Word Smart: the Root Parade
Cat: LAN
Adam Robinson, etc.
up 17528
; amoral; abduct; acid; adapt; agent; alternate; amateur; ambitious; ambit; unanimous; anterior; anthropology; annual; antidote; apology; apt; architect; monarchy; art; augument; automtic; belittle; rebel; benefit; biannual; brief; cascade; candle; chant; capture; capital; cardiac; caste; caustic; cede; central; concern; chronicle; circumference; scissor; excite; exclaim; closet; decline; connect; bureaucracy; creation; credit; crypt; culprit; occur; cubicle; descend; democracy; dialogue; dictionary; dignity; disperse; doctor; orthodox; condolence; donate; dubious; conduct; endure; epidemic; equaition; err; adolescence; exclude; euphoria; extraordinary; fable; factory; offer; fervor; confide; final; flame; deflect; afflict; fluid; foresight; fortune; fracture; fruitful; foundation; confuse; generous; ignore; grand; congregation; progress; grateful;
- The forest of words comprises of three parts; etymology as root, major meaning as truck, and example sentences as leaf and fruit.
- Roots indicate historical background, trucks major principles, leaves & fruits tyical and unique usages.
- There are various definitions among dictonaries, varying from logical to practical explanations. It's interesting to find most suitable ones for a foreginer to understand the association of words.
- Refereces:
- Word Smart, Buiding an educated vocaburary
- Merriam-Webster, 11th Collegiate Dictionary, 2003
- American Herritage Dictionary, 3rd edition
- Oxford Dictionary of English, 2010
- Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1979
- The Kenkyusha Dicitonary of English Etymology, 1999
- 言葉の森は、構成する木の3つの部分から成る。根としての語源、幹である主要な意味、そして葉や実に相当する例文である。
- 根は歴史的背景、幹は主要な原則、葉と実は典型的でユニークな用例を示してくれる。
- 辞書によっては、論理的なものから実用的なものまでさまざまな定義がある。外国人にとって言葉の関連を理解する上で、最適の定義を見つけることは楽しい。
- 参考:
- Word Smart, Buiding an educated vocaburary
- Merriam-Webster, 11th Collegiate Dictionary, 2003
- American Herritage Dictionary, 3rd edition
- Oxford Dictionary of English, 2010
- 小学館ランダムハウス英和大辞典
- 研究者英語語源辞典, 1999
>Top <A>:
- amoral
- atheist
- atom
- atypical
- apathy
- amorphous
- atrophy
- apartheid
- anomaly
- agnostic
- lacking a moral sense; an amoral attitude to sex.
- one who believes that there is no deity
- <G. atomos=inivisible; a + temnein=to cut
- not typical; irregular, unusual; a flower atypical of the species (この種の内の変種の花)
- <G. apatheia; a+pathos =without feeling; lack of feeling
- <G. a+ morpha=form; having no definite form; shapeless
- <G. a+ trephein=to nourish; decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue: myoatrophy (筋萎縮); Cf. dystrophy
- < apart+ hood; racial segregation
- deviation from the common rule
- <G. a+ gnastos=known; a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality is unknown and probably unknowable: agnosticism (不可知論)
>Top Ab/Abs:
off, away fro, apart, down
- abduct
- abhor
- abolish
- abstract
- abnormal
- abdicate
- abstinent
- absolution
- abstruse
- abrogate
- abscond
- abjure
- abstemious
- ablution
- abominate
- aberrant
- <L. ab+ ducere=to lead; to seize and take away by force
- <L. ab+horrare=to shudder; to regard with extreme repugnance: A gentlemen abhors vulgarity. (紳士は卑俗を憎む)
- <L. abolare=to destroy
- <L. ab+trahere=to pull, draw; disassociated from any specific instance
- <L. ab+normalis=normal; deviating from the normal or average
- <L. ab+dicare=to proclaim; to cast off, discard; to relinquish: abdicate the throne (退位する)
- <abstain <L. ab+tenare=to hold; to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice: abstinence from food (絶食)
- <absolve <L. ab+solvere=to loosen; to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt: 赦免・赦罪
- <L. ab+trudere=to push; difficult to comprehend; difficult to comprehend: abstruse theories (難解な理論)
- <L. ab+rogare=to ask; to abolish by authoritative action: abrogate concordats with other countries. (他国との協約を破棄する)
- <L. ab+condere=store up, put; to depart secretly and hide oneself: The cashier absconded with money. (出納係は金を持って姿をくらました)
- <L. ab+jurare=to swear; to renounce upon oath; to reject solemnly: abjure extravagance. (贅沢を慎む)
- <L. ab+temetum=intoxicating drink; marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol: He was of abstemious habit. (日頃から節食していた)
- <L. ab+lavere=to wash; the washing of one's body or part of it: perform one's ablution (斎戒沐浴する)
- <L. ab+omin=omen; to hate or loathe intensely: an abominable crime (忌まわしい犯罪)
- <L. ab+errare=to wander; straying from the right or normal way: annual (diurnal) aberration 年周 (日周)光行差
>Top Ac/Acr
sharp, bitter
- acid
- acute
- acerbic
- exacerbate
- acrid
- acrimonious
- acumen
- <L. acare=to be sour; sour, sharp, or biting to the taste
- <L. acus=needle; characterized by sharpness or severity
- <L. acid in temper, mood, or tone: acerbic criticism (辛辣な批評)
- <L. ex+acerbus=harsh, bitter; to make more violent, bitter, or severe: Foolish words exacerbating a quarrel. (喧嘩に油を注ぐ愚かな言葉)
- <L. acr+acer=sharp; sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor; irritating; acrid smoke from the burning rubber (燃えるゴムから出る刺激臭のある煙)
- <L. caustic, biting, or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner: an acrimonious dispute (激論)
- <L. acuere=to sharpen <acus=needle; keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters: political acumen (政治的な読みの深さ)
>Top Ad/Al
to, toward, near
- adapt
- adjacent
- addict
- admire
- address
- adhere
- administer
- adore
- advice
- adjoin
- adultery
- advocate
- allure
- alloy
- <L. ad+aptare=to fit; to make fit
- <L. ad+jacare=to lie; akin to, not distant
- <L. ad+dicere=to say; to devote or surrender oneself to something habitually
- <L. ad+mirari=to wonder; to regard with admiration
- <L. ad+drescer=to direct; to direct to go
- <L. ad+haerare=to stick; to give support or maintain loyalty
- <L. ad+ministrare=to serve; to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of: The courts administer the law. (裁判所は法律を司る)
- <L. ad+orare=to speak; to worship or honor as a deity or as divine
- <L. ad+visus=visage; recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct
- <L. ad+jungere=to join; to add or attach by joining; adjoin one thing to another (一つのことを別のことに結びつける)
- <L. ad+ulssster=alter; voluntary sexual intercourse; Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- <L. ad+vocare=to call; one that pleads the cause of another; plead not guilty
- <L. al+lure: to entice by charm or attraction; a great allure for women
- <L. al+ligare=to bind; the degree of mixture of base metals
>Top Ag/Act
to do , to drive, to force, to lead
- act
- agent
- agile
- agitate
- exact
- litigate
- prodigal
- pedagogue
- demagogue
- synagogue
- cogent
- exigent
- <L. actus=thing done; the doing of a thing
- <L. agere=to drive, lead; one that acts or exerts power
- <L. agere=to drive; marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace
- <L. agere=to drive; to give motion to
- <L. ex+agere=to drive; to call for forcibly or urgently and obtain; A hard piece of work exacts effort and patience. (困難な仕事は努力と忍耐を必要とする)
- <L. lit lis=lawsuit+agere=to drive; to carry on a legal contest by judicial process
- <L. Pro=forth +agere=to drive; characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure: a prodigal expenditure (浪費)
- <G. paid=ped +agagos=leader; slave who escorted children to school; teacher, schoolmaster
- <G. damos=people +agagos=leading; a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
- <G. synagaga=assembly; a jewish congregation
- <L. co+agere=to drive; having power to compel or constrain: a cogent argument (人を納得させる議論)
- <L. exigere=to demand; requiring immediate aid or action; at this exigent moment (この緊急時に)
>Top Al/Ali/Alter
other, another
- alternate
- alias
- alibi
- alien
- alter ego
- alienation
- altruist
- altercate
- allegory
- <L. alternus=alternate; occurring or succeeding by turns; Day alternates with night. (昼夜は交互にくる)
- <L. allus=other; otherwise called, otherwise known as
- <L. allus=other; elsewhere; the fact or state of having been elsewhere at the time
- <L. allus=other; belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing
- <L. a second self
- <L. a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position of former attachment; a sense of alienation (疎外感) Cf: Defamiliarization or ostranenie
- <L. alter=other; unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others; ↔egoist
- <L. altercari=alter; to dispute angrily or noisily; 激論・口論
- <G. allagoria=to speak figuratively <Agora; expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalization about human existence; 比喩・風諭法・寓言法
>Top Am/Em
- amateur
- amatory
- amorous
- enamor
- amity
- paramour
- amiable
- amicable
- <L. amare=to love; one who engages in a pursuit, study, science, or sport as a pastime rather than as a profession
- of, relating to, or expressing sexual love; amatory poems (恋愛詩)
- <L. amare=to love; strongly moved by love and especially sexual love; an amorous tie
- <L. en=from +amour=love; to inflame with love
- <L. amicus=friend; friendship
- <F. par amur; an illicit lover; illicit intercourse
- <L. amare=to love; pleasing admirable
- <L. amare=to love; characterized by friendly goodwill
>Top Amb
to go, to walk
- ambitious
- amble
- preamble
- ambulance
- ambulatory
- perambulate
- circumambulate
- having or controlled by ambition; ambitious students (大望をもった学生)
- <L. ambulare=to walk; to walk slowly or leasurely, stroll
- <L. pre+ambulare=to walk; an intoductiory statement; the preamble of the UN Charter (国連憲章前文)
- <F. amublant field hospial (移動野戦病院)
- of, relating to, or adapted to walking; an ambulatory court (移動法廷)
- <L. per=through+amulare=to walk; to travel over or through especially on foot
- <L. circum+ambulare=to walk; to circle on foot especially ritualistically 巡視・巡回
- amphitheater
- ambit
- ambiance
- ambient
- <G. amphi+theatron=theater; an oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats ranged about an open space and used in ancient Rome especially for contests an spectacles; 円形劇場
- <L. ambire=to go around; 周囲・境界・範囲
- <F. ambince; a feeling or mood associated with a particular place,person, or thing; 高級な雰囲気; The restaurant had a delightful ambiance. (レストランは楽しい雰囲気)
- existing or present on all sides; the ambient air (周囲の空気)
>Top Amb/Amph
both, more than one
- ambiguous
- amphibian
- ambivalent
- ambidextrous
- <L. ambi+agere=to drive; doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness; an ambiguous answer (曖昧な返答)
- <G. amphibios; an amphibious organism, having gilled aquatic larvae and air-breathing adults; 両生類
- simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward an object, person, or action; have an ambivalent attitude toward (相反する態度)
- <L. ambi+dexter=right-hand; using both hand with equal ease; an ambidextrous painter (器用な画家), an ambidextrous policy (二股をかける政策)
>Top Anim
life, mind, soul, spirit
- unanimous
- animosity
- equanimity
- magnanimous
- pusillanimous
- <L. unus+animus=mind; being of one mind
- <L. animosus=spirited; ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility; enmity; 悪意・敵愾心
- <L. aequo animo=with even mind; evenness of mind especially under stress; feign equanimity (平静を装う)
- <L. magnus=great+animus=spirit; showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit; be magnanimous toward one's enemies (敵に対し寛大)
- <L. pusillus=very small+animus=spirit; lacking courage and resolution;臆病・小心
>Top Ante
- ante
- anterior
- antecedent
- antedate
- antebellum
- antediluvian
- a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot; 最初の賭け金
- situated before or toward the front
- <L. ante=from+cedere=to go; what precedes; an antecedent event to this one (先立つ事件)
- to date as of a time prior to that of execution; 先行、日時を早める
- <L. before the war; in antebellum days
- <L. ante+diluvium=flood; of or relating to the period before the food described in the Bible; antediluvian ideas ( )
>Top Anthro/Andr
man, human
- anthropology
- android
- misanthrope
- philanthropy
- anthropomorphic
- philander
- androgynous
- <L. anthrop+logia; the science of human beings
- <G. andr+oeidas=old; a mobile robot usually with a human form
- <G. misein=to hate+ anthrapos; a person who hates or distrusts humankind; 厭世家
- <G. phil+anthrapos; goodwill to fellowmen; 人類愛
- <G. anthrap+morphos; described or thought of as having a human form or human attributes; 人間に似た; anthropomorhic fantasies (動物に人間の姿を取らせる空想)
- of a man: to have casual or illicit sexual relations with many women.
- andr+gyna=woman; having he characteristics or nature of both male and female; 両性具有の; androgynous clothing (男女共用の服)
- annual
- anniversary
- biannual
- biennial
- centennial
- annuity
- perennial
- annals
- covering the period of a year
- <L. annus+vertere=to turn; the annual recurrence of a date marking a notable event
- occurring twice a year
- a 100th anniversary of its celebration
- a sum of money payable yearly or at other regular intervals; a terminable (perpetual) annuity (有期(永続)年金)
- to live over from one growing season to another; 永続的な、多年生の;her perennial beauty
- historical records; 年代記; the annals of war (戦史)
>Top Anti
- antidote
- antiseptic
- antipathy
- <L. anti+didonai=to give; a remedy to counteract the effects of poison; 解毒剤
- <G. anti+saptikos=putrefying; 殺菌の; antiseptic finish (防腐加工)
- <G. anti+pathos=experience; opposition in feeling; ↔sympathy; 反感; racial antipathy
- apology
- apostle
- apocalypse
- apogee
- apocryphal
- apotheosis
- apostasy
- <G. apo+logos=speech; a formal justification; 陳謝・弁明; an apology for being late
- <G. apo+stellein=to send; One sent on a mission; 使徒; the Apostles (キリストの十二使徒)
- <G. apo+kalyptein=to cover; one of the jewish and Christian writing; 黙示録; the apocalypse of nuclear war (核戦争の前面的破壊)
- <G. apo+gaia=earth; the point in the orbit of a satellite most distant from the center of the earth, 遠地点; ↔perigee
- of doubtful authenticity; 著作者・典拠の疑わしい、聖書外典
- <G. apo+theos=god; elevation to divine status; 神格化=deification
- <G. apo+histasthai=to stand; renunciation of a religious faith; 背教・変節・脱党
>Top Apt/Ept
skill, fitness, ability
- adapt
- aptitude
- apt
- inept
- adept
- to make fit
- <L. aptitude=fitness; inclination, tendency; an aptitude for nocturnal activity (夜行性)
- unusually fitted or qualified; having a tendency
- in+aptus=apt; lacking in fitness or aptitude; be inept at dealing with people
- a highly skilled or well-trained individual; an adept juggler (熟達の手品師)
>Top Arch/Archi
chief, principal
- architect
- archenemy
- archetype
- archipelago
- <G. archi=master, tektan=builder; a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction
- a principal enemy
- <G. archein+typos=type; the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies; prototype
- <G. archi+pelagos=sea <Aigaion pelagos; an expanse of water with many scattered islands
>Top Archy
- monarchy
- matriarch
- patriarchy
- anarchy
- hierarchy
- oligarchy
- undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person
- a woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state; ↔Patriarch
- social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family.
