
  14. deliberate, equilibrium
  15. illicit, leisure, license, licit
  16. alliance, alloy, ally, liablity, liable, ligament, ligature, obligate, oblige, rally, religion, rely
  17. eliminate, preliminary, subliminal
  18. delimit, limit, limitation
  19. delineate, line, lineal, linear
  20. bilingual, language, lingual, linguist linguistics, monolingual
  21. delinquent, derelict, relic, relict, relinquish, reliquary, reliquiae
  22. deliquesce, liquefy, liquid, liquidate, prolix
  23. lithography, megalith, monolith, lithofacies, lithogenous, lithoid
  24. livid, oblivion, oblivious
  25. allocate, allow, collocate, lieutenant, local, locate, location, locomotive, locus
  26. dialect, dialog, epilog, eulogy, logic, logos, monolog, prolog, biology, theology
  27. circumlocution, colloquial, colloquium, elocution, eloquent, grandiloquent, interlocutory, locution, loquacious, magniloquent, obloquy, soliloquy, ventriloquism
  28. illuminate, illustrate, lucent, lucid, lucubrate, luminary, luminescent, lunar, lunatic, lustre, pellucid, translucent
  29. ineluctable, reluct, reluctant
  30. allude, allusion, collude, delude, delusion, elude, elusion, elusive, illusion, iterlude, ludicrous, prelude, prolusion, homo ludens
  31. analysis, catalysis


  1. 滑る、落ちるluo4:崩壊、経過、過失、逆戻りする
  2. 労働lao2:協調、骨折る、入念な
  3. 誘う:愉快な、繊細、うまい、歓喜huan1
  4. 衝突・撞zhang4:激突、打ち出す→省く、傷害
  5. 運ぶyun4:除去、照合、密告・告発、膨張、元気づける、物語る、無比の、翻訳
  6. 側・幅:付帯事項、等辺、横のheng2、緯度、一方・一党派
  7. 洗うxi3:聖杯、希釈、洗濯、洗面所、洗浄剤
  8. 緩いhuan3:漫然、緩和、解放
  9. 集めるji2:大学、勤勉、取捨選択、選任、優良、伝説、ローマの軍団、偏愛、回想する
  10. 法律fa3:主張、非合法、立法、合法
  11. 派遣pai4:使節、遺産、公使館、左遷・追放、任せる
  12. 軽いqing1:軽減、持ち上げる、梃子、空中浮揚、軽薄、差し押さえ→課税
  13. 自由zi4:引き渡す、解放、自由、支給→制服
  14. 重さzhong4:計算ずくの、平衡
  15. 許すxu3:不法な、許される→暇な、許可、正当な
  16. 結ぶjie2・縛る:連合、合金、同盟、義務がある、靱帯、縛る物、再結集、神への誓い→宗教・縛る
  17. 敷居・入口kou3:屋外に追う→除去、予備、意識下の
  18. 境界:境界を画する、限界xian4、制約
  19. 線・綫xian4:輪郭を描く→正確に描写、線、直系の、線形・一次
  20. 舌she2・言葉:舌の、言語学者、言語学、単一言語→国語
  21. 残す・捨てる:未納→義務不履行、遺棄されたyi2、遺跡・残骸、残存種・残留鉱物、放棄、聖骨箱、遺骨・遺体
  22. 液ye4・流れる:潮解・融解する、液化、換金・精算・解散、冗長な
  23. 石shi2n.:石版印刷→平板印刷、巨石、一枚岩、岩相、岩石形成、石質の
  24. 褪色tui4、青白い:青黒い、忘却、眼中にない→気づかない→記憶していない
  25. 場所chang3:割当を許す、配列、移動、所在
  26. 論理lun4:方言、跋、頌徳文、論法、序幕
  27. 話す・説shuo1:饒舌、討論会、話術、雄弁な、仰々しい、対話の、慣用語法、饒舌な、大言壮語、誹謗、独話、腹話術
  28. 光guang1:照明、図解、輝く、灯火で仕事する、発光体、冷光、光沢、透明な→明瞭な、半透明
  29. 戦う・奮闘fen4:不可避の、反発、不承不承の
  30. 遊ぶ・游you2・戯れる:ほのめかす、共謀、だます→惑わす、回避→定義しにくい、幕間、ばかばかしい、前兆、序文
  31. 解く:分析xi1、溶かす→触媒

>Top <M>:

  1. mag(n)-
  2. man-1
    過分 mans-
  3. man-2
  4. mand-, mend-,
    過分 mandat-
  5. man(u)-
  6. matur-
  7. med-
  8. medi
  9. melior-
  10. mem-
  11. mend-
  12. mens-
  13. ment-
  14. merc-
  15. merg-
    過分 migrat-
  16. min-1
  17. min-2
  18. min-3,
    過分 minat-
  19. mir-
  20. mis-
  21. misc-
    過分 mixt-
  22. mit(t)-
    過分 miss-
  23. mod-
  24. mol-
  25. moll-
  26. mon-,
    過分 monit-
  27. monstr-
    過分 monstrat-
  28. mont-
  29. mor-
    過分 morat-
  30. mor-
    過分 mort-
  31. mord-
    過分 mors-
  32. mo(u)-
    過分 mot-
  33. mult-
  34. mun-
  35. mut-


  1. magnificus = magnificent
  2. manere = to remain
  3. mania (Gk) = madness
  4. mandare = to entrust
  5. manus = hand
  6. maturus = mature
  7. medicus = physician
  8. mediare = to be in the middle
  9. melior = better
  10. memoria = memory
  11. mendum = a fault
  12. metiri = to measure
  13. mens = mind
  14. mercari = to trade
  15. migrare = to migrate
  16. minutus = small
  17. minere = to jut out
  18. minari = to threaten
  19. mirar = to wonder
  20. misein (Gk) = hate
  21. micere = to mix
  22. mittere = to send
  23. modus = measure
  24. moles = mass
  25. mollis = soft
  26. monere ~ to warn
  27. monstrum = monster
  28. mons = mountain
  29. morari = to delay
  30. mori = to die
  31. mordere = to bite
  32. movere = to move
  33. multiplum = multiple
  34. commun = common
  35. mutare = to change


  1. magnanimous, magnate, magnificent, magnify magnitude, majesty, major, maximum
  2. immanent, mansion, permanent, remain, remainder, remnant
  3. mania, maniac, megalomaniac
  4. command, commend, demand, mandate, recommend
  5. emancipate, maintain, manage, manicure, manifest, manipulate manner manual , manuscript
  6. demure, immature, maturate, mature, maturity, premature
  7. medical, medicine, meditate, remedial, remedy
  8. immediate, intermediary, interemediate, medial, median, mediate, medieval
  9. ameliorate, meliorate
  10. commemorate, immemorial, memento, memorable, memorandum, memorial, memorize, nemory, remember, remembrance
  11. amend, mendacious
  12. commensurate, immense, measure
  13. comment, demented, mental, mention, vehement
  14. commerce, mercantile, mercenary, merchandise, merchant
  15. emigrate, immigrate, migrate, migratory transmigrate
  16. diminish, diminutive, miniature, minimum, minister, minor, minstrel, minus, minute
  17. eminent, imminent, prominent
  18. amenable, comminatory, demeanor, menace, minatory
  19. admire, marvel, marvelous, miracle, miraculous, mirage, mirror
  20. misanthrope, misogynist
  21. meddle, medley, miscellaneous, mixture, promiscuous
  22. admission, admit, commission, commit, committee, demit, dismiss, emission, emit, intermission, intermit, message, missile, mission, missive, omission, omit, permission, permit, promise, promise, remit, submission, submit, surmise, transmission , transmit
  23. accommodate, commodious, commodity, immoderate, modal, mode, model, moderate, modest, modulate, module, mood.
  24. demolish, molecule
  25. emollient, mollify, mollusk.
  26. admonish, admonition, monition, monitor, monument, premonition, summon
  27. demonstrate, monster, monstrous, remonstrate
  28. montage, mount, mountain, mountainous, surmount
  29. demur, moratorium
  30. immortal, moribund, mortal, mortify
  31. mordacious, mordant, morsel, remorse
  32. commotion, demote, emotion, locomotive, mobile, mobilize, moment, motive, move, movement, movies, remote, remove, mutiny
  33. multifarious, multiple, multiply, mutitude
  34. common, communal, commune, comunicate, communion, community, communist
  35. commute, mutation, mutual, transmute


