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Glossary of ISO 9001

Cat: MIS

compiled by Kanzo Kobayashi



>Top <A>

  1. accountability
  2. achieve
  3. action
  4. address
  5. adequacy
  6. adherence
  7. take advantage of
  8. adverse
  9. aim
  10. align
  11. allocate
  12. allow
  13. applicability
  14. apply
  15. appropriate
  16. assess
  17. assign
  18. associate
  19. attribute
  20. authority
  21. availability


  1. ¶taking 〜 for the effectiveness of
  2. ¶〜 this objective
  3. ¶take 〜s to improve performance
  4. ¶〜 risks and opportunities
  5. ¶suitability, 〜 and effectiveness of quality
  6. ¶ ISO's 〜 to WTO
  7. ¶〜 opportunities
  8. ¶prevent 〜 impacts
  9. ¶〜 to enhance customer satisfaction
  10. ¶〜ment of documentation to the clause
  11. ¶〜tion of responsibilities
  12. ¶〜  the organization to attract customers
  13. ¶〜 of the quality management
  14. ¶ISO 〜 the framework
  15. ¶take 〜 action
  16. ¶self-〜ment methodology
  17. ¶〜 the responsibility
  18. ¶opportunities 〜ed with its context
  19. ¶processes & 〜s tt are valued by customers
  20. ¶assign the responsibility & 〜
  21. ¶〜 of resources


  1. fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility; 会計報告義務
  2. successfully bring about; react by effort; 獲得・達成
  3. fact or process of doing sth; 行動・実行・対策・行為・振る舞い
  4. think about & begin to deal with; speak to; 注意を向ける・発言<L. ad+directus =towards direct
  5. state or quality of being adequate; 適当・妥当
  6. attachment or commitment to; 遵守・執着; <L. ad+haerere=to+stick
  7. 利用・活用・乗ずる
  8. preventing success or development; harmfully or unfavorably; 逆・不利・不都合
  9. direct at sb/sth; have the intention of achieving; 目標・対象・目指す・努力
  10. put into correct or appropriate positions; give support to; 梯形・調整
  11. distribute resources for a particular purpose; 計上・割当・配置
  12. let sb have or do sth; give the necessary time or opportunity for; させる・許す・認める
  13. quality of being relevant or appropriate; 適用・応用・当該
  14. make a formal application or request; be applicable; use, exert; 適用・向ける・用いる
  15. suitable or proper in the circumstances, 適切・見合う・特有<ad+proprius=to+own
  16. conformity assessment; evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, quality; <L. assidere <levy tax
  17. allocate a joy/duty; transfer legal rights; 割当・課す・指定・付与
  18. connect with sth else in mind; be involved with; 連想・提携; <L. ad+socius=sharing, allied
  19. regard sth as being caused by; であると考える ¶〜 the success to the efforts of
  20. power or right to give orders, make decisions and enforce obedience; 権威・権限・権限を委任された機関
  21. quality of being able to be used or obtained; state of being unoccupied; 入手可能・利用できること

>Top <B>:

  1. benchmark
  2. breakthrough
  3. burnout
  4. business


  1. ¶acquire knowledge from 〜ing
  2. ¶〜 change
  3. ¶〜 prevention
  4. ¶〜 can be interpreted to mean


  1. evaluate by comparison with a standard, 基準;
  2. sudden, dramatic; in a particular sphere, 重大・突破・地平を切り拓く
  3. physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress; 燃え尽き・消耗・虚脱
  4. activities tt are core to the purposes of the organization

>Top <C>:

  1. calibrate
  2. checkpoint
  3. claim
  4. coherent
  5. communicate
  6. competence
  7. complaint
  8. concept
  9. conduct
  10. conformity
  11. consequence
  12. consider
  13. consistency
  14. contamination
  15. context
  16. contribute
  17. criterion
  18. customer focused


  1. ¶〜tion status
  2. ¶measuring 〜s
  3. ¶may only be 〜ed if
  4. ¶provide a 〜 presentation
  5. ¶〜 to external providers
  6. ¶evaluate the 〜 of a quality
  7. ¶arising from 〜s
  8. ¶terminology & 〜s
  9. ¶〜 audits of management systems
  10. ¶〜 of products & services
  11. ¶potential 〜
  12. ¶shall 〜 the issues referred to
  13. ¶〜 in meeting requirements
  14. ¶〜 control
  15. ¶understand its 〜
  16. ¶approval 〜 needed for
  17. ¶different approval 〜a needed
  18. ¶〜 organization