- <G. an+archos=ruler; a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
- a ruling body of clergy organized into orders or ranks each subordinate to the one above it
- a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; Cf: polyarchy
>Top Art
skill, craft
- art
- artificial
- artifice
- artisan
- artifact
- artful
- artless
- skill acquired by experience, study, or observation
- humanly contrived often on a natural model
- cleaver or artful skill
- a worker who practices a trade or handicraft
- <L. arte+facere=to do; something created by humans usually for a practical purpose
- performed with or showing art or skill; an artful choice of metaphors and similes
- lacking art, knowledge, or skill; an artless child
>Top Aug/Auc/Aux
to increase
- auction
- auxiliary
- augment
- august
- <L. augae=to increase; a sale of property to the highest bidder
- offering or providing help; functioning in a subsidiary capacity
- to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense
- marked by majestic dignity or grandeur; your august father (ご尊父)
>Top Auto
- automatic
- autopsy
- autocrat
- autonomy
- largely or wholly involuntary; acting or done spontaneously or unconsciously
- <G. aut+osis=sight; an examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death
- <G. aut+karats=ruling; a person (as a monarch) ruling with unlimited authority; Cf: dictator
- the quality or state of being self-governing; the autonomy of the individual
>Top <B>
- belittle
- belated
- bemoan
- befriend
- bewilder
- begrudge
- bequeath
- bespeak
- belie
- beguile
- beset
- bemuse
- bereft
- to speak slightingly of; 過小評価する; belittle oneself (卑下する)
- delayed beyond the usual time; 遅れてくる; belated efforts (手遅れの努力)
- to express deep grief or distress over; 悲しむ,嘆く; bemoan oneself (身の上を嘆く)
- to become or act as a friend to; 友・味方になる
- to cause to lose one's bearings; 当惑させる; These shifting attitudes bewilder me. (態度を変えるとまごつく)
- to give or concede reluctantly or with displeasure; うらやむ,ねたむ; She did not begrudge the money spent on her children's education. (教育に出し惜しみしない)
- to give or leave by will; 遺贈する; bequeath a large sum of money to him. (彼に多額の金を遺贈する)
- order or reseerve something in advance; 予め頼む; bespeak the reader's patience (前もって読者の辛抱を願っておく)
- to give a false impression of: 偽る,隠す; His cruelty belied his kind words. (彼の残酷な行為で親切な言葉がうそであることがばれた)
- to lead by deception; 人をだます,欺く; be beguiled into consenting (騙されて承諾する)
- to attack from all sides; 包囲攻撃する; a fort beset with guerrillas (ゲリラに包囲された砦)
- to make confused; 困惑させる
- to deprive of something; 奪われて,失って; They are bereft of their senses. (正気を失っている)
>Top Bel/Bell
- rebel
- belligerent
- bellicose
- antebellum
- <L. re+bellum=war; opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler
- <L. bellum+gerere=to wage; inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive; a belligerent tone (けんか腰)
- favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars
- existing before a war; 戦前の
>Top Ben
- benefit
- beneficiary
- beneficent
- benefactor
- benign
- benevolent
- benediction
- something that promotes well-being; advantage
- one that benefits from something; the person designated to receive the income of a trust estate
- doing or producing good, performing act of kindness and charity
- one that confers a benefit; one that makes a gift or bequest; 恩人、寄贈者
- of a gentle disposition; gracious; They did it at first for benign reasons. (善意の理由)
- marked by or disposed to doing good; a benevolent attitude (好意的態度)
- the invocation of a blessing; 祝福、恩寵
>Top Bi
twice, doubly
- binoculars
- biannual
- bigamy
- bilateral
- bilingual
- bipartisan
- a handheld optical insturment composed of two telescopes
- occurring twice a year
- the act of enetring into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another; 重婚
- having two sides; 双方の、双務的な; a bilateral treaty (相互条約)
- having or expresed in two languages
- of, relating to, or involving memebers of two parties; bipartisan diplomacy (超党派外交)
>Top Bri/Brev
brief, short
- brief
- abbreviate
- abridge
- brevity
- short in duration, extent, or length
- to make briefer
- to reduce in scope; diminish
- shortness of duration; shortness or conciseness of expression; send a telegram in its brevity (簡潔な電報)
>Top <C>:
>Top Cad/Cid
to fall, to happen by chance
- accident
- coincide
- decadent
- cascade
- recidivism
- cadence
- <L. ad=from+cadere=to fall; an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance
- to occupy the same place in space or time
- marked by decay or decline; one of a group of late 19C French and English writers tending toward artificial and unconventional subjects and subtilized style.
- a steep usually small fall of water
- a convictd criminal who reoffends repeatedly; 常習的な悪行
- a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language, as of poetry or oratory; 律動的な流れ、調子、リズム; The chorus line danced in rapid cadence.
- candle
- incandescent
- candor
- a usually molded or dipped mass of wax containing a wick that may be burned
- <L. candare=to glow; white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat
- <L. candere=to shine; whiteness, brilliance; unreserved, honest, or sincere expression; The candor of the speech impressed the audience. (率直な演説)
>Top Cant/Cent
to sing
- chant
- enchant
- accent
- recant
- incantation
- incentive
- <L. canere=to sing; to make melodic sounds with the voice
- to influence by or as if by charms and incantation
- an articulative effort giving prominence to one syllable over adjacent syllable
- <L. recantare=to revoke<re+cantere; to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly; 撤回する; Galileo was forced to recant his assertion that the earth orbited the sun.
- a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of ritual of magic; 呪文; an incantation to raise the dead.
- something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action
>Top Cap/Cip/Cept
to take, to get
- capture
- anticipate
- intercept
- susceptible
- emancipate
- recipient
- incipient
- percipient
- precept
- an act of catching, winning, or gaining control by force, stratagem, or guile
- <L. ante+capere=to take; to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to
- to stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival
- capable of submitting to an action, process, or operation; 余地がある、動かされやすい; susceptible to illness (病気にかかりやすい)
- <L. manus=hand+capere=to take; to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; to free from bondage; 解放する; emancipate the mind from prejudice (偏見をなくす)
- one that receives; receiver
- beginning to come into being or to become apparent; 初期の、発端の; the incipient stage of cancer (癌の初期段階)
- one that perceives; 知覚する、鑑識力のある; a percipient choice of wines (選りすぐりのワイン)
- a command or principle intended especially as a general rule of action; 教訓、命令書; Example is much stronger than precept. (実例は教訓に勝る)
- capital
- cape
- captain
- disciple
- principle
- principal
- precipice
- precipitate
- capitulate
- capitalism
- precipitation
- caption
- recapitulate
- <L. capit=head; the uppermost member of a column or pilaster
- a point or extension of land jutting out into water as a peninsula
- a military leader; the commander of a unit or a body of troops
- one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another
- <L. princip=initiator; a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption
- most important, consequential, or influential; chief
- a very steep or overhanging place; stand on the brink on a precipice (崖っぷち)
- to throw violently; hurl; precipitate the country into a crisis (国家の危機)
- <L. capitulare=to distinguish by heads; to surrender often after negotiation of terms
- an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods
- the quality or state of being precipitate; hastiness; 墜落、促進、性急; act with precipitation (軽はずみ)
- the heading especially of an article or document; title; 題目、表題、字幕
- to restate briefly; summarize; The general procedure was then briefly recapitulated. (簡潔に要約)
>Top Card/Cord/Cour
- cardiac
- courage
- encourage
- concord
- discord
- accord
- concordance
- cordial
- <G. kardikos=heart; of, relating to, or acting on the heart; cardiac transplantation (心臓移植)
- <L. cor=heart; mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
- to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; hearten;
- a state of agreement; harmony
- lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas)
- to bring into agreement; reconcile; ↔conflict; His practice does not accord with his principles. (主義との不一致)
- concord; an alphabetical index of the principal words in a book; 一致、用語索引
- of or relating to the heart; vital; a cordial medicine (強壮剤)
>Top Cast/Chast
- caste
- castigate
- chastise
- chaste
- one of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism; カースト制度
- to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism; 酷評、懲戒; be castigated for one's wrong doing. (不品行で折檻される)
- to inflict punishment on as by whipping; to censure severely; 体罰によって懲らしめる
- innocent of unlawful sexual intercourse; 貞淑な、処女の、質素な; have a chaste meal
>Top Caust
to burn
- caustic
- holocaust
- <G. kaiein=to burn; capable of destoying; corrosive; 腐食性、苛性の; caustic alkali
- a sacrifice consumed by fire; a thorough destruction; genocide; 大虐殺; avoid nuclear holocaust; the Final Solution
>Top Ced/Ceed
to go , to yield, to stop
- exceed
- precede
- recess
- concede
- cede
- access
- predecessor
- precedent
- antecedent
- recede
- abscess
- cessation
- incessant
- <L. ex+cedere=to go; to extend outside of; exceed the speed limit
- <L. pre+cedere=to go; to surpass in rank, dignity, or importance; に優先する; The solution to this probelem precedes all other things. (この問題の解決はすべてに優先する)
- the action of receding; recession; a suspension of business or procedure oftern for rest; 休業、休会、凹部、隠れ場所; Congress is now in recess. (議会は休会中)
- <L. comLcedere=to yield; to grant as a right or privilege; 容認、認める、許す; He finally conceded that she was right.
- <L. cedere=to go, withdraw; to yield or grant typically by treaty; cede territory (領土を割譲する)
- to get at; gain access to
- one that precedes; a person who has previously occuied a potition or office; 前任者↔successor; one's predecessors in office (役所の前任者たち)
- an earlier occurrence of something similar; somethign done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize; 先例; according to precedent (前例に従って)
- preceding; 先行・優先する; Little is known about his birth and antecedents. (出生と前歴は分かっていない)
- to move back or away; withdraw; the recedubg tude (引き潮)
>Top Centr
- central
- concentrate
- eccentric
- centrifuge
- egocentric
- <L. centrum=center; containing or constituting a center; essential, principal
- to bring or direct toward a common center or objective; focus
- deviating from an established or usual pattern or style
- centrifugal force
- concerned with the individual rather than society
>Top Cern/Cert/
to sparate, to judge, to distinguish, to decide
- concern
- critic
- secret
- crime
- discreet
- ascertain
- certitude
- hypocrite
- discriminate
- criterion
- discern
- recrimination
- <L. com+cernere=to sift; to relate to; be abut; involve
- <G. kritikos=able to discern or judge; one who expresses a reasoned opinion on any matter especially involving a judgment of its value, truth, righteousness.
- <L. se=apart+cernere=to sift; kept from knowledge or view; hidden
- an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law.
- <L. discernere=to separate, distinguish; having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech; prudent; a discreet silence (慎重さを示す沈黙)
- to make certain, exact, or precise
- the state of being or feeling certain; certainty
- <G. hypokritas=actor; a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; hypocrisy; play the hypocrite (猫をかぶる)
- <L. discernere=to distinguish; to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of; discriminate between things (正確に見分ける)
- <G. krinein=to judge; a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based
- <L. dis=apart+cernere=to sift; to detect with the eyes; She sought to discern his innermost thoughts. (心底を見極める)
- <L. re+criminari=to accuse; a retaliatory accusation; 避難し返す、反訴する; endless recrimination
>Top Chron
- synchronize
- chronicle
- chronology
- chronic
- anachronism
- chronometer
- to happen at the same time
- an historical account of events arranged in order of time; 年代記、編年史
- the science that deals with measuring time by regular divisions; a chronological table
- marked by long duration or frequent recurrence; not acute; a chronic state of civil war (うち続く内戦)
- an error in chronology; a person or a thing that is chronologically out of place; 時代錯誤
- one designed to keep time with great accuracy
>Top Circu
around, on all sides
- circle
- circumference
- circumstances
- circuit
- circumspect
- circumvent
- circumnavigate
- circumambulate
- circumlocution
- circumscribe
- circuitous
- circumcenter
- <L ciruculus (circus輪 +ule 指小辞=小さな輪
- <L. circum+ferre=to carry; perimeter of a circle; the eternal boundary or surface of a figure or object
- 状況、環境、要因, a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another; an essential or inevitable concomitant; ¶according to circumstances (臨機応変に)
- <L. circum+ire=to go; a usually circular line encompassing an area
- 熟慮する, careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences; prudent
- <L. circum+venire=to come; to hem in; to make a circuit around; 迂回、回避; circumvent the real issues (真の問題を回避する)
- to go completely around especially by water; bypass; 迂回、遠回り; circumnavigate the heavy downtown traffic (交通渋滞を回避)
- <L. circum+ambulare=to walk; to circle on foot especially ritualistically
- <L. circum+locutio=speech; the use of unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea; evasion in speech; 遠回し、婉曲、饒舌
- <L. circum+scribere=to write; to constrict the range or activity of definitely and clearly; 限界内に封じ込める、制限する; Her social activities are circumscribed by school regulations. (社会的活動は厳しく制限)
- having a circular or winding course; a circuitous argument (回りくどい議論)
- the point at which perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle intersect and which is equidistant from the three vertices; 外心 ↔incenter
>Top Cis
to cut
- scissor
- precise
- exorcise
- excise
- incision
- incisive
- concise
- to cut or cut off with scissors or shear
- <L. prae=from+caedere=to cut; exactly or sharply defined or stated
- to expel an evil spirit by adjuration; to get rid of something troublesome; 魔除け、厄除けする; exorcise a demon out of a house (厄払い)
- an internal tax levied on the manufacture, sale, or consumption; 消費税
- a wound made especially in surgery by incising the body; 切開
- impressively direct nd decisive as in manner or presentation; 鋭い、痛烈な; an incisive criticism; 辛辣な批評
- <L. com+caedere=to cut; marked by brevity of expression or statement; free from all elaboration and superfluous detail; 簡潔な
>Top Cit
to set in motion
- excite
- incite
- solicit
- solicitous
- <L. ex+citare=to rouse; to call to activity; to rouse to an emotional response
- <L. in=from+citare=to put in motion; stir up; 扇動、誘発する; incite anger
- <L. sollicitus=anxious+ciare=to move; to make petition to; entreat; 嘆願する; solicit a person to do (せがむ)
- manifesting or expressing solicitude; 気にかける; a solicitous parent (子供を案じる親)
>Top Clam/Claim
to shout, to cry out
- exclaim
- proclaim
- acclaim
- clamor
- disclaim
- reclaim
- declaim
- <L. ex+clamare=to cry; to cry out or speak in strong or sudden emotion
- <L. pro=before+clamare; to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly
- <L. ad=from+clamare; applaud, praise; 喝采、賞賛する; acclaim the conquering heroes (歓呼の声)
- noisy shouting; a loud continuous noise; a rising public clamor for reform (改革を求めて高まる民衆の声)
- to renounce a legal claim to; deny, disavow; 否認、放棄する; disclaim all participation (一切の関与を否定)
- to recall from wrong or improper conduct; reform; 再生、矯正、改善する; reclaim a person from crime (罪からの更正)
- to speak rhetorically; specifically; 美辞麗句、修辞; declaim a speech
>Top Cla/Clo/Clu
shut, close
- closet
- enclose
- conclude
- claustrophobia
- disclose
- exclude
- recluse
- preclude
- seclude
- cloister
- foreclose
- <L. clos=enclosure; an apartment or small room for privacy; retire to one's closet (小室、密室に引きこもる)
- to close in; surround; to fence off for individual use; confine; a garden enclosed with a hedge
- to shut up; to bring to an end especially in a particular way; conclude a speech with a quotation from the Bible
- abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces; 閉所恐怖症↔agoraphobia
- to open up; to expose to view; reveal;
- to prevent or restrict the entrance of; ↔include
- a person who leads a secluded or solitary life; 遁世者
- to make impossible by necessary consequence; rule out in advance; 排除する; The insufficiency of the evidence precludes a conviction (証拠不十分で無罪)
- <L. se=apart+claudere=to close; to exclude from a privilege, rank or dignity; debar; 孤立、隔離、閉め出す; seclude oneself from society (社会から隠遁)
- <L. claudee=to close; an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted; 回廊; He cloistered himself in his laboratory. (彼は実験室に閉じこもった)
- <L. fors=outside+clore=to close; to shut out; preclude; to subject to foreclosure proceedings 抵当権請け戻し権喪失; to foreclose a mortgage (担保権を行使する)
>Top Cli
to lean toward
- decline
- incline
- recline
- climax
- proclivity
- disinclination
- <L. de=from+clinare=to incline; to turn from a straight course; stray; stop slope downward; descend; Decline and Fall (衰亡)
- to bend the head or body forward; bow; 傾斜する、気が向く; We incline to rest and relaxation these days.
