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Chinese Basic Homonyms (Esperanto)

Cat: LAN
Pub: 2022

Compiled by Kanzo Kobayashi


A 癌矮爱 熬袄奥拔把霸 白百败 薄宝抱 鼻比闭 博跛簸才彩菜 残惨灿 漕草・茶蹅差 禅产忏 常厂唱 潮炒耖 成逞秤 持齿赤 迟耻叱 虫宠铳 除处触 船喘串 纯蠢・ 词此次 存忖寸答打大 敌底地 笛抵帝 毒赌度 督独笃渡 夺躲堕 E 耳二罚法髪 凡反犯 房访放|肥匪废 焚粉愤 逢讽奉 福辅妇 服府副 孵浮腐腹 格个各 国果过孩海害 寒喊汗 豪好号 ・很恨 红哄讧 ・吼后 狐虎户 环缓换 黄幌晃 回悔会 活火祸集己寄 极给技 颊假嫁 嚼角叫 结姐界 节解戒 菊举巨咳可客 魁傀溃览滥 ・朗浪 劳老落 雷累泪 |礼丽 ・理力 ・脸恋 ・两量 ・了料 ・凛吝 ・领令 流柳六 楼篓漏 ・旅律 ・卵乱 ・裸落 麻马骂 ・买卖 ・满慢 毛卯帽 萌猛梦 迷米密・勉面 ・秒妙 ・酩命 磨抹墨 ・母目・哪纳男赧难 挠脑闹 尼你逆 ・努怒 年捻念 牛扭拗排迫派 旁耪胖| 袍跑炮 朋捧碰 皮匹屁 骈谝片 飘漂票 贫品牝 婆叵迫 葡普曝奇起气 祈乞泣 旗企契 钱浅欠 潜遣堑 强抢戗 桥巧窍 茄且怯 勤寝沁 晴请庆 渠取去 全犬劝扰绕 ・忍认 ・乳入 勺少绍舌舍社 神审甚 绳省圣 时始世 识驶试 湿石史示 实矢势食屎视 塾暑数 熟属术 |・谁水税 随髓岁弹坦炭 糖躺烫 桃讨套 提体替 田甜・ 条挑跳 停挺・ 同统痛 图土兔 颓腿退 驼妥唾 UVW 娃瓦袜 丸晚万 王网望 为委未 唯伪位 闻稳问 无舞悟 吾侮物习喜戏 西席洗系 媳禧细 贤显现 弦险线 翔想像 降享向 淆晓笑 斜写谢 邪血泄 行醒幸 形省性 徐许序 玄选眩| 穴雪血牙雅轧 崖哑亚 炎眼燕 颜演艳 阳仰样 遥咬药 爷野夜 疑以义 移已意 遗椅益 吟引印 银隐胤 迎影映 由友幼 油有诱 愚宇玉 鱼雨欲 源远怨 云陨运凿早造 札眨炸 宅窄债 着找照 哲者这 值指智 职旨志 植纸至 直只质 执止治 轴帚昼 竹主柱 烛嘱祝 逐煮注 足组・ 昨左坐


