>Top Dodgers NL Champion (2024/10/21):

- Not many folk have left a ballpark and a fan base that occasionally will want to get on the road before the final out. They're all hanging around for the fun.
- Here tonight with Derek Jeter*1, David Ortiz*2, Alex Rodriguez*3. Give me your first thoughts here. The Dodgers win a pennant. We're set for a Dream World Series.
- <A. Rodriguez> Just a locomotive*4, they're just the best team in the National League. And they've been all year from start to finish they have four more games to go. But look what they did with manah*5 today their ability to adjust poppy*6. You called it again great job that they would adjust and only four strikeouts six walks, and push them out of their early, and the rest was history*7.
- <> Professional hitting ball club
Los Angels Dodgers, I mean, this team have three MVP
and some of the players at the MVP caliber*8. Also
they going to make a judgment*9 especially if they face in a short period of time. I mean we played in the big league for a long time. We know what it takes to do that good players always make in judgment. I always say that.
- <> Yeah I mean look at it that Stars stepped up the role player stepped
up, pitching stepped up, the bullpen stepped up, everyone on their team stepped up. And I know they did it in a non-traditional kind of fashion. And what we're used to is throwing a starter out there for seven eight Innings, but uh this is their blueprint and they came through very non-traditional
were the results. This is the first postseason
series ever of six or more games, where each game was decided by four or more runs*9, and it was another route tonight a serious of big scores where the other team wasn't even close well. ♦1
- <> I tell you what their ability to score runs, and score runs in a hurry, and you have to give it to the Mets as well. They played a great series but I think they just ran into*10 the depth*11 of the Los Angeles Dodgers team. And look four runs every game they won by. It's going to get a little bit more difficult now when you're in the World Series.
- <> And let not forget all this run more lightly came from the bottom half of the line; know the big guys they came through one and the all*12 the night, but seriously the bottom of the line know did a great job for Los Angeles Dodgers.
- <> Meanwhile, the Mets are a great team they really are, but the Dodgers are just another level. 46 runs in six games that's a National League record, 7 and a half runs average*13. And they outscored this very very good Mets team by 20 runs. We're going to be here for a while, we're going to have players join us on the set. We're going to be here on the field watching the celebration. We're going to go into the clubhouse. We'll watch the champagne celebration each one of you guys has done this.
- <> Are you ever amazed at how quickly they have that merchandise ready to go*14 that says National League Champs you got to pay the bills, Maddie. I know right, I mean, I pick you today.
- <> Jose Viso, Tommy Edmond is here with us. Congratulations. The MVP has joined USP*15 right here we got the MVP from La Hoya Country Day to the MVP of the National League Championship Series. Bother way to go congratulations, we're going to get a mic for you in a moment. Tommy maybe we can let you borrow Alex's in the time here, we got a stool coming too this a professional operation and a mic in less than 30 seconds. All right Tommy, now that we're official congrats tell us about your role on the Dodgers from the day you got here to today headed to the World Series. ♦2
- <Tommy Edmond*16> Yeah I mean it's been crazy. I was injured when I first got here and kind of didn't know what the season was going to bring, but you know I know they brought me into kind of fill a bunch of different roles and the past like week or so since Mickey** got hurt it's been all short stop but you know it's been fun to be part of such a great team. You know we got so many good players and just been sick really fun.
- <> Tommy contrasts on the win the way you play you're such a great role model for so many young kids out there that want to be like you, and want to be a champion. You had experience with Cardinals. How does that experience, and how did it help you tonight, and then this series? And how does it compare to being an LA Dodgers?
- <Edmond> Yeah uh with St. Louis (Cardinals) we made it to NLCS my rookie year and I think just playing in that environment you know just prepared me for all the future moments that we've had you know just being able to keep a steady heartbeat, and I think the other thing is with this team we go so many guys who have the experience and just you know play the game really cool, calm and collected and kind of rubs off on everybody else*17.
- <Jeter> but Tommy congratulations to you. It was a fun series to watch you play there. Now you played multiple positions right? You played center field, you played short stop, you played second base during the season as well. I don't think people realize how difficult it is. It's not that you just throw you in center field, say tomorrow you're going to play short stop. How much pride and time do you put into making sure you're prepared to play anywhere they need you?