- to cause or permit to incline backwards; to lean; 寄りかかる、休む; recline too much on one's parents' support
- <G. klimax=ladder; a figure of speech in which a series of phrases or sentences is arranged in ascending order of rhetorical forcefulness; the highest point; culmination; 最高潮、漸層法 ↔anticlimax (竜頭蛇尾) ; Cf. preclimax, subclimax
- an inclination or predisposition toward something; 性向・性癖; a proclivity to meticulousness (細かいことに気になる性分)
- a preference for avoiding something; slight aversion; 気乗り薄、嫌気; have a disinclination for work
>Top Co/Col/Com/
with, together
- connect
- confide
- concede
- coerce
- cohesion
- cohort
- confederate
- collaborate
- compatible
- coherent
- comply
- conjugal
- connubial
- congenial
- convivial
- coalesce
- coalition
- contrite
- conciliate
- conclave
- commensurate
- <L. com+nectere=to bind; to become joined
- <L. com+fidere=to trust; to have confidence; trust
- <L. com+cedere=to yield; to grant as a right or privilege; to accept as true, valid
- <L. co+arcare=to shut up; to restrain or dominate by force; coerce obedience (力ずくで服従させる)
- the act or state of sticking together tightly; unity; adhesion; 団結、凝縮力
- a group of individuals having a statistical factor in common; band, group; 群れ、同齢集団
- united in a league; allied; Confederate States of America (南部連合国)
- to work jointly with others especially in an intellectual endeavor
- capable of existing together in harmony
- logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated; consistent
- to conform, submit, or adapt as required
- <L. con+jugum=yoke; of or relating to the married state; a conjugal life
- <L. co+nubere=to marry; or or relating to the married state; conjugal
- having the same nature, disposition, or tastes; kindred; congenial companions
- <L. com+vivere=to live; relating to or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company
- <L co+alescere=to grow; to grow together; to unite into a whole; fuse; 合体・癒着する; The two lakes coalesced into one.
- the act of coalescing; union
- <L. com+terere=to rub; feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming; 悔恨; a contrite heart (悔いる心)
- to gain as goodwill by pleasing acts; to make compatible; reconcile: conciliate an angry competitor (競争相手を懐柔する)
- <L. com+clavis=key; a private meeting or secret assembly; a meeting of Roman Catholic cardinals choosing a pope.
- <L. com+mensurare=to measure; equal in measure or extent; coextensive; 量・程度が同等の; Your paycheck should be commensurate with the amount of time you worked. (給料は働いた時間相応にすべき)
>Top Crat/Cracy
to govern
- bureaucracy
- democracy
- aristocracy
- theocracy
- plutocracy
- autocracy
- <L. burra=desk<cloth-covered desk; a body of nonelective government officials; an administrative policy-making group
- <G. demos=people; government by the people, especially rule of the majority;
- <G. aristocratia=rule of the best-born; government by a small privileged class
- <G. theos=god; government by official who are regarded as divinely guided
- <G ploutos=wealth; government by the wealthy
- <G. autokrateia; government in which one person possesses unlimited power
>Top Cre/Cresc/Cret
to grow
- creation
- increase
- crescendo
- increment
- accretion
- accrue
- the act of creating; the act of making, inventing or producing
- <L. in+crescere=to grow; to become progressively greater s in size, amount, number, or intensity
- <L. crescere=to grow; a gradual increase (in volume of a musical passage)
- the act or process of increasing especially in quantity or value; enlargement; 増加、増額、増分
- the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup; 成長・添加による増大; The last part of the legend is a later accretion. (伝説の最後は後世に付け足したもの)
- to come about as a natural growth, increase, or advantage; 自然に、結果として生じる; Interest accrues. (利子がつく)
>Top Cred
to believe, to trust
- incredible
- credentials
- credit
- creed
- credence
- credulity
- incredulous
- too extraordinary and improbable to be believed
- testimonials or certified documents showing that person is entitled to credit or has aright to exercise official power; 信任状、保証書
- reliance on the truth or reality of something
- <L. credere=to believe; a brief authoritative formula of religious belief
- mental acceptance as true or real; 真実性に対する信頼・信用; a story almost beyond credence (ほとんど信じられない話)
- mental acceptance as true or real; 軽信性、だまされやすさ; live on the credulity of the public (世間の信じやすさにつけ込んで暮らす)
- unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true; not credulous; skeptical; 懐疑的; an incredulous smile (疑わしげな笑い)
>Top Cryp
- crypt
- cryptic
- apocryphal
- cryptography
- <L. crypta=hidden; a chamber as a vault wholly or partly undergroud
- secret, occult; having or seemign to have a hiden or ambiguous meaning; mysterious; a cryptic message (謎めいた伝言)
- of doubtful authenticity; spurious ↔genuine; 偽造の、疑わしい
>Top Culp
- culprit
- culpable
- exculpate
- inculpate
- <F. culpabale=guilty+prest=ready; one accused of or charged with a crime; 罪人、刑事被告人
- <L. culpare=to blame; guilty, criminal; meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful; merit reward (punishment) 報酬(罰)に値する
- <L. ex+culpa=blame; to clear from alleged fault or guilt; 無罪にする; exculpate oneself from a charge of theft (窃盗罪容疑が晴れる)
- incriminate; 有罪とする; ↔exculpate
>Top Cur/cour
running, a course
- occur
- recur
- current
- curriculum
- courier
- cursive
- excursion
- concur
- incur
- incursion
- discourse
- discursive
- precursor
- recourse
- cursory
- <L. ob+currer=to run; to be found or met with; appear
- to have recourse; resort; 再発; The idea kept recurring. (絶えず浮かぶ)
- running, flowing
- the courses offered by an educational institution
- messenger; a member of a diplomatic service entrusted with bearing messages; 急使、特使、密使
- running , coursing as of writing; flowing often with the strokes of successive characters jointed and the angles rounded; cursive characters (筆記体の文字)
- a going out or forth; expedition, a usually brief pleasure trip
- operating or occurring at the same time; convergent, specifically meeting or intersecting in a point
- to become liable or subject to; bring down upon oneself; 好ましくないものに陥る、招く、背負い込む
- a hostile entrance into a territory; raid; 侵入、侵略、浸食; The bandits made brief incursions on the village. (山賊が村を急襲)
- verbal interchange of ideas; conversation; 言葉による思想の伝達・談話; earnest and intelligent discourse (真面目で知的な会話)
- moving from topic to topic without order; rambling; 支離滅裂、脱線する; a discursive talk (とりとめのない話)
- one that precedes and indicates the approach of another; predecessor; 先駆者、前兆; a precursor of revolution (革命の先駆者)
- a turning to someone or something for help or protection; a source of help or strength; resort; 依頼、頼みの綱; have recourse to the courts for justice (正義を求めて提訴)
- rapidly and often superficially performed or produced; hasty; 通り一遍の、ぞんざいな; give a cursory glance at a newspaper article (新聞にざっと目を通す)
>Top Cub/Cumb
to lie down
- cubicle
- succumb
- incubate
- incumbent
- recumbent
- <L. cubare=to lie, recline; a sleeping compartment partitioned off from a large room; carrel; 小小室、寝室、書庫内読書席(carrel)
- to yield to superior strength or force or overpowering appeal or desire; 屈する、倒れる、負ける; succumb to disease (病に倒れる)
- to sit on eggs to as to hatch by the warmth of the body; 抱卵、孵化、保育する
- the holder of an office; one that occupies a particular position or place
- suggestive or repose; leaning, resting; 横臥、不活発、怠惰; in a recumbent posture (横たわった姿勢)
>Top <D>:
away, off, down, completely, reversal
- descend
- detract
- decipher
- deface
- defile
- defraud
- deplete
- denounce
- decry
- defer
- defame
- delineate
- deference
- <L. de+scandere=to climb; to pass from a higher place or level to a lower one
- <L. detrahere=to pull down; to speak ill of; to take away; 減じる、損なう; This may detract from his popularity. (このことで人気が落ちるかも)
- <Ar. sifr=zero; cipher=zero, code; 解読、判読する
- to mar the appearance of; impair; disfigure; 醜くする、汚す、損なう、面子を失わせる
- to make unclean or impure; debase; 汚す、傷つける、不潔にする、完璧さを損なう; clothes defiled with paint (ペンキで汚れた)
- to deprive of something by deception or fraud; だまし取る、詐取する; He was defrauded of his investment. (出資金をだまし取られた)
- <L. de+plare=to fill; to empty of a principal substance; 枯渇、瀉血する; a depleted mine
- <L. de+nuntiare=to report; to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil; 避難、糾弾する; censure>denounce>condemn の順
- to depreciate officially or publicly; to express strong disapproval of; 使用を禁ずる、罵倒する
- put off; delay; defer payment (a visit) (支払い(訪問)を延期)
- <L. dis+fama=reputation, fame; disgrace; 中傷、誹謗する; The newspaper editorial defamed the politician. (新聞社説はその政治家を中傷した)
- to indicate or represent by drawn or painted lines; to mark the outline of; 輪郭を描く、概説する She delineated the city plan with great care. (都市計画を念入りに説明)
- respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; honor; 服従、経緯; blind deference (盲従)
>Top Dem
- democracy
- epidemic
- endemic
- demagogue
- demographics
- pandemic
- <G. damos=people; government by the people
- <G. epi+damos; affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community, or region at the same time; 流行性の、蔓延した; An epidemic of influenza swept the school. (流感が蔓延した)
- belonging or native to a particular people or country; 土地固有の、風土性; endemic folk beliefs (その地方固有の信仰)
- a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power.
- the statistical characteristics of human populations used to identify markets; 人口統計
- occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population; pandemic malaria
>Top Di/Dia
apart, through
- dialogue
- diagnose
- diameter
- dilate
- digress
- dilatory
- diaphanous
- dichotomy
- dialectic
- <L. dia=from+legein=to speak; a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing; 対話、対談
- to recognize as a disease by signs and symptoms
- the length of a straight line through the center of an object
- <L. dis+latus=wide; to describe or set forth at length or in detail; distend, widen; 拡げる、膨張させる; The drug dilates the pupils of the eyes. (瞳孔を拡げる)
- <L. dis+gradi=to step; to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument; 主題から外れる、脱線する; I will at this point digress briefly to that topic.
