>Top 1. President Trump's Inaugural Address (2025/1/20):
- Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. (Applause.) Wow. Thank you very, very much.
Vice President Vance, Speaker Johnson, Senator Thune, Chief Justice Roberts, justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and my fellow citizens, the golden age of America begins right now. (Applause.)
- The Golden age of America begins right now. (Applause.) From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world. We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer. During every single day of the Trump administration, I will, very simply, put America first*1. (Applause.)
Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. The vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end. (Applause.)
And our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous, and free. (Applause.)
America will soon be greater, stronger, and far more exceptional*2 than ever before. (Applause.)
- I return to the presidency confident and optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling new era of national success. A tide of change is sweeping the country, sunlight is pouring over the entire world, and America has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before.
But first, we must be honest about the challenges we face. While they are plentiful, they will be annihilated by this great momentum that the world is now witnessing in the United States of America.
As we gather today, our government confronts a crisis of trust. For many years, a radical and corrupt establishment has extracted power and wealth*3 from our citizens while the pillars of our society lay broken and seemingly in complete disrepair. ♦1
トランプ大統領就任演説 (2025/1/20)
- 皆さん、ありがとう。本当にありがとう。
- アメリカの黄金時代が今から始まる。この日からわが国は繁栄し、世界中で再び尊敬されるだろう。全ての国の羨望の的となる。我々は米国がこれ以上凌駕されることを許さない。トランプ政権下での日々は、私は非常に明快に米国を第一で考える。
- 私は、国家の成功というスリリングな新時代の幕開けという確信と楽観に満ちた大統領職に復帰する。変化の波が国中を席巻している。太陽の光が全世界に注がれ、米国はかつてない程の機会を捉えることになる。
- US Exceptionalism
- 既得権益層による収奪
- We now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home while, at the same time, stumbling into a continuing catalogue of catastrophic events abroad.
It fails to protect our magnificent, law-abiding American citizens but provides sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals, many from prisons and mental institutions, that have illegally entered*1 our country from all over the world.
We have a government that has given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders*2 but refuses to defend American borders or, more importantly, its own people.
- Our country can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency, as recently shown by the wonderful people of North Carolina*3 — who have been treated so badly — (applause) — and other states who are still suffering from a hurricane that took place many months ago or, more recently, Los Angeles*4, where we are watching fires still tragically burn from weeks ago without even a token of defense. They’re raging through the houses and communities, even affecting some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in our country — some of whom are sitting here right now. They don’t have a home any longer. That’s interesting. But we can’t let this happen. Everyone is unable to do anything about it. That’s going to change.
- We have a public health system*5 that does not deliver in times of disaster, yet more money is spent on it than any country anywhere in the world.
And we have an education system*6 that teaches our children to be ashamed of themselves — in many cases, to hate our country despite the love that we try so desperately to provide to them. All of this will change starting today, and it will change very quickly. (Applause.)
My recent election is a mandate*7 to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy, and, indeed, their freedom. From this moment on, America’s decline is over. (Applause.)
Our liberties and our nation’s glorious destiny will no longer be denied. And we will immediately restore the integrity, competency, and loyalty of America’s government. ♦2
- 我々の政府は、今や国内の単純な危機さえ管理できていないし、同時に、海外で壊滅的な出来事に次々とつまずいている。それは法を順守する高貴な米国民の保護に失敗する一方で、刑務所や精神科病院から抜けだし、世界中から米国に不法入国した危険な犯罪者に聖域と保護を与えている。
- 我が国は、緊急時でさえもはや基本的サービスを提供することができない。 最近でもノースカロライナ州やその他の州で、何カ月も前に発生したハリケーン被害にいまだ苦しんでいる事例が示している。
さらに最近では、何週間も前から悲劇的な火災が続くロサンゼルスでは、我々は火災を悲劇的に見つめるだけで、収束の兆候さえない。山火事は住宅やコミュニティーを燃やし、この国で最も裕福かつ力を持つ人々にさえ被害を与えている。彼らの何人かはは家を失ったがここに来ているには、注目に値する。このようなことが起こさせてはならない。 誰も(被害については) 何もできないことだが、それは変わっていくだろう。
- 我々の公衆衛生システムについては、世界のどの国よりも多くの金が費やされているが、災害時に何もできていない。教育システムについては、教師は子供たちに自尊心を失わせるように、多くの場合には自国を憎むことすら教えている。我々が必死に子供に愛を与えようとしているにもかかわらずだ。全ては今日から急速に変わってくる。
私の当選は、これら今迄の全ての恐ろしい裏切りを完全かつ全面的にひっくり返し、人々に信仰と裕福、民主主義、そして自由を取り返すための (国民の) 負託だ。この瞬間から、アメリカの衰退は終わる。我々の自由とわが国の輝かしい運命がもう否定されることはない。我々は直ちに米国政府の一体性、競争力、忠誠心を回復する。
- 不法移民
- ウクライナ支援
- N-Carolina
hurricane; 25/9/30のhurricaneと豪雨で死者100名; 被害10Bドル
- Los Angeles
- 公衆衛生システム
- 教育システム
- 委任、負託
<manus +dare
- Over the past eight years, I have been tested*1 and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history, and I’ve learned a lot along the way.
The journey to reclaim our republic has not been an easy one — that, I can tell you. Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to take my freedom and, indeed, to take my life.*2
Just a few months ago, in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin’s bullet*3 ripped through my ear. But I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again. (Applause.)
Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
- That is why each day under our administration of American patriots, we will be working to meet every crisis with dignity and power and strength. We will move with purpose and speed to bring back hope, prosperity, safety, and peace for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed.
For American citizens, January 20th, 2025, is Liberation Day. (Applause.) It is my hope that our recent presidential election will be remembered as the greatest and most consequential election in the history of our country.
- As our victory showed, the entire nation is rapidly unifying behind our agenda with dramatic increases in support from virtually every element of our society: young and old, men and women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, urban, suburban, rural. And very importantly, we had a powerful win in all seven swing states*4 — (applause) — and the popular vote, we won by millions of people. (Applause.)
To the Black and Hispanic communities, I want to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of love and trust that you have shown me with your vote. We set records, and I will not forget it. I’ve heard your voices in the campaign, and I look forward to working with you in the years to come. ♦3
- 過去8年間、私は250年に及ぶ米国の歴史で、どの大統領よりも試練を受けてきて、その過程で多くのことを学んだ。我々の共和国を取り戻すための旅は容易ではなかったことは断言できる。我々の信条を阻止しようと望む人々は、私の自由、さらに実際に命を奪おうとした。
- だからこそ、愛国者による政権の一日一日が、我々は尊厳と権力と強靭さをもってあらゆる危機に対処していく。我々は目的と迅速をもってあらゆる人種、宗教、肌の色、信条の市民にとての希望と繁栄と安全と平和をもたらすために行動する。
- 我々の勝利が示したように、国全体が我々の政策の下で急速に団結しつつあり、老若男女、アフリカ系、ヒスパニック系、アジア系の米国人、都市部、郊外、地方などほぼ全ての社会の構成員からの支援が劇的に増加している。
- 有罪の大統領候補
- 陰謀論?
- 暗殺事件
- 激戦州
- Today is Martin Luther King Day. And his honor — this will be a great honor. But in his honor, we will strive together to make his dream a reality. We will make his dream come true. (Applause.)
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
National unity is now returning to America, and confidence and pride is soaring like never before. In everything we do, my administration will be inspired by a strong pursuit of excellence and unrelenting*1 success. We will not forget our country, we will not forget our Constitution, and we will not forget our God. Can’t do that. (Applause.)