  1. mark a gauge with a standard scale of reading; adjust to take external factors into account; 調整・測定・修正
  2. check項目
  3. state or assert tt sth is the case, without providing evidence; formally request; 断言・主張・要求・関心を呼ぶ
  4. logical & consistent <L. cohaerent=sticking together
  5. share or exchange information; 伝達・理解し合う
  6. subconscious knowledge, 適正; 法的資格
  7. a statement tt sth is unsatisfactory or unacceptable; 不平・不満・苦情・告訴; <L. complaindre=lament <complain
  8. an abstract idea; a plan or intention; 概念・発想
  9. lead, guide, direct, 進行・案内;
  10. compliance with standards, rules; 順応・従順・一致・適合
  11. ; <L. conformre=form, fashion
  12. a result or effect, typically tt is unwelcome or unpleasant; 結果・帰結・重大さ
  13. think carefully about before making a decision; 熟考・考察・考える
  14. consistent behaviour or treatment; <L. consistent=standing firm; 一貫性・一致
  15. action or state of making or being made impure by polluting; 汚染・不純物・悪影響
  16. circumstances tt form the setting for a event, 前後関係・状況・場面 <L. con+texere=togeher +weave; ¶ understand its 〜
  17. give (esp. money) in order to help; help to cause; supply (an article); 提供・提案・寄稿・貢献; <L. con+tribuere=with+bestow
  18. a principle or standard by which sth may be judged or decided; 基準・尺度
  19. 顧客中心・ 顧客に焦点を合わせた

>Top <D>:

  1. deliver
  2. demonstrate
  3. deteriorate
  4. determine
  5. develop
  6. deviate


  1. ¶resources needed to 〜 results
  2. ¶〜 conformity to specified quality
  3. ¶damage or 〜tion
  4. ¶〜 the need for changes
  5. a¶design & 〜ment planning
  6. ¶〜 from the planned results


  1. provide (sth promised); hand deliver (goods) to the proper recipient
  2. clearly show the truth of sth by giving proof; 立証、明示、説明; <L. demonstrare=point out
  3. become progressively worse; 悪化・低下; <L. deterior=worse
  4. cause sth to occur in a particular way; ascertain or establish exactly by research; 決定・測定・解決・裁決; <L. de+terminare=completely terminate
  5. grow or cause to grow; start to exist or possess; 発展・開発・進展・詳細説明
  6. depart from an established course; 逸脱・脱線

>Top <E>:

  1. effectiveness
  2. eliminate
  3. employ
  4. enable
  5. encounter
  6. enhance
  7. ensure
  8. establish
  9. evaluate
  10. evidence-based


  1. ¶〜 of a quality management
  2. ¶〜 the cause of
  3. ¶〜 the process approach
  4. ¶〜 an organization to plan
  5. ¶nonconformities 〜ed
  6. ¶〜 customer satisfaction
  7. ¶〜 effective operation
  8. ¶〜 the objective of the system
  9. ¶〜 the need for action
  10. ¶〜 decision making


  1. degree to which sth is successful in producing a desired result; 有効性・効果; Cf: effective, efficient, effectual, efficacious
  2. completely remove; expel from the body; 削除・脱落・抹殺・消去
  3. give work to; make use of; 雇用・利用・専念
  4. give authority or means to do sth; activate; 能力 (手段・資格・権限);<formerly inable;
  5. unexpectedly be faced with or experience; 遭遇・対抗・対戦
  6. intensify, increase, further improve; 高める・拡張; ¶〜 the ability
  7. make certain tt sth will occur; 確実にする、保証・確保 <L. assurer=assure (Cf. insure=保証・付保
  8. set up on a firm or permanent basis
  9. forma an idea of the amount, or value of; assess; 評価・査定
  10. 科学的根拠に基づく

>Top <F>:

  1. format
  2. framework


  1. ¶〜 & media
  2. ¶〜 for setting quality objectives


  1. the way in which sth is arranged or set out; 構成・形式・形態・体裁・書式; <L. formare=form
  2. basic structure underlying a system, concept, or text; 基盤・構造・体系