- <L. differre=differ; tending or intended to cause delay; 遅れがちの、時間稼ぎの; a dilatory strategy (引き延ばし戦略)
- <L. dia+phinein=to show; characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through; 半透明の; diaphanous lace (透き通ったレース)
- <G. dialektos=conversation; discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation; the Socratic techniques; 弁証法、論法
>Top Dic/Dict/Dit
to say, to tell, to use words
- dictionary
- dictate
- predict
- contradict
- verdict
- abdicate
- edict
- dictum
- malediction
- benediction
- <L. dictio=word; a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged
- <L. dictare=to assert, dictate; to give dictation; to speak or read for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record
- <L. pre+dicere=to say; to declare or indicate in advance; predict the weather
- to asset the contrary of; deny; contradict a report flatly (報告をきっぱり否定)
- the finding or decision of a jury on the matter submitted to it in trial; judgment; accept a guilty verdict (有罪評決を受ける)
- to cast off; discard; to relinquish as sovereign power formally; 退位、辞任、放棄する; abdicate the throne (退位する)
- a proclamation having the force of law; order, command; 布告、勅令; anti-Christian edicts (キリスト教禁止令)
- a noteworthy statement as a formal pronouncement of a principle, proposition, or opinion; 断言、言明、一家言、格言
- <L. male=badly+dicere=to speak; curse, execration; 呪い、中傷、悪口(slander)
- the invocation of a blessing, especially the short blessing with which public worship is concluded; 祝福、祝祷; give the benediction (祝祷を捧げる)
>Top Dign
- dignity
- dignitary
- dignify
- deign
- indignant
- condign
- disdain
- <L. dignus=worthy; to give distinction to ; ennoble; 威厳、荘重; lower one's dignity (品位を下げる)
- one who possesses exalted rank or holds a position of dignity or honor; 高位高官、高僧
- to give distinction to; ennoble; 威厳をつける; dignify pedantry by calling it scholarship (衒学をもったいぶって学識という)
- to condescend reluctantly and with a strong sense of the affront to one's superiority that is involved; stoop; 身をかがめる、恥をしのんで
- filled with or marked by indignation; 憤慨、憤りを感じる; I am indignant about the way he treated me. (処遇には腹立つ)
- deserved appropriate; 適切、妥当、至当な
- a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior; scorn; disdain a man for his snobbishness (俗物根性を軽蔑する)
>Top Dis/Dif
away from, apart, reversal, not
- disperse
- disseminate
- dissipate
- dissuade
- diffuse
- <L. dis+spargere=to scatter; to cause to break up, or spread widely; disperse a crowd (大衆を追い散らす)
- <L. dis+seminare=to sow; to spread abroad as though sowing seed
- <L. dis+supare=to throw; to break up and drive off as a crowd; to cue to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish; scatter; dissipate a suspicion (疑念を払拭する)
- <L. dis+suadare=to urge; to advise against something; ↔persuade; dissuade a person from suicide (思いとどまらせる、諫止する)
- <L. dis+fundere=to pour; not concentrated or localized; to pour out and cause to spread freely; 放散、普及、流布する
>Top Doc/Dac
to teach
- doctor
- doctrine
- indoctrinate
- doctrinaire
- docile
- didactic
- <L. docare=to teach; a learned or authoritative teacher
- something that is taught; the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief; dogma
- to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments; to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion or principle; 吹き込む、洗脳する; indoctrinate a person with an idea
- one who attempts to put into effect an abstract doctrine or theory with little regard for practical difficulties; 空論家; a doctrinaire preacher (狂信的説教師)
- <L. docare=to teach; easily taught; 扱いやすい、従順な; a docile pupil
- <G. didaskein=to teach; designed or intended to teach; 教訓的な、勧善懲悪、人に教えたがる、知ったかぶりの; didactic poetry (教訓詩)
>Top Dog/Dox
- orthodox
- paradox
- dogma
- <G. orth+dox=opinion; conforming to established doctrine especially in religion; conventional
- a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true; 自己矛盾を含む言葉; the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty (豊かさの中の貧困という矛盾)
- something held as an established opinion
>Top Dol
suffer, pain
- condolence
- indolent
- doleful
- dolorous
- sympathy with another in sorrow; 哀悼、弔辞; express one's condolences to (弔意を述べる)
- <L. in+dolare=to feel pain; causing little or no pain; averse to activity, effort, or movement; habitually lazy; 怠惰な、無精な; an indolent tumor (無痛性腫瘍)
- causing grief or affliction; 悲嘆に暮れた; a doleful look on her face (哀しみに沈んだ顔つき)
- causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief; a dolorous melody (悲しげなメロディー)
>Top Don/Dot/Dow
to give
- donate
- donor
- pardon
- condone
- antidote
- anecdote
- endow
- dowry
- to make a gift of; to contribute to a public or charitable cause
- one that gives, donates, or presents something
- indulgence; the excusing of an offense without exacting a penalty; special (general) pardon (特赦 (大赦))
- to regard or treat as acceptale, forgivable, or harmless; 大目に見る、容赦する; By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior. (沈黙によって彼らの行為を認めている様子)
- <G. anti+didonai=to give; a remedy to counteract the effects of poison; something that relieves, prevents, or counteracts; 解毒剤; Good jobs are the best antidote to teenage crime. (良い仕事が十台の犯罪への最良の矯正手段)
>Top Dub
- doubt
- dubious
- dubiety
- indubitable
- fear; suspect; to lack confidence in; distrust
- giving rise to uncertainty; of doubtful promise or outcome; dubious plan
- a usually hesitant uncertainty or doubt that tends to cause vacillation
- too evident to be doubted; 疑う余地のない、明白な
>Top Duc/Duct
to lead
- conduct
- abduct
- conductive
- seduce
- induct
- induce
- ductile
- to bring by or as if by leading; guide
- to seize and take away as a person by force
- having conductivity relating to conduction as of electricity; 伝導性のある
- to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty; attract; lure
- to put in formal possession as of a benefice or office; install; 就任、任命する; be inducted into the office of mayor (市長に就任する)
- to move by persuasion or influence; induce a person to ann action (行動を起こす気にさせる)
- capable of being drawn out into wire or thread; 展性のある; ductile iron
>Top Dur
- endure
- durable
- duress
- dour
- obdurate
- <L. in+durare=to harden; to undergo as a hardship without giving in; suffer
- able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration
- forcible restraint or restriction; compulsion by threat; 強制、強迫、威圧; under the duress of dictatorship (独裁政権の圧政)
- stern, harsh; 不機嫌な、気むずかしい、厳格な; a dour warning (厳しい警告)
>Top <E>:
- Epi
- epidemic
- epilogue
- epidermis
- epistle
- epitome
- eigram
- epithet
- epitaph
- <G. epi=from+damos~=people; affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population at the same time; typhoid was epidemic
- <G. epi+legein=to say; a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work; 終章、結び; ↔prologue
- <G. epi+derma=skin; the outer, protective, nonvascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis; 表皮
- <G. epi+stellein=to send; one of the letters adopted as books of the New Testament; 手紙、書簡、The Epistle to the Galatians (ガラテア人への手紙、パウロ書簡の1つ)
- <G. epi+temnein=to cut; a summary of a written work; 典型、要約
- a concise, clever, often paradoxical statement; 警句、短い風刺詩
- <G. epi+tithenal=to put; a term used to characterize a person or thing; 形容辞、添え名
- <G. epi+taphos=tomb; an inscription on or at a tomb or a grave in memory of the one buried there; 墓碑銘、碑文
>Top Equ
equal, even
- equation
- adequate
- equivalent
- equilibrium
- equable
- equidistant
- equity
- iniquity
- equanimity
- equivocate
- the act or process of equating or of being equated; 均等化、均衡
- sufficient for a specific requirement; 適切、妥当な; Being adequate is not good enough (まずまずでは十分とは言えない)
- <L. aequi+valare=to be strong; equal in force, amount, or value
- <L. aequi+libra=weight; a state of intellectual or emotional balance; poise
- marked by lack of variation or change; uniform; an equable temper (穏やかな気性)
- equally distant
- justice according to natural law or right; freedom from bias or favoritism; 公平、更正、衡平
- gross injustice; wickedness; 邪悪、非道; the iniquity of bribery (贈賄という不正)
- evenness of mind under stress; right disposition; balance; 冷静沈着; He accepted the defeat with equanimity. (その敗北を冷静に受入れた)
- to use equivocal language with intent to deceive; 曖昧な言葉を遣う、言葉を濁す;
>Top Err
to wander
- err
- error
- erratic
- erroneous
- errant
- arrant
- aberrant
- formal be mistaken or incorrect; stray; The judge had erred in ruling.
- <L. errare=to wonder; an act, an assertion, or a belief that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true
- not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictalbe; とっぴな、奇矯な; Her breathing was erratic.
- containing or derived from error; mistaken; erroneous conclusions (間違った結論)
- traveling or given to traveling; knight-errant (遊歴の騎士)
- being notoriously without moderation; extreme; an arrant fool (大ばか)
- straying from the right or normal way; 常道を踏み外した; an aberrant form (異常形)
>Top Esce
- adolescence
- obsolescent
- iridescent
- luminescent
- coalesce
- quiescent
- acquiesce
- effervescent
- incandescent
- evanescent
- convalescent
- reminiscence
- the period of physical and psychological development from the onset of puberty to maturity; 青春期
- going out of use; becoming obsolete; 廃れつつある; obsolescent opinions (時代遅れの意見)
- <G irid=iris=rainbow; producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors; 虹色の、玉虫色の; the iridescent wings of the dragonfly (トンボの虹色の羽)
- <L. lumen+escent; capable of, suitable for, or exhibiting luminescence; 冷光を発する; her cold, luminescent beauty
- <L. co+alescere=to grow; to grow together, fuse; to come together so as to form one whole; 合体、融合する; The rebel units coalesced into one army to fight the invaders.
- <L. quies=quiet; in a stat or period of inactivity or dormancy; 静かな、静止中の; Strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent.
- <L. ad+quiescere=to rest; accept something reluctantly but without protest; 黙認する、消極的に同意する; acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan (事業計画にしぶしぶ従う)
- (of a liquid) giving off bubbles; fizzy; 発泡性の; effervescent drinks
- emitting visible light as a result of being heated;
- <L. evanescere=vanish; vanishing like vapor; quickly fading or disappearing; evanescent beauty (移ろいやすい美)
- recovering from an illness or medical treatment; a convalescent hospital (予後保養所)
- the act or process of recollecting past experiences or events; have a vivid reminiscence of what he lived through (体験を生々しく覚えている)
>Top Ex/E/Ef
out, out of, from, former, completely
- evade
- exclude
- extricate
- exonerate
- extort
- exhort
- expire
- effervesce
- extenuate
- efface
- effuse
- egregious
- escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit; 巧みに逃れる; evade capture (逮捕を逃れる)
- to prevent from entering; keep out bar; exclude outside air.
- to release from an entanglement or difficulty; disengage; extricate oneself out of a dilemma (窮地から抜け出す)
- to free from blame; 解放する、無実の罪を晴らす; exonerate oneself from a charge of theft
- <L. ex+torquere=to twist; obtain by force, threat, or other unfair means; extort bribes from a person (賄賂を強要する)
- <L. ex+hortari=to urge; to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice; 強く勧告する; exhort a person to enter college.
- to come to an end; terminate
- to emit small bubbles of gas as a carbonated or fermenting liquid
- <L. ex+tenuare=to make thin; to lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of; 軽くする、情状酌量する; Don't extenuate the difficulties of the accident. (事故を軽く見てはならない)
- to rub or wipe out; erase; ぬぐい去る; efface one's unhappy memories.
- <L. ex+fundere=to pour; to pour out a liquid; to radiate; diffuse
- conspicuously bad or offensive; an egregious mistake (とんでもない間違い)
>Top Eu
good, well
- euphoria
- euphemism
- eulogy
- eugenics
- euthanasia
- euphony
- a feeling of great happiness or well-being; 多幸症、陶酔感
- a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt; 婉曲語法; To pass away is a euphemism for to die.
- <G. eu+logia=logy; high prase or commendation; 賛辞、死者への頌徳; He delivered a eulogy on the late Dr. Smith.
- <G. eu+genos=race; the study of hereditary improvement of the human grade; 優生学
- <G. eu+thanatos=death; the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition; 安楽死 (mercy killing); voluntary euthanasia (尊厳死)
- agreeable sound, especially in the phonetic quality of words; 音調の良さ; the majestic euphony of Milton's poetry (ミルトン詩の荘重で快い語調)
>Top Extra
outside of, beyond
- extraordinary
- extrasensory
- extraneous
- extrapolate
- beyond what is ordinary or usual; extraordinary plumage of the male
- being outside the normal range or bounds of the senses; 超感覚的な
>Top <F>:
- fable
- fabulous
- affable
- fame
- famous
- defame
- infamous
- nefarious
- a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
- barely credible, astonishing; the fabulous endurance of a marathon runner
- easy and pleasant to speak to; 気さくな; an affable and agreeable companion
- great renown; seek fame as an opera singer
- well or widely known
- <L. dis+fama=rumor; to damage the reputation, character; 名誉毀損、中傷誹謗する; The newspaper editorial defamed the politician.
- having an exceedingly bad reputation; notorious; an infamous TV show
- infamous by way of being extremely wicked; nefarious deeds (不埒な行為)
>Top Fac/Fic/Fig
to do, to make
- factory
- facsimile
- benefactor
- facile
- faction
- fiction
- efficient
- deficient
- proficient
- munificent
- prolific
- soporific
- figure
- figment
- configuration
- effigy
- a building where goods are manufactured or assembled
- a exact copy or reproduction as of a document
- one that gives aid, especially financial aid; 恩人、寄贈者
- ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial; a man of facile and shallow intellect
- <L. facere=to do; a group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a large group; the left-wing faction of the party
- literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people
- achieving maximus productivity with minimum wasted effort
- lacking an essential quality or element; this diet is deficient in vitamin B
- having or marked by an advanced degree of competence, as in an art, vocation, profession, or branch of learning; a proficient violinist
- characterized by or displaying great generosity; 気前の良い; ↔niggardly
- producing offspring or fruit in great abundance; fertile; a prolific year for tomatoes (トマトの当たり年)
- inducing or tending to induce sleep; drowsy; Some medicine made her soporific.
- a written symbol representing something other than a letter, especially a number
- something invented, made up, or fabricated; 想像の産物; The noises in the attic were just a figment of his imagination (屋根裏部屋の物音は気のせい)
- arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form; 各要素の相対的配列; electron configuration
- a sculpture or model of a person; a bronze effigy on a cornerstone
>Top Fer
to bring, to carry, to bear
- offer
- transfer
- confer
- referendum
- infer
- fertile
- proffer
- defer
- proliferate
- vociferous
- to present for acceptance or rejection; proffer; offered me a drink
- to convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another
- to bestow an honor; grant; 授与する; conferred medal on the hero
- <L. referre=to refer; a general vote by the electorate on a single political question; 国民投票
- deduce or conclude from evidence and reasoning; (前提・証拠から)推論する; Your silence infers consent. (沈黙は同意ということになる)
- capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction
- to offer for acceptance, tender; He proffered a hint to me. (ヒントを与えた)
- to put off, postpone
- to increase or spread at a rapid rate
- making, given to,or marked by noisy and vehement outcry; やかましい; be vociferous against raising taxes. (増税に猛反対する)
>Top Ferv
to boil, bo bubble, to burn
- fervor
- ferment
- fervid
- effervescent
- great warmth and intensity of emotion; religious fervor (宗教的熱情)
- something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mould, or an enzyme, that causes fermentation; agitation and excitement among a group of people
- <L. fervere=to boil; marked by great passion or zeal; a fervid orator (熱烈な弁士)
- of a liquid giving off bubbles; fizzy; effervescent powder (発泡粉末)
>Top Fid
faith, trust
- confide
- confident
- confidant
- affidavit
- diffident
- fidelity
- perfidy
- to tell something in confidence; She confides in no one but her husband.