  1. 大きいda4:実力者、拡大、規模
  2. 留まるliu2:内在する、館、残余、残骸
  3. 狂気kuang2:熱狂、狂人、誇大妄想
  4. 委託:命令ming4、推挙、要求、指図、推薦
  5. 手shou3:解放、持続、首尾よくいく、明白、操る、取扱やすい→仕方、手書き→草稿
  6. 熟したshu2:慎み深い、化膿→成熟、早すぎる→早熟
  7. 医療yi1:医学の、薬、熟考、治療・矯正、治療→救済・賠償
  8. 中間jian1:隣接、仲介、中間、中央値、仲裁、中世
  9. より良い:改善shan4する
  10. 記憶ji4:太古、記念品、忘れ難い
  11. 欠点;虚偽:修正xiu1、虚言癖の
  12. 計る:同等の広がり、莫大、測量ce4
  13. 心xin1:所見、痴呆、言及、熱狂
  14. 商売shang1:貿易、商売の、報酬目当て、商品
  15. 移住yi2:移動性の、転生する
  16. 小さいxiao3:指小、神の召使い→牧師→大臣、吟遊詩人、
  17. 突出tu1:顕職、一触即発、顕著
  18. 脅かす:従順、呪いの言葉、品行、威嚇wei1、
  19. 驚いて見るjing1:不思議、軌跡、蜃気楼
  20. 嫌うxian2:人間嫌い、女嫌い
  21. 混ぜる:お節介、雑録za2、雑多、乱交
  22. 送るsong4:入場、委任、委員会、辞職、解散、放射、合間、使命、感化、送付、屈服、推量、伝達
  23. 計測・節度jie2:適合、適切な、便宜、中庸を欠いた、様式、適度、調節、風潮
  24. 容積・容量liang4:粉砕、微量→分子
  25. 柔らかい:軟化剤ruan3、緩和、軟体動物
  26. 忠告:勧告、訓戒、注意、監視jian1、表彰、前兆、査問
  27. 神意を示す:展示zhan3、奇形、怪物、人目にさらす→異議申し立て
  28. 山shan1:組立→モンタージュ、登る、山、乗り越える→上に置く→克服
  29. 遅滞chi2: ためらい→異議、一時停止→猶予
  30. 死ぬsi3:不死身・不滅、瀕死
  31. 噛む・咬むyao3:辛辣、痛烈、人かじり、悔恨
  32. 動くdong4:動揺、降格、感情、稼働、運動の原因→瞬間、後ろに動かす→遠方、外す、暴動
  33. 多量duo1:多方面、複合、乗じる、多数
  34. 共通gong4:共同、心を通わす、通信、パンと葡萄酒の両祭品拝領、共同体
  35. 変わるbian4:代替、変異、交換→相互、変える

>Top <N>:

  1. nau, nav-
  2. nec-
    過分 nect-, nex-
  3. neg-
    過分 nagat-
  4. nerv-
  5. nigr-
  6. noct-
    過分 nox-
  7. noct-
  8. nom-
  9. nomin-
  10. norm-
  11. not-
    過分 notat-
  12. nov-
  13. nud-
  14. null-
  15. numer-
    過分 numerat-
  16. nunti-, nusnci
  17. nutri-,
    過分 nutrit-


  1. naus = ship
  2. nectere = to bind
  3. neg = not
  4. nervus = sinew, tendon
  5. niger = black
  6. nocere = to harm
  7. nox = night
  8. nomia (Gk) = law
  9. nomen = name
  10. norma = square
  11. noscere = to get to know
  12. novus = new
  13. nudus = nude
  14. nullus = none
  15. numerus = number
  16. nuntiare = to report
  17. nutrire = to suckle


  1. astronaut, nautical, naval, navigate, navy
  2. annex, connect, nexus
  3. abnegate, deny, negation, negative, neglect, negotiate, renegade
  4. enervate, nervous, unnerve
  5. denigrate, nigritude, negro
  6. innocent, innocuous, nocent, nocuous, noxious, obnoxious
  7. equinoctial, equinox, nocturnal, nocturne
  8. astronomy, autonomy, economy
  9. denominate, nominal, nominate, noun, renown, cognomen
  10. abnormal, enormous, normal
  11. annotate, connote, denote, notable, notate, notation, note, notice
  12. innovate, novel, novice, renovate
  13. denude, nude, nudity
  14. annul, null, nullify, nullity
  15. enumerate, number, numeral, numerous, supernumerary
  16. announce, annunciation, denounce, denunciation, enunciation, nuncio, pronounce, pronunciation, renounce, renunciation
  17. malnutrition, nourish, nurse, nurture, nutrition, nutritive


  1. 船chuan2・水夫:宇宙飛行士、船舶、海軍、航海
  2. 結ぶjie2:追加、連結、結合→核心
  3. 非・不bu4:放棄、否定、無視、暇でない→仕事→交渉、転向者
  4. 神経・腱jian4:無気力、神経質、自信喪失
  5. 黒いhei1:黒くする→けなす、黒さ、サハラ以南の黒人
  6. 害するhai4:無害→無垢→無罪、無毒→退屈、有罪、有害、醜悪
  7. 夜ye4:春秋分、夜間の・夜行性、夜曲・夜景
  8. 法則fa3:天文学、自律、経済産業局
  9. 名ming2:命名、名目、名前で呼ぶ→推挙、名を言う→名声、名字・姓
  10. 基準・標準biao1:異常、莫大、大工の差し金通り→標準・典型、
  11. 印:記号ji4:書き留める→注釈、暗示、象徴、注目、記号、表記法、通告
  12. 新しいxin1:革新、新しい物語→長編小説、新参者、修理
  13. 裸luo3:裸にする→剥奪、裸、赤裸々・裸体画
  14. 無mu2:廃止、無・空、破棄、無効・無益、余分・定数外、
  15. 数shu4:列挙、数字・数詞、夥しい、余分→定員外・補欠
  16. 知らせる・宣言:告知gao4、受胎告知、糾弾、発声、ローマ教皇大使、発音、捨てる、放棄
  17. 養うyang3:栄養不良、授乳→育てる、養う・肥料、看護、栄養

>Top <O>:

  1. ocul-
  2. odi-
  3. omin-
  4. oner-
  5. onym Gk
  6. op- Gk
  7. oper-
  8. opt-
    過分 optat-
  9. or-
  10. ordin-
  11. ori-,
    過分 ort-
  12. orn-
    過分 ornat-
  13. os-
  14. oti-


  1. oculus = eye, bud
  2. odium = hatre
  3. omen =
  4. onus = burden
  5. onuma (Gk) = name
  6. opsis (Gk) = vision
  7. operari = to work
    opus = work
  8. optare = to choose
  9. orare = to pray
  10. ordo = order
  11. oriri = to rise
  12. ornare = to adorn
  13. os = mouth
    osculum = kiss
  14. otium = leisure


  1. binocular, inoculate, ocular, oculist
  2. annoy, ennui, odious, odium
  3. abominable, abominate, omen, ominous
  4. exonerate, onerous, onus probandi
  5. anonymous, antonym, metonym, patronym, psedonym, synonym
  6. opitcal optician, synopsis
  7. cooperate, opera, operate, operation
  8. adopt, coopt, opt, optative, option
  9. adore, inexorable, oracle, oral, orate, oration, orifice
  10. coordinate, extraordinary, inordinate, order, orderly, ordinal, ordinary, subordinate
  11. aborigines, abort, orient, orientation, origin, original
  12. adorn, ornament, ornate
  13. osculate, ostensible, ostentation
  14. negotiate, otiose


