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Egyptian Hieroglyph Character
Cat: LAN
JSesh Software Ver. 7.5.5
PSesh Code
Manual de Codage
>Top <Uniliteral>:

<Uniliteral signs>
- a-A-b-d-D(ʒ)-f
- g-h-H-i-k-K
- l-m-M-n-N-o-O-p
- q-r-R-s-S(ʃ)-t-T(tʃ)
𓈎 𓂋𓋴𓈙 𓏏𓍿
- w-W-x-X-y-z
𓅱 𓏲𓐍𓄡𓏭𓊃
- D36-G1-D58-D46-I10-I9
- W11-O4-V28-M17-V31-S56
- E23-G17-Aa15-N35-S3-o-O-Q3
- N29-D21-D153-S29-N37-X1-V13
- G43-Z7-Aa1-F32-Z4-O34

<Egyptian Alphabet 24>
- A-i-a-w-b-p
- f-m-n-r-h-H
- x-X-z-s-S-q
- k-g-t-T-d-D
- There are about 800 characters in hieroglyphs, which would be more valuable than other historic relics to understand the essence of the civilization.
- The hieroglyphs were not be adopted by other civilizations, though was invented much earlier.
- It looks strange that there are no records of learning by Greeks and Romans.
>Top <Biliteral>:

<Biliteral signs>
- aA-AA-ab-Ab-ad-aD
- aH-Ai-aq-Aw-Ax
- bA-bz
- DA-db-Db-DD-di-Dr-Dw
𓍑 𓄏𓅙𓆕𓏙𓇥𓈋
- gb-gm-gs
- Hn-Hp-Hr-Hw-Hz
- ib-id-iH-ii-im
- in-ir-it-iw-iz
- kA-km-kp
- mA-mD-mH-mi-mm
- mn-mr-ms-mt-mw
- nb-nD-nH-nm-nr-ns-nw
- pA-pd-pD-pH-pr-pt
- qd-qn-qs
- ra-rd-rs-rw
- sA-SA-sd-Sd-sf
- sk-sm-Sm-sn-Sn
- sr-st-sT-St-sw-Sw
- tA-TA-Tb-ti-tm
- tp-tr-Tz
- wa-wA-wD-wn-wp
- wr-ww-wx-wz
- xa-xA-XA-xm-xn
- Xn-xr-Xr-xt-xw
- zA-zb-zH-zp-zS-zw
- O29-G2-D59-U23-K3-V26
- O11-T12-G35-F40-G25
- G29-K5
- U28-F16-G22-I11-X8-M36-N26
- G38-G28-Aa13
- M2-Aa5-D2-F18-W14
- F34-N42-T24-M18-Aa13
- K1-D4-U10-N18-M40
- D28-I6-R5
- U1-V20-V22-W19-G18
- Y5-U6-F31-D52-N35A
- V30-Aa27-G21-T34-H4-F20-W24
- G40-T9-T10-F22-H2-O1
- Aa28-Aa8-T19
- N5-D56-T13-E23
- Aa17-M8-F33-F30-S30
- V29-M21-N40-T22-V7
- A21-Q1-S22-V1-M23-H6
- N16-G47-S33-U33-U15
- D1-M6-S24
- T21-V4-V24-E34-F13
- G36-G44-R16-Q2
- N28-M12-K4-R22-G41
- F26-A15-T28-M3-S37
- G39-O35-O22-O50-Y3-N5
PSesh Code
Manual de Codage
>Top <abc>:

- 【a】aA-AA-ab-Ab
- abA-Abd-Aby-aD
- ad-aH-aHa-Ai/Ar
- Ams-anx-apr-aq-arq
- aSA-Atf-Aw-awt-Ax-Axt
- 【b】bA-baHi-bAs-bdt
- biA-bit-bnr-bz
- 【d】DA-Dam-db-DD
- Db-Dba-DbA-dd/Dd
- DHwty-di-dmD-Dr
- DrD-dSr-dSrt-Dw
- 【g】dwAt-fnD-gb-gm-grg-gs
- 【h】HA-HAt-hb/Sna-Hb-HD
- HDD-HDt-HH-Hfn-Hm
- Hmt-Hn-Hnmmt-Hnqt-Hp
- HqA-HqAt-Hr-hrw-Htp
- 【i】Hw-Hwt-Hz-iab-iAb-iAdt-iaH
- iAm-iAt-ib-ibA-id
- idn/sDm-idr-idt-iH-ii-im
- imAx-imi-imnt-in
- inb-inpw-ini-ipt-ir
- iry-isw-it-iTi-iw-iwn-iz
- 【k・l】kA-kAp-kAr-km-kp-l
- 【m】M-mA-mAi-mAa-mAat
- mAw-mD-mDAt-mDH-mDt-mH
- mi-mm-mn-mnD-mnhd-mnit-mniw
- mnw-mnx-mnxt-mr-ms-mSa
- msi-msn-mt-mw-mwt
- 【n】mxAt-mzH-nb-nD
- nDm-nbty-nbw-nfr-nfw-nH-niwt
- nm-nmt-nr-ns-nSmt-nTr-nTrw
- nw-nxn-nxxw-nst
- 【p】pA-pAq-pd-pD
- pH-pr-pt-pXr/qAb-pzD
- 【q】qd-qmA-qn-qrsw-qs
- 【r】R-ra-rd-rdi-rmi-rnp
- rs-rsw-rtH-rw-rwd/rwD-rxyt
- 【s】sA-SA-sAH-sAq-sbA-sbk
- sd-Sd-sDAw-sf-siA
- sk-sm-Sm-Sma-Sms-sn
- Sn-snD-Sndyt-snT-snTr
- Snwt- Sny-spAt-Sps-Spsi-spt
- spty-sr-srqt-SsA-sSm-sSr-st-sT
- St-sTA-sti-stp-stX-Styw
- Sw-sw-Swt-Swty-sxm/abA
- sxmty-sXr-sxt-Szp
- 【t】t-TA-tA-TAw-Tb-THn/tHn
- ti-tm-TmA-tp-tr
- txn-tyw-Tz
- 【w】W-wa-wA-wab-wAD
- wAH-wAs-wbA-wD-wDa-wDAt
- wDb-wdn-wHa-wHm-wn
- wp-wr-wrrt-wSA
- wSm-wsr-wsx-wsxt
- ww-wx-wz
- 【x】xa-xA-XA-XAr-xAst-xAt/xAwt
- xm-xn-Xn-Xnm-Xnmw-xnt
- xpr-xprS-xpS-xr-Xr
- Xrd-xrp-xrw-xsf
- x-xtm-xw
- 【z】z-zA-zAb-zb
𓊃 𓅭𓃥𓊄
- zH-zin/zwn-zmA-zmn
- zp-zS-zSn-zSSt
𓊗 𓏞 𓆸 𓏣
- zw-zwn-zxnt-zzmt
𓇳 𓌕 𓉽 𓃗
- 【a】O29-G2-D59-U23
- S42-N11-E24-V26
- K3-O11-P6-T12
- S44-S34-Aa20-G35-V12
- I1-S8-F40-S39-G25-N27
- 【b】G29-G32-W2-M34
- U16-L2-M30-K5
- 【d】U28-S41-F16-I11
- G22-D50-T25-R11
- C3-X8-S23-M36
- F21-G27-S3-N26
- 【g】N15-D19-G38-G28-U17-Aa13
- 【h】M16-F4-U13-W3-T3
- T6-S1-C11-I8-U36
- U24-M2-N8-W22-Aa5
- S38-U11-D2-N5-R4
- 【i】F18-O6-W14-W10-R15-N4-N11
- M1-N30-F34-Y6-N42
- N41-F21-V37-N4-T24-M18-Aa13
- F39-Z11-R14-K1
- O36-C6-W25-O45-D4
- A47-F44-U10-V15-N18-O28-M40
- 【k・l】D28-R5-O18-I6-R5-E23
- 【m】Aa15-U1-E22-Aa11-C10
- G46-V20-Y1-S10-V19-V22
- W19-G18-Y5-D27-Y3-S18-A33
- C8-U22-S27-U6-F31-A12
- B3-V32-D52-N35A-G14
- 【n】U38-I3-V30
- Aa27-M29-G16-S12-F35-P5-G21-O49
- T34-T29-H4-F20-K6-R8-R8A
- W24-O47-S45-W11
- 【p】G40-H3-T9-T10
- F22-O1-N1-F46-N9
- 【q】Aa28-T14-Aa8-Q6-T19
- 【r】D153-N5-D56-X8-D9-M4
- T13-M24-U31-E23-T12-G23
- 【s】Aa17-M8-D61-I5-N14-I4
- F33-F30-S19-S30-S32
- V29-M21-N40-M26-T18-T22
- V7-G54-S26-V5-R7
- O51-D3-N24-A50-A51-D24
- D25-A21-L7-F5-T31-V33-Q1-S22
- V1-V2-F29-U21-C7-I2
- H6-M23-S35-S9-S42
- S6-T11-M20-O42
- 【t】X1-G47-N16-P5-S33-S15
- U33-U15-V19-D1-M6
- O25-G4-S24
- 【w】Z7-T21-V4-D60-M13
- V29-S40-U26-V24-Aa21-D10
- N20-M11-P4-F25-E34
- F13-G36-T17-G42
- H2-F12-S11-O15
- G44-R16-Q2
- 【x】N28-M12-K4-V19-N25-R1
- R22-G41-F26-W9-C4-W17
- L1-S7-F23-A15-T28
- -A17-S42-P8-U34
- Aa1-S20-S37
- 【z】O34-G39-E17-O35
- O22-T11-F36-U32
- O50-Y3-M9-Y8
- N5-T11-O30-E6
>Top Categorty: - MdC