- <L. confidere=to rely on; marked by assurance, as of success
- one to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed; 腹心の友
- <L. af+fidere=to trust; 宣誓供述書; a written declaration made under oath; swear an affidavit
- lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid; 臆病な内気な
- faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances; fidelity to one's country
- <L. per+fides=faith (信頼を通り過ぎて); deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery; 背信行為、裏切り
>Top Fin
- final
- finale
- confine
- define
- infinite
- affinity
- infinitesimal
- forming or occurring at the end
- <L. finalis=final; the concluding part, especially of a musical composition
- <L. coma+finis=border; to keep within bounds; restrict; Confine yourself to finishing the book. (努力を集中)
- to state the precise meaning of a word
- having no boundaries or limits;
- a natural attraction or feeling of kinship; a semantic affinity between two words
- immeasurably or incalculably minute; capable of having values approaching zero as a limit; infinitesimal calculus
>Top Flag/Flam
to burn
- flame
- flamboyant
- flammable
- inflammatory
- flagrant
- conflagration
- a hot glowing body of ignited gas; 炎; open flames (裸火)
- highly elaborate; ornate; richly colored; 派手な、けばけばしい; flamboyant idol of international society
- easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; inflammable
- relating to or arousing inflammation of a part of the body; 扇動的、炎症性の; an inflammatory fever (炎症熱)
- conspicuously bad, offensive; 嘘、誤りがひどく目につく; a flagrant lie (真っ赤なうそ)
- <L. conflagrare=to burn up; a large, destructive fire; 大火災; a conflagration that raged through the town (町中なめ尽くした大火事)
>Top Flect/Flex
to bend
- deflect
- flexible
- inflect
- reflect
- genuflect
- <L. de+flectere=to bend; to turn aside or cause to turn aside; bend or deviate; 問題などをそらす; deflect a stream from its original course
- capable of being bent or flexed; pliable; 可撓性; a flexible lamp
- to alter the voice in tone or pitch; modulate; 変調、語を活用させる;
- to throw or bend back light from a surface; 反射、反響する
- <L. genu=knee+flectere=to bend; to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor or ground, as in worship; 片膝を折る
>Top Flict
to strike
- afflict
- inflict
- conflict
- profligate
- cause pain or trouble to; affect adversely; be afflicted with arthritis (関節炎に悩む)
- cause something unpleasant or paint to be suffered by someone; 刑罰を科す; inflict punishment (罰を加える)
- a state of open, often prolonged fighting; a battle or war
- <L. pro+fligere=to strike; recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources; 放蕩、浪費する; profligate consumers of energy
>Top Flu, Flux
to flow
- fluid
- influence
- fluent
- affluent
- fluctuation
- influx
- effluence
- confluence
- superfluous
- mellifluous
- a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or a liquid; 流動体;
- a power affecting a person, thing, or course of events
- <L. fluere=to flow; able to express oneself readily and effortlessly
- generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; plentiful
- an irregular rising and falling in number or amount; a variation
- a flowing in; an influx of foreign capital
- the act or an instance of flowing out; 流出、放出、発散
- a flowing together of two or more streams; 合流
- being beyond what is required or sufficient; overflow
- flowing with sweetness or honey; her low mellifluous voice
>Top Fore
- foresight
- foreshadow
- forestall
- forego
- forebear
- perception of the significance and nature of events; 先見の明、洞察力; a man of foresight (見通しの利く人)
- to present an indication or a suggestion of beforehand; presage; 予示、前兆となる; Political upheavals foreshadowed war. (政変は戦争の前兆)
- to delay, hinder, or prevent by taking precautionary measures beforehand; prevent; 未然に防ぐ、先手を打つ; forestall the enemy (機先を制する)
- to precede in time or place; 先行、先立つ; go without
- a person from whom one is descended; an ancestor
>Top Fort
- fortune
- fortunate
- fortuitous
- the chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; 富貴、財産: an inherited fortune (相続財産)
- <L. fortuna=chance; bringing something good and unforeseen; auspicious
- happening by accident or chance; accidental; 偶然性の; a fortuitous encounter (偶然の出会い)
>Top Fra/Frac/Frag
to break
- fracture
- fraction
- fragment
- fragile
- refraction
- fractious
- infraction
- refractory
- <L. frangere=to break; cracking or breaking of a hard object; suffer a fracture (骨折する)
- an expression that indicates the quotient of two quantities; 分数、割合、端数; What fraction of foot is 3 inches?
- a small part broken off or detached; 断片; scattered fragments of the broken vase
- easily broken, damaged, or destroyed, frail; a fragile ceramic container
- the turning or bending of any wave, such as a light or sound wave, when it passes from one medium into another; 屈折; an angle of refraction
- inclined to make trouble, unruly; 手に負えない、怒りっぽい; a fractious child
- the act or an instance of infringing; a violation; 違反、侵害、侵犯; an infraction of the rules
- obstinately resistant to authority or control; a refractory disease (難病)
>Top Fruit/Frug
fruit, produce
- fruitful
- fruition
- frugal
- producing fruit; conductive to productivity
- realization of something desired or worked for; accomplishment; 達成、成就; the fruition of one's hopes (希望の実現)
- practicing or marked by economy, as in the expediture of money or the use of material resouces; at sparing; 節約する; a grugal housewife (慎ましい妻)
>Top Fund/Found
- foundation
- fundamental
- founder
- profound
- the act of founding, especially the establishment of an institution with provisions for futre mainenance; 基礎、基盤、土台; a statement wholly devoid of fundation (根拠のない陳述)
- of or relating to the foundation or base
- <L. fundus=bottom; to sink below the water; The ship struck a reef and foundered
- <L. pro+fundus=bottom; situated at, extending to, or coming from a great depth; 知的な深みのある、深淵な; a profound insight 深い洞察力
>Top Fus
to pour
- confuse
- transfuse
- profuse
- effusive
- diffuse
- suffuse
- <L. confundere=to mix together; to cause to be unable to think with clarity or act with intelligence or understanding; throw off ; 狼狽させる、論点を曖昧にする; The flood of questions confused me.
- to pour out of one vessel into another; 吹き込む、浸透させる; transfuse a love of nature to one's students
- very plentiful; abundant; a field profuse with wildflowers
- unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression; おおぎょうな; effusive greetings
- to pur out and cause to spread freely
- to spread through or over, as with liquid, color, or light; 覆われる; Her face was suffused with blushes. (顔を一面に紅潮させていた)
>Top <G>:
birth, creation, race, kind
- generous
- generate
- genetics
- photogenic
- degenerate
- homogeneous
- genealogy
- gender
- genre
- genesis
- carcinogenic
- genial
- congenial
- ingenuous
- ingenue
- indigenous
- congenital
- progeny
- engender
- <L. genus=birth; liberal in giving or sharing; 物惜しみしない、利己的でない; She is generous with her time. (時間を惜しげもなく割く)
- to bring into being; give rise to; produce or create; He generate some good ideas. (良案を出す)
- the study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics; 遺伝学
- attractive as a subject for photography
- having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; 衰退、退廃: The morale of the soldiers degenerated. (士気低下)
- <G. homo+genos=kind; of the same or similar nature or kind
- a record or table of the descent of a person, family or group from an ancestor; 系図、系統
- the state of being male or female used with reference to social and cultural differences
- a style or category or art, music, or literature
- the coming into being of something; the origin
- <G. karkinos=cancer; having the potential to cause cancer
- having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner; cordial and kindly
- having the same taste, habits, or temperament; sympathetic; 性分にあった; a climate congenial to one's health
- lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artiness; 率直、純真な; an astoundingly ingenuous girl
- <F. ingenu; an artless, innocent girl or young woman; 純情娘
- originating and growing or living in an area or environment; 固有、原産の; indigenous workers (現地人労働者)
- existing at or before birth; innate; ↔acquired; 先天的な; a congenital defect
- one born of; begotten by, or derived from another; 子孫、所産; Art is the parent, not the progeny of science. (芸術が科学を生み出した)
- to bring into existence; 生む、生じさせる; Hatred engenders violence. (憎しみが暴力を生む)
>Top Gn/Gno/Gn
- ignore
- ignoramus
- recognize
- incognito
- diagnose
- prognosis
- agnostic
- cognition
- cognoscenti
- cognizant
- to refuse to pay attention to ; disregard; ignore insulting remarks (侮辱的な意見を無視する)
- an ignorant person; incorrigible ignoramuses (懲りないほど無知な人々)
- to identify from having encountered them before; I recognized the name instantly. (名前の主が分かった)
- <L in+congnoscere=to recognize; one whose identify is disguised or concealed; 匿名、変名、お忍びの
- to distinguish or identify (a disease) by diagnosis
- the likely course of a medical condition; 予後、回復の見込み; It is very difficult to make an accurate prognosis.
- one who believes that there can be no proof of the existence of God bud does not deny the possibility that God exists.; 不可知論者
- the mental process or faculty of knowing, including awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgement; 認識、認識作用
- people who are especially well informed about a particular subject; 鑑定家、目利き、批評家
- having knowledge or awareness; He was cognizant of the difficulty. (その難しさを知っていた)
>Top Grand
- grand
- grandeur
- grandiose
- aggrandize
- grandiloquent
- large and impressive in size, scope, or extent
- the quality or condition of being grand; magnificence
- characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand
- to increase the scope of; extend; to make greater in power
- pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner; 仰々しい
>Top Greg
- congregation
- segregation
- aggregation
- gregarious
- egregious
- the act of assembling; 集会、信徒協会
- the act or process of segregating or the condition of being segregated
- a whole formed by combining several separate elements; 集団、集合
- seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable; 社交的な; sociable and gregarious (社交的で付き合い好き)
- conspicuously bad or offensive; 悪名高い; an egregious liar (大嘘つき)
>Top Gress/Grad
to step
- progress
- graduate
- aggressive
- regress
- degrade
- retrograde
- transgress
- digress
- egress
- movement, as toward a goal; advance
- to change gradually or by degrees
- inclined to behave in a hostile fashion
- to go back, move backward; 後退、後戻り、退行する; the child regresses to early infancy through the pleasure of thumb-sucking. (幼児期への退行)
- to reduce in grade, rank, or status; demote
- moving or tending backward; opposite to the usual order; inverted or reversed; 退行、反動、逆行する; a retrograde people (堕落しやすい人々)
- to go beyond or over; exceed or overstep; 超える、逸脱する; transgress the bounds of prudence (分別の域を超える)
- to turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or speaking; swerve; 主題から外れる、脱線する; I will at this point digress briefly to that topic. (ここで脱線してその話題に触れる)
- the act of coming or going out; emergence; 囲いから出て行くこと; a way of egress from the building (建物からの出口)
>Top Grat
- grateful
- ingrate
- ingratiate
- gratuity
- gratuitous
- appreciative of benefits received; thankful
- <L. in+gratus=pleasing; an ungrateful person;
- to bring oneself into the favor or good graces of another; 取り入る、おもねる
- a favor or gift, usually in the form of money; 心付け、祝儀、tipの改まった表現
- given a granted without return or recompense; unearned; 無報酬の; gratuitous serve (無料奉仕)
>Top <H>:
to sitck
- coherent
- cohesive
- adhesive
- adherent
- inherent
- marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically; (of waves) having a constant phase relationship
- a cohesive agent (粘着剤)
- tending to adhere sticky
- a supporter, as of a cause or an individual; follower; 追従者、支持者
- existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic; 固有の、持ち前の; inherent rights (生得権)
>Top Hetero
- heterosexual
- heterogeneous
- heterodox
- sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex
- consisting of dissimilar elements or parts; not homogeneous
- <G. hetero+doxa=opinion; not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine or dogma; 非正統説の、異端の
>Top Hom
- homogeneous
- homonym
- anomaly
- homeostasis
- of the same or similar nature or kind
- one of two or more words that have the same sound but differ in meaning; 同音同綴異義語
- deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form or rule
- the ability or tendency of an organization or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.
>Top Hyper
over, excessive
- hyperactive
- hyperbole
- highly or excessively active; the child's hyperactive imagination (並外れて活発な想像力)
- <G. hyper+bollein=to throw=a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect; 誇張法
>Top Hypo
under, beneath, less than
- hypodermic
- hypochondria
- hypothesis
- hypocrisy
- of a relating to the layer just beneath the epidermis; 皮下の; hypodermic injection (皮下注射)
- the persistent neurotic conviction that one is or is likely to become ill; 心気症、気病み
- a tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory; 仮説; hypothesis testing (仮説検証)
- <G. hupokrisis=acting on the stage; the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness; 偽善的行為、見せかけ
>Top <I>:
one's own
- idiot
- idiom
- idiosyncrasy
- <G. idios=own; a foolish or stupid person
- a speech from or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meaning of its elements; 慣用句、熟語
- <G. idio+sunkrasis=mixture; a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or a group; eccentricity; 特異性、性癖、特異体質
>Top n/Im/En/Em
in, into
- embrace
- enclose
- ingratiate
- intrinsic
- influx
- incarnate
- implicit
- indigenous
- to clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection
- to surround on all sides; close in
- <L. in gratiam; to bring oneself into the favor or good graces of another; 取り入る、機嫌を取る、おもねる; He ingratiated himself with all the guests.
- of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent; 固有の
- <L. influere=to flow in; a flowing in; an influx of foreign capital
- <L. incarnare=to make flesh; invested with bodily nature and form; 肉体化された、化身した; a devil incarnate
- <L. implicare=to entangle; implied or understood though nor directly expressed;
- <L. indigena; a native; originating and growing or living in an area or environment; native
>Top In/Im
not, without
- inactive
- indifferent
- innocuous
- insipid
- indolence
- impartial
- inept
- indigent
- not active or tending to be active
- characterized by a lack of partiality; having no marked feeling for or against; be indifferent to dress
- having no adverse effect; harmless; 無害の; an innocuous insect
- lacking flavor or zest; not tasty; ぴりっとしない、風味がない; an insipid personality (面白みのない性格)
- avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness; My failure is probably due to my own indolence.
- not partial or biased; unprejudiced; fair; 公平な、えこひいきしない; an impartial judge
- not apt or fitting; inappropriate; 不向きの、不器用な; He is inept at mechanical tasks. (機械仕事に不向き)
- <L. in+egere=to need; experiencing want or need; impoverished; poor; 窮乏した、必要なものが不足している
>Top < J >:
to throw, to throw down
< J >:
- inject
- trajectory
- conjecture
- dejected
- abject
< J >:
- to force or drive a fluid into something; inject fuel into an engine cylinder
- <L. traiicere=to throw across; the path of a projectile or other moving body through space; 起動、弾道
- inference or judgement baed on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork; 推量・憶測; a matter of conjecture (推測の域をでない事柄)
- being in low spirits; depressed; 意気消沈した; ↔happy
- <L ab=from+iacere=to throw; brought low in condition or status; mean; 絶望的、屈辱的、飛散; abject poverty (赤貧)
- junction
- joint
- adjoin
- subjugate
- juxtapose
- injunction
- rejoinder
- conjugal
- the act or process of joining or the condition of being joined; 連結・結合
- a place or part at which two or more things are joined; 継ぎ目・接合点・関節
- to be next to; be contiguous to; 隣接する、孵化する; adjoin two families by marriage
- <L. sub+jugum=yoke; to bring under control; conquer; defeat; 征服・隷属・服従させる
- to place side by side, especially for comprison or contrast; 並列・併置する
- an answer, especially to a reply; 返答・応答; a remark in rejoinder to your reply
>Top <K>:
>Top <L>:
to select, to choose
- collect
- elect
- select
- elective
- predilection
- eclectic
- to bring together in a group or mass; gather
- to select by vote for an office or for membership
- to take as a choice from among several; pick out
- of or relating to a selection by vote
- <L. pre+diligere=to love; a partiality or disposition in favor of something; a preference; 偏愛・えこひいき; He had a predilection for opera.
- <G. eklektos=to select; selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems; 種々の材料から取捨選択する; an eclectic reader (作品を吟味する読者)
- elevator
- relieve
- lever
- alleviate
- levitate
- relevant
- levee
- levity
- a platform or an enclosure raised and lowered in a vertical shaft to transport people or freight
- <L. re+levare=to raise; to cause a lessening or alleviation of; 軽減・緩和する
- a simple machine consisting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other.
