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Frequently Appeared Terms in translation

Japanese-English ambiguous & misunderstanding terms

Cat: LAN
Pub: 2015
#: 1500a

Kanzo Kobayashi

UP 13425/18925r
  • Definition and correspondence in any term between foreign languages differs, or misuderstanding. Here is the list of typical ones.
  • 外国語では、用語の定義や対応が異なる。以下はその典型的な例である。

>Top <A>:

  1. あいまい, aimai
  2. 曖昧母音
  3. アンケート調査, ankeito


  1. fuzzy; ambiguous; vague; unclear; blur (blurred)
  2. schwa;
  3. a questionnaire (and survey)


  1. 暧昧 àimèi
  2. 母音 mǔyīn
  3. 调查表 diàochá; <enquête

>Top <B>:

  1. 場合によって, baainiyotte
  2. 馬鹿だ bakada
  3. 便秘, benpi
  4. 別段の定めなき限り
  5. 部品メーカ, buhin
  6. 文脈, bunmyaku
  7. 物々交換, butsubutsu kokan


  1. depending on the situation; in some cases; as the case may be;
  2. Do you take me for a fool?
  3. constipation; ⇔diarrhea
  4. excep as expressly provided otherwise in an agreement between A and B,
  5. component manufacturer; parts manufacturer
  6. context (& tone/characteristics); in an international/historical/local context; context-sensitive grammar; context-free
  7. bartering/barter; exchange of information;


  1. 情况 qíngkuàng
  2. 被人欺负 bèirén qīfu
  3. 便秘 biànmì; ⇔泻xiè
  4. 零件 língjiàn
  5. 上下文 shàngxiàwén
  6. 以货换货 yǐhuò huànhuò

>Top <C>:

  1. 鎮魂, chinkon
  2. 超常現象, chojou
  3. 直面, chokumen
  4. 中継地点, chuukei
  5. 中空, chuukuu
  6. 注目を受ける, chuumoku
  7. 中央集権, chuuou
  8. 注目を浴びるchuumoku
  9. 注力, chuuryoku
  10. 中心のない, chuusin
  11. 中枢神経, chuusuu
  12. コンシェルジェ, concierge


  1. repose of souls; requiescat (requiem);
  2. supernatural phenomenon; anomalous; (dubious) paranormal
  3. encounter/face  big problems; extend/affect
  4. way-stop; way station; interchange
  5. hollow (structure); hollow interior style; polytheistical; mild-Yankee;
  6. deserve/draw/receive/garner (more) attention; be attracted;  earn critical acclaim; attention is focussed; concentrate on
  7. centralized authoritarian rule;
  8. hold court; be the center of attention; She was holding court in the dressing room.
  9. focus (its efforts) on; commit to; inject resources intensively;
  10. unicentric; acentric; non-centrosymmetric structure;
  11. central nervous system (diseases)
  12. concierge; not one of concierges, but the concierge


  1. 超自然 chāozìrán
  2. 超常 chāocháng
  3. 直面 zhímiàn; 面对 miànduì
  4. 中继 zhōngjì; 交换 jiāohuàn;
  5. 中空 zhōngkōng; 空心 kōngxīn
  6. 注目 zhùmù; 聚焦 jùjiāo
  7. 中央集权 zhōngyāng jíquán
  8. 引人注目yǐnrén zhùmù
  9. 集中 jízhōng;
  10. a
  11. 中枢神经 zhōngshū shénjīng
  12. a

>Top <D>:

  1. 第一印象 daiichi
  2. 土台, dodai
  3. こうしたらどうか douka
  4. 動向, doukou
  5. 導入, dounyu
  6. 洞察力, dousatsu


  1. at/on (the) first blush
  2. builf from the ground up.
  3. I'll tell you what.
  4. (current/recent/market/global/demand) trend (for); tendency; (price) movements; attitude; fluctuations; diffusion index (DI)
  5. introduce ... to; bring ... in/into; launch; establish; found
  6. (political) acumen; deep/profound/consumer/business insight; in/into (strategy); foresight; insightfulness


  1. 第一印象 dìyī yìnxiàng
  2. 地基dìjī; 基础jīchǔ
  3. 是否 shìfǒu
  4. 趋势 qūshì; 倾向 qīngxiàng
  5. 引进 yǐnjìn; 推新 tuīxín
  6. 洞察 dòngchá; 洞悉 dòngxī

>Top <E>:

  1. 絵文字, emoji
  2. エクイティ, equity
  3. 絵空事 esoragoto


  1. pictograph; pictogram
  2. in equity; Cf. at law, at Common Law
  3. mumbo jumbo;


  1. 象形文字 xiàngxíng wénzì
  2. a
  3. 空谈 kōngtán

>Top <F>:

  1. 不実の, fujitsu
  2. 付加価値, fukakachi
  3. 複眼的思考, fukugan
  4. 膨らむ, fukuramu
  5. 腑に落ちる, funiochiru
  6. 負の連鎖
  7. 振り込め詐欺, furikome
  8. 不慮の事故 furyo
  9. 不整合, fuseigou
  10. 不徹底, futettei
  11. 付随的 fuzuiteki


  1. unfaithful; perfidious; insincere; wrongful; misleading; misrepresentation
  2. value-added; add (high) value;
  3. compound eyes; multifaceted way; multiple angles/visual lines; various perspectives; complex approach; free switches of thinking differently;
  4. become inflated, inflate; swell; expand; rise in expenses; expectations will grow;
  5. make sense; any hiccup, any shock may put it into recession
  6. negative feedback; fall into a vicious cycle; negative association;
  7. billing fraud; bank transfer scam
  8. hiccup, contingency;
  9. inconsequence; inconsistency; mismatch; misalignment; disconformity;
  10. insufficiency; not through; lack of adherence; low coverage
  11. collateral; additional but subordinate


  1. 负心 fùxīn
  2. a
  3. a
  4. a
  5. 膨大 péngdà; 膨胀 péngzhàng
  6. a
  7. a
  8. 飞灾 fēizāi
  9. 不整齐 bùzhěngqí; 整合 zhěnghé
  10. 不充足 bùchōngzú
  11. 付带 fùdài

>Top <G>:

  1. 癌・泌尿器, gan
  2. ギャップ, gappu
  3. 現場主義, genba
  4. 愚弄する gurou
  5. 業務特化, gyoumu


  1. oncology & urological diseases (incl. gynecology)
  2. narrow/bridge/fill the gap between; difference; diversity; professional services specific to; focussed on;
  3. first line; bottom-up approach; on-the-spot decision-making; real working place;
  4. travesty; represent in a false, absurd, or distorted way.
  5. specialization; specializing in ... management; dedicated to;


  1. a
  2. 差异 chāyì
  3. 愚弄 yúnòng
  4. 专攻 zhuāngōng

>Top <H>:

  1. 発見力, hakken
  2. 反骨精神, hankotsu
  3. 年平均成長率, heikin
  4. 比較して, hikaku
  5. 非差別的, hisabetsu
  6. 火に油, hiniabura
  7. 皮肉, hiniku
  8. 必須の, hissu
  9. 解く, 緩める hodoku
  10. 本人確認, honnin
  11. 欲しいもの, hoshii
  12. 表面仕上げ


  1. discoverability; problem-solving capability;
  2. a spirit of defiance;
  3. CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate)
  4. be compared to; in comparison with; put it in perspective; comparatively speaking;
  5. non-discriminatory terms;
  6. (add) fuel to the fire; fuel fire; stir things up;
  7. ironically; paradoxically; cynically; sarcastic; satirical
  8. required; indispensable; essential; mandatory; compulsory
  9. undo; could you undo my zip?
  10. identity verification/proofing;
  11. really wanted; anything/everything one want; accurately find what they want;
  12. surface-finish


  1. a
  2. 反抗 fǎnkàng
  3. 成长 chéngzhǎng; 增长 zēngzhǎng
  4. 比较 bǐjiào; 比照 bǐzhào
  5. a
  6. 火上加(浇)油 huǒshàng jiā(jiāo)yóu
  7. 反语 fănyǔ; 讽刺 fěngcì
  8. 必需 bìxū; 必要 bìyào
  9. 解开 jiěkāi
  10. a
  11. a
  12. a

>Top < I >:

  1. 位置づける, ichizuke
  2. 意外な, igai
  3. 違法流用; ihou
  4. いい気味 iikimi
  5. 意見の相違 iken
  6. 粋, iki; 数寄
  7. イニシアティブ, initiative
  8. 依存, izon

< I >:

  1. position; be regarded as; consider;
  2. surprising; undreamed-of; unexpected; unthought-of; unlikely
  3. illicit diversion;
  4. gloat over one's rival's misfortune.
  5. even best friends can have their differences.
  6. smart; chic; flair; cool; refined taste; aesthetic;
  7. take the initiative;
  8. dependent/dependence on;

