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Route66: A solution route - Note

Cat: LAN
Pub: 1972

Kanzo Kobayashi

up 14805
  • Oriental writing brush for character calligraphy and western paintbrush are different; so do the words between Japanese and English.
  • The type of differences are 1) same word & same concept (mostly imported words), 2) different word but covers almost same concept, 3) same word but has a bit different concept, 4) similar word but has very different meaning, or misleading concept.
  • 東洋の書道の筆と西洋の絵筆とは異なる。日本語と英語の差も同様である。
  • 差にもいろいろある。1) 輸入語のように単語も概念も同じ、2) 単語は異なるが意味は同じ、3) 単語は同じだが意味が少し異なる、4) 単語は同じでも意味が全く異なり誤解を招く。
10 minutes before bedtime and 10 minutes after awaking (39); Aging staff and cost per performance (64); Amateur's overreaction (4); Anxiety of business (21); Appearance is energy (51); Attitude to learn (33); Beginner's fear feeling (35); Body language (3); Cannot be succeeded to the follower (13); Cause of slump is in good time (56); Client evaluation as power of sales (61); Corporate vision is becoming an empty shell (65); Daily meeting for projects evaluation (34); Difference of perception (46); Don't lie (36); Enforced budget (66); Established Asclab (0); Faultfinding management (49); For the team (50); Frank & honest report (29); Feeling of anger (24); Find out advantage (40); First 1 or 2 minutes; First 3 minutes; Good listener (2); Good luck (38); Hypothesis and verification (43); Immunotherapy (25); Invisible figure of assets (20); Leader's loneliness (55); Lesson from a comic teller (15); Marital quarrel (59); Market decides value (26); Minimize deceptions (31); Natural extinction (54); Negative spiral (7); Negotiation disappears toward end-period (66); Negotiation member (8); the North Wind and the Sun (42); Not a obligation tool but a protection tool (60); Objective evaluation and appropriate personal distribution (48); Okinawa rail (44); Open comment of the first contact (1); Pilot of Zero fighter (32); Postscript; Power of assumption (5); Power of feeling (30); Prediction removes anxiety (57); Praise & appreciation (22); Recessive side refines strategy (27); Reconsider the real meaning of credibility (14); Report of sales zero (47); Rotating with my old days (41); Ruler of time (17); Salesman at securities (12); Sense of crisis of sales not required (58); Sense of the front-end including anxiety (6); Situation not to be easily rejected (28); Small difference (16); Stereo-typed fixed ideas (19); Strength of a local company (63); Stress and vigor (52); Sympathetic impression (11); Thoughtless word (23); Time consciousness (18); Too many cheer groups (53); Total optimization (37); Toxicity of numerical control (45); Waste of digesting job (62);

A: アスクラボ社起業 (0); 怒りを伴った発言 (24); 嘘をつかない (36); 売上ゼロの活動報告 (47); 運 (38); 多すぎる応援団 (53); K: 仮説と検証 (43); 聞き上手 (2); 企業ビジョンが形骸化している (65); 北風と太陽 (42); 期末になると商談が消える (66); 義務ではなく自分を守るツール (60); 客観的な評価と適材適所への人材配置 (48); 欠点探しのマネジメント (49); 高齢化と費用対効果 (64); 顧客の共感 (11); 顧客の評価は営業力 (61); 断られにくい状況 (28); 固定観念 (19); ごまかしを少なくする (31); 感じ方の違い (46); 感じる力 (30); S: 最初の1〜2分間 (10); 最初の3分間 (9); 初回の所感をオープンに (1); 時間の意識 (18); 時間の物差 (17); 自然消滅 (54); 証券営業の思い出 (12); 市場が価格を決める (26); 消化する仕事という無駄 (62); 商談メンバー (8); 初心者の恐怖心 (35); 素人のアクション (4); 信頼の意味の再考 (14); 数字以外の資産 (20); 数値管理の毒性 (45); ストレスと活力 (52); スランプの原因は好調時にあり (56); 想定する力 (5); 率直で正直な所感 (29); 零戦のパイロット (32); 全体最適化 (37); T: 地方企業の強み (63); 長所を見つける (40); N: 悩みも含めた現場の声 (6); 日常的な受注判定会議 (34); H: 引き継げないもの (13); ビジネスの不安解消 (21); 筆者あとがき; 必要とされない営業への危機感 (58); 表情はエネルギー (51); 夫婦喧嘩 (59); 負のスパイラル (7); 不用意な一言 (23); フォア・ザ・チーム (50); ボディランゲージ (3); 褒める感謝する (22); M: 学ぶ姿勢 (33); 免疫療法 (25); Y: やらされ予算 (66); ヤンバルクイナ (44); 予測が不安を取り除く (57); 夜の10分・朝の10分 (39); R: 落語家の話からの教訓 (15); リーダーの孤独 (55); 劣性の側の戦略 (27); W: 若い頃の自分に置き換えて (41); わずかな差 (16);

