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English Key Idioms

Cat: LAN

compiled by Kano Kobayashi

up 23822

idiom = a group of words established HISTORICALLY by usage as having a meaning no deducible from those of the individual words.;
♠鋭利 Sharp idiom; ♣伝統 Traditional idiom; ♥情緒 Emotional idiom; ♦比喩 Figuratively idiom; ▼奇策 Tricky idiom

; about; above; across; after; against; ahead; along; apart; around; aside; at; away; back; before; behind; between; beyond; by; down; for; forth; forward; free; from; high; home; in; into; it; of; off; on; onto; out; over; round; through; to; together; towards; under; up; with; within; without;
; break; bring; call; carry; come; cut; do; draw; fall; find; fix; get; give; go; hand; have; hold; keep; knock; lay; leave; let; look; make; move; pass; pay; pick; play; pull; push; put; run; see; send; set; shut; sit; stand; stick; take; think; throw; turn; work; write;
put turn work ■throw bring deliver recall write commit
lay MAKE cut ■have GIVE ■keep play SAY pay
sit ■do hit ■catch ■fall ■hold call tell shut
run arrive move ■stand become ■break lose fight win


plan stay BE push stop GO act
stick appear ■set ■take hold pull prepare leave save
listen look discover aim ■catch collect judge remind confirm
hear SEE find watch GET ■cut learn THINK decide
feel smell view wait select draw fail mind believe
  • (e): College English Dictionary, Kenkyusha
  • (p): Progressive E-J Dictionary, Shogakukan
  • (l): Luminas E-J Dictionary, Kenkyusha
  • (g): Genius E-J Dictionary, Taishukan
  • (w): Wisdom E-J Dictionary, Sanseido
  • (o): OREX E-J Dictionary, Ohbunsha
  • (n): Nakajima E-J Dictionary, Iwanami
  • (k): E-J Katsuyo Dictionary, Kenkyusha
  • (ox): Oxford Dictionary of English, Oxford
  • (z): Word Power Fully-bilingual Dictionary, Z-kai
  • (ei): English Idiom, Z-Kai
  • (c): Cambridge Idioms Dictionary, Cambridge Univ. Press
English Sentence

>Top <A>

  1. SEE
  2. feel
    =senti; palpi
  3. hear
    =aŭdi; ekscii; aŭskulti
  4. listen
  5. smell
    =odori; flari
  6. look
    =serĉi; rigardi
  7. view
  8. find
  9. discover
    =eltrovi; malkovri

<A>: Basic Verbs in Mandala:

  1. 見る・見える ¶I saw the plane land.; 見物する ¶see the sights sof Rome.; 理解する ¶I see what you mean.; 調べる ¶See who is at the door.; 認める see the good in others.;と見做す ¶She still sees us as little kids.;予見する ¶I can't see her as an actress.; 黙認する ¶I can't see him suffer that way.; 体験する ¶seel life.; 面談する ¶se much of a person.; 援助する ¶My wife saw me through my illness.; 配慮する ¶See that the door is locked.; 案内する see a person home.; 賭けに応じる ¶I'll see your five and raise you five more.; 読む ¶Have you seen today's paper?
  2. 手で触れる¶feel a person's pulse; 探る ¶feel one's way.; 体で感じる ¶feel one's age; 影響を受ける ¶The whole districe felt the typhoon.; 心で感じる ¶feel a friend's death deeply.; 意識する ¶feel a great responsibility.; と考える ¶I fell that she will come.;
  3. 声・音を聞く ¶hear a voice; 噂に聞く¶I heard a lot about you.; 注意して聞く¶hear her complaint.; 審理する ¶hear witnesses; 願いを聞き届ける ¶Loird, hear our prayer.
  4. 耳を傾ける ¶listen to what he says.; 注目 ¶Listen here.; 耳を貸す ¶listen to advice.; のように聞こえる¶I doesn't listen true to me.
  5. 匂い・香りがする ¶The room smells of smoke.; ...くさい ¶They smelled out the plot.; 疑わしい ¶His way of making money smells.; 鼻がきく ¶I've got a cold and I can't smell.
  6. 見回す・見渡す ¶I'm just looking.; ほら見て ¶Look here! What are you doing with my car?; 捜す ¶What are you looking for?; のように思われる ¶It look like snow.; 装う ¶Don't look so sad.; 面する ¶His houise looks to the north.; 傾向がある ¶Circumstances look to an alliance.; 楽しみに待つ¶I look to have a good crop this year.
  7. 眺める ¶view the fireworks.; 考察する ¶view the subject from a new angle.; TV映画を見る
  8. 発見する ¶find a gold mine.; 獲得する ¶find out a solution.; 見抜く ¶We found Billy stealing a cookie from the jar.; きづく¶I found the book easy.; 宣告する ¶The jury found him guilty.; 偶然みつける ¶find a wallet on the sidewalk.; 命中する ¶The bullet found its victim. ; 使えるようになる¶find one's legs.; 確認する ¶find out when the train starts.; 支給する ¶all found 衣食住支給
  9. 発見する ¶discover radioactivity; 発掘する・気づく ¶I discovered him to be kind.; 暴露する
  1. GET
  2. wait
  3. watch
    =observi; spioni
  4. aim
  5. select
    =elekti; selekti
  6. catch
    =kapti; atingi; trafi
  7. draw
    =desegni; tri; altiri
  8. cut
    =tranĉi; tondi; falĉi
  9. collect
    =kolekti; amasigi; akumuli
  1. 獲得する ¶get a gift; 食事する ¶get lunch at the restaurant; 買う、もってくる ¶get information from reliable sources.; 学ぶ ¶get a verse by heart 暗記する; 理解する ¶I didn't get your name.; つかまえる ¶The police got their man.; 習慣が身につく ¶I've got the bad habit of sleeping late.; 病気になる ¶I got a bad cold from him.; 負傷させる ¶The bullet got him in the arm.; 報復する; 困らせる ¶The question has got me.; ドアを開ける ¶Plese get the door.; 所有する ¶I've got enough money. ; の状態にする¶get a person mad; 人にしてもらう ¶I got him to wash my car.; You'd better get your hair cut.; 食事の用意をする ¶get supper
  2. を待つ ¶wait for the gate to be opened; ¶給仕をする ¶wait on a person's table; 用意された ¶Dinner is waiting for you. ほうって置く ¶Let that job wait.; 遅らせる¶Don't wait the party for me, I'll be late.
  3. じっと見守る ¶watch over a person's welfare.; 待ち構える ¶watch for a taxi.; 用心する¶watch one's weight; 徹夜する ¶She watch ovr her sick child.;
  4. 照準を定める¶aim at the target with a gun; 得ようとする ¶He aims at being a novelist.; するつもりである ¶I'm aiming too star my own business.; 批判・皮肉を人に向ける¶His remark was aimed at me.
  5. 選び出す ¶selcr a toy for a child; BよりもAを選ぶ ¶select a word processor over a typweriter; 選出する &select him as the cheerleader.;
  6. 捕まえる ¶catch a pcipocket; 間に合う ¶catch the 10 :20 express; 見逃さない ¶catch a show; 目撃する ¶catc a perso napping; The police caught him at it. 現行犯; 感情が急に襲う ¶I was caught unawares by the news.; 自制する ¶She caught herself before she said the wrong thing.; 感染する ¶catch a cold; ¶体をつかむ ¶catch him by the arm; 雨・嵐に会う ¶We were caught in a hurricane.; 打撃が当たる¶The blow caught me on the nose; ボールを掴む ¶catch a ball; 関心を引き付ける; 理解する ¶catch the situation; 休憩をとる ¶catch a nap.; 巧みに描く ¶This novel perfectly ctaches the atmosphere fo a meglopolis.; 妊娠させる ¶She was caught (out).
  7. 引き寄せる ¶draw a curtain; 液体を汲み出す ¶Please draw some water from the creek.; 引き当てる ¶draw cards from a pack; 注意・興味を引き付ける ¶draw a person's attention.; 線で描く ¶draw a picture of; 線で区別する ¶draw a comparison between A and B.; 文章を作成する ¶draw (up) a will 遺言状; 結論を得る ¶draw a conclusion; 金を引き出す ¶draw money from one's account; 引き起こす ¶draw trouble; 糸などぴんと張る ¶draw wire; 顔をしかめる; はれものを排膿させる;船が喫水する ¶The tanker draws 50 feet of water; 勝負を引き分ける; ボールをそらせる
  8. 刃物で切断する ¶cut an apple in two.; 木など切り倒す・収穫する・刈る ¶cut corn; have one's hair cut; 切り傷をつける ¶cut oneself on the broken glass.; 話・数量・価格・音量を落とす ¶cut down a speech; ctu two hours off the flying time; 彫る・削る・裁断する ¶cut one's name into a tree.; cut a diamond into a brilliant; 穴を開ける・彫り抜く ¶cut a ditch; cut a road through a hill; 交差・横断する ¶The river cuts the plain in two.; をやめる・よす ¶Cut it! うるさい; Cut the kidding 冗談よせ; エンジンを止める・社団する ¶cut off ties with; The telephone was cut off.; 無視する ¶cut a traffic signal. 信号無視; ムチで強く打つ ¶His words cut me to the quick. 胸に突き刺さる; 授業をさぼる ¶cut school; 車の方向を急に変える; 描く・記録する ¶cut a stencil; トランプをカットする; ボールをカット打ちにする; 酒を薄める ¶cut whisky with water; 仕事を処理する・さばく ¶He can't ut this kind of situatrion well.; 目立ったことをやらかす ¶cut a joke; 馬など去勢する; 歯を生やす ¶The baby is cuting his teech.
  9. 収集する ¶collect stamps; 家賃など徴収する ¶collect a fee; 考えをまとめる; 人を呼び寄せる・取ってくる ¶collectr one's coat; 馬を落ち着かせる; 雨水・埃など集まる¶Dust collect on the furniture.
  1. THINK
    =pensi; opinii; pripensi
  2. fail
    =malsukcesi; fiaski; neglekti
  3. learn
    =lerni; ellerni; ekscii
  4. judge
    =juĝisti; juĝi; taksi
  5. mind
    =mensi; spiriti; atenti
  6. remind
    =memorigi; rememorigi; pensigi
  7. believe
    =kredi; fidi; agnoski
  8. decide
    =decidi; determini;
  9. confirm
    =konfirmi; jesigi; certigi
  1. を考える・想像する ¶think strange thoughts; と信じる ¶I don't think it'll rain tomorrow. ; ...と思う ¶What do you think he said?; とみなす ¶I thought him to be unkind.; 思い出す ¶I can't think what he said.; 覚えている・予期する ¶He didn't think to lock the door;
  2. 失敗する ¶fail in business; 音なる ¶fail in my duty; 試験に落ちる ¶fail in mathematics.; 衰える ¶His heart failed this morning; 衰える ¶Her eyesight is failing; 不足する・不作である ¶Crops failed because of the drought last year.; 倒産する。; 勇気が出ない
  3. 学ぶ learn Russian; 記憶する ¶learn 50 words a day.; 知る ¶learn a fact; 習得する¶learn one's lesson.; 人に教える; 思い知らす
  4. 判断・評価する ¶judge it unwise to do; 判決を下す ¶judge a criminal; 非難する ¶Do you think you are qualified to judge these people.
  5. を気にする ¶She doesn't mind what he does.; 必ず..する ¶Mind your step.; 世話をする ¶Will you mind the baby while I go shopping?; ¶言うことを聞く ¶Mind the teacher, Jack.
  6. 気づかせる ¶Please remind me to buy some fruits.; 忘れないようにする; ¶Remind yourself of your goal.; 思い出させる ¶That reminds me of something.; 連想させる ¶She reminds me very much of her mother.
  7. を信じる ¶I believe you; だと思う ¶I believe that he is a genius. 確か...だと思う ¶Hek isn't at home, I don't believe.; ...が信じられない ¶I cant't believe my eyes! まさか
  8. 決着をつける ¶decide a question; を決心する ¶He decided to be a lawyer. ; 物事が人に決心させる。 The setback decided them to abandon ther plan.; 判決する ¶decide for the plaintiff. (OF: <de+caedere=cut)
  9. 確認・確証する ¶confirm hotel reservations.; cinfrm a letter of credit; 承認・裁可・批准する ¶confirm an agreement; 決意を固める ¶The accident confirmed him in his fear of driving.; 堅信礼を受ける ¶She was confirmed at the age of thirteen.
  1. COME
    =veni; alveni; deveni
  2. stick
    =glui; fiksi
  3. walk
    =marŝi; promeni;
  4. run
    =kuri; funkcii; flui
  5. appear
    =aperi; ŝajni; aspekti
  6. arrive
    =alveni; veni; sukcesi
  7. set
    =subiri; meti
  8. plan
    =plani; projekti
  9. move
    =movi; moviĝi; translokiĝi
  1. BE
    =esti; ekzisti; okazi
  2. take
    =preni; forpreni; akcepti
  3. stay
    =resti; restadi; loĝi
  4. stand
    =stari; ekstari;
  5. hold
    =teni; deteni;
  6. become
    =iĝi; fariĝi; esti
  7. pull
    =tiri; altiri; eltiri
  8. push
    =puŝi; peli;
  9. break
    =rompi; rompiĝi; paŭzi
  1. GO
    =iri; veturi
  2. prepare
    =prepari; pretigi;
  3. stop
    =halti; ĉesi
  4. lose
    =perdi; malgajni;
  5. leave
  6. fight
  7. save
  8. act
  9. win
  1. MAKE
  2. sit
  3. lay
  4. put
  5. do
  6. turn
  7. hit
  8. cut
  9. work
  1. GIVE
  2. catch
  3. have
  4. throw
  5. fall
  6. bring
  7. hold
  8. keep
  9. deliver
  1. SAY
  2. call
  3. play
  4. recall
  5. tell
  6. write
  7. shut
  8. pay
  9. commit

>Top <A>

  1. aruku; あるく
  2. iku; 行く
    1. おいとま
    2. お伺い
    3. 会いに行く
    4. 行き方
    5. 出発
    6. 経験
    7. しに行く
    8. 魚釣り
    9. 運転/歩き
    10. 道沿い
    11. どの道行く
    12. うまくいく
    13. 仕事うまくいく
    14. お使い
    15. 紛失
    16. 期待はずれ
  3. kangaeru; 考える
    1. 考える時間
    2. 熟慮
    3. 考え直す
    4. 考えすぎない
    5. 将来を考える
    6. 対策を考える
    7. 意見
    8. 何を考える
    9. 考えておこう
    10. 自分のことだけ
    11. 注意深く考える
    12. ばかな考え
    13. 深く考える
    14. そういえば
    15. 一晩寝て考える
    16. 全ての状況を考慮
    17. 昔のこと考える
    18. 反省
    19. 考えられない
    20. 考えられない
    21. あらゆる角度
    22. 結婚を意図する



  1. She walked home.
    1. The station is 2 km walk from my house.
    2. If you walk along this street you'll come to the railway station.
    3. walk with faltering steps; walk briskly; walk on tiptoe; walk with heavy steps;
  2. go; come; take; get to; leave for; attend; visit; call on/at
    1. I must be going now.
    2. I'll come over next Sunday.
    3. Go and see him right away.
    4. Could you tell me how to get to the staion.
    5. When will you leave for London.
    6. Have you ever been to UK?
    7. I went shopping at the department store yesterday.
    8. go fishing in the river.
    9. He drove/walked to school.
    10. Go down/along this street, and you'll get to the station.
    11. Which road shall we take?
    12. Everything went well/badly.
    13. Are you getting along with your work?
    14. He sent his sister around to the shop for some flowers.
    15. What has become of my watch?
    16. Everything he did fell short of his expectations.
  3. think; consider; contemplate;
    1. I game him time to think.
    2. Consider before you reply. (=think carefully)
    3. Thinking it over; On second thought(s); On reflection, I found I was wrong.
    4. Don't take it too seriously.
    5. think about one's future.
    6. Devise a countermeasure against crows. (=work out)
    7. What do you think of it?
    8. What are you thinking about?
    9. Money? I'll have to see.
    10. He never thinks of anyone but himself.
    11. We have to consider this problem more carefully.
    12. What a stupid idea!
    13. He doesn't think deeply.
    14. Come to think of it, he was absent yesterday.
    15. sleep on it.
    16. In view of all the circumstances
    17. look back on old times. (=reflect)
    18. Reflect on what you have done.
    19. I can't imagine what life would be like without her.
    20. It's unthinkable to ask him to do that.
    21. view the problem from every angle.
    22. think of marrying her.
Key Ad/Prep
>Top about
  1. 概略: 約・頃 ¶walk about 5 miles; got up about 7; eat lunch about noon.;
  2. 関連: について ¶a book about/on stars. ◆onは専門的; Tell me all about it.; Life is all about challenge.
  3. 位置: 近くに ¶I lost my key (somewhere) about here. ¶We spent the whold afternoon walking about town. (Br); 周囲 ¶a fence about the house.
  4. あちこち: Br: ¶walked about the streets.
  5. 付属: で ¶There is somehting about him that I don't like.
  6. 従事: に関わる¶What is he about? He's about his business.; There is something noble about her.; Can you mail this letter and while you're about it, buy me some stamps?
  1. It's about
  2. be about to
    1. be about to
  3. be all about
  4. bring about
    1. bring about
  5. ♣beat about the bush
  6. come about
  7. care about
  8. ♦go about
    1. go about
  9. look about
  10. put about
    1. ♦put about
  11. see about
    1. see about
    2. see about
    3. see about
    4. ♦have to see about
    5. ♠will soon see about
  12. set about
    1. set about
    2. set about
  13. think about
    1. think about
  1. It's about the book I lent you, have you finished it?
  2. The plane is about to take off.
    1. I'm not about to apologize.
  3. This book is (all) about politics.
  4. Her smile bring about a change in his attitude.
    1. The accident was brought about by his carelessness.
  5. Don't beat about the bush and tell me exactly what he said.
  6. A great change has come about since the war.
  7. I don't care a bit about the future.
  8. I wouldn't have any idea how to go about building a house.
    1. Just go about your business and don't keep looking at me.
  9. I need time to look about me.
  10. The ship put about. <put 動かす; 向ける
    1. It was put about that she got married.
  11. I must see about getting dinner ready.
    1. I'll see about it.
    2. She had to go and see about a sick friend.
    3. Did you see about renting a room for the meeting?
    4. We'll have to see about that.
    5. We'll soon see about that.
  12. We set about doing the job right after lunch.
    1. Who has set this gossip about?
    2. The two gangs set about each other.
  13. think about one's home and friends. (=call to mind)
    1. I need time to think about it before I decide.
  1. についてですが
  2. まさに...する所
    1. するつもりはない
  3. についてである
  4. 変化をもたらす
    1. 起因
  5. 遠回し
  6. 変化が生じる
  7. 気にかける
  8. し始める
    1. に集中する
  9. 見つめる時間必要
  10. 船の方向を変える
    1. 噂を広める
  11. 取り掛かる
    1. 何とかしましょう
    2. 面倒見る
    3. 手配する
    4. もっと考える必要
    5. そうはさせない
  12. を始める;
    1. 噂を広める
    2. 抗争する
  13. 思い出す
    1. よく考える
>Top above
  1. ⇔below: (表面から離れた) 位置; ¶1000 meters above sea leavel
    ◆ over: 覆いかぶさる
    ◆横断は across/over: fly across/over Japan; ¶Her skirt is above the knee.
    ◆接触は on/over: ¶wear a sweater over T-shirt.
  2. (数量程度で) 超過: ¶His language skills are above the average.
  3. (地位など) 優越: ¶A director is directly above a manager.
  4. (行為など) 超越; よしとしない:¶His conduct was above suspicion.
  5. (上流): ¶a waterfall above the bridge.
  1. above all (else)
  2. ♣above board
  3. ♣get above oneself
  4. put above
  1. He is strong, brave and, above all, kind.
  2. above board ⇔ underhand
  3. Br: He's been getting above himself since he won the competition.
  4. put honor above death.
  1. 就中
  2. 公明正大な
  3. うぬぼれる
  4. 優先する
>Top across
  1. 方向: 横断して ¶I walk across/over the bridge every morning to get to work.
    ◆平面上 across the desert; across the river; climed over the wall; jump over/across a puddle; walked through the woods. ◆overは上方 ◆throughは通り抜け
  2. 方向: 交差して ¶saw across the the grain of he wood (→cross cut)
  3. 位置: あちこち ¶This supermarket has a chain of stores across/all over/throughout Japan.
  1. come across
    1. come across
    2. come across
    3. come across as
  2. cut across
    1. ♦cut across
  3. put across
  4. run across
  1. I came across an old schoolmate in the supermarket.
    1. I accidentally came across some old photographs.
    2. Your argument came across well.
    3. She came across as very self-confident.
  2. People oftern cut across the campus to same time.
    1. Feelings on this subject cut across traditional party loyalties.
  3. I can't put his idea across to you.
  4. He ran across an old friend in the street.
  1. 偶然遭遇
    1. 偶然発見
    2. 意見交差
    3. 立脚点
  2. 横切って近道
    1. 矛盾する
  3. うまく伝える
  4. 偶然出会う
>Top after
  1. 時間: の後に⇔before ¶the day after tomorrow; on and after May 1
  2. 場所: 過ぎたら ¶Turn left just after the next bus stop.
  3. 順序: の次に¶Pleas write your date of birth after your name.
  4. 反復: ...も...も¶day after day of stressful stuations.
  5. 追跡・追求: を求めて ¶I went after him and apologized.; Run after the thief!; Were you after anything in particular? No, I'm just looking.; A user-friendly projector, that's what I'm after.
  6. 理由: の後なので ¶After that remark, I will never speak to you again.; After seeing that car accident, I'll never drink and drive.; 譲歩 ¶After all his efforts, he couldn't pass the examination.
  7. 模倣: にならって ¶after the fashionn of Picasso; take after one's father; 命名 ¶I was named Tom after my uncle.; He is a man after my own heart.
  8. 対比: ¶My house seems small after yours.; It's pleasantly cool inside after the heat outside.
  1. ♦ask after
    1. ask after
  2. come after
  3. go after
  4. inquire after
  5. ♦keep after
  6. look after
    1. look after
    2. look after
  7. run after
    1. run after
  8. send after
  9. ◆take after
  1. I asked after my sick friend.
    1. When you see Mr Long, don't foreget to ask after his wife.◆第三者打診
  2. Coffee comes after the meal.
  3. I went after the boy who stole my wallet.
  4. I went to the hospital to inquire after his health.
  5. His mother kept after him to clean his room.
  6. look after a baby.
    1. look after one's business.
    2. I'll look after the bill.
  7. run after a thief. (=pursue; go after)
    1. run after girls.
  8. Mrs Williams had left her umbrella, so I sent Jimmy after her.
  9. He takes after his father in many ways.
  1. 見舞い
    1. 伝言
  2. 後で出る
  3. 追い駆ける
  4. 見舞い
  5. うるさく催促
  6. 世話をする
    1. 着目する
    2. 対処する
  7. 追い駆ける
    1. つけ回す
  8. 追い駆けさせる
  9. (直系親族に) 似る

>Top against 

  1. 反対: ⇔for ¶vote against the bill; against one's will; That's against the rules.; fight against the enemy.
  2. 衝突: ¶The rain was beating against the windows.; 接触: place one's year against the door.; The police told her to put her hands against the wall.
  3. 防御: ¶protect the plants against frost.; 予防: I'd advise you against smoking.; 準備: My house ins inusred against fire.
  4. 不利益: ¶the evidence against him; against all probalility. 起こりそうもないこと
  5. 背景: ¶The church stood out sharply against the blue sky.
  6. 比較: ¶The exchange rate against the euro.
  7. 引替: ¶The loan was an advance against my salary. 天引き
  1. ♣against all odds
  2. ♠against one's better judgment
  3. go against
  4. make against
  5. run against
    1. run against
    2. run against
  6. set against
    1. ♦dead set against
    2. set against
  7. turn against
  8. tell against
  9. work against
  1. They married against all odds.
  2. Against my better judgment, I lent her some money.
  3. She went against her parents' wishes and married him.
  4. facts the makes against the theory.
  5. The ship run against a rock.
    1. Is he running against Smith in the next election?
    2. That idea runs against ours and we'll not allow it.
  6. Let us set your theory against his.
    1. I'm dead set against it.
    2. Malicious gossip set the friends against each other.
  7. All his former friends turned against him.
  8. provide the most telling evidence against
  9. Conditions in that country are working against progress.
  1. あらゆる困難超越
  2. 不本意にも
  3. に反対する
  4. 理論に反する事実
  5. 衝突する
    1. 対立候補
    2. の不利になる
  6. 長短所を比較する
    1. 大反対である
    2. 敵対させる
  7. 反旗を翻す
  8. の非を明らかにする
  9. 進歩に逆行する
>Top ahead
  1. 位置: 前に⇔behind ¶The car moved ahead with more speed.
  2. 時間: 前に ¶look ahead; plan ahead;
  3. 仕事について: ¶get ahead in business; America is ahead in space technology.; Engels went ahead by 1-0 in the game.
  1. go ahead
    1. go ahead
    2. go ahead
  2. look ahead
  3. set ahead
  4. think ahead
  1. Can I use your phone? Sure, go ahead.
    1. You go ahead. I'll join you later.
    2. We decided to go ahead with the match in spite of the rain.
  2. look ahead to one's retirement.
  3. set the clocks ahead one hour. (=put ahead ⇔put back)
  4. You must think ahead if you want to succeed.
  1. どうぞ
    1. 先に進む
    2. 決行する
  2. 退任後を考慮する
  3. 時計を進める
  4. 先読みする
>Top along
  1. 方向: に沿って ¶walk along the river.; drag one's coat along the ground.; Move along, please.
  2. 方針: に従って ¶They remain divided along religious lines.
  3. 時間: の間に ¶We've had our share of troubles along the way. その間に苦労があった
  4. 随伴: ¶Why don't you come along?; Please bring your sister along.
  5. 進行: ¶; She is six months along.; Work gets more interesting as you go along.
  6. 列をなして: ¶cars parked along by the building 並んで駐車
  1. all along
  2. along with
  3. be along
    1. be along
  4. bring along
    1. bring along
  5. ♥carry along
  6. come along
    1. come along
    2. come along
  7. go along
    1. go along
  8. move along
  9. ♥run along
  1. We knew it all along.
  2. Why don't you come along with us?
  3. I'll be along soon.
    1. Another train should be along in a few minutes.
  4. bring a notebook along.
    1. bring him along to the party.
  5. His novels carry the reader along.
  6. Would you like to come along with me if the weather is good?
    1. I'm afraid our boss will never come around to our way of thinking.
    2. How is your work coming along?
  7. The course gets more difficult as you go along.
    1. I will go along with your plan.
  8. Move/Pass along the bus, please.
  9. Run along!
  1. 最初からずっと
  2. 一緒に
  3. すぐ行く
    1. まいります
  4. 持参
    1. 連行
  5. 感服させる
  6. 同行
    1. 同調
    2. 進捗
  7. 進むにつれて
    1. 沿って行く
  8. Bus; お詰め下さい
  9. あっちに行け
>Top apart
  1. 距離: 離れて ¶stand apart; wide apart.; pull/keep the two men apart.
  2. 時間: 離れて ¶My brother and I are 8 years apart.
  3. 分離: ばらばらに ¶They have gradually drifted apart 疎遠に; These toys come apart very easily.
  4. 区別: 別々にする ¶He tried to keep his work and privae life strictly apart.
  5. 別扱い: さておき =aside ¶joking apart.; A few minor mistakes apart, your writing is good.;
  6. 別個の: ¶She is in a class apart from her peers.
  7. 異にした: について ¶The two parties are poles apart on key issues.
  1. apart from
    1. apart from
  2. come apart
  3. grow apart
  4. set apart
    1. set apart
    2. set apart
  1. He has never been apart from his mother.
    1. Apart from her temper, she's all right.
  2. come apart at the seams. (=disintegrate)
  3. I grew apart from my school friends.
  4. set some food apart for later on.
    1. set the dogs apart each other
    2. He had exceptional qualities which set him apart from his classmates.
  1. と離れて
    1. を別にすれば
  2. ほころび>うまくいかなくなる
  3. 疎遠になる
  4. 横におく;
    1. 切り離す
    2. 区別する
>Top around
  1. 位置: の周囲を ¶sit around the table; She put her arms around him.; I prefer having people around me.
  2. 円運動: を回って ¶jog around a park; orbit around the earth.; show her round the town.;
  3. 迂回: ¶There should be a way around this problem. 克服する方法
  4. 分散: あちこちで: ¶travel around the world; people around the world.; litter cans around the house.
  5. 近辺: の辺りで ¶people living in and around Tokyo; Is there a restaurant around here?
  6. 曲がって: ¶The church is just around the corner.; go around the cars to cross the street.
  7. 近辺: およそ ¶meet the man around midnight.; The accident happened around 1990.
  8. 現存の中で: ◆最上級と ¶This is one of the best cars around. 入手できる最高
  9. 出回っている: ¶She is one of the best singers around.
  10. 中心: を基礎として ¶a story around the President's life. を巡る物語
  11. 関連: に関して ¶There is a lot of anxiety around this recent trend.
  1. all around
    1. all around
  2. around and around
  3. from all around
  4. have been around
  5. bring around
    1. bring around
  6. carry around
  7. fool around
  8. look around
    1. look around
  9. push around
  10. run around
  11. stand around
  12. take around
  13. turn around
  14. work around to
  1. We walked all around the lake.
    1. He left his books all around the house.
  2. The dog ran around and around.
  3. representative from all around the world.
  4. He has been around and knows how to handle the situation.
  5. A whiff of ammonia soon brought her around.
    1. He at last brought his father around to his point of view.
  6. He carries his umbrella around with him every day.
  7. Don't fool around the knife.
  8. He looked around for a place to park his car.
    1. We looked around the museum.
  9. He always pushes his employees around.
  10. The children were running around in the garden.
  11. Don't just stand around. Give me a hand.
  12. I took them around and introduced them to everyone.
  13. She turned around and said 'Good-bye.'
  14. He worked around to asking for a salary increase.
  1. ぐるり一周
    1. 家中一面
  2. ぐるぐる回る
  3. 一同
  4. 世間を熟知; 性体験も
  5. 意識回復
    1. 気づかせ説得
  6. 持参
  7. いじっちゃだめ
  8. 探す
    1. 見学する
  9. こき使う
  10. 駆け回る
  11. 何もせずに立つ
  12. 案内する
  13. 振り返る
  14. 手を回す

