Class Diary After 310,000 Hours
Cat: MIS
Pub: 1999
#: 9916a
Kanzo Kobayashi
Class Diary after 310,000 hours
the memory of Mr. Kasumi Tsugita, teacher of our high school
Kanzo Kobayashi
Jun. 1999
The report was written for the memorial writings for Mr. K.
Tsugita, our teacher of the class 37R. We has missed forever his
severe but affectionate orders of homeworks forever.
0. 37R Class room of Hibiya High School:
- In 1962 our 37R (7th class of third grade) of Hibiya Senior High
School has a unique history of its origin, as described in the novel
'Akazukin-chan Kiwotsukete "Beware, Little Red Ridinghood" by Shoji Kaoru. When we became 2nd grade of the school, all
the students gathered in the school yard and had a full day long
negotiation, adjustment and finally had a lot to determine a new
class (called 27R) starting from new 2nd year term.
- We made our class by our own selection, which meant our class
was composed of several intimate groups or factions. It was true
that Intimate groups meant there were rival groups in the same class,
causing very active discussion and debate in the class. Same group
members supported each other, the other faction members opposed.
Our class composed of relatively large group of natural science-oriented
students as well as small but disputatious social science-oriented
- We had often resentation style class, where some groups made supporting
questionnaire, while others opposing questionnaire just like a parliament
debate. Later I acknowledged that similar debate occured at the
business school in US. Some group sticked to unique or peculiar
questions, to which the teacher patiently replied spending long
- Then the students tended to use small abbreviated glossary of
words called 'Mametan' in learning English, but I dared to
bring large dictionary of Kenkyusha in the class to consult the
meaning for the detailed discussion. In the world history class,
we prepared detailed printed materials to make impressive presentation
of the assigned portion, which was almost self-satisfaction purpose
- At the library located at the top of the school building, we challenged
to read through lengthy novels like 'War and Pease' of Lev Torstoi,
or 'Quiet Don' of Mikhail Sholokhov of Russia. There was
a time that a wall paper appeared along the corridor whether the
National Rising Sun flag really represents the mentality or proper
patriotism of the Japanese. (Such protest or participation movement
became more active in the following university life.)
0. 37Rの生い立ち]
- 都立日比谷高校37R(1964年卒3年7組)の生い立ちからして、庄司薫の小説「赤頭巾ちゃん気をつけて」にでてくるように、2年生になったとき、全生徒が一日かけてグランドでグループ毎の調整・交渉、そして最後はジャンケンを行い、自分たちでまとめあげたクラスだという思いがある。
- 当然、仲の良い友達グループの集合なのだが、反面、他のグループ(派閥)に対する対抗心もその分激しく、ライバルと同志が混在し、毎日のクラスが生徒会のようだった気がしている。そしてやたらとうるさ型の理系志望が多かったが、少数だが文系の論客もいるというおもしろい構成のクラスだった。
- 各授業でも、発表形式の授業はもちろんのこと、それ以外の授業でも、グループ毎にいかに気のきいた質問をするか、仲間への援護と相手への論戦というスタイルは、ビジネススクールのやり方にも似て活性化していた。難問・珍問にこだわり、先生もつきあって延々と時間延長して議論したこともあった。
- 当時の日比谷では辞書なども、豆タンなど受験用の材料を使うことを潔しとせず、研究社の大英和を持ち込み、細かい例外を持ち出し質問したことなども思い出す。歴史の発表も、やたらと詳しい資料を作成して自己満足していたことも懐かしい思い出となっている。
- 図書室では、受験に関係のなさそうが長編小説(戦争と平和や静かなドンなど)を読むのが流行っていた。日の丸是非論争にしても、壁新聞を張り出し、積極的に論戦を挑んだのも37Rだった。(この抗議や参加型は後の大学でさらにエスカレートすることになるのだが)
1. Inflationary period of spirit:
- How many hours have passed since we received the lecture of ancient
Japanese writings from Mr. Tsugita? Has it really passed 36 years
ago? In terms of hours, more than 310,000 hours have passed? In
1960s space development between Soviet and US was active reflecting
the cold war competion. We then high school students adored sure
development of technology, and believed the progress always seemed
affirmative, and conservatism seemed obsolete and negative. Actually
It was a period of inflation of the spirit similar to the occurrence
of initial stage of the universe.