[N-c] 癌; (襖); 宝 ; ; 菜; 餐; 草; 茶; 厂; 耖; 秤; 虫; 铳; 川; 船; 疵; 词; 村; 底 ; 地; 都; 房; 粉; 服; 府; 郭; 国; 果result; 海; 猴; 狐; 虎; 户; 环; 幌; 灰;火 ; 角; 街; 菊; 傀; 兰; 浪; 雷; 梨; 寮; 柳; 楼; 篓; 驴; 卵; 罗(羅); 麻; 马; 猫; 毛; 卯; 帽; 米; 面; 秒; 墨; 耪; 袍; 炮; 匹; 片; 票; 品; 坡; 葡; 曝 ; 旗; 钱;铅; 堑; 枪(槍); 桥; 犬; 茄; 渠; 绕; 勺spoon; 绳; 石; 矢; 狮; 屎; 书; 水; 炭; 汤; 糖; 涛billow; 桃; 套case; 梯ladder; 天; 田; 图; 土; 兔; 驼; 蛙; 瓦; 袜socks; 乌; 物; 弦; 线(線); 斜; 蝎; 星; 靴; 雪; 穴; 崖; 烟; 炎; 燕; 阳; 药; 野; 夜; 衣; 椅; 银; 樱; 油; 玉; 淤; 鱼; 雨; 云; 隕; 凿chisel; 札; 宅; 债; 枝; 纸; 轴; 帚; 竹; 柱; 珠; 烛; 猪
[N-abs] 爱; 霸; 才; 禅; 忏; 春; 答; 大; 敌; 毒; 度; 罚; 凡; 犯; ; 匪bandit; 风; 福; 歌; 格; 嚆;轰; 黄; 祸; 災; 禍; 鸡; 极; 技; 结; 界; 节; 戒; 劳; 礼 ; 理; 力; 恋; 料; 令; 旅; 律; 难; 年; 旁; 晴; 圈; 社; 神; 时; 世; 史; 诗; 实; 势 ; 塾; 术; 税; 岁; 丸; 网; 位; 席; 系; 香; 像; 晓; 形; 序order; 样appearance; 义; 意; 益; 音; 印; 胤; 影; 宇; 源; 哲; 知; 值; 智; 职; 志; 旨purpose; 质; 昼; 租; 组; 昨;
[N-m] 八; 二; 两; 量; 零; 六; 七; 千; 数; 晚; 万;
[N-h] 鼻; 跛; 齿; 痴; 耳; 髪; 夫; 妇; 腹; 孩; 汗; 豪; 痕; 颊; 嫁; 姐; 咳; 客; 肥; 魁chief; 郎darling; 泪; 脸;妈 ; 母; 目; 囡; 男; 脑; 妮; 尼; 你; 奴; 妞; 胖fat; 朋; 皮; 牝; 婆; 窍; 命; 亲; 屁; 气; 妻 ;人 ; 乳; 舌; 师; 髓; 体; 挑shoulder; 痛; 腿; 唾; 娃; 王; 媳; 仙; 血; 性; 牙; 哑mute; 眼; 咽; 颜; 腰; 耶; 爷;医; 友; 者; 脂; 足
[a] 哀; 矮; 凹; 奥; 白; 彩; 惨; 灿; 昌; 常; 赤; 迟; 初; 纯 ; 此; 次; 低; 多; 独; 笃; 芳; 副; 各; 酣; 寒; 好; 红; 欢; 缓; 荒; 活 ; 激; 嘉; 假; 皆; 巨; 苛; 可; 朗; 老; 丽; 良; 淋; 凛; 吝stingy; 裸; 蛮; 慢 ; 密; 妙; 明; 酩; 孬; 闹noisy; 逆; 拗obstinate; 骈parallel; 贫; 普; 奇; 浅; 強; 青; 曲; 全; 饶plenty; 奢; 深; 圣(聖); 湿; 暑; 熟; 甜sweet; 妥appropriate; 弯curved; 汪vast; 危; 未; 微; 唯; 伪(偽); 温; 稳; 西; 昔; 禧; 细; 先; 贤; 显; 现; 险; 淆confused; 邪; 幸; 玄; 眩; 雅; 亚inferior; 艳gaudy; 央;遥remote; 优(優); 幼; 忧(憂); 迂circuitous; 愚; 冤unjust; 远; 怨; 晕dizzy; 窄narrow; 直; 只; 朱; 主; 左
[Vt] 把; 掰; 包; 抱; 逼; 比; 播; 猜; 操; 漕; 插; 蹅; hold; 产; 超; 炒; 逞realize; 吃; 持; 叱; 宠; 除; 处; 触; 串; put up; 打; 赌 ; 督; 渡; 夺; 躲avoid; 發; 法; ; 翻; 反; 访; 放; 废; 分; 焚; 逢; 讽; 奉; 辅; 敷; 孵hatch; 害; 呼; 换; 会; 给; 交; 解; 举; 捞; 勒; 累; 离; 领; 搂; 骂; 埋; 买; 卖; 蒙cheat; 描; 磨; 磨; 抹plaster; 模; 拿hold; 纳; 挠scratch; 怒; 拈pick up; 捻; 扭twist; 拍; 排; 迫; 派; 抛; 烹boil; 捧hold; 碰knock; 批; 谝show off; 漂bleach; 迫; 扑(撲) rush; 起; 乞; 欺; 企; 契; 遣; 強; 戗prop; 抢rush; 敲knock; 切; 请; 庆; 取; 去; 劝; 认; 烧burn; 绍; 舍(捨); 审(審); 失; 试; 食; 视; 输; 随; 贪; 弹; 坦; 烫; 讨; 提; 替; 挑provoke; 听; 挺support; 统; 突; 推; 颓collapse; 脱; 望; 为; 委; 闻; 问; 侮; 希; 洗; 想; 消; 写; 省; 徐; 许; 宣; 选; 压; 轧; 押; 咬; 疑; 移; 遗; 引; 隐; 迎; 诱; 欲; 运; 遭; 造; 扎pierce; 摘extract; 招; 着; 找; 照; 遮; 指; 植; 支; 执; 止; 治; 嘱entrust; 祝; 煮; 注;
[Vi] 熬endure; 拔; 败; 闭; 残; 差; 唱; 称; 成; 耻; 充; 喘; 蠢; 存; 忖; 堕; 飞; 愤; 浮; 腐; 过; 喊shout; 号; 恨; 哄; 吼; 晃shake; 回; 悔; 豁slit; 集; 寄; 嚼; 叫; 居; 亏lack ; 溃; 览; 滥; 落; 连; 了; 溜; 流; 漏; 孪; 乱; 落; 满; 眯doze; 迷; 眠; 勉; 赧; 努; 念; 跑; 偏; 漂float; 飘hover; 拼spell; 祈; 泣; 欠; 潜; 勤; 寝; 沁; 扰; 忍; 入; 生; 省; 识; 驶; 示; 属; 躺lie; 跳; 停; 通; 同; 退; 嗚; 舞; 悟; 习; 喜; 戏(戲); 翔; 降; 享enjoy; 向; 笑; 谢; 泄; 行; 醒wake up; 兴get up; 需; 演; 仰; 依depend; 吟; 映; 有; 眨blink; 炸explode; 至; 周; 嘬suck; 坐;
[ad] 薄 ; 博; 寸; 很; 后; 己; 叵impossibly; 曝; 怯; 且; 少; 甚; 无(無); 相; 早; 逐;
[oth] 而; 个; 咳; 哪 ; 乓; 如 ; 谁; 虽; 吾; 些; 以; 已; 由; 这; 之;