>Top aside

  1. 水平移動: 脇へ ¶I stepped/moved aside to let her pass.; draw him aside 内緒話
  2. 別途: 脇へ ¶set/put money aside for future emergency.; all joking aside/apart さておき
  3. 除外: 無視して ¶This terrible weather aside, I feel to sick to go out today.
  1. as an aside
  2. aside from
    1. aside from
  3. brush aside
  4. cast aside
  5. draw aside
  6. jump aside
  7. lay aside
    1. lay aside
  8. push aside
  9. put aside
    1. put aside
  10. set aside
    1. set aside
  11. stand aside
    1. stand aside
  12. step aside
  1. He's very rich and powerful, and as an aside, he's single.
  2. None, aside from him, could answer the question.
    1. Aside from being very funny, he's also a very caring person.
  3. brush aside 〜 as unimportant
  4. cast aside one's doubts
  5. The coach drew him aside and gave him some advice.
  6. He jumped aside and narrowly escaped the pitcher's bean ball.
  7. He laid aside his book and went out into the garden.
    1. She laid aside some money for her old age.
  8. He pushed aside the element of his illness and enjoyed his life.
  9. put one's bag aside.
    1. put aside one's anger.
  10. set money aside for our children's education.
    1. Let's set aside all formalities.
  11. He stood aside to let me pass.
    1. She never stands aside when there is something that needs to be done.
  12. Old leaders should step aside for younger generation.
  1. 余談、オフレコ
  2. を除いて
    1. の他に
  3. 払い除ける
  4. 迷いを捨てる
  5. 脇に寄せる
  6. 飛び退く
  7. 脇に置く
    1. 取っておく
  8. 横に忘れる
  9. 脇に置く
    1. 抑制する
  10. 横におく;
    1. 無視する
  11. 脇による
    1. 何もしない
  12. 地位を譲る
>Top at
  1. 場所・地点: に/で ¶at the side of the road; wait at the bus stop; at the top of the list
  2. 時間・年齢: に ¶at noon; at the age of 13; work at night; at Christmas; 順序: at first; at all times
  3. 方向・目標: ¶look up at the sky.; angry at John; throw the ball at him
  4. 達成: 狙って ¶He grabbed at the rope but missed it.; shot at the bird.; What are you getting at? ◆atは未達成
  5. 心理: 見聞きして ¶laugh at her story; get angry at the news; envy at her good fortune; surprise at the result;
  6. 数値: ¶sell this at 10 dollars; at competitive shipping rate;
  7. 極限: ¶at a maximum; at one's zenith; at the completion of the work
  8. 関連: に関して ¶be slow at learning; be young at heart 気が若い; be good at golf;
  9. 存在: 出席して ¶be at a party; at breakfast; at (the) table; be at school; What are they at?何をしよう・言おうとしているか
  10. 所属: ¶be a student at University; have been at the company for a long time;
  11. 状態: ¶at ease;⇔ill at ease 落ち着かない; at risk; at a standstill; at a loss; 最上級 at best; at worst
  12. 方法: ¶at random; at a guess; at will; 対応 at her request; at his invitation
  1. be at
    1. be at it
    2. be at it
  2. aim at
  3. catch at
  4. cut at
  5. drive at
  6. get at
  7. keep at
    1. keep at it
  8. look at
    1. look at
    2. look at
    3. look at
    4. To look at
  9. play at
  10. present oneself at
  11. run at
  12. stick at
  13. work at
  1. She was at her husband again about his friends.
    1. They have been at it again. Why are they always fighting?
    2. I'm just going for a sandwich. Shall I bring you one while I'm at it?
  2. He aims at the victory of the world series.
  3. A drowning man will catch at a straw.
  4. That cuts at all my hopes.
  5. I cannot understand what he is driving at.
  6. The truth will be getting at before long.
  7. The teacher kept us at our work all afternoon.
    1. Keep at it!
  8. A cat may look at a king.
    1. Let's look at the facts.
    2. He wouldn't look at my suggestion
    3. She looks at things differently not that she's older.
    4. To look at him, you'd never think he was a brilliant professor.
  9. play at war/ play at keeping a shop
  10. I will present myself at the meeting.
  11. A dog ran at the boy.
  12. He will stick at nothing to get what he wants.
  13. I'm working at my English.
  1. うるさく言う
    1. またやっている
    2. ついでに
  2. 狙い
  3. 必死に掴む
  4. 打ち砕く
  5. 目指す
  6. 明らかになる
  7. 続けさせる
    1. 頑張れ
  8. 誰でも権利
    1. 審査
    2. 耳を傾ける
    3. 見方が異なる
    4. 見かけ上
  9. ごっこをする
  10. 出席する
  11. 走って向かってくる
  12. 手段を選ばない
  13. に取り組む
>Top away
  1. 位置: 離れて ¶He's away from his desk now.; a village 5 km away from here
  2. 移動: あちらへ ¶go away; run away; carry it away; Away! あっちへ行け
  3. 不在で: ¶I'll be away for two weeks.; ◆outはちょっと留守
  4. 連続: ¶The girl was crying away in the corner.
  5. 直前: ¶I was seconds away from getting angry.
  6. 離脱: ¶throw the paper away; He drank away all the money.
  7. 強意: ¶away beyond he hills; away back in 1900;
  1. away with
  2. back away
  3. bang away
  4. bargain away
  5. beaver away
  6. break away
    1. break away
  7. burn away
  8. call away
    1. call away
  9. carry away
    1. carry away
  10. clear away
  11. cut away
  12. die away
  13. drain away
  14. draw away
  15. drink away
  16. drive away
  17. do away with
    1. do away with
  18. explain away
  19. fade away
  20. go away
    1. go away
  21. keep away
    1. keep away from
    2. keep away
  22. be miles away
  23. pass away
  24. play away
  25. pull away
  26. put away
    1. put away
    2. put away
    3. put away
  27. run away
    1. run away with
    2. run away with
    3. run away with
    4. run away with
  28. send away
    1. send away
    2. send away
  29. shut away
  30. stay away
  31. take away
    1. take away
    2. take away from
  32. throw away
    1. throw away
    2. throw away
    3. throwaway
  33. turn away
    1. turn away
  34. work away
  35. write away
  1. Away with you!
  2. backed away from the man with the gun.
  3. My heart was banging away against my ribs.
  4. baragain away one's estate
  5. He's been beavering away at his homework for hours.
  6. The prisoners broke away from the guards.
    1. He could not break away from his mother after all.
  7. The fire was still burning away.
  8.  I'll call an ambulance right away.
    1. He was called away on urgent business.
  9. A mast was carried away by the storm.
    1. He was carried away by her beauty.
    2. The girls were carried away by his songs.
  10. clear away the dishes from the table.
  11. cut away dead branches from a tree.
  12. The stock will die away after the fruit is formed.
  13. The water will soon drain away.
  14. The child drew away from her mothre.
  15. I was drinking my problems away.
  16. He drove the dog away.
  17. They have done away with uniforms at that school.
    1. We should do away with outdated ideas
  18. The science book explained away my fears.
  19. As the sun rose, the stars faded away.
  20. Just go away an leave me alone.
    1. We're going away to the coast this weekend.
  21. I didn't see you yesterday. What kept you away?
    1. My parents tole me to keep away from those boys.
    2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  22. You seem to be miles away.
  23. Don't you know that he passed away two years ago?
  24. play away from home.
  25. The scaffolding pulled away from the building.
  26. put one's car away in the garage.
    1. put away money for one's retirement.
    2. put away a gallon of beer.
  27. I tried to stroke the cat, but it ran away.
    1. run away with one's lover.
    2. Don't run away with the idea that you can pass the exam without studying. (=hold a belief wrongly)
    3. Hie temper ran away with him.
    4. an electric stove runs away with a lot of electricity.
  28. He was sent away to a boarding school.
    1. Can you send the solicitor away?
    2. We have to send away for our groceries.
  29. He shut himself away in the country.
  30. Never stay away from school without good cause.
  31. They took the knife away from the robber.
    1. Hospices will take away our fear of death.
    2. We should not take away from a child's creative development.
  32. throw away one's old shoes.
    1. My advice was thrown away on her. (=waste oneself)
    2. a throwaway lighter.
  33. The show was so popular that many people had to be turned away. (=dismiss)
    1. She turned away in horror.
  34. work away at one's homework.
  35. I wrote away their catalog.
  1. 立ち去れ
  2. 後ずさりする
  3. 心臓がばくばく
  4. 安値で売り渡す
  5. 熱心に取り組む
  6. 突然逃亡
    1. 自立する
  7. 焼き尽くす
  8. 呼びにやる
    1. 急用で呼び出す
  9. 取り去る
    1. 魅了
    2. ほれぼれする
  10. 後片付けする
  11. 伐採
  12. 枯死する
  13. 水はすぐはける
  14. 急いて離れる
  15. 酒で紛らわせる
  16. 追い払う
  17. 中止する
    1. 捨てるべき
  18. 説明して取り除く
  19. 消え去る
  20. 放っておく
    1. 宿泊旅行
  21. 避けている
    1. 遠ざから
    2. 遠ざける
  22. 心ここにあらず
  23. 逝く
  24. 相手根拠地試合
  25. 離脱
  26. 車庫にしまう
    1. 取っておく
    2. 飲み干す
  27. 逃げ去る
    1. 駆け落ちする
    2. 早合点する
    3. 自制心を失う
    4. 消費する
  28. 遠方に送り出す
    1. 追い払う
    2. メールで注文
  29. 隠遁する
  30. 欠席する
  31. 取り上げる
    1. 緩和する
    2. 発達を奪う
  32. 投げ捨てる
    1. 無視される
    2. 使い捨て用
  33. 満員で入れない
    1. 顔をそむける
  34. せっせと取り組む
  35. 取り寄せる
>Top back
  1. 場所: ⇔forward ¶We stepped back to let the nurse through.
  2. 戻る: ¶I'll be back in an hour.; there and back 往復して;
  3. 遡及: ¶back then; She and I broke up back in Sept.
  4. 返答: ¶Can I call you back later?; I'll pay you back with interest.
  5. 隠蔽: ¶hold back one's tear/slaughter;
  1. back and forth
  2. at the back of one's mind
  3. back to back
  4. back away
  5. back door
  6. be on one's back
    1. flat on one's back
  7. have back to the wall
  8. know like the back of one's hand
  9. back off
  10. back onto
  11. back passage
  12. back the right/wrong horse
  13. back to back
  14. behind one's back
  15. back to front
  16. back to nature
  17. back to school
  18. back to square one
  19. back up
  20. bring back
  21. call back
  22. carry back
  23. come back
    1. come back
    2. come back
  24. cut back
  25. date back
  26. go back
    1. go back
    2. go back
    3. go back on
  27. keep back
    1. keep back from
  28. look back
    1. look back
  29. push back
  30. put back
    1. put back
  31. send back
  32. set back
    1. set back
    2. set back
  33. sit back
  34. stand back
    1. stand back
  35. take back
    1. take back
    2. take back
    3. take back
  36. think back
  37. turn back
    1. turn back
    2. turn one's back on
  38. write back
  1. Jim and Mike threw a ball back and forth.
  2. The thought of having to do something is always at the back of my mind.
  3. I have two meetings back to back.
  4. I backed away from the man with the gun.
  5. get in through the back door.
  6. He has been flat on his back for a week with the virus.
    1. Japanese economy is till flat on its back.
  7. Engels finally had back to the wall in the season.
  8. The manager know his physical condition like the back of his hand.
  9. The thief bagan to back off warily when I assued a karae pose.
  10. Our house backs onto a small river.
  11. rectum
  12. back the right/wrong horse
  13. stand back to back
  14. She said bad things about me behind my back.
  15. put on a sweater back to front.
  16. I feel I was able to get back to nature on this trip.
  17. a bck-to-school sale
  18. The detective failed to catch the thief; he had to go back to square one.
  19. They backed him up in everything.
  20. The song brought my my boyhood back to me.
  21. Can you call me back later?
  22. The smell of cut grass carries me back to my childhood.
  23. I'll come back to that point again later.
    1. It all coming back to me.
    2. Mini skirt has come back into fashion.
  24. The factory had to cut back its production.
  25. His family dates back to 17th century.
  26. It's a wonderful city and I'd like to go back there one day.
    1. Let's go back to the subject were were discussing a few minutes ago.
    2. A lot of the buildings in the village go back to the 15C.
    3. I promised to help them and I can't go back on my word.
  27. I could not keep back my tears.
    1. I kept the news back from him.
  28. look back longingly on the old days.
    1. Since then the industry has never looked back.
  29. I pushed back the meeting half an hour.
  30. put a book back on the self.
    1. put the hands of the clock back one hour.
  31. The book had some page missing, so I sent it back.
  32. Our plan have been set back by the shortage of funds.
    1. The house was set back well away from the main road.
    2. This book set me back 30 dollars
  33. sit back and enjoy the holiday.
  34. The police ordered the crowd to stand back.
    1. My house stands back from the road.
    2. My father stands back from the day-by-day business.
  35. She took the sweater back to the shop.
    1. I took back my promise when I saw I had been cheated.
    2. This music takes me back to the old days.
    3. She never takes her former lovers back.
  36. Think back!; where did you put it?
  37. The mountaineers had to turn back before reaching the peak. (go back)
    1. turn back the corner of the page.
    2. Engels fan finally turn their back on the possibility of the reversal.
  38. I wrote back at once.
  1. 投げ合う
  2. 心の奥にある
  3. 続けざまに
  4. 後退りする
  5. 裏口
  6. 病床について
    1. 以前不振
  7. 窮地に陥る
  8. 隅々まで知っている
  9. 引き下がる
  10. 裏面で接する
  11. 直腸
  12. 勝ち馬/負け馬に乗る
  13. 背中合わせに
  14. に内緒で
  15. 後ろ前に
  16. 自然に戻る
  17. 新学期大売り出し
  18. 振り出しに戻る
  19. 追憶
  20. 折返し
  21. 追憶
  22. 復帰
    1. 連想
    2. 再流行
  23. 縮小
  24. 遡る
  25. また行く
    1. 戻る
    2. 遡る
    3. 破る
  26. 抑える
    1. 隠しておく
  27. 懐かしく振り返る
    1. 回復する
  28. 繰り延べる
  29. 棚に戻す
    1. 針を戻す
  30. 送り返す
  31. 挫折
    1. 離間させる
    2. 費用支払
  32. ゆったり過ごす
  33. 後に下がる
    1. 離間する
    2. 引退している
  34. 返品する
    1. 取り消す
    2. 思い出す
    3. よりを戻す
  35. 思い出して見ろ
  36. 下山する
    1. 折返し
    2. 見捨てる
  37. 返事をする
>Top before
  1. 時間: ⇔after より前に ¶before dark; Before the end of August would suit me better.
    ◆untilまでずっと¶She didn't come home until the Xmas season. until=開始
    Before I had parked my car, she was opening the front door. 車を止めないうちに
    Before he could reply, she walked out. 返事もしないうちに
    ¶The war ended before I ever fired a shot. 銃を撃つこともなる終戦
    ¶It was 11 o'clock before the party was over. ようやく終わった
  2. 順序: より先に ¶His name come before mine on the list.; He puts his family before anything else..
  3. 位置: の前に ⇔behind ¶The accident happened just before my eyes.
  4. 前途: A bright future lies before us.
  1. before day
  2. before everything
  3. before long
  4. before now
  5. ♣before one can blink
  6. before one has finished
  7. before one's eyes
  8. before one's time
  9. before the Flood
  10. before the wind
  11. befoe then
  12. ♠age before beauty
  13. a best before date
  14. ♦not before time
  15. as never before
  16. appear before
  17. before or since
  18. it's not long before
  19. ♦cast pearls before swine
  20. before last
  21. I've heart it all before
  22. be a long time before
  23. come before
    1. come before
    2. come before
  24. lie before
  25. like before
  26. put before
  27. put the cart before the horse
  28. run before one can walk
  1. before day (=before dawn)
  2. before everything
  3. Before long, she came into my room.
  4. =by now; She will be in London by now.
  5. She can fix it before you can blink. (=can say Jack Robinson)
  6. If you drive like that, before you've finished you'll have an accident. (=sooner or later) ◆未来のことでも現完を使う
  7. see an accident right before one's eyes.
  8. die before one's time
  9. before the Flood
  10. sail before the wind
  11. Friday would be all right, but couldn't you have it ready before then?
  12. Age before beauty
  13. Why do you have no best before date on these products? (=best before end)
  14. It's not before time that they are studying the safety of nuclear power stations. (=about time too)
  15. feel a thrill as never before.
  16. appear before the court.
  17. I have never seen weather like that before or since.
  18. It was not long before he reached the summer house.
  19. Such an attempt is like casting pearls before swine.
  20. Sunday before last.
  21. I've heard it all before.
  22. It will be a long time before he knows how important it is.
  23. The Stone Age came before the Iron Age.
    1. The case came before the high court.
    2. For him golf comes before his wife and family.
  24. I wonder if I can cope with the difficulties that lie ahead. (=lie ahead)
  25. He can recover nice pitching like before. (=as before)
  26. put the new plan before the committee.
  27. Don't put the cart before the horse.
  28. You need to learn how to walk before you run.
  1. 夜明け前
  2. 何はさておき
  3. まもなく
  4. 今はもう
  5. あっという間に
  6. 遅かれ早かれ
  7. 目の当たりにする
  8. 早死する
  9. 大昔に
  10. 追い風を受けて
  11. それ以前に
  12. お年寄り優先
  13. 賞味期限
  14. 遅いくらいだ
  15. かつてなかったように
  16. 審理に出頭
  17. 後にも先にも
  18. ほどなく...する
  19. 猫に小判のようだ
  20. 先々週の日曜
  21. 前にも聞いた
  22. するのに時間がかかる
  23. 先行
    1. 提訴
    2. 優先
  24. 待ち受けている
  25. 以前のように
  26. 提案する
  27. 本末転倒をする
>Top behind
  1. 位置: ⇔ahead of の後ろに ¶a garden behind the house; stand behind a desk; Don't sit behind the wheel when you drink. ◆個々の相互関係; a treaty between three powers.
  2. 時間: ¶The train arrived 5 minutes behind schedule.; You are far behind the times.
  3. 劣等: ¶She is behind the other students in mathematics.
  4. 背後: ¶find out the truth behind the mystery.
  5. 支持: ¶The mayor is firmly behind the project.
  6. 過去: つらかった ¶My unhappy schooldays will soon be behind me.
  7. 経験: ¶I have ten years' teaching experience behind me.支払が
  1. be behind
  2. behind bars
  3. behindhand
  4. behind schedule
  5. behind the counter
    1. behind the counter
  6. ♣behind the eight ball
  7. behin one's back
  8. behind the scenes
  9. behind the times
  10. behind time
  11. behind the wheel
  12. put behind one
  13. ♣wet behind the ears
  14. burn one's bridges behind
  15. come from behind
  16. drop behind
  17. fall behind
  18. get behind
  19. leave behind
  20. lie behind
  21. line up behind
  1. All the exams are now behind us.
  2. He spent most of his life behind bars. (=in jail)
  3. be behindhand with one's rent.
  4. fall behind schedule
  5. girl behind the counter
    1. have behind-the-counter status
  6. I'm behind the eight ball on this projcet.
  7. Don't speak ill of others behind their back.
  8. diplomatic maneuvers going on behind the scenes.
  9. Japan must not get behind the times in science.
  10. behind time (=behind schedule; late)
  11. the man behind the wheel
  12. put one's past behind one.
  13. You are still wet behind the ears.
  14. burn one's bridges behind one.
  15. The Astros has come from behind to beat Engels.
  16. The youngest boy dropped behind the other hikers.
  17. I don't want to fall behind my class.
  18. We got behind with/in our work.
  19. He oftern leave his umbrella behind in a taxi.
  20. I wonder what lies behind his sudden retirement.
  21. He lined up behind an old woman.
  1. 通り過ぎた
  2. 刑務所に入った
  3. 支払が遅れて
  4. 予定より遅れる
  5. 女性店員
    1. 薬局専用医薬品
  6. 不利な立場にある
  7. の背後で
  8. 舞台裏で
  9. 時代遅れで
  10. 時間に遅れて
  11. 支配力のある; 責任者
  12. 考えないでおく
  13. 青二才
  14. 背水の陣
  15. 試合で逆転する
  16. 仲間から遅れる
  17. 勉強が遅れた
  18. 仕事が遅れる
  19. 置き忘れる
  20. 隠れた原因となる
  21. の後ろに並ぶ
>Top between
  1. 位置: の間に; ¶a bridge between the island and the mainland; eat between meals. 間食
  2. 数量: ¶children between the ages of 5 and 10.
  3. 関係・対立: ¶the love between mother and child.
  4. 分配: ¶divide the cake between the two of you.
  5. 協力: ¶between them they finished the job.
  6. 程度・性質: ¶a girl between a child and a woman.
  7. 原因: ¶between A, B and C.
  1. anywhere between A and B
  2. between you and me
  3. come between
    1. come between
  4. a fine line between A and B
  5. in between
  1. For food, I spend anywhere between 200 and 250 dollars a month.
  2. Between you and me, I don't think they're getting along.
  3. He never lets anything come between himself and his work.
    1. I don't let anything come between me and my morning jogging.
  4. There is a fine line between genius and insanity.
  5. I had to attend two meetings yesterday, and there was no time to have lunch in between.
  1. ここだけの話
  2. 邪魔防止
    1. 介在
  3. 紙一重
  4. その間に
>Top beyond
  1. 位置: の向こうに ¶My house is just beyond that river.
  2. 時間: を過ぎて ¶He stayed a day beyond the date he had intended to leave.
  3. 範囲: を越えて ¶His conduct was beyond reproach. [above]
  4. 領域: の他に ¶Beyond that, I know nothing about him.
  1. and beyond
  2. beyond belief
  3. beyond control
  4. beyond (all) description
  5. beyond (all) dispute
  6. beyond (any) doubt
    1. beyond (any) shadow of doubt
  7. beyond edurance
  8. beyond (one's) expectations
  9. beyond one's depth
  10. beyond hope
  11. beyond number
  12. beyond (all) question
  13. beyond (all) reason
  14. beyond (all) recognition
  15. beyond price
  16. beyond redemption
  17. beyond remedy
  18. beyond repair
  19. beyond reproach
  20. beyond retrieval
  21. beyond suspicion
  22. beyond the capabilities of
  23. beyond the compass of
  24. beyond the confines of
  25. beyond the control of
  26. beyond the memory of
  27. beyond the pale
  28. beyond the range of
  29. beyond the reach of
  30. beyond the scope of
  31. beyond correction
  32. beyond the sea(s)
  33. be beyond
  34. be beyond a joke
  35. be old beyond one's years
  36. circumstances beyond one's control
  37. go beyond the bounds
  38. not see beyond
  39. ▼the back of beyond
  1. in fiscal 2014 and beyond
  2. I was shocked beyond belief.
  3. Things are beyond control.
  4. The scene is beautiful (all) beyond deription.
  5. This is beyond dipute the best book on Chinese history.
  6. We believe beyond (any) doubt that you are innocent.
    1. beyond (any) shadow of doubt
  7. His tyrannies were beyond endurance.
  8. His results werey beyond all expectations.
  9. I was beyond/out of my depth in that argument.
  10. I'd like to see Hamlet next week. It's beyond hope unless you know the producer.
  11. His mistakes on occasions were beyond number.
  12. His honesty is beyond question.
  13. Love is byond reason.
  14. change beyond [out of] (all) recongnition.
  15. beyond price (=abive/without price/priceless)
  16. ruined beyond redemption
  17. She felt as if her marital problems were beyond remedy
  18. The bridege was destroyed beyond repair.
  19. beyond/above reproach
  20. The whole situation was beyond retrieval.
  21. However it may be with other people, he is quite above suspicion. (=above suspicion)
  22. wisdom beyond the capabilities of human beings.
  23. The task was beyond the compass of my ability.
  24. His name is not well known beyond the confines of his native Italy.
  25. Measures to deal with the nuclear plant accident were beyond control.
  26. beyond the memory of humanity
  27. beyond the pale of human conduct
  28. It is beyond the range of human understanding.
  29. That is beyond the reach of my understanding.
  30. That is outide the scope of this study.
  31. bad beyond correction.
  32. beyond the sea(s) (=across/over the sea(s))
  33. It is beyond me why she married such a man.
  34. be [go, get] beyond a joke.
  35. She is old beyond her years.
  36. circumstances beyond one's control
  37. He has gone beyond the bounds of reason.
  38. He can't see beyond the end of his nose.
  39. Br: the back of beyond
  1. それ以降も
  2. 信じられない
  3. 抑えきれない
  4. 言葉で言い表せない
  5. 疑いなく
  6. 疑いの余地なく
    1. 疑いの余地なく
  7. 我慢できないほど
  8. 予想外の
  9. 数えきれない
  10. 理解力外
  11. 望みなし
  12. 数限りない
  13. 疑いもなく
  14. 道理を超えた
  15. 見分けのつかないほど
  16. 値段つけられない高価な
  17. 回復の見込みがない
  18. 矯正できない
  19. 修理不能
  20. 非の打ち所がない
  21. 回復の見込みがない
  22. 疑いをかけれらない
  23. 能力を超えて
  24. 範囲を超えて
  25. 範囲外で
  26. 制御不能
  27. 有史以前に
  28. 言動が常軌を逸して
  29. 理解の範囲外で
  30. 理解の及ばない
  31. 範囲外の
  32. 修復不可能の
  33. 海の彼方に
  34. 理解外
  35. 笑い事ではない
  36. 早熟である
  37. 手に負えない
  38. 分別をなくす
  39. 他のことは頭にない
  40. 辺境
>Top by
  1. 動作主: によって¶The window was broken by a stone.主体は石; was broken with a stone. ◆主体は人
  2. 手段: によって ¶The statue was lifted by means of a crane.; write a letter by hand
  3. 位置: すぐ側で ¶live by the river. ◆near the riverより近い; 寄りの north by east (NbE); cf NNE
  4. 局部: を ¶He was led by the arm to a small room.
  5. 原因: のために ¶by chance; by luck; open letter by mistake
  6. 時間: までには ¶He will be back by Friday at the latest.;
    ◆瞬間動詞[by]: ¶He feel asleep by midnight.までに寝入る /stopped singing by 9. までにやめる/
    I'll be there by Sept 1までには行く/ He won't come by 5. 五時以降ある時来るだろう
    ◆継続動詞[until]: ¶He slept until noon.まで継続/kept singing until 9.まで続行/
    I'll be there until Sept 1.までいる/He won't come until 5. 五時まで来ない
    ◆[by/before]: ¶We got home by 5 ぎりぎり五時に帰る/got home before 5 五時前には帰った
  7. 期間: の間に ◆by=during: ¶by/during dayight; work by/during night
  8. 準拠: に従って ¶by law; by definition; by tradition; by appearance
  9. 単位: ぎめで ¶rent a boat by the hour; by the kiko; だけ increase by one; escape by a hairbreadth
  10. 誓い: の前で ¶swear by God
  11. 関連: に関しては ¶She is, by nature, a very shy person.; The plan is all right by/with me.; I know her by name, but not by sight.; 別 population by age
  1. by and large
  2. abide by
  3. come by
  4. go by
    1. go by
    2. go by
  5. pass by
  6. stand by
    1. stand by
    2. stand by
  7. take by surprise
  1. By and large, European economy is getting better.
  2. You must abide by the rules of fair play.
  3. How did you come by this beautiful vase?
  4. As time went by, her confidence grew.
    1. She stood at the window watching people go by.
    2. You can't go by the railway timetables. The trains are very unreliable.
  5. I cannot let the remark pass by in silence.
  6. No matter what happens, I'll stand by you.
    1. stand by one's promise.
    2. stand by in case of trouble.
  7. Their sudden visit took me by surprise.
  1. 概して
  2. 遵守
  3. 偶然入手
  4. 時の経過
    1. 行き交う
    2. 準拠
  5. 見過ごす
  6. 指示する
    1. 固執する
    2. 備える
  7. 面食らう
>Top down
  1. 位置: 下へ ¶pull the blind down; look down on him; jumped down;
  2. 静止: 座って ¶sit down on the bench; fall asleep face down; 倒れて trees were down all over.
  3. 方角: ¶go down to the south; flows down into the sea; She is just down from Oxford. 卒業
  4. 離間: ¶just going down to the post office.; There's a good restaurant down the end of this street.
  5. 量・程度: ¶The tire has gone down; Slow down; go down by 20% from last year
  6. 留める: ¶write down the address;
  7. 時間: ¶down to the present; count down from 10 to 1. ; from A down to B
  8. 頭金: ¶pay him 20 dollars down.
  9. 完全: ¶gulp down the beer; She's so sick that she can't keep anything down. すぐ吐く
  10. 圧迫: ¶put down the rebellion; shut down the factory
  11. 停止: ¶He tried to explain but his wife just talked him down.
  1. be down on
    1. be down on
  2. be down to
    1. be down to
  3. down through
  4. A down, B to go
  5. break down
  6. bring down
  7. come down to
    1. come down
    2. come down
    3. come down
    4. come down
    5. come down
    6. come down
    7. come down on
    8. come down on
  8. cut down
  9. get down to
  10. go down
    1. go down
    2. go down with
    3. go down
    4. go down
    5. go down with
  11. keep down
    1. keep down
  12. look down on
  13. pass down
  14. pull down
    1. pull down
    2. pull down
  15. put down
    1. put down
    2. put down
    3. put down
    4. put down
    5. put down for
    6. put down to
    7. put down oneself
  16. put down
  17. run down
    1. run down
    2. run down
    3. run down
    4. run down
    5. run down
    6. run down
    7. run down
  18. send down
  19. set down
    1. set down
    2. set down
    3. set down
    4. set down
    5. set down
    6. set down for
  20. shut down
    1. shut down
  21. sit down
    1. sit down
  22. stand down
    1. stand down
  23. stick down
  24. settle down to
  25. take down
    1. take down
    2. take down
  26. throw down
  27. turn down
    1. turn down
    2. turn down
    3. turn down
  28. write down
    1. write down
    2. write down
  1. Why is my boss so down on me?
    1. The sum wasn't down on the receipt.
  2. It's down to you to check the calculations.
    1. He said that the problem was down to the press.
  3. Down through the years, we've seen so dramatic changes.
  4. I've read four reports so far. That's four down, and five to go.
  5. It's not easy to break down racial hared.
  6. The scandal brought the government down.
  7. This song came down to us from 10th century.
    1. She came down to breakfast at eight.
    2. The plane come down in the sea.
    3. The legend has come down to us from the past.
    4. Inspectors came down on our side.
    5. When did you come down from Oxford? (=Br)
    6. It comes down to a simple matter of money
    7. come down on a person like a ton of bricks.
    8. His creditors came down on him for the money he owed them.
  8. He was cut down by cancer in his prime.
  9. It's time to work now. Let's get down to business.
  10. Interest rates are going down.
    1. The ship went down in a storm.
    2. The film went down well with the critics.
    3. He'll go down in history as the greates scientist.
    4. The team went down 2-1 in the first game.
    5. She has gone down with flu.
  11. keep one's weight down.
    1. You can't keep a good man down.
  12. look down on the lower classes.
  13. The skill has been passed down from generation to generation.
  14. pull down an old house.
    1. He has been pulled down by illness.
    2. The history exam pulled me down.
  15. put down one's glass.
    1. put down a rebellion.
    2. put the price down to ten dollars.
    3. We put down at Osaka because of fog.
    4. Put ten dollars down and pay the rest in installments.
    5. put her down for the race.
    6. put down her unhappiness to her poverty.
    7. I put down myself in the application format.
  16. This book is quite interesting. I just couldn't put it down.
  17. run down the street.
    1. He was run down by a car.
    2. run down an escaped prisoner.
    3. She's always running down her husband in public.
    4. run down the list of items.
    5. He is thoroughly run down.
    6. run down a work force.
    7. The battery has run down.
  18. The rain sent the temperature down.
  19. set down a load. (=put down)
    1. Would you set me down at the next stop? (Br: )
    2. I set him down as a fool.
    3. It is all set down in the book.
    4. set a person's bad manners down to ignorance.
    5. Rules have been set down and must be obeyed.
    6. The trial is set down for next Tuesday.
  20. shut down a window. (=push down)
    1. shut down a nuclear reactor.
  21. sit down to dinner. (=take a seat)
    1. sit down before a town.
  22. He was obliged to stand down as a parliamentary candidate.
    1. stand-down for the Christmas.
  23. Stick your name down here.
    1. stick down an envelope
  24. It takes some time to settle down to study again after a break.
  25. take a book down from a shelf.
    1. take down the scaffolding.
    2. take down every word that is said.
  26. throw down one's pistol down on the floor.
  27. turn down one's collar. (fold down)
    1. Please turn down the volume of the radio. (=lower)
    2. He proposed to her, but she turned him down. (=reject)
    3. The economy has turned down.
  28. Write it down before you forget it. (=make a note of)
    1. write a person down as a fool. (=describe as)
    2. The critics have accused me of writing down to the public.
  1. きつく当たる
    1. 合計がない
  2. 確かめる役割
    1. のせいだ
  3. の間ずっと
  4. Aは終了、残りはB
  5. 打破
  6. 崩壊
  7. 伝搬
    1. 下降
    2. 墜落
    3. 伝搬
    4. 収斂
    5. 退学
    6. 帰着
    7. 誹謗
    8. 金銭督促
  8. 病没
  9. 本題に戻る
  10. 下降
    1. 沈没
    2. 好意的に受け入れ
    3. 記録
    4. 敗北
    5. 病気
  11. 体重維持
    1. 抑えておく
  12. 下に見る
  13. 伝承
  14. 取り壊す
    1. 病気で弱る
    2. 成績を引き下げる
  15. コップを置く
    1. 鎮圧する
    2. 値下げする
    3. 着陸する
    4. 内金払する
    5. 登録する
    6. のせいにする
    7. 名前を記入する
  16. やめる
  17. 沿って走る
    1. 車に轢かれる
    2. 追跡する
    3. 批判する
    4. ざっと見る
    5. 体を壊す
    6. 数を減らす
    7. 電池が切れる
  18. 下降させる
  19. 荷下ろしする
    1. 下車させる
    2. みなす
    3. 書き記してある
    4. のせいにする
    5. 確立される
    6. 設定される
  20. 締める
    1. 閉鎖する
  21. 食事に着席する
    1. 野営する
  22. 立候補取りやめ
    1. クリスマス休戦
  23. 書き留める
    1. 貼る
  24. 落ち着いて始める
  25. 本を下に降ろす
    1. 足場をはずす
    2. 正確に記録する
  26. 投げ捨てる
  27. 襟を折る
    1. 音量下げる
    2. 拒む
    3. 弱含み
  28. メモする
    1. 軽視する
    2. 見下す
>Top for
  1. 目的: のために ¶used for; made for; for pleasure; for dinner; for the country
  2. 受益者: のために ¶bought a present for Andy; fix drink for her.
    ◆利益のfor ◆不利益のon; She shut the door on me.
  3. 準備: のために ¶get ready for supper; preparing for exam; a reservation for three
  4. 適合: にふさわしい ¶books for children; a dress for the occasion; the man for the job
  5. 追求: を求めて ¶ask for more details; seek for fame; work for earn; run for one's life 命からがら逃げる
  6. 所属: に雇われて ¶work for the firm; play for Engels; write for NY Times
  7. 期間: の間ずっと ¶have lived here (for) 5 years.; How long have you been here (for)?◆継続動詞の後省略可
  8. 予定: 決まった時に ¶make an appointment for 5 o'clock.
  9. 機会: の折に =on the occasion of; wear black for a funeral
  10. 敬意: を記念して ¶give a party for the new ambassador; was named for/after his uncle.
  11. 方向: に向かって ¶dash for/to the door; ◆for方向; to到着点; I took a train to Tokyo; a train for Tokyo.
  12. 距離: に亘って ¶walk (for) 5 miles; the plain stretched (for) as far as the eye could see.
  13. 対象: に対する ¶pity for the poor; feel sorry for him; have a taste for music
  14. 賞罰: の報いとして ¶in exchange for; punish the cat for hunting birds; We are sending you the bill for that.
  15. 交換: と交換に ¶ all you can eat for 10 dollars.食べ放題
  16. 金額: で ¶a check for £20/ 5 for €1; He sold the book for £50.
  17. 代理: の代わりに ¶the lawyer acting for my family; speak for everyone in this city.
  18. 比例: を比べると ¶weight for weight, this is heavier.; give blow for blow; an eye for an eye
  19. 原因: このような理由で ¶for this reason; resign for personal reasons; shout for joy; known for its beauty
  20. 基準: の割には ¶not bad for a beginner; very hot for this time of year; look old for his age
  21. 関連: に関して ¶for my part, I'd like to continue this.; So much for today今日は終わり.; for further information
  22. 観点: にとっては ¶for me, my family is best; luckily for him, he was offered another job.
  23. 認識: として ¶Do you take me for a fool.; He passes for a millionaire.; They chose him for their leader.
  24. 相当: を表して ¶what's the word for ship in Spanish?; UCL stands for Ulnar Collateral Ligament.
  25. 支持: に賛成して ¶vote for a measure; stand up for women's rights.
  1. account for
  2. allow for
  3. answer for
  4. apply for
  5. call for
    1. call for
  6. care for
  7. do for
    1. do for
    2. do for
    3. do for
    4. do for
    5. do for
    6. do for
  8. go for
    1. go for
    2. go for it
  9. have an eye for
  10. have a liking for
  11. look for
    1. look for
    2. look for
  12. long for
  13. make allowances for
  14. make for
    1. make for
    2. make for
  15. make room for
  16. pass for
  17. pull for
  18. prepare for
  19. provide for
  20. run for
  21. see for oneself
    1. send for
      1. send for
    2. sit for
      1. sit for
    3. stand for
      1. stand for
      2. stand for
      3. stand for
  22. search for
  23. work for
  24. wait for
  25. yearn for
  1. Can you account for all the money spent on your trip?
  2. Allowing for traffic delays, we should leave at 7 at the latest.
  3. Do as I ask you or I won't answer for the result.
  4. If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.
  5. calls for the resignation of the government.
    1. I'll call for you on my way.
  6. I don't care for wine.
  7. I'm done for unless I can get a loan from the bank.
    1. You won't do for a lawyer.
    2. This box will do for a chair.
    3. the lady does for us. (Br: care of)
    4. How did you do for food during the war?
    5. What hall we do for a holiday this year?
    6. Once you are married, you are done for.
  8. I think I'll go for the roast chicken.
    1. We've got financial problems but I suppose the same goes for a great many people.
    2. Do you think we should buy it? Yeah, let's go for it!
  9. Tom has an eye for modern painting.
  10. She has a strong liking for cooking.
  11. look for employment.
    1. I don't look for much profit from the business.
    2. We're looking for young men with initiative.
  12. There is no one but longs for peace and security.
  13. make allowances for breakage.
  14. The bull made for him.
    1. The climate makes for good health.
    2. He made for the door and tried to escape.
  15. She made room for an old woman in the bus.
  16. He passes for a learned man in our community.
  17. pull for a hometown hero.
  18. Science is the way to prepare for the 21st century.
  19. We must provide for the future.
  20. He is running for president in the next election.
  21. Why don't you come and see for yourself?
    1. You must send for the doctor immediately.
      1. send for a book.
    2. sit for one's portrait.
      1. sit for one's degree.
    3. I'll stand for the preservation of the environment.
      1. The olive branch stands for peace.
      2. MA stands for Master of Arts.
      3. stand for Parliament. (Br: )
  22. We searched for all day for the lost child.
  23. I'm working for a prize.
  24. I am waiting for the store to open.
  25. People yearn for public leaders dedicated to world peace.
  1. 説明
  2. 考慮
  3. 責任
  4. 申請
  5. 要求
    1. ピックアップ
  6. 好きだ
  7. だめだ
    1. 適性
    2. 代替
    3. 面倒
    4. 手配
    5. 過ごす
    6. おしまい
  8. 僕は...を食べる
    1. 当はまる
    2. やってみよう
  9. 見る目がある
  10. 強い興味
  11. 探す
    1. 期待する
    2. 求める
  12. 希求する
  13. 斟酌する
  14. 攻撃
    1. 役立つ
    2. に向かう
  15. 席を譲る
  16. として通用する
  17. 応援する
  18. 備える
  19. 備える
  20. 立候補する
  21. 自分で確かめる
    1. 呼びにやる
      1. メールで注文
    2. 肖像画モデル
      1. 学位取得試験を受ける
    3. 指示する
      1. 象徴である
      2. 意味する
      3. 議員に立候補
  22. 賞のために働く
  23. 開店まて待ち
  24. 切望する
  25. 憧れる
>Top forth
  1. 方向: 外へ ¶The tree put forth new leaves.; bring forth; call forth; hold forth; put forth; set forth
  2. 時間・順序: 先へ ¶from that day forth =from that day on
  1. break forth
  2. bring forth
  3. call forth
    1. call forth
  4. come forth with
  5. put forth
    1. put forth
  6. send forth
  1. His anger broke forth.
  2. bring forth some idea.
  3. March winds and April showers call forth May flowers.
    1. The difficult situation called forth all his hidden abilities.
  4. He came forth with some new ideas.
  5. In spring, plants put forth new leaves.
    1. put forth all one's energy.
  6. The sun sends forth light and heat.
  1. 突如発生
  2. 結末を生み出す
  3. もたらす
    1. 呼び起こす
  4. 提案
  5. 芽吹く
    1. エネルギーを費やす
  6. 発生する
>Top forward
  1. 方向: 前へ ⇔backward; Br: forwards ¶lean forward; look forward; step forward; Forward! March! 全体進め
  2. 時間: 先へ ¶look forward; from that day forward;
  3. 時計: 早めて ⇔back ¶put the clock forward 10 minutes.; move forward the date of the meeting;
  4. 状況: 外へ ¶put oneself forward; bring forward new evidence; the way forward 前進への道
  1. bring forward
  2. carry forward
  3. come forward
  4. go forward
  5. look forward
  6. push oneself forward
  7. put forward
    1. put forward
    2. put oneself forward
  1. They decided to bring the meeting forward from Jun. 9 to Jun. 3.
  2. carry forward to do what must be done.
  3. She is always backward in coming forward.
  4. The project is going forward as planned.
  5. They are looking forward seeing you.
  6. He is not one to push himself forward.
  7. put forward a new plan.
    1. put the hands of a clock forward one hour.
    2. put oneself forward in an assertive and insistent way.
  1. 繰延
  2. 進捗
  3. 前に出る
  4. 計画通り
  5. 楽しみにする
  6. 人の注目を引く
  7. 提出する
    1. 針を進める
    2. 自分を前に出す
>Top free
  1. 自由な: ¶feel free as the air; get /go free; Please feel free to use my bicycle.
  2. 自由主義の: ¶free citizen; free country
  3. 自由の身の: ¶a free man; set slaves free; the cattle ware free to wonder over the hill.
  4. 無料の: ¶free advice; free delivery; get/take a free ride
  5. 苦痛・心配のない: ¶a person free from prejudice/fear; free from artificial additives
  6. 暇な: ¶Are you free tonight?; The line is free お繋ぎします
  7. 自由使用・遮りがない: ¶a free road; have a room free; is this seat free?
  8. 固定されていない・離れて: ¶free end of a rope; free of the wall
  9. もの惜しみない: ¶be free with one's money; free spender
  10. おおまかな: ¶a free composition; free translation (⇔literal); free and easy のんきな
  11. 無抵当: ¶free and clear 抵当に入っていない
  12. 開音節の・母音で終わる: ⇔checked
  13. 化・遊離基の
  1. break free
    1. break free
    2. break free
    3. break loose
  2. make free with
    1. make free with
  1. He broke free from house arrest.
    1. She broke free of his grasp.
    2. He wants to break free from his addiction.
    3. All hell broke loose.
  2. I'll make free with a sheet paper.
    1. He is free with his money.
  1. 逃れる
    1. 逃れる
    2. やめる
    3. 混乱状態
  2. 自由勝手に使わせる
    1. 金を惜しまない
>Top from
  1. 位置: から =out of; ¶take a handkerchief from one's pocket; a train from Ueno.; from the coast
  2. 源: から ¶light from the sun; wine from California;
  3. 起点: から ¶comes from Hawaii; come from a wealthy family; 原料 made from grapes; from wood
    ◆made of 見た目で原料が判明
  4. 原因: から ¶shiver from the cold; die from starvation; exhausted from overwork; from a sense of guilt;
  5. 観点: に基づいて ¶from my point of view; from what I've heard; 5 from 8 is 3; refrain from smoking;
  6. 分離: から ¶take the knife from the boy; free him from prison; a child from drowning
  7. 区別: から ¶know right from wrong; is different from her sister;
  1. break from
  2. come from behind
  3. draw apart from
  4. draw back from
  5. differ from
  6. hear from
  7. keep from
  8. part from
  1. Laughter broke from the crowd.
  2. It is doubtful for Angels to come from behind.
  3. The boat was seen to draw apart from the others.
  4. They drew back from the commitment.
  5. Their opinions differ from mine.
  6. I hadn't hear from him for at least two years.
  7. I couldn't keep myself from smiling.
  8. I parted from him on the street.
  1. 巻き起こる
  2. 逆転
  3. 引き離す
  4. 約束撤回
  5. と相違
  6. 便りがない
  7. 抑える
  8. 分かれる
>Top in
  1. 場所:の中に ¶in the office; reflection in the mirror; a pain in my left hand; A in B; sick in bed; wait in the sun日向で; What's in his mind? 何を考えているのか (◆on his mind?何を気にしているのか)
  2. 運動: の中に; の中に(into) ¶jump in/into the river; get in/into car; cut in/into pieces
  3. 期間: の内に ¶in 1984; in 21C; in spring;in her youth; in the future
    ◆in省略はthis, that, last, next, every; ¶I sent her e-mail (in) this morning.; I'll go to UK (in) next summer.
  4. 終点: で ¶learned French in 6 months; finished the report in 5 days; Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes;
  5. 状態: で ¶in a rage=in anger; in shock; in surprise; in a mess; in trouble; in that case
  6. 様態: に・で ¶in haste; in secret; in a loud; in tears; in F major; in a careless manner
  7. 手段: で ¶speak in French; travel in/on an airplane; go in a taxi; write in ink; pay in cash;
  8. 所属・従事: ¶be in business; be in politics; those in work; be in conversation with
  9. 着用: ¶dressed in rags; in a fur coat; look nice in black; be easy to work in; a man in glasses
  10. 範囲: ¶be in mid-sixties; scored in 80s and 90s.; in/out of one's sight; in my experience
  11. 部類: の中で ¶longest river in the world; happiest time in my life;
  12. 形状: をなして ¶sit in a row; in groups; in half/two; wait in line; article in four parts;
  13. 数量・単位: ¶line up in twos; in dozens; in large quantities; in hundreds
  14. 原因: ¶cry in pain; weep in agner; in her enthusiasm; in self-defense; in fun=as a joke;
  1. in that
  2. be in at
  3. be in for
    1. be in for it
  4. be in on
  5. be in with
  6. have it in for
  7. in and out
  8. A in A out
  9. abound in
  10. believe in
  11. break in
    1. break in
    2. break in
    3. break in on
  12. break out in/into
  13. bring in
    1. bring in
    2. bring in
  14. call in
    1. call in
    2. call in sick
  15. come in contact with
    1. come in
    2. come in
    3. come in
    4. come in
    5. come in
    6. come in for
    7. come in on
  16. cut in
  17. deal in
  18. differ in
  19. drop in at
  20. fail in
  21. fit in with
  22. give in
  23. go in for
  24. have faith in
  25. indulge in
  26. interfere in
  27. keep in
    1. keep in
    2. keep in with
    3. keep in touch with
  28. look in on
  29. play a part in
  30. pull in
    1. pull in
    2. pull in
  31. put in
    1. put in
    2. put in
    3. put in
    4. put in
    5. put in
    6. put in mind of
  32. persist in
  33. run in
    1. run in
    2. run in
    3. run in the family
  34. result in
  35. send in
    1. send in
  36. set in
    1. set in
  37. shut in
  38. sit in
    1. sit in
  39. stand in
    1. stand in
  40. succeed in
  41. take delight in
  42. take in
    1. take in
    2. take in
    3. take in
    4. take in
    5. take in
  43. take part in
  44. take pride in
  45. throw in
  46. turn in
    1. turn in
    2. turn in
    3. turn in
    4. turn in
    5. turn in
  47. work in
  48. write in
    1. write in
  1. She is fortunate in that she has many friends to help her.
  2. It is so exciting to be in at the beginning of a new project.
  3. We are in for rain.
    1. I got caught cheating on a test and I'm in for it now.
  4. I was in on her plan.
  5. He is in with the bosses.
  6. I think she has it in for me.
  7. She is constantly in and out of the hospital.
  8. The gardener works day in day out to keep the plants beautiful.
  9. Trout abounds in the river.
  10. Do you believe in ghosts?
  11. Thieves broke in during the night.
    1. Excuse me, she broke in.
    2. The new pair of shoes took two weeks to break in.
    3. break in on a person's privacy.
  12. The audience broke out in/into applause.
  13. Please bring in the washing.
    1. It will bring in a lot of money.
    2. You should bring in that suggestion to the next meeting.
  14. The company called in all the baby food made in July.
    1. I called in to say he could not attend the meeting.
    2. She called in sick on Tuesday.
  15. I haven't come in contact with organized crime in business.
    1. The election results are just coming in now.
    2. Short skirts came in at that time.
    3. The early potatoes have come in.
    4. He came in first in every race in hitting and pitching.
    5. This is where grammar comes in.
    6. He has come in for a lot of criticism.
    7. come in on a new venture.
  16. A truck cut in on [in front of] me.
  17. At that store they deal in fish and meat.
  18. People greatly differ in their views of life.
  19. On the way home, we dropped in at the Johnsons'.
  20. He will fail in the examination ten to one.
  21. Will your new teammates fit in with your group?
  22. They had no choice but to give in to the terrorists' demands.
  23. I'm not one of those who goes in for dieting.
  24. The infant has faith in his mother taking care of him.
  25. You cannot indulge in the pleasure of spending money freely.
  26. You have no right to interfere in other people's affairs.
  27. The doctor kept in for a week.
    1. I play tennis occasionally to keep my hand in.
    2. keep in with one's neighbors.
    3. He kept in touch with her by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
  28. The doctor looked in on me yesterday
  29. I think each of us plays a part in inviting today's confusion.
  30. You must pull in your expenses.
    1. The show pulled in a good audience.
    2. The police pulled in several drunks.
  31. She opened her purse and put in some money.
    1. The last election put the Conservatives in.
    2. put in electricity.
    3. put in a document as evidence.
    4. You are mistaken, she put in.
    5. put in an hour cooking.
    6. I was put in mind of a poem by Wordsworth.
  32. The lady persisted in wearing that old-fashioned shirt.
  33. The bombers ran in on their target.
    1. He was run in for dangerous driving.
    2. run a new car in.
    3. Red hair run in the family.
  34. The success resulted in your efforts.
  35. send in one's name as a candidate.
    1. send in the tanks.
  36. Rainy season has set in.
    1. The current set in to the shore.
  37. The house is closely shut in by trees.
  38. sit in on a rehearsal.
    1. She is sitting in for the boss.
  39. This coat stood me in £20.
    1. stand in for a sick actress.
  40. He succeeded in solving the problem.
  41. The boys took delight in teasing the tortoise.
  42. take in the washing.
    1. take in travelers.
    2. take in a newspaper
    3. I couldn't take in the lecture at all.
    4. Don't be taken in by a smooth talker.
    5. take one's films in to be developed.
  43. About 400 students took part in the protest.
  44. He takes pride in his ability to speak Russian.
  45. throw in the reserves.
  46. turn in one's shoes. (=point inside)
    1. turn in the car one has rented. (=return)
    2. turn a suspect in to the police.(=hand in)
    3. Have you turned in your report? (=hand over)
    4. He turned in at the gateway (=enter a side street)
    5. What time do you usually turn in?
  47. I rewrote my essay and worked in a few quotations with ours.
  48. write in the date yourself. (=insert in writing)
    1. Many people wrote in to the radio station to complain.
  1. という点で
  2. に加わっている
  3. に会いそうだ
    1. ひどいことになる
  4. に関係する
  5. 人と親しい
  6. 悪意を持っている
  7. 出たり入ったり
  8. 頻繁に
  9. 豊穣
  10. 信じる
  11. 押し入る;
    1. 口を挟む
    2. 履き慣らす
    3. 介入・邪魔する
  12. 突然する
  13. 取り込む
    1. もたらす
    2. 提案
  14. 回収
    1. 電話
    2. 病欠連絡
  15. 接触
    1. 到着
    2. 流行
    3. 入手
    4. 位置を占める
    5. 役立つ
    6. 矢面に立つ
    7. 参画
  16. 割り込み
  17. 商う
  18. の点で相違
  19. 立ち寄る
  20. 落ちる
  21. 溶け込める
  22. に屈する
  23. タイプではない
  24. 信用している
  25. にふける
  26. 干渉
  27. 入院
    1. 技術維持
    2. 友好維持
    3. 連絡維持
  28. 往診訪問
  29. 責任がある
  30. 減少
    1. 惹きつける
    2. 誘導
  31. 中にいれる
    1. 入閣する
    2. 提出する
    3. 設置する
    4. 口を挟む
    5. 時間をかける
    6. 思い出す
  32. 固執する
  33. 目標に近づく
    1. 逮捕される
    2. 慣らし運転する
    3. 遺伝的特徴
  34. を招く
  35. 提出する
    1. 派遣する
  36. 開始する
    1. 流れが移動
  37. 覆われる
  38. 傍聴する
    1. 代理を務める
  39. の価格である
    1. 代役を務める
  40. うまく行く
  41. いじめて喜ぶ
  42. 洗濯物を取り込む
    1. 旅行客を泊める
    2. 購読する
    3. 理解する
    4. 鵜呑みにする
    5. 店に持ち込む
  43. 参加する
  44. 自慢する
  45. 投入する
  46. 靴を織り込んで履く
    1. 返却する
    2. 提出する
    3. 脇道に出る
    4. 寝る
  47. 差し挟む
  48. 書き込む
    1. 書き送る