>Top <G>:

  1. generic


  1. ¶International Standard are 〜


  1. characteristic of, relating to a group of the things; ⇔specific; 属の・総括・一般; <L. genus=stock, race

>Top <H>:

  1. hygiene


  1. ¶airflow, 〜, noise


  1. conditions or practices conductive to maintaining health & preventing disease through cleanliness; 衛生・清潔; <L hugies=healthy

>Top < I >:

  1. identify
  2. implement
  3. implicit
  4. improve
  5. include
  6. integrate
  7. integrity
  8. interest
  9. involve

< I >:

  1. ¶〜tion & description
  2. ¶〜 any action needed
  3. ¶ has been 〜 in previous editions if ISO
  4. ¶〜 its overall performance
  5. ¶applicable actions can 〜, for example, ...
  6. ¶〜 into the organization
  7. ¶〜 of the quality management system
  8. ¶〜ed parties
  9. ¶authorities 〜ed in the design

< I >:

  1. establish or indicate who/what is; recognize or distinguish sth worthy; 確認・識別・同定
  2. put (decision, plan) into effect >L. implere=fill up >employ; 実行、履行
  3. suggested though not directly expressed ⇔explicit; 暗黙・潜在・さりげない・絶対; Chief Implicit Obedience        
  4. make better; develop or increase in mental capacity; 改良・上達・価値を高める
  5. Cf: include vs. comprise: is used in non-restirictive way vs. no accommodation other than that listed.; など含まれる
  6. combine to form as a whole; 溶け込ませる ⇔segregate
  7. state of being whole & undivided; internal consistency or lack of corruption; 完全な状態・無欠性
  8. feeling of wanting to know; a stake or involvement in an undertaking (a financial one); 関心事・利益・ため・利害・重要
  9. include as a necessary; 伴う・必要・巻き込む

>Top <J>:



>Top <K>:

  1. knowledge


  1. ¶evaluate the 〜, skills, behaviour


  1. facts, information, & skills acquired through experience or education; 知識・熟知・精通・認識・識別; <OE. cnāwan=recognize, identify

>Top <L>:

  1. launch


  1. ¶〜 new products


  1. start or set in motion an activity; introduce a new product to the public; 売り出す・着手する

>Top <M>:

  1. maintain
  2. manage
  3. measurable
  4. meet
  5. mentor
  6. monitor


  1. ¶ the system is 〜ed
  2. ¶Quality 〜ment
  3. ¶be 〜
  4. ¶〜 and measure processes
  5. ¶the organization to acquire knowledge 〜
  6. ¶guidelines for 〜 provides


  1. cause or enable to continue; keep in good condition by checking regularly; 保持・維持・望ましい状態に保つ
  2. be in charge of; supervise; use time/time; 対処・完遂・活用・運営・経営
  3. able to be measured; noticeable; 測定・予測・重要
  4. arrange or happen to come into the presence; 接続・近づきになる
  5. advise or train (a younger colleague), 指導・助言
  6. observe/check the progress; listen to and report on; 監視・観察・測定・追跡

>Top <N>:

  1. nonconformity
  2. normative


  1. ¶when a 〜 occurs
  2. ¶〜 references


  1. a deviation from a specification, standard, or expectation; defect; 不一致・不調和
  2. establishing, relating to, deriving from a standard; 規範・標準; <norm

>Top <O>:

  1. opportunity
  2. outsource


  1. ¶address risks & 〜ies
  2. ¶〜 processes are controlled


  1. a time or circumstances tt makes it possible, 機会・好機
  2. obtain (a service) by contract from an outside, 外注・委託

>Top <P>:

  1. perception
  2. performance
  3. pose
  4. post-delivery activity
  5. preventive
  6. process
  7. process approach
  8. proportionate; -nal
  9. provide
  10. pursue
  11. put in place


  1. ¶customer 〜s can include
  2. ¶organization's 〜
  3. ¶〜 a challenge for
  4. ¶〜 can include actions under warranty
  5. ¶〜 action to eliminate
  6. ¶complexity of 〜es
  7. ¶〜 when developing
  8. ¶shall be 〜 to the potential impact
  9. ¶a risk can 〜 an opportunity
  10. ¶〜 an opportunity
  11. ¶〜  preventive controls