- Another slogan or creed was 'Never give up' or 'Be patient or
tenacious, or 'Shibutosa' in Japanese. This 'shibutosa' expression originally came from the tough sumo wrestling of Tochinishiki vs. Wakanohana, both were small in size but strong and paticularly
pacient Yokozuna sumo champions in 1950s. They never gave up even
pushed back until the edge of the sumo-ring, trying the last effort
of come-from-behind victory. In the class diary, the ranking list
of 'Shibutosa Banzuke' was often published in the class diary.
I satisfied to find my name listed in the above ranking.
- Younger generation of nowadays almost forget and out of use such
tenaciousness. Our generation belong at the top of so-the post-war
baby-boomers. Such tenaciousness proved useful in various aspects
of life afterward. Our generation mgiht have some factors in our
gene representing such tenaciousness as well as other factors like
- The ratio of boy and girl at the school was 3:1, which was delicate
but heartless arrangement. Such ratio gave us consciousness of the
opposite sex. We tried to enjoy the pair dance like folk dance under
such abnormal combination. The frustration might increase our mental
energy of inflation
1. 精神のインフレーション時期:
- 37Rで、次田先生の古文の授業を受けてから、どれほどの時が流れたのだろうか?
- 当時のもうひとつの信念というかスローガンは「しぶとさ」だった。栃若時代のしぶとい相撲表現から、土俵際に追いつめられても簡単には負けない、あくまでしぶとく粘り強く闘うという意識である。クラス日誌に、「しぶとさ番付」なる評価が掲載され、小生も上位にランクされたことを当時は誇りに思った。
- 今の若者はしぶとさがないなどとぼやくことは言いたくないが、団塊の世代の始まりとして、このしぶとさ文化は、その後の人生のいろいろな局面で役に立った。団塊の世代の生命遺伝子そのものの中に、アポトーシスとならんでこのしぶとさ因子が潜在的に埋め込まれているのではないかとさえ思っている。
- 男女の比率が3対1というのも非情な組合せだったと思う。異性を意識しないようで意識するような人数比で、フォークダンスときなど困った。あの頃のフラストレーションもまた精神のインフレーションのエネルギーとなっていたのかも知れない。
2. Memory of ancient Japanese literature:
- I can remember the class of Mr. Tsugita, who often required us
to clear the grammatical literal analysis of an ancient Japanese
writings. I did not belong to very honest students to learn the
ancient society of Japan at that time, which seemed nonenssential
for progressive idea. I liked to learn mathematics, physics or English
rather than the ancient Japanese or Chinese language. The former
seemed to have clear-cut single answer, while the latter seemed
ambiguous or vague answers. As a preparation for the examination,
the latter subjects were not effective per preparation. I liked
to rather study the world and Japanese history which seemed simple
memory work.
- I longed for progress, logic, globalism and universe, conversely,
I tried to be away from conservatism, sentimenlism, Japan and local
problem. To aim scientific course or sociological course had been
my worrying question. The former looked logical but the latter illogical.
(Now I can answer contrarily that natural science seems rather more
analog-like, while social science shows more digital-oriented.)
2. 古文の授業の思い出:
- 次田先生の授業は、一語一句厳格に分析して解釈する授業だったと記憶している。当時は、古文の世界を理解することのそれほど重要とは思わない不熱心な生徒だった。これも進歩史観の影響だったのか、数学や物理や英語には前向きのくせに、古文や漢文などあいまいな科目にはどうも苦手だった。
- 進歩・論理・世界・宇宙にあこがれ、逆に、保守・感情・日本・地域から離れようとしていたのだと思う。理系か文系かで進路を悩んだことも覚えている。理系が論理的で、文系が非論理的なのか、そうでないのか途方にくれたこともある。(今なら、むしろ理系こそアナログで、文系こそデジタルではないかと思うが...)