A 癌trista kansero; 熬kava stufaĵo; 拔ok eltiri; 白derompi blanka; 抱trezoro teni; 闭kompari ferme; 博semi vaste; 才suspekti talento; 残festino resti; 漕operacii remi; 茶enmeti teo; 禅helpi zeno; 常prospera konstanta; 潮estrema tajdo; nomi iĝi; 持manĝi teni; 迟idiota malfrua; 虫preni insekto; 除unua eksigi; 船rivero ŝipo; 纯printemo pura; 词defekto vorto; 存 vilaĝo ekzisti; 答pendigi respondo; 敌malalta malamiko; 笛guto fluto; 毒ĉefurbo veneno; 独vokti sola; 夺multa kapti; E 罚 eligi puni; 凡renversi ĉia; 房aroma ĉambro; 肥flugi graso; 焚divini brulo; 逢vento renkonti; 福edzo feliĉo; 服etendi vesto; 浮kovi flosi; 格kanto normo; 国muro nacio; 孩hola infano; 寒ebria malvarma; 豪sago brava; 红bruegi ruĝa; 狐voki vulpo; 环gaja ringo; 黄malfekunda flava; 回cindro redoni; 活kuraki aktive; 集koko kolekti; 极ferioza ekstrema; 颊glori vango; 嚼kruci maĉi; 结ĉiu ligi; 节strato parto; 菊logi kirizantemo; 咳severa tusi; 魁manki ĉefi; 劳ĉerpi laboro; 雷streĉi tondro; 流gliti flui; 楼rasti turo; 麻patrino kanabo; 毛kato haro; 萌trompi burĝono; 迷dormeti konfuzi; 磨palpi mueli; 男infano man; 挠malbona fleksi; 尼knabino monaĥino; 年kolekti jaro; 牛knabino bovo; 排aplaŭdi tableo 旁kraki flanko; 袍jeti robo; 朋boli amiko; 皮kritiki haŭto; 骈polarizi paraleta; 飘flosi kalabaso; 贫ligi malriĉa; 婆deklivo maljunulino; 葡frapi vinbero; 奇sep stranga; 祈edzino preĝi; 旗trompi flago; 钱mil mono; 潜plumbo kaŝi; 强fusilo forta; 桥frapi porto; 茄tranĉi melongeno; 勤gepatro diligenta; 晴blua suna; 渠kurba kanalo; 全cirkaŭi tuto; 勺bruli kulelo; 舌luksa tango; 神profunda Dio; 绳viva ŝnuro; 时perdi tempo; 识instruisto scio; 湿石malseka ŝtono; 实poemo vera; 食kadavro manĝi; 塾libro privata; 熟transporti matura; 随kvantam sekvi; 弹avida pafi; 糖akvo sukero; 桃ondigi persiko; 提ŝtupetaro proponi; 田ĉielo kamparo; 条selekti branĉo; 停aŭskulti halti; 同konekti sama; 图sprinti mapo; 颓puŝi ruino; 驼eskapi kamelo; UVW 娃rano bebo; 丸kurpa pilko; 王vasta reĝo; 为danĝero fari; 唯eta nur; 闻varma aŭdi; 无plori nenio; 吾korniko ni; 习esperi studo; 西席okcidento seĝo; 媳pasinta bofilino; 贤antaŭa lerta; 弦senmorta ŝnuro; 降aroma ŝvebi; 降reciproka cedi; 淆malaperi intermiksi; 斜kelka inclina; 邪skorpio mava; 行stelo iri; 形intereso formo; 徐postuli malrapide; 玄deklari nigra; 穴botoj kavo牙premi dento; 崖puŝi klifo; 炎fumi inflamo; 颜faringo vizaĝo; 阳centro suno; 遥talio fora; 爷Jesuo patro; 疑kracisto dubo; 移vesto movi; 遗dependi perdi; 吟sono ĉanti; 银edzeco arĝento; 迎ĉerizo bonveno; 由elstara kaŭzi; 油zorgi oleo; 愚ĉirkaŭiri stulta; 鱼silto fiŝo; 源maljusti fonto; 云sveni nubo; 凿renkonti ĉizi; 札piki ligneto; 宅eltiri loĝrjo; 着altiri veni; 哲kovri filozofio; 值scio valoro; 职ĉi-tiu tasko; 植 branĉo plantoi; 直porti rekta; 执graso teni; 轴cirklo akso; 竹cinabro bambuo; 烛perlo kandelo; 逐porko ĉasi; 足takso piedo; 昨suĉi hieraŭ;

A 爱 nana amo; 奥 kuseneto profunda; 霸 oteni hegemonio;败 cent malvenko; 薄 envolvi maldika; 鼻 premi nazo; 簸 lama polvujo; 菜 kolora plado; 灿 kruela brila; 差 trreti diferento; 忏 produkuti penti; 唱 fabriko kanti; 耖 friti erpi; 秤 paradi pesilo; 齿赤 dento ruĝa; 叱 honto skoldi; 铳 defekti muskedo; 触 loko tuŝi; 串 anheli ĉeno; 次 tiu ĉi proksima; 寸 konsideri eta; 大 bati granda; 地 fundo tero; 帝 resisti imperiestro; 度 veti grado; 渡 sincera transiri; 堕 kaŝi fali; 耳二 orelo du; E 髪 leĝo haro; 犯 kontraŭa krimulo; 访放 visiti ellasi; 废 fandito perci; 愤 pulvoro kolero;奉satiro ricevi; 妇 helpi edzino; 副 ofico vic; 腹putri ventro; 各 mem ĉiu; 过 resulto pasi; 害 maro damaĝo; 汗 krii ŝvito; 号 bona signalo; 恨 tre malŝati; 后 rori poste; 户 tigro pordo; 换 agrala interŝanĝi; 晃 kuteno skui; 会 bedaŭri kunveno; 祸 fajro katrastrofo; 寄 mem dependi; 技 provizi kapablo; 嫁 falsa edzigi; 叫 korno krii; 界 fratino mondo; 戒 liverigi alarmo; 巨 levi giganta; 客 povi gasto; 溃 pupo krevi; 滥 vido superflui; 浪 laŭta ondo; 落 maljuna fali; 泪 akumuli larmo; 丽 rito bela; 力 rektigi forto; 恋 vozaĝo amo; 量 ambaŭ mezuro; 料 fini materio; 吝 frida avara; 令 ricevi ordo; 六 saliko ses; 漏 korbo liki; 律 vojaĝo regulo; 乱 ovo malordo; 落 ruda fali; 骂ĉevalo kondamni; 卖 aĉeti vendi; 慢 plena lanta; 帽 leporo ĉapo; 妹 bela fratino; 魅 ĉiu ĉarma; 梦 violeta sanĝo; 秘rizo sekreto; 面; peni faco; 妙 sekundo subtila; 命 ebria fatalo; 墨 viŝi inko; 目 patrino okulo; 纳 kiu pagi; 难 ruĝiĝi katastrofo; 闹 cerbo brua; 逆 vi kontraŭa; 念 tordi pensi; 拗 ligi obstina; 怒 peni koleri; OP 派 bonbardilo ekspedi; 胖 sarkilo graso; 炮 kuri kanonol; 碰 teni kolizii; 屁 sola furzi; 片 saĝumi tranĉi; aplaŭdi; 票 blankigi baloto; 牝 grado femalo; 迫 neeblas devigi; 曝 ĝenerala senŝirma; 气 ekstari aero; 泣 peti plori; 契 anticipi konsenti; 欠 malprofunda manki;堑 sendi ravino; 戗 ekkapti apogi; 窍 lerta aperturo; 怯 kvankam timida; 沁 dormi traliki; 庆 peti festi; 去 edzinigi iri; 劝 hundo konsili; 绕 ĝeni bobeno; 认 daŭri rekoni; 入 lakto eniri; 绍 malmulta prezenti; 社 forlasi socio; 甚 ekzameni ekstrema; 圣 ŝpari sankta; 世 komenci mondo; 试 veturi testo; 示 historio indiki; 势 sago influi; 视 sterko inspekti; 数vrmega nombro; 术 aparteni metodo; 税 akvo takso; 岁 medolo jaro; 炭 nivelo karbono; 烫 kuŝi gladi; 套 subpreni kovri; 替 korpo anstataŭi; 跳 sproni salti; 痛 unigi doloro; 兔 grundo leporo; 退 kruro retriĝi; 唾 adekvata salivo; ; UVW 袜 kaheo ŝtrumpoj; 万 vespero dekmil; 望 reto espero; 未 konfidi ankoraŭ-ne; 位 falsi pozicio; 问 milda peti;悟 danci realigi; 物 insulti aĵo; 戏 ĝoja ludi; 系 lavi sistemo; 细 feliĉo fajna; 现 riveli nuna; 线 danĝera drato; 像 imaga figuro; 向 ĝojo direkti; 笑 aŭroro ridi; 谢 skribi danko; 泄 sango liki; 幸 veki sorto; 性 ekzameni karaktero; 序 promesi vico; 眩 selekti kapturna; 血 neĝo sango; 轧 eleganta pisti; 亚 muta suba; 燕 okulo hirundo; 艳 prezenti luksa;样 admiri ŝajno; 药 mordi farmacio; 夜 kampo nokto; 义 pere-de justo; 意 jam intenco; 益 seĝo profito; 印 tiri stampo; 胤 kaŝi idaro; 映 ombro reflekti; 幼 amiko juna; 诱 ekzisti logi; 玉 universo jado; 欲 pluvo voli; 怨fora indigno; 运 meteorito porti;造 frua krei; 炸 okulsigni eksplodo; 债 densigni debeto;照 serĉi reflekti; 这 persono ĉi-tiu; 智 fingro saĝo; 志 celo volo; 至 papero alveni; 质 nur kavalito; 治 halti kurati; 昼 balai tago; 柱 ĉefa fosto; 祝 kofidi benol 注 boli verŝi; 坐 liva sidi;