- Today, I will sign a series of historic executive orders*2. With these actions, we will begin the complete restoration of America and the revolution of common sense. It’s all about common sense. (Applause.)
First, I will declare a national emergency at our southern border*3. (Applause.)
All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came. We will reinstate my Remain in Mexico policy. (Applause.)
I will end the practice of catch and release. (Applause.)
And I will send troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion of our country. (Applause.)
Under the orders I sign today, we will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. (Applause.)
And by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798*4, I will direct our government to use the full and immense power of federal and state law enforcement to eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs and criminal networks bringing devastating crime to U.S. soil, including our cities and inner cities. (Applause.)
- As commander in chief, I have no higher responsibility than to defend our country from threats and invasions, and that is exactly what I am going to do. We will do it at a level that nobody has ever seen before.
Next, I will direct all members of my cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices. (Applause.)
The inflation crisis was caused by massive overspending and escalating energy prices, and that is why today I will also declare a national energy emergency. We will drill, baby, drill*5. (Applause.)
America will be a manufacturing nation once again, and we have something that no other manufacturing nation will ever have — the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on earth — and we are going to use it. We’ll use it. (Applause.)
We will bring prices down*6, fill our strategic reserves up again right to the top, and export American energy all over the world. (Applause.)
We will be a rich nation again, and it is that liquid gold under our feet that will help to do it. ♦4
- 今日はキング牧師記念日だ。彼の大きな名誉のために、彼の夢を実現するために共に努力する。我々は彼の夢を実現させる。ありがとう。ありがとう。
- 本日、私は一連の歴史的な大統領令に署名する。この行動により、米国の完全な復興と常識の革命を始める。全ては常識に関わる問題だ。
- 軍最高司令官として、脅威や侵略から国を守ること以上に重要な責務はない。それこそが私が行おうとしていることだ。これまで誰も見たことのない規模で実行する。
次に、全閣僚に対し、記録的なインフレを打破し、迅速にコストと物価を引き下げるためにあらゆる力を結集するよう指示する。インフレ危機は、膨大な過剰支出とエネルギー価格の高騰によって引き起こされた。だからこそ今日、国家エネルギー緊急事態を宣言する。我々は (エネルギー資源の) 採掘を行う。採掘だ。
- 弱まらない; 速度をゆるめない
- 大統領令
- メキシコ国境封鎖
- 敵性外国人法
- 石油採掘積極化
- エネルギー価格低下
- With my actions today, we will end the Green New Deal*1, and we will revoke the electric vehicle mandate*2, saving our auto industry and keeping my sacred pledge to our great American autoworkers. (Applause.)
In other words, you’ll be able to buy the car of your choice.
We will build automobiles in America again at a rate that nobody could have dreamt possible just a few years ago. And thank you to the autoworkers of our nation for your inspiring vote of confidence. We did tremendously with their vote. (Applause.)
I will immediately begin the overhaul of our trade system to protect American workers and families. Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries*3 to enrich our citizens. (Applause.)
For this purpose, we are establishing the External Revenue Service to collect all tariffs, duties, and revenues. It will be massive amounts of money pouring into our Treasury, coming from foreign sources. The American dream will soon be back and thriving like never before.
- To restore competence and effectiveness to our federal government, my administration will establish the brand-new Department of Government Efficiency*4. (Applause.)
After years and years of illegal and unconstitutional federal efforts to restrict free expression, I also will sign an executive order to immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech to America. (Applause.)
Never again will the immense power of the state be weaponized to persecute political opponents — something I know something about. (Laughter.) We will not allow that to happen. It will not happen again.
Under my leadership, we will restore fair, equal, and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law. (Applause.)
And we are going to bring law and order back to our cities. (Applause.) This week, I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer*5 race and gender into every aspect of public and private life. (Applause.) We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. (Applause.)
As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female*6. (Applause.)
- 本日の行動で、我々はグリーン・ニューディール政策を終わらせ、EVの普及策を撤回し、自動車産業を救い、偉大な自動車産業労働者に対する私の神聖な誓いを守る。即ち、あなたは自分の好きな車を買うことができるのだ。
- 政府の能力と有効性を回復するため、新しい政府効率化省を設立する。
- Green New Deal終了;
- EV促進撤回
- 関税引き上げ;
- 政府効率化省
- 手腕のある人
a political engineer
; DEI program否定
- This week, I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID vaccine*2mandate with full back pay. (Applause.)
And I will sign an order to stop our warriors from being subjected to radical political theories and social experiments while on duty. It’s going to end immediately. (Applause.) Our armed forces will be freed to focus on their sole mission: defeating America’s enemies. (Applause.) Like in 2017, we will again build the strongest military the world has ever seen. We will measure our success not only by the battles we win but also by the wars that we end — and perhaps most importantly, the wars we never get into. (Applause.)
My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier. That’s what I want to be: a peacemaker and a unifier.
I’m pleased to say that as of yesterday, one day before I assumed office, the hostages in the Middle East*3are coming back home to their families. (Applause.) Thank you.
America will reclaim its rightful place as the greatest, most powerful, most respected nation on earth, inspiring the awe and admiration of the entire world.
- A short time from now, we are going to be changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America*4 — (applause) — and we will restore the name of a great president, William McKinley*5, to Mount McKinley, where it should be and where it belongs. (Applause.)
President McKinley made our country very rich through tariffs and through talent — he was a natural businessman — and gave Teddy Roosevelt*6 the money for many of the great things he did, including the Panama Canal*7, which has foolishly been given to the country of Panama after the United Spates*8— the United States — I mean, think of this — spent more money than ever spent on a project before and lost 38,000 lives in the building of the Panama Canal.
We have been treated very badly from this foolish gift that should have never been made, and Panama’s promise to us has been broken.
The purpose of our deal and the spirit of our treaty has been totally violated. American ships are being severely overcharged and not treated fairly in any way, shape, or form. And that includes the United States Navy.
And above all, China is operating the Panama Canal. And we didn’t give it to China. We gave it to Panama, and we’re taking it back. (Applause.) ♦6
- 今週、新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種の義務化に反対したことで不当に除隊させられた軍人を復職させ、未払賃金を全額支給する。そして私は、わが国の戦士たちが任務中に過激な政治理論や社会実験に関わるのを直ちに止める命令に署名する。米軍は米国の敵を倒すという唯一の任務に集中できるようにする。
- これから間もなく、メキシコ湾をアメリカ湾に名称変更し、偉大な大統領ウィリアム・マッキンリーの名前を復活させ、(デナリ山の名称を) マッキンリー山に戻す。それが本来あるべき場所で所属する場所だ。
- a
- コロナワクチン
- 中東人質解放
- アメリカ湾
- William McKinley
1843-1901 共和党大統領 (1897-1901)
米西戦争によりCuba, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillippine
を併合; 海のFronteer 政策1/255; 関税57%導入;
Alaska州のMcKinley山6194mは先住民の'偉大な'という意味のDenalli 山2015/8に改名; 1901に暗殺
- Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 日露戦争仲介;博物学者; Panama運河着工; Teddy Bearの由来
- パナマ運河
1914開通 1999Panamaへ返還; 1903 Panama共和国独立; Panama Mulino大統領はPanana運河運営は中立。2017に台湾と断交
- Spate: 洪水
- Above all, my message to Americans today is that it is time for us to once again act with courage, vigor, and the vitality of history’s greatest civilization.