English & remarks

>Top <A>:

  1. 悪意なく akui
  2. 悪循環 akujunkan
  3. ありのままの arinomamano
  4. 当たり障りのない atari


  1. without any malice/malicious intent; benignly; harmless deception;
  2. negative spiral; vicious cycle;
  3. (you should just) let it go; let the past go; stop worrying about it; forget about it and move on; stop talking or thing about it; by oneself; the way I am/you are; (you are amazing) just the way you are;
  4. bland; flat; insipid; flavorless; savorless; vapid; smooth; suave;

>Top <B>:

  1. ばらばらな barabara
  2. ボタンの掛け違い botan
  3. 部分最適 bubun
  4. 無難 bunan
  5. 病気療養 byoki


  1. come apart; fall in/into pieces; be scattered; disperse; inconsistent method; various; diverse; divergent; according to one's own wishes; loose; disjointed collection; discretely; be messing up;
  2. buttoned up enevenly/incorrectly; put buttons in the wrong buttonholes star from the wrong button; you've buttoned your shirt crookedly; put the button in the wrong hole;
  3. partial optimization; suboptimization; ⇔ total optimization
  4. safe; secure; passable; tolerable; acceptable; innocuous, innocuousness; faultlessnes; free from fault;
  5. recuperation; convalesce, convalescence; be under medial treatment; a rest home; sanatorium; be on sick leave; be abent owing to illness

>Top <C>:

  1. 知恵を絞る chie
  2. 直感 chokkan


  1. beat/rack/cudgel one's brains; exercise wisdom; find the best way;
  2. (know by) intuition; a gut feeling; suspicion;

>Top <D>:

  1. だからこそ dakarakoso
  2. 同調する docho


  1. (all the more) for this reason; therefore; so; precisely because (it is); that's why; since it is a recession, we must; especially why I want;
  2. tuning; tune in/into; sympathize with; follow suit; side with; fall in with; come into line with; synchonize; harmonize;

>Top <E>:

  1. 縁の下の力持ち ennoshita


  1. unsung hero; spade work behind the scenes; behind-the-scenes leader; back-end supporter; defender;

>Top <F>:

  1. 不安解消 fuan
  2. 不調 fucho
  3. 普及 fukyu
  4. 不振に苦しむ fushin


  1. relieve concern/anxiety/fear/unrest;
  2. be in a bad condition; be out of form; be not in good form; be in a slump; rupture of negotiations; upset; bad condition; not to work out; break-off; failing;
  3. permeate; proliferate; diffuse; spread; popularize; become common; commonplace; propagate; pervasive;
  4. suffer from economic slump; depression of business; poor business performance; unprofitable business operation; in financial difficulties; on the verge of bankruptcy; slack domestic demand;

>Top <G>:

  1. 頑張る ganbaru
  2. 現場 genba
  3. ぎくしゃく gikushaku
  4. ごまかし gomakashi
  5. 業務改革 gyomu kaikaku