- 【A: Man】A12-A15-A17-A21-A33-A38-A47-A50-A51
- 【B: Woman】B3
- 【C: Gods】C3-C4-C6-C7-C8-C10-C11
- 【D: Human body】D1-D2-D3-D4-D9-D10-D19-D21
- D24-D25-D27-D28-D34-D36-D45-D46
- D50-D52-D56-D58-D59-D60-D61-D153
- 【E: Mammals】E6-E17-E22-E23-E24-E34
- 【F: Parts of Mammals】F4-F5-F12-F13-F16-F18-F20-F21
- F22-F23-F25-F26-F27-F28-F29-F30-F31-F32
- F33-F34-F35-F36-F39-F40-F42-F44-F46
- 【G: Birds】G1-G2-G4-G14-G16-G17-G18-G21
- G22-G23-G25-G27-G28-G29-G32-G35
- G36-G38-G39-G40-G41-G42-G43
- G44-G46-G47-G54
- 【H: Parts of Birds】H2-H3-H4-H6
- 【I: Amphibious】I2-I3-I4-I5-I6-I8-I9
- 【K: Fish】K1-K3-K4-K5-K6
- 【L: Worm】L1-L2-L7
- 【M: Plantrs】M1-M2-M3-M4-M6-M8-M9-M11
- M12-M13-M16-M17-M18-M20-M21-M22A
- M23-M24-M26-M29-M30-M34-M36-M40
- 【N: Cosmos】N1-N4-N5-N8-N9-N11-N14-N15
- N16-N18-N20-N24-N25-N26-N27-N28
- N29-N30-N35-N35A-N37-N40-N41
- 【O: Building】O1-O4-O6-O11-O15-O18-O22-O25
- O28-O29-O30-O34-O35-O36-O42
- O45-O47-O49-O50-O51
- 【P: Ship】P4-P5-P6-P8
- 【Q: Home】Q1-Q2-Q3-Q6
- 【R: Temple】R1-R4-R5-R7-R8-R8A-R9
- R11-R14-R15-R16-R22
- 【S: Crowns】S1-S3-S6-S7-S8-S9-S10-S11
- S12-S15-S18-S19-S20-S22-S23
- S24-S26-S27-S29-S30-S32-S33
- S34-S35-S37-S38-S39-S40-S41
- S42-S43-S44-S45-S56
- 【T: War】T3-T6-T9-T10-T11-T12-T13
- T14-T17-T18-T19-T21-T22-T24
- T25-T28-T29-T31-T34
- 【U: Agri】U1-U6-U10-U11-U13-U15-U16
- U17-U21-U22-U23-U24-U26-U28
- U31-U32-U33-U34-U36-U38
- 【V: Rope】V1-V2-V3-V4-V5-V7-V12
- V13-V15-V19-V20-V22-V24-V26
- V28-V29-V30-V31-V32-V33-V37
- 【W: Stone】W3-W9-W10-W11-W14
- W17-W19-W22-W24-W25
- 【X: Cake】X1-X8
- 【Y: Writing, Music】Y1-Y3-Y5-Y6-Y8
- 【Z: Strokes】
- 【Aa: Misc. 】Aa1(x)-Aa5-Aa8-Aa11-Aa13-Aa15
- Aa17-Aa20-Aa21-Aa27-Aa28
- 【A】mSa-xr-Xrd-sr-mniw
- 【B】msi
- 【C】DHwty-Xnmw-inpw-stX-mnw-mAat-HH
- 【D】tp-Hr-Sny-ir-rmi-wDAt-fnD-r/rA
- spt-spty-mnD-kA-aHA-a-Dsr-d
- Dba-mt-gH/gHs/rd/sbq-b-ab-wab-sAH-R
- 【E】zzmt-zAb-mAi-l/rw-Aby-wn
- 【F】HAt-SsA-wsr-wp-db-Hw/bH-ns-DrD/idn/msDr/sDm
- kfA/pH-xpS-wHm-Xn-sti-Sd-ms-X
- sd-ib-nfr-zmA-imAx-Aw-spr-isw/iwa/-pXr/qAb
- 【G】A-AA-tyw-mwt-nbty-m-mm-nH
- Db-rxyt-Ax-dSr-gm-bA-baHi-aq
- wr-gb-zA-pA-xn-wSA-w
- ww-mAw-TA-snD
- 【H】wSm-pAq-nr-Sw
- 【I】Styw-mzH-sbk-sAq-km-Hfn-f
- 【K】in-ad-XA-bz-nSmt
- 【L】xpr-bit-srqt
- 【M】iAm-Hn-xt-rnp-tr-SA-zSn-wdn
- xA-wAD-HA-i-ii-sxt-sm-nn
- sw-rsw-Sma-nDm-bnr-bdt-Dr-iz
- 【N】pt-iAdt/idt-hrw/ra/zw-Hnmmt-pzD-Abd/iaH-dwA/sbA-dwAt
- tA-iw-wDb-spAt-xAst-Dw-Axt-xa
- q-iAt-n-mw-S-Sm-id
- 【O】pr-h-Hwt-aH-wsxt-kAr-zH-txn
- iwn-aA-zxnt-z-zb-inb-Szp
- ipt-nxn-niwt-zp-Snwt
- 【P】wHa-TAw-/nfw-aHa-xrw
- 【Q】st-wz-p-qrsw
- 【R】xAt/xAwt-Htp-kAp/kp-snTr-nTr-nTrw-bd
- Dd/dd-imnt-iAb-wx-xm
- 【S】HDt-N-sxmty-xprS-Atf-Swty-mDH-wsx
- nbw-THn/tHn-mnit-sDAw-xtm-sT-dmD
- Tz-Sndyt-mnxt-s-sf-siA-Tb
- anx-Swt-xw-HqA-awt-wAs-Dam
- sxm/xrp-md-Ams-nxxw-K
- 【T】HD-HDD-pd-pD-sXr/zin/zwn-Ai/Ar/rwD/rwd-rs
- qmA-wrrt-Sms-qs-wa-sn-iH
- DbA-Xr-nmt-sSm-nm
- 【U】mA-mr-it-HqAt-Sna/hb-tm-biA
- grg-stp-mnx-Ab-Hmt-wbA-DA
- rtH-zmn-ti-xsf-Hm-mxAt
- 【V】100-sTA-sTAw-wA-snT-Sn-arq
- T-iTi-TmA/XAr/mDt-10/mD-mH-wD-aD
- H-sk/wAH-nb-k-msn-sSr-idr
- 【W】Hb-Xnm-iab-g/nst-Hz
- xnt-mi-Hnqt-nw-ini
- 【X】t-di/rdi
- 【Y】mDAt-mnhd/zS-mn-ibA-zSSt
- 【Z】y-W-imi
- 【Aa: Misc.】 x-Hp-qn-mAa-im-M
- sA-apr-wDa-nD-qd
>Top <A>: Man