A ai trista kansero; ao kava stufaĵoba ok eltiri; bai derompi blanka; bao envolvi maldika; bi premi nazo; bo semi vaste;cai suspekti talento; can festino resti; cao operacii remi; cha enmeti teo; chan helpi zeno; chang prospera konstanta; chao ekstrema tajdo; cheng nomi iĝi; chi manĝi teni; chi idioto malfrua; chong preni insekto; chu unua eksigi; chuan rivero ŝipo; chun printemo pura; ci defekto vorto; cun vilaĝo ekzisti;da pendigi respondo; di malalta malamiko; di guto fluto; du ĉefurbo veneno; du vokti sola; duo multa kapti E fa eligi puni; fan renversi ĉia; fang aroma ĉambro; fei flugi graso; fen dividi brulo; feng vento renkonti; fu edzo feliĉo; fu etendi vesto; fu kovi flosi ge kanto normo; guo muro naciohai hola infano; han ebria malvarma; hao sago brava; hong bruegi ruĝa; hu voki vulpo; huan gaja ringo; huang malfekunda flava; hui cindro redoni; huo kraki aktiva ji koko kolekti; ji furioza ekstrema; jia glori vango; jiao kruci maĉi; jie ĉiu ligi; jie strato festotago; ju logi krizantemo ke severa tusi; kui manki ĉefi lao ĉerpi laboro; leo streĉi tondro; liu gliti flui; lou rasti turo; ma patrino kanabo; mao kato haro; meng trompi burĝono; mi dormeti konfuzi; mo parpi mueli; nan infano man; nao malbona fleski; ni kanabino monaĥino; nian kolekti jaro; niu kanabino bovo; pai aplaŭdi tableo; pang kraki flanko; pao jeti robo; peng boli amiko; pi kritiki haŭto; pian polarizi paraleta; piao flosi kalabaso; pin ligi malriĉa; po deklivo maljunulino; pu frapi vinbero; qi sep stranga; qi edzino preĝi; qi trompi flago; qiao mil mono; qian plumbo kaŝi; qiang fusilo forta; qiao frapi porto; qie tranĉi melongeno; qin gepatro diligenta; qing blua suna; qu kurba kanalo; quan cirklo tuta; shao bruli kulelo; she luksa tango; shen profunda Dio; sheng viva ŝnuro; shi perdi tempo; shi instruisto scio; shi malseka ŝtono; shi poemo vera; shi kadavro manĝi; shu libro privata; shu transporti matura; sui kvantam sekvitan avida pafi; tang akvo sukero; tao ondigi persiko; ti ŝtupetaro proponi; ti ĉielo kamparo; tiao selekti branĉo; ting aŭskulti halti; tong konekti sama; tu sprinti mapo; tui puŝi ruino; tuo eskapi kamelo; UVW wa rano bebo; wan kurpa pilko; wang vasta reĝo; wei danĝero fari; wei eta nur; wen varma aŭdi; wu plori nenio; wu korniko nixi espero aûdi; xi okcidento seĝo; xian antaŭa lerta; xian senmorta ŝnuro; xiang aroma ŝvebi; xiang reciproka cedi; xiao malaperi intermiksi; xie kelka inklina; xie skorpo mava; xing stelo iri; xing intereso formo; xu potuli malrapide; xuan deklari nigra; xue botoj kavo; ya premi dento; ya puŝi klifo; yan fumi inflamo; yan faringo vizaĝo; yang centro suno; yao talio fora; ye Jesuo patro; yi kracisto dubo; yi vesto movi; yi dependi potlasi; yin sono ĉanti; yin edzeco arĝento; ying ĉerizo bonveno; you elstara kaŭzi; you malkvieta oleo; yu ĉirkaŭiri stulta; yu silto fiŝo; yuan maljusti fonto; yun sveni nubo zao renkonti ĉizi; zha piki ligneto; zhai eltiri loĝrjo; zhao mansigni kapti; zhe kovri filozofio; zhi scio valoro; zhi ĉi tiu tasko; zhi branĉo plantoi; zhi porti rekta; zhi graso teni; zhou cirklo akso; zhu cinabro kambuo; zhu perlo kandelo; zhu porko ĉasi; zu takso piedo; zuo suĉi hieraŭ