  1. do one's best; do what one can; work/try hard; try one's hardest; make an effort to do; break a leg; keep up the good work; keep it up; hang in there; keep going; I'll do my best - Don't try your best. Do it!; keep pushing forward; go for it, don't be afraid, just do it!;
  2. front-end; scene; field; on site; in reality; dysphoria;
  3. not smooth; lie about; cook up a bill; be jerky; strained relations; nervous strain; awkward; constrained;
  4. trickery; trick motion; cheat; cook up a bill; fake it; lie about; deceive; (a) deception; false; fraudulent;
  5. business reforms; BPR, Business Process Reengineering; business transformation

>Top <H>:

  1. 肌で感じる hadade
  2. 拍車をかける hakusha
  3. 反論する hanron
  4. 閉塞感 heisoku
  5. 必要最小限 hitsuyo
  6. 表情がない hyojo
  7. 評価 hyoka


  1. get the feel of something with the skin; feel by touching; feel through/on one's skin; feel the impact of; feel deep down to
  2. put/set spur on; give impetus to; expedite; encourage; drive people spur on; add fresh fuel to
  3. to object; counter argument; opposing argument; refutation; bring/put up opposition; answer comeback;
  4. looked up feeling; cooped up feeling; feeling of entrapment; feeling of hopelessness; being in a bind; feeling of despair;
  5. necessity minimum; minimum necessary; minimal/marginal resources for; only bare essentials;
  6. no facial expression; absence/lack of expression; expressionless; impassive; blank looks; wooden stares; woodenly; wear poker-faces; without showing one's emotions/feelings;
  7. valuation; estimate; (value) assessment; appraisal; good reputation;

>Top < I >:

  1. 活かす ikasu
  2. 今までの imamadeno
  3. 痛々しい itaitashi
  4. 言うまでもなく iumademo
  5. いわば iwaba

< I >:

  1. make use of; utilize; leverage (skills); use experiences; take advantage of; apply; exploit; harness; feeling a sense of limitation; a sense of stagnation;
  2. until now; up to present; hitherto; unprecedented; so far; thus far; up to this day/point; to date;
  3. pitiful; pitiable; piteous; painful; pathetic;
  4. not to mention; needless to say; no need to say so; of course; to say nothing of; as well as; much less; let alone
  5. so to speak; so to call it; as it were; as it were really so; as we say; it were; in a manner of speaking; in a sence; may be compared/likened;

>Top <J>:

  1. 人材研修 jinbutsu
  2. 実績数字 jissekisuuji
  3. 受注率 juchuritsu


  1. human resources training; fostering/cultivation of ...
  2. actual value/achievement/performance/accomplishment(s); performance figure(s); numeric data; estimation;
  3. order ratio; rate of orders received; (close) rate of order; efficiency of ordering;

>Top <K>:

  1. 価値判断 kachihandan
  2. 開発思想 kaihatsu
  3. 懐疑的 kaigiteki
  4. 解雇する kaiko
  5. 掛詞 kakekotoba
  6. 活気 kakki
  7. 確信 kakushin
  8. 寡黙な kamoku
  9. 感覚的 kankakuteki
  10. 軽口 karukuchi
  11. 形骸化 keigai
  12. 決意する ketsui
  13. 機嫌が悪い kigen
  14. 聞き出す kikidasu
  15. 危機感 kikikan
  16. 聞く耳持たない kikumimi
  17. 気になる kininaru
  18. 金銭的損害 kinsen
  19. 気力 kiryoku
  20. このままでは konomama
  21. 断り切れず kotowari
  22. こつこつ kotsukotsu
  23. 行動 koudou
  24. 好感 koukan
  25. 後退 koutai
  26. 苦労話 kurou
  27. 客観的に kyakkanteki
  28. 恐怖心 kyofu
  29. 休職 kyushoku