<A>: MdCm ,,
- crouch: <crochir =be bent
- A1-A2-A2A-A3-A3A-A4-A5
- A6-A6A-A6B-A6C-A6D-A6E
- A7-A7A-A8-A8A-A9-A9A
- A10-A10A-A10B-A11-A12(mSa)-A12A
- A12B-A12C-A12D-A13-A13A
- A14-A14A-A14B-A14C-A14D
- A15(xr)-A16-A17(Xrd)-A17A-A18
- A19-A20-A21(sr)-A22-A23
- A24-A25-A26-A27-A28
- A29-A30-A31-A32-A33
- A34-A35-A36-A37-A38(qiz)
- A39-A40-A40A-A40B-A40C
- A40D-A40E-A40F-A40G-A40H-A40I
- A41-A42-A42A-A42B-A43-A43A
- A44-A45-A46-A47(iry)-A48
- A49-A49A-A50(Sps)-A50A-A50B
- A50C-A50D-A50E-A50F-A50G
- A51(Spsi)-A51A-A51B-A51C-A51D-A51E
- A51F-A51G-A52-A52A-A52B-A52C
- A53-A54-A55-A55A-A56-A57
- A58-A58B-A59-A59A-A60-A60A
- A61-A62-A62A-A63-A63A
- A66-A67-A68-A69
<A>: Meaning
- seated man; man w hand to mouth; man sitting on heel; seated man w hands raised; crouching man hiding behind wall
- seated man under vase flowing water; fatigued man; rejoice-celebrate; man steadying basket on head to carry; seated man holding oar
- a
- seated man holding scepter & crook; soldier w bow & quiver; man w arms tied behind his back, rebel, enemy, foreigner; falling man w blood streaming from his had; man whose head is hit w an axe;
- a
- a
- man falling; man bowing down; child sitting w hand to mouth; child sitting w arms hanging down; child wearing red crown;
- bent man leaning on staff; leaning on forked staff; man holding staff w handkerchief; man w staff & scepter; king with staff & mace
- man striking w both hands; man striking w left arm hanging behind; man w one arm pointing forward; hastening man; man w hands raised on either side
- man upside down; man w hands raised in front; man w hands raised behind; man dancing w arms to the back; man w stick & bundle on shoulder
- man pounding in a mortar; man building wall; man kneading into vessel; man in vessel; holding necks of two emblematic animals
- man on two giraffes; seated god; king w uraeus; king w uraeus & flagellum; king wearing white crown;
- king wearing white crown w flagellum; king wearing red crown; king wearing red crown w flagellum; shepherd wrapped in mantle, shepherd wrapped in mantl, holding stick; beardless man holding knife
- seated Syrian holding stick; noble on chair; noble on chair w flagellum; noble squatting w flagellum; standing mummy
- lying mummy; mummy on bed; seated man holding stick; man holding loaf on mat; man appplyin hoe to ground
- man threatening w stick; man sowing seeds; man looking over his shoulder; asiatic; king on throne holding staff;
- king & oblisk; man holding arms backward; seateman w raised right arm & left arm hanging down; kneeing man w raised right hand & left arm hanging down
>Top <B>: Woman

- pregnant: <prae, before +granci, be born
- diadem: a jewelled crown
- B1-B1A-B1C-B1D-B1E-B1F
- B1G-B1H-B1I-B1J-B1K-B1L
- B2-B3(msi)-B3A-B3B-B3C-B4
- B5-B5A-B5B-B5C-B5D-B5E
- B6-B6A-B6B-B6C-B7-B7A
- B7B-B7C-B7D-B7E-B8-B8A
- B8B-B8C-B8D-B8E-B8F-B8G
- B8H-B8I-B9-B10-B11-B12
- B13-B13A-B14-B15-B15A-B16
- B17-B18-B18A-B19-B19A-B20
- B21-B21A-B23-B23A-B23B-B23C
- B23D-B23E-B23F-B24-B24A-B25
- B26-B27-B28-B29-B30-B31
- B32-B33-B34-B35-B36-B37
- B38-B38A-B39-B39A-B40-B41
- B42-B42A-B44-B44-B45-B45A
- B46-B47-B48-B48A-B49-B50
- seated woman; pregnant woman; woman giving birth; woman giving birth & three skins tied together; woman sucking child; woman sucking child
- woman on chair w child on lap; queen wearing diadem & holding flower; woman holding lotus flower; woman holding sistrum
>Top <C>: Gods

- uraeus: <ouraios, cobra; sacred serpent as an emblem
- ankh: <symbol of life, soul
- ibis: <Eg. hbj, コウノトリ、トキ
- jackal: long-legged wild dog
- ithyphallic: <ithus, straight+phallos, phallus
- flagellum: 鞭毛、毛
- scepter: 笏, 王権
- squat: しゃがむ
- C1-C2-C2A-C3(DHwty)-C4(Xnmw)-C5
- C6(inpw)-C7(stX)-C8(mnw)-C9-C10(mAat)-C10A
- C11(HH)-C12-C12A-C12B-C12C-C12D
- C12E-C12F-C12G-C12H-C12I-C12J
- C12K-C12L-C12M-C14-C16-C17
- C18-C19-C20-C21-C22-C23
- C24-C25-C26-C27-C28-C29
- C30-C31-C32-C34-C35-C36
- C37-C38-C39-C40-C41-C42
- C43-C44-C45-C46-C47-C48
- C49-C50-C51-C52-C53-C54
- C55-C56-C57-C58-C59-C60
- C61-C62-C63-C64-C65-C66
- C67-C68-C69-C70-C71-C72
- C73-C74-C75-C76-C77
- C78-C79-C80-C81-C82-C84
- C87-C88-C89-C90-C91-C92
- C93-C94-C95-C95A-C96-C97
- C98-C99-C100-C101-C102-C103
- Ra god w sun-disk & uraeus; Ra god w falcon head & sun disk holding ankh Ra; Thoth god w ibis headt; Khnum god w ram head; Khnum god w ram head holding ankh;
- Anubis god w jackal head; Seth god w animal head; Min god, ithyphallic god w two plumes, uplifted arm & flagellum; Hathor goddess w horned sun dusk; Maat goddess w feather; Maat goddess w feather & ankh
- Ha god w arms supporting sky; Amun god w two plumes & scepter; Amun god w two pumes & scimitar; God w wearing red crown w ankh; Menthu god w galcon head & two plumes
- Tenenet god, squiatting god; Ptah god, Ptah god, mummy shaped creator god in shrine;
- ?;
- ?;?; God w wearing red crown w scepter;
- god wearing white crown with scepter, Osiris
>Top <D>: Human Body