  1. 眼yan3・芽ya2:双眼鏡、芽接ぐ→予防接種、目の、眼科医
  2. 嫌悪xian2:悩ます、むかつく、縁起が悪い
  3. 前兆zhao4:忌み嫌う→とても嫌な、不吉な
  4. 重荷zhong4:無実の罪を晴らす、重荷になる、立証責任
  5. 名・語ci2:匿名、反意語、換喩、父姓、偽名、同意語
  6. 見る:視力shi4、眼鏡屋、一覧
  7. 仕事:協力、作品→オペラ、動く、稼働・労働lao2
  8. 採る・選ぶxuan3:自分に選ぶ→採択、選挙、願望を表す、随意
  9. 口・祈るqi2:崇拝、無情な、神託、一席ぶつ、演説、開口部
  10. 序列xu4:同格、序数、通例、従属
  11. 生じる:根源から→先住民、流産、方位、昇る→源yuan2
  12. 飾るshi4:装飾、装具・外見、飾り立てる
  13. 口kou3:接吻→接触、見せかけ→顕著、誇示→虚飾
  14. 暇・閑xian2:暇でない→商い→交渉、暇な→無駄な otiose remarks蛇足

>Top <P>:

  1. pand-
    過分 pans-
  2. pa(n)g-, pac- ping-
    過分 pact-
  3. par-1
  4. par-2
    過分 parat-
  5. par-3
    過分 partit-
  6. part-
    過分 partit-
  7. pat(e)r-
  8. path- Gk
  9. pati-
    過分 pass-
  10. ped-
  11. pejor-
  12. pel(l)-
    過分 puls-
  13. pend-
    過分 pens-
  14. pet-
    過分 petit-
  15. pha(n), phen- Gk
  16. phon-
  17. pil
    過分 pilat-
  18. pi(n)g-
    過分 pict-
  19. plac-
  20. pla(n)
  21. pla(n)g-
    過分 planct-
  22. plaud, plod-
    過分plaus-, plos-
  23. plec-, plic-
    過分 plect-, plex-
  24. ple(n)-
    過分 plet-
  25. plor-
  26. pod- Gk
  27. poli- Gk
  28. pon-
    過分 posit-, post-
  29. pond(er)-
  30. port-
  31. post-
  32. pot-
  33. prec-
    過分 precat-
  34. prehend-
    過分 pre(he)ns-
  35. press-
  36. preti-, preci-
    過分 preciat-
  37. prim-
  38. pris-
  39. priv
    過分 privat-
  40. prob-
    過分 probat-
  41. prol-
  42. prop-, prox-
  43. pud-
  44. pugn-
  45. pun-, pen-
    過分 punit-
  46. pung-
    過分 punct-
  47. put-
    過分 putat-


  1. pandere = to spread
  2. pangere = to fasten
  3. par = equal
  4. parare = to prepare
  5. parere = to show
  6. partire = to divide
  7. pater (Gk) = father
  8. pathos (Gk) = feeling
  9. pati = to suffer
  10. ped = foot
  11. peior = worse
  12. pellere = to beat
  13. pendere = to hang
  14. petere = to seek
  15. phainein = to show
  16. phonia (Gk) = phone
  17. pila = heap
  18. pingere = to picture
  19. placere = to please
  20. planus = plain
  21. plangere = to lament
  22. plaudere = to clap
  23. plier = to fold
  24. complere = to fill out
  25. plorare = to wail
  26. pous = foot
  27. polis = city
  28. ponere = to put
  29. pondus = weight
  30. potare = to carry
  31. posterus = coming after
  32. potere = to be able
  33. precari = to pray
  34. prehendere = to seize
  35. premere = to press
  36. pretium = price
  37. primas = principal
  38. prendere = to take
  39. privus = single
    privare = to rob
  40. probare = to test
    probus = good
  41. proles = off spring
  42. prope = near
  43. pudere = to be ashamed
  44. pugnare = to fight with the fist
  45. punire = to punish poena = penalty
  46. pungere = prick
  47. putare = to reckon


  1. expand, expanse, expansion
  2. compact, impact, impinge, pacify, pact, pay, peace, propaganda, propagate
  3. compare, disparage, disparity, parity, peer
  4. apparatus, preparation, prepare, repair, reparation, separate
  5. apparent, apparition, appear, disappear, transparent
  6. apartment, compartment, depart, department, departure, impart, impartial, parcel, participate, particle, particular, partition, party
  7. expatriate, parricide, paternal, patrimony, patriotism, patron, patronymic, perpetrate, repatriate, repair
  8. antipathy, apathy, pathetic, pathos, psychopathy, sympathy, telepathy
  9. compassion, compatible, impatient, patience, patient, passion, passive
  10. expedient, expedite, expedition, impede, impediment, pedal, pedestrian, quadruped, centipede, uniped, biped
  11. impair, pejorative, pejoration
  12. appeal, appellation, compel, compulsion, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, interpellate, propel, propeller, pulse, repeal, repel, repelent, repulsion, repulsive
  13. append, appendix , compensate, depend, dispense, expend, expense, expensive, impend, pendant, pendent, pendulum, pension, pensive, perpendicular, poise, propensity, recompense, suspend, suspense
  14. appetite, centripetal, compete, impetuous, impetus, perpetual, petition, petulant, repeat, repetition
  15. diaphanous, emphasis, emphatic, epiphany, fantastic, fantasy, phantasm, phantasy, phantom, phase, phenomenon
  16. phone, phonetic, phonograph, symphony, telephone
  17. compilation, compile, pile, pillar
  18. depict, paint, picture, pigment
  19. complacent, complaisant, implacable, placble, placate, placid, pleasant, please
  20. explain, explanation, plain, plan, plane, plate, plateau, platitude
  21. complain, complaint, plague, plaintiff, plaintive, plangent
  22. applaud, applause, explode, explosion, plausible, plosive
  23. application, apply complex, complexion, complicated, comply, deploy, display, duplex, duplicate, employ explicable, explicate, explicit, implicate, implication implicit, imply, multiplex , multiplication, multiply, perplex, pliable, plier, replica, replicate reply, simple, simplicity, supple, suppliant, supplicate
  24. accomplish, complement, complete, deplete, expletive, implement, plenary, plenitude, plenty, replete, supplement, suppletion, supply
  25. deplore, implore
  26. antipodes, octopus, podium, tetrapod, tripod
  27. acropolis, police, political, politics, megalopolis, metropolis
  28. apposition, component, compose, composition, composure, compound, depose, deposit, dispose, exponent, expose, exposure, expound, impose, impound, opponent, oppose, opposite, pose, positionn, positive, post, postal, postpose, posture, prepose, preposition, proposal , propose, proposition, propound, purpose, repose, suppose, supposition, transpose
  29. ponder, ponderous, preponderant
  30. comport, deport, export, import, important, port, portable, porter, report, sport, transport
  31. posterior, posterity, posthumous,
  32. impuisssant, possess, possible, potent, potential, power, puissant
  33. deprecate, imprecate, pray, prayer, precarious
  34. apprehend, comprehend, comprehensible, comprehension, comprehensive, reprehend, reprehensive
  35. depress, impress, oppress, press, pression, pressure, repress, suppress
  36. appraise, appreciate, depreciate, praise, precious, price
  37. premier, primary, primeval, primitive, principal
  38. apprise, comprise, enterprise, surprise
  39. deprive, privacy, private, privation, privilege
  40. approbation, approval, approve, disprove, probable, probity, proof, prove, reproach
  41. proletariat, prolific
  42. approach, approximate, propinquity, proximity, proximo, reproach
  43. impudent, repudiate
  44. impugn, oppugn, pugnacious, repugnant
  45. impunity, pain, penal, penalize, penitent, punish, punitive, repent
  46. compunction, expunction, expunge, poignant, point, punctilio, punctilious, punctual, punctuate, puncture, pungent
  47. compute, dispute, impute, putative, reputation, repute