< I >:

  1. 位置 wèizhi
  2. 意外 yìwài
  3. 非法 fēifă;
  4. 称愿 chènyuàn
  5. 见解不同 jiànjiě bùtóng
  6. 风流 fēngliú
  7. 主动性 zhǔdòngxìng
  8. 依靠 yīkào

>Top < J >:

  1. 人員削減, jin'insakugen
  2. 人件費, jinken
  3. 自律分散, jiritsubunsan
  4. 自社開発, jisha
  5. 実践力, jissen
  6. 実証, jisshou
  7. 自動検証, jidoukenshou
  8. 自動生成, jidouseisei
  9. 実現, jitsugen
  10. 循環論法, junkan
  11. 重厚長大, juukouchoudai
  12. 重視, juushi

< J >:

  1. personnel reduction;
  2. personnel/payroll cost/expenses; labor cost;
  3. autonomous decentralized; symbiosis-autonomous decentralized;
  4. self-development; in-house; internal
  5. practical abilities; skills; approaches; site of practice (実践の場)
  6. demonstrate; experiment; test; proof; prototype
  7. automatic verification/varidation/debugging; automated tests;
  8. automatic generation/creation; auto-generate;
  9. realize; materialize; come true; make it happen; fullfill; acommplish; effectuate; take shape; attain; give effect to; go through; crystalize;
  10. circular argument; vicious circle
  11. heavy, thick, long, & big; massive and heavy
  12. strong focus; attention is paid; with emphasis/priority/focus on;

< J >:

  1. 人事费 rénshìfèi; 工价 gōngjià
  2. 自律分散 zìlǜ fēnsàn
  3. 自力更生 zìlì gēngshēng
  4. 实践 shíjiàn;
  5. 证实 zhèngshí
  6. 验证yànzhèng
  7. a
  8. 实现 shíxiàn; 成行 chéngxíng; 成真 chéngzhēn
  9. 循环 xúnhuán; 论法 lùnfă
  10. 庄重 zhuāngzhòng; 厚重hòuzhòng
  11. 重视 zhòngshì; 重要性 zhòngyàoxìng

>Top <K>:

  1. 課題, kadai
  2. 介護, kaigo
  3. 抱える, kakaeru
  4. 掛け売買取引 kakeuri
  5. 格差 kakusa
  6. 覚醒剤, kakusei
  7. 架空請求, kakuu
  8. 感冒, kanbou
  9. 環世界, kansekai
  10. 契機に, keiki
  11. 啓蒙, keimou
  12. 切れる, kireru
  13. 賢明, kenmei
  14. 謙遜, kenson
  15. 規模の経済, kibo no
  16. 聞いたことがない, kiitakoto
  17. 企業立地, kigyou
  18. 決めつける, kimetsukeru
  19. 機能, kinou
  20. 既得権, kitokuken
  21. こだわり, kodawari
  22. 個人利用, kojinriyo
  23. 公序良俗, koujo
  24. 効果, kouka
  25. 工数, kousuu
  26. 蜘蛛の巣 kumonosu
  27. 覆す, kutsugaesu
  28. 共感, kyoukan


  1. (management) issue; problem; challenge; question; theme;
  2. care; nursing care; caregiving;
  3. bear/carry a lot of problems
  4. open account transaction
  5. financial disparity
  6. abuse of stimulant/illegal drugs; hallucinogens;
  7. fraud based on demanding payment for false claims
  8. influenza flu; cold
  9. Umwelt (<G. environment); self-centered world
  10. by this momentum; taking into account; in the context of; spurred by;
  11. enlightening; educational activities; implement education; awareness-raising activities;
  12. be annoyed with; gets on my nerves; be frustrated with; be edgy; drive me crazy; irritates me; be crabby;
  13. smarter; intelligent; wise;
  14. humility, modesty;
  15. economics of scale;
  16. haver never heard of/about; didn't think so;
  17. regional industrial clusters; attract/lure investment in
  18. arbitrarily decide; shouldn't assume; attribute ... to; force negative one-sided opinion on; label ... as;
  19. fulfil/play the function/role; facility; feature; serve as (catalyst/benchmark/specific function)
  20. vested interests/rights
  21. sense of detail & fun; passion for improving: adherence to; sticking to; persistency
  22. private use/utilization; non-commercial use;
  23. public order & morals;
  24. effect; effectiveness; result; efficacy
  25. man hours; work-hour; labor time;
  26. cobweb; old & dusty spider's web
  27. override;
  28. share one's thoughts; empathize with; empathy for; sense of resonance; resonate with; empathize with; feel sympathy for