So, as we liberate our nation, we will lead it to new heights of victory and success. We will not be deterred. Together, we will end the chronic disease epidemic and keep our children safe, healthy, and disease-free.
The United States will once again consider itself a growing nation — one that increases our wealth, expands our territory*2, builds our cities, raises our expectations, and carries our flag into new and beautiful horizons.
And we will pursue our manifest destiny into the stars launching American astronauts to plant the Stars and Stripes on the planet Mars*3. (Applause.)
Ambition is the lifeblood of a great nation, and, right now, our nation is more ambitious than any other. There’s no nation like our nation.
- Americans are explorers, builders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and pioneers. The spirit of the frontier is written into our hearts. The call of the next great adventure resounds from within our souls.
Our American ancestors turned a small group of colonies on the edge of a vast continent into a mighty republic of the most extraordinary citizens on Earth. No one comes close.
Americans pushed thousands of miles through a rugged land of untamed wilderness. They crossed deserts, scaled mountains, braved untold dangers, won the Wild West, ended slavery, rescued millions from tyranny, lifted billions from poverty, harnessed electricity, split the atom, launched mankind into the heavens, and put the universe of human knowledge into the palm of the human hand. If we work together, there is nothing we cannot do and no dream we cannot achieve.
Many people thought it was impossible for me to stage such a historic political comeback. But as you see today, here I am. The American people have spoken. (Applause.)
I stand before you now as proof that you should never believe that something is impossible to do. In America, the impossible is what we do best. (Applause.) ♦7
- 何よりも、米国民への私の今日のメッセージは、再び勇気と力強さ、歴史上最も偉大な文明の活力をもって行動する時が来たということだ。国家を解放し、勝利と成功の新たな高みへと導いていく。我々は留まることはない。我々は力を合わせて慢性的な病気の流行を終わらせ、子供たちの安全と健康と病気感染から守る。米国は再び成長する国家となり、富を増やし、領土を拡大し、都市を建設し、期待を高め、新しく美しい地平線に国旗を掲げていく国家になる。
- 米国民は探検家、建設者、革新者、起業家、そして先駆者だ。フロンティアの精神が我々の心に刻まれている。次なる大冒険の呼び声が我々の魂の内側から響いている。我々米国民の先祖は、広大な大陸の端にあった小さな植民地群から、地球上で最も並外れた国民から成る強大な共和国に変えた。誰も足元に及ばない。
- Greenland, Panama, Canada?
- 宇宙開発: 火星着陸
- From New York to Los Angeles, from Philadelphia to Phoenix, from Chicago to Miami, from Houston to right here in Washington, D.C., our country was forged and built by the generations of patriots*1 who gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom.
They were farmers and soldiers, cowboys and factory workers, steelworkers and coal miners, police officers and pioneers who pushed onward, marched forward, and let no obstacle defeat their spirit or their pride.
Together, they laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, built great highways, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and triumphed over every single challenge that they faced.
After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years*2 in American history. With your help, we will restore America promise and we will rebuild the nation that we love — and we love it so much.
We are one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. So, to every parent who dreams for their child and every child who dreams for their future, I am with you, I will fight for you, and I will win for you. We’re going to win like never before. (Applause.)
Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
- In recent years, our nation has suffered greatly. But we are going to bring it back and make it great again, greater than ever before.
We will be a nation like no other, full of compassion, courage, and exceptionalism*3. Our power will stop all wars and bring a new spirit of unity to a world that has been angry, violent, and totally unpredictable.
America will be respected again and admired again, including by people of religion, faith, and goodwill. We will be prosperous, we will be proud, we will be strong, and we will win like never before.
We will not be conquered, we will not be intimidated*4, we will not be broken, and we will not fail. From this day on, the United States of America will be a free, sovereign, and independent nation.
We will stand bravely, we will live proudly, we will dream boldly, and nothing will stand in our way because we are Americans. The future is ours, and our golden age has just begun.
Thank you. God bless America. Thank you all. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)
Thank you. (Applause.) ♦8
END 12:40 P.M. EST
- ニューヨークからロサンゼルス、フィラデルフィアからフェニックス、シカゴからマイアミ、ヒューストンからここワシントンDCまで、わが国は権利と自由のために全てをささげた何世代にもわたる愛国者たちによって鍛えられ築かれてきた。彼らは農民であり兵士であり、カウボーイであり工場労働者であり、鉄鋼労働者であり炭鉱労働者であり、警察官であり開拓者だった。いかなる障害も彼らの精神や尊厳を打ち破ることなく、彼らは前進し続けた。力を合わせて鉄道を敷設し、高層ビルを建設し、大きな高速道路を建設し、二度の世界大戦に勝利し、ファシズムと共産主義を打ち勝ち、直面するあらゆる課題に勝利した。
- 近年、わが国は大きな苦難に見舞われたが、我々はこの国を取り戻し、再び偉大に、かつてないほど偉大な国にしようとしている。我々はこの国を、他に類を見ない程の、思いやりと勇気、(他国と異なる) 米国例外主義とするだろう。我々の力が全ての戦争を止め、怒りに駆られて暴力的で全く予測不可能だった世界に、新たな団結の精神をもたらすだろう。
- 愛国主義
- 偉大な4年間目前
- 米国例外主義: その国是・政治制度・宗教制度は他国も質的に異なっているという信条; a city on a hill
- intimidate:
https://edition.cnn.com/politics/fact-check-trump-inauguration/index.html |
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>Top 2. Fact check (2025/1/20):
Trump made more than 20 false claims in his Inauguration Day remarks: (By Daniel Dale, CNN)
- Washington (CNN) - President Donald Trump made only a smattering*1 of false claims in his inaugural address on Monday, mostly sticking to vague rhetoric, subjective assertions and uncheckable promises of action.
- But then he embarked on a lying spree*2.
In an unscripted second speech on Monday, to supporters who had gathered in the US Capitol Visitor Center’s Emancipation Hall, Trump made false claims about elections, immigration and the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, among other subjects.
- He then made additional false claims in a freewheeling*3 third speech at Washington’s Capital One Arena and again while speaking to reporters as he signed executive orders in the Oval Office.
Here is a fact check of some of his Monday claims.
Fact Check (2025/1/20):
トランプ大統領は就任式の演説で20以上の虚偽の主張をした:(Daniel Dale、CNN)
- Washington (CNN)) - トランプ大統領は月曜日の就任演説で、軽薄な知識でで虚偽の主張を行い、そのほとんどが曖昧なレトリック、主観的な主張、検証不可能な行動の約束に終始した。
- しかしその後も、彼は嘘をつきまくった。
月曜日、米国議会議事堂にあるVisitor Center’s Emancipation Hall に集まった支持者に向けた台本なしの2回目の演説で、トランプ大統領は選挙、移民、2021年1月6日の議事堂での暴動などについて虚偽の主張をした。
- その後、ワシントンのCapital One Arenaでの自由奔放な*33回目の演説でさらに虚偽の主張をした。また大統領執務室でも大統領令に署名する際に記者団に語った際にも虚偽の主張をした。
以下は、月曜日の彼の主張のいくつかに関するfact check である。
- smatter:
- spree:
馬鹿騒ぎ; ふけること
- freewheel: 自由奔放
- Trump's tariffs on China:
In the Oval Office, Trump repeated his false claim that the US has “taken in hundreds of billions of dollars from China” through the tariffs he imposed during his first presidency. US importers make the tariff payments, not China, and study after study has found that Americans bore the overwhelming majority of the cost of Trump’s tariffs on China; it’s easy to find specific examples of companies that passed along*1 the cost of the tariffs to US consumers.