  1. 拡がるkuo4:拡大、蒼穹、発展
  2. 固定gu4:緊密、衝撃、影響・作用、平定、契約、鎮める→精算、契約亜→平和、宣伝
  3. 等しいdeng3・同じ:比較、軽視、不一致、同量、同輩
  4. 準備するbei4:準備→装備、準備、行き届く→修理、補償、準備→分ける
  5. 見える・現れるxian4:識別、出現→幻影→幽霊、消滅、透明
  6. 部分bu4:一室、仕切り、出発→この世を去る、特有→格別、分け合う→党派・団体
  7. 父fu4:追放・移住、尊属殺人、父親らしい、家督、愛国者、保護者、父称、犯す、送還、赴く
  8. 感情gang3・苦しみ:反感、無感動、哀愁、精神異常、共感、思念伝達
  9. 苦しむ・忍耐ren3:思いやり、共存、我慢しない→短気な、我慢、服従→受け身
  10. 足・脚jiao3:適切な、足を自由に→促進、機敏→遠征、もつれる→遅らせる、足踏み、歩行者、四つ足、百足、一本足、二本足
  11. より悪い:減じるjian3、軽蔑・誹謗、語義堕落
  12. たたいて動かす・押しやる:訴え、称号、強要、矯正、消散、追放、駆逐qu1、駆り立てる、衝動、中断する→質問する、推進、脈拍、呼び戻す→撤回、撃退
  13. つるす・つるして支払う:付加、釣り合う→補償、懸垂、垂れ下がる→依存、支出、切迫、振り子、分割払い→年金、重さを量る→思案に暮れた、垂直、平衡heng2、性癖、恩返し、停止、懸念→サスペンス
  14. 求めるqiu2・向かう:欲求、求心力、競争、衝動的、果てしない、追求→陳情、いらいらする、反復
  15. 現れるxian4:半透明、強調、公現日、想像力→空想、幻影・幽霊、様相、現象
  16. 音yin1:音声、蓄音機、交響曲
  17. 積み上げji1:編集、まとめる、山積み、柱
  18. 色塗りse4:描写、塗料・彩色、着色する
  19. 喜ばす・歓迎huan1:自己満足、愛想、なだめられない→無慈悲、穏やかな、楽しい
  20. 平面mian4:平らにする→明白、水平面、皿、台地、平凡な文句
  21. 嘆くtan4:不平、災難→疫病、不平→原告、哀れな、物悲しく鳴り響く
  22. 手を打つ・掌zhang3:拍手喝采、爆発、賞賛に値する→もっともらしい、破裂性
  23. 曲げるqu1:応用、従う、布陣、当惑、柔軟、嘆願、
  24. 満たすman3:補語、全部揃った、枯渇、間投語句、腹一杯、充満、補充法、
  25. 涙を流す:遺憾に思う、哀願するai1
  26. 足・脚jiao3:足が反対向き→対蹠点、蛸、縁談、四つ足、三つ足
  27. 都市・城cheng2:高い都、警察、市民権→政治、巨大都市、母都→首都
  28. 放置fang4:添付、要素、平静、合成、免職、配置・傾向、典型、詳述、閉じ込める、後置、配置、前置、提案、企て→目的、戻す→託する、仮定・推定、転置
  29. 重さを量る:熟考、重々しい、影響力が圧倒的
  30. 運ぶ:振る舞う、退去、持ち帰る→報告
  31. 後ろのhou4:後ろから来る→後世、父親の死後→死後の
  32. 力のあるli4:無気力、所有、可能・能力、強大
  33. 願う:軽視→避難、祈るqi2・呪う、貴い
  34. 捉えるzhuo1:逮捕、理解把握、理解力、避難、
  35. 圧力ya1:意気消沈、圧迫、抑制、鎮圧
  36. 価値zhi2:査定、評価、価値を下げる→減価償却、高価
  37. 第一:主要なzhu3、原始の、未完の
  38. 捉える:通知、成るcheng2、事業・企業、驚く
  39. 個別の・奪う:剥奪、私事shi1、窮乏、禁止されているものの特別許可
  40. 正しい:是認、承認、反証zheng4、高潔、証明、叱責
  41. 子孫:無産階級、多産chan3
  42. 近いjin4:接近、近似、近接、来月、非難・恥辱
  43. 恥じる、羞xiu1:横柄、拒む→離縁
  44. 拳quan2:論駁、非難、好戦的、気に食わない
  45. 罰fa2:刑罰を免れる、刑罰の、懺悔、懲罰、後悔
  46. 針で突くzhen1:後悔、抹消、除去、辛辣、細目、句読点・区切り、刺激性
  47. 計算ji4・熟考する: 論争、査定・帰属、推定上、評判

>Top <Q>:

  1. quer-, quir-,
    過分 quisit-, quest-
  2. quie-
    過分 quiet-


  1. quaerere = to seek
  2. quiescere = to rest
    quies = rest


  1. acquire, acquisition, conquer, conquest, disquisitive, exquisite, inquire, inquisitive, query, quest, question, request, require, requisite, requisition
  2. acquiesce, acquit, quiescent, quiet, quietude, quietus, quit, requite, requiem


  1. 答えを求めるqiu2:獲得、征服、探求心、探し出す→素晴らしく精巧、好学、探究、不可欠、要請
  2. 静かにするjing4:黙従、無罪・免除、不活発・黙音、静寂、消滅・引退期間、報いる、死者の安息

>Top <R>:

  1. ra-
    過分 rat-
  2. rad-
    過分 ras-
  3. radi
    過分 radiat-
  4. radic-
  5. rap-
    過分 rapt-, rept-
  6. reg-, rig-
    過分 rect-
  7. rid-
    過分 ris-
  8. riv-
  9. robor, robos-
  10. rod-,
    過分 ros-
  11. rog-
    過分 rogat-
  12. rot-
  13. rudi-
  14. ru(m)p-
    過分 rupt-


  1. reti = to reckon, consider
  2. rader = to scrape
  3. radiare = to shine
  4. radix = radius
  5. rapere = to seize
  6. regere = to rule
  7. ridere = to laugh at
  8. rivus = stream
  9. roborare = to strengthen
  10. rodere = to gnaw
  11. rogare = to ask
  12. rota = wheel
  13. rudis = rough, untaught
  14. rumpere = to break


  1. irrational, ratify, ratiocinate, ration, ratioanl, reason
  2. abrade, abrasion, corrade, razor
  3. irradiate, radiate, radiator, radio, radium, radius, ray
  4. deracinate, eradicable, eradicate, radish
  5. enrapture, rapacious, rape, rapid, rapt, rapture, ravish, surreptitious
  6. adress, correct, corrigendum, corrigible, direct, dirigible, dress, rectitude, regal, regent, regime, regimen, region, regnant, regular, regulate, reign, royal, rule
  7. deride, derision, derisive, riant, rident, ridicule, ridiculous, risible
  8. derive, rival, rivulet, arrive, river, riverain
  9. corroborate, robust
  10. corrode, corrosion, erosion, rodent
  11. abrogate, arrogant, derogate, interrogate, prerogative, surrogate,
  12. role, rotary, rotate, rotund, round
  13. erudite, rude, rudiment
  14. abrupt, corrupt, disrupt, erupt, eruption, interrupt, irrupt, rout, route, rupture


  1. 数えるshu3:不合理、推論、一日の割当量、理由
  2. 擦りむくca1:すり減らす、剥離、磨食、剃る
  3. 放射するfang4:光明、放射体、半径
  4. 根gen1:根絶、絶滅、大根
  5. 捕まえるbu3:有頂天、強奪的、略奪→強姦、迅速、恍惚状態、内密の
  6. 支配する:注意を注ぐ、正すzheng4、誤植、矯正可能な、制御できる、厳正、摂政、養生、君臨する
  7. 笑うxiao4:嘲笑、愚弄、にこにこ、上機嫌、滑稽
  8. 川・河he2・流れ:抽出、共同で川を利用→競合、小川、河辺
  9. 堅固なjiang1:法的に確認、強健
  10. 食い込むshi2:腐食、浸食、齧歯(げっし)目
  11. 尋ねるxun2:廃止、権威を減じる、尋問、優先投票権、代行者
  12. 丸い・円いyuan2:回転、循環、丸くなった
  13. 粗野cu1:博学な、萌芽→痕跡器官
  14. 砕くsui4: 不意の、完全に壊す→腐敗、分裂・混乱、突き破る→噴出、遮断、突入、潰走、破裂

>Top <S>:

  1. sac(e)r-, secr-
  2. sal(i)-, sil(i),
    過分 salt-, sult-
  3. salu-, salv-
    過分 salut-, salvat-
  4. san-
    過分 sanat-
  5. sanct-
  6. sap, sip-
  7. sat-
  8. scal-
  9. scand scend-
    過分 scans-
  10. scept, scop Gk
  11. sci-
  12. sci(n)d-
    過分 sciss-
  13. scrib-
    過分 script-
  14. sec-
    過分 sect-
  15. sed, sid,
    過分 sessd-
  16. semin-
    過分 seminat-
  17. sen-
  18. sent-, sens-
  19. sequ-
    過分 secut-
  20. ser
    過分 sert-
  21. serv-1
    過分 servat-
  22. serv-2
    過分 servit-
  23. sider-
  24. sign-
  25. simil-, simul-
  26. sinu-
  27. sist
  28. soci-
  29. sol-1
  30. sol-2
    過分 solat-
  31. sol-3
    過分 solet-
  32. sol-4
  33. solid-
  34. solu- solv-
    過分 solut-
  35. somn-
  36. son-
  37. sorb-
    過分 sorpt-
  38. spars, spers-
  39. spec- spic-
    過分 spect-
  40. sper-
    過分 sperat-
  41. spir,
    過分 spirat-
  42. spond,
    過分 spons-
  43. sta, sti- Gk
    過分 stat-, stit-
  44. staur-
  45. stel, stol- Gk
  46. stell-
  47. stern,
    過分 strat-
  48. still-
  49. sti(n)g-
    過分 stinct-
  50. stingu,
    過分 stinct-
  51. stri(n)g,
    過分 strict-
  52. stru-
    過分 struct-
  53. stup-
  54. suad
    過分 suas-
  55. sue-
  56. sum-
    過分 sumpt-
  57. summ-
  58. super-
  59. surg-
    過分 (sur)rect-


  1. sacer = sacred
  2. salire = to jump
  3. salus = health
  4. sanare = to heal
  5. sanctus = sacred
  6. sapere = to taste
  7. satiare = to fill
  8. scalae = steps
  9. scandere = to climb
  10. skopos (Gk) = target, aim
  11. scire = to know
  12. scindere = to cut off
  13. scribere = to write
  14. secare = to cut up
  15. sedere = to sit
  16. seminare = to sow
    semen = seed
  17. senex = old, elder
  18. sentire = to feel
  19. sequi= to follow
  20. serere = to join
  21. servare = to keep, watch
  22. servir = to serve
    servus = slave
  23. sidus = star
  24. signare = to mark
  25. similis = like
  26. sinuare = to curve
    sinus = curve, hollow
  27. sistere = to stand
  28. socius = companion
  29. solus = alone
  30. solari = to comfort
  31. solere = to be accustomed
  32. sole = sun
  33. solidare = to make firm
  34. solvere = to loosen
  35. somnus = sleep
  36. sonare = to sound
  37. sorbere = to suck
  38. spargere = to scatter
  39. specere = to look
  40. sperare = to hope
  41. spirare = to breathe
  42. spondere = to promise
  43. stare (Gk) = to stand
  44. restaurer= to restore
  45. stellein (Gk) = to send
  46. stella = star
  47. sternere = to spread, cast down
  48. stillare = to drip
    stilla = drop
  49. stinguere = to prick
  50. extinguere = to extinguish
  51. stringere = to bind
  52. struere = to pile up
  53. stupere = to be stunned
  54. suadere = to advise
  55. suescere = to become accustomed
  56. sumere = to take
  57. summa = sum
  58. super = super
  59. surgere = to rise


  1. consecrate, desecrate, execrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrifice
  2. assail, assault, desultory, exult, insult, resilient, result, salient, sally, saltation, transilient
  3. salubrious, salutary, salutation, salute, salvable, salvage, salvation, save
  4. insane, sanative, sanatorium, sanatory, sane, sanitary, sanitation, sanity
  5. saint, sanctify, sanction, sanctity
  6. homo sapiens, insipid, insipient, sage, sapid, sapor, savant, savor
  7. insatiable, satiate, satiety, satisfaction, satisfy, saturate
  8. escalade, escalate, scale
  9. ascend, condescend, descend, descent, scansion, transcend
  10. microscope, periscope, sceptic, scope, telescope
  11. conscience, conscious, nescient, omniscient, prescience, science
  12. abscind, abscission, prescind, rescind, scission, scissors
  13. ascribe, circumscribe, describe, inscribe, inscription, manuscript, nondescript, prescribe, proscribe, rescription, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe, superscribe, transcribe
  14. dissect, insect, sect, sectarian, section, sector, segment
  15. assiduous, assiege, dissident, insidious, obsession, obsidious, posess, president, reside, residence, resident, sedate, sedative, sediment, siege, subside, subsidiary, subsidy, supersed
  16. disseminate, inseminate, seminal, seminar
  17. senate, senescent, senile, senior
  18. assent, consensus, consent, dissent, resent, scent, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sentence, sentient, sentiment
  19. consequence, execute, persecute, pursue, second, subsequent, sue
  20. assert, dissertation, insert, serial, series, sermon
  21. conservation, conservative, conserve, observe, preserve, reserve
  22. desert, deserve, dessert, serf, servant, serve, service, servile, servitude
  23. consider, desiderative, desire, sidereal
  24. assign, consign, design, resign, resignation, sign, signal, signature, significant, signify
  25. assemble, assimilate, dissemble, dissimilar, dissimulate, resemblance, resemble, semblance, similar, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simullant, simulate, simultaneous, verisimilitude
  26. insinuate, sinuate, sinuosity, sinus
  27. assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, subsist
  28. associate, dissoicate, social, society
  29. desolate, sole, soliloquy, solitary, solitude
  30. console, solace, solatium
  31. insolent, obsolescent, obsolete
  32. insolation, parasol, solar, solstice
  33. consolidate, solid, solidarity
  34. absolute, absolve, dissolute, dissolution, dissolve, resolute, resolution, resolve, soluble, solution, solve
  35. insomnia, somnambulate, somniferous, somnolent
  36. assonance, consonant, dissonant, resonant, resound, sonant, sonic, soniferous, sonorous, sound, unison
  37. absorb, absorption, adsorb, sorbent
  38. aspersion, disperse, dispersion, intersperse, sparse, sparisity
  39. aspect, circumspect, conspicuous, despicable, despise, despite, inspect, introspect, special, species, specimen, specious, spectacle, spectator, specter, spectrum, speculate, suspect, transpicuous
  40. despair, desperate, Esperanto
  41. aspirate, aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, respirate, respiration, spirit, transpire
  42. correspond, despondent, espouse, respond, response, responsible, sponsor
  43. apostate, circumstance, constant, constituent, constitute, constitution, contrast, destine, destitute, distant, establish, instance, instant, institute, institution, obstacle, obstinate, prostitution, stability, stable, stance, state, static, station, stature, status, statute, stay, substance, substantial, substitute, superstition, system
  44. restaurant, restore, store
  45. apostle, apostolic, epistle, epistolary
  46. constellation, stellar, stellular
  47. consternation, prostrate, stratification, stratum, steet
  48. distill, instill
  49. distinct, distinction, distinguish, instigate, instinct, stimulate
  50. extinct, extinguish
  51. astringent, constrain, constrictive, constringe, distress, district, strain, strait, stress, strict, stricture, stringent
  52. construct, construe, destroy, destruction, instruct, instrument, obstruct, structure
  53. stupefaction, stupendous, stupid
  54. dissuade, dissuasion, persuade, persuasion, persuasive, suasion
  55. consuetude, desuetude
  56. assume, assumption, consume, consumption, presume, presumption, presumptuous, resume, resumption, sumptuous
  57. consummate, sum, summary, summit
  58. insuperable, sovereign, superb, supreme, superlative, supersede
  59. insurgent, insurrection, resurgent, resurrect, resurrection, source