;akvo sukero; 招altiri veni; 先antaŭa lerta; 拍aplaŭdi tabelo; 芳aroma ĉambro; 香aroma ŝvebi; 听aŭskulti halti; 贪avida pafi; 青blua suna; 烹boli amiko; 靴botoj kavo; 枝branĉo planto; 轰bruegi ruĝa; bruli kulelo; 都ĉefurbo veneno; 央centro suno; 樱ĉerizo bonveno; 捞ĉerpi laboro; ĉi-tiu tasko; 天ĉielo kamparo; 朱cinabro bambuo; 灰cindro redoni; 圈cirkaŭi tuto; 迂ĉirkaŭiri stulta; 周cirklo akso; 皆ĉiu ligi; 危danĝero fari; 疵defekto vorto; 宣deklari negra; 坡deklivo maljunulino; dependi perdi; derompi blanka; 分dividi bruli; 眯dormeti konfuzi; 酣ebria malvarma; 姻edzeco arĝento; 妻edzino preĝi; 夫edzo feliĉo; 超ektrema tajdo; 發eligi puni; 优elstara kaŭzi; 摘eltiri loĝejo; 插enmeti teo; 脱eskapi kamelo; esperi studo; 微eta nur; 敷etendi vesto; 咽faringo visaĝo; 激ferioza ekstrema; 餐festeno resti; 漂flosi kalabaso; 飞flugi graso; 敲frapi ponto; frapi vinbero; 烟fumi inflamo; 枪fusilo forta; 欢gaja ringo; 亲gepatro diligenta; 溜gliti flui; 嘉glori vango; 脂graso teni; 滴guto fluto; 搀helpi zeno; 咳hola infano; idioto malfrua; 囡infano viro; instruisto scio; intereso formo; 耶Jesuo patro; 抛jeti robo; kadavro manĝi; kanto normo; kato haro; 凹kava stufaĵo; 妞knabino bovo; 妮knabino monaĥino; 鸡koko kolekti; 拈kolekti jaro; 比kompari ferme; 通konekti sama; 乌korniko ni; 孵kovi flosi; 遮kovri filozofio; 豁kraki aktive; 乓kraki flanko; 医kracisto dubo; 批kritiki haŭto; 交kruci maĉi; 弯kurba pilko; 曲kurba kanalo; 虽kvankam sekvi; 书libro privata lernejo; 拼ligi malriĉa; 居loĝi kirizantemo; 奢luksa lango; 低malalta malamiko; 消malaperi intermiksi; 孬malbona fleksi; 荒malfekunda flava; 冤maljusti fonto; 湿malseka ŝtono; manĝi teni; 亏manki ĉefo; 千mil mono; 多multa kapti; 郭muro nacio; 称nomi iĝi; spondi; 八ok eltiri; 西okcidento seĝo; 涛ondigi persiko; 操operacii remi; 摸parpi mueli; 昔pasinta bofilino; 妈patrino kanabo; 搭 pendigi respondo; 失perdi tempo; 珠perlo bambuo; 珠perlo kandelo; 扎piki ligneto; 呜plori nenio; 铅plumbo kaŝi; poemo vera; polarizi paraleta; 猪porko ĉasi; 支porti rekta; 需postuli malrapide; 压premi dento; 充premi insekto; 深profunda Dio; 昌prospera konstanta; 春printempo pura; 押puŝi klifo; 推puŝi ruino; 蛙rano bebo; 遭renkonti ĉizi; 翻renversi ĉia; 川rivero ŝipo; 嚆sago brava; 知scio valoro; 挑selekti branĉo; semi vaste; senmorta ŝnuro; 七sep stranga; 苛severa tusi; 淤silto fîso; skorpio mava; 音sono ĉanti; 突sprinti mapo; 星stelo iri; strato parto; 勒streĉi tondro; ŝtupetaro proponi; 嘬suĉi hieraŭ; 猜suspekti talento; sveni nubo; 租takso piedo; 腰talio fora; 切tranĉi melongeno; 输transporti matura; 宝trezo peni; 哀trista kancero; 蒙trompi burĝono; 欺trompi flago; 初unua eksigi; 温varma aŭdi; 汪vasta reĝo; vento renkonti; vesto movi; 村vilaĝo ekzisti; 生viva ŝnuro; 呼voki vulpo; 督vokti sola; 忧zorgi oleo;
Chozen idiom

>Top <A>:

  1. sad; trista
  2. cancer; kancero
  3. dwarf; nana
  4. love; amo
  5. >癌患者の哀しさ


  1. 哀哭切齿 āikū qièchǐ
  2. 致癌物质 zhìái wùzhì
  3. 高矮胖瘦 gāoǎi pàngshòu
  4. 爱屋及乌 àiwū jíwū


  1. weeping and gnashing one's teeth
  2. carcinogen; cancer causing substance
  3. one's physique (tall, short, thin or fat); stature
  4. love me, love my dog
  1. sinken; kava
  2. stew; stufaĵo
  3. 袄(襖) pad; kuseneto
  4. profound; profunda
  5. >焼き焦がし綿入れの奥
  1. 凹凸不平 āotū bùpíng
  2. 熬更守夜 áogēng shǒuyè
  3. 真丝棉袄 zhēnsī miánǎo
  4. 神奇奥妙 shénqí àomiào;
  1. full of bumps and holes; uneven; 凹陷xiàn
  2. to stay up through the night; 熬夜=徹夜
  3. floss silk-padded (quilted) jacket; 棉袄=綿入れ
    ¶把袄穿上chuānshang, wear the overcoat.
  4. mysterious and profound

>Top <B>:

  1. eight; ok
  2. pull out; eltiri
  3. hold, handful; teni
  4. hegemony; hegemonio
  5. >八国联军liánjūn, 1900


  1. 八卦新闻 guà xīnwén
  2. 拔苗助长 bámiáo zhùzhǎng
  3. 把持不定 bǎchí bùdìng
  4. 横行霸道 héngxíng bàdào