  1. 课题 kètí
  2. 照护 zhàohù
  3. a
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. 虚构 xūgòu; 请求 qǐngqiú
  8. 感冒 gǎnmào;
  9. a
  10. 契机 qìjī
  11. 启蒙 qǐméng
  12. 心烦 xīnfán,
  13. 贤明 xiánmíng; 聪明 cōngming
  14. 谦逊 qiānxùn
  15. 规模 guīmó; 经济jīngjì
  16. a
  17. 企业 qǐyè; 立地 lìdì
  18. 功能 gōngnéng; 职责 zhízé
  19. 既得利益 jìdélìyì
  20. 执著 zhízhuó
  21. a
  22. 伤风败俗 shāngfēng bàisú
  23. 功力 gōnglì
  24. 工时 gōngshí
  25. a
  26. 蜘蛛网 zhīzhū wǎng
  27. 共鸣 gòngmíng; 同感 tónggăn

>Top <L>:



>Top <M>:

  1. 間違ってmachgatte; 不首尾
  2. 前向き, maemuki
  3. 真逆, magyaku
  4. 慢性, mansei
  5. 先ずは, mazu
  6. 明示的にも暗示的にも, meijiteki
  7. メリハリ, merihari
  8. 芽を摘む mewo
  9. 見掛け倒し mikakedaoshi
  10. 密売, mitsubai
  11. 密輸入, mitsuyunyu
  12. 問題提起, mondai
  13. 脆い家 moroi
  14. 無分別, mufunbetsu



  1. The schemes went awry.; judge amiss
  2. (concrete &) positive for; forward-looking; proactive; prospective; look farther ahead; positive attitude/outlook/view/practices; progressive;
  3. just/completely the opposite; different; the other end of the spectrum; exact opposite; by no means;
  4. chronic ↔ acute;
  5. first;
  6. express or limplied, including, but not limited to,
  7. clear; lively; unambiguous; explicit; balanced; fair-and-well-balanced; well-modulated
  8. nip in the bud; nip a cold in the bud.
  9. shoddy; lacking moral principle
  10. trafficking;
  11. smuggling;
  12. raise/pose a question/problem; discover/raise issues
  13. like a house of cards that is ready to collapse.
  14. indiscretion; thoughtlessness; recklessness; carelessness;


  1. 不对 bùduì
  2. 积极 jījí; 远见 yuǎnjiàn
  3. a
  4. 慢性 mànxìng;急性 jíxìng
  5. 第一的 dì-yī
  6. a
  7. 一板一眼的 yìbăn yìyăn de
  8. 防微杜渐fángwēi dùjiàn
  9. 空头 kōngtóu
  10. 私卖 sīmài; 私贩 sīfàn
  11. 走私进口 zǒusī jìnkǒu
  12. 提起问题 tíqǐ wèntí
  13. 脆弱 cuìruò
  14. 盲动 mángdòng

>Top <N>:

  1. 何が起ころうとnani
  2. 何となく nantonaku
  3. 日常化, nichijoka
  4. 二枚舌, nimaijita
  5. にも拘わらず, nimo
  6. 認知する ninchi
  7. 認知度向上, ninchido
  8. 忍耐, nintai


  1. come what may; no matter what happens; we will not submit to this law.
  2. something tells me that he doen't like her.
  3. become an everyday affair; become more routine;
  4. two diplomatic tongue; be double-tongued(-faced); double-dealing;duplicity; equivocation;
  5. in spite of; tough; for all; disregarding; classify as; place
  6. place; identify; He couldn't place me.
  7. enhance/increase/improve the recognition; brand recognition; differentiate the brand; improve/raise awareness;
  8. patience; with perseverance; endurance to; tenacious attention;


  1. a
  2. 总觉得 zǒng juéde
  3. a
  4. a
  5. 虽然...但是 suīrán...dànshì
  6. 认知 rènzhī
  7. a
  8. 忍耐 rěnnài; 耐心 nàixīn;

>Top <O>:

  1. オレオレ詐欺, oreore
  2. 押さえておく osaeteoku
  3. 男らしい, otoko


  1. type of fraud involving phone calls pretending distress
  2. make no mistake,
  3. mannish closing; Cf: manly sports; womanly skill; womanish shrillness,