  1. 神聖shen2:神聖だと宣言、冒涜、呪う、聖餐(式)、生け贄
  2. 跳ぶtiao4:執拗に攻撃、猛攻、馬から馬へ飛び移る→気まぐれ、飛び上がる→歓喜、侮辱、跳ね返る、顕著・凸角、突進、急変する
  3. 挨拶・救助jiu4:健康増進、挨拶、敬礼、救助可能、救済
  4. 健全jian4:狂気、病に効く、公衆衛生、正気
  5. 神仙xian1:神聖視、公認、高潔
  6. 味wei4:味のない→退屈な、賢人、風味、味覚、碩学、味のあること
  7. 満足man3:強欲、十分満足→あきあき、飽満
  8. 階段:城壁攻撃の梯子上りti1、段階的拡大
  9. よじ登るdeng1:登る、見下した振る舞い、下降、韻律をつけて読む、超越する
  10. 目標biao1:潜望鏡、吟味→懐疑、視野・限界、望遠鏡
  11. 知るzhi1:良心、無知の、全知の、予見
  12. 切断qie1:切り落とす、切断、切り離して考える→抽象、廃止、分離
  13. 書く・写すxie3:原因に帰する、周囲に線を引く、贈呈、銘刻、手書き原稿、名状しがたい、規定・処方、差し止める、教典、末尾に書く→署名、上部・欄外・表面に書く、複写・翻訳・録音・転写する
  14. 切る・刻むke4:解剖、刻み目のある→昆虫、党派、区分
  15. 坐るzuo4:絶え間のない、離れて坐る→反対者、こっそり裏切る、取り憑いた状態、落ち着き払った、交通遮断→包囲攻撃、沈下、更迭
  16. 種を蒔くzhong3:流布、種まき・妊娠・思想を教える、種子・精子、研究会
  17. 老いたlao3:議会、老境、老衰、古参
  18. 感じるgan3:同意、香気、知覚力のある、所感
  19. 追うzhui1・随う:帰結、執行、うるさく悩ます、追いかける、すぐ後ろに随う、命令を求めて追う→訴える
  20. 繋ぐ・接jie1:一緒に守る→断言、博士論文、つなぎ合わせる→挿入、続き物、説教・長談義
  21. 保存bao3:温存、注視、維持、蓄える
  22. 奉仕・服務fu2:見捨てる、受けるに足る、嘱託を片付ける→デザート、農奴、卑屈な、隷属
  23. 占星zhang1:熟慮、願望形、恒星の
  24. 印・標識biao1:十字記号をつける→引き渡す、構想をまとめる、取り消す→退任、表明する
  25. 似たsi4:吸収する、偽る・本質を隠す、異類の、類似、外見、相似、見せかけ、本当らしさ
  26. 凹みao1:ほのめかす、曲がりくねった、湾曲、湾・洞
  27. 立つli4:行為をやめる、断固として貫く、なんとか生きていく
  28. 仲間・伴ban4:分離する→解離する
  29. 孤独gu1:荒廃、独白、単独
  30. 慰めるwei4:慰安、緩和、賠償金
  31. 習慣guan4:傲慢な、使われなくなった、
  32. 太陽yang2:日光浴、至点
  33. 固まったgu4:一つにまとめる、連帯・連帯責任
  34. 溶くrong2、解く:免除、放蕩な、解体、固い決意、可溶性、落着
  35. 睡眠shui4:不眠、夢中遊行、催眠製、眠気を催させる
  36. 音yin1・響く:怖じて音を出す→諧韻の、不協和音、反響・共鳴音、こだまする、鳴音・有声音、音を出す、うるさい音、音の高さの一致
  37. 吸うxi1・呑む:吸い込む、吸着する、吸収剤
  38. 播かれたbo1:誹謗、ばらまく→分散・消散、点在、散財・薄い
  39. 外見:用意周到、軽蔑に値する、内省、傍観者guan1、怪しむ、漏れた秘密
  40. 望むwang4:絶望、必死の
  41. 息するxi1:帯気音として発音する、息を吹きかけようと近づく→熱望、呼吸→共謀、吐き出す→満了、吹きかける→生気を与える、人工呼吸、発散・排出
  42. 約束:一致・調和、気落ちした、信奉→結婚、対応ying4・返答、名付け親→保証人
  43. 立つli4:背教・変節、予定、貧窮、事実・実例、機構・組織、意固地、変節・堕落、固定・不変・静的、制定法、代理・代役、置換
  44. 回復hui2:元気の回復→レストラン、回復、蓄え
  45. 送る:使徒shi3、十二使徒、使徒書簡→手紙、手紙の
  46. 星xing1:星座、恒星の、星形模様
  47. 伏すfu2:ひれ伏す・屈服、層状、階層・地層、広がる・舗装→街路
  48. 水滴di1:蒸留・精留、染みこむ→浸透・教え込む
  49. 針で突く:別個の→明瞭な、区別・識別、駆り立てる→扇動、本能・生得的行動、刺激ci4
  50. 火を消すmie4:絶滅、消す・消滅
  51. 束縛shu4:収縮→辛辣・過激、強制・圧迫、苦悩・困窮、狭き門→海峡、困窮、厳格な・抗しがたい
  52. 積み上げるji1:組立、解釈、自爆装置、教育、遮断、構造
  53. 呆然dai1:麻酔状態、驚くべき、愚鈍
  54. 説得shuo1:諌止する、促す、勧告
  55. 慣れるguan4:慣習・慣例、習慣が廃れる
  56. 取り上げるqu3・想定:推定、再開、金のかかった
  57. 最高・頂ding3・総計:成就、大要、頂上
  58. 上・超すchao1:打ち勝ちがたい、超一流の、無比、上に座る→押し退ける
  59. 立ち上がる:反乱軍、反乱・暴動、蘇生・復活fu4、キリストの復活

>Top <T>:

  1. tac- tic-
    過分 tacit-
  2. tag- Gk
  3. tali-
  4. ta(n)g, ti(n)g
    過分 tact-
  5. teg,
    過分 tect-
  6. tem-
  7. temper-
  8. tempor-
  9. tempt-, tent-
  10. ten-, tin-
    過分 tent-
  11. tend-
    過分 tent-, tens-
  12. tenu-
  13. terg-
    過分 ters-
  14. terior-
  15. termin-
  16. ter(r)-
  17. terr-
  18. test-
  19. tex-
    過分 text-
  20. the-1
  21. the-2
  22. ting-
    過分 tinct-
  23. tol-
  24. tom-
  25. ton-
  26. torqu-
    過分 tort-, tors-
  27. torr-
    過分 tost-
  28. trah-
    過分 tract-
  29. trem-
  30. trepid-
  31. tri-
    過分 trit-
  32. trib-
  33. tric-
  34. trud-
    過分 trus-
  35. trunct-
    過分 truncat-
  36. tu-
    過分 tu(i)t-
  37. tum-
  38. turb-


  1. tacitus = silent
  2. taxis (Gk) = arrangement
  3. talea = a cutting
  4. tangere = to touch
  5. tegere = to cover
  6. templum = open or consecrated space
  7. temperare = to temper
  8. tempus = time
  9. temptare = to feel, try
  10. tenere = to hold
  11. tendere= to stretch
  12. tenuis = thin
  13. tergere = to cleanse
  14. -or 比較級
  15. term = limit
  16. terrere = to frighten
  17. terra = earth
  18. testis = witness
  19. texere = to weave
  20. teos (Gk) = God
  21. tithenai (Gk) = to place
  22. tingere = to dye
  23. tolerare = to bear
  24. temnein (Gk) = to cut
  25. tonos (Gk) = a stretching
    tonare = to thunder
  26. torquere = to twist
  27. torrere = to parch, burn
  28. trahere = to draw
  29. tremere = to tremble
  30. trepidus = anxious
  31. terere = to rub
  32. tribus = tribe
  33. tricare = to entangle
  34. trudere = to thrust
  35. truncare = to shorten
  36. tueri = to look at
  37. tumere = to swell
  38. turbare = to agitate