- sandy tract: 砂地
- mace: 鎚鉾
- D1(tp)-D1A-D2(Hr)-D2A-D3(Sny)-D3A
- D4(ir)-D5-D6-D6A-D7-D7A
- D7B-D7C-D7D-D8-D8A-D8B
- D9(rmi)-D9A-D10(wDAt)-D10A
- D11-D12-D13-D14-D15-D153(R)
- D16-D17-D18-D19(fnD)-D20
- D21(r)-D21A-D22-D22A-D22B
- D23-D23A-D23B-D24(spt)-D25(spty)
- D26-D26A-D27(mnD)-D27A-D28(kA)-D29
- D30-D31-D32-D33-D34(aHA)
- D34A-D35-D36(a)-D37-D38
- D39-D40-D41-D42-D43
- D44-D45(Dsr)-D46(d)-D46A-D47-D47A
- D48-D48A-D49-D50(Dba)-D51-D52(mt)-D52A
- D53-D53A-D54-D55-D56(rd/gH/gHs/sbq)-D57
- D58(b)-D59(ab)-D60(wab)-D61(sAH)-D62-D63
- head; face; hair; eye; eye touched up w paint
- eye w painted upper lid; eye w painted lower lid; eye enclosed in sandy tract; eye w flowing tears; eye of Horus
- left part of eye of Horus; pupil; eyebrow; right part of eye of Horus; diagonal marking of eye of Horus
- vertical marking of eye of Horus; diagonal & vertical markings of eye of Horus; ear; nose, eye & cheek; nose, eye * cheek, cursive
- mouth; mouth w two strokes; mouth w three strokes; upper lip w teeh; lips;
- liquid issuing from lips; small breast; large breast; two arms upraised; combination of D28 & R12;
- two arms upraised w tail; arms embracing club; arms embracing; arms rowing; arms w shield & battle axe
- arms w shield & mace; arms in gesture of negation; forearm palm upwards; forearm w bread cone; forearm w rounded loaf;
- forearm w bowl; forearm w stick; forearm w parm down & bend upper arm; forearm w palm down & straight upper arm; forearm w flail
- arm w sekhem scepter; arm w wand; hand; liquid falling from hand; hand w parm up;
- hand without thumb; hand halding egg; fist; one finger; phallus;
- phallus w emission; legs walking; legs walking backwards; leg; leg with knife;
- foot; foot & forearm; foot w vase flowing water; three toes oriented leftward; three toes oriented rightward; two toes oriented leftward
>Top <E>: Mammals

- hartebeest: シカレイヨウ
- E1-E1A-E1B-E1C-E1D
- E2-E3-E3A-E4-E5-E5A
- E6(zzmt)-E7-E8-E8A-E8B
- E9-E9A-E9C-E10-E11-E11A
- E12-E13-E13A-E14-E14A
- E15-E15A-E16-E16A-E17
- E18-E19-E20-E21-E21A
- E22(mAi)-E22A-E23(l/rw)-E23A-E24(Aby)-E24A
- E25-E25A-E25B-E26-E26A
- E27-E28-E29-E30-E30A-E30B
- E30C-E31-E31A-E32-E33
- E34(wn)-E34A-E34B-E35-E36-E36A
- E37-E37A-E38-E39-E40-E41
- E42-E43-E44-E45-E46-E46A
- E47-E48-E49-E50-E51-E51A
- E52-E53-E54-E55-E56-E57
- E58-E59-E60-E62-E63-E64
- E65-E66-E67-E68-E69-E70
- E71-E72-E73-E74-E75-E76
- E77-E78-E79-E80-E81-E82
- E83-E85-E86-E87-E88-E89
- E90-E92-E93-E94-E95-E96
- E97-E98-E99-E100-E101-E102
- E103-E104-E105-E106-E107-E108
- bull; bull charging; calf; sacred cow; cow suckling calf;
- horse; donkey; kid; kid jumping; newborn hartebeest
- ram; ram; pig; cat; dog;
- lying canine; lying canine on shrine; jackal; wolf on standard; wolf on standard w mace;
- Set-animal; lying Set-animal; lion; lying lion; panther
- hippopotmus; elephant; giraffe; oryx; gazelle;
- ibex; goat w collar; baboon; monkey; hare;
>Top <F>: Parts of Mammals

- tusk: 牙
- pierce: go into or through by a sharp pointed
- windpipe: trachea 気管
- spinal cord: 脊髄
- vertebra: 脊椎骨
- uterus: 子宮
- excrement: 糞便
- F1-F2-F3-F4(HAt)-F5(SsA)
- F6-F7-F8-F9-F10
- F11-F11A-F12(wsr)-F12A-F13(wp)
- F13A-F14-F14A-F15
- F16(db)-F17-F18(bH/Hw)-F19-F20(ns)-F20A
- F21(DrD/idn/sDm)-F22(kfA/pH)-F23(xpS)-F24-F25(wHm)-F25A
- F26(Xn)-F27-F28-F29(sti)-F30(Sd)
- F31(ms)-F31A-F32(X)-F33(sd)-F33A-F33B-F34(ib)-F35(nfr)-F35A
- F36(zmA)-F36A-F37-F37B-F38-F39(imAx)
- F40(Aw)-F40A-F41-F42(spr)-F-42A-F43-F44(isw)
- F45-F46(pXr/qAb)-F47-F48-F49
- F50-F51-F52-F53-F54-F55-F56
- ox head; charging ox head; hippopotamus head; forepart of lion; hartebeest head
- forepart of hartebeest; ram head; forepart of ram; leopard head; head & neck of animal;
- head & neck of animal; head & neck of animal; horns; horns w parl branch; horns w palm branch & sun;
- horn; horn & vase from which water flows; tusk; lower jaw-bone of ox; tongue
- ear of bovine; hind quarters of lion; foreleg of ox; F23 reversed; leg of ox
- skin of goat; skin of cow with bent tail; skin of cow w staight tail; cow's skin pierced by arrow; water skin
- three skins tied together; animal's belly; tail; heart; heart & windpipe
- lung & windpipe; backbone & ribs & spinal cord; backbone & ribs; backbone & ribs & spinal cord; backbone & spial cord
- backbone & spinal cords; vertebrae; rib; ribs; bone w meat
- uterus; intestine; intestine; intestine; intestine;
- combination of intestine; psiece of flesh; excrement
>Top <G>: Birds