- <Edmond> Yeah it's tough I mean it's I definitely got to put the work in, you know, make sure I'm taking ground balls at short, second, outfield, but um you know our staff, coach staff does a great job of making sure. They're always available you know whenever I need some extra work, but um yeah it is tough but I think that's kind of where that time in St. Louis early in my career helped out a little bit too. I moved all around the first like I guess my whole career so far us so I think just having that experience and being able to adjust has helped out. ♦3
- <Ortiz> Tommy congratulation on going to the world shorter and winning the MVP. Tell me the first day that you at the lineup and you find yourself hitting clean up on the lineup full of monster. What was the feeling like?
- <Edmond> Yeah, it's ridiculous you know I've never had clean up in my life before this year. But and do so in this we go so many superstars on our team and um it is it feels weird*18 you know like being in the clubhouse everybody's talking lot of smack*19 be like hey we got our clean up hitter coming through*20. I know it's been good it felt good to come through today, you know a couple big situations.
- Tommy poppy has something for you though you my dog man and only bad guys only the bad guys is worthy my dog teacher, congratulations we can't let you go without telling you this the last guy to have 11 hits and 11 RBI in an LCS is sitting to your left David Ortiz. I remember watching that you're sick in the postseason man.
- <. Congratulations like you man best of luck against the Yankee, Tommy, way to go. Thanks for joining us.
- <> Thanks you guys celebration continues there goes Babe Ruth I mean Kike Hernandez we're good we hope to have the visits from a lot of the Winning Side in this one. We're certainly going to pay attention to the most and kind of wrap up this season as well, but this moment is all about the Los Angels Dodgers heading on to the World Series for the fourth time in the last 8 years. And the by the way Dodgers Yankees the only Pro Sports match up that we've seen in the finals more than that is Celtics Lakers*22 approaching the 12th Dodger Yankee Super Bowl there have been 12 Celtics Lakers NBA Finals. I mean this is what it's all about this is rivalry Sports at its best.
- <Jeter> Derek this is the absolute ultimate don't even know if I've said this before but my dream world series when I played was Yankee Dodgers never actually had it happen but I tell you what all eyes are going to be on this series here.
- <> I mean you [Applause] have come on baby hey, Congratulations. Man hey thanks Matty way to go to everybody's happy much man just couldn't be happier man. Thank you what up. Do I get an invitation to tonight's party.
- <Dave Roberts, manager>Yeah you know what you got you definitely got. There's going to be some high-end cigars, some great first growth bordeau. We're all good you guys are all invited.
- I got you baby I got you this is in honor of your winning with these Bullpen combinations. I'm in for Burkhart we had a little Bullpen combination tonight. Congrats on this man the puzzle*23 all worked out.
- <Roberts> Yeah you know what Maddie I'll tell you it's like there's no script on how that game's going to go. You just know that it's one of those all hands-on*24 deck situations, and you know those young kids stepped up our veteran uh Bullpen guys stepped up. And we got 27 outs.
- <> I want to know I mean first of all Dave we've been saying it all along. We think I think that this has been you best managing job, because people don't realize how hard it is to manage such a juggernaut*25. There's so many options a lot of injuries. But how do you go about setting up your Bullpen, and even as much you don't have seen you put Edmund in the cleanup spot and he's the MVP? Tell me a little bit about that.
- <Roberts> Yeah Tommy Edmond's a little bit different of a cleanup hitter than you or you right, but you know what just trusted the player, I trusted our team. And yeah we've been through a lot of adversity this year but I'll tell you guys this team fought and I think in the postseason about the fight and we got a lot of talent too. It's going to be a great World Series. I think what the baseball world wanted.
- <> You got a celebration a big group of guys. How about the fact that Dave Roberts is way too young a guy to be sixth on the all-time postseason managerial wins list already. And he's got a chance for four more who knows where this career is headed after another couple years. I tell you what he's an experienced manager already. And he bring into this ball Club the same experience that he had as a player. I mean Dave Robbert is the full package. I have talked to so many of those Dodgers player and they say that the confidence level that he give them. It's in a type of level that there's no way you can come to the field not ready to go and play the game for him.