  1. reticent, tacit, taciturn
  2. hypotaxis, parataxis syntax, tactic, taxeme, taxis, taxonomy
  3. detail, retail, tailor, tally
  4. attain, contact, contagion, contaminate, contiguous, contingency, contingent, intact, tact, tangent, tangible, integrate
  5. detect, detective, protect, tegular tegument, integument
  6. contemplate, temple
  7. temper, temperament, temperance, temperate, temperature
  8. contemporary, extemporaneous, extemporary, temporal, temporary, temporize
  9. attempt, tempt, temptation, tentacle, tentative
  10. abstain, abstinence, contain, content, continent, continue, countenance, detain, detention, obtain, obtention, pertain, pertinent, retain, retention, retinue, sustain, sustenance, tenable, tenacious, tenacity, tenant, tenement, tenet, tenor, tenure
  11. attend, attention, contend, contention, distend, distention, extend, extension, intend, intense, intensive, intent, intention, ostend, pretend, pretense, pretentious, tend, tendency, tense, tensile, tension
  12. attenuate, extenuate, tenuity, tenuous
  13. abstergent, abstersion, detergent, terse
  14. deteriorate, exterior, interior, inferior, superior, junior, senior
  15. conterminous, determinate, determine, exterminate, term, terminal, terminate, terminus
  16. deter, deterrent, terrible, terrific, terrify terror
  17. disinter, inter, Mediterranean, subterranean, terrace, terrain, terrestrial, territory
  18. attest, contest, detest, intestate, obtest, protest, test, testament, testify, testimony
  19. context, pretext, text, textile, texture, tissue
  20. atheism, theistic, theocrat, theology, theophany
  21. antithesis, epenthesis, epithet, hypothesis, metathesis, synthesis, synthetic, theme, thesis
  22. taint, tint, tinctorial, tincture, tinge, stain
  23. extol, tolerable, tolerant, tolerate
  24. anatomy, atom, entomology, epitomy
  25. astonish, astound, detonate, intone, tonal, tone, tonic
  26. contort, contortion, distort, distortion, extort, extortion, retort, torment, torsion, tortuous, torture
  27. toast, torrefy, torrent, torrid
  28. abstract, attract, contract, detract, distract, extract, protract, retract, retreat, subtract, trace, tract, traction, tractor, train, treat
  29. tremble, tremendous, tremor, tremulous, tremolo
  30. intrepid, trepidation
  31. attrition, contrite, detriment, detrition, detritus tribulate, tribulation, trite
  32. attribute, contribute, distribute, retribute, tribal, tribe, tribune, tributary, tribute
  33. extricate, inextricable, intricacy, intricate
  34. abstruse, intrude, intrusion, obtrude, obtrusive, protrude, protrusion
  35. detruncate, retrench, trench, trenchant, truncate
  36. intuition, tuition, tutelar, tutor
  37. intumesce, tumefy, tumid, tumor, tumult, tumulus
  38. disturb, perturb, trouble, turbid, turbinate, turbine, turbulent


  1. 沈黙mo4:無口、暗黙の、寡黙な→とっつきが悪い
  2. 並べる:従属構文、並列lie4→並列的経験様式、統語論、配列に適した→戦法、文法特性素(選択・語順・抑揚・音声変化)、分類法
  3. 刻み目ke4:細部、切る→小売り、仕立屋、印→勘定
  4. 触れるchu4:獲得、接触、伝染、汚染、近接、偶発、無傷の、機転、接触、有形、統合
  5. 覆う・蓋gai4: 覆いを取る→発見、探偵、前部を覆う→保護、瓦状の、外被
  6. 区画qu1:瞑想→熟慮、区分された空間→寺院・聖堂
  7. 混合:和らぐ、気質qi4、気性、中庸
  8. 時shi2:同時代、即席の、時間の→現世の→はかない、時間稼ぎ→のらりくらり
  9. 試みるshi4:企てる、誘惑、衝動、触手、調べる→試み
  10. 手に持つchi2:自制、節制→禁酒、保つ、入れ物→大陸、継続、態度→外観、引き留める→留置、抑止、獲得、維持→関連する、適切な、保有、随行、扶養、防御、固持、固執、永続的財産権、教義、要旨、保持
  11. 張るzhan3:出席、注目、張り合う→取り組む、拡張、伸張、意図、計画、直示、振りをする、見栄を張る、至る、風潮、緊張、張力
  12. 細い:希釈・減衰、薄くするbao2→情状酌量、希薄、か細い→漠然
  13. 洗うxi3:洗浄力→下剤、洗浄、洗剤・溶剤、簡潔な
  14. 更に一層geng4:悪化、外側、内部、低い
  15. 境界jie4:隣接、確定的→明確な、越境して追い出す→撲滅、用語→期間、限りある→集結、終端
  16. 驚かす・畏れwei4:防止、妨害物、過酷、驚くべき→すごい、恐れさす、恐怖
  17. 土地di4:発掘、埋葬、地下、段丘、地形、地上の
  18. 証人zheng4:証言、試合、憎む、無遺言、証人として呼ぶ、公言→抗議、遺言、証言
  19. 織るzhi1:文脈、前を織り合わせる→口実、織物、織り方→触感、組織
  20. 神shen2:無神論、有神論、神権政治、神学、神の顕現
  21. 置くzhi4:反定立、語中音挿入、形容辞・通称、仮説、音位転換、統合・合成、主題、論題・論文
  22. 染めるran3:染み、色合い、染色、チンキ、薄く色を帯びる、汚染
  23. 忍耐ren3:絶賛、許容できる、寛容
  24. 切断duan4:解剖学、原子、昆虫学
  25. 糸の張り・音調diao4驚かす、仰天、爆発、声に抑揚をつける、音色の、主調・声調
  26. ひねる・捻るnian3:ねじ曲げる、ゆがめる、強要、やり返す、責め苦、ねじれ、回りくどい、拷問
  27. あぶる・焼く:焦がすjiao1、奔流、灼熱
  28. 引く・拉la1:引き離す→抽象、引力、引き込む→契約、損ねる、そらす、引き抜く、前へ引き出す→引き延ばす、収縮、撤退、減じる、牽引、引っ張られたもの→列車、処理
  29. 震えるzhen4:身震い、恐ろしい→ものすごい、震え、トレモロ
  30. 心配・担dan1:恐れを知らぬ、恐怖・不安
  31. こする・すり減る:損耗→減少、悔恨、不利、磨滅mo2、砕屑物、苦しい試練、辛苦、陳腐な
  32. 種族zu2:割当→帰する、貢献、分配、ローマの3部族→部族、擁護者、支流、記念品
  33. もつれ・紛糾jiu1:救い出す、脱出できない、複雑な、ややこしい
  34. 押す:押しやる→難解な、押しかける・貫入guan4、無理強い、突き出す、突出
  35. 断ち切る:切り落とす、削減、塹壕、辛辣な、縮めるsuo1
  36. 看るkan4:直感、授業料、後見人、家庭教師
  37. 膨らむpeng2:腫れ上がる、誇張した、隆起、大騒ぎ→騒動、古墳
  38. 乱すluan4:狼狽、混乱した、倒円錐、暴風雨

>Top <U>:

  1. ul-
  2. um-
  3. umbr-
  4. un-
    過分 unit-
  5. und-
  6. urb-
  7. ut-
    過分 us-


  1. ultimus = last
  2. humere = to be moist
  3. umbra = shadow
  4. unus = one
  5. undare = to flow
    unda = wave
  6. urbanus = city
  7. uti = to use


  1. ulterior, ultimate, ultimatum, ultra
  2. humid, humor
  3. adumbrate, umbrage, umbrella
  4. unanimous, uniform, unify, union, unique, unit, unite, unity, universe
  5. abound, abundant, inundate, redound, redundant, surround, undulate, undulation
  6. exurb, suburb, suburban, urbane, urbanity
  7. abuse, peruse, usage, use, usual, usurp, utensil, utilitarian, utility, utilize


  1. 彼方の:秘めた、終局のzhong1、最後通牒、過激
  2. 湿りshi1:湿気、体液→気質→気分→滑稽
  3. 影ying3:輪郭を描く、不快・うすうすの感じ、傘→保護物
  4. 統一yi1:同意見、一様、唯一、単一
  5. 流れるliu2・波:豊富、氾濫、跳ね返る、逆流→過多→冗長、水浸し→包囲、波打つ、波動・脈動
  6. 都市shi4:準郊外、郊外、都会風→優雅、
  7. 用いるyong4:濫用、熟読、慣習、強奪、器具、功利主義、役立つ

>Top <V>:

  1. vac-
    過分 vact-
  2. vad-
    過分 vas-
  3. vag-
  4. val-
  5. van-
  6. vari-
  7. vast-
  8. veh-
    過分 vect-
  9. vel-
  10. ven-
    過分 vent-
  11. ven(d)-
  12. vent-
  13. ver-
  14. verg-
  15. vert-, vort,
    過分 vers, vors-
  16. vest-
  17. veter-
  18. vi-1
  19. vi-2
  20. vic-
  21. vid-
    過分 vis-
  22. vi(n)c-
    過分 vict-
  23. vindic-
    過分 vindicat-
  24. vir-
  25. viti-
    過分 vitu-
  26. vi(v)-
    過分 vict-
  27. voc-
    過分 vocat-
  28. vol-1
  29. vol-2
  30. volu-
    過分 volut-
  31. vor-
  32. vov-
    過分 vot-
  33. vulg-