  1. ability to see, hear, or become aware of; 理解・認識・知覚・洞察; <percipere=seize, understand
  2. action or process of performing a task or function; 遂行・実績・性能
  3. raise a question for consideration; place in a particular position ; 姿勢・構え・格好
  4. 納入後の活動
  5. designed to keep sth undesirable from occurring; 予防・防止
  6. a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end; 過程・工程・一連の作用・経過; <L. processus=progression
  7. a systematic series of; 過程アプローチ
  8. corresponding in size or amount to sth else; 比例・釣合・相応
  9. make available for use; make adequate preparation for; 提供・支給
  10. follow or chase; continue or proceed along; engage in; 追求・続行
  11. 整備・導入・制定

>Top <Q>:

  1. quality policy


  1. ¶are aware of 〜


  1. degree of excellence of sth; distinguishing characteristic; 品質方針

>Top <R>:

  1. rationale
  2. recur
  3. relevant
  4. reorganize
  5. replace
  6. report on/of
  7. resource
  8. retain
  9. review
  10. risk
  11. risk-based


  1. ¶a 〜 of why the principle
  2. ¶does not 〜 or occur 
  3. ¶〜 interested parties
  4. ¶innovation and 〜zation
  5. ¶〜 the 4th edition
  6. ¶〜 on the performance of the quality
  7. ¶ensure tt the 〜 provided
  8. ¶〜 documented information
  9. ¶organization shall 〜 changes
  10. ¶nature of the 〜s
  11. ¶〜 thinking; ¶〜 internal audit (RBIA)


  1. a set of reasons or a logical basis for; <L rationalis=rational
  2. occur again periodically, come back to one's mind; 再発・再登場・循環
  3. closely connected or appropriate; 関連・適切・妥当
  4. change the way in which sth is organized; 再編・再建
  5. take the place of; substitute for; 置換・代用
  6. give a spoken or written account of sth; 報告・記事; ¶〜 on (事実+意見); of (事実)
  7. stock of money, materials, staff & oth assets; collective means of supporting itself; 資源・資産・源泉・手段
  8. continue to have; keep in place; 保持・記憶
  9. assess sth formally; survey or evaluate; 調査・検討・批評・検閲
  10. exposure to danger; possibility tt sth unpleasant will happen
  11. リスクに基づいた・考慮した

>Top <S>:

  1. safeguard
  2. satisfy
  3. service
  4. specify
  5. state
  6. statutory
  7. sustain


  1. ¶〜 customers' property
  2. ¶ customer 〜faction
  3. ¶products & 〜
  4. ¶ requirements 〜ied in this
  5. ¶ shall 〜 the types of products
  6. ¶〜 & regulatory requirements
  7. ¶managing for 〜ed success of an organization


  1. protect from damage; 保護・防御
  2. meet the expectations, needs or desire of sb; 満足・納得・履行
  3. action of helping for sb; 点検・修理・提供
  4. identify clearly; state a fact precisely; 細かく記す
  5. express sth definitely; present or introduce; 状態・様相・事態・事情
  6. required, permitted, or enacted by statute; 法令・法定・制定法
  7. strengthen or support physically or mentally; 持続・維持・扶養・支持

>Top <T>:

  1. traceable
  2. trend


  1. ¶measurement 〜 is a requirement
  2. ¶changing needs & 〜s


  1. able to be found or discovered; 追跡可能・描ける
  2. change or develop in a general direction; 傾向・流行・動向

>Top <U>:

  1. unfit
  2. update


  1. ¶is found to be 〜 for its purpose
  2. ¶〜 risks


  1. make unsuitable, disqualify; 不適当・無能力・無資格
  2. make sth more modern; 最新化・更新

>Top <V>:

  1. valid
  2. verify


  1. ¶ensure 〜 & reliable results
  2. ¶calibrated or 〜ed


  1. having sound basis in logic or fact; legally or officially acceptable; 正当・妥当・有効・権威; <L verus=true
  2. make sure or demonstrate tt is true, accurate or justified; 立証・照合・真実を証する

>Top <W>:

  1. warranty


  1. ¶post-delivery activities can include actions under 〜


  1. a written guarantee; <warantie, guarantie

>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:



>Top <Z>:



  • Abbreviation:
    • sb=somebody, sth=something, tt=that,
  • 略語:

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