  1. eight trigrams; gossip news
  2. try to help the shoots grow by pulling upward; spoil things by excessive enthusiasm
  3. indecisive; 把持 control; ¶哥哥把自行车修好了[把構文]
  4. trample on; tyrannize; domineer; 横行 run wild
  1. break off; derompi
  2. white; blanka
  3. hundred; cent
  4. defeat; malvenko
  5. >白星で百敗せず
  1. 掰腕子 bāi wànzi
  2. 白璧无瑕 báibì wúxiá
  3. 百读不厌 bǎidú bùyàn
  4. 成败得失 chéngbài déshī
  1. arm wrestling; 掰开kāi=二分割
  2. flawless white jade; impeccable moral integrity
  3. be worth reading a hundred times
  4. success and failure, gains and losses; weigh up various factors
  1. >Top wrap; envolvi
  2. thin; maldika
  3. treasure; trezoro
  4. hold; teni
  5. >安徳入水
  1. 包藏祸心 bāocáng huòxīn
  2. 薄利多销 bólì duōxiāo
  3. 宝刀未老 bǎodāo bùlǎo
  4. 抱薪救火 bàoxīn jiùhuǒ
  1. harbour evil intentions; 祸(禍) disaster
  2. small profit but rapid turnover; 销 melt→sell
  3. treasure knife does not age; old but still vigorous
  4. carry faggots to put out a fire; adopt a wrong method; 救火 fight a fire
  1. press; premi
  2. nose; nazo
  3. compare; kompari
  4. shut; ferme
  5. >出鼻を圧迫
  1. 逼良为娼 liáng wéichāng
  2. 阿鼻地狱 ābí dìyù
  3. 比翼双飞 bǐyì-shuāngfēi
  4. 闭月羞花 bìyuè xiūhuā
  1. to force an honest girl into prostitution; 逼迫pò=force
  2. the Avici hell; the last and deepest of the eight hot hells; <Avici
  3. a pair of birds flying close together; 比 stand close together
  4. be bewitchingly beautiful
  1. sow; semi
  2. wide; vaste
  3. lame; lama
  4. dustpan; polvujo
  5. >種蒔く人
  1. 传播四方 chuán sìfāng
  2. 博闻强记 bówén qiángjì
  3. 跛鳖千里 bǒbiē qiānlǐ
  4. 簸箕 bòji
  1. to disseminate in every direction; 播种zhǒng=sow seeds
  2. possessed of wide learning an a powerful memory
  3. a lame tortoise can walk a thousand li; persistence ensures success; 鳖 soft-shelled turtle
    ¶簸米mǐ; 籾殻を飛ばす
  4. dustpan; winnowing fan=篩

>Top <C>:

  1. suspect ;suspekti
  2. talent; talento
  3. color; kolora
  4. dish; plado
  5. >菜食盛り過ぎ


  1. 两小无猜 liǎngxiǎo wúcāi
  2. 博学多才 bóxué duōcái
  3. 彩凤随鸦 cǎifèng suíyā
  4. 看菜吃饭 kàncài chīfàn
    量体裁衣 liàngtǐ cíyī