  1. vacuus = empty
  2. vadere = to go
  3. vagari = to wander
  4. valere = to be strong
  5. vanus = empty
  6. varius = various
  7. vastus = empty
  8. vehere = to carry
  9. velum = a covering
  10. venire = to come
  11. venum = sale
  12. ventus = wind
  13. verus = true
  14. vergere = to bend
  15. vertere = to turn
  16. vestire = to dress
  17. vetus = old;
    viejo (Sp)
  18. via = road
  19. violare = to violate
  20. vicarious = a substitute
    vix = change
  21. videre = to see
  22. vincere = to defeat
  23. vindicare = to avenge
  24. vir = a man
  25. vitium = fault
  26. vivere = to live
  27. vocare = to call
  28. volare = to fly
  29. velle = to wish
  30. volvere = to roll
  31. vorare = to swallow
  32. votum = vow
  33. vulgus = common people


  1. evacuate, vacant, vacate, vacation, vacuity, vacuous, vacuum
  2. evade, evasion, evasive, invade, invasion, pervade
  3. extravagant, extravagate, noctivagant, vagabond, vagary, vagrant, vague
  4. ambivalent, avail, convalescent, countervail, equivalent, invalid, prevail, prevalent, valiant, valid, valor
  5. evanescent, vain, vanish, vanity, vaunt
  6. invariant, variation, varied, variegated, variorum various , vary
  7. devastate, vast
  8. invective, inveigh, vector, vehicle, vehicular
  9. reveal, revelation, veil, velar
  10. advent, adventure, avenue, circumvent, contravene, convene, convenient, convention, covenant, event, eventual, intervene, intervention, invent, prevent, provenance, revenant, revenue, subvention, supervene
  11. venal, vend, vendor
  12. vent, ventilation, ventilator
  13. aver, veracious, veracity verdict, verify, verisimilitude, veritable, verity, very
  14. converge, convergent, diverge, divergent
  15. adverse, adversity, advert, advertisement, anniversary, aversion, avert, controversy, controvert, conversation, converse, conversion, convert, diverse, diversion, divert, divorce, extravert, inadvertent, introvert, invert, obvert, perverse, pervert, reverse, revert, subversion, subvert, tergiversate, transverse, universe, versatile, versed, version, vortex
  16. divest, invest, investiture, investment, travesty
  17. inveteracy, inveterate, veteran, veterinary
  18. convey, convoy deviate, devious, envoy, impervious, invoice, obviate, obvious, pervious, previous, trivia, trivial, via, viaticum, voyage
  19. violate, violence, violent
  20. vicar, vicarious, vice, vice versa, vicissitude
  21. advice, advise, device, devise, divide, division, evident, envy, invidious, provide, providence, provident, provision, prudent, purvey, review, revise, revue, supervise, survey, video, visage, visible, vision, visit, visor, visual
  22. convict, conviction, convince, evict, evince, invincible, vanquish, victor, victory
  23. avenge, revenge, vengeance, vindicate, vindicative
  24. virile, virtual, virtue, virtuous
  25. vice, vicious, vitiate, vituperate
  26. convivium, convivial, revival, revive, survive, viable, viand, victual, vital, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivify
  27. advocate, advocation, avouch, avow, convocation, convoke, equivocal, equivocate, equivoque, invoke, irrevocable, revoke, vocable, vocabulary, vocal, vocalic, vocation, vociferous, vouch, voucher, vowel
  28. volatile, volitant, volley
  29. benevolent, malevolent, volition, voluntary, volunteer
  30. circumvolution, convolute, convolve, devolve, evolution, evolve, involve, revolt, revolution, revolve, vault, voluble, volume
  31. carnivore, carnivorous, devour, frugivorous, herbivorous, voracious
  32. devote, devotion, devout, votary, vote, votive, vow
  33. divulgate, divulge, vulgar, vulgarize, vulgate, vulgus


  1. 空虚kong1:撤退、明け渡す、休暇、空虚
  2. 行く・走zou3:逃れる、回避、言い逃れ、侵略、普及
  3. 彷徨う:無駄遣い、放浪lang4、夜出歩く、流浪、気まぐれ、無宿者、曖昧模糊
  4. 健康jian4・力がある:相反する、資する、回復期の、匹敵、等価、病弱、優勢、勇気、武勇
  5. 空虚なxu1:次第に消えていく、 虚栄心、薄れる、慢心、うぬぼれ
  6. 変わるbian4:不変の、変動、まだら、集注の、変更
  7. 荒らされた・粗暴cu1:荒廃、果てのない→広大・莫大
  8. 運ぶyun4:罵詈雑言、糾弾、ベクトル、運搬具
  9. 覆い・遮蔽zhe1:目覚め、暴露、軟口蓋、ベール
  10. 来るlai2:降臨、迂回、反駁、招集、便宜的、誓約、終局、調停、起源、幽霊、帰る→収入、補助金、併発
  11. 売るmai4:賄賂、売り歩く→行商・売り主
  12. 風feng1:通気口、換気
  13. 真実zhen1:真実であると断言する、正直、真実性、評決、証明、真実らしさ、真正の、真理、本当の→非常に
  14. 曲げるqu1:一点集中、収束、発散、分岐
  15. 回転zhuan3:敵対、言及、周知、嫌悪、背ける、反駁、転化、そらす、外反、うっかり、内向、逆転、ひっくり返す、ひねくれた、復帰、転覆、変節、横切る、論理の領域→宇宙、回転式→多方面、熟知、回転→版、内部へ吸引する渦
  16. 衣服fu2:剥奪、付与する→投資、叙任、茶番劇
  17. 古い・旧jiu4:頑固さ、執念深い→慢性の、成長した→重荷を運ぶ→獣医の
  18. 道dao4・旅:運搬、護送、逸脱、回り道、派遣、不浸透性、送り状、予防→不要にする、邪魔になる→目立つ→自明、透過、前を行く→時間的に先行する、三叉路→些事→平凡、公務旅費→旅行必需品、航海・探検・遠征
  19. 力li4:背く、激怒→暴力、激烈な
  20. 代理dai4:教皇代理→代理者、身代わりの、ひっくり返す→またその逆に、交替→浮沈→栄枯盛衰
  21. 見るjian4:ce m'est a vis、 分配→仕掛け、考案、羨望、憎たらしい、摂理→配慮→用心深い、予見→規定、食料調達、容貌、視野→洞察、覆面、視覚
  22. 勝つ・破るpo4:有罪を宣告、確信、立ち退かせる、明らかにする、無敵の、打ち破る、征服者
  23. 報復bao4:かたきを取る、復讐、名誉回復する、弁明的な
  24. 男nan2:男らしい、実質上の、美徳、実直→純潔
  25. 悪e4・欠陥:悪徳の、駄目にする、酷評する
  26. 生きる:祝宴、懇親的、復活、生き延びる、成長、糧とするもの→ごちそう、食料、生命力、活発huo2、元気づける
  27. 声sheng1・呼ぶ:主張、断言、抗弁、招集、曖昧、両義性、祈願、取り消せない、取り消す、言葉、母音の、天職→使命感→職業、やかましい、保証、母音
  28. 飛ぶfei1:揮発性→気まぐれ、飛んでいる→活発な、一斉射撃・連発
  29. 欲するyu4:好意的、悪意、意志力、自発的
  30. 回る・巻く:旋回xuan2、巻き込む、委譲、解き開く→進化、巻き込む、転がし返す→反抗、公転、跳躍、舌の回転→流暢、一巻にまとめる
  31. 食う・飲み込む・咽下yan4:肉食、食い尽くす、果食、草食、大食
  32. 古い・献身xian4:打ち込む、敬虔な、信者、誓願→投票、奉納、誓約
  33. 民衆zhong4:民衆、俗衆;公表、暴露、低俗な、俗化、流布本、平民
  • When Western people speak latin-originated language, they may conceive the root of terms, just like Kanji speaking people do the same original meaning of Kanji character in their mind.
  • Latin etymon, Kanji charcter and Chinese pronunciation are combined into one: cord-心xin1 .
  • 西洋の人々がラテン語起源の言語を話す時、彼らは語源の心に描くのであろうか。あたかも漢字を使う人々が心の中に漢字の元の意味を描くのと同様に。
  • ラテン語の語根、漢字、中国語の発音を一つにまとめた:cord-心xin1

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