- sickle: 大鎌
- buzzard: ノスリ(タカ科)
- flagellum: ムチ
- standard: 支柱
- barque (=bark): 帆船、小舟
- fowl: 鶏、鳥類
- hoopoe: ヤツガシラ
- lapwing: タゲリ、チドリ
- glossy: shiny & smooth, stylish
- heron: サギ
- perch: とまり木
- egret: シラサギ
- cormorant: 鵜
- pintail: オナガガモ
- alight: 降りて止まる、着陸
- widgeon: ヒドリガモ(食用)
- quail chick: ウズラのひよこ
- duckling; カモ・アヒルの子
- pluck: むしり取る
- G1(A)-G1A-G2(AA)-G3
- G3A-G4(tyw)-G4A-G5
- G6-G7-G7A-G8-G9
- G10-G11-G12-G13-G14(mwt)
- G15-G16(nbty)-G17(m)-G18(mm)-G19
- G20-G21(nH)-G22(Db)-G23(rxyt)-G24
- G25(Ax)-G26-G26A-G27(dSr)-G28(gm)
- G29(bA)-G30-G31-G32(baHi)-G33
- G34-G35(aq)-G36(wr)-G37-G38(gb)
- G39(zA)-G40(pA)-G41(xn)-G42(wSA)-G43(w)
- G44(ww)-G45-G46(mAw)-G47(TA)-G48
- G49-G51-G52-G53-G54(snD)
- Egyptian vulture; two Egyptian vultures; combination of Egyptian vulture and sickle; buzzard; falcon;
- combination of falcon & flaggelium; falcon on standard; falcon in boat; falcon on collar of beads; falcon w sun on head;
- falcon in Sokar barque; image of falcon; combination of image of falcon & falgellum; image of falcon w two plumes; vulture;
- combination of vulture & flagellum; vulture & cobra each on a basket, Wadjet goddess & Nekhbet goddess; owl; two owls; combination of owl & forearm w conical loaf;
- combinaton of owl & forearm; guinea-fowl; hoopoe; lapwing; lapwing w twisted wings
- northen bald ibis; sacred ibis on standard; sacred ibis; flamingo; glossy ibis
- saddle-billed stork; three saddle billed storks; heron; heron on perch; cattle egret
- ostrich; cormorant; swallow; sparrow (negative image); white fronted goose;
- pintail duck; pintail flying; pintail alighting; widgeon; quail chick;
- two quail chicks; combination of quail chick & forearm; combination of quail chick & sickle; duckling; three ducklings in nest;
- three ducklings in pool; bird pecking at fish; goose picking up grain; human headed bird w bowl w smoke; plucked bird;
>Top <H>: Part of Birds

- spoonbill: ヘラサギ
- hieratic: 聖職の
- H1-H2(pq/wSm)-H3(pAq)-H4(nr)-H5
- H6(Sw)-H6A-H6B-H6C-H7-H8
- head of pintail; head of crested bird; head of spoonbill; head of vulture; wing
- feather; hieratic feather; inclined feather; inclined hieratic feather; claw; egg
>Top < I >: Amphiborous

< I >:
- crouch: <crochir =be bend
- viper: クサリヘビ
- I1(aSA)-I2(Styw)-I3(mzH)-I3A-I3B-I3D
- I3E-I3F-I4(sbk)-I5(sAq)-I5A-I5B
- I5A-I6(km)-I6A-I6B-I6C-I6D
- I7-I8(Hfn)-I8A-I9(f)-I9A-I9B
- I9C-I10(D)-I10A-I10B
- I11(DD)-I12-I13-I13A-I14-I14A
- I14B-I14C-I14D-I15-I15A-I15B
- I15C-I15D-I15E-I15F
< I >:
- gecko; turtle; crocodile; crocodile on shrine; crocodile w curved tail
- image of crocodile; crocodile scales; frog; tadpole; horned viper; vipor; cobra
- two cobras; erect cobra; erect cobra on basket; snake; cobra
>Top <J>:
>Top <K>: Fish

- tilapia nilotica: 黒媛鯛
- barbel:ニゴイ
- puffer: フグ
- K1(in)-K2-K3(ad)-K4(XA)-K5(bz)
- K6(nSmt)-K7-K8-K9-K10-K11
- tilapia; barbel; mullet; elephant snout fish; Petrocephalus bane
- fish scale; puffer (Nile pufferfish)
>Top <L>: Worm

- shell: べっ甲
- L1(xpr)-L2(bit)-L3-L4-L5
- L6-L7(srqt)-L8-L9-L10
- L11-L12-L13-L14-L15
- L16-L17-L18-L19-L20
- dung beetle; bee; fly; locustcentipede;
- shell; Selkis, scorpion goddess
- flying beetle;
- bee; bee; ?; scorpion; scorpion &
>Top <M>: Plants

- rush: イグサ
- sedge: スゲ
- hobble: 脚縛縄
- rhizome; 根茎
- emmer: エンマー小麦
- stack: 積み重ね山
- flax: 亜麻
- trellis; つる棚
- thorn: 棘
- M1(iAm)-M2(Hn)-M3(xt)-M4(rnp)-M4A-M4B-M5
- M6(tr)-M7-M7A-M7B-M8(SA)-M9(zSn)-M9A-M10
- M11(wdn)-M12(xA)-M12A-M12B-M13(wAD)-M13A-M14-M15
- M16(HA)-M16A-M17(i)-M17A-M18(ii)-M19-M20(sxt)
- M21(sm)-M22-M22A(nn)-M23(sw)-M23A-M24(rsw)
- M25-M26(Sma)-M26A-M27-M28-M29(nDm)
- M30(bnr)-M31-M31A-M32-M32A-M33-M33A-M34(bdt)-M34A
- M35-M36(Dr)-M36A-M37-M37A-M38-M38A-M39-M39A
- M40(iz)-M40A-M41-M42-M43-M43A-M44
- tree; plant; branch; palm branch; combination of palm branch & loaf
- combination of palm branch & mouth; combination of palm branch & stool; pool w lotus flowers; lotus flower; lotus bud w straight stem
- flower on long twisted stalk; one lotus plant; papyrus stem; combination of payrus & cobra; clump of papyrus w buds
- clump of papyrus; reed; combination of reed & legs walking; heaped conical cakes between reed & club; field of reeds;
- reed w root; rush; two rushes; sedge; combination of sedge & mouth;
- combination of flowering sedge & mouth; flowering sedge; combination of flowering sedge & forearm; combination of flowering sedge & hobble; seed pod
- root; rhizome; 3 grains horizontally; ear of emmer
- stack of grain; bundle of flax; bundle of flax; wide bundle of flax; basket of fluet or grain
- bundle of reeds; piece of wood; flower; wine on trellis; thorn
>Top <N>: Cosmos