  1. a little boy & girl be innocent playmates; 猜疑yí
  2. learned and versatile
  3. a phoenix mating with a crow; a beautiful woman married to a worthless
  4. act according to specific conditions; 量 measure
  1. dinner; festeno
  2. remain; resti
  3. cruel; kruela
  4. 灿(燦) bright; brila
  5. >晩餐残無惨
  1. 餐风宿露 cānfēng sùlù
  2. 败柳残花 bàiliǔ cánhuā
  3. 惨不忍闻 cǎnbù rěnwén
  4. 灿若繁星 cànruò fánxīng
  1. eat in the wind and sleep in the dew; endure the hardship; 会餐huì
  2. faded flowers and withered willows - fallen women
  3. too horrible to endure; tragic spectacle
  4. bright as a multitude of stars; extremely able talent; 灿烂làn
  1. operate >Top; operacii
  2. row; remi >划huá
  3. grass; herbo
  4. >漕ぎ出し草絡まる
  1. 操之过急 cāozhī guòjí
  2. 漕运 cáoyùn
  3. 草木皆兵 cǎomù jiēbīng
  4. a
  1. act with undue haste
  2. transport of grain by water
  3. every bush and tree looking like an enemy soldier; extreme suspicion and fear
  4. a
  1. insert ; enmeti
  2. tea; teo
  3. tread; treti
  4. difference; diferenco
  5. >茶道踏み差あり
  1. 插翅难飞 chāchì nánfēi
  2. 茶余饭后 cháyú fànhòu
  3. 蹅着深雪 chǎzhe shēnxuě
  4. 差之毫厘 chāzhī háolĺ,
    谬以千里 miúyǐ qiānlǐ
  1. be unable to escape even with wings
  2. a relaxing moment after dinner
  3. tread on deep snow; 蹅着深雪=tramp, trudge
  4. small dicrepancies lead to great errors.
  1. help; helpi
  2. Zen, dhyana, chan; zeno
  3. produce; produkti
  4. 忏(懺) repent; penti
  5. >手を引いて禅寺へ
  1. 搀扶着老人 chānhúzhe lǎorén
  2. 禅门五宗 chánmén wǔzōng
  3. 产业革命 chǎnyè gémìng
  4. 忏悔 chànhuǐ
  1. hold the old man by the arm
    ¶搀着母亲过马路mǔqin guò mǎlù.; 支えながら通過
  2. the five schools of Chan Buddhism; 坐禅zuòchán
  3. industrial revolution; 产生
  4. repent; confess to God or priest; 拜忏bài=読経
  1. >Top prosperous; prospera
  2. constant; konstanta
  3. factory; fabriko
  4. sing; kanti
  5. >繁栄の唱歌
  1. 繁荣昌盛 fánróng chāngshèng
  2. 祸福无常 huòfú wúcháng
  3. 核发电厂 héfā diànchǎng
  4. 夫唱妇随 fūchàng fùsuí
  1. thriving and prosperous; 日益昌盛rìyì=ever more prosperous
  2. disaster and happiness do not follow rules
  3. nuclear power plant
  4. conjugal felicity
  1. ultra; ekstrema
  2. tide; tajdo
  3. stir-fry, sauté; friti
  4. harrow; erpi
  5. >津波、猛火粉塵
  1. 超然世事 chāorán shìshì
  2. 追随潮流 zhuīsuí cháoliú
  3. 炒买炒卖 chǎomǎi chǎomài
  4. 耖 chào
  1. to consider oneself above worldly matters
  2. follow the tidal current
  3. buy quick and sell quick; ; 炒股 speculate in stocks
  4. a harrow-like implement for pulverizing soil; 粉砕
  1. call; nomi
  2. succeed; iĝi
  3. show off, falunt; paradi
  4. balance; pesilo
  5. >成功と称し誇示均衡
  1. 称王称霸 chēngwáng chēngbà
  2. 成败得失 chéngbài déshī
  3. 逞其口舌 chěngqí kǒushé; 逞能néng
  4. 秤杆 chènggǎn
  1. act like an overload
  2. success and failure, gains and losses
  3. to boast of one's quarrels to others; 逞强⇔示弱shìruò
  4. the arm of a steelyard
  1. eat; manĝi
  2. have; teni
  3. 齿 tooth; dento
  4. red; ruĝa
  5. >食物で歯赤く
  1. 吃喝玩乐 chīhē wánlè
  2. 持之以恒 chízhī yǐhéng
  3. 唇齿相依chúnchǐ xiāngyī
  4. 面红耳赤miànhóng ěrchì
  1. indulge in gluttony and pleasure-seeking
  2. persevere
  3. be as close as lips and teed; closely related and mutually dependent
  4. be red in the face; be flushed
  1. idiotic; idioto
  2. late; malfrua
  3. 耻(恥) shame; honto
  4. scold; skoldi
  5. >痴呆は遅れること恥か
  1. 痴人说梦 chīrén shuōmèng
  2. 迟疑不决 chíyí bùjué
  3. 八荣八耻 bāróng bāchǐ
  4. 叱咤风云 chì zhà fēng yún
  1. idiotic nonsense; lunatic ravings
  2. hesitate to make a decision; be irresolute
  3. eight honors and eight shames; PRC moral guideline; 耻辱chǐrǔ
  4. commanding the wind and the clouds; all-powerful; 斥责chìzé
  1. >Top fill; pleni
  2. insect; insekto
  3. 宠(寵) spoil; difekti
  4. musket; muskedo
  5. >虫の大軍銃撃す
  1. 充耳不闻 chōngěr bùwén
  2. 冬虫夏草 dōngchóng xiàcǎo
  3. 宠辱不惊 chǒngrǔ bùjīng
  4. 鸟铳 niǎochòng
  1. stuff one's ears and refuse to listen; turn a deaf ear to
  2. Chinese caterpillar fungus
  3. remain indifferent whether favored or humiliated; 宠爱 chǒng'ài
  4. bird gun
  1. first; unua
  2. remove; eksigi
  3. place; loko
  4. touch; tuŝi
  5. >初の切除の場所
  1. 初出茅庐 chūchū máolú
  2. 除恶务尽 chú è wù jìn
  3. 安常处顺 āncháng chǔshùn
  4. 一触即发 yīchù jífā
  1. just come out of the thatched cottage at the beginning of one's career
  2. one must be thorough in exterminating an evil; 去除qùchú
  3. stick to the status quo; go along with things as they are; 处世chǔshì
  4. may break out at any moment; be on the verge of breaking out; 触电chùdiàn
  1. river; rivero
  2. ship; ŝipo
  3. gasp; anheli
  4. string; ĉeno
  5. >川上りの船喘ぎ上る’
  1. 川流不息 chuānliú bùxī
  2. 草船借箭 cǎochuán jièjiàn
  3. 吴牛喘月 wúniú chuǎnyuè
  4. 串通一气 chuàntōng yīqì
  1. flowing past in an endless stream; never-ending
  2. using straw boats to borrow arrows; use others' manpower and resources
  3. water buffalo panting at the sight of the moon; 喘息chuǎnxī
  4. gang up; collaborate; work hand in glove; 串联(连)chuànlián, link up
  1. spring; printempo
  2. pure; pura
  3. wriggle; barakti
  4. >春一番の春蠢
  1. 春风和气 chūnfēng féqì
  2. 纯真无垢 chúnzhēng wúgòu
  3. 蠢蠢欲动 chǔn chǔn yù dòng
  4. a
  1. amiable as a spring breeze
  2. pure of heart
  3. ready to start wriggling; ready to make trouble; 蠢话chǔnhuà, stupid remark
  4. a
  1. flaw; defekto
  2. word; vorto
  3. this; ĉi tiu
  4. next; proksima
  5. >疵つく言葉は次回まで
  1. 吹毛求疵 chuīmáo qiú
  2. 义正词严 yìzhèng cíyán
  3. 厚此薄彼 hòcǐ hóbǐ
  4. 次第人座 cìdì rùzuò
  1. It's easy to pick holes in other people's proposals. あら捜し
  2. speak sternly out of a sense of justice.
  3. favour one and discrimate against the other.
  4. take a seat in turn
  1. village; vilaĝo
  2. exist; ekzisti
  3. ponder; konsideri
  4. small; eta
  5. >村の存続忖度か
  1. 前不着村,后不着店 qiánbù zháocūn, hòubù zháodiàn
  2. 存而不论 cúnér bùbùn
  3. 暗自思忖 ànzì sīcǔn
  4. 寸土必争 cùntǔ bìzhēng
  1. no village ahead and no inn behind; be stranded in the middle of nowhere
  2. leave the question open
  3. ponder oneself; ¶忖度duó
  4. fight for very inch of land

>Top <D>:

  1. hang; pendigi
  2. answer; respondo
  3. hit; bati
  4. big; granda
  5. >答出さず大言を打つ


  1. 免费搭车 miǎnfèi chē; ¶
  2. 搭乘chéng
  3. 答非所问 dáfēi suǒwèn
  4. 打草惊蛇 dǎcǎo jīngshé
  5. 大而无当 dàér wúdàng