  1. a value judgment; appraisive;
  2. design concept/ideology; development concept;
  3. skeptical; miscreant; suspicious; doubt;
  4. fire; displace; lay off; give the kick; discard; discharge; dismiss;
  5. pivot word; paronomasia; pun (eg: we must all hang together, or we shall hang separately)
  6. vigor; spirited, spirit; energy; animated, animation; lively; full of life; vigorous; animate; active
  7. conviction; a firm belief; confidence; believe firmly; be sure/certain/convinced/confident ...; positive; assurance; convincement; a crime of conscience;
  8. untalkative, restrained; reticent;
  9. sensible; sensuous; sensory; intuitive; feeling; sensations; psychic
  10. crack a joke; banter; a suggestive joke; make jokes; talk idly;
  11. a mere name; mere shell of; empty shell; dead letter; losing substance; a matter of formality;
  12. decide; determine; make a fresh resolve; make up one's mind to; clench one's teach; make firm resolve set;
  13. irritated; ill/bad tempter/mood; ill humour; a bad mood; cranky; crabby; hurt feelings; displease;
  14. obtain (information) by questioning; find out (the truth9; pump a secret out of; worm out (of); extract a confession from; educe; elicit; evoke a memory;
  15. sense of (impending) crisis; sense of emergency of; a crisis mentality; a critical feeling;
  16. won't listen to whatever; have no ears; refuse to hear; turn a deaf ear to; not get the message;
  17. be/weigh on one's mind; worry one; get worried; feel uneasy about; be anxious about; become curious; feel uneasy; be concerned about;
  18. pecuniary damage; monetary damage/loss;
  19. energy, be energetic; spirit; vigor; vitality; pluck; mettle; will-power
  20. at this rate; like this; as is; as it is; the matter must go on; keep goin on this way; in this situation; (no good) this way; cannot continue ... the way things are going; cannot pass over the matter; this could just (destroy); will be ruined; things can't continue as is;
  21. get information out of; without being able to refuse; be/feel compelled to
  22. steadily; laboriously; untiringly;
  23. action; activity; behavior; reaction; conduct; perform;
  24. favorable impression; get a good feeling; favorable/positive impression; a good reputation; especially pleased with;
  25. a retreat; retrogression, retrograde; retrocession, retrocede; regression; go/move/fall back; brought back; recede; go astern; in reverse, reversing; recession of, recede; setback; retraction; declination, decline; rollback;
  26. troubles; hardship(s); sufferings; labor; toil; pains; have difficulty;
  27. look (at) objectively; objective view/fashion/evaluation; nonpartisan; even-handed; neutral perspective;
  28. strike terror into; inspire dread in; a fearterror; a fright; a dread; a panic; be terrified; be terror/panic/horror; scary emotions; have a fear of (snakes);
  29. leave of absence; suspension from work/office; be suspended from one job/duties; be laid off; took a temporary leave from a job; be between jobs; temporary retirement;

>Top <L>:


>Top <M>:

  1. 任す makasu
  2. またに機会に matano
  3. 免疫療法 meneki
  4. 目先の mesaki
  5. 目指す mezasu
  6. 見返り mikaeri
  7. 無駄 muda
  8. 無関心 mukanshin


  1. be up to you; I rely on you; I leave this/it/that/everything/those details/that decision to you/to your judgement/in your hands/to our discretion; I'll leave it all up to you; I lave the matter to your judgement; it's your pick; I'm counting on you for this; I'll leave you in charge for that; show me what you can do; whatever you want to do;
  2. I'll check a rain check; another time;
  3. immunotherapy; treatment of disease by enhancing or suppressing an immune response;
  4. immediate profit; just in front of; think only of the present profit; in the near-term; in the short run;
  5. aim; go toward; head for destination; run toward;
  6. as a quid pro quo for; in return (for); as a return for; in exchange; as;
  7. useless (labor) , uselessness; (of) no use; pointlessness; futile (endeavours), futility; a futile effort; fruitless (attempt) ; bootless; sleeveless; no good ; unnecessary; (in) vain (efforts) ; to no purpose; wasteful, wastefulness, waist; waisted movement; come to nothing; naught; idle (talk); ineffectively; uneconomical; unproductive of success; producing no result or effect; a clumsy and wasteful process; otiose; unavailing (endeavours) ; worthless; dissipation; profitless; no compensating gain; senselessness; vacuity; mindlessness; inanity; lack of meaning; unnecessary; barren (discussion)
  8. indifferent to/toward; apathy; unconcern; have no interest; detached; listless; out-of-touch;

>Top <N>:

  1. なだめる nadameru
  2. 内部都合 naibutsugo
  3. 仲間はずれ nakama
  4. 何気なく nanigenaku
  5. 慣れ nare