- <> Yeah it's consistency. I mean it's consistency in his approach. It's on the field for the Dodgers and Dave Roberts is the true definition of someone who has a consistent personality. Let's listen in the Club house.
- Hey boys real quick before we spray champagne. Yeah you some of this Mckey. One more shot all right. Boys real quick this is the previews of the last one we need to celebrate like this one more time. And we have a lot of personalities on this group but no ego. and that's the most important today we need it. We need everybody on the line from Jo*27 to the last [Applause] hey I just want to say thanks boys. It's been a sick run we go uh four wins and just looking forward to keep [Applause]
- <Roberts> Going hey boys hey McKey Rose said it [Applause] best got hey boys. Thank you for that one. Mickey Rose said it best it's about you guys it doesn't matter who gets the credit, everybody steps up when called upon like I said before. I've never been around a group of guys who I love or care about more. Four more wins work to be done. Let's go boys. [Applause - Spraying champaign!]
Dodgers NL 優勝 (2024/10/21):
- ほとんどの観客は球場を去っていないし、ファンは最終戦の前に離れないでいる。皆ぶらぶらして楽しんでいる。
- 今晩はD. Jeter, D. Ortiz, A. Rodriguezがいます。まず意見を聞いてみたい。Dodgersがリーグ優勝し、World Seriesに臨む。
- <A. Rodriguez> Dodgersは、NLでは機関車のような最高のチームだ。最初から最後までそうだった。彼らは今シーズンを通じた集大成をするにはあと4ゲームとなった。今日の勝運を勝ち得たのは、彼らは、前半だけで4三振と6 四球で抑えて、後半はずっと打撃のチーム押し切った。後はご存知の通りだ。
- このプロ野球のDodgersにはMVPが3人いるし、MVP級の選手も何人もいる。短期決戦では特にその力量が発揮する。我々は長い間大リーグで戦ってきた。シーズンでの戦いをする訳だが、優秀な選手はいつも適切な判断を下す。私はいつもそう言っている。
- その通りだ。スター選手も実力を発揮し、それ以外の選手も、ブルペンも含め皆がいつも以上の力を発揮した。そしていつもでないやり方をやったのだ。いつもは先発豆腐が7-8回を投げるというやり方だが、それを彼らは全く違うやり方で、結果を出したということだ。6試合以上の各試合が4点以上の差で決まった史上初のpostseasonだった。今夜もまた相手チームが全く及ばない大差のゲームとなった。
- 彼らの得点力はすごくて、それも一気に得点する。私はそれはMetsに対しても言えるが、Dodgersの(選手層の)厚さに及ばなかっただけだと思う。彼らは試合ごとに4点差で勝っている。だがWorld Seriesとなるとちょっと難しくなるかも知れないが。♦1
- しかもこの全得点は下位打線がもたらしたことを忘れてはならない。主力打線もひとり残らず貢献したが、実際には下位打線がDodgersのために大仕事をした。
- Metsは本当に素晴らしいチームだが、Dodgersはレベルが違った。6試合で46得点はNation League記録だ。1試合平均7.5点だ。これはMetsが20得点だったのを凌駕した。我々はしばらくここにいて、やがて選手たちもここに参加してくる。我々はフィールドで祝賀の様子を見ている。それかクラブハウスに言って、我々皆シャンパンかけの祝賀会を見ようと思う。
- National League Championの商品グッズが何と早く準備されていたことに驚かなかったか?Maddie、参加したあなたもその請求書を支払わなければならないよ。