3. Impressionable high school days:
- Memories of the impressionable high school days remain as the
origin of my interest. The origin of how to stand or how to adopt
an appropriate stance to various occasions has its roots in the
idea or way of thinking bred since high school days. It can be said
that basic forms of branches of a young tree may be unchanged ever
- Mr. Tsugita tried to teach us the depth of each word with its
historical meaning, taste, syntax, and background concept. The poverty
of the word may lead to the poverty of the idea. We were impressinable
as well as poor of the ideas.
3. 多感な高校時代:
- 多感な高校時代を過ごした日比谷での記憶は、今でもいろいろな興味の原点になっている。最近、変化しつつある世の中の事柄にどう向き合うかなどと、立ち止まって考えることもあるが、その場合の着眼点というか発想法は、きっと高校の頃からの問題意識に違いない。その後の経験や知識が折り重なったとしても、若木の枝振りは、老木になっても基本構造は似ているようなものである。
- 今頃の高校生は...などと教育論を振りかざすと長くなるが、「ことば」の持つ歴史的な深み・味わい・優雅さ・そして冷厳な概念を次田先生は教えてくれたような気がする。言葉の貧困は、思想の貧困に通じるのだろう。
- Nowadays, I am challenging to publish various writings or comments
on my homepage. The contents are from various writings and reports
related to my business, travelogue or hobby. It is similar feeling
of Priest Kenko written in 14th century with the famous opening:
"What a strange, demented feeling it gives me when I realize
I have spent whole days before this ink stone, with nothing better
to do, jotting down a random whatever nonsensical thoughts have
entered my head."
- My starting point of writing was the class diary and class newspaper
at the high school days written about interesting events, daily
comments or essays occured at the classroom. I spent lots of energy
how to pick up the interesting themes for the class diary with journalist
- Even now I recall similar viewpoint as a journalist in the present
business or traveling occasions. Sometimes at the conference or
business meetings I looked for some interesting themes to report
without noticing it. In such cases my eyes became as a naughty boy
trying to find some interesting topics and a good question.
4. 物書きの原点:
- 最近、ホームページを開設して、いままで折に触れて書いてきたものや、仕事の関連などでおもしろそうなものなど吉田兼好にあやかってつれづれなるままにひぐらし硯にむかひて書きつづっている。
- クラス日誌や学校新聞などにも投稿したことなど、もの書きのおもしろさの原点も実は高校時代にあるような気がしている。あのクラス日誌だが、当時は、読者とテーマがある程度予想されるクラス日誌にいかにおもしろそうな内容(読者にとっても著者にとっても)を書くか、授業はそのための取材の場という感覚で臨んでいたような気もしている。
- ここ14年位は情報通信関連の分野の仕事をしているが、変化の多い分野で、何をホームページのテーマとするかという視点で、会議や講演や出張などを、高校の時の授業のときのようにレポートや質問の題材を探すような取材の場として観察している姿を思い出すことがある。そういう時は(今でも?)きっと、なまいきな、いたづら子にありがちな好奇心旺盛の目をしているのだろう。
> Top
5. Viewpoint
of Journalism:
- It is my viewpoints of journalism whether the event
- can be TRUE? Because there are many readers.
- can DEVELOP? Because the recodd will survive in the future.
- can be PRACTICAL? Because many readers are cool.
- does include unexpected DISCOVERY? Because curiosity is root
of the interest.
- can be OBVIOUS? Becasuse there is a time limit and of space
in publishing.
- Present business envriornment tends to show some stifling feeling
particularly after the collapse of bubble economy in Japan since
1990s. Internal bullying and harassing is not unusal events not
only in schools but in companies. When unclear and unfair behaviors
occur in confined situation the above five viewpoints are important.
It has been useful since my high school days, such as the cases
of answering to sudden questions, or finding good reasons or escape
from disadvantage.