>Top into
  1. 空間: 中へ ¶go into the house; get into a car; get into bed; ◆intoは乗り込む動作が強調
  2. 方向: に向かって ¶ speak straight into a microphone; drive into the sun 太陽に向かって; look up into the sky
  3. 衝突: にぶつかって ¶A car crashed into a tree.; walking into a glass door; bumped/ran into her.
  4. 変化: の中へ ¶fall into a deep sleep; run/fall into debt (◆be in debt借金がある); get into difficulties
  5. 説得: させる ¶persuade him into going; lure people into buying;
  6. 時間・時期: の中まで ¶go on working late into the night; He is well into his forties. かなり超えている
  7. 従事・活動: の中へ ¶go into business/politics; enter into a five-year contract; get into a top college
  8. 熱中: はまってる ¶She's very into jazz; the was into drugs; inquiry into the causes of the accident.
  9. 数学: 3 into 12 is 4 (=12 divided by 3 is 4.)
  1. break into
  2. come into
    1. come into
    2. come into being
    3. come into sight
  3. enter into
  4. go into
    1. go into
  5. inquire into
  6. look into
  7. put into
    1. put into
  8. run into
    1. run into
    2. run into
  9. set into
  10. turn into
  11. write into
    1. write into
  1. She broke into tears when I told her the news.
  2. come into a great deal of money
    1. That come into the question, too.
    2. Nobody knows when this universe came into being.
    3. Our house come into sight.
  3. They entered into a discussion about the issue.
  4. I couldn't stop in time and went into the back of the car in front.
    1. Nobody took the trouble to go into the question in any detail.
  5. They are inquiring into the matter.
  6. The police are looking into the paper records of all the suspects.
  7. put a lot of money into the business.
    1. Put ideas into a person's head.
  8. The car ran into a wall.
    1. ran into trouble.
    2. I ran into her on the way home.
  9. A large fireplace was set into the wall.
  10. The rain has turned into snow.
  11. write a clause into a contract. (=insert in writing)
    1. He has written a new character into his play.
  1. 突然崩壊
  2. 獲得
    1. 構成
    2. 存在
    3. 視野
  3. 話し合い始める
  4. 追突
    1. 詳しく調べる
  5. 追跡調査
  6. 捜査する
  7. 資金投入する
    1. アイデア注入
  8. 衝突
    1. 巻き込まえる
    2. 帰宅途中出会う
  9. 備え付ける
  10. 雪に変わる
  11. 追加する
    1. 追記する
>Top it
  1. 先行代名詞 (性別不明); ◆指示代名詞と異なる ¶Hand that to me.それを取って
  2. 天候など
  3. 形式主語
  4. 形式目的語: ¶I think it important where you were at that time.
  5. 強調構文:
  6. 最高のもの: ¶Beer is really it when you are thirsty.; When it comes to entertaining children, she is really it.; Some men have it and other do not. 性的魅力; Have you done it with him yet?; You're it. 君が鬼だよ
  7. 流行の: it bag; it girl カリスマ女性
  1. come it
  2. catch it
  3. make it
    1. make it
  4. push it
  5. as I see it
  6. take it or leave it
  1. Don't try to come it with me!
  2. I'll catch it if he finds me here.
  3. He just made it to the station in time.
    1. I doubt if he can make it on his own.
  4. If you push it too much, you'll lose everything.
  5. as I see it
  6. This is the final price. Take it or leave it.
  1. ぞんざい
  2. 叱られる
  3. 間に合う
    1. 自力で成就
  4. 調子に乗る, 無理する
  5. 私の考える所では
  6. 買うか買わないか