  1. soothe ruffled spirit; calm somebody down/anger; allay; appease; pacify; mitigate; placate; conciliate; mollify one's anger;
  2. if circumstances permit; convenience, it it si convenient for; if it suits one; at one's convenience; for ceratin reasons; owing to circumstances;
  3. not belong; be ostracized; be left out; be excluded from;
  4. unintentionally; calmly; casually; in a casual way; inadvertently; innocently;
  5. practice; experience; get used to; be used/accustomed to ... ing; beware of overconfidence; have learned not to be surprised by;

>Top <O>:

  1. 応援する ohen
  2. オフコン office computer
  3. 思い出 omoide
  4. 重たい雰囲気 omotai
  5. お世話になる osewa


  1. root for; believe in; be behind you; hope everything turns out OK; be looking forward to; on your side; I know you can do it; be cheering you on; be hoping for the best; support; have full support; wishing your the best, with to you; get your back; be with you 100%; be behind you all the way; keep one's fingers crossed; be backing up;
  2. midrange computer for business;
  3. memories; recollection(s); remember, recall; good old memory/days; remind me of; be reminded of; memento; reminiscence;
  4. heavy atmosphere; somber; dour atmosphere dour look; stiffly; cool air; distant
  5. I appreciate all you have done for me; thank you for you calling/help;

>Top <P>:


>Top <Q>:


>Top <R>:

  1. 落語家 rakugoka
  2. 冷静に reisei
  3. 稟議書 ringisho


  1. a comic story teller; a comedic storyteller;
  2. calm; cool; cool-headed; keep one's coolness; philosophically; nerveless;
  3. draft plan circulated to obtain permission; approval document; request for managerial decision; decision request; decision requisition system; request for approval;

>Top <S>:

  1. 猜疑心 saigishin
  2. 三者三様 sansha
  3. 成果主義 seikashugi
  4. 責任転嫁 sekinin
  5. 潜在能力 senzai
  6. SES
  7. 社会人 shakaijin
  8. 釈然としない shakuzen
  9. 叱責 shisseki
  10. 指摘 shiteki
  11. 叱咤激励 shittagekirei
  12. 商談 shodan
  13. 消滅 shometsu
  14. 消耗疲労 shomou hirou
  15. 将来を左右 shorai
  16. 収入源 shunyu
  17. 収束 shuusoku
  18. スタッフ staff


  1. suspicious (of everything); jealous (of somebody); suspicious eyes/nature; paranoic; PPD (paranoid personality disorder); distrust; mistrust; misgiving; under a cloud;
  2. tripartite three-way; each of the three is different for the other two; each of the three solved the problem in his own way; each has his own way of; each of he three is different from the other two; three different walks of life;
  3. results-oriented approach; belief in results; performance based pay system; pay-for-performance; performance-based pay;
  4. pass the buck; back-passing; buck-passer; scapegoater; shift/shuffle (the) responsibility
  5. potential ability; reprimand; rebuke;
  6. System Engineering Service;
  7. an adult; a member of society; a working member of society;
  8. be not satisfied/happy; remain in the dark; suspicious about;
  9. scold; reproach; chastise; growl; impeach; reprehend; upbraid; criticize/censure severely
  10. pointing out; indicate; designate; put one's finger on; argue;
  11. scold/rebuke; berate; encourage; strongly urge; spur somebody to do; give/put/set supers; give a pep talk to; dress down; reproof; give/spur a pep talk to
  12. (business) negotiation(s); business talk; business discussion; bargain; making a deal;
  13. extinction, become extinct; disappearance, disappear; vanish; lapse; become null and void; passing (of movement; expiation, be expiated; extinguish (a mortgage); nullify (a right); cease to exist; die out (in course of time); go out of existence;
  14. exhaustion; wear out; run through; use up all of one's energy; war of attrition;
  15. influence the future; critical; decisive; vital;
  16. source of income; income earner; money producer; revenue (stream); incomings; spirituality;
  17. converge, settle, restore something to its normal; conclude; calm down; come to an end;
  18. all (the) staff; a staff of 30 people; the teaching/general staff; 30 staff; not sufficiently staffed; a large/small staff; both of the teams have excellent coarch staff.; a staff meeting