- There is a shape ascending slope in front of the high school gate,
we named 'Chikoku-zaka' (Delaying slope). I wrote the reason
of delay in the paper 'Chikisho' literally meaning 'delayed-wake-up
syndrome', phonetically 'bull-shit'.
- There is a type of convinced person of frequently scolding or
talking-to. The above five viewpoints would be useful to find positive
thinking in various occations.
5. 取材の視点:
- 取材の視点は、
- その事実に真実性があるか。
- 将来の発展性はあるか。
- 実用性はあるか。
- 意外な発見が含まれているか、
- 明快であるかであるか。
- 会社生活も、バブル崩壊後のような閉塞状況になると、社内イジメや足の引っ張り合いなどが発生することも目立つ。納得のいかない事象も多い。そんなときの陰湿な環境下も、上記の5つの視点を思い出す。
- 予習をせずに当てられたり、遅刻したときの言い訳など窮地における対応のノウハウの原点もまた高校時代にあった。遅刻に関して言えば、校門入り口までの急な坂(遅刻坂)を思い出す。遅刻の理由をかく紙に「遅起症」と書いたことがあったが、今でもこれは傑作だと思っているが。
- 世の中には小言をいうことに生き甲斐を感じている種類の人達もいるが、その場合でも上記の5つの視点によってその小言や批判を分析することが、前向きの対応になるのではないか?
> Top
6. Sense
of Justice:
- Where has gone a sense of justice? Has it been a suject of interest
since high school days? Tough this suject has not become fainter
by ages, I have recognized its depth and its difficulty of justice
according to experiences.
- The sense of justice should prevail over the above five viewpoints.
Generally speaking in any event it belongs to justice side when
more truth is contained, more development is expected, more practically
useful, and more unexpected discovery can be done. Obviousness will
be also related to aesthetic sense in many cases. Some says abstraction
will be worthy than practical usage, but such abstract concept will
be useful afterward.
- Justice will be relative and is not always single. A justice for
one group will not necessarily true for the other group. In wartimes,
both starts war for the name of justice or of God. More recently,
a justice for human beings is not always a justice for environment.
Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries promoted
reclamation works at Isahaya, Nagano Pref. which caused ecological
adverse effect damaging various marine creatures.
- There is an extreme assertion that the existence of human race
itself is injustice on the earth. Is this assertion will be justifiable
by humankind? There is a contradiction that "all Cretans are
lying, a Cretan said." Life is difficult, or it is difficult
to say that life if difficult. Life is understandable, or it is
not understatable that life is not understandable, etc.....so it
is generally difficult to affirm or negate totally.
- A Proposal:
Let's go back to the classroom in high school days. As we have much
experienced since then, we could have fruitful discussion and debate
with the alumni. It will be very activated senior class discussion,
so I dream to realize it. Or it is already possible to have virtual
class discussion over the Internet. I will continue to send message
on my homepage as preparatory materials for the future discussion.
6. 正義感について:
- 高校時代から一番意識してきた「正義感はどうした?」という質問は当然あると思う。これは年をとって忘れたということはなく、むしろその深さ、難しさを実感している。
- 上記取材のポイントに付け加えるならば、正義感は前述の5つの視点のすべてに行き渡るべき視点といるのがその回答である。即ち、真実性のより多く含まれている方が正義であり、将来の発展性が見込める方が正義であり、実用に役に立つ方が正義であることが多いし(実用にとらわれない抽象の中にこそ正義があるという異論はあるだろうが、その抽象概念も後日実用化されることが多い。)、意外な発見は見落としがちな正義感・倫理感がその動機となることも多い。そして明快であることは多くは美意識やおもしろさに支えられていることが多く、それはまた正義感と密接な関係がある。
- また正義は一つかどうかという点も悩ましい点である。人間のあるグループにとっての正義は、他のグループにとっての不正義でありことはよくあることで、戦争は双方が正義や神をかざして行われる。またすべての人間にとっての正義は、地球環境にとっての不正義のことも多くなってきた。(諫早湾の干拓についていえば、農水省にとっての正義は、ムツゴロウなど生態系にとっての不正義であることは明らかである。)
- また人間の存在そのものが不正義だと言い出すと、そう言っている人間の発言は正義なのか不正義なのか、あたかも、すべてのXX人はウソつきであるとXX人が言う場合のような論理矛盾となる。人生は難しい、かどうかもわからない。人生はわからない、かどうかもわからない...
