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IT Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF)

Category: ECO
Published: 2002

Kanzo Kobayashi

up 14830

>Top <A>:

  1. ♠AA
  2. ACAT
  3. accountability
  4. align
  5. artefact, artifact
  6. articulate
  7. at-risk


  1. Accounting and Allocation
  2. Potential risk treatments; Avoidance, Control (Reduction), Accept (Retention), Transfer (Sharing)
  3. fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility
  4. put sth into correct or appropriate position
  5. an object made by a human being, cultural or historical interest; tangible by-products produced during the software development; physical entities that are deployed on Nodes (in UML); ≃derivatives
  6. express (idea or feeling) fluently and coherently.
  7. vulnerable, especially to abuse or delinquency


  1. a
  2. リスクの回避・低減・共有・保有
  3. a
  4. <into line
  5. 中間生成物;
  6. 理路整然と関連づける <体節動物
  7. 不履行、怠慢、審判;

>Top <B>:

  1. ♣BGM
  2. BI
  3. blended
  4. ♣BOP
  5. bottom line
  6. ♠BP
  7. ♠BPM
  8. business case
  9. business continuity
  10. buy-in
  11. BYOD


  1. Budget Management
  2. Business Intelligence; set of techniques & tools for transformation of raw data into meaningful information for business analysis.
  3. blended learning: face-to-face learning plus on-line learning; quantitatively and qualitatively-driven;
  4. Budget Oversight & Performance Analysis
  5. the final total of an account or balance sheet; fundamental and most important factor
  6. Business Planning
  7. Business Process Management
  8. a justification ofr a proposed project on the basis of its expected commercial benefit.
  9. process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats to a company
  10. agreement with or acceptance of, a policy or suggestion
  11. Bring Your Own Device,


  1. 予算管理
  2. cf: reporting, analytics, data mining, process mining, business performance management
  3. 混合ラーニング
  4. 予算監査と実行分析; Oversight=supervision lest mistake; Performance 遂行(人), 性能(機械)
  5. 損益、決定要因
  6. ビジネスプラン
  7. ビジネスプロセスマネジメント
  8. プロジェクト企画書(F/S)
  9. BCP (Business Continuity Plan) 事業継続計画
  10. 同意
  11. 私的デバイス持ち込み; <BYO Bring Your Own 酒の持ち込み

>Top <C>:

  1. ♠CFP
  2. chargeback
  3. clunky
  4. contingency
  5. convergent service
  6. critical pass
  7. critical success factor
  8. crystallize
  9. customer experience


  1. Capacity Forecasting and Planning
  2. allocating the cost of an organization's centrally located resources to the departments which use them.
  3. solid, heavy, and old-fashioned; clumpy
  4. a future event or circumstance cannot be predicted with certainty
  5. voice, data, video can now share resouces (a signle network)
  6. sequence of stages determining the minium time needed for an operation
  7. CSF is vital for a strategy to be successful; quantified by KPI.
  8. make or become definite and clear
  9. CX, a customer's emotions & attitides about sing a particular product, system, or service.;


  1. 能力予測と計画
  2. 社内振替; cf. showback
  3. 不格好、ダサイ
  4. <contact <L. contingere , to touch
  5. ネットワークなどのコンバージェンス技術
  6. 臨界経路
  7. KPI (# of new clinet) vs. CSF (call center)
  8. 具体化する; 结晶 jiéjīng
  9. 顧客満足体験


>Top <D>:

  1. dashboard
  2. ♠DSM


  1. a graphical summary of various pieces of important information, typically used to give an overview of a business
  2. Demand and Supply Management


  1. 経営指標表示; 仪表板 yíbiǎobǎn
  2. 需給管理

>Top <E>:

  1. efficacy
  2. ♠EIM
  3. elicit
  4. end-to-end
  5. entity
  6. escalation path
  7. exemplar
  8. exit managment
  9. ex-post


  1. ability to produce a desired or intended result
  2. Enterprise Information Management
  3. a principal design element of the Internet, obtaining reliability from unreliable parts.
  4. evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer) from sb
  5. a
  6. to require escalation for decisions to be made above the level of the project team
  7. a person or thing serving as a typical example or appropriate model
  8. the process in may businesses to terminate employees contracts in a professional manner.
  9. based on actual results rather than forecast


  1. 効果、効能 <efficacious ≃effective
  2. 全社情報管理
  3. a
  4. 引き出す、誘い出す
  5. cf: ontology
  6. 意思決定権限の押し上げ
  7. 模範、手本
  8. 関係解消管理
  9. 事後の, =expost <L. ex=after

>Top <F>:

  1. ♣FF
  2. FinTech


  1. Funding and Financing
  2. Financial technology, innovation in financial service on the network


  1. 資金調達と財務; fund/finance
  2. フィンテック; cf: InsurTech/mobile payment/cloud funding/big data/DDOS

>Top <G>:

  1. Gantt chart
  2. ♠GIT
  3. governance


  1. illustrated chart with WBS/start/finish dates of a projcet.
  2. Green Information Technology
  3. action or manner of governing a state, organization; rule; control


  1. ガントチャート
  2. グリーンIT
  3. ガバナンス、企業統治;统治 tǒngzhì

>Top <H>:



>Top < I >:

  1. ideation
  2. ♠IM
  3. incentivise
  4. incident management
  5. ingredient
  6. innovate
  7. ♠ITG
  8. IVI

< I >:

  1. the formation of ideas or concepts
  2. Innovation Management
  3. motivate or encourage sb to do sth
  4. IS is an IT service managment (ITSM) process are of ITIL, to restore a normal service operation as soon as possible.
  5. a component part or element of sth
  6. make changes in sth established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products.
  7. IT Leadership and Governance
  8. Innovation Value Institute

< I >:

  1. 思考過程; cf: ideathon
  2. イノベーション管理
  3. 激励 jīlì
  4. インシデント(事象)管理; System failureはその一原因
  5. <L. ingredi <int+walk; cf: element/ component/ constituent
  6. 創造 <再発行の割符 renew
  7. ITリーダーシップとガバナンス
  8. founded in 2006 by Maynooth Univ., Ireland and Intel Corp.


>Top <J>:



>Top <K>:



>Top <L>:

  1. life cycle


  1. the series of changes in the life of an organism including reproduction;


  1. cf: PLM (Produce Lifecycle Management), managing the entire lifecycle of a product

>Top <M>:

  1. MDM
  2. metadata
  3. MPLS
  4. MTTR


  1. Mobile Device Management, a third party product that has managment featues for particular vendors of mobile device (smartphone, tablet, laptop)
  2. a set of data that describes and give information about other data
  3. Multi Protocol Label Switching,
  4. Mean Time To Repair/Resolution, average time that will take to recover from failure.


  1. 携帯端末管理
  2. packet-forwarding decision are made solely on this label, without the need to examine the packet itself.
  3. MTBF 安定操業の指標; MTTR 故障即応性の指標

>Top <N>:

  1. NAS


  1. Network-Attached Storage, computer data storage server connected to a network.


>Top <O>:

  1. ♠ODP
  2. OLA
  3. outset


  1. Organization Design and Planning
  2. Operational Level Agreement
  3. the start or beginning of sth


  1. 組織設計と計画
  2. 運用レベル契約, ITサービスにおいけるKGI/KPI; cf: UC=Underpinning contract 基盤契約
  3. 着手、出だし

>Top <P>:

  1. ♣PPP
  2. practitioner
  3. proactive
  4. project
  5. proficent
  6. PUE


  1. Portfolio Planning and Prioritization
  2. sb who specialise in a particular area; specialist
  3. creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened.
  4. PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge)
  5. competent or skilled in doing or using something
  6. Power Usage Effectiveness = power energy efficiency of all consumed power of the data center divided by that of sonsumed for IT devices.


  1. ポートフォリオ計画と優先度
  2. 専門家
  3. 事前予測的に, ⇔reactive/retroactive
  4. 10 knowledge areas: integration, scope, time, cost, quality, HR, communications, risk, procurement, stakeholders managment.
  5. 熟练的 shúliàn;
  6. 一般的なData centerは 2.0-3.0。

>Top <Q>:



>Top <R>:

  1. regression test
  2. resilience
  3. ♠RM
  4. roadmap
  5. rollback
  6. run rate


  1. testing to ensure changes by by new SW, patches, configration, etc. have not introduced new fault.
  2. able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions
  3. Risk Management
  4. schedule as part of a lengthy or complex program
  5. an operation which return the database to the previous state before the trouble.
  6. budget estimate of the term extrapolated the trend from beginning to now.


  1. 回帰テスト; cf: white-box/black-box test
  2. < L. resillire, leaping back はね返り
  3. リスク管理
  4. 指針・行程
  5. ロールバック、後進復帰
  6. 期初から現在までの傾向を延長して推計

>Top <S>:

  1. ♠SAI
  2. scope creep
  3. sensitivity analysis
  4. SLA
  5. SOA
  6. ♠SP
  7. ♠SRC
  8. strike a balance


  1. Service Analytics and Intelligence
  2. uncontrolled change or continuous growth in a project scope
  3. study of how the uncertainty in the output of a sytem can be apportioned to its inputs.
  4. Service Level Agreement, stadardized service contract where a service if formally defined.
  5. Service Oriented Architecutre, each service is build as discrete piece of code, enabling reuse.
  6. Strategic Planning
  7. Sourcing
  8. choose a moderate course;


  1. サービス分析と情報収集
  2. 作業開始後の予定外の変更・追加
  3. 感応度分析、前提条件を変動させ結果の変動率を分析; cf: uncertainty analysis
  4. サービス水準合意
  5. SOA
  6. 経営戦略計画
  7. 資源調達
  8. うまく両立させる

>Top <T>:

  1. TBL/3BL
  2. turnover


  1. Triple Bottom Line, accounting framework with social, environmental and financial parts.
  2. the rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced


  1. TBL

>Top <U>:

  1. up-front
  2. usage model


  1. bold, honest, and frank
  2. usage-based model; term of cognitive linguistics, language strucutre is made by actural usage (bottom-up approach)


  1. 目立つ、率直
  2. 使用依拠モデル、用法基盤モデル

>Top <V>:

  1. value at risk
  2. variance


  1. VaR is a measure of the risk of investment
  2. $\sum_{i=1}^np_i{x_i}^2-m^2 \; (m=$ mean)


  1. 統計的な損失可能性

>Top <W>:



>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:



>Top <Z>:



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