- sceptre: 笏
- uraeus: 聖蛇ウラエウス
- tongue: 突端
- N1(pt)-N2-N3-N3A-N4(idt/iAdt)-N4A-N4B-N5(ra/hrw/zw)
- N6-N6A-N7-N8(Hnmmt)-N8A-N9(pzD)-N9A-N10-N10A
- N11(Abd/iaH)-N12-N13-N14(dwA/sbA)-N15(dwAt)
- N16(tA)-N16A-N17-N18(iw)-N19-N20(wDb)
- N21-N21A-N22-N23-N24(spAt)-N24A-N25(xAst)
- N26(Dw)-N27(Axt)-N27A-N28(xa)-N28A-N29(q)-N30(iAt)-N30A
- N31-N31A-N32-N33-N33A-N34-N34A
- N35(n)-N35A(mw)-N35B-N35C-N36-N36A-N37(S)-N37A-N38
- N39-N40(Sm)-N40A-N41-N42(id)
- N44-N45-N46-N47-N48
- N49-N50-N51-N52-N53
- N54-N55-N56-N57-N58
- N59-N60-N61-N62-N63
- N64-N65-N66-N67-N68
- N69-N70-N71-N72-N73
- sky; sky w sceptre; sky w sceptre; sky w rain; sun
- sun w uraeus; combination of sun & butcher's block; sunshine; moon w lower half obscured; moon lower section obscured
- crescent moon; crescent moon; combination of crescent moon & star; star;star in circle
- land w grains; land; sandy tract; two sandy tracts; tongue of land
- short tongue of land; broad tongue of land; irrigation canal; irrigation canal system; three hills
- two hills; sun over mountain; rays of sun over hill; slope of hill; mound of earth
- road w shrubs; lump of clay; a grain; three grains of sand; ingot of metal;
- ripple ow water; three ripples of water; canal; pool; deep pool
- pool w water; pool w legs; well w ripple of water; well w line of water
>Top <O>: Buildings

- mace: 鎚鉾
- battlement: 銃眼付き
- profile: 側面、外形
- stela: 石碑、石柱
- threshing floor: 脱穀場
- O1(pr)-O2-O2A-O3-O4(h)-O4A-O5
- O6(Hwt)-O7-O8-O9-O10
- O11(aH)-O12-O13-O14-O15(wsxt)
- O16-O17-O18(kAr)-O19-O20
- O21-O21A-O22(zH)-O22A-O22B-O22C-O22D
- O23-O23A-O24-O24A-O25(txn)
- O26-O26A-O27-O28(iwn)-O28A-O29(aA)-O29v
- O30(zxnt)-O31-O32-O32A-O33-O33A-O34(z)
- O35(zb)-O36(inb)-O37-O38-O38A-O39
- O40-O41-O42(Szp)-O43-O44
- O45(ipt)-O46-O47(nxn)-O48-O48A-O49(niwt)-O49A
- O50(zp)-O51(Snwt)-O51A
- house; combination of house & mace w round head; combination of house, oar, tall loaf & beer jug; shelter; winding wall from upper-left comer;
- enclosure(Hwt); combination of enclosure & flat loaf; combination of enclosure, falt load & wooden column; combination of enclosure, flat loaf & basket; combination of enclosure & falcon
- palace; combination of palace & forearm; battlemented enclosure; part of battlemented enclosure; enclosure w cup & flat loaf
- gateway w serpents; open gateway w serpents; shrine in profile; shrine w fence; shrine
- façade of shrine; booth w pole; double platform; pyramid; obelisk
- stela; hall of columns; column; horizontal wooden column; vertical wooden column
- support; door; gateway; façade of palace; door bolt
- combination of bolt & legs; wall; falling wall; corner of wall; stone
- stair single; double stairway; fence; low fence; emblem of Min;
- domed building; domed building; enclosed mound; enclosed mound; village;
- threshing floor; pile of grain
>Top <P>: Ships

- barque: =bark; 帆船; 最後部のマストが縦帆、その他が横帆
- moor: 係留する
- P1-P1A-P2-P3-P4(wHa)
- P5(TAw/nfw)-P5A-P6(aHa)-P6A-P7-P7A-P8(xrw)-P8A-P9
- P10-P10A-P11-P11A
- boat; boat upside down; ship under sail; sacred barque; boat w net
- sail (=wind); stand; combination of mast and forearm; oar; combination of mast and forearm
- rudder; mooring post; headrest; box
>Top <Q>: Home

- sarcophagus: 石棺
- brazier: 火鉢
- Q1(st)-Q1A-Q2(wz)-Q3(p)-Q4-Q5
- Q6(qrsw)-Q6A-Q7-Q7A-Q7B
- seat throne; carrying chair; stool; headrest; chest
- sarcophagus; brazier w rising flame
>Top <R>: Temple

- censer: 宗教のつり香炉
- belemnite: 矢石、イカの鏃型の化石
- R1(xAt/xAwt)-R2-R3-R4(Htp)-R5(kAp/kp)
- R6-R7(snTr)-R8(nTr)-R8A(nTrw)-R9(bd)-R10
- R11(dd/Dd)-R12-R12A-R13-R13A
- R14(imnt)-R14A-R14B-R15(iAb)-R15A-R15B
- R16(wx)-R16A-R17-R17A-R18
- R18A-R19-R19A-R20-R20A
- R21-R22(xm)-R23-R23A-R24
- R25-R26-R27-R28-R29
- R30-R31-R32-R33-R34
- R35-R36-R37-R38-R39-R40
- hight talbe w offerings; hight table w slices of bread; low table w offereings; loaf on mat; narrow censer
- broad censer; bowl w smoke; cloth on pole; combination of cloth on pole & bag; combination of cloth on pole & butcher's block
- reed column; standard; falcon & feather on standard; Emblem of the West; spear, Emblem of the East
- sceptre w feathers & string; wig on pole; combination of wig on pole & irrigation canal system; scepter w feather; flower w horns
- flower w horns; two narrow belemnites; two broad belemnites; two bows tied horizontally; two bows tied vertically
>Top <S>: Crowns

- pectoral: 胸飾り
- viper: クサリヘビ
- sickle: 大鎌
- crook: hook
- S1(HDt)-S2-S3(N/dSrt)-S4-S5
- S6(sxmty)-S7(xprS)-S8(Atf)-S9(Swty)-S10(mDH)-S10A
- S11(wsx)-S12(nbw)-S13-S14-S14A
- S15(tHn/THn)-S16-S17-S17A-S18(mnit)
- S19(sDAw)-S20(xtm)-S21-S22(sT)-S23(dmD)
- S24(Tz)-S25-S26(Sndyt)-S27(mnxt)-S28
- S29(s)-S29A-S30(sf)-S30A-S31-S32(siA)-S32A-S33(Tb)
- S34(anx)-S34A-S35(Swt)-S36-S36A-S37(xw)-S37A-S38(HqA)-S38A
- S39(awt)-S40(wAs)-S41(Dam)-S42(abA/sxm/xrp)-S42A
- S43(md)-S43A-S44(Ams)-S44A-S45(nxxw)-S56(K)-S56A
- white crown; combination of white crown & basket; red crown; combination of red crown & basket; Pschent Crown, King of Two Lands
- combination of Pschent Crown & basket; blue crown; Atef Crown; headband; Shuti two feather adornment; headband
- broad collar; collar of beads; combination of collar of beads & foot; combination of collar of beads & mace w round head; combination of collar of beads & sceptre
- pectoral; pectoral; pectoral; girdle; Menat neklace & counterpoise
- seal w necklace; neclace w seal; ring; shoulder knot; two whips w Shen ring
- girdle knot; garment w ties; apron; cloth w two stands; cloth w fring on top & folded cloth
- folded cloth; combination of folded cloth & homed viper; combination of folded cloth & sickle; cloth w fring on the side; sandal;
- life Ankh, possibly representing a sandal strap; sunshade; sunshade; fan; crook
- shepherd's crook; wAs sceptre; sceptre; Sekhem sceptre; sceptre
- walking stick; walking stick w flagellum; flagellum; covering for head & neck
>Top <T>: War