- 提案:いつか高校の時代に戻ってクラス討論会をしよう。卒業以来、経験・識見をためてきた訳だから、もうあいつには負けないぞという論理や哲学をきっとそれぞれもっていると思う。きっとおもしろいシルバークラス討論会になると思って、その日が来ることを楽しみにしている。
> Top
7. 'Go-ShogiI'
debate at 37R <revival>:
- At 37R class there was a debate between 'Go' vs 'Shogi'
(Japanese chess) which was better game. There were Go faction and
Shogi faction, which has no relation to the curriculum at high school.
Mr. Hiroshi Koizumi, a friend of mine, a good Go player representing
Go-faction, Mr. Katsuhiko Kurokawa, also my intimate friend, representing
Shogi-faction (forgive my selection) So, let's start debate.
- <Go-faction>
First of all, Go is democratic, but Shogi is hierarchical with the
the King piece as the center. If the King is taken, the game is
over. Thus Shogi looks feudalistic. There is a historical story
that General Zhu De of Chinese communist party always carried
Go on him during long march at war time. And ancient Genji tale picture scroll in Japan describe playing Go. Go has such a
long history. Has Shogi a similar long history?
- <Shogi-faction>
Shogi has also long history rooted from ancient India or Persia.
Go looks democratic, but it becomes clear in better or worse or
functionable according to the position and line of the stones. Bad
positioned stones may cause unexpected damage or even sacrifice
to their friends. It is deceptive that democratically selected politicians
or able bureaucrats may sacrifice to most of the people because
of their misrules.
Shogi looks clear requiring noblesse-oblige and responsibility according
each status. Furthermore once a friend piece is taken, it can survive
as the enemy's piece; this means there is always a chance of recruiting
in both sides, only the King has the responsibility of defeat of
war. Go is played with white stone used by the superior player while
black stone by inferior player, which conceives a kind of racial
- <Go-faction>
In Go game, every stone has equal opportunity to play various function.
There are various strategic terms derived from Go game such as 'Okame-hachimoku'
(Onlookers can read the game better than the players themselves),
'Fusekiwo utsu' (Lay the stones (=foundations) for future
development.) or 'Chakugan taikyoku chakushu shokyoku' (Think
globally and act locally), thus shows how Go game is more related
to strategic thinking than Shogi game. Go is popular among non-Kanji
- <Shogi-faction>
Shogi has also long history. Shogi does not necessarily approve
the hieralchy of Shogi pieces. It mean there is such a differentiated
function in human society. The King represents the value of life,
if we lose it our life game is over. In Go game, the end of the
game is not clear until counting the areas by replacing all stones
in squares. The handicap of the first move and the second move is
defined 5.5 ,which seems illogical.
- <Go-faction>
Go game requires a sense of space, and looks simple and beautiful.
We can play Go only with paper and pencil, while Shogi needs various
complicated pieces. The beauty of Shogi is locally understood only
in Japan.
- <Shogi-faction>
It is said the first grade of white Go stones are made of big clamshell
produced at Hyuga, southern Kyushu, and black Go stones of
shale produced at Nachi, Wakayama Pref., both look wasteful
in resources. Shogi is made of wood, specially of boxwood, which
is anyway a recycling resource.
- <Go-faction>
Go game is global and can be played by worldwide unified rule.
- <Shogi-faction>
If Chess is included as same category of Shogi game, this group
of games are also global.
- <Go-faction>
Go is more than global. It is even cosmic. Go stone is placed at
an intersection of 19 vertical and 19 horizontal lines, which is
quite mathematical. If we change the viewpoint, we can read the
opponent position, which is superior in recognizing the space.