  1. 欺骗 qīpiàn
  2. 扼要 èyào
  3. a

>Top <P>:



>Top <Q>:



>Top <R>:

  1. 霊性 reisei
  2. 歴史的使命 rekishiteki
  3. 理念, rinen
  4. リスク分散, risk
  5. 率の経営, ritsu
  6. 利用, riyou
  7. 労働集約的, roudou
  8. 類型, ruikei
  9. xx力, ryoku
  10. 量的緩和, ryoteki
  11. 流行 ryukou


  1. spirituality; divine nature;
  2. historical run/abbeys/character/mission/responsibility;
  3. (corporate/management) philosophy (and will); mission; statement; ( corporate) vision; conception
  4. dispersion/diversification of risk
  5. Ratio management;
  6. use; utilize; make good use of; apply; turn to advantage;
  7. labor-intensive (operation);
  8. typology;
  9. strength; power;
  10. QE, quantitative easing;
  11. in-thing;


  1. 灵魂 línghún
  2. 经营理念 jīngyíng lǐniàn
  3. 分散风险 fēnsàn fēngxiǎn
  4. 比率 bǐlǜ; 经营 jīngyíng
  5. 利用 lìyòng
  6. 劳动密集型 láodòng mìjíxíng
  7. 类型 lèixín
  8. a
  9. 缓和 huănhé
  10. 流行 liúxíng; 风行 fēngxíng

>Top <S>:

  1. 詐欺, sagi
  2. 再認識, saininshiki
  3. 最適な, saiteki
  4. 妨げ samatage
  5. 三本柱, sanbon
  6. 差止命令
  7. 成長エンジン, seichou
  8. 精鋭チーム, seiei
  9. 成果ベース, seika
  10. 正確に, seikakuni
  11. 生活習慣, seikatsu
  12. 成功への道, seikou
  13. 生産革命, seisan
  14. 制定法, seiteihou
  15. 選択と集中, sentaku
  16. 窃盗, settou
  17. 社内研修, shanai
  18. 先例拘束性
  19. 仕上げ, shiage
  20. 資本, shihon
  21. 史上最高, shijou
  22. 親権, shinken
  23. 潮目, shiome
  24. 視野に, shiyani
  25. 職権上, shokken
  26. 職権乱用, shokken
  27. 消化器疾患, shoukaki
  28. 少量多品種, shouryo
  29. 修正
  30. 資源に限り, sigen
  31. 視野, siya
  32. その際, sonosai
  33. スピード経営, speed
  34. する程..., suruhodo


  1. fraud/fraudulent/defraud of; scam; swindle; imposture; (on the) dodge;
  2. recognize anew; re-recognize; reconfirm the importance; reaffirm; reacknowledge; remind its value; raise awareness; new appreciation
  3. most suitable; optimum; optimal to; perfect setting; most effective
  4. get in the way; you can't let your personal feelings get in the way of business.
  5. three strategic pillars of;
  6. injunction
  7. strengthen the engine of growth
  8. strong team; select team; elite professionals; group of elite; dedicated team; best assigned team;
  9. outcomes/results based;
  10. accurate, exact, punctual, authentic; correctly; precisely
  11. lifestyle-related (diseases);
  12. the road/path/way/leading to success; follow the Yellow Brick Road (OZ);
  13. productivity revolution; Cf. industrious revolution, industrial revolution
  14. statute; Cf. law = Common Law
  15. selection and concentration; prune off unnecessary branches
  16. theft;
  17. internal/in-house training program;
  18. doctrine of precedent
  19. finishing touches; final polishing;
  20. capital =wealth in the form of money or assets; equity = the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
  21. at record high; at all-time high
  22. custody (of a child);
  23. trigger a shift; turn the tide;
  24. adopt a viewpoint of; with an eye on; with a view to; considering; bring into view;
  25. ex officio; by (the court) own authority (rescind);
  26. abuse/misuse of authority; graft;
  27. gastroenterological diseases;
  28. high-mix & low-volume (small lot) production; large/wide variety & small quantity; flexible manufacturing system (FMS);
  29. rectification; Cf. Remedy by Common Law.
  30. any resource has limits; limited/scarce resources; limited pool of;
  31. keeping view; examination in view
  32. in doing so; in that/such case; in that situation; moreover; on this occasion; almost invariably; in this regard; in this process/respect;
  33. speedy management; faster decision-making; speed of business decision;
  34. the higher the past success, the more likely the fall in the future.