- Previous presidents and tariffs on China:
Trump repeated his frequent false claim that no previous president had imposed tariffs on Chinese imports, saying that “until I came along, China never paid 10 cents to this country.” Aside from the fact that US importers pay the tariffs, the US was actually generating billions per year in revenue from tariffs on Chinese imports before Trump took office; in fact, the US has had tariffs on Chinese imports since 1789. Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, imposed additional tariffs on Chinese goods.
- トランプ大統領の対中関税:
トランプ大統領は大統領執務室で、大統領就任時に課した関税を通じて、米国は "中国から数千億ドルを受け取った"という虚偽の主張を繰り返した。関税の支払いをしているのは中国ではなく米国の輸入業者であり、調査を重ねるごとに、トランプ大統領の対中関税のコストの圧倒的大部分を米国人が負担していることが判明している。関税のコストを米国の消費者に転嫁した企業の具体的な例を見つけるのは簡単である。
- 歴代大統領と対中関税:
トランプ氏は、歴代大統領は中国からの輸入品に関税を課したことはないと何度も主張してきたが、その主張は誤りである。"私が就任するまで、中国は米国に10セントも支払っていなかった"と。米国の輸入業者が関税を支払っているという事実はさておき、トランプ氏が大統領に就任する前、米国は実際に中国からの輸入品に対する関税で年間数十億ドルの収入を得ていた。実際、米国は1789年以来、中国からの輸入品に関税を課している。トランプ氏の前任者であるBarack Obama氏は、中国製品に追加関税を課した。
- pass along: つけ回す
- Tariffs:
In his inaugural address, Trump said, “Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens.” But this description of tariffs is false. Tariffs imposed by the US government are paid by US importers, not foreign countries
- Inflation rates:
Trump falsely claimed during his inaugural address that the US experienced “record inflation” during the Biden administration. Trump could fairly say the US inflation rate hit a 40-year high in June 2022, when it was 9.1%, but that was not close to the all-time record of 23.7%, set in 1920. (And the rate has since plummeted*2. The most recent available inflation rate at the time Trump spoke here was 2.9% in December.)
- Trade with the European Union:
In the Oval Office, Trump repeated his false claims that the European Union doesn’t “take” farm products, cars or “almost anything” from the US.
While the EU certainly has some trade barriers that make it harder for US companies to export products there, it’s a massive exaggeration to categorically declare it doesn’t accept “almost anything.” The US exported*3 more than $639 billion worth of goods and services to the EU in 2023.
The US government says the EU bought $12.3 billion worth of US agricultural exports in the 2023 fiscal year, making it the fourth-largest export market for US agricultural and related products behind China, Mexico and Canada.
And while US automakers*3 have often struggled to succeed in Europe, according to a December 2023 report from the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association, the EU is the second-largest market for US vehicle exports - importing 271,476 US vehicles in 2022, valued at nearly 9 billion euro. (Some of these are vehicles made by Europan automakers at plants in the US.)
- 関税:
- インフレ率:
- EUとの貿易:
確かに、EUには米国企業が製品を輸出することを困難にする貿易障壁はあるが、"ほとんど何も" 受け入れないと断言するのは大げさな言い過ぎである。米国は2023年に6,390億ドル以上の商品とサービスをEUに輸出した。
- a
- plummet:
- 米国製自動車輸出先 (2023)
1) canada 16.9B
2) Germany 6/75B;
3) China 5.73B,
S-Korea 3.81B,
5) Mexico 3.35B
Immigration and the border:
- Prisons and mental institutions:
Trump spoke in all three speeches of migrants having come from foreign prisons and mental institutions into the US under President Joe Biden, a frequent refrain during his 2024 campaign. In the first speech, he said “many” Biden-era migrants have come from such facilities; in the second speech, he said, “We don’t want the jails of every country in the world virtually being deposited into the United States”; in the third, he said, “All over the world they’re emptying their prisons into our country; they’re emptying their mental institutions into our country.”
- All of this is uncorroborated*1. Trump and his presidential campaign have never corroborated the claim that “many” Biden-era migrants have come from prisons or mental institutions, though it’s of course possible that some migrants spent time in such facilities. And Trump’s campaign could not substantiate his stories about numerous foreign countries supposedly opening up such facilities to somehow bring the people in them into the US.
- The president has sometimes tried to support his narrative by asserting the global prison population is down. But that’s incorrect. The recorded global prison population increased from October 2021 to April 2024, from about 10.77 million people to about 10.99 million people, according to the World Prison Population List compiled by experts in the United Kingdom.
- “I do a daily news search to see what’s going on in prisons around the world and have seen absolutely no evidence that any country is emptying its prisons and sending them all to the US,” Helen Fair, co-author of the prison population list and research fellow at the Institute for Crime & Justice Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London, said in June.
- Venezuela and migration:
Trump spoke in the arena speech about gang members being “taken off the streets of Venezuela and deposited into our country,” claiming crime in Venezuela has plummeted “because they took their criminals and gave them to us through an open border policy of the previous administration.”
Trump has never corroborated his claims about Venezuela’s supposed practice of somehow intentionally bringing its unwanted criminals into the US under Biden, and experts have told CNN, PolitiFact and FactCheck.org that they know of no evidence for them.
- 刑務所と精神病院:
トランプ氏は3回の全ての演説で、バイデン大統領の下で外国の刑務所や精神病院から米国に移民が流入していると述べ、これは2024年の選挙運動中に頻繁に繰り返された。最初の演説では、バイデン政権時代の移民の"多く"がそのような施設から流入していると述べ、2回目の演説では"世界中のあらゆる国の刑務所が米国に事実上押し込まれるのは望んでいない"と述べ、3回目の演説では"世界中で刑務所が米国に流入し、精神病院が米国に流入している" と述べた。
- これらはすべて裏付けのないものである*1。トランプ氏と彼の大統領選挙陣営は、バイデン政権時代の移民の"多く" が刑務所や精神病院から来ているという主張を一度も裏付けていない。もちろん一部の移民はそのような施設で過ごした可能性はある。またトランプ陣営は、多くの外国がそのような施設を開設し、そこにいる人々を何らかの方法で米国に連れて来ているという彼の話を実証することができなかった。
- 大統領は時折、世界の刑務所収容者数は減少していると主張して自らの主張を裏付けようとしてきた。しかし、それは正しくない。英国の専門家がまとめた世界刑務所収容者数リストによると、記録されている世界の刑務所収容者数は2021/10から2024/4までに約1077万人から約1099万人に増加している。
- "私は連日ニュースを検索して世界中の刑務所で何が起こっているか調査しているが、どの国も刑務所を空にして全員を米国に送っているという証拠は全く見当たらない" と、ロンドン大学Birkbeck校犯罪・司法政策研究所の研究員であり、刑務所人口リストの共著者でもあるHelen Fair氏は6月に語った。
- ベネズエラと移民:
トランプ氏はアリーナでの演説で、ギャングのメンバーが"ベネズエラの街から連れ去られ、米国に送り込まれた"と述べ、ベネズエラの犯罪が激減したのは"前政権の国境開放政策を通じて、彼らが犯罪者を連れてきて米国に引き渡したため" だと主張した。
- corroborate: 実証する
- Border wall construction:
Trup repeated his false claim in his post-inaugural speech that he had “571 miles of wall” built on the southern border during his first administration. That’s a significant exaggeration; official government data shows 458 miles were built under Trump — including both wall built where no barriers had existed before and wall built to replace previous barriers.