- Tommy Edmondがここへやってきた。おめでとう。今夜のハイライトのMVP の登場だ。La Hoya Country DayのMVPかNL優勝のMVPになった。おめでとうに行く前に、ちょっと待ってすぐマイクを用意するから。それまでAlexのマイクを借りてもらおう。椅子も間もなく用意するから、あと30秒だけ待って欲しい。Tommyオーケーだ。さあ、あなたが今夜DodgersがWorld Seriesへ進出できた今夜、あなたが果たしたことを改めておめでとうと言いたい。♦2
- <Tommy Edmond> そうですね。本当にクレイジーだった。ここに来た時、私は怪我をしていて、シーズンがどうなるかわからなかった。だがチームが私に様々な役割を与えてくれた。Mickeyが怪我をして以来、ここ一週間ほどは全てショートだった。このような素晴らしいチームの一員でいられて楽しかった。私達には多くの良い選手がいて、実際私自信も彼らのファンなのです。
- <> Tommy、あなたのプレーは、あなたのようになりたい、チャンピオンになりたいと願う子どもたちにとってすばらしいお手本です。あなたはSt Louis Cardinalsでの経験がある。その経験は、今夜そしてこのシリーズでどのような役立ったのだろうか。LA Dodgersの一員となったことと比べて。
- <Edmond> そうですね。Cardinalsでは、NL優勝決定シリーズに参加できた。あの環境でプレーしたことで、今後の全ての瞬間に備えることできたと思う。心臓がバクバクしないで済んだのです。またこのチームには経験豊富な選手が沢山して、とてもクールで落ち着いてプレーし、それが全員に伝わっていると思う。
- <Jeter> Tommy おめでとう。あなたがそこでプレーするの見れて楽しいシリーズだった。あなたは複数のポジションをこなしている。シーズン中は、センター、ショート、セカンドもこなした。それがどれほど難しいことか、皆わかってないと思う。センターをやっているあなたを、明日はショートをやれを言われて放り込まれるだけでない。必要ならどこでもプレーできるように準備するためにどれだけのプライドと時間をかけたのだろうか?
- <Edmond> そうですね。大変ですね。ショート、セカンド、外野でゴロを捕球できるように努力しないといけないのは確かです。でも我々のスタッフやコーチ陣がうまくいくようにサポートしてくれる。追加の練習が必要な時は、彼らはいつも対応してくれる。大変ですが、キャリアの早い段階でCardinalsにいた時期が少しは役立ったと思う。これまでのキャリア全体を通じて、あちこち移動してきたので、その経験と適応力は役立ったと思います。♦3
- <Ortiz> Tommy、世界とショート選手にってMVPを受賞したことを祝福します。打線に加わった最初の日、モンスターだらけの打線の中でクリーンアップを打つことになったときの気持ちを教えてください。どんな感じでしたか?
- ええ、信じられない位です。今年まで人生でクリーンアップを打ったことがなかったし。でも、今年はチームにスーパースターが沢山いるので、クラブハウスにいるとみんなが悪口なんか言いながら、おいおい、クリーンアップで打ててるぞ、みたいな感じで、変な感じでした。今日はいい感じでした。大きな場面がいくつかありましたし。
- 元NY Yankees 主将 World Series 5回優勝
- 元RedSox; Dominica
- 元YankeesなどMVP
- locomotive: 連続したもの
- manah: 天からの恵みの食べ物
- poppy: ケシ; '大成功'の俗語
- The res is history. 後は知っての通りだ
- caliber: 能力, 力量
- run=R: 得点
- run into: 到達する
- depth: 選手層・懐の厚み
- one nd all: 一人残らず
- 1試合平均7.6点
- ready to go: 今か今かと待ちきれない
- USP=unique selling position
- Tommy Edmond: 韓国系米国人, 右投両打, 内野外野手 utility player
**Miguel Rojas 内野手
- rub off on everyone 皆に影響を与える
- weired: 奇妙な; 素晴らしい
- smack down: 叱責
- come throug: 切り抜ける>成功する
- RBI=Run Batted In 打点
- Boston Celtics, LA Lakers of NBA
- puzzle: 難問
- hands-on: 実務, 現場
- juggernaut:強力で巨大なもの
- Mickey Rose (1935-2013) US screen writer in Brooklyn
- Jo: 平均的な奴
- 判断する
- 過小評価
- RBI: Run Batted In 打点
- Cleveland Guardians (Ohio)
- 最終決戦
- (補助的な)役割の選手