  1. 欺骗 qīpiàn; 诈骗zhàpiàn
  2. 重新认识 chóngxīn rènshi
  3. 合适 héshì; 最佳 zuìjiā;
  4. 阻碍 zǔài
  5. 鼎 dǐng;
  6. UK: Equityによる救済
  7. 成长发动机 chéngzhăng fādòngjī
  8. a
  9. a
  10. 确切 quèqiè; 准确 zhǔnquè
  11. 生活方式病 shēnghuó fāngshìbìng
  12. a
  13. 生产 shēngchăn 革命gémìng
  14. a
  15. a
  16. 偷盗 tōudào; 偷窃 tōuqiè;
  17. 公司内gōngsī nèi 研修yánxiū
  18. Common Lawの原則
  19. 最后加工 zuìhòu jiāgōng
  20. 資本; 純資産
  21. 史无前例 shǐ wú qiánlì
  22. 监护 jiānhù;
  23. a
  24. a
  25. 滥用职权 lànyòng zhíquán
  26. 消化器 xiāohuàqì 疾患 jíhuàn
  27. a
  28. UK: Equityによる救済
  29. 有限 yǒuxiàn; 限量 xiànliàng
  30. 视野 shìyě
  31. 而且 érqiě; 之际 zhī jì
  32. 培训 péixùn
  33. a

>Top <T>:

  1. タブー視, taboo
  2. 対価として, taika
  3. 耐性, taisei
  4. 多極主義, takyoku
  5. 定着, teichaku
  6. 手戻り, temodori
  7. 盗聴・改竄・成りすまし・自己否認
  8. 得意分野, tokui
  9. 得意技
  10. 特に, tokuni
  11. 突発的 toppatsu
  12. 取消し torikeshi
  13. 取り込み詐欺, torikomi
  14. 追体験, tsuitaiken
  15. 通称 tsusho


  1. treat as taboo; consider taboo;
  2. as a compensation/consideration for; in consideration of; in return for
  3. antibiotic-resistant; temperature tolerance/tolerant; resilient;
  4. polycentrism; multi pole; pluralism;
  5. fixing down; getting established; fixity;
  6. unnecessary repairs; send back; setbacks; rework; amendment
  7. tapping/eavesdropping; falsification; impersonation; non-repudiation
  8. one's field of expertise; unique strength; area of speciality;
  9. signature move (必殺技);
  10. typically; especially; particularly;
  11. spirng into action; Bride-to-be Chen Ying sprang into action and began interviewing people.
  12. rescission
  13. (play a) confidence trick/game;
  14. vicarious experience; re-experience; trace the experience of;
  15. go by the name ...


  1. 禁忌 jìnjì
  2. 耐性 nàixìng
  3. 多极 duōjí
  4. 定居 dìngjū
  5. 修改 xiūgǎi
  6. 窃听qiètīng; 改窜găicuàn; 假托jiătuō; 否认 fǒurèn
  7. 长项 chángxiàng; 专长zhuāncháng
  8. 长技 chángjì
  9. 特别 tèbié
  10. 突发性 tūfāxìng
  11. UK: Equityによる救済
  12. a
  13. a
  14. 通称 tōngchēng

>Top <U>:

  1. 内向き志向
  2. 裏話, urabanashi


  1. inward-looking mindset; domestic orientated; introverted
  2. inside story; untold fact;


  1. 内向 nèixiàng
  2. 内情 nèiqíng

>Top <V>:

  1. ベテラン, veteran


  1. expert; experienced;


  1. 老兵 lăobīng

>Top <W>:

  1. わいせつ, waisetsu


  1. obscenity;


  1. 淫秽 yínhuì

>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:

  1. 要するに, yousuruni
  2. 要点 youten
  3. 用途転換, youto
  4. (ITの)融合, yuugou


  1. in a word; in short; after all; the point is;
  2. bullet point; each of several points in a list
  3. change of application/intended usage/use/purpose; use conversion;
  4. fusion of; integration; accumulated by; bring ... together; combine; convergence of; integrated systems of;


  1. 总之 zǒngzhī
  2. 要点 yàodiǎn
  3. 变更biàngēng 用途yòngtú
  4. 融合 rónghé

>Top <Z>:

  1. 前提知識, zentei


  1. basic knowledge; prior; background; prerequisite; assumption


  1. 前提 qiántí

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