- Birthright citizenship: In the Oval Office, Trump repeated his false claim that the US is “the only country in the world” with birthright citizenship. CNN and various other outletsdebunked the claim when Trump made it during his presidential campaign in 2015, during his first presidency in 2018 and during his presidential transition in 2024. About three dozen countries provide automatic citizenship to people born on their soil, including US neighbors Canada and Mexico and the majority of South American countries.
- 国境壁の建設:
- 出生地主義:
Elections and January 6, 2021:
- Pelosi and January 6, 2021:
In the post-inaugural speech, Trump repeated his false claims that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected his offer of 10,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and that Pelosi “admitted it on tape, that her daughter made.” He reprised the claim later in the Oval Office.
There is no evidence Pelosi turned down such an offer - and it is the president, not the speaker, who is in charge of the District of Columbia National Guard, so Pelosi wouldn’t have had the power to reject the offer even if it had been made to her, which Pelosi says it wasn’t. In addition, Pelosi is not on tape admitting that Trump’s story is correct.
- In a video recorded by her filmmaker daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, on January 6 and later obtained by House Republicans, who posted a 42-second snippet*1 on social media in June, Pelosi was shown expressing frustration at the inadequate security at the Capitol, and she said at one point, “I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more.” But that general statement is clearly not a specific admission that she had rejected a Trump offer of 10,000 troops.
- In fact, another part of the video appears to undermine Trump’s frequent claims that Pelosi was the person who turned down a National Guard presence in advance of January 6. She said, “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”
- Pelosiと2021/1/6事件:
就任演説でトランプ氏は、2021/1/6に議事堂を守るために1万人の州兵を派遣するというトランプ氏の申し出をNancy Pelosi元下院議長が拒否し、ペロシ氏は"娘がそのことを録音で認めた"という虚偽の主張を繰り返した。
- ペロシ氏の娘で映画監督のAlexandra Pelosi氏が1/6に撮影し、後に下院共和党議員らが入手し、6月にSNSに42秒の抜粋を投稿した動画の中で、ペロシ氏は議事堂の不十分な警備に不満を表明し、"もっと多くの警備に備えさせなかった責任は私にある"と発言している。しかし、この一般的な発言は、ペロシ氏がトランプ大統領の1万人の部隊派遣の申し出を拒否したことを具体的に認めたものではないことは明らかである。
- 実際、この動画の別の部分では、ペロシ氏が1/6前に州兵の派遣を断った人物であるというトランプ氏の度重なる主張を覆すものとなっている。ペロシ氏は"そもそも州兵はなぜそこにいなかったのか"と述べた。
- snippet: 断片
- After Trump began referencing this video in June, Pelosi spokesperson Aaron Bennett said in an email to CNN: “Numerous independent fact-checkers have confirmed again and again that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination on January 6th. Cherry-picked*2, out-of-context*3 clips do not change the fact that the Speaker of the House is not in charge of the security of the Capitol Complex — on January 6th or any other day of the week.”
- The Capitol rioters:
Trump said in the Oval Office that he believes that “in many cases” January 6 rioters were “outside agitators,” suggesting they weren’t actual Trump supporters. (He added a note of humility*4, saying, “What do I know, right?” but then reiterated, “But I think they were.”)
Trump’s belief is baseless. While one man convicted for his role in the riot admitted that his goal was to rile up*5 Trump supporters, there is no evidence there were “many” such people in the crowd, nor for the Trump-promoted conspiracy theory that left-wing Antifa members were responsible for the attack. Almost all of the more than 1,500 people charged over the riot were fervent*6 Trump devotees.
- The January 6 committee and documents:
In his post-inaugural speech, Trump spoke of the House select committee that investigated the January 6 attack on the Capitol, whose members Biden pardoned*7 in one of his last acts as president. Trump falsely claimed that “they destroyed and deleted all of the information, all of the hearings, practically not a thing left.” He returned to the subject later in the Oval Office, falsely claiming that “they destroyed all of the documents, they deleted all of the information, there’s no information.”
There has been a long-running dispute between Republicans and Democrats over the status of certain committee records that Republicans said should have been archived and that Democratic committee chair Bennie Thompson argued did not have to be archived, such as because they were not useful to the committee’s investigation. But there’s no basis for Trump’s claim that “all” information and documents were discarded.
As FactCheck.org reported on Monday, the January 6 committee released not only a final report that more than 800 pages long, but also transcripts of interviews with more than 140 witnesses – and, according to Thompson, the committee’s staff worked with the National Archives and Records Administration and other government bodies “in preparing the Select Committee’s more than 1 million records for publication and archiving.”
- The legitimacy of the 2020 election:
In his post-inaugural speech to supporters, Trump returned to his lie that the 2020 election “was totally rigged”; he made the “rigged”*8 claim again in the arena speech. Trump legitimately lost a free and fair election to Biden.
- Democrats and the 2024 election:
Trump falsely claimed in his post-inaugural speech that unspecified opponents “tried” to rig the 2024 election but were unable to do so. This is nonsense, too; Trump beat former Vice President Kamala Harris in a free and fair election.
- California and the 2024 election:
In the post-inaugural speech, Trump said, “I think we would’ve won the state of California” if the state had stronger voter identification laws. There is simply no basis for the claim; there is no sign of mass fraud in California, and Trump lost to Harris thereby more than 3 million votes.
- Trump’s margin of victory in Alabama:
In the post-inaugural speech, Trump falsely claimed, “We won Alabama by 48 points.” Trump did win the conservative state by a large margin, but not as large as he claimed; he beat Harris there by about 30.5 percentage points.
- Trump and “the youth vote”:
As he did the day before the inauguration, Trump falsely claimed in his arena speech Monday that “we won the youth vote by 36 points” in the 2024 election. He didn’t say how he was defining “the youth vote” — his transition team didn’t respond to CNN’s Sunday request for clarification — but there’s no basis for his claim by any reasonable definition.
- While young voters, particularly young men, did shift toward Trump compared with the 2020 election, exit poll data published by CNN found that Harris beat Trump 54% to 43% among voters ages 18-24, 53% to 45% among voters ages 25-29, and 51% to 45% among voters ages 30-39. Even if Harris’ actual margins were smaller — exit poll data is often flawed — there is simply no sign that Trump dominated Harris with young voters.
