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IT Capability Maturity Framework - Note

Cat: SCI
Pub: 2000

Kanzo Kobayashi

up 14805
  • A new way of defining English terms by English and Chinese: like a killing one bird with two stones.
  • 英語の単語を英語と中国語で定義する。いわば二石一鳥のようである。

>Top <A>:

  1. ability
  2. achieve
  3. alienate
  4. align
  5. analytics
  6. appraisal
  7. artefact/artifact
  8. at risk


  1. passession of the measn or skill to do sth; implies possibility
  2. successfully bring about or reach byy effort, skill, or courage
  3. make feel isolated or estranged. <alien
  4. put things into correct or appropriae retalive positions
  5. like Google analytics
  6. an act of assessing sth or sb.
  7. an object made by a human being, of cultural or historical interest; something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.; a tangible by-products produced during the development of software (use case, class diagram which help describe function, architecture and design of software) Other artifacts are concerned with the process of development of project plans, business cases, and risk assessments; walkthrough
  8. vulnerable, especially to abuse or delinquency


  1. 能力 nénglì; 才智 cáizhì
  2. a
  3. < L. arte+ facere=to make; 中間生成物、不自然な結果、ブロックノイズ、人工物; 人工制品 réngōng zhìpǐn; Cf; Software Development Folder (SDF), Deliverable; Configuration Management (CM);
  4. アクセス解析ツール
  5. a
  6. 査定、値踏み; 评价 píngjià
  7. a
  8. 危険な状態、落ちこぼれ

>Top <B>:

  1. bandwidth
  2. business as usual
  3. business case
  4. business process
  5. buy-in


  1. energy or mental capacity required to deal with a situation
  2. an ongoing and unchanging state of affairs despite difficulties or disturbances.
  3. well-structured written business document including cost per performance or customer satisfaction, or other key business criteria.
  4. a collection of related, structured activiteis or tasks that produce a specific service or product
  5. agreement with or acceptance of, a policy or suggention.


  1. 時間的能力的余力
  2. 平常通り
  3. 投資計画検討書・ビジネス企画書
  4. 企业流程 qǐyè liúchéng
  5. 賛同

>Top <C>:

  1. capability
  2. carbon footprint
  3. catalogue
  4. challenge
  5. charge-back
  6. CMDB
  7. collate
  8. competence
  9. complacency
  10. compliance
  11. comprehension
  12. compromise
  13. consistent


  1. the power or ability to do something; unrealized potential.
  2. amount of CO2 released into atomospher as a result of the activties of a individual or organization.
  3. a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systmatic order.
  4. an attempt to win a contest; a call to prove or justify sth
  5. allocating the central cost to individual department which use them; cf: show-back
  6. Configuration Management DataBase
  7. collect and combine information/data brought together
  8. the ability to do sth successfully or efficiently
  9. a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself
  10. state or fact of according with rules or stadards.
  11. ability to understand sth.
  12. expediently accpet standards that are lower than is desirable
  13. acting in the same way over time; in a consistent manner


  1. 能力 nénglì, 才能 cáinéng, 性能 xìngnéng
  2. 碳足迹 tànzújì
  3. 一覧表; 目录 mùlù, 一系列 yīxìliè
  4. 比赛邀请 bǐsài yāoqǐng
  5. 收费 shōufèi
  6. 構成管理データベース; CI (Configuration Item)を一元管理
  7. 对比 duìbǐ
  8. 能力 nénglì, 技能 jìnéng
  9. 自己満増; 自满 zìmǎn
  10. 遵守; 程序 chéngxù
  11. 信念を曲げる、屈従する
  12. 一贯的 yīguàn, 持续的 chíxù

>Top <D>:

  1. define/perform/validate
  2. deliver
  3. deliverable
  4. devise
  5. discretionary
  6. disparate
  7. distress
  8. due diligence


  1. define the research agenda, perfume the research, and validate the results.
  2. provide sth promised or expected.
  3. a thing able to be provided, especially as a product of a development process; work product
  4. plan or invent by careful thought
  5. available for use at the discretion of the user
  6. essentiall different in kind
  7. cause sb anxiety, sorrow, or pain
  8. reasonable steps taken by a person to avoid committing a tort or offence; a comprehensive appraisal to evaluate commercial potential.


  1. 阐明 chǎnmíng
  2. 達成する; 递送 dìsòng, 移交 yíjiāo
  3. 成果物; 达到目标 dádào mùbiāo
  4. 设计 shèjì , 发明 fāmíng
  5. 自由决定的 zìyóu juédìng
  6. a
  7. 痛苦 tòngkǔ; 危难 wēinàn
  8. 正当な注意義務 = due care; 不良債権の適正価格の値踏み(40-50%?)