>Top of

  1. 所有: ◆of無生物; 's人・動物
  2. 記述: ¶a man of courage; a building of great beauty; a boy of ten ◆withは随伴性 a girl of long hair; This shouldn't be much of a problem,.; soup of the day; many of the students.
  3. 分量: ¶a cup of tea; dozen of protesters; a special kind of bread
  4. 同格: ¶the Pacific island of Guam; the Japanese capital of Tokyo
  5. 限定: ¶a way of living abroad; an increase of nearly 20%
  6. 関連: についての ¶stories of adventure; A Tale of Genji; be blind of one eye
  7. 主語: ¶the rise of the sun; the love of a mother for her child
  8. 目的語: ¶a statement of the facts; the writing of a letter; his love of music; be guilty of murder
  9. 分離: ¶free of customs duty; wide of the mark 的外れ; bare/empty of furniture; north of London
  10. 出所: ¶a man of Oregon; Jesus of Nazareth; the plays of Shakespeare
  11. 原因: ¶die of cancer; ◆of 近因; from 遠因 die from a wound; The door opened of itself.
  12. 材料: ¶a table of wood; a ring of solid gold; a house of bricks
  13. 時: Br ¶I usually go out of a night.; We used to walk of an evening.; died of/on a Monday; was beloved of all
  1. approve of
  2. avail oneself of
  3. boast of
  4. come of age
  5. catch hold of
  6. catch sight of
  7. do the sights of
  8. die of
  9. fall short of
  10. get the better of
  11. have a high opinion of
  12. have had enough of
  13. hear of
  14. let go of
  15. lose sight of
    1. lose sight of
  16. make a day of it
  17. make a fool of
  18. make fun of
  19. make head or tail of
  20. make light of
  21. make little of
  22. make much of
  23. make nothing of
  24. make sense of
  25. make the best of
  26. make the most of
  27. make use of
  28. run short of
  29. see mush of
  30. see nothing of
  31. see something of
  32. speak ill of
    1. speak well of
  33. take account of
  34. take advantage of
  35. take charge of
  36. take leave of
  37. take notice of
  38. take the place of
  39. come to think of it
  40. think better of
  41. think nothing of
  42. think of
    1. think of
    2. think of
    3. think of
    4. think of
    5. think of
    6. think of
  1. Some people don't approve of professional baseball.
  2. Just avail yourself of the seat in the library.
  3. He was apt to boast of his knowledge.
  4. She will come of age this March.
  5. He caught hold of her as she slipped.
  6. They caught sight of Tom in the crowd.
  7. I'm going to do the sights of London next week.
  8. Many people die of cholera.
  9. My income falls short of my expenditure by £100.
  10. Do you think the Republican Party will get the better of the Democratic Party? [have]
  11. I have a high opinion of the film director.
  12. I have had enough of his nonsense.
  13. I'm sure you were surprised to hear of my marriage.
  14. Don't let go of my hand, or you'll get lost.
  15. You must not lose sight of your main object.
    1. The center fielder lost sight of his ball.
  16. They made a day of it at the races.
  17. You can't make a fool of me.
  18. They always make fun of Rose because her hair is green.
  19. I can't make head or tail of it.
  20. This is not the kind of situation that should be made light of.
  21. She was brave and cheerful, and always made little of her troubles.
  22. His new theory was made much of by other scholars.
  23. Making nothing of the cold, he went out in thin clothes.
  24. I can't make sense of what he means.
  25. It can't be helped. Let's make the best of the bad job.
  26. Make the most of your youth while it lasts.
  27. He made use of the opportunity to improve his English.
  28. The car ran short of gas before reaching the city.
  29. I haven't seen much of him lately.
  30. I see nothing of him these days.
  31. I hope we can see something of you this year.
  32. It is not manly to speak ill of others behind their backs.
    1. Is this the girl you spoke well of the other day?
  33. In judging his work we must take account of his lack of experience.
  34. People will take advantage of you if you don't assert yourself.
  35. You'll take charge of the department.
  36. He took leave of his family and got on board.
  37. He took little notice of my advice.
  38. Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.
  39. Come to think of it, she was not in her seat.
  40. He started to say something, but he thought better of it.
  41. Think nothing of it! I doesn't matter.
  42. Think of the time you'll save if you buy Mac.
    1. I don't think of a way out of a difficulty.
    2. Have you thought of all the risks in starting the business?
    3. I can't think of his name.
    4. I'm thinking of buying it.
    5. think of the old days.
    6. What do you think of this new car?
  1. 承認
  2. 利用
  3. 自慢
  4. 成人
  5. 支える
  6. 見つける
  7. 観光
  8. 死因
  9. 下回る
  10. 打ち負かす
  11. 高評価
  12. もう沢山
  13. 噂を聞く
  14. 手を離す
  15. 見逃す
    1. 見失う
  16. 楽しい一日を過ごす
  17. かつぐ
  18. 笑いものにする
  19. さっぱりわからない
  20. 軽んじる
  21. 軽んじる
  22. 重んじる
  23. ものともしない
  24. わかる
  25. 頑張る
  26. 最大限活用
  27. 利用する
  28. ゲス欠
  29. よく会う
  30. 全く会わない
  31. また会う機会がある
  32. 良く言う
    1. 悪く言う
  33. 斟酌する
  34. つけ込む
  35. 管理を担当
  36. 暇乞いをする
  37. 忠告を聞く
  38. 代替になる
  39. そう言えば
  40. 思い直す
  41. 大したことない
  42. 考慮する;
    1. 思い付く;
    2. 予見する;
    3. 思い出す
    4. 意向である
    5. 思い出す
    6. どう思うか
>Top off
  1. 位置: 離れて ¶Stand/Keep off; a long way off; 5 days off
  2. 出発: 向こうへ ¶run off; start off; 'Off!' he shouted; I must be off now. お暇; Where are you off to?どちらへ; He was off fishing in. 川釣りへ; Are you ready? Off we go!さあ出発; Off went the man with my bag.
  3. 分離: 外れて ¶break off a branch; take off one's hat; kick off one's shoes 蹴るように脱ぐ;
  4. 分割: ¶block off all side streets; be walled off;
  5. 無活動: ¶day off today; give the staff a week off; take the rest of the day off早退; off sick 病欠; doze offまどろむ
  6. 休止: turn off; be cut off; call off the strike; put off the mach; the meeting if off; the agreement is off 失効
  7. 減少: 割り引いて ¶take 10% off; Sales dropped off; that pie is off today 品切れ
  8. 状況変化: be well/badly off 暮らし向き;
  1. be better off
  2. be well/badly off
  3. break off
  4. bring off
    1. bring off
  5. call off
    1. call off
  6. carry off
    1. carry off
  7. come off
    1. come off
    2. come off
    3. come off
    4. come off
    5. come off
    6. come off
    7. come off
    8. come off it
  8. get off
  9. keep off
    1. keep off
    2. keep off
    3. keep off
  10. make off
  11. pass off
    1. pass off
    2. pass off
  12. play off
    1. play off against
  13. pull off
    1. pull off
  14. push off
    1. push off
  15. put off
    1. put off
    2. put off
    3. put off
  16. run off
    1. run off
    2. run off
  17. see off
    1. see off
  18. send off
    1. send off
    2. send off
    3. send off
  19. set off
    1. set off
    2. set off
    3. set off
  20. shut off
    1. shut off
  21. stand off
  22. take off
    1. take off
    2. take off
    3. take off
    4. take off
    5. take off
  23. throw off
    1. throw off
    2. throw off
    3. throw off
  24. turn off
    1. turn off
    2. turn off
  25. tell off
  26. wall off
  27. well-off
  28. write off
    1. write off
    2. write ff
    3. write off
  1. I'd be better off without her [staying at home].
  2. The school is well [badly] off for computers.
  3. break off all relations with her.
  4. bring off a wrecked ship.
    1. He brought off the difficult task quite easily.
  5. The committee decided to call off the strike.
    1. Call off your dog at once.
  6. Many were carried off by cholera.
    1. The newcomer carried off the first prize.
  7. The handle has come off my bag.
    1. I came off my bicycle.
    2. The meeting came off as planned.
    3. He came off second best. (
    4. The experiment did not come off.
    5. The film comes off tomorrow.
    6. The import duty is coming off cigarettes.
    7. The men were coming off the night shift.
    8. Come off it!
  8. Let's get off this subject.
  9. Keep your hands off my money!
    1. Keep off the grass.
    2. The rain kept off all day.
    3. keep off an embarrassing subject.
  10. I tried to stop her but she made off in a hurry.
  11. The meeting passed off successfully.
    1. He passed himself off as an actor.
    2. He passed his illness off as a mere cold.
  12. play off
    1. He skillfully played his rivals off against each other.
  13. pull off one's shoes.
    1. The team pulled off an upset victory.
  14. We pushed off in our little boat.
    1. It's time for us to push off now.
  15. put off one's fears.
    1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
    2. put off a child's question with lies.
    3. The accident put him off driving.
  16. Her husband ran off with his secretary.
    1. run off a string of names.
    2. Please run off 100 copies of this report.
  17. I have been to the station to see my friend off.
    1. The boys tried to steal apples, but the farmer soon saw them off.
  18. send off one's baggage.
    1. I went to the station to send him off.
    2. We sent the children off to school.
    3. send off a player to leave the field, because of an offense.
  19. The rumors of a recession set off a panic in the stock market.
    1. Dark clothing set her blond hair off.
    2. set off a journey around the world.
    3. set off the costs against the profits.
  20. shut off the gas.
    1. shut off from the society.
  21. Please stand off to the side while the marching band goes by.
  22. take off one's coat.
    1. You've taken a heavy load off my shoulders
    2. You have to take off a few kilograms.
    3. take 20% off from the price.
    4. take a day off from school.
    5. The economy has begun to take off.
  23. throw off a cold. (=recover from)
    1. throw off a poem. (=write quickly)
    2. The device throws off sparks. (=emit)
    3. throw off the yoke of foreign power.
  24. turn off the water. (=stop)
    1. turn off at the next corner. (=enter a side road)
    2. Pop music turns me off.
  25. He told some students off for chatting.
  26. This section is walled off from the rest of the area.
  27. You don't know when you're well-off. (⇔badly-off)
  28. write off old debts (=remove from one's accounts.)
    1. His car was completely written off. (=recognized beyond repair)
    2. You can't just write him off as a crank. (=disregard)
    3. I've written off for their catalog.
  1. 家にいない[いる]方がいい
  2. 沢山ある[あまりない]
  3. 断絶
  4. 救助
    1. 達成
  5. 中止
    1. 攻撃中止
  6. 死亡
    1. 奪取
  7. 離脱
    1. 転倒
    2. 開催
    3. 受賞
    4. 成功
    5. 中止
    6. 除外
    7. 帰任
    8. やめて
  8. やめる
  9. 触るな
    1. 進入禁止
    2. 降雨なし
    3. 避ける
  10. 逃げる
  11. 開催
    1. なりすます
    2. 軽視
  12. Play-off
    1. 漁夫の利で仕向ける
  13. 引っ張って脱ぐ
    1. 番狂わせの勝利
  14. 離岸する
    1. あちらへ行く
  15. 横に置く
    1. 延期させる
    2. はぐらかす
    3. うんざりする
  16. 駆け落ちする
    1. すらすら読み上げる
    2. コピーする
    3. 立ち寄る
  17. 見送る
    1. 追い払う
  18. 送付する
    1. 見送る
    2. 送迎する
    3. 退場させる
  19. 惹起する
    1. 際立たせる
    2. 開始する
    3. 近郊を図る
  20. 閉栓する
    1. 断絶する
  21. 脇に下がる
  22. 衣服を脱ぐ
    1. 身軽になる
    2. 減量する
    3. 値引き
    4. 1日休暇をとる
    5. 離陸する
  23. 風邪を脱する;
    1. 一句書き付ける
    2. 火花が出る
    3. 軛を脱する
  24. 止める
    1. 曲がる
    2. 興味を失う
  25. 厳しく叱る
  26. 仕切られている
  27. 順境
  28. 回収不能とする
    1. 廃棄処分
    2. と見なす
    3. カタログを請求
>Top on
  1. 接触: の上に ¶on the desk; on a chair; on the bed; 線上 on the equator; 掲載 on the agenda; on the menu
  2. 付着: に接触 ¶on the wall; on the ceiling; on both sides of the bread; on the tree; on a hook; 繋ぐon a chain
  3. 着用: つけて¶on one's finger; have money on me; The dress looks good on you. ◆You look good in the dress.
  4. 位置: 接触;で ¶play on the street; built on an island; stop on the page; on one's website; on the stage
  5. 近接: の近くに¶sit on my left; village on the river川沿い; on the coast; on the lakeside; on the main road
  6. 日: に¶on Christmas Eve; on a rainy day; on and after May 1; on the following day; (on) Monday
  7. 関連: 関して ¶a book on birds; on human rights; on Japanese history; on your success
  8. 根拠: 基づいて¶based on cost alone; on the grounds of age; on principle; act on her advice; live on £2 a day;
  9. 交通: によって ¶on foot; on a bicycle; on a plane; on the telephone; on the radio; on the violin
  10. 所属: の一員 ¶He is on the staff; She is on the BBC.
  11. 状態: ... 中 ¶on sale; on (a) strike; on the way to school; be surgery on his arm; be on unemployment
  12. 従事: して ¶on duty; go on a picnic; a probe on a mission; be on business; I'm on/at the computer
  13. 服用: 常用して¶ be on medication; be on antibiotics; He's on drugs. 麻薬依存症
  14. 支点: を軸にして¶on hands and knees; stand on tiptoes; lie on one's back; on one's feet
  15. 方向: の方へ ¶creep up on the fort; storm is on us; drew her knife b me; army advanced on/to the town
  16. 対象: 目がけて¶war on drugs; her eyes were on the man視線; keep an eye on my bag; tax on tobacco
  17. 負担: のおごり¶on the house店のおごり; Have a drink on me; lunch is on me.
  18. 不利益: ¶He died on me先立つ; walk out on my family; she hung up on me; it rained on me;
  19. 累加: ¶bear disaster on disaster; loss on loss
  1. act on
  2. agree on
  3. attend on
  4. break in on
  5. bring on
    1. bring on
  6. call on
    1. call on
  7. carry on
    1. carry on at
    2. carry on with
  8. come on
    1. come on
    2. come on
    3. come on
    4. come on
    5. come on
    6. come on
    7. come on
  9. catch on
    1. catch on
  10. draw on
    1. draw on
  11. decide on
  12. dwell on
  13. fall back on
  14. get on one's nerves
  15. go on
    1. go on
    2. go on
    3. go on
    4. go on
    5. go on
    6. go on with
  16. have an effect on
  17. hang on
  18. hit on
  19. keep an eye on
  20. keep on
    1. keep on
    2. keep on ...ing
    3. keep on about
  21. lay emphasis on
  22. look on
    1. look on
  23. pass on
    1. pass on
  24. play trick on
  25. push on
  26. put on
    1. put on
    2. put on
    3. put on
    4. put on
    5. put on
    6. put on
  27. pride oneself on
  28. run on
    1. run on
  29. rely on
  30. rest on
  31. send on
  32. set on
  33. shut the door on
  34. sit on
    1. sit on
  35. stand on
  36. stick on
  37. take it out on
  38. take on
    1. take on
    2. take on
    3. take on
  39. throw oneself on/upon
  40. turn on
    1. turn on
    2. turn on
    3. turn on
    4. turn on
    5. turn on
  41. tell on
    1. tell on
  42. work on
  43. wait on
    1. wait on
    2. wait on
  1. Acids act on metals.
  2. I agree on a date for our next meeting.
  3. He has only one servant to attend on him.
  4. break in on a person's privacy.
  5. This fine weather will bring the crops on well.
    1. Overwork will bring on a bad illness.
  6. I called on him yesterday.
    1. He called on me to make a speech.
  7. We'll carry on with the meeting after a ten-minute break.
    1. She carried on at me for being late.
    2. He carried on with his neighbor's wife.
  8. He is coming on well in his studies.
    1. A typhoon is coming on.
    2. It came on to rain.
    3. I'll come on later.
    4. He came on as Hamlet.
    5. Come on! Don't keep us all waiting.
    6. Suddenly all the lights came on.
    7. The new comes on at 9:00.
  9. I tried to help him catch on.
    1. The fashion caught on.
  10. She drew the child on to tell her what had happened.
    1. The writer drew on actual incidents for ideas.
  11. She looked at several dolls and decided on the most beautiful one.
  12. In his speech he dwelt on the importance of education.
  13. We must have something to fall back on.
  14. She has been late for every meeting and that's getting on my nerves.
  15. I saw the lights go on in the house opposite.
    1. At time went on, she became more and more successful.
    2. Can you tell me what's going on there?
    3. This is a difficult period but it won't go on forever.
    4. There were no witnesses to the crime, so the police have very little to go on.
    5. I tried to go on thinking about the future, but in vain.
    6. Please go on with your dinner.
  16. The news have an effect on public opinion.
  17. His life hangs on the judge's decision.
  18. He hit on the answer to the problem as he was having lunch.
  19. Keep an eye on the girls; there are poor swimmers.
  20. He was kept on at his old job.
    1. I'm tire of my work, but I still keep on at it.
    2. He kept on writing to her though she never answered his letter.
    3. He does keep on about the state of his health.
  21. We lay emphasis on the importance of being sincere.
  22. All we could do was look on as the house burned.
    1. I look on him as a friend.
  23. Let's pass on to the next subject.
    1. John has the measles, and I'm afraid he'll pass it on to his sister.
  24. He wasn't perhaps playing a practical trick on us.
  25. I pushed on with my work.
  26. put on ones coat.
    1. put on airs.
    2. put on a new play.
    3. put the kettle on.
    4. put on the light.
    5. put on speed.
    6. Are you putting on me?
  27. She prides herself on her skill in cooking.
  28. The woman ran on about all her troubles.
    1. run on a bank.
  29. You can't rely on the weather.
  30. Human economy rest on plants.
  31. We left instructions for our mail to be sent on to us.
  32. The dog set on me savagely.
  33. shut the door on a peaceful settlement.
  34. sit on a jury.
    1. sit on a report.
  35. stand on one's rights.
  36. stick on a stamp.
  37. He was agree with his boss, but he took it out on his wife instead.
  38. take on a new secretary.
    1. I took on an extra work to pay the bills.
    2. take a person on at golf.
    3. His face has taken on a healthy color.
  39. throw oneself on/upon another's mercy.
  40. turn on the lamp. (=start)
    1. turn on one's friend. (=become hostile to)
    2. Baseball turns on me. (=arouse interest)
    3. The success of a party turns on its atmosphere. (=depends on)
    4. =stimulate sexually
    5. Whatever turns you on.
  41. He told on Bill (=to the teacher).
    1. The strain is beginning to tell on him.
  42. They tried to work on him with vicious threats.
  43. There was no one in the shop to wait on me (=work as an attendant)
    1. Success wait on diligence.
  1. 作用
  2. 同意
  3. 仕える
  4. 介入
  5. もたらす
    1. 起因する
  6. 頼みごとで訪ねる
    1. 要請
  7. 続行
    1. くどくど
    2. 浮気
  8. 進展
    1. 接近
    2. 開始
    3. 後参加
    4. 上演
    5. 急げ
    6. 点灯
    7. 発表
  9. 理解する
    1. 人気
  10. 脇に寄せる
    1. 参考にする
  11. 選んで決める
  12. 言及する
  13. 頼る
  14. 気に障る
  15. 点灯
    1. 時間経過
    2. 事情
    3. 継続
    4. 続行
    5. ...し続ける
    6. 続ける
  16. 影響がある
  17. 判断次第
  18. 思い付く
  19. 目を離さない
  20. 雇用継続
    1. 続ける
    2. 書き続ける
    3. 健康維持続ける
  21. 強調する
  22. 傍観
    1. みなす
  23. 移る
    1. 感染
  24. 悪ふざけをする
  25. 活動継続する
  26. 着る
    1. 気取る
    2. 演じる
    3. 載せる
    4. 点灯する
    5. 速度上げる
    6. からかう
  27. 自慢する
  28. 途切れずに述べる
    1. 取り付け騒ぎ
  29. 当てにする
  30. 依存する
  31. 転送する
  32. 突然襲いかかる
  33. 門戸を閉じる
  34. 陪審員として着席
    1. 放っておく
  35. 主張する
  36. 貼る
  37. 八つ当たりする
  38. 雇う
    1. 引き受ける
    2. 競争する
    3. 呈する
  39. 公開する
  40. 追い出す
    1. ポケットを空に
    2. 輩出する
    3. と判明した
    4. 結果良し
    5. 出動する
  41. 告げ口する
    1. 効いてくる
  42. 影響を与える
  43. 仕える
    1. のお陰で
>Top onto
  1. の上に on to; ¶jump onto the tale; get onto the bus; The hotel look onto the sea; 面している
  2. に姿勢に; ¶be pulled onto one's feet 引っ張ってもらう; The police are onto them.悪事に気づいている
  3. ありついて ¶I can put you onto a good thing うまい話がある
  1. move onto
  2. put onto
    1. put onto
  1. Let move move onto the next item on the agenda.
  2. put the police onto the robbers.
    1. It was John that put me onto the new Mexican restaurant.
    2. Can you put me onto a good doctor?
  1. 次の議題
  2. 警察に知らせる
    1. 役立つ情報を教える
    2. 紹介する
>Top out
  1. 運動: 外へ ¶go out for a walk; ask her outデート; print out documents; Out, please; just logged out;
    ◆組合せ He was out at the bar=was out+was at the bar; He's out to/for lunch;
  2. 分離; 離れて ¶go out to Africa; live right out in the country; village out in the desert
  3. 延びて; 広がって: ¶spread out the cloth; stretch out one's hand; open out into a broad street
  4. 追放されて: ¶out of power/office; be out on bail保釈出所; vote government out; wipe out evil thoughts
  5. 脱して: ¶let him out with the homework; there is no easy way out
  6. 休んで: ¶She was out because of sickness =was out sick; The workers are out again. スト中
  7. 品切れ: ¶supplies have run out; we are sold out; the rain will peter out.; he is going to burn out.
  8. 消えて: put out the fire; turn off; they washed all the stains out.悲しみを洗い流す
  9. 意識失う: ¶pass out at the sight of bood失神; the girl blacked out. 気絶
  10. 機能しない: ¶the elevator was out; School is out for summer.; the road is out because of the flood.
  11. 最後まで; すっかり: ¶hear her out. 最後まで聞く; think the matter out 熟考; sort out a problem 解決; clean out the closet.掃除; spell your name out.スペルは; have to figure out how to deal with it.対処
  12. 除外; 取り除いて;¶leave a word out 語を省く; we cannot rule out any possibility.可能性ないとは言えない
  13. 貸出; ¶rent out a room; the book I wanted is out.貸出中
  14. 流行遅れ: ¶that style is out.
  15. 現れて: ¶Riots broke out勃発; the rash is out all over him発疹; the moon is coming out soon; flowers out
  16. 秘密公開: ¶at last the secret came out.; Are you out to your friends? 同性愛を公開
  17. 選択: ¶look out a nice dress; pick out the best novel◆pick upは物理的; single out one lucky student.
  18. 大声で: ¶out loud=aloud; speak b against the bill; She told me out that はっきり言う¶
  19. 脱臼: ¶My shoulder is out.; be out of joint; have one tooth out;
  20. 間違い: ¶I was out in my calculation; his estimate was out by one million dollars.
  21. 実行不能: ¶The suggestion is out. 受入できない; She gets airsick, so flying is out.飛行機は無理
  22. 仲違い: ¶They fell out with each other. 仲が悪くなる
  1. all out
  2. be out for
  3. out and about
  4. out and out
  5. out in front
  6. bring out
  7. bring out
  8. call out
  9. call out
  10. cat out of the bag
  11. come out
    1. come out
    2. come out
    3. come out
    4. come out
    5. come out
    6. come out
    7. come out
    8. come out
    9. come out
    10. come out
    11. come out at
    12. come out with
    13. come out with
    14. come out with
    15. come out with
  12. come out of the closet
  13. catch out
  14. draw out
    1. draw out
  15. go out
    1. go out
    2. go out
    3. go out
    4. go out together
    5. go out of one's way to
  16. keep out
    1. keep out
  17. look out
    1. look out
    2. look out for
    3. look out for
  18. make out
    1. make out
    2. make out
    3. make out
    4. make out that
    5. make out
  19. pass out
    1. pass out
    2. pass out
  20. play out
  21. pull out
    1. pull out
    2. pull out
    3. pull out
    4. pull out
  22. push out
    1. push out
  23. run out of
    1. run out of
    2. run out
    3. run out
  24. see out
    1. see out
  25. send out
    1. send out
    2. send out
  26. set out
  27. shut out
    1. shut out
  28. sit out
  29. stand out
  30. stick out
    1. stick out
  31. take out
    1. take out
    2. take out
    3. take out
  32. think out
    1. think out
  33. throw out
    1. throw out
    2. throw out
    3. throw out
    4. throw out
  34. turn out
    1. turn out
    2. turn out
    3. turn out
    4. turn out
    5. turn out
  35. work out
    1. work out
    2. work out
  36. wait out
  1. The goal is within my reach, I'd go all out.
  2. He is out for promotion.
  3. He is out and about now after a one-month stay in hospital.
  4. An absolute out and out lie.
  5. out in front in the world's most prestigious event.
  6. Salt brings out the flavor of food.
  7. The heat brought him out in a rash.
  8. She called out to him for help.
  9. I was called out to the scene of the accident.
  10. Let the cat out of the bag.
  11. A person's true character comes out in a crisis.
    1. The cork won't come out.
    2. These dirty spots won't come out.
    3. The secret came out.
    4. Things will come out all right in the wash.
    5. He came out as a homosexual came out.
    6. The flowers are coming out.
    7. The workers have voted to come out.
    8. These photos have come out well.
    9. The details comes out clearly.
    10. The government has come out in favor of the new tax.
    11. The costs come out at ¥5,000 per head.
    12. He came out with the whole story.
    13. He came out with some good suggestions.
    14. He searched his pocket and came out with a handful of coins.
    15. He came out with a new book.
  12. come out of the closet
  13. I have caught him out in several mistakes.
  14. They tend to draw out the meeting.
    1. The train drew out just as they reached the station.
  15. Let's go out for a meal tonight.
    1. Suddenly all the lights went out.
    2. That kind of musics went out in the 70s.
    3. Is the tide coming in or going out?
    4. They went out together for five years before the got married.
    5. He went out of his way to find the house for me.
  16. keep out the mosquitoes.
    1. keep out of the sun.
  17. look out and see if it is raining.
    1. I looked out my old photographs.
    2. The police are looking out for the wanted criminal.
    3. look out for one's health
  18. We couldn't make out the path in the darkness.
    1. I can't make him out.
    2. make out a receipt to a person.
    3. make oneself out to be wise.
    4. He made out that he could cook.
    5. He made out very well in his exam.
  19. They passed out free samples at the fair.
    1. My vision began to darken and at last I passed out.
    2. pass out a military academy.
  20. play out the game.
  21. pull out a story (=extend)
    1. The book has large illustrations which pull out.
    2. The economy pulled out of the recession.
    3. pull out a pistol
    4. The US pulled out of Vietnam.
  22. push the boat out.
    1. The cape pushed out into the sea.
  23. We are running out of time.
    1. We have run out of beer. Drink others instead.
    2. The cape runs out into the sea.
    3. Your subscription ran out two weeks ago.
  24. Don't bother. I'll see myself out. (
    1. I think we have enough fuel to see the winter out.
  25. send out young men as missionary.
    1. The radio station sent out a message in code.
    2. A plant sends out new shoots.
  26. set out one's idea clearly.
    1. We need to set out before dawn.
    2. He set out to write a history of Japan.
  27. shut out the rain.
    1. The trees shut out the sun.
  28. Let's sit this one out.
  29. Her red socks stood out.
  30. You've got a nose hair sticking out.
    1. I stuck may tongue out at him.
  31. He took her out to for dinner.
    1. To eat here or to take out.
    2. take the washing out.
    3. take out a driver's license
  32. I need time to think things out. (=think throughly)
    1. think out the answer to a problem.
  33. throw a person out of a room. (=send from a place with some force)
    1. throw out a bill in Parliament. (=refuse to pass)
    2. throw out an idea (=bring forth lightly)
    3. throw one's calculations out.
    4. I threw my back out lifting heavy stuff.
  34. turn a person out of a room. (=dismiss)
    1. turn out one's pockets. (=empty a pocket)
    2. The university has turned out competent scientists. (=produce)
    3. It turned out that she had not known (=to be found)
    4. Everything turned out all right. (=result)
    5. Many fire-engines turned out as soon as the fire broke out.
  35. Their married life didn't work out. (=prove to be successfully)
    1. Things will work out all right. (=turn out)
    2. The hotel works out at 70 dollars a night.
  36. We had to wait out the storm.
  1. 全力で
  2. 得ようとした
  3. 病後外出
  4. 完全な
  5. 正面入口の前で
  6. 引き出す
  7. 発疹
  8. 叫ぶ
  9. 召集
  10. うっかり秘密をばらす
  11. 露呈
    1. 着脱
    2. 消去
    3. 公開
    4. 上首尾
    5. 公表
    6. 開花
    7. スト突入
    8. 現像
    9. 明示
    10. 宣言
    11. 分担
    12. 全容
    13. 提唱
    14. 取り出す
    15. 出版
  12. (ゲイを)公開する
  13. 間違い発見
  14. 長引かせる
    1. 出発
  15. ちょっと外出
    1. 消灯
    2. はやった
    3. 上げ潮
    4. 交際
    5. わざわざ訪問
  16. 進入防止
    1. 日陰を確保
  17. 外確認
    1. 探し出す
    2. 行方捜査
    3. 健康留意
  18. 見失う
    1. 理解する
    2. 発行する
    3. かのようにする
    4. かのようにする
    5. うまくやる
  19. 手渡す
    1. 気を失う
    2. 軍学校卒業
  20. 最後まで試合
  21. 延長
    1. 折込展開
    2. 回復する
    3. 拳銃を抜く
    4. 撤退する
  22. 出帆
    1. 出発する
  23. 時間がなくなる
    1. 在庫が切れる
    2. 突き出る
    3. 購読期間が切れる
  24. 見送りは結構
    1. 冬までもつ
  25. 派遣する
    1. 発信する
    2. 発芽する
  26. 説明する
    1. 出発する
    2. 始める
  27. 防ぐ
    1. 遮る
  28. ダンスをパスする
  29. 目立つ
  30. 出ている
    1. 突き出す
  31. 連れ出す
    1. ここか持ち帰りか
    2. 外に出す
    3. 免許証を取得
  32. じっくり考える
    1. 考え出す
  33. 放り出す
    1. 却下する
    2. ほのめかし提案する
    3. 計算を狂わせる
    4. ぎっくり腰
  34. 追い出す
    1. ポケットを空に
    2. 輩出する
    3. と判明した
    4. 結果良し
    5. 出動する
  35. うまく行く
    1. 結果となる
    2. 合計...となる
  36. 止むまで待つ
>Top over
  1. 位置: の上に⇔under ¶a picture over the fireplace; the bridge over the Thames; hang over the mountain
  2. 経路: 越えて ¶jump over a brook; climb over the wall; home run over the right-field fence; fall over the cliff
  3. 覆って: ⇔under ¶spread a tablecloth over the table; put one's hand over the mouth; coat over the sweater
  4. 一面: ¶travel all over Europe; sprinkle sugar over a cake; a great view over the town 一望
  5. 克服; 乗り越えて: ¶be over the worst; get over the shock; I'm over him now.冷めた; pass over the subject.
  6. 期間; ずっと ¶over/during the summer vacation; stay in London over Christmas; over the past 5 years;
  7. 同時: しながら ¶fall asleep over one's work 寝入る; discuss the matter over dinner ◆かがむ姿勢;
  8. 超過: より多く⇔under ¶stay in Paris over month; if you are over 70;
  9. 関連: ¶a dispute over money ◆aboutより紛争的; worry over his future; be angry over losing ownership
  10. 支配: ¶rule over a country; human control over nature; lose control over oneself; victory over the enemy
  11. 優越; ¶She is over/above me in the office.◆over直接支配;
  12. 優先: ¶prefer tea over coffee.; value love over money;
  13. 手段: ¶talk over/on the telephone; hear the news over the radio
  14. 騒音: ¶We could hear their voices over/above the roar of the radio.
  15. 数学: で割って ¶12 over 4; a vector space over the field of complex number.
  1. bring over
    1. bring over
  2. call over
  3. chose over
  4. come over
    1. come over
    2. come over
  5. get over
  6. go over
    1. go over to
  7. look over
  8. make over
    1. make over into
  9. pass over
    1. pass over
  10. pull over
  11. put over
  12. run over
    1. run over
    2. run over
    3. run over
    4. run over
  13. stand over
    1. stand over
  14. take over
    1. take over
  15. think over
  16. turn over
    1. turn over
    2. turn over
  1. bring other persons over to one's way of thinking.
    1. bring a friend over to dinner.
  2. call over a list of name to make sure who are present.
  3. He was chosen over all other candidate.
  4. A feeling of of helplessness came over her.
    1. Can you come over for dinner tonight?
    2. He was against us, but he has now come over to our way of thinking.
  5. I have to get over the shock of losing my brother.
  6. We went go over the house before deciding whether to buy it.
    1. He went over to the Conservatives.
  7. The parents look over their son's school.
  8. make over one's property to one's son.
    1. The basement has been made over into a workshop.
  9. I passed over the details.
    1. He was passed over when his turn came for promotion.
  10. Pull over!
  11. put over an idea.
  12. The water ran over the edge of the basin.
    1. A child is run over by a motorcar.
    2. run over one's note before an examination.
    3. We've run over our budget.
    4. run over to France
  13. Let the project stand over until the following year.
    1. He won't work unless someone stands over him.
  14. take over the business.
    1. The boat will take you over.
  15. Anyway let me think it over.
  16. turn over 5,000 dollars a week. (=do business)
    1. turn one's business over to one's son. (=pass over)
    2. Please turn it over in your mind.
  1. 説得してこちら側へ
    1. 招待
  2. 点呼する
  3. 他をおさえて選ぶ
  4. 感情が襲う
    1. やって来る
    2. 変心
  5. 立ち直る
  6. 吟味
    1. 推し変
  7. 下見する
  8. 移転
    1. 改装
  9. 見過ごす
    1. 無視される
  10. 片寄せよ
  11. わかりやすく伝える
  12. 流域を越える
    1. 轢かれる
    2. 復習する
    3. 予算超過する
    4. 駆け足訪問
  13. 延期する
    1. 監視する
  14. 支配する
    1. 渡河する
  15. 熟考する
  16. 売り上げる
    1. 引い次ぐ
    2. よく考え抜いて

>Top round

  1. 周囲: 取り巻いて =around ¶The trunk grows larger around.
  2. 巡回: ぐるりと¶see round the museum.
  3. 移動: あちこち ¶pass the picture round the class; round the clock
  4. 周辺: ¶round here この辺り
  5. 約: ¶round about =approximately; round/about noon; She arranges her work time round her child.調整
  1. round and round
  2. somewhere round
  3. go round
    1. go round with
    2. go round
  4. look round
  5. pull round
    1. pull round
  6. turn round
  1. The carousel goes round and round.
  2. The mobile phone rang somewhere round in the room.
  3. I'm going round to Jo's for dinner tonight.
    1. Her parents don't like the people who has started going round with.
    2. There's a rumor going round that he's going to resign.
  4. Don't look round now, but someone is following us.
  5. pull round
    1. The doctor tried to pull him round.
  6. have no time to turn round.
  1. ぐるぐる回って
  2. どこか近くで
  3. 食事接待
    1. 交際
    2. 噂広がる
  4. 振り返る
  5. 旋回
    1. 病気回復
  6. 戻る時間はない

>Top through

  1. 貫通: 通り抜けて ¶go through the room to the kitchen; come through the door; run through a red light無視
  2. 場所: 至る所 ¶travel through Turkey; spread the rumor through the village; look through desk drawers
  3. 過程: 越えて ¶halfway through the meeting; Is she through the collage yet?; I wouldn't go through it again.
  4. 媒介: を通じて ¶learn through experience; book a fight ticket through an agent; through education
  5. 原因: のために ¶succeed through hard work; fail through ignorance;
  6. ずっと: ¶the whole night through; read a book through; This train goes (right) through to London.直行
  7. 終えて: ¶I'm through. 終了; She's through financially. 破産; I'll be through talking to him soon.まもなく
  8. まったく: ¶be wet through; be cooked/heated through; carry through a plan; I got through. 試験通過
  1. through and through
    1. through and through
  2. throughout
  3. break through
  4. be through with
    1. be through with
    2. ▼be through with
  5. carry through
    1. carry through
  6. come through
    1. come through
    2. come through
    3. come through
    4. come through
  7. cut through
  8. get through
  9. go through
    1. go through
    2. go through
  10. look through
    1. look through
  11. pass through
  12. play through
  13. pull through
  14. push through
    1. push through
  15. put through
    1. put through
    2. put through
    3. put through
  16. run through
    1. run through
    2. run through
  17. see through
    1. see through
  18. sit through
  1. I know her through and through.
    1. He is evil through and through
  2. =through out; She watched the movie and laughed throughout.
  3. I tried to break through her reserve.
  4. Now that we are through with all the tests, we can relax there.
    1. I am finally through with this project.
    2. She's through with her boyfriend and never want to see him again.
  5. I intend to carry this project through to completion.
    1. The boy's basically good health carried him through.
  6. come through a serous illness.
    1. He came through in spite of all the troubles he had.
    2. There is a call coming through.
    3. Her divorce papers have come through.
    4. come through with an offer.
  7. The cold wind cut through my coat.
  8. I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
  9. The widowed mother had to go through a lot of hardships.
    1. I went through all my pockets but I couldn't find my wallet.
    2. I'd hate to go through such a terrible ordeal again.
  10. Please look through these papers at your leisure.
    1. I was standing next to you, and you looked right through me.
  11. We passed through many difficulties.
  12. The organist played the hymn through before we started singing.
  13. Good nursing pulled him through.
  14. push a bill through Congress.
    1. The baby's teeth are just pushing through.
  15. put a bullet through a person's head.
    1. put himself through night school to become an engineer.
    2. put through a plan.
    3. Please put me through to Mr. Jones.
  16. Let me just run through the main points again for you.
    1. run through one's money.
    2. The same feelings runs through all his work.
  17. I couldn't see through his lies.
    1. I'll see you through your trouble.
  18. It is painful to sit through a long sermon.
  1. 徹頭徹尾
    1. まったく意地悪
  2. 間じゅう
  3. 打破
  4. 完了する
    1. やり遂げる
    2. 終わりを迎える
  5. 完遂
    1. 乗り切る
  6. 乗り越える
    1. 克服
    2. 電話連絡
    3. 完結
    4. 応諾
  7. 骨身にしみる
  8. 合格する
  9. 困難を被る
    1. 探す
    2. 経験する
  10. ご自由にご覧
    1. 心を見抜く
  11. 切り抜ける
  12. 全部演奏
  13. 回復させる
  14. 無理に通す
    1. 生えだす
  15. 貫通する
    1. 自力でやりぬく
    2. 完遂する
    3. 電話をつなぐ
  16. ざっと復習
    1. 浪費する
    2. 特徴が一貫
  17. 見破る
    1. 切り抜ける
  18. 終わりまで座る
>Top to
  1. 到達: へ ¶take a train to London.; on my way to school; sail from Europe to Canada
    ◆towardは到着含意なし¶He ran toward/for the hills but failed to reach them.; We walked toward each other.
  2. 方向: の方へ ¶turn to the left; point to the door; He tends to laziness.
  3. 動作: に ¶write to my parents; add salt to the soup; appeal to public opinion; reply to my question
  4. 限界: まで ¶increased to 2 billion yen; from Monday to Friday; ◆Am: from ...through (Br: to inclusive)
  5. 程度: まで ¶to day; to some extent; to the end; to my knowledge
  6. 結果: なるまで ¶starve to death; be moved to tears; sing a baby to sleep; smashed to pieces
  7. 目的: のために ¶go to work; go to school; go to jail; go to sea; gob (the) hospital
  8. したことには: ¶to my surprise; to the delight of her parents;
  9. 接触: に ¶put one's year to the door; apply paint to the wall; connects the airport to the city
  10. 付属: に伴う ¶the key to/for the door; a room to oneself 自分だけの部屋;
  11. 随伴: に応じて ¶dance to the music; clothes made to measure; Your dress isn't to my liking. 好み外
  12. 構成: に含まれて ¶ 25 to the box; there are 100 pence to the pound
  13. 比較: よりも ¶Our team won by a score of six to five.; ex rate for US dollar to Yen
  14. 対立: に対して ¶one to one; sit face to face; stand with one's back to the wall
  1. add up to
  2. address ... to
  3. agree to
  4. appeal to
  5. apply to
  6. attend to
  7. bring oneself to
  8. bring to
    1. bring to
    2. bring to bear
    3. bring to nothing
  9. bring home to
  10. come home to
  11. come to one's sense
  12. give birth to
  13. give oneself to
  14. give rise to
  15. help oneself to
  16. keep to
    1. keep to oneself
    2. keep to oneself
  17. look to
    1. look to it that
  18. object to
  19. put an end to
  20. put it to that
  21. run counter to
  22. refer to
  23. resort to
  24. see fit to
  25. see one's way to
  26. see to
  27. set to
    1. set to
  28. stick to
    1. stick to
  29. succeed to
  30. take a liking to
  31. take to
    1. take to
    2. take to
  32. think fit to
  33. turn to
    1. turn to
  34. yearn to
  1. Her explanation of the problem added up to nonsense.
  2. The man in the corner addressed himself to the husband.
  3. He agreed to my plan. The country appealed to Japan for help.
  4. The country appealed to Japan for help.
  5. If an item doesn't apply to you, write 'NA.'
  6. I have an important business to attend to in my office.
  7. I can't bring myself to tell him that there is no hope of his being given the position.
  8. bring the ship to.
    1. She brought him to with smelling salts.
    2. bring one's mind to bear on a problem.
    3. He attempts many things, but brings to nothing to completion.
  9. bring home to someone to the danger of drugs.
  10. The touching episode came home to me.
  11. I was glad to see that he finally came to his sense.
  12. She gave birth Monday to her first child.
  13. The aristocrats gave themselves (up) to pleasure and luxury.
  14. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumors.
  15. Please help yourself to the fruit.
  16. keep to the straight and narrow path.
    1. Keep this to yourself.
    2. Keep your hands to yourself.
  17. We can't look to a holiday this summer.
    1. Just look to it that this doesn't happen again.
  18. Do you object to my idea?
  19. We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible.
  20. I put it to you that you are concealing some of the facts.
  21. His statement runs counter to that of the other witness.
  22. Does your remark refer to me?
  23. He must have felt very desperate when he resorted to such a terrible act.
  24. Do as you see fit to.
  25. He couldn't see one's way to giving any assistance to them.
  26. I'll see to it that you have a rise after the first year.
  27. Set the watch to the correct time.
    1. If you are hungry you can set to at once.
  28. I'll stick to my decision.
    1. He can stick to nothing.
  29. I have no grandchildren to succeed to me.
  30. He suddenly took a liking to detective stories.
  31. take to drinking. (=fall into the habit of)
    1. Everybody took to him at once. (=become fond of)
    2. He took to his bed.
  32. I think fit to conceal his name.
  33. We turned to and finished the work. (=set to work)
    1. Don't hesitate to turn to me if you are in difficulties.
  34. He made every effort to avoid yield to the temptation to start drinking again.
  1. 結局意味する
  2. 話しかけ
  3. 懇願
  4. 要請
  5. 該当
  6. 精勤
  7. 気が引ける
  8. 係留
    1. 気付け薬
    2. 集中
    3. 一つも出来ない
  9. 痛感
  10. 痛切
  11. 正気
  12. 出産
  13. 身を委ねる
  14. 噂を引き起こす
  15. 自由に食べる
  16. 狭い道を行く
    1. 秘密にする
    2. 触るな
  17. 期待する
    1. これに留意すると
  18. 反対する
  19. やめる
  20. ではないかと正す
  21. 異なる論述
  22. 言及する
  23. 頼る
  24. 適切と思うことをして
  25. 助けられる気がしない
  26. 取り計らう
  27. 合わせる
    1. もりもり食べる
  28. やり抜く
    1. 三日坊主
  29. 継承する
  30. のめり込む
  31. 飲酒にのめり込む
    1. 好きになる
    2. 病に伏す
  32. 適切である
  33. 仕事に戻る
    1. 助けを頼む
  34. 屈服する
>Top together
  1. 共に ¶they arrived together; play together; work together; They often go out together.一緒にデート;
  2. 一緒にして ¶Let's put our heads together; Gather together your belongings;
  3. 同時に: ¶The students, together with her students, has lunch in the classroom.
  1. come together
  2. keep together
  3. pull oneself together
  4. put together
    1. put together
  5. throw together
    1. throw together
  1. Suddenly it all came together.
  2. The party kept together.
  3. pull oneself together.
  4. put a machine together.
    1. We must put our heads together.
  5. throw together a meal. (=make quickly)
    1. We were thrown together at a party.
  1. 明確
  2. 分裂しない
  3. 落ち着いて立ち直る
  4. 組み立てる
    1. 考えをまとめる
  5. 急いで作る
    1. 偶然遭遇
>Top towards
  1. 運動方向: ¶walked toward the door ◆to the doorは到着を含意; The dog started moving toward me.
  2. 位置の向き: ¶He sat with his back toward/to me; the house faced toward/to the sea.
  3. 結果の過程: ¶steps toward peace; make progress toward our goals; November slowly rolls toward December.
  4. 感情の対象: ¶his attitude toward life; great anger toward her father
  5. 時間の近く: ¶ toward the end of one's life; It stopped raining toward noon.
  6. 用途: ¶save money toward a new car; contribution toward world peace.; Toward the top of the hill, the road is narrower.
  1. go towards
  2. put toward
  1. The money I was given for my birthday went towards my new bike.
  2. put 100 dollars toward a fund.
  1. に出費する
  2. 資金提供する