- トランプ氏が6月にこの動画に言及し始めた後、Pelosi氏の広報担当者Aaron Bennett氏はCNN宛ての電子メールで次のように述べた。"多数の独立したファクトチェッカーが、Pelosi議長が1/6に自らの暗殺を計画していなかったことを繰り返し確認している。勝手に選ばれた文脈外の動画は、下院議長が1/6であろうと他の曜日であろうと、議事堂の警備を担当していないという事実を変えるものではない。"
- 議事堂の暴徒:
トランプ氏は大統領執務室で、1/6の暴徒は"多くの場合" は"外部の扇動者"だと考えていると述べ、実際のトランプ支持者ではなかったことを示唆した。 (彼は謙虚な*2 言葉を添えて"私が何を知っているというのか、そうでしょう" と言ったが、その後 "でも、そうだったと思う"と繰り返した。)
トランプ氏の信ずることには根拠がない。暴動で有罪判決を受けたある男性は、トランプ支持者を煽動*3 することが目的だったと認めたが、群衆の中にそのような人が"大勢いた" という証拠はなく、左翼のAntifaのメンバーが襲撃に関与したというトランプ氏が推進した陰謀説についても証拠はない。暴動で起訴された1,500人以上のほぼ全員が、熱烈なトランプ信奉者だった。
- 1/6の委員会と文書:
- 2020年選挙の正当性:
- 民主党と2024年の選挙:
トランプ氏は就任演説で、不特定の反対派が2024年の選挙で不正を"試みた"ができなかったと虚偽の主張をした。これもまたあり得ない話だ。トランプ氏は自由で公正な選挙でKamala Harris前副大統領に勝利したのである。
- カリフォルニア州と2024年の選挙:
- アラバマ州でのトランプ氏の勝利の差:
- トランプ氏と"若者の投票":
- 2020年の選挙と比べて、若い有権者、特に若い男性はトランプ氏に傾いたが、CNNが発表した出口調査によると、18~24歳の有権者では Harris氏が54:43%、25~29歳の有権者では53:45%、30~39歳の有権者では51:45%でトランプ氏を上回った。Harris氏の実際の差はもっと小さかったとしても (出口調査データには欠陥が多いが) 、若い有権者の間でトランプ氏がハリス氏を圧倒したという兆候はまったくない。
- a
- cherry-picked: 良いところだけつまみ食い
- out-of-context:
- humility: 謙遜; 屈辱
- rile up: かき回して怒らせる
- fervent:
- pardon:
Cf: preemptive pardon
- rig: 不正に操る
Foreign affairs
- China and the Panama Canal:
Trump vowed in his inaugural address that the US will take back the Panama Canal — and falsely claimed that “above all, China is operating the Panama Canal.” He added in the Oval Office that “China controls the Panama Canal.”
- There are valid questions about Chinese influence over infrastructure on and around the Panama Canal. Most notably, a subsidiary of a Hong Kong-based company operates a port at each end of the waterway, having first won the bidding competition for the contract in the 1990s. But Panama has run the canal itself since the US handed it over to the country in 1999. Specifically, the canal is operated by the Panama Canal Authority, whose administrator, deputy administrator and 11-member board are Panamanians selected by Panama’s government.
- The vast majority of its employees are Panamanian. It is Panama that decides which companies get awarded the contracts to run the ports on the canal. And other canal ports are operated by companies that are not Chinese — including one run by an American-Panamanian joint venture.
- “The Canal is and will continue to be Panama’s and its administration will continue to be under Panamanian control with respect to its permanent neutrality,” Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino said in a statement Monday. Without mentioning China directly, Mulino also appeared to reject Trump’s claim that China is operating the canal, saying, “There is no presence of any nation in the world that interferes with our administration.”
- China’s oil purchases from Iran:
In the arena speech, Trump repeated his false story about how he supposedly pressured China into stopping its purchases of oil from Iran during his first presidency. China’s oil imports from Iran did briefly plummet under Trump in 2019, the year the Trump administration made a concerted effort to deter such purchases, but they never stopped — and then they rose sharply again while Trump was still president. “The claim is untrue because Chinese crude imports from Iran haven’t stopped at all,” Matt Smith, lead oil analyst for the Americas at Kpler, a market intelligence firm, told CNN in 2023.
- 中国とパナマ運河:
- パナマ運河とその周辺のインフラに対する中国の影響力については、それなりの疑問がある。最も注目すべきは、香港に拠点を置く企業の子会社が水路の両端の港を運営しており、これは1990年代に初めて入札競争で契約を獲得したものである。しかし、パナマ運河は1999年に米国からパナマ共和国に引き渡されて以来、運河を自ら運営している。具体的には、運河の管理運営はパナマ運河庁によってなされており、その管理者、副管理者、および11人の委員はパナマ政府によって選出されたパナマ人である。
- 従業員の大半はパナマ人である。運河沿いの港湾運営の契約をどの企業に与えるかを決めるのはパナマ自身である。また、他の運河港湾は中国企業ではない企業によって運営されており、その中には米国とパナマの合弁企業が運営する港湾もある。
- "運河はパナマのものであり、今後もそうあり続けるだろう。その管理は永世中立の立場からパナマの管理下に置かれ続ける"と、パナマのJosé Raúl Mulino大統領は1/20月曜日の声明で述べた。ムリノ大統領は中国に直接言及することなく、中国が運河を運営しているというトランプ氏の主張を否定したようで、"我々の運営に干渉する国は世界中に存在しない"と述べた。
- 中国がイランから原油購入:
アリーナでの演説で、トランプ氏は大統領就任後最初の任期中に中国に圧力をかけ、イランからの原油購入をやめさせたという虚偽の話を繰り返した。中国のイランからの原油輸入は、トランプ政権がイランからの原油購入を阻止するために一致団結して取り組んだ2019年に一時的に急減したが、その後は止まらず、その後トランプ氏が大統領在任中に再び急増した。"この主張は真実ではない。中国のイランからの原油輸入はまったく止まっていないからだ" と、市場情報会社Kplerの南北アメリカ担当主任原油アナリストであるMatt Smith氏は2023年にCNNに語った。
- China’s official statistics recorded no purchases of Iranian crude in Trump’s last partial month in office, January 2021, and also none in most of Biden’s first year as president. But that doesn’t mean China’s imports actually ceased; industry experts say it is widely known that China has used a variety of tactics to mask its continued imports from Iran.
Kpler found that China imported about 511,000 barrels per day of Iranian crude in December 2020, Trump’s last full month in office. The low point under Trump was March 2020, when global oil demand crashed because of Covid-19. Even then, China imported about 87,000 barrels per day, Kpler found. (Since data on Iranian oil exports is based on cargo tracking by various companies and groups, other entities may have different data.)
- Iran and terror groups:
In the arena speech, Trump repeated his inaccurate boast that Iran “didn’t have money for Hamas” and “didn’t have money for Hezbollah” during his presidency. He emphasized in the Oval Office that Iran had “no money” for the two groups. Iran’s funding for these groups did decline in the second half of his presidency, in large part because his sanctions on Iran had a major negative impact on the Iranian economy, but the funding never stopped entirely, as four experts told CNN in 2024. In fact, Trump’s own administration said in 2020 that Iran was continuing to fund terror groups including Hezbollah. You can read a longer fact check here.
- Spain and BRICS:
Trump falsely claimed in the Oval Office that Spain is a member of the international organization known as BRICS, telling a reporter, “They’re a BRICS nation, Spain. You know what a BRICS nation is? You’ll figure it out.” Spain is not a member of BRICS; the “S” is for South Africa, which joined the group previously known as BRIC — Brazil, Russia, India and China — in 2010.
This story and headline have been updated to include additional information.
CNN’s Bryan Mena, Alicia Wallace, Phil Mattingly, Michael Rios and Elizabeth González contributed to this report.
- 中国の公式統計ではトランプ大統領の任期最後の1か月である2021年1月にはイラン産原油の購入は記録されておらず、バイデン大統領の1年目の大半でも購入は記録されていない。しかし、中国の輸入が実際に停止したわけではない。業界の専門家は、中国がイランからの継続的な輸入を隠すためにさまざまな戦術を使っていることは広く知られていると述べている。
- イランとテロ組織:
- スペインとBRICS:
CNNのBryan Mena, Alicia Wallace, Phil Mattingly, Michael Rios および Elizabeth Gonzálezが本記事に協力した。
>Top 3. Trump vs. Zelensky (2025/3/1):
- Vance Vice-President of US:
I would respond to this. So look for four
years in the USA, we had a president who stoop up at press conferences and talked tough about Vladimir Putin and then Putin invated Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country, the path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaing in diplomacy. We tried the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the president of the US's words mattered more than the president of the US's actions. What makes America a good country is America engaging in diplomacy. That's what president Trump is doing.