- bowstring: 弓弦
- scimitar: 三日月刀
- harpoon: 銛
- block: 断頭台
- T1-T1A-T2-T3(HD)-T3A-T4-T5-T5A
- T6(HDD)-T7-T7A-T8-T8A
- T9(pd)-T9A-T10(pD)-T11(sXr/zin/zwn)-T12(Ai/Ar/rwd/rwD)
- T13(rs)-T13A-T14(qmA)-T14A-T15-T16-T16A-T17(wrrt)
- T18(Sms)-T18A-T19(qs)-T19A-T20-T21(wa)-T21A-T22(sn)-T22A
- T23-T24(iH)-T24A-T25(DbA)-T25A-T26-T26A-T27
- T28(Xr)-T28A-T29(nmt)-T29A-T30-T30A-T31(sSm)-T31A
- T32-T-32A-T33-T33A-T34(nm)-T35
- mace w flat head; mace w round head; mace w round head; mace w strap; combination of mace w round head & cobra
- combination of mace w round head & two cobras; axe; axe; dagger; dagger
- bow; bow; composite bow; arrow; bowstring;
- joined pieces of wood; throw stick vertically; throw stick slanted; scimitar; chariot;
- crook w package attached; harpoon head; harpoon head; harpoon; arrowhead
- arrowhead; fishingnet; float; birdtrap; trap
- butcher's block; butcher's block w knife; knife; knife sharpner;
- combination of knife & legs; knife sharpner of butcher; butcher's knife; butcher's knife
>Top <U>: Agriculture

- sickle: 鎌
- sled:そり
- pick: 摘む
- adze: 手斧
- kiln: 窯
- pestle: すりこぎ
- plummet: 錘
- U1(mA)-U2-U3-U4-U5
- U6(mr)-U7-U8-U9-U10(it)
- U11(HqAt)-U12-U13(hb/Sna)-U14-U15(tm)
- U16(biA)-U17(grg)-U18-U19-U19A-U20
- U21(stp)-U21A-U22(mnx)-U22A-U23(Ab)-U23A-U23B
- U24(Hmt)-U24A-U24B-U24C-U24D-U25-U25A-U25B
- U26(wbA)-U26A-U27-U27A-U28(DA)-U29-U29A-U30-U30A
- U31(rtH)-U32(zmn)-U32A-U33(ti)-U33A-U34(xsf)-U34A-U35-U35A
- U36(Hm)-U36A-U37-U37A-U38(mxAt)-U38A-U39-U39A-U40-U41
- sickle; sickle; sickle w eye; sickle w side; sickle;
- hoe; hoe; hoe; grain measure; grain measure
- grain measure; grain measure; hoe w; hoe w; sled
- sled w jackal head; Pick opening earth; Pick opening earth; adze 斧;?
- adze on block; clapper of bell; chisel; hand drill; hand drill
- ?;?;fire-drill; fire drill; kiln
- ?;?; pestle curved top; ?; ? w viper;
- fuller's club; ?; scale;?; support; plummet
>Top <V>: Rope

- iasso: 投げ縄
- tethering rope: 動物をつなぐ縄
- hobble: 馬などの両足をゆるく縛る
- fetter: 足枷
- V1(St/100)-V2(sTA)-V3(sTAw)-V4(wA)-V5(snT)
- V6-V7(Sn)-V8-V9-V10
- V11-V12(arq)-V13(T)-V14-V15(iTi)
- V16-V17-V18-V19(TmA/XAr/mDt)-V20(mD/10)
- V21-V22(mH)-V23-V24(wD)- V25
- V26(aD)-V27-V28(H)-V29(sk/wAH)-V30(nb)
- V31(k)-V31A-V32(msn)-V33(sSr)-V34
- V35-V36-V37(idr)-V38-V39-V39A-V49A
- String rope, Egyptian 100; 100 w thread; 300 w thread; Iasso; ? ;
- rope; rope; rope & loaf; shen ring; cartouche
- cartouche divided; rope; tethering rope; tethering rope; tethering rope w walking legs;
- cattle hobble; lifesaver; fetter; fetter; cattle hobble
- fetter & cobra; whip; whip; rope; ?; command staff
- ?; ?; twisted wick; swab, straw broo; basket
- basket w right handle; basket w left handle; fastening belt; small bag; big bag;
- ?; doubled container; food bowl; ?; stylized ankh; ?
>Top <W>: Stone

- ointment: 軟膏
- alabaster: 雪花石膏
- jug: 瓶
- W1-W2(bAs)-W3(Hb)-W4-W5
- W6-W7-W8-W9(Xnm)-W10(iab)
- W10A-W11(g/nst)-W12-W13-W14(Hz)
- W15-W15A-W15B-W16-W16A-W17(xnt)
- W17A-W17B-W17C-W17D-W18
- W18A-W18B-W19(mi)-W20-W21
- W21A-W21B-W21C-W22(Hnqt)-W23
- W24(nw)-W25(ini)-W25A
- oil jar, Ointment; oil jar without ties; alabaster basin; festival chamber; alabaster basin w butcher's block;
- metal vessel; granite bowl; red granite; stone jug; cup
- pot; jar stand; jar stand; pot; water jar
- water jar w water; water jar w water & rack; 3 water jars w rack; 4 water jars w rack; milk jug w handle;
- milk jug w cover; wine jars; beer jug; pot; pot w legs
>Top <X>: Cake

- scribe: 書記
- plank: 支持板
- X1(t)-X2-X2A-X3-X3A
- X4-X4A-X5-X5A
- X6-X6B-X6C-X6D-X7-X8(di/rdi)
- loaf of bread; foodstuff; ?; ?; bread;
- loaf w decoration; ?; cone shaped bread
>Top <Y>: Writing, Music

- Y1(mDAt)-Y1v-Y2-Y3(mnhd)-Y3A-Y4
- Y5(mn)-Y5A-Y6(ibA)-Y7-Y7A-Y8(zSSt)-Y8A
- (o)-(O)
- papyrus roll; papyrus roll vertical; papyrus scroll book; Scribe's equipment; Scribe's equipment
- Senet board; game piece; harp; Sistrum
>Top <Z>: Strokes

- Z1-.-Z2-.-Z2A-.-Z2B-Z2C-Z3-Z3A
- Z4-Z4A-Z5-Z6-Z7(W)-Z8
- Z9-Z10-Z11(imi)-Z12-Z30
- single stroke, Egyptian-1; plural stroke; plural stroke vertical; plural stroke horizontal; dual stoke, Egyptian-2
- dual stroke; diagonal stroke; substitute for various human figures; coil; oval
- crossed diagonal sticks; crossed diagonal sticks; two planks crossed and joined; ?; ?
>Top <Aa=J>: Miscellaneous

- frieze: 彫刻のある小壁
- xpr
- Aa1(x)-Aa2-Aa3-Aa4-Aa5(Hp)
- Aa6-Aa7-Aa8(qn)-Aa9-Aa10
- Aa11(mAa)-Aa12-Aa13(im/gs)-Aa14
- Aa15(M)-Aa16-Aa17(sA)-Aa18-Aa19
- Aa20(apr)-Aa21(wDa)-Aa22-Aa23-Aa24
- Aa25-Aa26-Aa27(nD)-Aa28(qd)-Aa29
- Aa30-Aa31-Aa32
- placentga or sieve; Pustule or gland; Pustule w liquid issuing from it;; ?; part of steering gear of a ship
- ?; A smiting blade; irrigartion tunnels; ?; ?
- raised platform; raised platform; side area; side area
- side area; side area; back; back; ?;
- ?; divide; divide; ?; ?;
- garment priest;
- Kheker frieze; ?; ?
>Top <Ef>: Sign