- to make (pain) more bearable: a drug that alleviates cold symptoms
- to rise or cause to rise into the air and float in apparent defiance of gravity; 空中浮揚する
- having a bearing on or connection with the matter at hand
- an embarkment raised to prevent a river from; overflowing; 堤防・土手
- lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity; 軽薄・軽率
- illustrate
- illuminate
- luminous
- luminescent
- illustrious
- lackluster
- translucent
- lucid
- elucidate
- <L. in+lustrare=to make bright; to clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons; 図解・例示する
- to provide or brighten with light
- emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light
- capable of, suitable for, or exhibiting luminescence
- <L. illustrare=to give glory to; well known and very distinguished eminent; 傑出・著名な; an illustrious leader (傑出した指導者)
- lacking brightness, luster, or vitality; a lackluster stare (生気のない眼差し)
- transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of distinct images; 半透明の、曇った
- easily understood; intelligible; 明快・明晰な; a lucid explanation
- to make clear or plain, especially by explanation; clarify; 明瞭・鮮明にする; elucidate the nature of the universe (宇宙の本質を解明する)
- dialogue
- eloquent
- interlocutor
- prologue
- epilogue
- soliloquy
- eulogy
- colloquial
- grandiloquent
- philology
- neologism
- tautology
- loquacious
- a conversation between two or more people
- <L. eloqui=to speak out; characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse; an eloquent speaker
- <L. inter+loqui=to speak; someone who takes part in a conversation, often formally or officially; 対話・対談者、代弁者
- <G. pro=before+logos=speech; an introduction or a preface, especially a poem recited to introduce a play
- a short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play
- a dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character reveals his or her thoughts when alone or unaware of the presence of other characters; 劇の独白
- a laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died; 頌徳・追悼演説
- characteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language or to writing that seeks the effect of speech; informal; 口語的、くだけた
- pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner; the grandiloquent acceptance speech (仰々しい受諾演説)
- literary study or classical scholarship; 言語学(linguistics)
- a newly coined word, expression, or usage; 新語・新表現
- needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy; 類語反復; widow woman; 同語反復文; This candidate will win or not win.
- very talkative; garrulous; 多弁・饒舌の; a loquacious dinner guest (おしゃべりな晩餐会の客)
- Lud/Lus
to play
- >Top
- illusion
- ludicrous
- delude
- elude
- elusive
- allude
- collusion
- an erroneous perception of reality
- laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity
- <L. de+ludere=to play; to deceive the mind or judgement of; 惑わす、だます; He was deluded by her pretty face.
- <L. e, ex+ludere=to play; to evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill; 危険・義務を避ける、免れる; elude the law
- tending to elude capture, perception, comprehension, or memory; 捉え所のない、表現しにくい; an elusive concept (分かりにくい概念)
- to make an indirect reference; 言及する、ほのめかす; The letter alludes to something now forgotten. (手紙は今では忘れたことに言及している)
- lut/lug/luv
to wash
- >Top
- lavatory
- dilute
- pollute
- deluge
- antediluvian
- <L. lavare=to wash; a room equipped with washing and often toilet facilities; a bathroom
- <L. dis+luere=to wash; to make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water
- to make unfit for or harmful to living things, especially by addition of waste matter; contaminate; 汚染する
- a great flood; a heavy downpour; 大洪水・豪雨; After us the deluge. (後は野となれ山となれ)
- <L ante+diluvium=flood; belonging to the time before the biblical Flood; gigantic bones of antediluvian animals
>Top <M>:
- magnify
- magnitude
- major
- maximum
- majestic
- magnanimous
- magnate
- maxim
- magniloquent
- to make greater in size; enlarge
- greatness of rank or position;
- greater than others in importance or rank
- the greatest possible quantity or degree
- having or showing lofty dignity or nobility; stately; 威厳、堂々とした
- <L. meg+animus=soul; generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person; She should be magnanimous in victory.
- a powerful or influential person, especially in business or industry; 有力者・実力者; a railroad magnate (鉄道王)
- a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct; 格言・金言・処世訓; the maxim that actions speak louder than words.
- lofty and extravagant in speech; grandiloquent
- malfunction
- malodorous
- malicious
- malcontent
- malign
- malaise
- dismal
- malapropism
- maladroit
- malevolent
- malinger
- malfeasance
- malefactor
- malediction
- to fail to function; 機能不全・誤動作
- having a bad odor; foul;
- having the nature of or resulting from malice; deliberately harmful; 悪意・敵意のある; with malicious intent (悪意を抱いて)
- dissatisfied with existing conditions; 現体制に批判的・造反的な; political malcontents (政治的不平分子)
- to make evil, harmful, and often untrue statement about; 中傷する・有害な; His face maligns him (顔つきで損をしている)
- a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness; 病気の前兆である不快・倦怠感; a society afflicted by a deep cultural malaise.
- causing gloom or depression; dreary; 陰鬱・憂鬱・荒涼とした; the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening.
- the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with an amusing effect (e.g.: dance a flamingo instead of flamenco); 音が類似した語のこっけいな誤用
- <F. mal+a+droit=direct; inefficient or inept; clumsy; 不器用・要領の悪い
- <L. male=ill+volent=wishing; having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious; 悪意・意地の悪い; His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
- <F. malingre=sickly; to pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work; 仮病を使う
- <L. mal+facere=to do; misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official; (特に公務員の)不正・背任行為
- one that has committed a crime; a criminal
- <L. male+dicere=to speak=the calling down of a curse; 呪い・中傷
- manual
- manufacture
- emancipate
- manifest
- mandate
- of or relating to the hands; manual skill
- to make pro process a raw material into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation
- <L. ex+mancipium=ownership; to free from bondage, oppression, or restraint; liberate
- to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal
- <l. mandare=to order; an authoritative command or instruction
- matrimony
- maternal
- maternity
- matriculate
- matriarch
- <L. mater, matr=mother; the act or state of being married
- relating to or characteristic of a mother or motherhood or motherly
- the state of being a mother; a maternity ward (分娩室)
- <L. matricula=list<matrix; to admit or be admitted into a group, especially a college; 入学を許す
- a woman who rules a family, clan, or tribe; 家母長、母家長
- eminent
- imminent
- prominent
- preeminent
- <L. eminere=to stand out; towering or standing out above others; prominent; 著名な、顕職の; eminent statesmen (有名な政治家たち)
- <L. in+minere=to threaten; about to occur; impending; 差し迫った、一色創発の; Her death is imminent. (今にも死にそう)
- <L. prominere=jutting out; projecting outward; noticeable; a man with big, prominent eyes like a lobster's.
- <L. pre+eminere=to stand out; superior to or notable above all others; outstanding;
- monument
- monitor
- summons
- admonish
- remonstrate
- a structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial
- a device used for observing, checking, or keeping a continuous record of something; a heart monitor
- a call by an authority to appear
- to advise or urge someone earnestly; She admonished him to drink no more than one glass of wine.
- <L. re+monstrare=to show; to say or plead in protest, objection , or reproof; 抗議する、諫める; remonstrate that he is too selfish. (利己的過ぎると抗議)
- immortal
- morgue
- morbid
- moribund
- mortify
- not subject to death; immortal deities
- <F. a building in Paris when bodies were kept until identified; mortuary; 死体公示所
- of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or diseased; 精神病的な、過敏な; a morbid interest in death (死に対する病的な興味)
- <L. mori=to die; approaching death; about to die; 瀕死の、絶滅寸前の; The patient was in a moribund state. (病人は瀕死の状態)
- <L. mortificare=to kill; to cause to experience shame, humiliation, or wounded pride; 屈辱を感じさせる、克服する; modify the flesh by fasting (断食苦行)
- amorphous
- metamorphosis
- polymorphous
- anthropomorphic
- lacking definite from; shapeless; 無定型の、散漫な; the amorphous clouds
- a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function; 変態、著しい変化; Frankfurt is going through a metamorphosis. (変貌しつつある)
- the occurrence of something in server different forms; 多形性の、多形の
- relating to or characterized by anthropomorphism (擬人化)
- commuter
- mutation
- mutant
- immutable
- transmutation
- permutation
- one that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and back
- <L. mutare=to change; the act or process of being altered or changed;
- an individual, an organism, or a new genetic character arising or resulting from mutation; 突然変異による;
- not subject or susceptible to change; 不変の; immutable laws
- the act or an instance of transmuting; 変形・変性・変化; transmutation of fortune (栄枯盛衰)
- a complete change; a transformation; 変更・変形;置換・順列 (an ordered arrangement of the elements of a set)
>Top <N>:
to be born
- natural
- native
- naive
- cognate
- nascent
- innate
- renaissance
- present in or produced by nature; 自然に存在する; ↔artificial
- existing in or belonging to one by nature; innate; 生まれた、生得の
- lacking wordiness and sophistication; artless; 無邪気・天真爛漫な
- related by blood, having a common ancestor; 同血族、同語属、同質の
- coming into existence; emerging; 発生期の、初期の
- possessed at birth; inborn; 生来・生得の; one's innate musical talent (生来の音楽の才能)
- the humanistic revival of classical art, architecture, literature, and learning that originated in Italy in 14C and later spread throughout Europe
- astronomy
- economy
- autonomy
- the scientific study which deals with celestial objects, space and physical universe as a whole
- the state of a country or region in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services and the supply of money
- the right or condition of self-government
- synonym
- anonymous
- nominate
- pseudonym
- misnomer
- nomenclature
- acronym
- homonym
- nominal
- ignominy
- a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word in a language
- having an unknown or unacknowledged name
- to propose by name as a candidate, especially for election
- <G. pseudo+onuma=name; a factious name assumed by an author, a pen name
- an error in naming a person or place; 誤称・人名誤記
- a system of names used in an art or a science; the nomenclature of mineralogy
- a word formed from the initial letter of a name
- one of two or more words that have the same sound and often the same spelling ut differ in meaning
- of, resembling relating to, or consisting of a name or names
- <L. in+nomen=name; great personal dishonor or humiliation; disgrace
- innocent
- noxious
- obnoxious
- pernicious
- internecine
- innocuous
- necromancy
- uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrongdoing; sinless; not guilty of a specific crime or offense
- <L. noxa=damage; harmful to living things injurious to health; noxious nuclear wastes
- very objectionable; odious; hateful; 不快・嫌悪; obnoxious behavior
- tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly; a pernicious virus
- <L. inter+nex=death; of or relating to struggle within a nation, an organization, or a group; 内輪げんか、共倒れ、相互破壊的; an internecine feud among proxy holders (代理権所有者同士の内輪もめ)
- <L. in+nocere=to harm; having no adverse effect; harmless; 無害・無毒の; innocuous phrases (不快の念を与えない言い回し)
- <G. nek+manteia=divination; the supposed practice of communication with the dead; black magic; 降霊術, 魔術
- novice
- novel
- novelty
- renovate
- innovate
- neologism
- neophyte
- a person new to a field or activity; a beginner; 新参者、初学者;新改宗者
- a fictional prose narrative of considerable length
- the quality of being novel; newness
- to restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or remodeling
- to begin or introduce something new for or as if for the first time
- a newly coined word, expression, or usage; 新造語、新表現;新教説
- <G. neo+phutos=planted; a recent convert to a belief; a proselyte; 初学者、新参者;新改宗者
>Top <O>:
forward, to , against, completely, over
- obese
- object
- obstruct
- obstinate
- obscure
- obtrude
- oblique
- oblivious
- obnoxious
- obstreperous
- abuse
- opprobrium
- obsequious
- obfuscate
- <L ob=away+edere=to eat; extremely fat; grossly overweight;
- <L. ob=before+jacere=to throw; something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing; 五感で知覚し得る物体
- <L. ob+stuere=to pile up; to block or fill with obstacles; ふさぐ; Debris obstructed the road. (残骸が道をふさぐ)
- stubbornly adhering to an attitude, an opinion; difficult to manage, control
- <L. ob+scrus=covered; deficient in light; dark; 不明瞭な; an obscure meaning
- <L. ob+trudere=to thrust; to impose oneself on others with undue insistence or without invitation; 無理強いする、押しつける; obtrude one's opinions upon others. (自説を他人に押しつける)
- having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined; 斜めの、斜角の、45度角の斜行進
- <L. oblivisci=forget; lacking all memory; forgetful; lacking conscious awareness; 眼中にない、記憶にない; They are oblivious of my former failure. (以前の失敗を覚えていない)
- <L. ob+noxa=injury; very objectionable; odious; hateful; 嫌悪・醜悪、鼻持ちならない; He is known to be obnoxious.
- noisy and stubbornly defiant; obstreperous children
- to use wrongly or improperly; misuse; 濫用・逆用する; abuse one's authority
- disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy; disgrace; 不名誉・恥辱・名折れ
- <L. ob+sequi=to follow; full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning; こびへつらい、追従的; a man obsequious to his superiors (上司におもねる卑屈な男)
- <L. ob+fuscare=to darken; to make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand; 暗くする、不明瞭にする、分かりにくくする
- omnipresent
- omniscient
- omnipotent
- present everywhere simultaneously; widely or constantly encountered; the omnipresent threat of natural disasters
- having total knowledge; knowing everything; an omniscient deity
- having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; 全能の; the Omnipotent Deity (全能の神)
>Top <P>:
- peace
- appease
- pacify
- pacifist
- pacifier
- pact
- the absence of war or other hostilities
- <L. ad+pais=peace; to bring peace, quiet, or calm to; to pacify; soothe; 慰める、鎮める
- to ease the anger or agitation of
- a person who believes that war and violence are unjustifiable
- a rubber or plastic nipple or teething ring for a baby to suck or chew on; なだめる人・物、おしゃぶり
- <L. pacisci=to agree; a formal agreement, such as one between nations; a treaty
- panorama
- panacea
- panegyric
- pantheon
- panoply
- pandemic
- panopticon
- an unbroken view of an entire surrounding area
- <G. panakes=all-healing<pan+akos=remedy; a remedy of all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all; 医神、Aesculapiusの娘・古代ギリシアの治療の女神
- <G. pan+egyris=assembly; a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment; 賛辞・頌徳
- <G. pan+theos=god; a circular temple in Rome completed in 27BC.; 万神殿
- <G. pan+hopla=armor; a splendid or striking array; 壮観・壮麗
- <G. pan+demos=people; widespread; general; pandemic influenza
- <G. pan+optikos=optic; a circular prison with cells arranged around a center well, fro which prisoners could at all times be observed; 一望監視施設
- par
- parity
- apartheid
- disparity
- disparate
- disparage
- an amount or a level considered to be average; a standard
- equality, as in amount, status, or value
- an official policy of racial segregation practiced in the Republic of South Africa
- the condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree; difference; 不等・不同・相違・格差; disparities between men and women
- <L. dis+parare=to prepare; fundamentally distinct or different in kind; entirely dissimilar; 異種の、本質的に異なる、比較不可能なもの; They inhabit disparate worlds of thought.
- <F. desparagier=marry someone of unequal rank; to speak of in a slighting way; belittle; decry; 軽んじる、見くびる
- parallel
- paraphrase
- parasite
- paradox
- parody
- paragon
- parable
- paradigm
- being an equal distance apart everywhere; of two or more straight coplanar lines that do not intersect.