>Top under

  1. 位置: 真下 ¶Christmas present under the tree; dive under the water; A dog got out from under the car.
  2. ◆belowは距離がある ¶flower bed is under the window
  3. 内側の位置 ¶hide one's face under the blanket; wear a vest under; a tiny transmitter under the table.
  4. 下位・未満: ¶income under £200. ◆belowは基準以下、underは不足の含意; children under 16
  5. 過程: 中 ¶under consideration; under discussion; under investigation;
  6. 従属: ¶under control; under Prof. Schultz; under his influence; driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI)
  7. 荷重: ¶under the burden of paying loans; under criticism; under arrest;
  8. 条件: under present conditions; under these circumstances; under the law
  9. 分類: under the category of illegal drug; Whales come under mammals.
  1. come under
  2. go under
  3. keep under
  4. put under
  1. Dictionaries come under reference books.
  2. A lot of firms are going under in the recession.
  3. The firemen kept the fire under.
  4. He put the child under the care of a specialist.
  1. 分類
  2. 倒産する
  3. 消し止める
  4. 預ける
>Top up
  1. 移動: 上方へ ¶look up; pick a coin up off the floor; put up one's hand;
  2. 出現: ¶think up a brilliant idea; She finally showed up ついにやってきた; The house is up for sale.
  3. 地理 北へ ¶ go up north; ◆go down south
  4. 中心地へ ¶Have you been up to London?; My son is up at Cambridge.
  5. 変化; 上がって: ¶speed up; turn the radio up; Speak up; heat up the soup; Prices wet up 5%.
  6. 状態: ¶lie face up; The river is up 増水; lives 5 floors up.; What are you doing up there?
  7. 接近: ¶She came up to me and shook hands.;
  8. 到達: ¶catch up; keep up with the times;
  9. 強意: eat up; pay up; clean up; end up; drink up; hurry up; finish it up now; used up
  10. 固定: pack up; fold up; board up a window ふさぐ; tie up the parcel with string.
  11. 合計: add up figures; count up the number of pages; sum up; heap up; gather up
  12. ばらばら: ¶break up; dig up the garden;; tear up the newspaper; the meeting broke up.
  13. 停止: ¶be laid up with a cold; store up food for the winder; save up money to buy a car.
  1. be up and about/around
  2. up against
  3. up for
  4. up on
  5. up to
  6. up with
  7. break up
  8. call up
    1. call up
    2. call up
  9. come up with
    1. come up
    2. come up
    3. come up
    4. come up
    5. come up
    6. come up
    7. come up
    8. come up
    9. come up
    10. come up to
    11. come up with
  10. catch up
    1. catch up
    2. catch up
    3. catch up with
  11. draw up
  12. end up with
  13. go up
    1. go up
  14. keep up
    1. keep up
    2. keep up
    3. keep up
    4. keep up with
    5. keep up with
  15. look up
    1. look up
    2. look up
    3. look up
    4. look up
  16. live up to
  17. make up
    1. make up
    2. make up
    3. make up
    4. make up
    5. make up
    6. make up
    7. make up
    8. make up for
  18. pass up
  19. play up
    1. play up to
  20. pull oneself up by ...
  21. pull up
    1. pull up
    2. pull up
    3. pull up
  22. push up
  23. put up
    1. put up
    2. put up
    3. put up
    4. put up
    5. put up
    6. put up
    7. put up
    8. put up
    9. put up with
  24. run up
    1. run up
    2. run up
  25. send up
    1. send up
  26. set up
    1. set up
    2. set up
    3. set up
    4. set up
    5. set up
    6. set up
  27. shut up
    1. shut up
    2. shut up
  28. sit up
    1. sit up
    2. sit up
    3. sit up
  29. stand up for
  30. stick up
    1. stick up for
  31. take up
    1. take up
    2. take up
    3. take up
    4. take up
    5. take up
    6. take up
    7. take up
    8. take up
    9. take up
    10. take up
    11. take up
    12. take up on
    13. take up with
  32. think up
  33. throw up
    1. throw up
    2. throw up
    3. throw up
  34. turn to
    1. turn to
    2. turn to
    3. turn to
    4. turn to
    5. turn to
    6. turn to
    7. turn to
  35. work up
    1. work up
  36. write up
    1. write up
  1. be up and about again a week after the operation.
  2. put the ladder up against the wall.
  3. be up for re-election
  4. Sales are well up on last month
  5. count up to 10; master up to 30 pages a week.
  6. Up with the anchor!
  7. The police managed to break up the crowd.
  8. I was called up for overseas service.
    1. I'll call you up tomorrow.
    2. call up memories of the past.
  9. Our public leaders are imaginative ad often came up with new ideas.
    1. When are you coming up to London?
    2. A storm is coming up.
    3. Coming up!
    4. The grass will come up again in the spring.
    5. The question will come up at the next meeting
    6. His dinner came up.
    7. A vacancy has come up.
    8. come up for a election.
    9. come up a winner
    10. Your work doesn't come up to his standard.
    11. come up with a new idea.
  10. I must catch up on my work.
    1. I caught him up on the latest developments.
    2. Her closing was caught up in the machine.
    3. It's difficult to catch up with Japan in the production of cars.
  11. A car drew up at the entrance.
  12. The party ended up with a chorus
  13. The birth rate has gone up by 10%.
    1. The car crashed into a wall and went up in flames.
  14. keep one's trousers up
    1. keep up a big house.
    2. keep up one's English
    3. The wind kept up for several hours.
    4. worked so fast and I couldn't keep up with his pace.
    5. keep up with old friends.
  15. look up the number in the telephone book
    1. look me up when you are in town.
    2. Business is looking up.
    3. He looked up when I came in.
    4. All her students look up to her.
  16. You ought to live up to your parents' expectations.
  17. make up a prescription.
    1. 20 members make up a quorum.
    2. make up a story.
    3. She made up before the party
    4. make hard to make up (for) the lost time.
    5. They made up their minds to travel abroad.
    6. John made it up with Mary.
    7. We invited John in to make up a four at bridge.
    8. Our success will make up for the hard times.
  18. She passed up the chance of a trip to Paris.
  19. My shoulder is playing me up.
    1. He plays up to his boss because he wants a raise in salary.
  20. pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps.
  21. pull up the grass.
    1. pull up a car
    2. The chairman pulled him up at the meeting.
    3. His grades in math pulled him up.
  22. The bad weather pushed up the prices of vegetables.
  23. put up a flag.
    1. put up a new house
    2. put the music up a half step.
    3. put up a sword
    4. put up a proposal.
    5. put up goods for auction.
    6. He is putting himself up for Parliament.
    7. put up a great performance.
    8. The hotel can put you up a sandwich lunch.
    9. I can't put up with the bad weather.
  24. run up expenses.
    1. run up a dress.
    2. The police came running up to the scene of the accident.
  25. The explosion sent the building up in flames.
    1. The House of Commons sent the bill up to the House of Lords.
  26. set up a monument.
    1. He set his son up in business as a photographer.
    2. set up a theory
    3. A holiday will set you up.
    4. He set himself up over the nation as a dictator.
    5. He set himself up as a great artist.
    6. set up a dinner party.
  27. shut up a room.
    1. shut a person up in prion.
    2. Shut up!
  28. sit up in bed
    1. All the pupils sat up straight when the teacher came in.
    2. sit up all night playing cards.
    3. Her dress made us all sit up.
  29. We must always stand up for our rights.
  30. stick up a post.
    1. stick up for a friend.
  31. take up a book.
    1. take up arms.
    2. The elevator will take you up to any floor.
    3. A sponge take up water
    4. take up a matter at a meeting.
    5. take up one's story.
    6. take up a person for questioning.
    7. I'll not take up any more of your time.
    8. take up a dress.
    9. take up playing golf.
    10. take up residence in the country
    11. I'd like to take you up on that point.
    12. May I take you up on your invitation?
    13. He's taken up with the wrong people.
  32. think up some outrageous scheme for escaping.
  33. throw a ball up into the air.
    1. throw up one's dinner.
    2. throw up one's job
    3. Every generation throws up its own artists.
  34. turn up the cuffs of one' trousers.
    1. turn one's face up to the light.
    2. turn up ancient coins.
    3. turn up the gas.
    4. The sight of blood turns me up. (=Br)
    5. My brother has turned up from Africa.
    6. You can call me if any job vacancy turns up.
    7. The economy is turning up.
  35. work her up into a fury.
    1. Don't work yourself up about nothing.
  36. write up the accounts.
    1. The critics wrote the new play up.
  1. 動き回る
  2. 壁に立てかける
  3. 名前があがる
  4. 大幅に伸びている
  5. に至るまで
  6. 錨を上げろ
  7. 打破する
  8. 召集
    1. 電話
    2. 思い出す
  9. 思い付く
    1. やって来る
    2. 接近
    3. 準備完了
    4. 繁茂
    5. 提案
    6. 戻す
    7. 出現
    8. 立候補
    9. 到来
    10. 匹敵
    11. 起案
  10. 取り戻す
    1. 最新情報得る
    2. 巻き込まれる
    3. 追いつく
  11. 停止する
  12. 最後は...で終わる
  13. 上昇
    1. 炎上する
  14. 支える
    1. 維持する
    2. 技量維持
    3. 継続
    4. ついて行く
    5. 関係維持
  15. 電話帳で調べる
    1. 町にいるなら寄って
    2. 上向いている
    3. 顔を上げた
    4. 尊敬している
  16. 期待に応える
  17. 作る
    1. 定足数満たす
    2. 作り上げる
    3. 化粧
    4. 埋め合わせる
    5. 決心
    6. 仲直り
    7. 4人一組
    8. 報われる
  18. 機会見逃す
  19. 調子を落とす
    1. 取り入る
  20. 自力でなんとかする
  21. 引き抜く
    1. 止める
    2. やめさせる
    3. 成績を引き上げる
  22. 高騰する
  23. 掲げる
    1. 建てる
    2. 上げる
    3. 元に収める
    4. 提案する
    5. 競売にかける
    6. 立候補する
    7. 達成する
    8. 提供する
    9. 我慢する
  24. 費用がかさむ
    1. 急いで裁縫する
    2. 駆けつける
  25. 燃え上がる
    1. 送致する
  26. 建設する
    1. 開業する
    2. 打ち立てる
    3. 生き生きさせる
    4. 確立する
    5. 気取る
    6. 準備する
  27. 閉じこもる
    1. 収監する
    2. 黙れ
  28. 起き上がる
    1. 背筋を伸ばす
    2. 徹夜する
    3. 目立つ
  29. 擁護する
  30. 旗を掲げる
    1. 見捨てない
  31. 取り上げる
    1. 戦いを始める
    2. 上昇する
    3. 九州する
    4. 提起する
    5. 中断再開する
    6. 逮捕する
    7. 時間をとる
    8. 裾上げする
    9. 趣味を始める
    10. 住居を定める
    11. 議論する
    12. 提案に応じる
    13. 悪仲間になる
  32. 途方もない考えをする
  33. 投げ上げる
    1. 吐く
    2. 仕事を急にやめる
    3. 輩出する
  34. 裾をまくる
    1. 顔を上げる
    2. 掘り出し物
    3. 増量する
    4. 吐き戻す
    5. 姿を現す
    6. 欠員が生じる
    7. 改善する
  35. 煽る
    1. 興奮する
  36. 詳述
    1. 書評べた褒め
>Top with
  1. 随伴: と一緒に ¶tea with lemon; Come along with me; with one's friends; I'll be right with you. すぐ行く
  2. 所有: ¶ a girl with blue eyes; a woman with a diamond ring; a house with a large garden
  3. 携帯: ¶I have no money with me.; Take an umbrella with you.
  4. 道具: ¶cut meat with a knife;
    ◆He broke the window with a hammer; =the window by hitting it with a hammer.
  5. 材料: ¶make a cake with eggs; a truck loaded with coal; fill a glass with a water.
  6. 付帯: した状況で ¶sit with one's eyes close; a man with a black coat on;
  7. 理由: ¶With the cost of living so high, we can't afford it.; With she ill at home, I can't get out.
  8. 様態: をもって¶with great ease; fight with courage; work with diligence; Treat this with care
  9. 対立: ¶deal with problems; struggle with adversity; argue with them; quarrel with him
  10. 接触: ¶trade with UK; mix whiskey with water; compare the translation with the original
  11. 関連: ¶What's the matter with you?; It's all right b me. 異存なし;
  12. 包含: ¶with all meals; He is with tennis club.;
  13. 同意:¶ agree with the plan; I'm with you there on this point.; Are you with me so far? わかりますか
  14. 同時: ¶ rise with the sun; wages vary with skill; row with the current
  15. 分離: ¶break with the past; Let us dispense with ceremony.
  16. 原因: ¶shiver with cold; be weak with exhaustion; eyes dim with tears
  17. 譲歩・理由: ¶with a rise of prices; with her faults; With that noise, I couldn't study at all.
  1. be with it
  2. with that
  3. agree with
  4. break with
  5. begin with
  6. come with
  7. do with
    1. do with
    2. do with
    3. do with
    4. do with
    5. do with
  8. deal with
  9. dispense with
    1. dispense with
  10. find fault with
  11. get in touch with
  12. get through with
  13. get away with
  14. get along with
  15. get on with
  16. go with
    1. go with
  17. have a word with
  18. have done with
  19. interfered with
  20. keep company with
  21. keep up with
  22. keep abreast with
  23. keep in touch with
  24. keep pace with
  25. make away with
    1. make away with
  26. make do with
  27. make friends with
  28. make with
  29. part with
  30. rest with
  31. see eye to eye with
  32. tick with
  33. sympathize with
  34. trifle with
  1. For being 80 years old, my parents are really with it.
  2. She muttered something and with that she went out of the room.
  3. This food does not agree with me.
  4. He broke with all his families.
  5. So you had better begin with that easier one.
  6. If you order the steak, the salad comes with it.
  7. What did you do with my scissors?
    1. What can we do with this vase she has given us?
    2. My hair is so stiff I can do nothing with it.
    3. He didn't know what to do with himself during the holidays.
    4. I could do with more space here.
    5. We made do with old coat.
  8. Zoology and botany deal with the study of life.
  9. I cannot dispense with this dictionary.
    1. In doing this, we cannot dispense with his help.
  10. They always find fault with others.
  11. I will certainly get in touch with you next week.
  12. When did you get through with your engineering problems?
  13. While she was out, the thief got away with her jewels.
  14. How is he getting along with his school work?
  15. How are you getting on with your work.
  16. She is going to have another blouse made to go with her costume.
    1. Pressure goes with the job.
  17. Before we go into the meeting, may I have a word with you?
  18. Have you done with the book?
  19. The traffic noise interfered with my sleep.
  20. You should not keep company with such people.
  21. He worked so fast and I couldn't keep up with his pace.
  22. Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest precision medicine.
  23. He kept in touch with her by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
  24. We have not kept pace with the latest research.
  25. make away with money.
    1. make away with oneself.
  26. make do with an old coat
  27. We have made friends with Tom.
  28. I'm hungry; make with the food. (Am:)
  29. I hated to part with my car.
  30. It rest with you to decide means it is you who should decide.
  31. I can't see eye to eye with him over on the matter.
  32. He stuck with me in spite of all my faults.
  33. His parents did not sympathized with his hope to become a journalist.
  34. You should not trifle with his feelings.
  1. 時流に通じている
  2. そう言って
  3. 体質に合う
  4. 絶交
  5. 開始
  6. 付随
  7. 始末
    1. 処分
    2. 取り扱い
    3. 始末
    4. 願望
    5. 我慢
  8. 扱う
  9. なしで済ます
    1. 欠かせない
  10. あら捜しをする
  11. 連絡をとる
  12. 解決する
  13. 持ち去る
  14. 進める
  15. 順調
  16. に合わせて
    1. つきもの
  17. 立ち話
  18. 読み終える
  19. 邪魔
  20. 交際
  21. ついて行く
  22. 送れない
  23. 連絡をとる
  24. 追いつく
  25. 持ち逃げ
    1. 殺す
  26. 間に合わせる
  27. 友達になる
  28. まず飯を
  29. 手放す
  30. 責任がある
  31. 全く同感
  32. 支える
  33. 共鳴する
  34. 弄ぶ
>Top within
  1. 時間・距離: within 5 years; within shouting distance; within easy reach of the shops.
  2. 程度: within the law; withing reason; within the limits of feasibility 実現可能な範囲
  3. 場所: within a city; within oneself 心の中で; disagreement within the government
  1. with-it
  2. come within
  1. =trendy
  2. That subject does not come within the scope of my investigation.
  1. 考え方が当世風の
  2. 範囲
>Top without
  1. 持たないで: ¶without a doubt; without too much difficulty; without permission; She is not without money.かなり裕福; without moment's hesitation 一瞬のためらいもなく
  2. しないで+ing: ¶She left without saying goodbye; without finishing your homework; Without wanting to criticize, とやかく言いたくはないが
  3. けれど...ない: ¶I looked for the lost key without success. =to no avail; He turned the key again and again without response. 手応えなし
  4. 内外での ¶negotiations within and without the House.
  1. not without doing
    1. not without doing
  2. do without
  3. go without
  1. I never see him going out without taking his dog.
    1. She cannot argue without losing her temper.
  2. She could do without food for a day.
  3. I cannot do without your interference.
  4. We shall have to go without a holiday this year.
  1. すれば必ず...する
  2. 必ず癇癪を起こす
  3. 我慢
  4. 皮肉
  5. なしで済ます
Key Verb

>Top <A>:

  1. abide
    1. abide by
      1. abide by
  2. abound
    1. abound in
  3. account
    1. account for
  4. act
    1. act on
    2. act on
  5. add
    1. add up to
      1. add up to
  6. address
    1. address oneself to
      1. address ...
  7. agree
    1. agree with
      1. agree with
    2. agree to
    3. agree on
  8. aim
    1. aim at
      1. aim at
  9. allow
    1. allow for
      1. allow for
  10. answer
    1. answer for
      1. answer for
  11. appeal
    1. appeal to
      1. appeal to
  12. apply
    1. apply for
    2. apply to
      1. apply to
  13. approve
    1. approve of
  14. ask
    1. ask after
    2. ask for
  15. attend
    1. attend on
    2. attend to
  16. avail
    1. avail oneself of


  1. abide
    1. She will not fail to abide by his promise. (=remain faithful to)
      1. You must abide by the rules of fair play.
  2. abound
    1. Trout abounds in the river. (=exist in large amounts; <L. abundare 'overflow')
    2. This area abounds with caravan sites.
  3. account
    1. Can you account for all the money spent on your trip?
  4. act
    1. Acids act on metals. (=respond)
    2. I will certainly act on what I believe, against the reputation.
  5. add
    1. Her explanation of the problem added up to nonsense. (=amount to)
      1. What she said just adds up to a refusal. (=equal)
  6. address
    1. The man in the corner addressed himself to the husband. (=talk)
      1. He addressed himself to the graduating students.

  7. agree
    1. This food does not agree with me. (=match)
      1. The winter climate does not agree with him.
    2. He agreed to my plan.
    3. I agree on a date for our next meeting.
  8. aim
    1. What is he aiming at?
      1. He aims at the victory of the world series.
  9. allow
    1. Allowing for traffic delays, we should leave at 7 at the latest.
      1. We should allow for unexpected expenditure there.
  10. answer
    1. Do as I ask you or I won't answer for the result.
      1. He answered for his pitching mistake by his hitting.
  11. appeal
    1. The country appealed to Japan for help.
      1. The plaintiff appealed to a higher court.
  12. apply
    1. If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.
    2. The scolding doesn't apply to you.
      1. If an item doesn't apply to you, write 'NA.'
  13. approve
    1. Some people don't approve of professional baseball.
  14. ask
    1. I asked after my sick friend.
    2. I asked for the payment of his debt.
  15. attend
    1. He has only one servant to attend on him.
    2. I have an important business to attend to in my office.
  16. avail
    1. Just avail yourself of the seat in the library. [=take advantage of]


  1. abide
    1. 守る
      1. 従う
  2. abound
    1. 豊穣
  3. account
    1. 説明する
  4. act
    1. 反応
    2. 作用
  5. add
    1. 結局意味
      1. 結局決断
  6. address
    1. 話しかける
      1. 挨拶

  7. agree
    1. 体質に合う
      1. 適用
    2. 同意する
    3. 同意する
  8. aim
    1. 狙う
      1. 狙う
  9. allow
    1. 考慮する
      1. 想定
  10. answer
    1. 責任を持つ
      1. 補完
  11. appeal
    1. 要請する
      1. 上訴
  12. apply
    1. 申請する
    2. 当はまる
      1. 場合には
  13. approve
    1. 認める
  14. ask
    1. 見舞う
    2. 請求する
  15. attend
    1. に仕える
    2. に精を出す
  16. avail
    1. を利用する

>Top break

  1. break away
    1. break away
    2. break away
  2. break down
    1. break down
    2. break down
    3. break down
  3. break forth
    1. break forth
    2. break forth in
  4. break free/loose
    1. break free
    2. break free
    3. break loose
  5. break from
  6. break in
    1. break in
    2. break in
    3. break in
    4. break in on
  7. break into
    1. break into
    2. break into
  8. break off
    1. break off
    2. break off
    3. break off
  9. break out
    1. break out
    2. break out in
    3. break out
  10. break through
    1. break through
    2. break through
  11. break up
    1. break up
    2. break up
    3. break up
  12. break with


  1. Part of ice broke away.
    1. The suspect broke away from the policeman. (=escape from)
    2. He could not break away from his mother after all.
  2. My car broke down in the mountains. (=cease to function)
    1. Heat will break this chemical down into harmless gas. (=decompose)
    2. He finally broke down and confessed to the crime.
    3. It's not easy to break down racial prejudice. (=overcome)
  3. The sunlight broke forth. (=spring out)
    1. His anger broke forth.
    2. The children broke forth into singing.
  4. He broke free from house arrest.
    1. She broke free of his grasp.
    2. He wants to break free from his addiction.
    3. All hell broke loose. (=break free; complete confusion)
  5. Laughter broke from the crowd. (=come out suddenly)
  6. Thieves broke in during the night. (= enter a building by force)
    1. break in the new employees.
    2. Excuse me, she broke in. (=interrupt)
    3. The new pair of shoes took two weeks to break in. (=train, tame)
    4. I accidentally broke in on a private conversation. (=disturb abruptly)
  7. A burglar broke into the convenient store.
    1. She broke into tears when I told her the news. (=burst into)
    2. I'm sorry to break into your conversation.
  8. He broke off a piece of stone from the outcrop.
    1. She broke our discussion off to answer the telephone.
    2. Our government broke off diplomatic relations with that country. (=stop suddenly; cancel)
    3. He and She have broken off.
  9. A fire broke out in my neighborhood. (=appear suddenly)
    1. A rash has broken out on his face.
    2. The audience broke out in/into applause. (=burst into)
    3. She broke out, "You are lying!"
  10. The sun broke through the window. (=penetrate)
    1. Their troops broke through the enemy.
    2. I tried to break through her reserve. (=overcome)
  11. They broke up the sature and sold it for scrap.
    1. The police managed to break up the crowd. (=dissolve)
    2. He was all broken up by his mother's death.
    3. They had a quarrel and broke up.
  12. He broke with tradition.


  1. 崩れ落ちる
    1. 突然逃げる
    2. 離れて自立
  2. 故障する
    1. 分解する
    2. 圧力に屈する
    3. 融和する
  3. 突然差し込む
    1. 怒りが爆発
    2. 突然歌い出す
  4. 解放される
    1. 逃れる
    2. 抜け出す
    3. 大混乱状態
  5. 巻き起こる
  6. 押し入る
    1. 教育する
    2. 口を挟む
    3. 履き慣らす
    4. 介入・邪魔する
  7. 押し入る
    1. 急に〜する
    2. 邪魔をする
  8. 切り離す
    1. 中断
    2. 断絶
    3. 離別
  9. 突然発生する
    1. 吹き出物
    2. 突然喝采
    3. 突然叫ぶ
  10. 差し込む
    1. 戦線突破
    2. 克服する
  11. 分解する。
    1. 解散させる
    2. 心がまいる
    3. 関係が壊れる
  12. 決別 する

>Top bring

  1. bring about
  2. bring along
    1. bring along to
  3. bring around
    1. bring around
    2. bring around
    3. bring around
  4. bring back
    1. bring back
    2. bring back
  5. bring down
    1. bring down
    2. bring down
  6. bring forth
    1. bring forth
  7. bring forward
    1. bring forward
    2. bring forward
    3. bring fprward
  8. bring home
    1. bring home
    2. bring home to
    3. bring home to
  9. bring in
    1. bring in
    2. bring in
  10. bring off
    1. bring off
    2. bring off
  11. bring on
    1. bring on
  12. bring out
    1. bring out
    2. bring out
    3. bring out
    4. bring out
    5. bring out
    6. bring out
  13. bring over
    1. bring over
    2. bring over

  14. bring to
    1. bring to
    2. bring to
  15. bring to bear
  16. bring to nothing
  17. bring oneself to
  18. bring about
  19. bring back
  20. bring in


  1. The negotiations brought about the desired result. (=accomplish)
  2. bring a notebook along. (=bring with oneself)
    1. You can bring your friends along the party.
  3. A whiff of ammonia soon brought her around. (=revive)
    1. He at last brought his father around to his point of view. (=persuade)
    2. Bring some of your friends around tonight. (=bring home)
    3. They brought the conversation around to the subject of baseball. (=turn to a certain direction)
  4. Bring back to the book you borrowed. (=return to the owner)
    1. Bring me back some eggs.
    2. The song brought my my boyhood back to me. (=call to remind)
  5. He brought down the deer with one shot.
    1. The rain brought the temperature down. (=rain)
    2. The scandal brought the government down. (=ruin)
  6. His remark broutht forth a heated debate. (=produce)
    1. bring forth fruit. (=give birth to; bear)
  7. bring forward a proposal at a meeting. (=introduce)
    1. They decided to bring the meeting forward from June to July (=advance)
    2. transfer to the next page in an account. (=carry forward; carry over)
    3. bring forward an objection. (=put forward)
  8. bring home remains.
    1. bring home the bacon
    2. bring home to someone to the danger of drugs.
    3. brought home to him the meaning of war. (=cause to realize)
  9. Please bring in the washing. (=import)
    1. Each sale will bring him in 5,000 yen. (=yield)
    2. bring in on the plan.
  10. bring off a wrecked ship. (=rescue)
    1. Did you bring it off? (=succeed)
    2. He brought off the difficult task quite easily. (=achieve)
  11. This fine weather will bring the crops on well. (=advance)
    1. Overwork will bring on a bad illness. (=cause)
  12. The warm weather brought the flowers out. (=in broom)}
    1. bring out the contrast of colors. (=make clear)
    2. bring out the best in a person. (=reveal one's best)
    3. Salt brings out the flavor of food. (=enrich)
    4. bring out a new model. (=put on sale)
    5. The heat brought him out in a rash. (=cause to appear)
    6. bring out a strike. (=Br: cause go on a strike)
  13. bring other persons over to one's way of thinking. (=persuade)
    1. The custom was brought over with William the Conqueror. (=introduce from overseas)
    2. bring a friend over to dinner. (=bring from somewhere)
  14. bring the ship to. (=cause to stop)
    1. The cold air brought him to.
    2. She brought him to with smelling salts. (=bring around; revive)
  15. bring one's mind to bear on a problem. (=concentrate)
  16. He attempts many things, but brings to nothing to completion. (=cause to fail)
  17. I can't bring myself to tell him that there is no hope of his being given the position.
  18. The accident was brought about by his carelessness. (=make aware what is happening)
  19. The scene brought back memories of his own first love.
  20. You should bring in that suggestion to the next meeting.


  1. 変化・結果をもたらす
  2. 持ってくる;
    1. 連れてくる
  3. 意識回復;
    1. 説得;
    2. 自宅招待;
    3. 話題転換
  4. 返却する;
    1. 買って持ち帰る
    2. 思い出す
  5. 仕留める
    1. 温度降下
    2. 崩壊させる
  6. 引き起こす
    1. 実らせる
  7. 問題提起;
    1. 繰り延べ;
    2. 繰越
    3. 持ち出す
  8. 遺体帰還
    1. 生活費を稼ぐ
    2. 重大性を認識
    3. を痛感する;
  9. 取り込む;
    1. もたらす;
    2. 引き入れる
  10. 救助;
    1. うまくいく
    2. 達成する
  11. もたらす
    1. 原因となる
  12. 開花;
    1. 際立たせる;
    2. 引き出す;
    3. 一味;
    4. 新車販売;
    5. 発疹
    6. スト突入
  13. 意見を変えさせる;
    1. 習慣を持ち込む;
    2. 招待

  14. 係留;
    1. 目覚めさせる;
    2. 気付け薬
  15. 集中する
  16. 一つもまとまらない
  17. とても言えない
  18. もたらす
  19. 思い出す
  20. 提案

>Top <B>:

  1. be
    1. be through with
    2. be on the go
  2. beat
    1. beat about
  3. begin
    1. begin with
  4. believe
    1. believe in
  5. boast
    1. boast of


  1. be
    1. Now that we are through with all the tests, we can relax there.
    2. I'm exhausted. I've been on the go all day.
  2. beat
    1. Don't beat about the bush and tell me exactly what he said.
  3. begin
    1. This problem is hard to solve. So you had better begin with that one.
  4. believe
    1. Do you believe in ghosts?
  5. boast
    1. He was apt to boast of his knowledge.


  1. be
    1. やり終える
    2. 働き詰め
  2. beat
    1. 遠回しする
  3. begin
    1. から始める
  4. believe
    1. を信じる
  5. boast
    1. を自慢する

>Top call

  1. call away
  2. call back
  3. call down
    1. call down
  4. call for
    1. call for
    2. cll for
  5. call forth
    1. call forth
  6. call in
    1. call in
    2. call in sick
  7. call off
    1. call off
  8. call on
    1. call on
  9. call out
    1. call out
  10. call over
  11. call to arms
  12. call up
    1. call up
    2. call up


  1.  I'll call an ambulance right away. (=summon)
  2. Can you call me back later?
  3. He called down God's anger on them. (=pray for)
    1. He called me down for coming late.
  4. They called for the resignation of the Prime Minister. (=demand)
    1. The case calls for immediate action. (=require)
    2. What time shall I call for you tomorrow? (=pick up)
  5. March winds and April showers call forth May flowers. (=bring forth)
    1. The difficult situation called forth all his hidden abilities.
  6. The company called in all the baby food made in July.
    1. I called in to say he could not attend the meeting.
    2. She called in sick on Tuesday.
  7. The committee decided to call off the strike. (=cancel)
    1. Call off your dog at once. (=make go away)
  8. I called on him yesterday.
    1. He called on me to make a speech.
  9. She called out to him for help. (=call loudly)
    1. I was called out to the scene of the accident. (=summon)
  10. call over a list of name to make sure who are present.
  11. receive call to arms. (=be conscripted)
  12. I was called up for overseas service. (=be drafted)
    1. I'll call you up tomorrow. (=call by tel)
    2. call up memories of the past. (=recollect)


  1. 呼び出す
  2. 折返し電話
  3. 天罰を下せ
    1. 厳しく叱る
  4. 要求;
    1. 必要;
    2. お迎え
  5. もたらす
  6. 回収
    1. 電話する
    2. 病欠連絡
  7. 取りやめ;
    1. 攻撃を止める
  8. 訪ねる;
    1. 依頼する
  9. 大声で叫ぶ;
    1. 呼び出す
  10. 点呼する
  11. 召集する
  12. 召集する;
    1. 電話で呼ぶ;
    2. 思い起こす

>Top carry

  1. carry
  2. carry all before one
  3. carry along
  4. carry around
  5. carry away
    1. carry away
  6. carry back
  7. carry forward
    1. carry forward
  8. carry off
    1. carry off
  9. carry on
    1. carry on
    2. carry on

    3. carry on at
    4. carry on with
  10. carry out
    1. carry ouþ
  11. carry over
  12. carry through
    1. carry through


  1. These pillars cannot carry the whole weight of the roof.  
  2. The party seems to carry all before them.
  3. His novels carry the reader along. (=encourage)
  4. He carries his umbrella around with him every day.
  5. A mast was carried away by the storm. (=take away)
    1. He was carried away by her beauty. (=charm)
  6. The smell of cut grass carries me back to my childhood.
  7. carry forward to do what must be done. (=advance, make progress with)
    1. The ttao was carried forward into next month's account.
  8. Many were carried off by cholera. (=kill) 
    1. The newcomer carried off the first prize. (=win)
  9. After a phone call, she carried on as if nothing had happened.
    1. We'll carry on with the meeting after a ten-minute break.
    2. I couldn't carry on the conversation without laughing. (=continue; keep on)
    3. She carried on at me for being late.
    4. He carried on with his neighbor's wife. (=love affair)
  10. He carried out his promise. (=conduct)
    1. The task must be carried out now. (=accomplish)
  11. I intend to carry this project through to completion. (=accomplish)
    1. The boy's basically good health carried him through. (=support)


  1. 支える
  2. 敵なしの状況
  3. 感服させる
  4. 持ち歩く
  5. 取り去る
    1. 魅了される
  6. 思い出す
  7. 進捗する
    1. 繰越
  8. 亡くなる;
    1. 奪い去る
  9. 続行する
    1. 続行
    2. 続ける
    3. がみがみ言う
    4. 浮気
  10. 実行
    1. 完遂
  11. 持ち越し
  12. 達成する;
    1. 乗り切る

>Top come

  1. come about
  2. come across
    1. come across
    2. come across
    3. come across as
  3. come after
  4. come along
    1. come along
    2. come along
    3. come along
  5. come and go
    1. come and go
  6. come around
    1. come around
    2. come around
    3. come around
    4. come around
  7. come back
    1. come back
    2. come back
  8. come before
    1. come before
    2. come before
  9. come between
    1. come between
  10. come by
    1. come by
  11. come down
    1. come down
    2. come down
    3. come down
    4. come down
    5. come down
    6. come down to
  12. come down on
    1. come down on
  13. come forth with
  14. come forward
  15. come from behind
  16. come home
    1. come home to

  17. come in
    1. come in
    2. come in
    3. come in
    4. come in
    5. come in
    6. come in for
    7. come in on
    8. come in contact with
  18. come into
    1. come into
    2. come into
    3. come into being
    4. come into sight
  19. come it
  20. come of age

  21. come off
    1. come off
    2. come off
    3. come off
    4. come off
    5. come off
    6. come off
    7. come off
    8. come off it
  22. come on
    1. come on
    2. come on
    3. come on
    4. come on
    5. come on
    6. come on
    7. come on
  23. come out
    1. come out
    2. come out
    3. come out
    4. come out
    5. come out
    6. come out
    7. come out
    8. come out
    9. come out
    10. come out
    11. come out at
    12. come out with
    13. come out with
    14. come out with
    15. come out with
  24. come over
    1. come over
    2. come over
  25. come through
    1. come through
    2. come through
    3. come through
    4. come through with
  26. come to one's sense
    1. come to that
    2. come to this
  27. come together
  28. come under
  29. come up
    1. come up
    2. come up
    3. come up
    4. come up
    5. come up
    6. come up
    7. come up
    8. come up
    9. come up to
    10. come up to
    11. come up with
    12. come up with

  30. come with
  31. come within
  32. how come
  33. have it coming to one
  34. to come
  35. when it comes to


  1. A great change has come about since the war.
  2. I came across an old schoolmate in the supermarket.
    1. I accidentally came across some old photographs.
    2. Your argument came across well.
    3. She came across as very self-confident.
  3. Coffee comes after the meal.
  4. You go now - I'll come along a little later.
    1. Would you like to come along with me if the weather is good?
    2. I'm afraid our boss will never come around to our way of thinking.
    3. How is your work coming along?
  5. The pain in my ear comes and goes.
    1. come and go (=appear and disappear)
  6. Why don't you come around this evening? (=visit informally)
    1. It was a long time before he came around. (=recover consciousness)
    2. come around to another's views (=change one's opinion)
    3. Christmas is coming around again (=arrive periodically)
    4. I at last came around to writing the letter. (=bring oneself to the point of)
  7. I'll come back to that point again later. (=return)
    1. It all coming back to me. (=return one's memory)
    2. Mini skirt has come back into fashion. (=return to a former state)
  8. The Stone Age came before the Iron Age.(=precede)
    1. The case came before the high court. (=be referred to)
    2. For him golf comes before his wife and family. (=be more important than)
  9. He never lets anything come between himself and his work.(=part)
    1. I don't let anything come between me and my morning jogging. (=prevent from doing)
  10. How did you come by this beautiful vase?
    1. I'll come by and pick you up tomorrow morning.
  11. She came down to breakfast at eight.(=come downstairs)
    1. The plane come down in the sea. (=fall)
    2. The legend has come down to us from the past. (=descend)
    3. Inspectors came down on our side. (=reach a decision in favor of one side)
    4. When did you come down from Oxford? (=Br: leave a university)
    5. It comes down to a simple matter of money (=be reduced to)
    6. This song came down to us from 10th century.
  12. come down on a person like a ton of bricks. (=blame, scold)
    1. His creditors came down on him for the money he owed them. (=demand money)
  13. He came forth with some new ideas. (=express)
  14. She is always backward in coming forward. (=shy about speaking)
  15. It is doubtful for Angels to come from behind.
  16. The seriousness of his position finally came home to him. (=become painfully clear to)
    1. The touching episode came home to me.
  17. The election results are just coming in now. (=arrive)
    1. Short skirts came in at that time. (=come into fashion)
    2. The early potatoes have come in. (=become available)
    3. This dress comes in three sizes/colors. (=variety)
    4. He came in first in every race in hitting and pitching. (=enter)
    5. This is where grammar comes in.(=be useful)
    6. He has come in for a lot of criticism. (=be the object of a reaction)
    7. come in on a new venture. (=join)
    8. I haven't come in contact with organized crime in business.
  18. come into the world (=be born)
    1. come into a great deal of money (=get)
    2. That come into the question, too. (=be a part of)
    3. Nobody knows when this universe came into being. (=existence)
    4. Our house come into sight.
  19. Don't try to come it with me! (=Br: behave arrogantly)
  20. She will come of age this March.
  21. The handle has come off my bag. (=separated)
    1. I came off my bicycle. (=fall off)
    2. The meeting came off as planned. (=happen)
    3. He came off second best. (=reach the end of a contest)
    4. The experiment did not come off. (=succeed)
    5. The film comes off tomorrow. (=be no longer presented)
    6. The import duty is coming off cigarettes. (=be removed from)
    7. The men were coming off the night shift. (=return from)
    8. Come off it! (=stop pretending)
  22. He is coming on well in his studies. (=make progress)
    1. A typhoon is coming on (=approach)
    2. It came on to rain. (=begin)
    3. I'll come on later (=join)
    4. He came on as Hamlet. (=appear on the stage)
    5. Come on! Don't keep us all waiting. (=hurry up)
    6. Suddenly all the lights came on. (=be turned on)
    7. The news comes on at 9:00. (=be presented)
  23. A person's true character comes out in a crisis. (=appear)
    1. The cork won't come out. (=unfastened)
    2. These dirty spots won't come out. (=disappear)
    3. The secret came out. (=become public)
    4. Things will come out all right in the wash. (=end)
    5. He came out as a homosexual came out. (=reveal his nature)
    6. The flowers are coming out. (=come into bloom)
    7. The workers have voted to come out. (=Br: begin a strike)
    8. These photos have come out well. (=be developed)
    9. The details comes out clearly. (=stand out)
    10. The government has come out in favor of the new tax. (=make a declaration)
    11. The costs come out at ¥5,000 per head. (=be formed at)
    12. He came out with the whole story. (=reveal)
    13. He came out with some good suggestions. (=utter)
    14. He searched his pocket and came out with a handful of coins. (=take out)
    15. He came out with a new book. (=publish)
  24. A feeling of of helplessness came over her. (=seize)
    1. Can you come over for dinner tonight? (=come to a room)
    2. He was against us, but he has now come over to our way of thinking. (=change sides)
  25. come through a serous illness. (=survive)
    1. He came through in spite of all the troubles he had. (=perform)
    2. There is a call coming through (=be received by radio, telephone)
    3. Her divorce papers have come through. (=be issued)
    4. come through with an offer. (=pay)
  26. I was glad to see that he finally came to his sense. (=oneself)
    1. She needs to be more careful; come to that, so do I. (=for that matter)
    2. That all my plans should come to this! What a pity! (=reach such a bad state)
  27. Suddenly it all came together. (=become clear)
  28. Dictionaries come under reference books. (=be classified)
  29. When are you coming up to London? (=come to a big city)
    1. A storm is coming up. (=approach)
    2. Coming up! (=dinner is served)
    3. The grass will come up again in the spring. (=rise above)
    4. The question will come up at the next meeting (=be put forward)
    5. His dinner came up. (=be vomited)
    6. A vacancy has come up. (=appear)
    7. come up for a election. (=be a candidate)
    8. come up a winner (=result)
    9. Your work doesn't come up to his standard. (=be equal to)
    10. It did not come up with our expectations.
    11. Our public leaders are imaginative ad often came up with new ideas.
    12. come up with a new idea. (=produce)
  30. If you order the steak, the salad comes with it. (=be included)
  31. That subject does not come within the scope of my investigation. (=be included in)
  32. How come you never replied my letter. (=How does it happen that?)
  33. She went bankrupt, but I think she had it coming. (=deserve)
  34. Films that would inspire generations to come. (=in the future)
  35. When it comes to mathematics I'm hopeless. (=in the case of)