>Top <T>:

  1. 体験 taiken
  2. 足りないもの tarinai
  3. 手掛ける tegakeru
  4. 手抜き tenuki
  5. 統一的な toitsu
  6. 捉える toraeru
  7. 囚われた torawareta
  8. 淘汰 tota
  9. つい、うっかり tsui
  10. つじつま合わせ tsujitsuma
  11. 掴む tsukamu
  12. 摘み取る tsumitoru
  13. 強みを発揮する tsuyomi


  1. undergo (personal/physical/one's own) experience; go through;
  2. what is missing; still insufficient; be lack of; come/fall short; be not worth (reading); be below (contempt); be beneath (notice)
  3. deal with; work with; handle; manage; undertake; have experience in/with; involved in;
  4. corner-cutting; cut corners; negligence; shoddy; skimp/scamp one's work
  5. uniform; unified; consistent; organic; coherence; concert; integration;
  6. grasp (the meaning) ; seize; capture; arret; perceive; apprehend; treat; understand;
  7. prejudiced opinion; conventional ideas; be bound by the common sense; being restricted by; prepossessed; be captured by; be stuck in the past; obsessed with something
  8. selection; curtailment, curtail; weed out; screen; sift; reduce;
  9. carelessly; by mistake; by accident/chance; unintentionally; slip of the tongue; let slip; slip out;
  10. to make one's sttement consistent; to make the story sound plausible/consitnt;
  11. seize; catch; grasp; grip; clutch; grab; hold; take/get hold of; lay hands on; understand; find; make ... out; apprehend;
  12. pluck the bud; pull the buds off; nip something in the bud; pinch off a bud; nip such illegal practices in the bud;
  13. advantage; capital; edge; forte; meat; pull; demonstrate/display strength; stong point; to make one's strengths effective and ones weaknesses irrelevant.

>Top <U>:

  1. 鵜呑み unomi


  1. swallow something whole without chewing; believe the story without even questioning it; swallow the story, hook, line and sinker.

>Top <V>:


>Top <W>:

  1. 分かりますか wakaruka
  2. 笑い warai
  3. わずかな差 wazukana


  1. Does it make sense?; × Do you understand?
  2. a laugh, be laughed at, make oneself a laughingstock; incur derision; laughter, a laughing voice; amile; a chucke, cannot stop chuckling; a giggle; a funny story
  3. by narrow/small/slim margin; lose by a hair; close second; by a whisker/nose; a modest difference;

>Top <X>:


>Top <Y>:

  1. やるべきことやる yarubeki
  2. 読み取る yomitoru
  3. 予測 yosoku
  4. 予想に反して yosou
  5. 油断 yudan


  1. do the right thing; do what is supposed to be done; do what should be done;
  2. to read a person's thought; to guess what a person is thinking; read into;
  3. estimate, estimation, preestimate; make an accurate estimate/forecast; projection, project; prospect; presupposition; forecast; guess ahead; guess/predict what the result will be; foreseeability; expectancy; anticipation anticipate;
  4. contrary to expectations; against/beyond one's expectations; unexpectedly; unforeseen; beyond the scope of the assumption;
  5. neglect, negligence, be negligent; carelessness, be careless; inattention, be inattentive; unpreparedness; relax one's guard; be off one's guard toward; overconfidence;

>Top <Z>:

  1. 雑談 zatsudan


  1. (have a) chat; idle/small talk; light conversation; bibble-babble
  • Collection of English terms looks like collection of beautiful pebbles; when I was young I collected those at a riverside; a linguist and a geologist look similar; both can recognize slight difference of meaning, color, appearance, occurrence, and combination of kinds; and behavior of collect first, then study in details later.
  • 英語の単語を集めることはきれいな石を集めるようなものである。子供の頃河原で石を集めていた。言語学者と地質学者は似ているかも。両者とも意味、色、表情、表れ方、組合せのほんの少しの違いを認識できる。そしてます収集それから詳細研究というのも似ている。

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