- <G. para=alongside+phrazein=to show; a restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning; 言い換え
- <G. para=beside+sitos=grain; an organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits by deriving nutrients a the others's expense; 寄生者
- <G. para=beyond+doxa=opinion; a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true; 逆説; The paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.
- <G. para+oide=song; a literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule; caricature; 風刺・もじり詩文;替え歌
- <F. para=alongside+akone=whetstone; a model of excellence or perfection of a king; 模範・典型・手本; a paragon of beauty
- <G. para=beside+ballein=to throw; a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson; 寓話、比喩
- <G. para=alongside+deiknunai=to show; an example that serves as pattern or model; 理論的枠組み、規範;語形変化表
- apathy
- sympathy
- empathy
- antipathy
- passionate
- compassion
- compatible
- dispassionate
- impassive
- pathos
- pathology
- sociopath
- <G. a=without+pathos~feeling; lack of interest or concern; regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference; 無感動・無感情
- a relationship or an affinity between people or things
- <D. Einfühlung; identification with and understanding of another's situation, feeling; pity; 感情移入・共感・代体験
- a strong feeling of aversion or repugnance; enmity; 反感・嫌悪・毛嫌い; a mutual antipathy (互いの反感)
- capable of, having, or dominated by powerful emotion; passionate attachment (強い愛着)
- deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it; sympathy; 思いやり、深い同情
- capable of existing or performing in harmonious, agreeable, or congenial combination with another or others; 気が合う、睦まじい
- devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias; 先入観のない、冷静・公平な; a dispassionate critic (公平な批評家)
- devoid of or not subject to emotion; 無感動・無感情の
- <G. pathos=emotion, suffering; a quality, as of an experience or a work of art, that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy,, tenderness, or sorrow.
- <G. pathologia=study of disease; the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences; 病理学
- one who is affected with a personality disorder marked by aggressive, antisocial behavior; 社会病質人格
- patron
- patronize
- paternal
- paternalism
- expatriate
- patrimony
- patriarch
- patrician
- one that supports, protects, or champions someone or something, such as an institution, an event, or a cause; a sponsor or benefactor; 顧客・常連・ひいき; the patrons of a pub (パブの常連)
- to act as a patron to; support or sponsor
- relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood
- a policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner; 父子。家族主義、温情主義; The employes objected to the paternalism of the old president. (老社長の家族主義経営に反対)
- to send into exile; to remove from residence in one's native land; 故国を去る、移住する
- an inheritance from a father or other ancestor; 世襲財産、親譲りの性質
- a man who rules a family, clan, or tribe; 家父長、族長
- a person of refined upbringing, manners, and tastes; 高位・貴族・名門の士
- poor
- poverty
- paucity
- pauper
- impoverish
- puerile
- pusillanimous
- having little or no wealth and few or no possessions.
- the state of being poor, lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts.
- smallness of number; fewness; a country with a paucity of resources (資源小国)
- <L. in forma pauperis; one who is extremely poor; 貧窮者; He died a pauper.
- to reduce to poverty; make poor; 貧乏・疲弊させる; c country impoverished by war (戦争で疲弊した国)
- <L. puer=child; belonging to childhood; juvenile; childishly silly and immature; a puerile argument
- <L. pusillus=weak; lacking courage, cowardly; 臆病・小心・意気地のない
- pedal
- pedestal
- pedestrian
- podiatrist
- expedite
- expedient
- impede
- impediment
- impedance
- a foot-operated lever used for actuating or controlling a mechanism
- an architectural support or base, as for a column or statue; 台座、柱脚
- a person traveling on foot; a walker
- chiropodist (足専門医)
- <L. exped; to free from entanglements, make ready; to speed up the progress of; facilitate; 促進する、早める; expedite a plan
- <L. expedire=to make ready; appropriate to a purpose; 役立つ、適切な、当を得た; What is expedient is not always right. (好都合必ずしも正しからず)
- <L. Im+ped=foot <shackle the feet of; to retard or obstruct the progress of ; hinder
- something that impedes; a hindrance or an obstruction;
- the effective resistance of an electric circuit or component to alternating current; 妨害・障害・支障; an impediment to progress
- Pend/Pens
to hang, to weigh, to pay
- >Top
- depend
- dispense
- expend
- stipend
- spend
- expenditure
- suspense
- compensate
- propensity
- pensive
- indispensable
- impend
- pendulum
- appendix
- append
- appendage
- ponderous
- pendant
- to rely, especially for support or maintenance
- to deal out in parts or portions; distribute; 分配する; dispene alms to the poor (貧者に施し)
- to lay out; spend; She expended energy, time and care on her work.
- <L. stip=a small payment+pendera=to weigh; a fixed and regular paymnet, such as a salary ofr serviced rendered or an allowance
- to use up or put out expend
- the act or process of expending; outlay
- the condition of being physically suspended; the state or quality of being undecide, uncertain, or doubtful
- to offset; counterbalance in recognition of loss,
- <L. propendere=to be inclined; an innate inclination; a tendency; 傾向・性向; a propensity for getting into accidents (事故を起こしやすい癖)
- deeply, oftern wistfully or dreamly thoughtful; 思案・物思いに沈んだ; a pensive soul (憂いに沈んだ心)
- not be dispensed with; essential; unavoidable; things indispensable to life
- <L. in=over+pendere=to hang; to be about to take place; 切迫している; an impednig storm (差し迫った嵐)
- a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity; 振り子
- a collection of supplementary material, at the en of a book; 補遺・付録
- to add as a supplement or an appendix
- something added or attached to an entity of greater importance or size; an adjunct; 添加・付加物・従属物
- having great weight; lackign grace or fluency; 大きくて重たい、荷厄介な; speak in a ponderous manner (だらだらと話す)
- something suspended from something else, especially an ornament or a piece of jewelry attached to a neclace or bracelet
- penal
- penalty
- punitive
- repent
- penance
- penitent
- penitentiary
- repine
- impunity
- persistent
- perforate
- perplex
- perspire
- peruse
- pervade
- perjury
- perturb
- perfunctory
- perspicacious
- permeate
- pernicious
- perennial
- peremptory
- pertinacious
- perimeter
- periscope
- peripheral
- peripatetic
- appetite
- compete
- petitio
- perpetual
- impetuous
- petulant
- propitious
- perimeter
- periscope
- peripheral
- peripatetic
- appetite
- compete
- petitio
- perpetual
- impetuous
- petulant
- propitious
- philosophy
- philanthropy
- philatelist
- philology
- bibliophile
- telephone
- symphony
- megaphone
- euphony
- cacophony
- Plac
to please
- >Top
- placid
- placebo
- placate
- implacable
- complacent
- complaisant
- Ple
to fill
- >Top
- complete
- deplete
- complement
- implement
- plethora
- replete
- complex
- complexion
- complicate
- duplex
- replica
- ply
- comply
- implicit
- implicat4e
- explicit
- duplicity
- complicity
- supplicate
>Top Pon/Pos/Pound
to put, to place
- component
- compound
- deposit
- dispose
- expose
- exposition
- expound
- juxtapose
- depose
- proponent
- repository
- transpose
- superimpose
>Top Port
to carry
- import
- portable
- porter
- portfolio
- deport
- deportment
- export
- portmanteau
- portly purport
- disport
- importune
>Top Prehend/Prise
to take, to get, to seize
- surprise
- comprehend
- enterprise
- impregnable
- reprehensible
- apprehension
- comprise
- apprise
- apprehend
- comprehensive
>Top Pro
much, for, a lot
- prolific
- profuse
- propitious
- prodigious
- profligate
- prodigal
- protracted
- proclivity
- proliferate
- propensity
- prodigy
- proselytize
- propound
- provident
- prolix
>Top Prob
to prove, to test
- probe
- probation
- approbation
- probity
- opprobrium
- reprobate
>Top Punc/Pung/
to point, to pric
- point
- puncture
- punctual
- punctuate
- pungent
- poignant
- compunction
- expunge
- punctilious
>Top <Q>:
to seek
- acquire
- acquisition
- exquisite
- acquisitive
- request
- conquest
- inquire
- inquisitive
- inquest
- query
- querulous
- perquisite
>Top Qui
- quiet
- disquiet
- tranquil
- acquiesce
- quiescent
>Top <R>:
to laugh
- ridicule
- derision
- risible
>Top <S>:
to leap, to jump
- insult
- assault
- somersault
- insult
- salient
- resilient
- insolent
- desultory
- exult
- to treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness; offend; 侮辱する、無礼を働く; insult a stature by spitting on it.
- make a physical attack on; 襲撃、急襲
- <L. salire=to leap; an acrobatic stunt in which the body rolls in a complete circle, heels over head; とんぼ返り、宙返り; a double somersault (連続二回宙返り)
- to treat with gross insensitivity, insolence, or contemptuous rudeness; offend; 侮辱・愚弄する
- projecting or jutting beyond a line or surface; protruding; 顕著な、部脱;突き出た; a salient angle (凸角)
- marked by the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune; 弾む、弾性体の、すぐ元気になる; He is of a resilient temper (立ち直りが早い性質)
- <L. in=not+solere=to be accustomed; presumptuous and insulting in manner or speech; arrogant; 横柄・傲慢・無礼な; an insolent reply (無礼な返事)
- moving or jumping from one thing to another; 気まぐれな、漫然とした; desultory conversation (取り留めのない会話)
- to rejoice greatly; be jubilant or triumphant; 歓喜・狂喜する: They exulted over their victory. (勝利に狂喜した)
>Top Sanct/Sacr
- sacred
- sacrifice
- sanctuary
- sanctify
- execrable
- sacrament
- sacrilege
- dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity
- the act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritul slaughter of an animal or a person; 生け贄、犠牲; make the supreme sacrifice (一身を犠牲にする)
- a sacred place, such as a church, temple, or mosque
- to set apart for sacred use; consecrate; purify; 神聖・浄化する; God blessed the seventh day, and sactified it. (第七の日を祝福し、聖別された)
- deserving of execration; hateful; 嫌悪すべき、忌まわしい、呪うべき; excrable crimes (憎むべき犯罪)
- <L. sacrare=to consecrate; a visible form of invisibel grac; 恩寵; 洗礼(baptism)&聖餐(the Lord's Supper)
- <L. sacer=sacred+legere=to gather; desecration, profanation, misuse, or theft of something sacred; 涜聖、神聖なものを汚す; a sacrilege to the dead (死者への冒涜)
>Top Sci
to know
- science
- conscious
- conscience
- unconscionable
- omniscient
- prescience
- <L. scire=to know; the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment
- having an awareness of one's environment and one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts; aware
- the awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong; 良心、道義心、分別; follow the dictates of conscience (良心の命ずるままに)
- not restrained by conscience
- having total knowledge, knowing everything
- knowledge of actions or events before they occur; foresight; 予知、先見
>Top Sol
to loosen, to free
- dissolve
- soluble
- solve
- resolution
- irresolute
- solvent
- dissolution
- absolution
- to cause to pass into solution; dissolve salt in water
- that can be dissolved, especially easily dissolved
- to find a solution to
- the state or quality of being resolute; firm determination
- unsure of how to act or proceed; undecided; 優柔不断の
- capable of meeting financial obligations; capable of dissolving another substance
- decomposition into fragment or parts; disintegration
- the formal remission of sin imparted by a priest; 免除、赦免、罪の許し
>Top Sta
to stand, to be in a place
- static
- stationary
- destitute
- obstinate
- obstacle
- stalwart
- stagnant
- steadfasts
- constitute
- constant
- stasis
- homeostasis
- apostasy
>Top Sua
- suave
- assuage
- persuade
- dissuade
- select
- separate
- seduce
- seclude
- segregate
- secede
- sequester
- section
>Top Scribe/Scrip
to write
- scribble
- describe
- script
- postscript
- prescribe
- proscribe
- ascribe
- inscribe
- conscription
- scripture
- transcript
- circumscribe
- manuscript
- scribe
- scripture
>Top Sec/Sequ
to follow
- second
- prosecute
- sequel
- sequence
- consequence
- inconsequential
- obsequious
- non sequitur
- sense
- sensual
- sensory
- sentiment
- resent
- consent
- dissent
- assent
- consensus
- sentinel
- insensate
- dissent
- sentient
>Top Sed /Sess
to sit, to be still, to plan, to plot
- preside
- resident
- sediment
- session
- dissident
- obsession
- residue
- sedate
- subside
- subsidy
- subsidiary
- sedentary
- dissident
- insidious
- assiduous
- sedulous
- to hold the positon of authority; 議長を務める、主宰する; preside at a meeting (会の議長を務める)
- a physician serving a period of residency; 居住者、在留人;Japanese residentrs in English (在英日本人)
- <L. sedere=to sit; material that settles to the bottom of a liquid; lees; deposit
- a meeting of a legislative or judicial body for the purpose of transaction business; 開廷・開会していること; a morning session (株式取引所の前場)
- <L. dis=apart+sedere=to sit; disagreeing, as in opinion or belief; 反対、反体制の人
- compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion, oten accompanied by symptoms of anxiety; 強迫観念、妄想; Money is his obsession. (金のことが頭から離れない)
- <L. residere=to remain behind; the remainder of something after removal of parts or a part; remainder; 残余、残留物; for the residue (その他について言えば)
- <L. sedare=to settle; serenely deliberate, composed, and dignified in character or manner; 穏やかな、落ち着いた、地味な; a sedate costume
- to sink to a lower or normal level
>Top Spec/Spic
to look, to see
- perspective
- aspect
- spectator
- specter
- spectacles
- speculation
- suspicious
- auspicious
- spectrum
- specimen
- interception
- retrospective
- perspective
- perspicacious
- circumspect
- conspicuous
- respite
- specious
>Top Sub/Sup
- submissive
- subsidiary
- subjugate
- subliminal
- subdue
- sublime
- subtle
- subversive
- subterfuge
- subordinate
- suppress
- supposition
>Top Super/Sur
- surpass
- supercilious
- superstition
- superfluous
- superlative
- supersede
- superficial
- surmount
- surveillance
- survey
>Top <T>:
to hold
- contain
- detain
- pertain
- pertinacious
- tenacious
- abstention
- sustain
- tenure
- pertinent
- tenant
- tenable
- tenet
- sustenance
- <L. com+tenere=to hold; to have within; hold; to be exactly divisible by; 含有・包含する;数が割りきれる; Ten contains five.