  1. 変化が生じる
  2. 偶然遭遇;
    1. 偶然発見
    2. 意見交差
    3. 立脚点
  3. 後に出る
  4. ついて行く
    1. 同行する
    2. 同調する
    3. ひょっこり現れる
  5. 束の間
    1. 見え隠れするする
  6. ぶらり訪ねる
    1. 意識回復
    2. 意見変更
    3. 定期的到来
    4. 段階が到来
  7. 元へ戻る
    1. 思い出す
    2. 再流行
  8. 先行する
    1. 持ち込む
    2. 優先
  9. 割り込む
    1. 介在
  10. 偶然入手する
    1. 通りかかる
  11. 降りてくる
    1. 墜落
    2. 伝わる
    3. 味方する
    4. 卒業
    5. 要するに
    6. 伝わる
  12. 非難する
    1. 金の督促
  13. 提案
  14. 進み出る
  15. 逆転する
  16. 身に染みる
    1. 痛切に感じる
  17. 判明
    1. 流行
    2. 入荷
    3. 種類
    4. 位置を占める
    5. 役立つ
    6. 対象になる
    7. 参加する
    8. に接触する
  18. 矢面
    1. 獲得する
    2. 問題に入る
    3. 出現する
    4. 見えてくる
  19. 参画
  20. 成人年齢

  21. ぞんざいに言い方
    1. 点灯
    2. 開催
    3. 入賞
    4. 成功する
    5. 上映中止
    6. 除外
    7. 帰任
    8. やめろ
  22. 成人になる
    1. 接近
    2. 開始
    3. 後で参加
    4. 上演
    5. 急げ
    6. 点灯
    7. 発表
  23. 出現
    1. 離脱
    2. 消去
    3. 露呈
    4. 大丈夫
    5. 好評
    6. 開花
    7. スト決行
    8. 現像
    9. 判明
    10. 宣言
    11. 合計...になる
    12. 暴露
    13. 発言
    14. 取り出す
    15. 出版
  24. 感情が襲う
    1. 近寄る
    2. 変節
  25. 生き延びる
    1. やり遂げる
    2. 無線連絡
    3. 完結
    4. 受諾支払
  26. 意識を取り戻す
    1. その件については
    2. こんな状況
  27. 明確化
  28. 分類される
  29. やってくる
    1. 接近
    2. 用意できた
    3. 繁茂
    4. 提案
    5. 吐く
    6. 出現
    7. 立候補する
    8. の結果となる
    9. 匹敵
    10. に追いつく
    11. 思い付く
    12. 生み出す

  30. 付属
  31. 範囲内
  32. どうなっているか
  33. 自業自得
  34. 将来n
  35. に関しては

>Top cut

  1. cut
  2. cut across
  3. cut at
  4. cut away
  5. cut back
  6. cut both ways
  7. cut corners
  8. cut down
  9. cut in
  10. cut through


  1. The theif cut the bag open to steal the money.
    1. I cut the pie eqaully into quaters so the kids wouldn't quarrel.
    2. Could you cut me a piece of cake?
    3. Someboy cut a hole in the fence?
    4. Time to cut the grass, honey?
    5. Cut the noise, will you? I can't sleep.
  2. Feelings on this subject cut across traditional party loyalties. (=go contrary to )
  3. That cuts at all my hopes. (=tend to destroy)
  4. cut away dead branches from a tree. (=take away)
  5. The factory had to cut back its production. (=reduce)
  6. Your argument cuts both ways, so be careful how to use it. (=serve both sides of an argument)
  7. cut corners in house construction. (=economize)
  8. He was cut down by cancer in his prime. (=destroy)
  9. A truck cut in on [in front of] me. (=cut-in)
  10. The cold wind cut through my coat. 


  1. 切り裂く
    1. 切り分ける
    2. 切ってやる
    3. 穴を開ける
    4. 芝刈り
    5. 騒音
  2. 矛盾する
  3. 砕く
  4. 取り払う
  5. 縮小する
  6. 両方に通じる
  7. 手を抜く
  8. 病気で倒れる
  9. 割り込む
  10. 身に染みる

>Top <C>:

  1. care
    1. care for
    2. care about
  2. catch
    1. catch a sight of
    2. catch at
    3. catch hold of
    4. catch in
    5. catch it
    6. catch on
    7. catch on
    8. catch out
    9. catch up
    10. catch up
    11. catch up
    12. catch up with
  3. coincide
    1. coincide with

  4. comply
    1. comply with
  5. conform
    1. conform to
  6. consent
    1. consent to
  7. consist
    1. consist in
    2. consist of
  8. cope
    1. cope with
  9. correspond
    1. correspond with
    2. correspond to
  10. count
    1. count for
    2. count on


  1. care
    1. I don't care for wine. (=be interested in)
    2. I don't care a bit about the future.
  2. catch
    1. They caught sight of Tom in the crowd.
    2. A drowning man will catch at a straw. (=seize eagerly)
    3. He caught hold of her as she slipped. (=grasp & hold)
    4. catch a dress in at the waist. (=make tighter)
    5. I'll catch it if he finds me here. (=be punished)
    6. I tried to help him catch on. (=understand)
    7. The fashion caught on. (=become popular)
    8. I have caught him out in several mistakes. (=find mistakes)
    9. I must catch up on my work. (=make up for lost time)
    10. I caught him up on the latest developments. (=get latest information)
    11. Her closing was caught up in the machine. (=entangled)
    12. It's difficult to catch up with Japan in the production of cars.
  3. coincide
    1. The publication of the article coincided with the professor's birthday. 
  4. comply
    1. I cannot comply with his request.
  5. conform
    1. We have to conform to this social pattern.
  6. consent
    1. They will not consent to your proposal.
  7. consist
    1. Happiness does not consist only in having many things.
    2. The committee consists of five members.
  8. cope
    1. He couldn't well to cope with driving heavy traffic after his accident.
  9. correspond
    1. His actions do no always correspond with his words.
    2. The broad lines on the map correspond to roads.
  10. count
    1. The information counts for much to us.
    2. We can count on him for financial help.


  1. care
    1. が好きだ
    2. 気にかける
  2. catch
    1. を見つける
    2. 必死に掴む
    3. 掴んで支える
    4. 締める
    5. 叱られる
    6. 理解させる
    7. 人気が出る
    8. 間違い発見
    9. 追いつく
    10. 取り戻す
    11. 最新情報得る
    12. 巻き込む
  3. coincide
    1. と一致する
  4. comply
    1. に応じる; 服从fúcóng
  5. conform
    1. 順応する
  6. consent
    1. 同意する
  7. consist
    1. 存在する
    2. から成る
  8. cope
    1. うまく処理する
  9. correspond
    1. 一致する
    2. に相当する
  10. count
    1. 非常に重要である
    2. 当てにする

>Top do

  1. do as you would...

  2. have done with
  3. do away with
  4. do badly by
  5. do for
    1. do for
    2. do for
    3. do for
    4. do for
    5. do for
    6. do for
  6. do one's best
  7. do the sights of
  8. do with
    1. do with
    2. do with
    3. do with
    4. do with
    5. make do with
  9. do without
    1. go without


  1. Do as you would be done by.
    (=Do to others what you would have them do to you.)
  2. Have you done with the newspaper? (=put an end to)
  3. They have done away with uniforms at that school.(=get rid of)
  4. The company does badly by its employees. (=treat badly)
  5. I'm done for unless I can get a loan from the bank. (=ruin, kill)
    1. You won't do for a lawyer.
    2. This box will do for a chair. (=serve the purpose of)
    3. the lady does for us. (Br: care of)
    4. How did you do for food during the war? (=manage to get)
    5. What hall we do for a holiday this year? (=engage in as)
    6. Once you are married, you are done for. (=exhaust)
  6. I'll try my best. I can't promise anything.
    I'll do my best. - Don't try your best. Do it!
    I'll do my best. - Your best is not enough. Close the deal1
    1. Cf: Good luck; You can do it; Break a leg; Keep it up; Keep it your the great work; Hang in there (=Don't give up); Go Engles!
    2. I'll get it done; You can count on me.; I won't let you down
    3. Hang in there! We only have 5km to go. Let' finish strong!
  7. I'm going to do the sights of London next week. (=see)
  8. What did you do with my scissors? (=dispose of)
    1. What can we do with this vase she has given us? (=dispose of)
    2. My hair is so stiff I can do nothing with it. (=treat)
    3. He didn't know what to do with himself during the holidays.
    4. I could do with more space here. (=need)
    5. We made do with old coat. (=manage with)
  9. She could do without food for a day. (=manage without)
    1. I cannot do without your interference. (=would prefer not to have)


  1. されることをする
  2. 終了
  3. 取りやめ
  4. 酷使する
  5. なしで済ます
    1. に向く
    2. の代わり
    3. 家政婦
    4. 手配
    5. 過ごす
    6. 消耗
  6. 結果出せないかも
    1. 努力じゃなくやれ
    2. 努力じゃだめだ
  7. 観光
  8. 始末
    1. 扱い
    2. 処分
    3. 始末
    4. 過ごす
    5. 我慢
  9. 我慢
    1. 皮肉

>Top draw

  1. draw apart from
  2. draw aside
  3. draw back from
  4. draw on
    1. draw on
  5. draw out
    1. draw out
  6. draw up


  1. The boat was seen to draw apart from the others.
  2. The coach drew him aside and gave him some advice.
  3. They drew back from the commitment.
  4. She drew the child on to tell her what had happened.
    1. The writer drew on actual incidents for ideas.
  5. They tend to draw out the meeting.
    1. The train drew out just as they reached the station
  6. A car drew up at the entrance.


  1. 引き離す
  2. 脇に寄せる
  3. 約束撤回
  4. 引き寄せる
    1. 参考にする
  5. 引き伸ばす
    1. 出発する
  6. 止まる

>Top <D>:

  1. date
    1. date back
  2. deal
    1. deal in
    2. deal with
  3. decide
    1. decide on
  4. die
    1. die of
  5. differ
    1. differ from
    2. differ in
  6. dispense
    1. dispense with
      1. dispense with
  7. drive
    1. drive at
  8. drop
    1. drop in at
  9. dwell
    1. dwell on


  1. date
    1. His family dates back to 17th century.
  2. deal
    1. At that store they deal in fish and meat.
    2. Zoology and botany deal with the study of life.
  3. decide
    1. She looked at several dolls and decided on the most beautiful one.
  4. die
    1. Many people die of cholera. [from]
  5. differ
    1. Their opinions differ from mine.
    2. People greatly differ in their views of life.
  6. dispense
    1. I cannot dispense with this dictionary.
      1. In doing this, we cannot dispense with his help.
  7. drive
    1. I cannot understand what he is driving at.
  8. drop
    1. On the way home, we dropped in at the Johnsons'.
  9. dwell
    1. In his speech he dwelt on the importance of education.


  1. date
    1. 遡る
  2. deal
    1. を商う
    2. を扱う
  3. decide
    1. に決める
  4. die
    1. で死ぬ
  5. differ
    1. とは異なる
    2. の点で異なる
  6. dispense
    1. なしで済ます
      1. なしで済ます
  7. drive
    1. を目指す
  8. drop
    1. ちょっと立ち寄る
  9. dwell
    1. 長々と述べる

>Top <E>:

  1. end
    1. end (up) with
  2. enter
    1. enter into


  1. end
    1. The party ended up with a chorus.
  2. enter
    1. They entered into a discussion about the issue.


  1. end
    1. 最後は〜で終わる
  2. enter
    1. を始める

>Top <F>:

  1. fail
  2. fit


  1. fail
    1. He will fail in the examination ten to one.
  2. fit


  1. fail
    1. 落ちる
  2. fit

>Top fall

  1. fall short of
  2. fall back on


  1. My income falls short of my expenditure by £100.
  2. We must have something to fall back on.


  1. に達しない
  2. に頼る

>Top find

  1. find fault with


  1. They always find fault with others.


  1. に文句を言う

>Top fix



>Top <F>:

  1. face-off
  2. fail
    1. fail in
  3. fit
    1. fit in with


  1. Biden predicts face-off with Trump in 2024 election.
  2. fail
    1. He will fail in the examination ten to one.
  3. fit
    1. Will your new teammates fit in with your group?


  1. fail
    1. に失敗する
  2. fit
    1. 適合する

>Top get

  1. get across
  2. get away with
  3. get along with
    1. get along without
    2. get along
  4. get around
    1. get around
    2. get around
    3. get around to doing
  5. get at
    1. get at
    2. get at
  6. get away
    1. get away
    2. get away
    3. get away with
    4. get away with
  7. get back
    1. get back
    2. get back
    3. get back at
    4. get back to
    5. get back together
    6. get back to
    7. get back together
  8. get behind
  9. get by
    1. get by on
    2. get by
    3. get by
  10. get down
    1. get down to
    2. get down
    3. get down
  11. get going
  12. get in
    1. get in
    2. get in
    3. get in touch with
  13. get into
    1. get into
    2. get into
    3. get into
    4. get into
  14. get it
    1. get it
    2. get it
    3. get it
  15. get me
  16. get nowhere
  17. get on with
  18. get off
    1. get off
    2. get off
    3. get off
  19. get on
    1. get on
    2. get on
    3. get on
    4. get on
    5. get on one's nerves
  20. get out
    1. get out
    2. get out
    3. get out of
    4. get out of
    5. get out of
  21. get over
    1. get over
    2. get over
    3. get over
    4. get over
  22. get the better of
  23. get through
    1. get through
    2. get through
    3. get through with
    4. get through
  24. get to
    1. get to
  25. get together
  26. get up
    1. get up
    2. get up as
    3. get up to


  1. They got across the river by boat.
  2. While she was out, the thief got away with her jewels.
  3. How is he getting along with his school work?
    1. I can't imagine how to get along without her.
    2. I must be getting along.
  4. It's difficult in this town to get around without a car.
    1. Don't let this get around, but I think they plan to fire him.
    2. get around paying the laws.
    3. I never get around to weeding the garden.
  5. Put the medicine where the baby can't get at it.
    1. The truth of the case is difficult to get at.
    2. What are you getting at?
  6. Sorry, I couldn't get away from the meeting.
    1. There's no getting away from that.
    2. get the dirty things away.
    3. The buglar got away with the goods.
    4. No one should be allowed to get away with crimes.
  7. If you lend him money, youi can never get it back.
    1. He got the book back to the library.
    2. When will he get back?
    3. Hey, watch out! I'm going to get back at you.
    4. Get back to me on this by Friday morning.
    5. Well, let's get back to the topic were were discussing.
    6. I'm sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner.
    7. They got back together with after all.
  8. We got behind with the rent.
  9. Let me get by, please. (=pass)
    1. How can I get by on a small income?
    2. I just got by on the test.
    3. His petty larceny got by the manager.
  10. He helped me get the dishes down from the shelf.
    1. It's time to work now. Let's get down to business.
    2. Get down! He's going to shoot.
    3. Are things getting you down?
  11. Coffee gets me going.
  12. I got in some food the the store.
    1. We got the washing in before it started raining.
    2. The train got in on time.
    3. I will certainly get in touch with you next week.
  13. We got into the car.
    1. He got into a terrible panic when he was fired.
    2. What has got into you?
    3. He has gotten into a bad habit of drinking.
    4. The mother got her child into his socks.
  14. I don't get it.
    1. Do you get it?
    2. Don't you get it?
    3. You've got it.
  15. You've got me (there!)
  16. I got nowhere with my repeated requests.
  17. How are you getting on with your work.
  18. Let's get off this subject.
    1. If you are caught, you won't get off easy.
    2. He got off with just a warning.
    3. It took me 30 minutes to get the baby off to sleep.
  19. When the bus topped, we got on.
    1. My daughter is getting on well at school.
    2. It is getting on. We have to leave.
    3. She is getting on 80.
    4. Get on with your work.
    5. She has been late for every meeting and that's getting on my nerves.
  20. Get out of here.
    1. get a dog out.
    2. If the secret gets out, there will be trouble.
    3. I couln't get out of the parting until 10 o'clock.
    4. get out of paying taxes.
    5. I can't get out of the habit of smoking.
  21. I've got the exams over with.
    1. They didn't really get their ideas over to their audience.
    2. She got over her fiancial difficulties.
    3. I cannot get over the shock of losing the game.
    4. I can't get over how popular the movie is.
  22. Do you think the Republican Party will get the better of the Democratic Party?
  23. I don't really think I'll get through the exam this summer.
    1. I feel I'm not getting through to my students.
    2. I couldn't get through to London.
    3. When did you get through with your engineering problems?
    4. They got through all the money they inherited in a few years.
  24. Could you tell me how to get to Tokyo Station?
    1. She got to thinking that all was her fault.
  25. Let's get together next week.
  26. Don't get up.
    1. get up a party for her birthday.
    2. She was got up as a pricess.
    3. get up to the last page.


  1. 渡河する
  2. を持ち逃げする
  3. はかどる
    1. なしで済ます
    2. お暇する。
  4. 動き回る
    1. 噂が広まる
    2. くぐり抜ける
    3. 手が回らない
  5. 手が届く
    1. 突き止める
    2. 何が言いたいのか
  6. 会議を抜ける
    1. 無視する
    2. 取り除く
    3. 持ち逃げ
    4. 放っておく
  7. 取り戻す
    1. 返却
    2. 戻って来る
    3. 仕返しする
    4. 後で返事する
    5. 話題を戻す
    6. 返事が遅くなり
    7. よりを戻す
  8. 支払い滞納
  9. 通り抜ける
    1. 何とかやる
    2. 何とか合格
    3. 見逃す
  10. を降ろす
    1. 本題に戻る
    2. 伏せろ
    3. 大丈夫か
  11. 目が覚める
  12. 買い込む
    1. 取り込む
    2. 到着する
    3. と連絡をとる
  13. 乗り込む
    1. うろたえる
    2. どうなったか
    3. 身につく
    4. はかせる
  14. わからない
    1. わかるか
    2. まだわからないか
    3. その通り
  15. 議論で参った!
  16. 成果がでない
  17. はかどる
  18. 逃れる
    1. ただで済まない
    2. 警告だけで済む
    3. 寝付かせる
  19. 乗り込む
    1. うまくやる
    2. 遅くなる
    3. 年をとってくる
    4. 仕事を続ける
    5. 気に障る
  20. 出ていけ
    1. 外に出す
    2. 秘密が漏れる
    3. 抜け出す
    4. 納税を逃れる
    5. やめられない
  21. ようやく終わる
    1. うまく伝える
    2. 克服する
    3. 立ち直る
    4. 信じられない
  22. に勝つ
  23. 合格
    1. 話が通じる
    2. 電話が通じる
    3. をやり遂げる
    4. 全て使い切る
  24. 到着する
    1. 思い始める
  25. また会う
  26. そのままで
    1. 準備をする
    2. 扮装する
    3. まで進む

>Top give

  1. give away
    1. give away
    2. give away
    3. give away
    4. give away
  2. give back
    1. give back
  3. give birth to
  4. gie color to
  5. give in
    1. give in
    2. give in
    3. give in
    4. give in to
  6. give off
  7. give oneself to
  8. give onto
  9. give or take
  10. give out
    1. give out
    2. give out
    3. give out
    4. give out
    5. give out
    6. give out as
  11. give over
    1. give over
    2. give over
    3. give over
    4. give over
  12. give up
    1. give up
    2. give up
    3. give up
    4. give up on
  13. give way (to)
  14. I'll give you that
  15. give rise to
  16. give in
  17. what wouldn't I give


  1. He gave away all his money to them.
    1. The father gave away the bride.
    2. He gave away my hidig place.
    3. He said he was British, but his New Yourk accent gave him away.
    4. Engels gave away their last chance of winning the game.
  2. She gave him back the book.
    1. The new law gave some power back to the people.
  3. She gave birth Monday to her first child.
  4. guve color to a story
  5. I gave in. What's the answer?
    1. Eventually, I gave in to the temptation and had a cake.
    2. The enemy finally gave in.
    3. I gave in to his opinion.
    4. give the examination paper in to the teacher.
  6. The liquid gave off a strong smell.
  7. The aristocrats gave themselves (up) to pleasure and luxury. [devote]
  8. The door gives onto the yard.
  9. It will take an hour, give or take a few minutes.
  10. Our money gave out halfway through the trip.
    1. John's patience finally gave out.
    2. The engine gave out.
    3. The election date was given out.
    4. give out leaflets to those who enter the hall.
    5. The sun gives out light and heat to the earth.
    6. She gave herself out as a lawyer.
  11. Do give over!
    1. give him over to the police.
    2. They have give the work over to their assistants.
    3. That evening was given over to discussion.
    4. We have to give ourselves over to our work.
  12. It's too early to give up.
    1. I've given up trying to find work.
    2. I've given up the idea of becoming a doctor.
    3. Please give up this seat if an elderly or disabled person needs it.
    4. Don't give up on me. I'll do better.
  13. The bridge will give way under such a heavy load.
  14. You always had guts. I'll give you that.
  15. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumors.
  16. They had no choice but to give in to the terrorists' demands.[yield to]
  17. What wouldn't Engles gives to retain Ohtani?


  1. 寄付
    1. 送り出す
    2. ばらす
    3. ばれる
    4. ふいにする
  2. 返却
    1. 取り戻す
  3. を産む
  4. 話を潤色する。
  5. 降参
    1. 誘惑に負ける
    2. 降伏
    3. 意見に合わせる
    4. 提出
  6. 発する
  7. にふける
  8. 面している
  9. 多少増減
  10. 尽きる
    1. 堪忍袋
    2. 故障
    3. 発表
    4. 配布
    5. 発する
  11. いい加減にやめろ
    1. 引き渡す
    2. 任せる
    3. に当てる
    4. 全力を尽くす
  12. あきらめる
    1. 今あきらめる
    2. 将来あきらめる
    3. 譲る
    4. 見捨てる
  13. 壊れる
  14. それは認める 
  15. 引き起こす
  16. 屈する
  17. どんなことでもする

>Top go

  1. as things go
  2. to go
  3. go a long way
  4. go about
  5. go after
  6. go against
  7. go ahead
    1. go ahead with
  8. go along
    1. go along with
  9. go away
  10. go back
    1. go back
    2. go back
    3. go back on

  11. go by
    1. go by
    2. go by
    3. go by
    4. go by the board

  12. go down
    1. go down
    2. go down well with
    3. go down
    4. go down
    5. go down with
  13. go for
    1. go for
    2. go for it
  14. go in for
  15. go into
    1. go into
  16. go it
  17. go off
    1. go off
    2. go off
    3. go off
    4. go off
    5. go off
  18. go on
    1. go on
    2. go on
    3. go on
    4. go on
    5. go on ...ing
    6. go on with
  19. go out
    1. go out
    2. go out
    3. go out
    4. go out together
    5. go out of one's way to
  20. go over
    1. go over to
  21. go round
    1. go round with
    2. go round about

  22. go through
    1. go through
    2. go through
  23. go towards
  24. go under
  25. go up
    1. go up
  26. go with
    1. go with
  27. go without
  28. first go


  1. As Chinese restaurants go, it wasn't bad.
  2. How long is there to go before the end of the lesson?
  3. A little language can go a long way.
  4. I wouldn't have any idea how to go about building a house. (=start; set about)
    1. Just go about your business and don't keep looking at me.
  5. I went after the boy who sole my wallet.
  6. She went against her parents' wishes and married him.
  7. I'll go ahead and tell them you're coming.
    1. We decided to go ahead with the match in spite of the rain.
  8. The course gets more difficult as you go along.
    1. I will go along with your plan. (=agree to)
  9. Just go away an leave me alone. (=leave; depart)
    1. We're going away to the coast this weekend.
  10. It's a wonderful city and I'd like to go back there one day.
    1. Let's go back to the subject were were discussing a few minutes ago.
    2. A lot of the buildings in the village go back to the 15C.
    3. I promised to help them and I can't go back on my word. (=break)
  11. As time went by, her confidence grew.
    1. She stood at the window watching people go by.
    2. You can't go by the railway timetables. The trains are very unreliable.
    3. We have to go by the referee's decision. (=obey)
    4. That radical drama went by the board after a few yeras.
  12. Interest rates are going down. (=decrease)
    1. The ship went down in a storm. (=sink)
    2. The film went down well with the critics. (=elicit a reaction)
    3. He'll go down in history as the greates scientist. (=be recorded)
    4. The team went down 2-1 in the first game. (=defeated)
    5. She has gone down with flu. (=suffer from an illness)
  13. I think I'll go for the roast chicken. (=choose)
    1. We've got financial problems but I suppose the same goes for a great many people. (=strike)
    2. Do you think we should buy it? Yeah, let's go for it!
  14. I'm not one of those who goes in for dieting. (=participate)
  15. I couldn't stop in time and went into the back of the car in front.
    1. Nobody took the trouble to go into the question in any detail. (=investigate)
  16. Go it! (=play up)
  17. He went off with some girls an hour ago.
    1. I woke up when my alarm clock went off.
    2. A bomb went off in the city centre. (=explode)
    3. I went off spicy food after I was ill last year.
    4. The milk has gone off. (=go bad)
    5. I used to like that band but they've gone off recently.
  18. I saw the lights go on in the house opposite.
    1. At time went on, she became more and more successful.
    2. Can you tell me what's going on there?
    3. This is a difficult period but it won't go on forever.
    4. There were no witnesses to the crime, so the police have very little to go on.
    5. I tried to go on thinking about the future, but in vain.
    6. Please go on with your dinner
  19. Let's go out for a meal tonight.
    1. Suddenly all the lights went out.
    2. That kind of music went out in the 70s.
    3. Is the tide coming in or going out?
    4. They went out together for five years before the got married.
    5. He went out of his way to find the house for me. [take the troubles to].
  20. We went go over the house before deciding whether to buy it.
    1. He went over to the Conservatives. (=change to to the other side)
  21. I'm going round to Jo's for dinner tonight.
    1. Her parents don't like the people who has started going round with.
    2. There's a rumor going round that he's going to resign.
  22. The widowed mother had to go through a lot of hardships.
    1. I went through all my pockets but I couldn't find my wallet.
    2. I'd hate to go through such a terrible ordeal again.
  23. The money I was given for my birthday went towards my new bike.
  24. A lot of firms are going under in the recession.
  25. The birth rate has gone up by 10%.
    1. The car crashed into a wall and went up in flames.
  26. She is going to have another blouse made to go with her costume.
    1. Pressure goes with the job.
  27. We shall have to go without a holiday this year.
  28. Andy passed his driving test first go.


  1. との比較では
  2. 残っている
  3. 大いに効果的
  4. 取り掛かる
    1. に集中する
  5. 追い駆ける
  6. に背く
  7. 先に行く
    1. 決行
  8. 進行
    1. に賛成だ
  9. 立ち去る
    1. 外泊旅行
  10. 戻る
    1. 話題に戻る
    2. 回顧する
    3. 約束を破る
  11. 時が経過する
    1. 通り過ぎる
    2. に頼る
    3. 従う
    4. 船外に落ちる>廃れる
  12. 下降
    1. 沈没
    2. 好意的に受け入れ
    3. 記録
    4. 敗北
    5. 病気
  13. を選ぶ
    1. 同じ適用
    2. やってみよう
  14. タイプではない
  15. 衝突する
    1. 詳細立ち入る
  16. しっかりやれ
  17. 一緒にいなくなる
    1. 目覚ましが鳴る
    2. 爆発する
    3. 嫌になる
    4. 落ちぶれる
    5. a
  18. 点灯する
    1. 時間経過
    2. 状況
    3. 継続
    4. 手掛かり
    5. 続ける
    6. 続ける
  19. ちょっと外出する
    1. 突然消える
    2. 出現
    3. 引き潮
    4. 結婚前提の交際
    5. わざわざする
  20. 事前によく吟味する
    1. 転向する
  21. ちょっと訪問
    1. 交際する
    2. 噂が広がる
  22. 困難に出会う
    1. くまなく探す
    2. 二度とこりごり
  23. 支払に当てる
  24. 下に沈む
  25. 上昇する
    1. 炎上する
  26. と調和する
    1. に伴う
  27. なしで済ます
  28. 一発で

>Top <G>:



>Top hand

  1. at hand
  2. hand and foot
  3. have hands full
  4. k in hand
    1. in hand
  5. live hand to mouth
  6. out of hand
  7. out of hands
  8. hand around
  9. hand back
  10. hand in
  11. hand out
  12. hand over


  1. Easter is near/close at hand.
  2. wait on him hand and foot.
  3. Sorry, but I've got my hands full right now.
  4. stock in hand
    1. work a month in hand
  5. live hand to mouth (=hand-to-mouth)
  6. get out of hand.
  7. It's out of my hands now.
  8. hand around the coffee and cakes.
  9. hand him the book.
  10. He wrote a report and handed it in on on time.
  11. hand out leaflets
  12. hand over the estate to him.


  1. 間近だ
  2. 手足となって
  3. 手が塞がって
  4. 手持ちの
    1. 後払いで
  5. その日暮らし
  6. 手に負えない
  7. 手を離れて
  8. 配る
  9. 返す
  10. 提出する
  11. 配る
  12. 譲り渡す

>Top have

  1. have an eye for
  2. have a go
  3. have a high opinion of
  4. have a likiing for
  5. have an effect on
  6. have faith in
  7. have a word with
  8. have had enough of
  9. have done with


  1. Tom has an eye for modern painting.
  2. Shall I have a go at fixing it for you?
  3. I have a high opinion of the film director. [good]
  4. She has a strong liking for cooking. [fancy]
  5. The news have an effect on public opinion.
  6. The infant has faith in his mother taking care of him.
  7. Before we go into the meeting, may I have a word with you?
  8. I have had enough of his nonsense.
  9. Have you done with the book?


  1. 見る目がある
  2. 試しにやる
  3. 高く評価する
  4. が好きだ
  5. に効果がある
  6. を信用する
  7. ちょっと話す
  8. もう沢山
  9. を終える

>Top hold

  1. hold back
  2. hold it
  3. hold on
  4. hold out


  1. hold back from giving one's opinion.
  2. Hold it!
  3. Hold on a minute. I'm coming, too.
  4. I hope our supply of firewood will hold out until spring.


  1. 差し控える
  2. 動くな
  3. ちょっと待って
  4. 持ちこたえる

>Top <H>:

  1. hang
    1. hang on
  2. hear
    1. hear from
    2. hear of
  3. help
    1. help oneself to
  4. hit
    1. hit on
    2. hit the spot


  1. hang
    1. His life hangs on the judge's decision.
  2. hear
    1. I hadn't hear from him for at least two years.
    2. I'm sure you were surprised to hear of my marriage.
  3. help
    1. Please help yourself to the fruit.
  4. hit
    1. He hit on the answer to the problem as he was having lunch.
    2. Beer hits the spot in summer.
      1. Looks like we got a new can design thanks to the best player in baseball. Thoughts? - Coor Light (23/9/7)


  1. hang
    1. 判断次第
  2. hear
    1. 便りをもらう
    2. を耳にする
  3. help
    1. 自由に食べる
  4. hit
    1. 答えを思い付く
    2. 申し分ない

>Top < I >:

  1. indulge
    1. indulge in
  2. inquire
    1. inquire after
    2. inquire into
  3. interfere
    1. interfere with
    2. interfere in

< I >:

  1. indulge
    1. You cannot indulge in the pleasure of spending money freely.
  2. inquire
    1. I went to the hospital to inquire after his health.
    2. They are inquiring into the matter.
  3. interfere
    1. The traffic noise interfered with my sleep.
    2. You have no right to interfere in other people's affairs.