- Zelensky:
Can I ask you.
- Vance: Sure
- Zelensky:
He (Putin) occupied our parts, big parts of Uklaine, parts of east and Crimea. So he occupied it on 2014. So during a lot of years, I'm not speaking about just Biden, but those time was Obama, then President Obama, then President Trump, the President Biden, now Pesident Trump and God bless. Now President Trump will stop him. But during 2014, nobody stopped him. He just occupied and took. He killed people. You know, what the contract 2015? -2014 year? I was not here. |
But, buring during 2014 till 2022, was the situation the same. The people have been dying on the contact line. Nobody stopped him.
You know that we had conversations with him. A lot of conversations. My bilateral conversation. And we signed with him. Me like a new president in 2019. I signed with him the deal. I signed with him. Macron and Merkel. We signed ceasefire, ceasefire. All of them told me that he will never go. We signed him gas contract. Gas contract, yes. But after that he broke the ceasefire. He killed our people and he didn't exhange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn't do it. What kind of diplomacy, JD, you are speaking about? What do you mean?
- Vance:
I 'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country.
- Zelensky: Yes, but if you ...
- Vance: Mr. President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful. for you to come into the Oval Office and try ot litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines, because you have manpower problems. You should be thanking the President for trying to bring it into this conflict.
- Zelensky: Have you ever been to Ukraine that you say what problems we have?
- Vance: I have been to ...
- Zelensky: Come once.
- Vance: I've actually watched and seen the stories. and I know what happens is you bring people, you bring them on a propaganda tour, Mr. President. Do you disagree that you've had problems bringing people into your military?
- Zelensky: We have problems ...
- Vance: And do you think that it's respectuful.
- Zelensky: I will answer.
- Vance: To come to the Oval Office of the USA and attack the adminstration that is trying to prevent the destruction of your contry?
- Zelensky: A lot of ... a lot of questions. Let's start from the beginning. First of all, during the war, everybody has problems, even you. But you have nice ocean and don't feel now, but you will feel it in the future. God bless.
- Trump: You don't know that.
- Zelensky: God bless. God bless. You will not have war.
- Trump: Don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel. We're trying to solve a problem. Don't tell us what we're going to feel.
- Zelensky: I'm not telling you ...
- Trump: Because you're in no position to dictate that. Remember this. You're in no positon to dictate what we're going to feel. We're going to feel very good.
- Zelensky: You will feel influenced.
- Trump: We're going to feel very good and very strong. You're right now not in a very good position. You've allowed yourself to be in a very bad postion, and he (Vance) happens to be right about.
- Zelensky: From the the very beginning of the war...
- Trump: You're not in a good position. You don't have the cards right now. With us you start having cards. Yeah, your playing cards. You're gambling with the lives of millions of people. You're gambling witht World War III. You're gambling with WWIII. And what you're doing is very disrespectful to the country. This country.
- Zelenstky I.. with all respect to you ...
- Trump: Far more than a lot of people said they should have. Have you said thank you?
- Vance: Have you said thank you once?
- Zelensky: A lot of times.
- Vance: No, this entire meeting, you say thank you ... You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of apprecaiton for USA and the president who's trying to save your country.
- Zelensky: Please, you think that if you will speak very loudly about the war...?
- Trump: He 's not speaking loudly. He's not speaking loudly. Your contry is in big trouble. No no, you've done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.
- Zelensky: I know.
- Trump: You're not winning. You're not winning this. You have a dmn good chance of coming out okay, because of us.
- Zelensky: Mr. President, we are staying in our contry, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war, we've been alone, and we are thankful. I said thanks.
- Trump: We gave you, through this stupid predident, $350 billion dollars. We gave you military equipment. And your men are brave, but they had to use our military. If you didn't have our military equipment.. I you didn't have our military equpment, this war would have been over in two weeks.
- Zelenstky: In three days. I heard it from Putin in three days. This is something ... maybe less. In two weeks. Of course, yes.
- Trump: It's going to be a very hard thing to do, business like this, I tell you.
- Vance: Did you say, "Thank you"?
- Zelensky: I said a lot of times. "Thank you" to Amerian people,
- Vance" Except taht there are disagreements, and let's go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it our in the Ameerican media when you're wrong. We know that you're wrong.
- Trump: But you see, I think it's good for the American people to see what's going on out here. I think it's very important. Thet's why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankuful. You don't have the cards. You're buried there. Pepple are dying. You're running low on soldiers. Listen, you're running low on soldiers. it would be a damn good thing ... And then you, then you tell us, I don't want a ceasefire. I don't want a ceasefire. I want to go and I wanted this. Look , if you could get a ceasefire right now. I tell you, you take it. So the bullets stop flying and your men stop getting killed.
- Zelensky: Of course, we want to sop the war.
- Trump: But you're saying you don't want to ceasefire.
- Zelensky: But I said to you, with guarntees.
- Trump: Because you'll get a ceasefire faster than any agreement.
- Zelensky: Ask our people about ceasefire, what they think.
- Trump: It doesn't matter for you what ..? That wasn't with me. That was with a guy named Biden who was not a smart person. That was with Obama. Excuse me, that was with Obama, who gave you sheets. And I gave you Javelins. Yes. I gave you the Javelins to take out all those tanks. Obama gave you sheets. In fact, the statement is Obama gave sheets and Trump gave Javelins. You got to be more thankful. Because let me tell you, you don't have the cards. With us, you have the cards. But without us, you don't have any cards. ... Going to be a tough deal to make, because the attitudes have to change.
- Jounalist: What if Russia breaks ceasefire? What if Russia breaks these talks?
- Trump: If they what if anything waht if a bomb drops on your head right now. Okay what have they broken. I don't know they broke it with Biden. Because Biden they didn't respect him. They didn 't respect Obama. They respect me. Let me tell you Putin went through a hell of a lot with me. He went through a phony Witch Hunt where they used him and Russia Russia Russia Russia. You ever hear of that deal that was a phony that was a phony Hunter Biden, Joe Biden scam. Hillary Clinton, Shifty Adam Schiff kit was a Democrat scam. And he had to go through that and he did go through it we didn't end up in a war. And he went through it. He was accused of all that stuff he had nothing to do with it. It came out of Hunter Biden's bathroom. It came out of Hunter Biden's bedroom. It was disgusting and then they said oh oh the laptop from hell was made by Russia. The 51 agents the whole thing was a scam. And he had to put up with that he was being accused of all that staff. All I can say is this. He might have broken deals with Obama and Bush and he might have broken him with Biden. He did maybe maybe. He didn't. I don't know what happened. But he didn't break him with me. He wants to make a deal. I don't know if you can make a deal. The problem is I've empowered you to be a tough guy. And I don't think you'd be a tough guy without the US. And your people are very brave. But yo're eigther going to make a deal or we're out. And if we're out you'll fight it out. I don't think it's going to be pretty. But you'll fight it out but don't the cards. But once we sign that deal you're in a much better position. But you're not acting at all thankful. And that's not a nice thing. I'll be honest that's not a nice thing. All right uh I think we've seen enough. What do you think? Huh this is going to be great telvision. I will say that. All right we'll see what we can do about putting it together. Thank you. ... Thank you.