In contrast Shogi piece is placed in the center of square box of
9 x 9 checkboard, whose position varies among the players. Some
players place the piece in the center, while others close to the
bottom line.
- <Shogi-faction>
If you insist Go is spacious, I can say Shogi is superior to recognition
of time. In Go game, there are less choices of moves according to
the process. The most typical case is 'Ko' (meaning infinity;
an alternate-capture situation), which is a kind of bullying. In
Shogi game, the initial moves are mostly patternized according to
the formula, but after middle game it becomes ever-changing situation
by one move. Thus Shogi game shows discontinuous change according
as time passes. But with such affluent changes the amateur game
can be finished almost within lunch break. Most of Go games will
not finish after the end of signal of lunch break.
- <Go-faction>
Good Go game of squared match shows drastic and discontinuous change
by only a brilliant move.
- <Onlooker>
For me one is as bad as the other. The class in the afternoon starts
soon, and Mr. Tsugita (of ancient writings) is appearing. The teacher
usually requires us to answer literal analysis of ancient words
one by one. Both of you (including me also) are not prepared for
them. I can't help you because both of you debate seriously which
is better game Go or Shogi spending a whole hour. What about you
decide by the game using Go stone one side and Shogi piece the other?
7.<追記> 37R囲碁・将棋論争再現:
- 当時のクラスでは、囲碁派と将棋派がいて、囲碁・将棋ゲームもさることながら、それぞれどちらが優れていて良いゲームなのかの論争があった。前述の受験勉強と関係なさそうなテーマに熱中していた訳だが、当時の論争を再現してみたい。まず、囲碁派の代表として小泉博史君(は異論ないと思うが)、将棋派の代表として黒川克彦君(こちらは異論あるかも知れないがどちらも小生の親友なので)...では論争をどうぞ。
- <囲碁派>
- <将棋派>
- <囲碁派>
- <将棋派>
- <囲碁派>
- <将棋派>
- <囲碁派>
- <将棋派>
- <囲碁派>
- <将棋派>
- <囲碁派>
- <傍観派>
- There was a poplar "Patience Award Ranking" in 37R.
If it still revive, I expect to publish "Homepage Award Ranking"
- I do hope my homepage be ranked in the upper rank.
- "Patience" has become my true value since senior hight school days.
- 37R名物の「しぶとさ番付」がもしまだあれば、「ホームページ充実番付」をぜひ評価してもらいたい。
- 小生のはその中できっと上位陣に位置づけられることであろう。
- しぶとさは、高校時代以来の真骨頂となった。
![]() |
Class Diary After 310,000 Hours |
Cat: MISPub: 1999
Kanzo Kobayashi |
Title |
Class Diary after 310,000 hours |
31万時間後のクラス日誌 |
Subtitle |
In the memory of Mr. Kasumi Tsugita, teacher of our high school | 次田香澄先生追悼「問わず語り」 |
Author |
Kanzo Kobayashi | 小林寛三 |
Published |
Jun. 1999 |
1999年6月 |
Index |
Why? |
The report was written for the memorial writings for Mr. K. Tsugita, our teacher of the class 37R. We has missed forever his severe but affectionate orders of homeworks forever. |
この報告は37Rクラス担任だった次田先生の追悼文集に寄稿したものである。我々は、先生の厳しくしかし愛情に満ちた宿題の注文を永久に失ってしまったのは残念である。 |
Summary |
要約 |
0. 37R Class room of Hibiya High School:
0. 37Rの生い立ち]
1. Inflationary period of spirit:
1. 精神のインフレーション時期:
2. Memory of ancient Japanese literature:
2. 古文の授業の思い出:
3. Impressionable high school days:
3. 多感な高校時代:
4. 物書きの原点:
> Top
5. Viewpoint of Journalism:
5. 取材の視点:
> Top
6. Sense of Justice:
6. 正義感について:
> Top
7. 'Go-ShogiI' debate at 37R <revival>:
7.<追記> 37R囲碁・将棋論争再現:
Comment |