< I >:

  1. indulge
    1. にふける
  2. inquire
    1. を見舞う
    2. を調査する
  3. interfere
    1. の邪魔をする
    2. に干渉する

>Top <J>:



>Top keep

  1. keep abreast with
  2. keep after
  3. keep an eye on
  4. keep at
    1. keep at it
  5. keep away
    1. keep away from
    2. keep away
  6. keep back
    1. keep back from
  7. keep company with
  8. keep to oneself
  9. keep down
    1. keep down
  10. keep from
  11. keep in
    1. keep in
    2. keep in with
    3. keep in touch with
  12. keep off
    1. keep off
    2. keep off
    3. keep off
  13. keep on
    1. keep on
    2. keep on ...ing
    3. keep on about
  14. keep out
    1. keep out
  15. keep to
    1. keep to oneself
    2. keep to oneself
  16. keep together
  17. keep under
  18. keep pace with
  19. keep up
    1. keep up
    2. keep up
    3. keep up
    4. keep up with
    5. keep up with


  1. Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest precision medicine.
  2. His mother kept after him to clean his room.
  3. Keep an eye on the girls; there are poor swimmers.
  4. The teacher kept us at our work all afternoon.
    1. Keep at it!
  5. I didn't see you yesterday. What kept you away?
    1. My parents tole me to keep away from those boys.
    2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (=keep health)
  6. I could not keep back my tears. (=hold back)
    1. I kept the news back from him. (=conceal)
  7. You should not keep company with such people.
  8. Lest us keep this matter to ourselves.
  9. keep one's weight down. (=prevent from rising)
    1. You can't keep a good man down.
  10. I couldn't keep myself from smiling.
  11. The doctor kept in for a week. (=stay in a house)
    1. I play tennis occaionally, to keep my hand in. (=keep skilled)
    2. keep in with one's neighbors. (=be friendly with)
    3. He kept in touch with her by mail and telephone while he was overseas.
  12. Keep your hands off my money! (=refrain from touching)
    1. Keep off the grass. (=stay away from)
    2. The rain kept off all day. (=not begin falling)
    3. keep off an embarrassing subject. (=avoid)
  13. He was kept on at his old job. (=continue to employ)
    1. I'm tire of my work, but I still keep on at it. (=continue)
    2. He kept on writing to her though she never answered his letter.
    3. He does keep on about the state of his health.
  14. keep out the mosquitoes. (=prevent from coming in)
    1. keep out of the sun. (=keep in the shade)
  15. keep to the straight and narrow path. (=live a virtuous life)
    1. Keep this to yourself. (=not reveal)
    2. Keep your hands to yourself. (=don't touch me)
  16. The party kept together. (=not separated)
  17. The firemen kept the fire under. (=control over)
  18. We have not kept pace with the latest research.
  19. keep one's trousers up (=prevent from falling)
    1. keep up a big house. (=maintain in a good state)
    2. keep up one's English (=not let skill decline)
    3. The wind kept up for several hours. (=continue unchanged)
    4. worked so fast and I couldn't keep up with his pace. (=not fall behind)
    5. keep up with old friends. (=maintain contact)


  1. 遅れずについていく
  2. ...するよう催促
  3. 目を離さない
  4. 続けさせる
    1. 頑張れ
  5. 見かけない
    1. 近づけない
    2. 遠ざける
  6. 抑えておく
    1. 言わないでおく
  7. と交際する
  8. 我々の間に留める
  9. 増やさない
    1. 押さえつけおく
  10. 笑いをとめる
  11. 家に留める
    1. 力量を保つ
    2. 友好を保つ
    3. 接触を続ける
  12. 触るな
    1. 進入禁止
    2. 降らずに保つ避ける
  13. し続ける
    1. 続ける
    2. 続ける
    3. しつこく続ける
  14. 蚊を入れない
    1. 陰を確保
  15. 真っ直ぐな道を歩む
    1. 秘密にする
    2. 触るな
  16. 分裂しない
  17. 鎮火する
  18. 遅れをとらない
  19. 支える
    1. 維持する
    2. 技量を保つ
    3. 続く
    4. 遅れない
    5. 交流する

>Top knock

  1. knock down
    1. knock down
  2. knock off
    1. knock off
  3. knock out
  4. knock up


  1. knock down a building.
    1. After hard bargaining, I knocked the price down to 3,500 yen.
  2. knock off smorking.
    1. knock 10 cents off the price.
  3. The storm knocked out power in our neighborhood.
  4. Make sure you knock me up early in the morning.


  1. 解体
    1. 値下げ
  2. やめる
    1. 割り引く
  3. 破壊する
  4. ノックで起こす

>Top <K>:



>Top lay

  1. lay down
  2. lay emphasis on
  3. lay in
  4. lay into


  1. The troops laid down their guns.
  2. We lay emphasis on the importance of being sincere. (=stress)
  3. They laid in supplies against a blizzard.
  4. My parents laid into me for lying.


  1. 投降する
  2. 強調する
  3. 蓄える
  4. 攻撃する

>Top leave

  1. leave behind
  2. leave off
    1. leave off ...ing
  3. leave out
  4. leave over
  5. leave O to oneself


  1. leave my wife behind.
  2. Where did we leave off last time?
    1. He left off moaning about everything.
  3. He was left out of the baseball team.
  4. There's some vegetables lefe over from lunch.
  5. If he won't cooperate, leave him to himself.


  1. 先立つ
  2. どこまでやったか
    1. やめる
  3. 除く
  4. 残りがある
  5. 好きにさせる

>Top let

  1. let go of


  1. Don't let go of my hand, or you'll get lost.


  1. 手放す

>Top look

  1. look about
  2. look after
    1. look after
    2. look after
  3. look ahead
  4. look around
    1. look around
  5. look at
    1. look at
    2. look at
    3. look at
  6. look back
    1. look back
  7. look down on
  8. look for
    1. look for
    2. look for
  9. look forward to ...ing
  10. look in (on)
  11. look into
  12. look on
    1. look on
  13. look out
    1. look out
    2. look out for
    3. look out for
  14. look over
  15. look round
  16. look the other way
  17. look through
    1. look through
  18. look to
    1. look to it that
  19. look up
    1. look up
    2. look up
    3. look up
    4. look up
  20. to look at


  1. I need time to look about me. (=examine)
  2. look after a baby. (=take care of)
    1. look after one's business. (=pay attention to)
    2. I'll look after the bill. (=deal with)
  3. look ahead to one's retirement. (=look into the future)
  4. He looked around for a place to park his car. (=look about)
    1. We looked around the meseum. (=inspect)
  5. A cat may look at a king.
    1. Let's look at the facts. (=examine)
    2. He wouldn't look at my suggestion (=reject)
    3. She looks at things differently not that she's older. (=assess)
  6. look back longingly on the old days. (=recollect)
    1. Since then the indutry has never looked back. (=make progress)
  7. look down on the lower classes. (=despise)
  8. look for employment. (=search for)
    1. I don't look for much profit from the business. (=expect)
    2. We're looking for young men witn initiative. (=require)
  9. They are looking forward seeing you. (=wait for with pleasue)
  10. The doctor looked in on me yesterday. (=pay a short visit)
  11. The police are looking into the paper records of all the suspects. (=make an inquiry into)
  12. All we could do was look on as the house burned. (=watch)
    1. I look on him as a friend. (=consider)
  13. look out and see if it is raining. (=look to the outside)
    1. I looked out my old photographs. (=look for and bring out)
    2. The poice are looking out for the wanted criminal..
    3. look out for one's health (Am: =be careful about)
  14. The parents look over their son's school. (=examine)
  15. Don't look round now, but someone is following us. (=turn around to look)
  16. The traffic rules are easily broken because the police look the other way.
  17. Please look through these papers at your leisure. (=glance quickly)
    1. I was standing next to you, and you looked right through me. (=ignore)
  18. We can't look to a holiday this summer. (=pay attention to)
    1. Just look to it that this doesn't happen again. (=take careful action)
  19. look up the number in the telephone book
    1. look me up when you are in town. (=call on)
    2. Business is looking up. (=become better)
    3. He looked up when I came in. (=raise one's eyes)
    4. All her students look up to her.
  20. To look at him, you'd never think he was a brilliant professor.


  1. 自分を見つめる
  2. 面倒見る
    1. 留意する
    2. 支払う
  3. 展望する
  4. 探す
    1. 調査する
  5. 誰にも見る権利がある
    1. 事実を調査する
    2. 拒否する
    3. 評価する
  6. 懐かしむ
    1. 後退する
  7. 見下げる
  8. 探す
    1. 期待する
    2. 求める
  9. 楽しみにする
  10. ちょっと訪問
  11. 捜査する
  12. 傍観する
    1. みなす
  13. 確認する
    1. 探し出す
    2. 行方捜査
    3. 健康留意
  14. 下見する
  15. 振り向くな
  16. 見ぬふりする
  17. ゆっくり御覧下さい
    1. 心を見抜く
  18. 期待できない
    1. これに留意すると
  19. 電話帳で調べる
    1. 町にいるなら寄って
    2. 上向いている
    3. 顔を上げた
    4. 尊敬している
  20. 彼は見かけ上

>Top <L>:

  1. live
    1. live up to
  2. long
    1. long for
  3. lose
    1. lose sight of


  1. live
    1. You ought to live up to your parents' expectations.
  2. long
    1. There is no one but longs for peace and security. (=yearn for)
  3. lose
    1. You must not lose sight of your main object.
      1. The center fielder lost sight of his ball.


  1. live
    1. 期待に応える
  2. long
    1. 切望する
  3. lose
    1. 見逃す
    2. 見失う

>Top make

  1. make a day of it
  2. make a fool of
  3. make against
  4. make allowances for
  5. make away with
    1. make away with
  6. make believe
  7. make do with
  8. make for
    1. make for
    2. make for
  9. make friends with
  10. make fun of
  11. make head of tail of
  12. make it
    1. make it
  13. make light of
  14. make little of
  15. make much of
  16. make nothing of
  17. make off
  18. make out
    1. make out
    2. make out
    3. make out
    4. make out
    5. make out
  19. make over
    1. make over
  20. make room for
  21. make sense of
  22. make the best of
  23. make the most of
  24. make up
    1. make up
    2. make up
    3. make up
    4. make up
    5. make up
    6. make up
    7. make up
    8. make up for
  25. make use of
  26. make with


  1. They made a day of it at the races.
  2. You can't make a fool of me.
  3. facts the makes against the theory. (=tend to hinder)
  4. make allowances for breakage. (=consider)
  5. make away with money.
    1. make away with oneself. (=kill)
  6. Let's make believe we are pirates. (=pretend)
  7. make do with an old coat (=do with)
  8. The bull made for him. (=attack)
    1. The climate makes for good health (=promote)
    2. He made for the door and tried to escape.
  9. We have made friends with Tom.
  10. They always make fun of Rose because her hair is green. (=laugh at)
  11. I can't make head or tail of it. (=heads or tails)
  12. He just made it to the station in time. (=reached)
    1. I doubt if he can make it on his own. (=manage)
  13. This is not the kind of situation that should be made light of.
  14. She was brave and cheerful, and always made little of her troubles.
  15. His new theory was made much of by other scholars. (=consider as important)
  16. Making nothing of the cold, he went out in thin clothes.
  17. I tried to stop her but she made off in a hurry. (=escape)
  18. We couldn't make out the path in the darkness.
    1. I can't make him out.
    2. make out a receipt to a person. (=fill out)
    3. make oneself out to be wise.
    4. He made out that he could cook. (=cause a person to appear)
    5. He made out very well in his exam. (=manage)
  19. make over one's property to one's son. (=transfer)
    1. The basement has been made over into a workshop. (Am: =remake)
  20. She made room for an old woman in the bus.
  21. I can't make sense of what he means. (=understand)
  22. It can't be helped. Let's make the best of the bad job.
  23. Make the most of your youth while it lasts.
  24. make up a prescription. (=make up a sheet)
    1. 20 members make up a quorum. (=form)
    2. make up a story. (=create)
    3. She made up before the party. (=powder)
    4. make hard to make up (for) the lost time. (=recover)
    5. They made up their minds to travel abroad. (=decide)
    6. John made it up with Mary. (=settle a quarrel)
    7. We invited John in to make up a four at bridge. (=complete by adding)
    8. Our success will make up for the hard times. (=compensate for)
  25. He made use of the opportunity to improve his English.
  26. I'm hungry; make with the food. (Am: =come out with)


  1. 楽しい一日を過ごす
  2. かつぐ
  3. 理論に反する事実
  4. 斟酌する
  5. 持ち逃げ
    1. 殺す
  6. ふりをする
  7. 間に合わせる
  8. 攻撃する
    1. 役立つ
    2. に向かう
  9. 友達になる
  10. 笑いものにする
  11. さっぱりわからない
  12. 間に合う
    1. 自力で成し遂げる
  13. 軽んじる
  14. 軽んじる
  15. 重んじる
  16. ものともしない
  17. 逃げる
  18. 見失う
    1. 理解する
    2. 発行する
    3. かのようにする
    4. かのようにする
    5. うまくやる
  19. 移転
    1. 改装
  20. 席を譲る
  21. わかる
  22. 頑張る
  23. 最大限活用
  24. 作る
    1. 定足数満たす
    2. 作り上げる
    3. 化粧
    4. 埋め合わせる
    5. 決心
    6. 仲直り
    7. 4人一組
    8. 報われる
  25. 利用する
  26. まず食べ物を

>Top move

  1. move in
  2. move on
  3. move up
    1. move up


  1. (⇔move out) How soon will they move in?
  2. move on to higher things.
  3. It's your big chance to move up in the world.
    1. Can you move up and make room for two more people.


  1. 引っ越して来る
  2. 出世する
  3. 昇進
    1. 席を詰める

>Top <M>:



>Top <N>:



>Top <O>:

  1. object
    1. object to


  1. object
    1. Do you object to my idea?


  1. object
    1. 反対する

>Top pass

  1. pass away
  2. pass by
  3. pass down
  4. pass for
  5. pass off
    1. pass off
    2. pass off
  6. pass on
    1. pass on
  7. pass out
    1. pass out
    1. pass out
  8. pass over
    1. pass over
  9. pass through
  10. pass up


  1. Don't you know that he passed away two years ago? (=die)
  2. I cannot let the remark pass by in silence. (=past)
  3. The skill has been passed down from generation to generation. (=hand down)
  4. He passes for a learned man in our community.
  5. The meeting passed off successfully. (=take place)
    1. He passed himself off as an actor. (=pretend)
    2. He passed his illness off as a mere cold. (=make light of)
  6. Let's pass on to the next subject. (=move on)
    1. John has the measles, and I'm afraid he'll pass it on to his sister. (=hand on)
  7. They passed out free samples at the fair. (=hand out)
    1. My vision began to darken and at last I passed out. (=faint)
    2. pass out a military academy. (Br: =graduate from)
  8. I passed over the details.
    1. He was passed over when his turn came for promotion.
  9. We passed through many difficulties.
  10. She passed up the chance of a trip to Paris. (=neglect to seize an opportunity)


  1. 逝く
  2. 聞き捨てにする
  3. 伝承される
  4. として通る
  5. 開催される
    1. なりすます
    2. 軽んじる
  6. 移る
    1. 感染させる
  7. 手渡す
    1. 気を失う
    2. 軍学校卒業
  8. 見過ごす
    1. 無視される
  9. 切り抜ける
  10. 機会見逃す

>Top pay

  1. pay back
    1. pay back
  2. pay off


  1. You can pay me back anytime. (=repay)
    1. pay him back for his insult by causing him trouble.
  2. I finally paid off the 30-year mortgage on my house.


  1. 返済
    1. 仕返し
  2. 完済

>Top pick

  1. pick on
  2. pick out
    1. pick out
  3. pick up
    1. pick up
    2. pick up


  1. After that he hated me and picked on me.
  2. I can pick her out among the crowd.
    1. The house is picked out in white.
  3. Foods with wet surface pick up bacgtria easily.
    1. He tried to pick up someone at the party, but he had no luck.
    2. Hot springs are picking up among young women.


  1. いじめる
  2. 見分ける
    1. 目立つ
  3. 付着しやすい
    1. ナンパ
    2. 人気上昇

>Top play

  1. play a trick on
  2. play a part in
  3. play at
  4. play away
  5. play off
    1. play O off agaisnt
  6. play out
  7. play through
  8. play up
    1. play up to


  1. He wasn't perhaps playing a practical trick on us.(=joke)
  2. I think each of us plays a part in inviting today's confusion. (=role)
  3. play at war/ play at keeping a shop
  4. play away from home.
  5. play off (=break a tie by playing one more game)
    1. He skillfully played his rivals off against each other.
  6. play out the game.
  7. The organist played the hymn through before we started singing. (=play to the end)
  8. My shoulder is playing me up. (=give trouble to)
    1. He plays up to his boss because he wants a raise in salary. (=flatter)


  1. 悪ふざけをする
  2. 責任がある
  3. 戦争/お店ごっこをする
  4. 相手の本拠地で試合
  5. プレーオフ
    1. 漁夫の利の争いさせる
  6. あきらめないで戦う
  7. 前奏を最後まで弾く
  8. 調子が悪くなる
    1. 取り入ろうとする

>Top pull

  1. pull away
  2. pull down
    1. pull down
    2. pull down
  3. pull got
  4. pull in
    1. pull in
    2. pull in
  5. pull one's leg
  6. pull off
    1. pull off
  7. pull oneself together
  8. pull one's puntch
  9. pull out
    1. pull out
    2. pull out
    3. pull out
  10. pull over
  11. pull rank
  12. pull round
    1. pull round
  13. pull the plug
  14. pull the other one
  15. pull through
  16. pull together
  17. pull oneself up by ...
  18. pull up
    1. pull up
    2. pull up


  1. The scaffolding pulled away from the building. (=become separated)
  2. pull down an old house. (=demolish)
    1. He has been pulled down by illness. (=make weak)
    2. The history exam pulled me down.(=reduce to a lower position)
  3. pull for a hometown hero. (=cheer)
  4. You must pull in your expenses (=reduce)
    1. The show pulled in a good audience. (=attract)
    2. The police pulled in several drunks. (=take to the police station)
  5. You must be pulling my leg. (=fool him joking)
  6. pull off one's shoes. (=remove)
    1. The team pulled off an upset victory. (=succeed in doing)
  7. pull oneself together. (=recover one's self-control)
  8. pull one's punch. (=restrain one's full power.)
  9. pull out a story (=extend)
    1. The book has large illustrations which pull out. (=unfold & extend)
    2. The economy pulled out of the recession. (=recover from)
    3. pull out a pistol
    4. The US pulled out of Vietnam. (=withdraw)
  10. Pull over! (=move over to the side of a street)
  11. pull rank (=take unfair advantage of high rank)
  12. pull round (=cause to face in the opposite direction)
    1. The doctor tried to pull him round. (=recover from an illness)
  13. pull the plug (=withdraw from it)
  14. pull the other one (Br: =I don't believe you)
  15. Good nursing pulled him through. (=overcome)
  16. If we all pull together we may succeed. (=work together unitedly)
  17. pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps. (=try vainly to improve oneself without relying on help from anyone else.)
  18. pull up the grass. (=uproot)
    1. pull up a car (=stop)
    2. The chairman pulled him up at the meeting. (=restrain)
    3. His grades in math pulled him up. (=raise to a higher position)


  1. 離脱する
  2. 取り壊す
    1. 病気で弱る
    2. 成績を引き下げる
  3. 地元応援
  4. 減少
    1. 惹きつける
    2. 誘導する
  5. からかう
  6. 引っ張って脱ぐ
    1. 番狂わせの勝利
  7. 落ち着いて立ち直る
  8. 手加減する
  9. 延長
    1. 折込展開
    2. 回復する
    3. 拳銃を抜く
    4. 撤退する
  10. 脇に寄せろ
  11. 地位を利用する
  12. 旋回
    1. 病気回復
  13. 打ち切る
  14. うそだろう
  15. 回復する
  16. 一致協力する
  17. 自力でなんとかする
  18. 引き抜く
    1. 止める
    2. やめさせる
    3. 成績を引き上げる

>Top push

  1. push around [about]
  2. push back
  3. push oneself forward
  4. push it
  5. push off
    1. push off
  6. push on with
  7. push out
    1. push out
  8. push through
    1. push through
  9. push up
  10. get the push


  1. He always pushes his employees around. (=treating as servants)
  2. I pushed back the meeting half an hour. (=Am: change to a later date)
  3. He is not one to push himself forward. (=force oneself)
  4. If you push it too much, you'll lose everything.
  5. We pushed off in our little boat. (=move away from shore)
    1. It's time for us to push off now. (=go away)
  6. I pushed on with my work. (=keep advancing)
  7. push the boat out. (=move out to sea)
    1. The cape pushed out into the sea. (=project)
  8. push a bill through Congress. (=pass by using pressure)
    1. The baby's teeth are just pushing through. (=make an appearance)
  9. The bad weather pushed up the prices of vegetables. (=cause to rise rapidly)
  10. get the push. (Br: =be dismissed from employment; be fired)


  1. こき使う
  2. 予定を繰り延べる
  3. 人の注目を引く
  4. 調子に乗る、無理する
  5. 離岸する
    1. あっちへ行く
  6. 活動を継続する
  7. 出帆
    1. 出発する
  8. 無理して通す
    1. 生え出す
  9. 高騰する
  10. 首になる

>Top put

  1. put a false color on
  2. put about
  3. put above
  4. put across
  5. put an end to
  6. put aside
    1. put aside
  7. put away
    1. put away
    2. put away
  8. put back
    1. put back
  9. put before
  10. put behind one
  11. put down
    1. put down
    2. put down
    3. put down
    4. put down
    5. put down for
    6. put down to
  12. put forth
    1. put forth
  13. put forward
    1. put forward
  14. put in
    1. put in
    2. put in
    3. put in
    4. put in
    5. put in
    6. put in mind of
  15. put into
    1. put into
  16. put it down
  17. put it to ...that
  18. put off
    1. put off
    2. put off
    3. put off
  19. put on
    1. put on
    2. put on
    3. put on
    4. put on
    5. put on
    6. put on
    7. put on hold
  20. put onto
    1. put onto
  21. put out
    1. put out
    2. put out
    3. put out
    4. put out
    5. put out
    6. put out
  22. put over
  23. put through
    1. put through
    2. put through
    3. put through
  24. put together
    1. put together
  25. put toward
  26. put under
  27. put up
    1. put up
    2. put up
    3. put up
    4. put up
    5. put up
    6. put up
    7. put up
    8. put up
    9. put up with
  28. be hard put it to


  1. put a false color on (=misinterpret)
  2. It was put about that she got married. (=spread about)
  3. put honor above death. (=consider more important than)
  4. I can't put his idea across to you. (=cause to be accepted)
  5. We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible.
  6. put one's bag aside. (=lay aside)
    1. put aside one's anger. (=dismiss from the mind)
  7. put one's car away in the garage. (=take away and store in the usual place)
    1. put away money for one's retirement. (=save for future use)
    2. put away a gallon of beer. (=eat & drink)
  8. put a book back on the self. (=return to the former place)
    1. put the hands of the clock back one hour. (=move backward; Am: set back)
  9. put the new plan before the committee. (=present to)
  10. put one's past behind one. (=leave behind and not allow to affect one)
  11. put down one's glass. (=lay down)
    1. put down a rebellion. (=suppress)
    2. put the price down to ten dollars. (=lower)
    3. We put down at Osaka because of fog. (=land an airplane)
    4. Put ten dollars down and pay the rest in installments. (=give an down payment)
    5. put her down for the race. (=register)
    6. put down her unhappiness to her poverty. (=ascribe to)
  12. In spring, plants put forth new leaves. (=send out)
    1. put forth all one's energy. (=exercise)
  13. put forward a new plan.
    1. put the hands of a clock forward one hour. (Am: set ahead)
  14. She opened her purse and put in some money. (=place inside)
    1. The last election put the Conservatives in. (=place in office)
    2. put in electricity. (=install a utility)
    3. put in a document as evidence. (=submit)
    4. You are mistaken, she put in. (=insert)
    5. put in an hour cooking (=spend)
    6. I was put in mind of a poem by Wordsworth. (=remind of)
  15. put a lot of money into the business.
    1. Put ideas into a person's head.
  16. This book is quite interesting. I just couldn't put it down.
  17. I put it to you that you are concealing some of the facts.
  18. put off one's fears.(=lay aside)
    1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (=postpone)
    2. put off a child's question with lies. (=evade)
    3. The accident put him off driving. (=discourage)
  19. put on ones coat. (=cover oneself with closes)
    1. put on airs. (=pretend)
    2. put on a new play. (=produce)
    3. put the kettle on. (=place on the stove)
    4. put on the light. (=turn on)
    5. put on speed. (=increase)
    6. Are you putting on me? (=try to trick)
    7. put on hold becuase of objections from opposition parties.
  20. put the police onto the robbers. (=inform authorities)
    1. It was John that put me onto the new Mexican restaurant. (=inform of)
  21. put out one's hand (=stretch out)
    1. He put his shoulder out. (=dislocate)
    2. put out a fire. (=extinguish)
    3. put the garbage out for collection. (=bring out)
    4. put out 100 KW of electricity. (=generate)
    5. I was put out by her manner. (=upset)
    6. put out an announcement. (broadcast)
  22. put over an idea. (=cause to be understood)
  23. put a bullet through a person's head. (=pass through)
    1. put himself through night school to become an engineer. (=cause to do)
    2. put through a plan. (=perform)
    3. Please put me through to Mr. Jones. (=connect)
  24. put a machine together. (=combine)
    1. We must put our heads together. (=combine)
  25. put 100 dollars toward a fund. (=contribute to)
  26. He put the child under the care of a specialist.
  27. put up a flag. (=raise)
    1. put up a new house (=build)
    2. put the music up a half step. (=raise)
    3. put up a sword (=return to its proper place)
    4. put up a proposal. (=offer)
    5. put up goods for auction. (=offer for sale)
    6. He is putting himself up for Parliament. (=offer as a candidate)
    7. put up a great performance. (=show)
    8. The hotel can put you up a sandwich lunch. (=provide)
    9. I can't put up with the bad weather. (=endure)
  28. You would be hard put it to find a better job than this.


  1. 強いて曲解する。
  2. 噂が広がる
  3. 優先する
  4. うまく伝える
  5. やめる
  6. 脇に置く
    1. 抑制する
  7. 車庫にしまう
    1. 取っておく
    2. 飲み干す
  8. 棚に戻す
    1. 針を戻す
  9. 提案する
  10. 考えないでおく
  11. コップを置く
    1. 鎮圧する
    2. 値下げする
    3. 着陸する
    4. 内金払する
    5. 登録する
    6. のせいにする
  12. 芽吹く
    1. エネルギーを費やす
  13. 提出する
    1. 時計の針を進める
  14. 中にいれる
    1. 入閣する
    2. 提出する
    3. 設置する
    4. 口を挟む
    5. 時間をかける
    6. 思い出す
  15. 金を投入する
    1. アイデアを注入
  16. やめる
  17. ではないかと正す
  18. 横に置く
    1. 延期させる
    2. はぐらかす
    3. うんざりする
  19. 着る
    1. 気取る
    2. 演じる
    3. 載せる
    4. 点灯する
    5. 速度上げる
    6. からかう
    7. 保留される
  20. 警察に知らせる
    1. 役立つ情報を教える
  21. 伸ばす
    1. 捻挫する
    2. 消す
    3. ゴミを出す
    4. 発電
    5. 気分を害す
    6. 広報する
  22. わかりやすく伝える
  23. 貫通する
    1. 自力でやりぬく
    2. 完遂する
    3. 電話をつなぐ
  24. 組み立てる
    1. 考えをまとめる
  25. 資金提供する
  26. 預ける
  27. 掲げる
    1. 建てる
    2. 上げる
    3. 元に収める
    4. 提案する
    5. 競売にかける
    6. 立候補する
    7. 達成する
    8. 提供する
    9. 我慢する
  28. ...するのに苦労する

>Top <P>:

  1. part
    1. part from
    2. part ways with
    3. part with
  2. persist
    1. persist in
  3. prepare
    1. prepare for
  4. present
    1. present oneself at
  5. pride
    1. pride oneself on
  6. provide
    1. provide for


  1. part
    1. I parted from him on the street.
    2. Türkiye could part ways with the EU.
    3. I hated to part with my car.
  2. persist
    1. The lady persisted in wearing that old-fashioned shirt.
  3. prepare
    1. Science is the way to prepare for the 21st century.
  4. present
    1. I will present myself at the meeting.
  5. pride
    1. She prides herself on her skill in cooking.
  6. provide
    1. We must provide for the future.


  1. part
    1. と分かれる
    2. 分かれる
    3. を手放す
  2. persist
    1. 固執する
  3. prepare
    1. に備える
  4. present
    1. 出席する
  5. present
    1. が自慢である
  6. provide
    1. 備える

>Top <Q>:



>Top run

  1. run across
  2. run after
    1. run after
  3. run against
    1. run against
  4. run along
  5. run around
  6. run at

  7. run away
    1. run away with
    2. run away with
    3. run away with
    4. run away with
  8. run back
  9. run before one can walk
  10. run counter to

  11. run down
    1. run down
    2. run down
    3. run down
    4. run down
    5. run down
    6. run down
    7. run down
  12. run for
  13. run high
  14. run in
    1. run in
    2. run in
    3. run in the family
  15. run into
    1. run into
    2. run into
  16. run off
    1. run off
    2. run off
  17. run on
    1. run on

  18. run out of
    1. run out of
    2. run out
    3. run out
  19. run over
    1. run over
    2. run over
    3. run over
    4. run over
  20. run short of
  21. run through
    1. run through
    2. run through
  22. run up
    1. run up
    2. run up
  23. think up


  1. He ran across an old friend in the street. (=meet by chance)
  2. run after a thief. (=pursue)
    1. run after girls. (=try to become friendly)
  3. The ship run against a rock. (=strike against)
    1. run against time. (=race)
  4. Run along! (=go somewhere else and leave me alone)
  5. The children were running around in the garden.
  6. A dog ran at the boy. (=run toward)
  7. I tried to stroke the cat, but it ran away. (=go away hurriedly)
    1. run away with one's lover.
    2. Don't run away with the idea that you can pass the exam without studying. (=hold a belief wrongly)
    3. Hie temper ran away with him. (=cause to lose one's self-control)
    4. an electric stove runs away with a lot of electricity. (=consume)
  8. The wasted water will end up running back to your faucet. (=ran in the reverse direction.)
  9. run before one can walk (=attempt a difficult task before one masters the basic skills)
  10. His statement runs counter to that of the other witness. (=oppose)
  11. run down the street. (=run along)
    1. He was run down by a car. (=strike down while moving)
    2. run down an escaped prisoner. (=pursue & catch)
    3. She's always running down her husband in public. (=criticize)
    4. run down the list of items. (=read through quickly)
    5. He is thoroughly run down. (=become weak in health)
    6. run down a work force. (=reduce in number)
    7. The battery has run down. (=the power was used up )
  12. He is running for president in the next election.
  13. Feelings are running high. (=become excited)
  14. The bombers ran in on their target. (=come close to a target)
    1. He was run in for dangerous driving.
    2. run a new car in (=operate at a restricted speed to adjust)
    3. Red hair run in the family. (=be a feature of successive generations)
  15. The car ran into a wall (=collide)
    1. ran into trouble. (=be involved)
    2. I ran into her on the way home.
  16. Her husband ran off with his secretary.
    1. run off a string of names. (=recite fluently)
    2. Please run off 100 copies of this report. (=make copy)
  17. The woman ran on about all her troubles. (=continue speaking)
    1. run on a bank. (=bank run)
  18. We are running out of time. (=become used up)
    1. We have run out of beer. Drink others instead. ( use up supply)
    2. The cape runs out into the sea. (=project)
    3. Your subscription ran out two weeks ago. (=terminate)
  19. The water ran over the edge of the basin. (=flow over)
    1. A child is run over by a motorcar. (=pass over)
    2. run over one's note before an examination. (=read through again)
    3. We've run over our budget. (=exceed)
    4. run over to France (=go on a quick visit)
  20. The car ran short of gas before reaching the city.
  21. Let me just run through the main points again for you. (=summarize)
    1. run through one's money. (=use up quickly)
    2. The same feelings runs through all his work. (=pervade)
  22. run up expenses. (=rise in amount)
    1. run up a dress. (=sew quickly)
    2. The police came running up to the scene of the accident. (=approach running)
  23. think up some outrageous scheme for escapting.


  1. 偶然出会う
  2. 追い駆ける
    1. 付け回す
  3. 衝突する
    1. 時を争う
  4. あっちに行け
  5. 走り回る
  6. 走って向かってくる
  7. 逃げ去る
    1. 駆け落ちする
    2. 早合点する
    3. 自制心を失う
    4. 消費する
  8. 還流する
  9. 生半可に知識
  10. 異なる論述
  11. 沿って走る
    1. 車に轢かれる
    2. 追跡する
    3. 批判する
    4. ざっと見る
    5. 体を壊す
    6. 数を減らす
    7. 電池が切れる
  12. 立候補する
  13. 興奮する
  14. 目標に近づく
    1. 逮捕される
    2. 慣らし運転する
    3. 遺伝的特徴
  15. 衝突する
    1. 巻き込まれる
    2. 帰宅途中出会う
  16. 駆け落ちする
    1. すらすら読み上げる
    2. コピーする
    3. 立ち寄る
  17. 途切れずに述べる
    1. 取り付け騒ぎで殺到
  18. 時間がなくなる
    1. 在庫が切れる
    2. 突き出る
    3. 購読期間が切れる
  19. 流域を越える
    1. 轢かれる
    2. 復習する
    3. 予算超過する
    4. 駆け足訪問
  20. ガス欠する
  21. ざっと復習
    1. 浪費する
    2. 特徴が一貫
  22. 費用がかさむ
    1. 急いで裁縫する
    2. 駆けつける
  23. 途方もない考えをする

>Top <R>:

  1. refer
    1. refer to
  2. rely
    1. rely on
  3. resort
    1. resort to
  4. rest
    1. rest on
    2. rest with
  5. result
    1. result in


  1. refer
    1. Does your remark refer to me?
  2. rely
    1. You can't rely on the weather.
  3. resort
    1. He must have felt very desperate when he resorted to such a terrible act.
  4. rest
    1. Human economy rest on plants.
    2. It rest with you to decide means it is you who should decide.
  5. result
    1. The success resulted in your efforts.