3. トランプ対ゼレンスキー (2025/3/1)
- J. D. Vance 米国副大統領:
私はこれに答えます。米国の過去 4 年間を振り返ってみると、ある大統領は、記者会見の場で、Vladimir Putin大統領に対して強硬な批判して見せましたが、その後Putin大統領は、ウクライナに侵攻し、国土のかなり部分を破壊しました。平和への道、繁栄への道はいずれも、外交に取り組むことで達成可能となります。我々はJoe Bidenのように胸を張って、米国大統領の言葉は米国大統領の行動よりも重要であるかのように振る舞ってきました。米国を良い国にするのは、米国が外交に取り組むことです。それがトランプ大統領がやろうとしていることです。
- Zelenstky:
- Vance: どうぞ
- Zelensky:
プーチンは、ウクライナの大部分、東部とクリミアの一部を2014年に占領しました。バイデンの時だけを言っているのではなく、何年もの間、当時はオバマ大統領、オバマ大統領、トランプ大統領、バイデン大統領、そして今はトランプ大統領です。今やトランプ大統領が彼を止めるでしょう。しかし、2014年の間は、誰も彼を止めませんでした。彼はただ占領し奪い取り、人々を殺しました。ご存知のように、2015年に締結、 2014年でしたか?私はそこにいませんでしたが。|
- Vance:
- Zelensky: そうです、しかし、もし...
- Vance: 大統領、失礼ですが、あなたがこの大統領執務室に入ってきて、アメリカのメディアの前でこの件を訴えようとするのは失礼だと思います。今、あなた方は人員不足のため、各地を回って兵士を召集して前線に送り込んでいます。この紛争に介入しようとしてくれるトランプ大統領に感謝すべきです。
- Zelensky: 今までにウクライナに来たことはありますか? 我々にはどんな問題があると言うのですか?
- Vance: 行ったことはありますが...
- Zelensky: 一度来て見て下さい。
- Vance: 私は実際にそのニュースで状況を見てきました。そしでは、大統領が人々を連れてきて、プロパガンダツアーに連れて行くのが何なのか知っています。軍に人々を召集うするのに問題がはなかったということですか?
- Zelensky: 問題はあります...
- Vance: それと米国に敬意を示すべきだとお考えですか?
- Zelensky: 私が答えます。
- Vance: 米国の大統領執務室に来て、あなたの国の破壊されるのを阻止しようとしている政権を攻撃するのですか?
- Zelensky: 質問が沢山あります。最初から説明ましょう。まず、戦争中は誰もが問題を抱えています。あなたもそうでしょう。しかし、あなたは素晴らしい海を持っていて、今は感じていませんが、将来は感じることになるしょう。神に誓って。
- Trump: あなたはそれはわからない。
- Zelensky: 神に誓って言いますが、戦争は起こらないでしょう。
- Trump: 私たちがどう感じるかはあなたに言われたくない言わないで。我々は問題を解決しようとしているのです。私たちがどう感じるかあなたは言うべきではない。私たちはその問題を解決しようとしているのです。我々がそれをどう感じるかあなたに言われたくない。
- Zelensky: あなたにそう言おうという訳では...
- Trump: あなたにはそれを指示する立場にないからです。覚えておいてください。あなたは我々が何を感じるか指示すべき立場にありません。我々はとても良い気分になろうとしているのです。
- Zelensky: あなたは影響を受けるでしょう。
- President Zelensky appeared on Fox News and said,
- Q: You regret what happened today?
- Zelensky, "I regret what happened today. I have a history with the President and the American people. So, I have to be honest and open about it. I don't think we did anything wrong. I believe it is possible to recover relations with Trump."
- Interview with media after the meeting:
- Trump:
"We had a very meaningful meeting with President Zelensky and I would say it didn't work our exactly great from his standpoint. I think he very much overplayed his hand. We're looking for peace. We're not looking for
somebody that's going to sign up a strong power, and then not make peace because they feel emboldened. And that's what I saw happening. I'm looking for peace. We're not looking to go into a 10-year war and play games. We want peace. And it was just my impression that if we do that, if we sign up, he's looking for something that I'm not looking for. He's looking to go on and fight, fight, fight. We're looking to end the death. 2000 people died this week, soldiers, more than that. But 2,000 approximately people died this week. Young Ukrainians and Russians. And if somebody would say, why do you care about Ukraine and Russian soldiers? I care about them, I care about everybody. And we're not doing that. Now if we don't do anything, he's going to have to make peace. But he's dealing with a very weak set of cards. If we sign, he's dealing with very strong set of cards. And then he doesn't want to make peace. So that's where we are. It's very simple. I'm not looking to get into anything protracted. I want immediate peace. President Putin is going to want to make and he wants to make. He wants to end it. And you saw what I saw today. This is a man that wants to get us signed up and keep fighting. And we're not doing that, not for this country. So we're setting a lot of records. Economically, we're setting records, and I think every way we're setting records. One of the best is the right track, wrong track. You saw that. We're on the right track for the first time in over 27 years. People are impressed with that. The other thing is the feeling about our country. The feeling is great. It's up 48% on feeling, on business. And that's the record we've never had. There's never been a record where we're ever gone up that much in such a short period of time. So we're doing really well. And I guess some of you are coming with us. And if you are, I hope you're going to have a good flight.
- Q: What does Zelensky need to do to restart talking?
- Trump: He's got to say, "I want to make peace." He doesn't have to stand there and say about Putin this, Putin that, and all negative things. He's got to say, "I want to make peace." I don't want to fight a war any longer. His people are dying. He doesn't have the cards. Just so you understand it. Okay, I can tell you.
- Q: Did you tell Zelensky to leave The White House?
- I don't have to tell you that. Go ahead. I think... I think you know the answer to that.
- Q: Do you trust Putin or Zelensky?
- Look, I don't trust or distrust anybody. I just want to get a deal done. And if the deal happens, good. But you can't embolden somebody that does not have the cards. And all of a sudden that person says, "Oh, well, now I can keep fighting. I can." We're not going to keep fighting. We're going to get the war done. Or let them go and see what happens. Let them fight it out.
- Q: Do you want President Zelensky's promise?
- I want anybody that's going to make peace. If he's capable of making peace, which he may or may not be, but I want somebody that's going to make peace. Again, he doesn't have the cards. When we sign up, he's got all of the cards. That doesn't mean he can fight. He's got to stop the fighting, stop the death. He's losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers. It's time to stop the death.
- Q: How long do you think it would take President Zelensky to want peace? And when is that going to happen?
- He wants to come back right now, but I can't do that.
- Q: Do you want an immediate ceasefire, Mr. President?
- They should have an immediate ceasefire. That was the other thing, he didn't want to do about ceasefire. A ceasefire could take place immediately. A contract, if you want to end the war, you sign up an agreement. That's going to take a period of time. It takes time. I want it to end immediately. And I think if you had a ceasefire, it would be a ceasefire, and real one, that would end it. But he doesn't want to do that. That's fine, do a better deal. I want it to end immediately, I want a ceasefire now. He says, "Oh, I don't want a ceasefire." Well, all of a sudden, he's a big shot, because he has the US on his side. Either we're going to end it or let him fight it out. And if he fights it out, it's not going to be pretty. Because without it, without us, he doesn't win, let me tell you.
- It doesn't matter what I'm considering. I'm just telling you. You saw what I saw today. That was not a man that wanted to make peace. And I'm only interested if he wants to end the bloodshed. Thank you very much everybody.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcifudW0E8E
Trump-Zelensky meet in an alternate reality.
- Donald J. Trump SNS (2025/3/4)
- This is the worst statement that could have been made by Zelensky, and America will not put up with it for muchh longer! It is what I was saying, this guy doesn't want there to be Peace as long as he has America's backing and, Europe, in the meeting they had ... that they cannot do the job without ...
A bad peace is better than a good war. -Tacotus |