- 1-.-2-.-3-.-4-.-4-.-5
- 3:2-.-3:3-.-4:3-.-4:4-.-5:4-.-10
- 20-.-30-.-50-.-100-[shet].-200-.-300
- xA-[kha]._-xA*xA-.-Dba[djeba]-.-Dba*Dba
- Hfn [hekfen]-.-HH
- gs-D22-D23
- r:4-.-r:5-.-(r:5)-(r:5)-(r:5)
- mw-2:nw-3:nw-zp
- rnp-t:Z1-4:nw*t
- 1 ; 2; 3 ; 4; 5;
- 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;
- 20; 30; 50; 100; 200; 300
- 1,000; 2,000; 10,000; 20,000
- 100,000; 1,000,000(=many)
- ½; ⅔; ¾
- ¼; ⅕; ⅗
- [ordinal]-second-third times
- fourth year
>Top <Low Broad>:

- N1(pt)-N37(S)-N38-N39-S32(siA)
- N18(iw)-X4-X5-N17-N16(tA)
- N20(wDb)-Aa10-Aa11(mAa)-Aa12-Aa13(im)
- Aa14-Aa15(M)-N35(n)-Aa8(qn)-Aa9
- V26(aD)-V27-R24-W8-V32(msn)
- Y1(mDAt)-Y2-R4(Htp)-N11(Abd/iaH)-N12
- F42(spr)-D24(spt)-D25(spty)-D13-D15
- F20(ns)-Z6-F33(sd)-T2-T7
- F30(Sd)-V22(mH)-V23-R5(kp/kAp)-R6
- O34(z)-V2(sTA)-V3(sTAw)-S24(Tz)-R22(xm)
- R23-T11(sXr/zin/zwn)-O29(aA)-T1-T21(wa)
- U20-U19-U21(stp)-D17-U31(rtH)
- T9(pd)-T9A-T10(pD)-F32(X)-V13(T)
- V14-F46(pXr/qAb)-F47-F48-F49
- M11(wdn)-U17(grg)-U18-U14-Aa7
- F18(bH/Hw)-D51-U15(tm)-U16-Aa24
- N31-O31-N36-D14-D21(r)
- D22(zH)-T30-T31(sSm)-T33-D48
- V30(nb)-V31(k)-V31A-W3(Hb)-S12(nbw)
- N30(iAt)-O42(Szp)-O43-V16
>Top <Low Narrow>:

- Q3(p)-O39-Z8-O47(nxn)-N22
- N21-N23-N29(q)-X7-O45(ipt)
- O46-Y6(ibA)-M35-X3-X2
- X1(t)-N28(xa)-Aa17(sA)-I6(km)-W10(iab)
- W10A-Aa4-R7(snTr)-M39-M36(Dr)
- F43-F41-N34-U30-W11(g/nst)
- W12-W13-T28(Xr)-N41-N42(id)
- V37-M31-F34(ib)-W6-W7
- W21-W20-V6-V33(sSr)-V34
- V7(Sn)-V8-S20(xtm)-V20(mD/10)-V19(TmA)
- Aa19-Aa2-Aa3-N32-F52
- V35-H8-M41-F51-D11
- K6(nSmt)-L6-F21(DrD/idn/sDm)-D26-N33
- D12-S21-N5(ra/hrw/zw)-N9(pzD)-N10
- Aa1(x)-O50(zp)-O49(niwt)-O48-X6
- V9-S10(mDH)-N6-N8(Hnmmt)-S11(wsx)
- N15(dwAt)-M42-F38-V1(St/100)/Z7(W)
- Aa16-Z9-Z10-Z11(imi)
>Top <Tall Narrow>:

- M40(iz)-Aa28(qd)-Aa29-P11-D16
- T34(nm)-T35-U28(DA)-U29-U32(zmn)
- U33(ti)-S43(md)-U36(Hm)-T8-T8A
- M13(wAD)-M17(i)-H6(Sw)-H6A-M4(rnp)
- M12(xA)-S29(s)-M29(nDm)-M30(bnr)-S37(sw)
- R14(imnt)-R15(iAb)-R16(wx)-R17-P6(aHa)
- S40(wAs)-R19-S41(Dam)-F10-F11
- F12(wsr)-S38(HqA)-S39(awt)-T14(qmA)-T15
- T13(rs)-Aa26-O30(zxnt)-Aa21(wDa)-U39
- F45-O44-Aa27(nD)-R8(nTr)-R9(bd)
- T7A-T3(HD)-T4-V24(wD)-V25
- U23-U23A-U23B-U23C-S42(abA/sxm/xrp)-S42A-U34(xsf)-U34A-S36-S36A-F28
- U26-U26A-U27-U27A-U24(Hmt)-U24A-U25-U25A-Y8(zSSt)-Y8A
- F35(nfr)-F35A-F36(zmA)-F36A-U41-W19(mi)-P8(xrw)-P8A
- T22(sn)-T22A-T23-Z11(imi)-Z11A-S44(Ams)-S44A-Aa25-Aa25A
- M44-V38-Aa31-Aa30-Aa20(apr)
- V36-F31(ms)-M32-L7(srqt)-V17
- V18-V49A-S34(anx)-S34A-V39-V39A
- Q7-Q7A-Q7B-Q7C-Q7D-Q7E-Q7F-Q7G-Q7H
- T18(Sms)-T18A-T19(qs)-T19A-T20-T20A-R21-R11(dd/Dd)
- O28(iwn)-O28A-O28B-O11(aH)-O11A-O36(inb)-O36A-Aa32-As32A-V28(H)-V28A-V29(sk/wAH)-V29A
- Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs are a good model for children's drawings. I believe that only children who have many dreams and futures can more easily understand the beauty of hieroglyphics than adults.
- 古エジプトヒエログリフは子供のお絵かきの手本になる。夢と未来を沢山もつ子供たちは、大人たちよりもヒエログリフのすばらしさを理解することになる。
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Egyptian Hieroglyph Character |
Cat: LAN |
JSesh Software Ver. 7.5.5 |
23527u |
Index |
Arabic |
Hierog |
Hieroglyph |
PSesh Code |
Manual de Codage |
>Top <Uniliteral>: |
<Uniliteral signs>
<Egyptian Alphabet 24>
>Top <Biliteral>: |
<Biliteral signs>
Hieroglyph |
PSesh Code |
Manual de Codage |
>Top <abc>: |
>Top Categorty: - MdC |
>Top <A>: Man |
<A>: MdCm ,,
<A>: Meaning
>Top <B>: Woman |
>Top <C>: Gods |
>Top <D>: Human Body |
>Top <E>: Mammals |
>Top <F>: Parts of Mammals |
>Top <G>: Birds |
>Top <H>: Part of Birds |
>Top < I >: Amphiborous |
< I >:
< I >:
>Top <J>: |
<J>: |
<J>: |
>Top <K>: Fish |
>Top <L>: Worm |
>Top <M>: Plants |
>Top <N>: Cosmos |
>Top <O>: Buildings |
>Top <P>: Ships |
>Top <Q>: Home |
>Top <R>: Temple |
>Top <S>: Crowns |
>Top <T>: War |
>Top <U>: Agriculture |
>Top <V>: Rope |
>Top <W>: Stone |
>Top <X>: Cake |
>Top <Y>: Writing, Music |
>Top <Z>: Strokes
>Top <Aa=J>: Miscellaneous |
>Top <Ef>: Sign |
>Top <Low Broad>: |
>Top <Low Narrow>: |
>Top <Tall Narrow>: |
Index |
Comment |