  1. refer
    1. 言及する
  2. rely
    1. 当てにする
  3. resort
    1. に訴える、頼る
  4. rest
    1. 依存する
    2. 責任がある
  5. result
    1. を招く

>Top see

  1. as I see it
  2. nowhere to be seen
  3. I don't see why not
  4. I'll have to see
  5. I see what I can do
  6. long time no see
  7. now I've seen everything
  8. see about
    1. see about
    2. see about
  9. see better days
    1. see best days
  10. see beyond
  11. see ... dammed first
  12. see eye to eye with
  13. see fit to
  14. see for oneself
  15. see life
  16. see much of
  17. see nothing of
  18. see off
    1. see off
  19. see one's way clear to do
  20. see out
    1. see out
  21. see reason
  22. see red
  23. see something of
  24. see through
    1. see through
  25. see to


  1. as I see it (=as it seems to me)
  2. find someone nowhere to be seen.
  3. Can we go to the zoo? I don't see why not.
  4. I'll have to see.
  5. I see what I can do. (=try to do what you ask)
  6. Long time no see.
  7. Now I've seen everything.
  8. I must see about getting dinner ready. (=attend to; pay attention to)
    1. She had to go and see about a sick friend. (=care about)
    2. Did you see about renting a room for the meeting? (=think over)
  9. From his speech and manner, he has seen better days.
    1. an old coat that has seen best days.
  10. He can't see beyond the end of his nose. (=see further than: shortsighted)
  11. I'll see him damned [in hell] before I do what he wants. (=absolutely refuse)
  12. I can't see eye to eye with him over on the matter. (=agree entirely)
  13. Do as you see fit to. (=consider it suitable.)
  14. Why don't you come and see for yourself? (=find out by oneself)
  15. I really saw life. (=experience various way of living)
  16. I haven't seen much of him lately.
  17. I see nothing of him these days.
  18. I have been to the station to see my friend off. (=say farewell)
    1. The boys tried to steal apples, but the farmer soon saw them off. (=drive away)
  19. He couldn't see one's way to giving any assistance to them. (=feel able to do)
  20. Don't bother. I'll see myself out. (=see finished)
    1. I think we have enough fuel to see the winter out.
  21. I see no reason why you should resign. (=think sensibly)
  22. He saw red. He was literally shaking with rage. (=go mad with anger)
  23. I hope we can see something of you this year. (=have a chance to meet)
  24. I couldn't see through his lies. (=understand the true nature)
    1. I'll see you through your trouble. (=overcome a difficulty)
  25. I'll see to it that you have a rise after the first year. (=attend to)


  1. 私の考える所では
  2. 影も形もない
  3. もちろんよ
  4. 今は何とも言えない
  5. できるだけやる
  6. お久しぶり
  7. 思ってもみなかった
  8. 調べる, 講じる
    1. 面倒見る
    2. 手配する
  9. 良い時もあった
    1. 着古された
  10. 目先しか見ていない
  11. 絶対お断りする
  12. 全く同感
  13. 適切と思うことをして
  14. 自分の目で確かめる
  15. 人生経験
  16. よく会う
  17. 全く会わない
    1. 追い払う
  18. はっきりした答えを出す
  19. 助けられる気がしない
  20. 見送り結構
    1. 冬までもつ
  21. 理屈はある
  22. かっとなる
  23. また会う機会がある
  24. 見破る;
    1. 切り抜ける
  25. するよう取り計らう

>Top send

  1. send after
  2. send ahead
  3. send away
    1. send away
    2. send away
  4. send back
  5. send down
  6. send for
    1. send for
  7. send forth
  8. send in
    1. send in
  9. send off
    1. send off
    2. send off
    3. send off
  10. send on
  11. send out
    1. send out
    2. send out
  12. send up
    1. send up
    2. send up
  13. send word


  1. Mrs Williams had left her umbrella, so I sent Jimmy after her. (=send to follow)
  2. I sent my baggage ahead. (=send in advance)
  3. He was sent away to a boarding school. (=drive away)
    1. Can you send the solicitor away? (=dismiss)
    2. We have to send away for our groceries. (=send a message to another place)
  4. The book had some page missing, so I sent it back.
  5. The rain sent the temperature down. (=lower)
  6. You must send for the doctor immediately. (=send a message to ask)
    1. send for a book. (=send a message to order)
  7. The sun sends forth light and heat. (=send out)
  8. send in one's name as a candidate. (=submit)
    1. send in the tanks. (=cause soldiers to go into battle)
  9. send off one's baggage. (=dispatch)
    1. I went to the station to send him off. (=give a send-off)
    2. We sent the children off to school. (=drive away)
    3. send off a player to leave the field, because of an offense.
  10. We left instructions for our mail to be sent on to us. (=forward)
  11. send out young men as missionary. (=dispatch)
    1. The radio station sent out a message in code. (=transmit)
    2. A plant sends out new shoots. (=put forth)
  12. The explosion sent the building up in flames.(=cause to go up)
    1. The House of Commons sent the bill up to the House of Lords. (=higher authority)
  13. Send me word of your arrival. (=convey message)


  1. 追い駆けさせる
  2. 先に送る
  3. 遠方に送り出す
    1. 追い払う
    2. メールで注文
  4. 送り返す
  5. 下げる
  6. 呼びに行く
    1. メールで注文
  7. 発生する
  8. 提出する;
    1. 投入する
  9. 送り出す;
    1. 見送る
    2. 送り出す
    3. 退場させる
  10. 転送する
  11. 派遣する;
    1. 送信する;
    2. 発芽する
  12. 燃え上がる
    1. 送致する」
  13. 通知する

>Top set

  1. set about
    1. set about
    2. set about
  2. set against
    1. set against
  3. set ahead
  4. set apart
    1. set apart
    2. set apart
  5. set aside
    1. set aside
  6. set back
    1. set back
    2. set back

  7. set down
    1. set down
    2. set down
    3. set down
    4. set down
    5. set down
    6. set down for
  8. set in
    1. set in
  9. set into
  10. set off
    1. set off
    2. set off
    3. set off
  11. set on
  12. set out
    1. set out
    2. set out
  13. set to
    1. set to
  14. set up
    1. set up
    2. set up
    3. set up
    4. set up
    5. set up
    6. set up


  1. She set about writing the essay. (=begin to do)
    1. Who has set this gossip about? (=spread abroad)
    2. The two gangs set about each other. (=attack)
  2. Let us set your theory against his. (=compare the merit of)
    1. Malicious gossip set the friends against each other. (=make the enemy of)
  3. set the clocks ahead one hour. (=advance the hands of; Br: put forward)
  4. set some food apart for later on. (=set aside)
    1. set the dogs apart each other (=separate)
    2. He had exceptional qualities which set him apart from his classmates. (=distinguish)
  5. set money aside for one's children's education. (=put on one side)
    1. Let's set aside all formalities. (=disregard)
  6. Our plan have been set back by the shortage of funds.(=)
    1. The house was set back well away from the main road. (=move backward)
    2. This book set me back 30 dollars.
  7. set down a load. (=put down)
    1. Would you set me down at the next stop? (Br: =stop & allow to get down)
    2. I set him down as a fool. (=reckon)
    3. It is all set down in the book. (=put down on paper)
    4. set a person's bad manners down to ignorance. (=attribute to)
    5. Rules have been set down and must be obeyed. (=establish)
    6. The trial is set down for next Tuesday. (=appoint a time for)
  8. Rainy season has set in. (=start)
    1. The current set in to the shore. (=move)
  9. A large fireplace was set into the wall.
  10. The rumors of a recession set off a panic in the stock market. (=cause to explode)
    1. Dark clothing set her blond hair off. (=make more striking by contrast)
    2. set off a journey around the world. (=start off)
    3. set off the costs against the profits. (=balance a loss by a gain)
  11. The dog set on me savagely. (=attack suddenly)
  12. set out one's idea clearly. (=explain)
    1. We need to set out before dawn. (=begin a journey)
    2. He set out to write a history of Japan. (=set to work)
  13. Set the watch to the correct time.
    1. If you are hungry you can set to at once. (=start doing)
  14. set up a monument. (=erect)
    1. He set his son up in business as a photographer.
    2. set up a theory (=put forward)
    3. A holiday will set you up. (=restore to health)
    4. He set himself up over the nation as a dictator. (=place in power)
    5. He set himself up as a great artist. (=claim to be)
    6. set up a dinner party. (=arrange)


  1. を始める;
    1. 噂を広める
    2. 抗争する
  2. 比較する;
    1. 敵対させる
  3. 先に進める
  4. 横におく;
    1. 切り離す
    2. 区別する
  5. 横におく;
    1. 無視する
  6. 挫折
    1. 離間させる
    2. 費用支払
  7. 荷下ろしする
    1. 下車させる
    2. みなす
    3. 書き記してある
    4. のせいにする
    5. 確立される
    6. 設定される
  8. 開始する
    1. 流れが移動
  9. 備え付ける
  10. 惹起する
    1. 際立たせる
    2. 開始する
    3. 近郊を図る
  11. 突然襲いかかる
  12. 説明する
    1. 出発する
    2. 始める
  13. 合わせる
    1. もりもり食べる
  14. 建設する
    1. 開業する
    2. 打ち立てる
    3. 生き生きさせる
    4. 確立する
    5. 気取る
    6. 準備する

>Top shut

  1. shut away
  2. shut down
    1. shut down
  3. shut in
  4. shut off
    1. shut off
  5. shut out
    1. shut out
  6. shut the door on
  7. shut up
    1. shut up
    2. shut up


  1. He shut himself away in the country (=confine; isolate)
  2. shut down a window. (=push down)
    1. shut down a nuclear reactor.
  3. The house is closely shut in by trees. (=confine)
  4. shut off the gas. (=turn off)
    1. shut off from the society. (=separate)
  5. shut out the rain. (=exclude)
    1. The trees shut out the sun. (=hide from view)
  6. shut the door on a peaceful settlement. (=refuse to consider)
  7. shut up a room. (=close firmly)
    1. shut a person up in prion. (=confine)
    2. Shut up! (=stop talking)


  1. 閉じこもる
  2. 締める
    1. 閉鎖する
  3. 覆われる
  4. を消す
    1. 断絶する
  5. を防ぐ
    1. 遮る
  6. 門戸を閉じる
  7. 部屋を固く閉じる
    1. 収監する
    2. 黙れ

>Top sit

  1. sit back
  2. sit down
    1. sit down
  3. sit for
    1. sit for
  4. sit in
    1. sit in
  5. sit on
    1. sit on
  6. sit out
  7. sit through
  8. sit up
    1. sit up
    2. sit up
    3. sit up


  1. sit back and enjoy the holiday. (=relax)
  2. sit down to dinner. (=take a seat)
    1. sit down before a town. (=encamp)
  3. sit for one's portrait.
    1. sit for one's degree. (=take a formal exam)
  4. sit in on a reherasal. (=be present as a visitor)
    1. She is sitting in for the boss. (=act as a deputy of)
  5. sit on a jury. (=inquire into as one of its member)
    1. sit on a report. (=take no action)
  6. Let's sit this one out. (=not take part in a dance)
  7. It is painful to sit through a long sermon. (=stay to the end of)
  8. sit up in bed (=raise the uppper part of the body)
    1. All the pupils sat up straight when the teacher came in. (=keep the backbone straight when sitting)
    2. sit up all night playing cards. (=not go to bed)
    3. Her dress made us all sit up. (=be surprised)


  1. ゆっくり楽しむ
  2. 食事に着席
    1. 野営する
  3. 肖像画モデル
    1. 学位取得
  4. 傍聴する
    1. 代理を務める
  5. 陪審員として席につく
    1. 放っておく
  6. ダンスを見送る
  7. 終わりまで着席
  8. 起き上がる
    1. 背筋を伸ばす
    2. 徹夜
    3. 注目する

>Top stand

  1. as it stands
  2. stand around
  3. stand alone
  4. stand aside
    1. stand aside

  5. stand back
    1. stand back
    2. stand back
  6. stand by
    1. stand by
    2. stand by

  7. stand down
      1. stand down
  8. stand for
    1. stand for
    2. stand for
    3. stand for
  9. stand in
    1. stand in
  10. stand off
  11. stand on
  12. stand out
  13. stand over
    1. stand over
  14. stand up for


  1. I'll take them as they stand. (=without alteration)
  2. Don't just stand around. Give me a hand. (=stand doing nothing)
  3. He stood alone among his colleagues. (=have no equal)
  4. He stood aside to let me pass. (=move to one side)
    1. She never stands aside when there is something that needs to be done. (=do nothing)
  5. The police ordered the crowd to stand back. (=move back)
    1. My house stands back from the road. (=be situated away from)
    2. My father stands back from the day-by-day business. (=not directly involved in)
  6. No matter what happens, I'll stand by you. (=support)
    1. stand by one's promise. (=adhere to)
    2. stand by in case of trouble. (=remain near to help)
  7. He was obliged to stand down as a parliamentary candidate. (=withdraw from a contest)
    1. stand-down for the Chistrmas.
  8. I'll stand for the preservation of the envriornment. (=support)
    1. The olive branch stands for peace. (=be a symbol of)
    2. MA stands for Master of Arts. (=mean)
    3. stand for Parliament. (=be a candidate for; Am: run)
  9. This coat stood me in £20. (=cost)
    1. stand in for a sick actress. (=act as a substitute)
  10. Please stand off to the side while the marching band goes by. (=keep away)
  11. stand on one's rights. (=insist upon)
  12. Her red sox stood out. (=be clearnly outlined)
  13. Let the project stand over unitl the following year. (=postpone)
    1. He won't work unless someone stands over him. (=watch clothly)
  14. We must always stand up for our rights. (=defend)


  1. そのままで
  2. 何もせずに立つ
  3. 自立している
  4. 脇による
    1. 何もしない
  5. 後に下がる
    1. 離間する
    2. 引退している
  6. 支援する
    1. 約束を守る
    2. 備える
  7. 立候補取りやめる
    1. クリスマス休戦
  8. 擁護する
    1. 象徴である
    2. 意味する
    3. 議員立候補
  9. の価格である
    1. 代役を務める
  10. 脇に下がる
  11. 権利を主張する・
  12. 目立つ
  13. 延期する
    1. 監視する
  14. を擁護する

>Top stick

  1. make stick
  2. stick at
  3. stick down
  4. stick on
  5. stick out
    1. stick out
  6. stick to
    1. stick to
  7. stick up
    1. stick up for
  8. stick with


  1. That is enough to make the charge stick. (=prove it effectively)
  2. He will stick at nothing to get what he wants. (=use any trick)
  3. Stick your name down here. (=write down)
    1. stick down an envelope (=fasten with paste)
  4. stick on a stamp. (=fasten on with paste)
  5. You've got a nose hair sticking out.
    1. I stuck may tongue out at him.
  6. I'll stick to my decision.
    1. He can stick to nothing.
  7. stick up a post. (=stand upright)
    1. stick up for a friend. (=act in defense of)
  8. He stuck with me in spite of all my faults. (=persevere)


  1. 立証する
  2. 手段を選ばない
  3. 書き留める
    1. 貼る
  4. 貼る
  5. 出ている
    1. 突き出す
  6. 決心をやり抜く
    1. 三日坊主
  7. 掲げる
  8. 支える

>Top <S>:

  1. search
    1. search for
    2. search me
  2. settle
    1. settle down to
  3. show
    1. show one's colors
  4. speak
    1. speak ill of
    2. speak well of
  5. stay
    1. stay away from
  6. succeed
    1. succeed in
    2. succeed to
  7. sympathize
    1. sympathize with


  1. search
    1. You can search for his number in this telephone book.
    2. Search me!
  2. settle
    1. It takes some time to settle down to study again after a break.
  3. show
    1. show one's colors
  4. speak
    1. It is not manly to speak ill of others behind their backs.
    2. Is this the girl you spoke well of the other day?
  5. stay
    1. Never stay away from school without good cause.
  6. succeed
    1. He succeeded in solving the problem.
    2. I have no grandchildren to succeed to me.
  7. sympathize
    1. His parents did not sympathized with his hope to become a journalist.


  1. search
    1. 探す
    2. 全くわからない
  2. settle
    1. 落ち着いて始める
  3. show
    1. 旗幟鮮明
  4. speak
    1. 悪口を言う
    2. 褒める
  5. stay
    1. 欠席する
  6. succeed
    1. 成功する
    2. 継承する
  7. sympathize
    1. 共鳴する

>Top take

  1. take account of
  2. take after
  3. take a likng to
  4. take advantage of
  5. take around
  6. take away
    1. take away
    2. take away from
  7. take back
    1. take back
    2. take back
    3. take back
  8. take by surprise
  9. take care of yourself
  10. take charge of
  11. take delight in
  12. take down
    1. take down
    2. take down
  13. take in
    1. take in
    2. take in
    3. take in
    4. take in
    5. take in
  14. take it or leave it
  15. take it out on
  16. take leave of
  17. take notice of
  18. take off
    1. take off
    2. take off
    3. take off
    4. take off
    5. take off
  19. take on
    1. take on
    2. take on
    3. take on
  20. take out
    1. take out
    2. take out
    3. take out
  21. take over
    1. take over
  22. take part in
  23. take pride in
  24. take sides (with)
  25. take the place of
  26. take to
    1. take to
    2. take to
  27. take up
    1. take up
    2. take up
    3. take up
    4. take up
    5. take up
    6. take up
    7. take up
    8. take up
    9. take up
    10. take up
    11. take up on
    12. take up on
    13. take up with
  28. take-home pay


  1. In judging his work we must take account of his lack of experience.
  2. He takes after his father in many ways. (=look like)
  3. He suddenly took a liking to detective stories.
  4. People will take advantage of you if you don't assert youself.
  5. I took them around and introduced them to everyone.
  6. They took the knife away from the robber.
    1. Hospices will take away our fear of death.
    2. We should not take away from a child's creative development.
  7. She took the sweater back to the shop. (=return)
    1. I took back my promise when I saw I had been cheated. (=withdraw)
    2. This music takes me back to the old days. (=remind of)
    3. She never takes her former lovers back.
  8. Their sudden visit took me by surprise.
  9. Please take good care of yourself.
  10. You'll take charge of the department. (=take reponsibility)
  11. The boys took delight in teasing the turtoise.
  12. take a book down from a shelf. (=remove from a higher place)
    1. take down the scaffolding. (=pull apart)
    2. take down every word that is said. (=make a record of)
  13. take in the washing. (=take into the house)
    1. take in travelers. (=provide lodgings for)
    2. take in a newspaper (=subscribe to)
    3. I couldn't take in the lecture at all. (=understand)
    4. Don't be taken in by a soomth talker. (=be deceaved)
    5. take one's films in to be developed. (=take to a store)
  14. This is the final price. Take it or leave it.
  15. He was agree with his boss, but he took it out on his wife instead. (=transfer the bad feelings to someone else)
  16. He took leave of his family and got on board.
  17. He took little notice of my advice.
  18. take off one's coat. (=remove clothes)
    1. You've taken a heavy load off my shoulders (=remove)
    2. You have to take off a few kilogams. (=subtract)
    3. take 20% off from the price. (=subtract)
    4. take a day off from school. (=absent oneself)
    5. The economy has begun to take off. (=rise from the ground)
  19. take on a new secretary. (=employ)
    1. I took on an extra work to pay the bills. (=undertake)
    2. take a person on at golf. (=accept a fight)
    3. His face has taken on a healthy color. (=accuire)
  20. He took her out to for dinner. (=take somewhere for pleasure)
    1. To eat here or to take out. (=to eat here or to go)
    2. take the washing out. (=take out of the house)
    3. take out a driver's license.
  21. take over the business. (=take control of)
    1. The boat will take you over. (=carry across)
  22. About 400 stdents took part in the protest.
  23. He takes pride in his ability to speak Russian.
  24. My mother never takes sides when my sister and I argue.
  25. Plastics have taken the place of many conventional materials.
  26. take to drinking. (=fall into the habit of)
    1. Everyboy took to him at once. (=become fond of)
    2. He took to his bed. (=because of illness)
  27. take up a book. (=pick up)
    1. take up arms. (=begin to fight)
    2. The elevator will take you up to any floor. (=arry to a higher place)
    3. A sponge take up water (=absorb)
    4. take up a matter at a meeting. (=discuss)
    5. take up one's story. (=begin again)
    6. take up a person for questioning. (=arrest)
    7. I'll not take up any more of your time. (=fill)
    8. take up a dress. (=hem)
    9. take up playing golf. (=adopt as a hobby)
    10. take up residence in the country (=begin)
    11. I'd like to take you up on that point. (=argue with)
    12. May I take you up on your inviation? (=accept his offer of)
    13. He's taken up with the wrong people. (=associate with)
  28. wages after taxes, insurance payment, etc.


  1. 斟酌する
  2. 似る
  3. のめりこむ
  4. つけこむ
  5. 案内する
  6. 取り上げる
    1. 緩和する
    2. 発達を奪う
  7. 返品する
    1. 取り消す
    2. 思い出す
    3. よりを戻す
  8. 面食らう
  9. 体を大事にする
  10. 管理を担当
  11. いじめて喜ぶ
  12. 本を下に降ろす
    1. 足場をはずす
    2. 正確に記録する
  13. 洗濯物を取り込む
    1. 旅行客を泊める
    2. 購読する
    3. 理解する
    4. 鵜呑みにする
    5. 店に持ち込む
  14. 買うか買わないか
  15. 八つ当たりする
  16. 暇乞いをする
  17. 忠告を聞く
  18. 衣服を脱ぐ
    1. 身軽になる
    2. 減量する
    3. 値引き
    4. 1日休暇をとる
    5. 離陸する
  19. 雇う
    1. 引き受ける
    2. 競争する
    3. 呈する
  20. 連れ出す
    1. ここか持ち帰りか
    2. 外に出す
    3. 免許証を取得
  21. 支配する
    1. 渡河する
  22. 参加する
  23. 自慢する
  24. 肩を持つ
  25. 代替になる
  26. 飲酒にふける
    1. すぐ好きになる
    2. 病に伏す
  27. 取り上げる
    1. 戦いを始める
    2. 上昇する
    3. 九州する
    4. 提起する
    5. 中断再開する
    6. 逮捕する
    7. 時間をとる
    8. 裾上げする
    9. 趣味を始める
    10. 住居を定める
    11. 議論する
    12. 提案に応じる
    13. 悪仲間になる
  28. 手取り給料

>Top think

  1. come to think of it.
  2. think about
    1. think about
  3. think ahead
  4. think back
  5. think better of
  6. think fit/proper/right to
  7. think little/nothing of
  8. think of
    1. think of
    2. think of
    3. think of
    4. think of
    5. think of
    6. think of
  9. think out
    1. think out
  10. think over
  11. think twice
  12. think up


  1. Come to think of it, she wa not in her seat. (=when one consider it)
  2. think about one's home and friends. (=call to mind)
    1. I need time to think about it before I decide. (=consider)
  3. You must think ahead if you want to succeed. (=prepare oneself by considering)
  4. Think back!; where did you put it? (=recall)
  5. He started to say something, but he thought better of it. (=consider again)
  6. I think fit to conceal his name. (=consider suitable to do)
  7. Think nothing of it! I doesn't matter. (=consider unimportant)
  8. Think of the time you'll save if you buy Mac. (=consider)
    1. I don't think of a way out of a difficulty. (=invent)
    2. Have you thought of all the risks in starting the business? (=anticipate)
    3. I can't think of his name. (=recall)
    4. I'm thinking of buying it. (=intend)
    5. think of the old days. (=recall)
    6. What do you think of this new car? (=regard)
  9. I need time to think things out. (=think throughly)
    1. think out the anwer to a problem. (=make out)
  10. Anyway let me think it over. (=consider carefully)
  11. I would think twice about trusting him. (=hesitate to do)
  12. think up some outrageous scheme for escapting. (=invent)


  1. そう言えば
  2. 思い出す
    1. よく考える
  3. 先読みする
  4. 思い出して見ろ
  5. 思い直す
  6. 適切と思う
  7. 大したことない
  8. 考慮する;
    1. 思い付く;
    2. 予見する;
    3. 思い出す
    4. 意向である
    5. 思い出す
    6. どう思うか
  9. じっくり考える
    1. 考え出す
  10. 熟考する
  11. とても考えられない
  12. 途方もない計画する

>Top throw

  1. throw away
    1. throw away on
    2. throwaway
    3. throwaway
  2. throw down
  3. throw in
  4. throw off
    1. throw off
    2. throw off
    3. throw off
  5. throw oneself on/upon
  6. throw open
  7. throw out
    1. throw out
    2. throw out
    3. throw out
  8. throw together
    1. throw together
  9. throw up
    1. throw up
    2. throw up
    3. throw up


  1. throw away one's old shoes.
    1. My advice was thrown away on her. (=waste oneself)
    2. a throwaway lighter.
    3. a throwaway comment
  2. throw down one's pistol down on the floor. (=cast down hastil)
  3. throw in the reserves. (=bring into action)
  4. throw off a cold. (=recover from)
    1. throw off a poem. (=write quickly)
    2. The devicce throws off sparks. (=emit)
    3. throw off the yoke of foreign power. (=escape from)
  5. throw oneself on/upon another's mercy. (=rely on for support)
  6. The garden was thrown open to the public. (=allow everyone to enter)
  7. throw a person out of a room. (=send from a place with some force)
    1. throw out a bill in Parliament. (=refuse to pass)
    2. throw out an idea (=bring forth lightly)
    3. throw one's calculatios out. (=cause to mistake)
  8. throw together a meal. (=make quickly)
    1. We were thrown together at a party. (=cause to meet)
  9. throw a ball up into the air. (=throw upward)
    1. throw up one's dinner. (=vomit)
    2. throw up one's job
    3. Every geneeration throws up its own artists. (=produce)


  1. 投げ捨てる
    1. 無視される
    2. 使い捨て
    3. 何気ない
  2. 投げ捨てる
  3. 投入する
  4. 風邪から回復する
    1. 即興で書く
    2. 火花を発する
    3. 束縛を断ち切る
  5. 人にすがる
  6. 公開する
  7. 放り出す
    1. 却下する
    2. ほのめかし提案する
    3. 計算を狂わせる
  8. 大急ぎで作る
    1. 偶然出会う
  9. 投げ上げる
    1. 吐く
    2. 仕事を急にやめる
    3. 輩出する

>Top turn

  1. turn against
  2. turn away
    1. turn away
  3. turn back
    1. turn back
  4. turn down
    1. turn down
    2. turn down
    3. turn down
  5. turn in
    1. turn in
    2. turn in
    3. turn in
    4. turn in
    5. turn in
  6. turn into
  7. turn off
    1. turn off
    2. turn off
  8. turn on
    1. turn on
    2. turn on
    3. turn on
    4. turn on
    5. turn on
  9. turn out
    1. turn out
    2. turn out
    3. turn out
    4. turn out
    5. turn out
  10. turn over
    1. turn over
    2. turn over
  11. turn round
  12. turn to
    1. turn to
  13. turn up
    1. turn up
    2. turn up
    3. turn up
    4. turn up
    5. turn up
    6. turn up
    7. turn up
  14. turn a deaf ear to


  1. All his former friends turned against him. (=become hostile to)
  2. The show was so popular that many people had to be turned away. (=dismiss)
    1. She turned away in horror. (=turn one's face not to look)
  3. The mountaineers had to turn back before reaching the peak. (go back)
    1. turn back the corner of the page. (=fold back)
  4. turn down one's collar. (fold down)
    1. Please turn down the volume of the radio. (=lower)
    2. He proposed to her, but she turned him down. (=reject)
    3. The econmy has turned down. (=become weaker)
  5. turn in one's shoes. (=point inside)
    1. turn in the car one has rented. (=return)
    2. turn a suspect in to the police.(=hand in)
    3. Have you turned in your report? (=hand over)
    4. He turned in at the gateway (=enter a side street)
    5. What time do you usually turn in? (=go to bed)
  6. The rain has turned into snow.
  7. turn off the water. (=stop)
    1. turn off at the next corner. (=enter a side road)
    2. Pop music turns me off. (=lose interest)
  8. turn on the lamp. (=start)
    1. turn on one's friend. (=become hostile to)
    2. Baseball turns on me. (=arouse interest)
    3. The success of a party turns on its atmosphere. (=depends on)
    4. =stimulate sexually
    5. Whatever turns you on.
  9. turn a person out of a room. (=dismiss)
    1. turn out one's pockets. (=empty a pocket)
    2. The university has turned out competent scientists. (=produce)
    3. It turned out that she had not known (=to be found)
    4. Everything turned out all right. (=result)
    5. Many fire-engines turned out as soon as the fire broke out. (=come for duty)
  10. turn over 5,000 dollars a week. (=do business)
    1. turn one's business over to one's son. (=pass over)
    2. Please turn it over in your mind. (=consider)
  11. have no time to turn round. (=come back)
  12. We turned to and finished the work. (=set to work)
    1. Don't hesitate to turn to me if you are in difficulties. (=go to for help)
  13. turn up the cuffs of one' trousers.
    1. turn one's face up to the light. (=lift up)
    2. turn up ancient coins. (=find by searching)
    3. turn up the gas. (=increase the flow)
    4. The sight of blood turns me up. (=Br: cause to vomit)
    5. My brother has turned up from Africa. (=arrive)
    6. You can call me if any job vacancy turns up. (=happen)
    7. The economy is turning up. (=improve)
  14. He turned a deaf ear to my advice.


  1. 反旗を翻す
  2. 満員で入れない
    1. 顔を背ける
  3. 下山する
    1. 折り返す
  4. 襟を折る
    1. 音量下げる
    2. 拒む
    3. 弱含み
  5. 靴を織り込んで履く
    1. 返却する
    2. 提出する
    3. 脇道に出る
    4. 寝る
  6. 雪に変わる
  7. 止める
    1. 曲がる
    2. 興味を失う
  8. 点灯する
    1. 突然敵意を示す
    2. 興味を持つ
    3. 性的魅力
    4. お好きなように
    5. 次第である
    6. 形勢逆転
  9. 追い出す
    1. ポケットを空に
    2. 輩出する
    3. と判明した
    4. 結果良し
    5. 出動する
  10. 売り上げる
    1. 引い次ぐ
    2. よく考え抜いて
  11. 戻る時間はない
  12. 仕事に戻る
    1. 助けを頼む
  13. 裾をまくる
    1. 顔を上げる
    2. 掘り出し物
    3. 増量する
    4. 吐き戻す
    5. 姿を現す
    6. 欠員が生じる
    7. 改善する
  14. 耳を貸さない

>Top <T>:

  1. tell
    1. tell against
    2. tell different
    3. tell off
    4. tell on
  2. trifle
    1. trifle with


  1. tell
    1. I'm afraid his age will tell against him. (=be an obstacle)
    2. tell a person different. (=contradict)
    3. He told some students off for chatting. (=scold)
    4. He told on Bill (=to the techer).
      1. The strain is beginning to tell on him. (=have an effect on)
  2. trifle
    1. You should not trifle with his feelings.


  1. tell
    1. が問題である
    2. 反論する
    3. 厳しく叱る
    4. 告げ口する
      1. 効いてくる
  2. trifle
    1. 弄ぶ

>Top <U>:



>Top <V>:



>Top work

  1. work against
  2. work around to
  3. work at
  4. work on
  5. work for
  6. work in
  7. work on
  8. work out
    1. work out
    2. work out
    3. work out
  9. work up
    1. work up


  1. Conditions in that country are working againt progress. (=make efforts to prevent)
  2. He worked around to asking for a salary incease. (=gradually come to deal with a problem)
  3. I'm working at my English. (=apply oneself to)
  4. work away at one's homework. (=continue to work)
  5. I'm working for a prize. (=make efforts to obtain)
  6. I rewrote my essay and worked in a few quotations with ours. (=insert)
  7. They tried to work on him with vicious threats.
  8. Their married life didn't work out. (=prove to be successfully)
    1. Things will work out all right. (=turn out)
    2. The hotel works out at 70 dollars a night. (~result in)
  9. work her up into a fury. (=excite)
    1. Don't work yourself up about nothing. (=provoke)


  1. 進歩に逆行する
  2. 次第に言及する
  3. に取り組む
  4. せっせと働く
  5. のために働く
  6. 差し挟む
  7. に働きかける
  8. うまく行く
    1. 結果となる
    2. 合計...となる
  9. 煽って怒らす
  10. 煽る
    1. 興奮する

>Top write

  1. write away
  2. write back
  3. wrire down
    1. write down
    2. write down
  4. write in
    1. write in
  5. write into
    1. write into
  6. write off
    1. write off
    2. write off
    3. write off
  7. write up
    1. write up


  1. I wrote away their catalog. (=write off)
  2. I wrote back at once. (=write in reply)
  3. Write it down before you foreget it. (=make a note of)
    1. write a person down as a fool. (=describe as)
    2. The critics have accused me of writing down to the public. (=make little of in writing)
  4. write in the date youself. (=insert in writing)
    1. Many people wrote in to the radio station to complain. (=sent a written complaint)
  5. write a clause into a contract. (=insert in writing)
    1. He has written a new character into his play. (=change the text to include sth in)
  6. write off old debts (=remove from on's accounts.)
    1. His car was completely written off. (=recognized beyond repair)
    2. You can't just write him off as a crank. (=disregard)
    3. I've written off for their catalog. (=send a letter to get)
  7. write up the accounts. (=write in detail)
    1. The critics wrote the new play up. (=praise in writing)


  1. 取り寄せる
  2. 返事をする
  3. メモする
    1. 軽視する
    2. 見下して書く
  4. 書き込む
    1. 書き送る
  5. 条文追加
    1. 追記する
  6. 回収不能とする
    1. 廃棄処分
    2. と見なす
    3. カタログを請求
  7. 詳述する
    1. 書評でほめる

>Top <W>:

  1. wait
    1. wait for
    2. wait on
      1. wait on
    3. wait out


  1. wait
    1. I am waiting for the store to open.
    2. There was no one in the shop to wait on me (=work as an attendant)
      1. Success wait on diligence. (=follow as a result of)
    3. We had to wait out the storm. (=wait till the end of)


  1. wait
    1. 待つ
    2. に仕える
      1. のお陰
    3. 止むまで待つ

>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:

  1. yearn
    1. yearn for
  2. yield
    1. yield to


  1. yearn
    1. People yearn for public leaders dedicated to world peace. (=desire ernestly)
  2. yield
    1. He made every effort to avoid yield to the temptation to start drinking again. (=give way)


  1. yearn
    1. 切望する
  2. yield
    1. 屈服する

>Top <Z>:



  • What is the difference of AI and human? Human being is an (analog) animal, and live & die in a limited space and time. Whereas AI is digital logic, immortal, live as long as in an appropriate environment.
  • The limitation of a human being; whose life, activity, senses in an limited field would become advantage as well as disadvantage. I think that such 'limited physicality' has developed versatile expression of 'verbs' and 'idiomatic verbs'. Phrasal verbs are so diverse that they seem to form a unique group of indigenous verbs.
  • Whenever we collect and compare the difference of meanings of various expressions, we can well see the advantage of perception of a human being or an integrated physicality though its life and activity is limited. Such subtle and sometimes ambiguous expression by phrasal verbs depend on how native speakers perceive things through their history.
  • Therefore, we foreign learners need to learn phrasal expressions thinking about long history and lives of native people, rather than AI-like analytical methods.
  • AIと人間の違いは何か? 人間は(アナログな) 動物であり、限られた空間と時間の中で生き、そして死んでいく。 一方、AI はデジタル ロジックであり、不滅であり、適切な環境にいる限り生き続ける。
  • 人間の限界。 その限られたフィールドでの人生、活動、感覚は、長所にも短所にもなる。 このような"限界のある身体性" により、"動詞"や"慣用動詞"の多彩な表現が発達してきたと思う。句動詞があまりにも多様なので、それが固有の動詞群を構成しているように思われる。
  • さまざまな表現の意味の違いを収集して比較する時、その生命と活動が限られているにもかかわらず、人間の統合的身体性を認識することによって、AIとの相違点がよくわかる。このように句動詞による微妙な、また時として曖昧な表現は、ネイティブ話者の歴史を通じたものの感じ方に依存している。
  • それゆえ外国人は、AI的分析方法ではなく、ネイティブな人々の長い歴史や生活に思いをはせて句動詞表現を学びたいと思う。

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