>Top <E>:

  1. end-to-end
  2. exemplar
  3. expedient


  1. end-to-end principle; a principal design element of the Internet; specific functions ought to reside in the end host of a network rather than in intermediary nodes; completely and correctly in the end hosts; obtaining reliability from unreliable parts.
  2. a person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model
  3. convenient and practical although possibly improper or immoral


  1. 方便的; 应急 yìngjí
  2. 典型 diǎnxíng; 模范 mófàn

>Top <F>:

  1. finance/fund
  2. footing


  1. a
  2. the basis on which sth is established or operates.


  1. finance事業会社が長期資金調達 or Syndicate loan; fund 金融機関が特定目的のために短期資金調達; fund raisingファンド運用会社の出資者募集=placement; borrowing銀行借入; raising fund事業会社がCP市場からの資金調達
  2. 基础 jīchǔ

>Top <G>:



>Top <H>:

  1. hold back


  1. hesitate to act or speak


  1. 抑制 yìzhì

>Top < I >:

  1. inimitable
  2. instantaneous

< I >:

  1. so good or unsual as to be impossible to copy; unique
  2. occuring or done instantly

< I >:

  1. 瞬间发生的 shùnjiān fāshēng

>Top <J>:



>Top <K>:



>Top <L>:

  1. lever


  1. a means of pressurizing sb into doing sth.


>Top <M>:

  1. monitor


  1. obsere and check the progress or quality over a period of time; keep under systematic review


  1. 观察 guānchá, 监测 jiāncèb vbp/

>Top <N>:



>Top <O>:

  1. one-off
  2. overarching


  1. done, made, or happening only once
  2. comprehensive or all-embracing


  1. 一次性 yīcìxìng
  2. 包括的

>Top <P>:

  1. pipeline dashboard
  2. in place
  3. posture
  4. prerequisite
  5. business process


  1. data presented in at-a-glace format; data from different souces manipulated to provide derived views not available in point applications.
  2. working or eady to work
  3. a particular position of the body;
  4. required as a prior condtions
  5. sequences of actions that organizations engage in to accomplish specific tasks.


  1. 見やすい一覧表示
  2. 準備が整って、施行されて;
  3. 姿勢、形勢
  4. 必要条件
  5. a

>Top <Q>:

  1. quantifiable


  1. able to be expressed as a quantity


  1. 可量化的 kě liànghuà de

>Top <R>:

  1. realign
  2. relevance
  3. relevant
  4. requisite
  5. responsive
  6. resubmit
  7. rollout
  8. run rate


  1. change or restore to a different or former position or state.
  2. quality or state of being closely connected or appropriate
  3. appropriate to the current time
  4. made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations.
  5. reacting quickly and positively; answering
  6. submit (plan, application) again
  7. official lauch or introduction of a new product
  8. budget estimate of the term extraporated the trend from beginning to now.


  1. 再編
  2. 関連性, 妥当性
  3. a
  4. 必要不可欠な
  5. 反应热烈的 fǎnyìng rèliè
  6. 再提出、再実行、手戻り
  7. 新商品の発表
  8. 通期の業績予想を、期初から現在までの傾向を延長して推計した年換算値

>Top <S>:

  1. scope
  2. sensitive
  3. severity
  4. show-back
  5. smooth
  6. span
  7. strive


  1. extent area or subject matter that sth deals with or to which it is relevant; leeway
  2. easily damaged, injured, or distressed by slight changes
  3. the fact or condition of being severe
  4. providing an analysis of IT costs due to each department.
  5. (of action or process) without problems or difficulties.
  6. extend from side to side; extend across (a preirod of time)
  7. make great efforts to achieve or obtain sth. <strife


  1. 対象範囲; 范围 fànwéi, 余地 yúdì, 机会 jīhuì
  2. 敏感 mǐngǎn; 善于 shànyú
  3. 严重 yánzhòng
  4. a
  5. a
  6. 跨越 kuàyuè
  7. a

>Top <T>:

  1. throughput
  2. traction
  3. trigger
  4. TBL


  1. amount of process data in communication network; rate of production
  2. gains popularity or accpetance
  3. cause (an event) to happen or exits.
  4. tripple bottom line, TBL or 3BL, accounting framwork with social (people)/environment (planet)/financial (profit); QBL include future generations quality; sustainable development; Tripple Pundit


  1. コンピュータ処理量
  2. 触发 chùfā; 反应迅速 fǎnyìng xùnsù
  3. a

>Top <U>:

  1. underpin


  1. support (structure) from below and laying a solid foundation below ground level or by sustituting stronger for weaker materials.


  1. 支持 zhīchí; 巩固 gǒnggù

>Top <V>:

  1. value at risk


  1. VaR is a measure of the risk of investment. 5% VaR of a hypothetical profit-and-loss probability density function.


  1. A loss of $1M or more on this portfolio is expect on 1 day out of 20 days (5% probability)

>Top <W>:

  1. workaround


  1. method of overcoming a problem or limitation in a program or system; a bypass of a recognied problem in a system.


>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:



>Top <Z>:



  • a
  • a

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