- <L. d+tenere=to hold; to keep from proceeding; delay or retard; delay; 引き留める、留置する; detain a suspect for further examination. (さらに尋問するために留置する)
- to have reference; relate; 関係がある、付随する; The destruction pertaining to the war
- holding tenaciously to a purpose, belief, opinion, or course of action; obstinate; 固守する、粘り強い、頑固な; a pertinacious salesman
- holding or tending to hold persistently to something; 固持・固執する; Food habits are tenacious. (食習慣はなかなか変えられない)
- <L. abstinere=to hold back; the act or habit of deliberate self-denial; 節制・自制; abstention from drink
- to keep in existence; maintain; sustain a burden
- the act, fact, or condition of holding something in one's possession, as real estate or an office, occupation; 保有・保持・財産; during one's tenure of office (在職中に)
- having logical, precise relevance to the matter at hand; relevant; 関係がある、適切・妥当な; Their style is pertinent to the subject. (彼らの文体はテーマにぴったり)
- one that pays rent to use or occupy land, a building, or other property owned by another; 借地・借家人
- capable of being maintained in argument; rationally defensible; 防御し得る、維持できる、筋の通った; a tenable theory (批判に耐えられる理論)
- <L. <he holds<tenere=to hold; an opinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true by a person or by an organization; doctrine; 教義
- the act of sustaining; 滋養物、生計の手段
>Top Tac/Tic
to be silent
- reticent
- tacit
- taciturn
- <L. re+tacere=to be silent; inclined to keep one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs to oneself; silent; 寡黙・無口の; be reticent of one's opinions
- <L. tacere=to be silent; not spoken; indicated tacit approval by smiling and winking.
- habitually intalkative; silent
>Top Theo
- atheist
- apotheosis
- theocracy
- one that disbelieves or denies the existence of God
- not spoken; implied by or inferred fro actions or statements
- habitually untalkative; silent; 寡黙な; taciturn misanthropy (陰気な人間嫌い)
>Top Tend/Tens/
to stretch, to thin
- tension
- extend
- tendency
- tendon
- tent
- tentative
- contend
- contention
- tendentious
- tenuous
- distend
- attenuate
- extenuating
- the act or process of stretching something tight
- to open or straighten out
- movement or prevailing movement in a given direction
- <L. tendere=to stretch; a band of tough, inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment; 腱; Achilles's tendon (アキレス腱)
- a portable shelter, as of canvas, stretched over a supporting framework of poles with ropes and pegs
- not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional
- to strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle; She had to contend with his uncertain temper.
- the act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate; 闘争、喧嘩、論争
- <L. tendentia=tendency; marked by a strong implicit point of view; 偏向的な、宣伝的な
- long and thin; slender; 細長い、か細い; tenuous letters (細い字)
- swell out or expand from or a if from internal pressure; 膨張させる、誇張する
- <L. ad+tenuare=to make thin; to make slender, fine, or small; 稀薄化、減じる、弱める; attenuate desire (欲望を弱める)
- to lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness; 情状酌量する、軽視する; Do not extenuate the difficulties we are in. (困難な状況を見くびるな)
>Top Tract
to drag, to pull, to draw
- tractor
- attract
- contract
- detract
- tract
- tractable
- intractable
- protract
- a vehicle having large heavily treaded tires, and used in mowing, farming
- to cause to draw near or adhere
- <L. com+trahere=to draw; an agreement between two or more parties
- <L. detrahere=to take away; to draw or take away; divert
- an expanse of land or water; 地域、区域、地方; vast tracts of desert land (広大な砂漠地帯)
- easily managed or controlled; governable
- difficult to manage or govern; stubborn
- to draw out or lengthen in time; prolong; 延長する; protract one's debate (討論を長引かせる)
>Top Trans
- transfer
- transaction
- transparent
- transport
- transition
- transitory
- transient
- transgress
- transcendent
- intransigent
- traduce
- translucent
- to convey or cause to pass from one place, person to another
- the act of transacting or the fact of being transacted
- capable of transmitting light so that objects or images can be seen as if there were no intervening material
- to carry from one place to another; convey
- passage from one form, state, style to another
- existing or lasting only a short time, or temporary
- passing with time; transitory; the transient beauty of youth
- to go beyond or over a limit or boundary; exceed or overstep; 法などに背く、逸脱する
- surpassing others; preeminent or supreme; 並外れた、超越的な; the search for a transcendent level of knowledge
- refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising; 妥協しない、自説に固執する、政治的にぶれない
- <L. trans+ducere=to lead; to cause humiliation or disgrace to by making malicious and false statements; 中傷、名誉毀損する
- transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of distinct images; 半透明の、曇った; Frosted window glass in translucent but not transparent. (光は通すが透明ではない)
>Top <U>:
to use
- abuse
- usage
- utensil
- usurp
- utility
- utilitarian
- to use wrongly or improperly; misuse; 悪用、濫用する; abuse one's authority (職権濫用)
- the act, manner, or amount of using; use
- an instrument, an implement, or a container used domestically, especially in a kitchen; 家庭用品; kitchen utensils (台所道具)
- to seize and hold the power of anther by force and without legal authority; 強奪する、不正使用する; The pretender tried to usurp the throne.
- the quality or condition of being useful; usefulness; 有用、有益、実用; This chemical has no utility as an agricultural fertilizer. (農業用肥料としては役立たない)
- of, relating to, or in the interests of utility; of advocating utilitarianism; 有用性に関する; utilitarian economic theories (功利主義経済理論)
>Top <V>:
to come, to move foward
- adventure
- convene
- convenient
- event
- venturesome
- avenue
- intervene
- advent
- contravene
- circumvent
- an undertaking or enterprise of a hazardous nature
- to come together usually for an official or public purpose; assemble formally; 公目的のために集まる、召集する
- suited or favorable to one's comfort, purpose, or needs
- something that takes place; an occurrence
- disposed to venture or to take risks, daring; adventurous; 冒険好きな、大胆な; a venturesome investor (大胆な投資家)
- a wide street or throughfare
- to come, appear, or lie between two things; 中に入る、調停する
- the coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important
- to act or be counter to ; violate; 衝突する、逆らう、破る; contravene a statement (声明書に反駁する)
- to surround an enemy; enclose or entrap; 迂回する
>Top Ver
- verdict
- verify
- veracious
- verisimilitude
- aver
- an expressed conclusion; a judgement or an opinion; 評決
- to prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; 立証する; The deed verified that the estate belonged to them. (証書は不動産が彼のものであることを証明)
- honest, truthful; a veracious witness (正直な証人)
- the quality of appearing to be true or real; 本当らしさ; The play lacked verisimilitude. (芝居は真実味に欠けていた)
- <L. ad+verus=true; to affirm positively; declare; 真実であると断言する
>Top Vers/Vert
to turn
- controversy
- revert
- subvert
- invert
- divert
- diverse
- aversion
- extrovert
- introvert
- inadvertent
- versatile
- traverse
- covert
- overt
- a dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposin views; argument
- to return to a former condtion, practice, subject, or belief; 元へ戻る、逆戻りする; They reverted to the ways of their forefathers. (先祖の生き方に逆戻りした)
- <L. sub+vertere=to turn; to destroy completely; ruin; 転覆、破滅、堕落させる; an attempt to subvert democratic government.
- to turn inside out or upside down; invert an hourglass
- to turn aside from a course or direction; 脇にそらす、方向転換する; divert the course of a stream
- differing one from another
- a fixed, intense dislike; repugnance; 嫌悪、反感; have a strong aversion to snakes and spiders
- an outgoing, socially confident person; 外向的な、陽気な人
- a shy, reticent person; 内向性の人
- not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning; 故意でない; He was pardoned for inadvertent manslaughter.
- capable of doing many things competently; 多芸多才の; a versatile writer (何でももの書き)
- to travel or pass across, over, or through; 横断する; a path traverses the range of lofty hills.
- not openly acknowledged or displayed; 隠された、秘密の; ↔overt
- open and observable, not hiden, or secret
>Top Vi
- vivid
- vicarious
- convivial
- viable
- vivacity
- perceived as bright and distinct
- <L. vicarius=a substitute; felt or undergone as if one were taking part in the experience or feelings of another; 身代わりの; vicarious authorship (代作)
- fond of feasting, drinking, and good company; sociable
- capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions; a viable alternative (実行可能な代案)
- the quality or condition of being vivacious; liveliness; 活発な性質; a people noted for their vivacity (陽気さで知られる国民)
- evident
- television
- video
- vision
- provision
- adviser
- provident
- survey
- vista
- visionary
- visage
- <L. ex+videre=to see; easily seen or understood; obvious
- The transmission of visual images
- of or relating to videotaped production, equipment and technology
- the faculty of sight; eyesight
- the act of supplying or fitting out; 条項、規定
- one that advises, such as a person or firm that offers official or professional advice to clients
- providing for future needs or events; 将来に備える、用心深い; provident care (将来に対しての配慮)
- to examine or look at in a comprehensive way; to inspect carefully
- a distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening; 展望、眺望; a vista of the church (協会を見通せる眺め)
- characterized by vision or foresight
- the face or facial expression of a person; countenance
>Top Voc/Vok
to call
- vocabulary
- vocal
- provocative
- advocate
- equivocate
- vocation
- avocation
- convoke
- vociferous
- irrevocable
- evocative
- revoke
- convoke
- invoke
- the sum of words used by, understood by
- of or relating to the voice
- causing anger or another strong reaction; a provocative article
- to speak, plead, or argue in favor of; support; He advocated that changes be made.
- to use ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself
- a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation; 天職、使命感
- an activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment; a hobby; 楽しみのための副業、内職
- to cause to assemble in a meeting; convene; 召集
- making, given to or marked by noisy and vehement outcry; 大声で叫ぶ; be vociferous against rasing taxes (増税に猛反対)
- impossible to retract or revoke
- tending or having the power to evoke; 喚起する; The perfume was evocative of spring. (春を思い起こさせる芳香)
- to void or annul by recalling withdrawing, or reversing; 取消、撤回する; revoke a driving license
- <L. con+vocare=to call; to cause to assemble in a meeting; convene
- to call on a higher power for assistance, support, or inspiration; 祈願する; invoke one's right to veto (拒否権を行使)
>Top Vol
to wish
- voluntary
- volunteer
- volition
- malevolent
- benevolent
- arising from or acting on one's won free will
- a person who performs a service of his or her own free will.
- the act or an instance of making a conscious choice or decision; 意欲、意志; She left of her own volition. (自発的に去った)
- having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious
- characterized by or suggestive of doing good; a benevolent fund
>Top <W>:
>Top <X>:
>Top <Y>:
>Top <Z>:
Word Smart: the Root Parade
Cat: LAN |
Adam Robinson, etc. |
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Index |
Key |
; amoral; abduct; acid; adapt; agent; alternate; amateur; ambitious; ambit; unanimous; anterior; anthropology; annual; antidote; apology; apt; architect; monarchy; art; augument; automtic; belittle; rebel; benefit; biannual; brief; cascade; candle; chant; capture; capital; cardiac; caste; caustic; cede; central; concern; chronicle; circumference; scissor; excite; exclaim; closet; decline; connect; bureaucracy; creation; credit; crypt; culprit; occur; cubicle; descend; democracy; dialogue; dictionary; dignity; disperse; doctor; orthodox; condolence; donate; dubious; conduct; endure; epidemic; equaition; err; adolescence; exclude; euphoria; extraordinary; fable; factory; offer; fervor; confide; final; flame; deflect; afflict; fluid; foresight; fortune; fracture; fruitful; foundation; confuse; generous; ignore; grand; congregation; progress; grateful; |
Why |
Key |
English |
>Top <A>: |
>Top Ab/Abs: |
>Top Ac/Acr |
>Top Ad/Al |
>Top Ag/Act |
>Top Al/Ali/Alter |
>Top Am/Em |
>Top Amb |
>TopAmb/Amph |
>Top Amb/Amph |
>Top Anim |
>Top Ante |
>Top Anthro/Andr |
>Top Anti |
>Top Apt/Ept
>Top Arch/Archi |
>Top Archy |
>Top Art |
>Top Aug/Auc/Aux |
>Top Auto |
>Top <B> |
>Top Bel/Bell |
>Top Ben |
>Top Bi |
>Top Bri/Brev |
>Top <C>:>Top Cad/Cid |
>Top Cant/Cent |
>Top Cap/Cip/Cept |
>Top Card/Cord/Cour |
>Top Cast/Chast |
>Top Caust |
>Top Ced/Ceed |
>Top Centr |
>Top Cern/Cert/ |
>Top Chron |
>Top Circu > |
>Top Cis |
>Top Cit |
>Top Clam/Claim |
>Top Cla/Clo/Clu |
>Top Cli |
>Top Co/Col/Com/ |
>Top Crat/Cracy |
>Top Cre/Cresc/Cret |
>Top Cred |
>Top Cryp |
>Top Culp |
>Top Cur/cour |
>Top Cub/Cumb |
>Top <D>:De |
>Top Dem |
>Top Di/Dia |
>Top Dic/Dict/Dit |
>Top Dign |
>Top Dis/Dif |
>Top Doc/Dac |
>Top Dog/Dox |
>Top Dol
>Top Don/Dot/Dow |
>Top Dub |
>Top Duc/Duct |
>Top Dur |
>Top <E>:
>Top Equ |
>Top Err |
>Top Esce |
>Top Ex/E/Ef |
>Top Eu |
>Top Extra |
>Top <F>:Fab/Fam |
>Top Fac/Fic/Fig |
>Top Fer |
>Top Ferv |
>Top Fid |
>Top Fin |
>Top Flag/Flam |
>Top Flect/Flex |
>Top Flict |
>Top Flu, Flux |
>Top Fore |
>Top Fort |
>Top Fra/Frac/Frag |
>Top Fruit/Frug |
>Top Fund/Found |
>Top Fus |
>Top <G>: Gen |
>Top Gn/Gno/Gn |
>Top Grand |
>Top Greg |
>Top Gress/Grad |
>Top Grat |
>Top <H>:Her/Hes |
>Top Hetero |
>Top Hom |
>Top Hyper |
>Top Hypo |
>Top <I>:Id |
>Top n/Im/En/Em |
>Top In/Im |
>Top < J >:Ject |
< J >:
< J >:
>Top <K>: |
<K>: |
<K>: |
>Top <L>:Lect |
>Top <M>:Mag/Maqj/Mas |
>Top <N>:Nat/Nas/Nai |
>Top <O>:Ob/Oc/Of/Op |
>Top <P>:Pac/Peac |
>Top Pon/Pos/Pound |
>Top Port |
>Top Prehend/Prise |
>Top Pro |
>Top Prob |
>Top Punc/Pung/ |
>Top <Q>:Que/Quis |
<Q>: |
>Top Qui |
>Top <R>: Rid/Ris |
<R>: |
>Top <S>:Sal/Sil/ |
>Top Sanct/Sacr |
>Top Sci |
>Top Sol |
>Top Sta |
>Top Sua |
>Top Scribe/Scrip |
>Top Sec/Sequ |
>Top Sed /Sess |
>Top Spec/Spic |
>Top Sub/Sup |
>Top Super/Sur |
>Top <T>:Tain/Ten/ |
>Top Tac/Tic |
>Top Theo |
>Top Tend/Tens/ |
>Top Tract |
>Top Trans |
>Top <U>:Us/Ut |
>Top <V>:Ven/Vent |
>Top Ver |
>Top Vers/Vert |
>Top Vi |
>Top Voc/Vok |
>Top Vol |
>Top <W>: |
<W>: |
<W>: |
>Top <X>: |
<X>: |
<X>: |
>Top <Y>: |
<Y>: |
<Y>: |
>Top <Z>: |
<Z>: |
<Z>: |
Index |
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