  1. free riding; ¶搭话huà, 応答する
  2. give an irrelevant answer
  3. beat the grass and startle the snake; act rushy and alert the enemy
  4. large but impractical; unwieldy
  1. low; malalta
  2. enemy; malamiko
  3. bottom; fundo
  4. earth; tero
  5. >敵は低く塹壕戦
  1. 低首下心 shǒu xiàxīn
  2. 敌我矛盾 díwǒ máodùn
  3. 井底之蛙 jǐngdǐ zhīwā
  4. 地广人稀 dìguǎng rénxī
  1. bow and scrape; be obsequiously submissive
  2. contradictors between ourselves and the enemy
  3. a frog in a well; with a very limited outlook
  4. a vast but thinly populated area
  1. drip; guto >Top
  2. flute; fluto
  3. resist; rezisti
  4. emperor; imperiestro
  5. >敦盛の最後
  1. 两滴眼泪 liǎng yǎnlèi
  2. 汽笛 qìdí chángming
  3. 奋力抵抗 fènlì dǐkàng
  4. 反帝斗争 fǎndì dòuzhēng


  1. two teardrops
  2. the silen is sounding
  3. resist as hard as you can
  4. anti-imperialist struggle
  1. capital; ĉefurbo
  2. poison; veneno
  3. bet; veti
  4. degree; grado
  5. >都の毒賭ける度
  1. 都市传奇 shì chuánqí
  2. 以毒攻毒 yǐdú gōngdú
  3. 吃喝嫖赌 chīhē piáodǔ
  4. 度日如年 rùrì rúnián
  1. urban legend
  2. fight poison with poison; use poison as an antidote for poison
  3. go dining, wining, whoring and gambling
  4. one day seems like a year
  1. supervise; vokti
  2. only; sola
  3. sincere; sincera
  4. cross over; transiri
  5. >独り監督篤姫渡る
  1. 前线督战 qiánxiàn zhàn
  2. 独一无二 dúyī wúèr
  3. 爱情 àiqíng shéndǔ
  4. 渡过难关 dùguò nánguān
  1. supervise military operations
  2. unparalleled
  3. be deeply in love
  4. pull through difficult times
  1. many; multa
  2. capture; kapti
  3. hide; kaŝi
  4. fall: fali
  5. 多く奪い隠す
  1. 多才多艺 duōcái duōyì
  2. 生杀予夺 shēng shā yǔ duó
  3. 明枪好躲,暗箭难防 míngqiāng hǎoduǒ, ànjiàn nánfáng;
  4. 堕云雾中 duòyún wùzhōng
  1. versatile; gifted in may ways
  2. hold power over sb's life and property
  3. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark; ¶躲避风雨bì; hide
  4. to become lost in a fog; at a complete loss

>Top <E>:

  1. a
  2. and, but, to; kaj
  3. ear; orelo
  4. two; du
  5. >而して耳二つあり


  1. a
  2. 自远而近 zìyuǎn érjìn
  3. 耳聪目明 ěrcōng mùmíng
  4. 三心二意 sānxīn èryì; ¶二维wéi


  1. a
  2. from distant to near
  3. have good eyes and ears
  4. flit from one thing to another ; ¶2D

>Top <F>:

  1. 发(發)emit; eligi
  2. punish; puni
  3. law; leĝo
  4. 发(髪) hair; haro
  5. >怒髪天を衝く


  1. 发愤忘食 fèn wàngshí
  2. 信赏必罚 xìn shǎng bì fá
  3. 法律责任 fǎlǜ zérèn
  4. 怒发冲冠 nùfà chōngguān


  1. be so buried in one's work as to forget one's meals.
  2. due rewards and punishments will be meted out without fail
  3. legal responsibility; liability
  4. be in a towering rage (or passion)
  1. turn over; renversi
  2. all; ĉia
  3. oppose; kontraŭa
  4. criminal; krimulo
  5. >凡ての翻意は犯に反せず
  1. 翻云覆雨 fānyún fùyǔ
  2. 诸凡百事 zhāufán bǎishì
  3. 造反有理 zàofǎn yǒulǐ
  4. 犯上作乱 fàn shàng zuò luàn
  1. produce cloud with one turn of the band and rain with another; playing tricks
  2. everything
  3. there is a reason in rebel faction
  4. defy one's superiors and start a rebellion
  1. fragrant; aroma
  2. room; ĉambro
  3. 访 visit; visiti
  4. release; ellasi
  5. >芳しい房訪れ放つ
  1. 孤芳自赏 gūfāng zìshǎng
  2. 洞房花烛 dòngfáng huaazhú
  3. 明察暗访 míngchá ànfǎng
  4. 访亲问友 fǎngqīn wènyǒu
  1. a solitary flower in love with its own fragrance; indulge in self-admiration
  2. wedding festivities
  3. observe publicly and investigate privately; thorough investigation
  4. to visit friends and relations
  1. fly; flugi
  2. fat; graso
  3. bandit; bandito
  4. perish; perei
  5. >紅の豚匪を廃す
  1. 飞蛾投火 fēi'é pūhuǒ
  2. 损公肥私 sǔngōng féisī
  3. 匪夷所思 fěi yí suǒ sī
  4. 废寝忘食 fèi qǐn wàng shí
  1. a moth darting into a flame-bring destruction upon oneself
  2. see private gain at public expense
  3. (of ideas) fantastical
  4. to neglect sleep and food
  1. >Top divide; dividi
  2. burn; brulo
  3. powder; pulvoro
  4. anger; kolero
  5. >焦土作戦は義憤
  1. 分而治之 fēn'ér zhìzhī
  2. 焚书坑儒 fén shū kēng rú
  3. 粉身碎骨 fěn shēn suì gǔ
  4. 义愤填胸 yìfèn tiánxiōng
  1. divide and control
  2. burning books and burying Confucian scholars alive
  3. have one's body smashed to pieces and one's bones ground to powder
  4. righteous indignation fills one's breast; feel indignant at injustice
  1. wind; vento
  2. meet; renkonti
  3. satire; satiro
  4. receive; ricevi
  5. >風に逢い満風奉祝
  1. 风花雪月 fēnghuā xuěyuè
  2. 逢凶化吉 féng xiōng huà jí
  3. 借古讽今 jiè gǔ fěng jīn
  4. 奉公克己 fènggōng kèjǐ
  1. wind, flowers, snow and moon; certain types of sentimental writings
  2. ill luck turns into good
  3. use the past to disparage the present
  4. self-restraint and devotion to public duties;
  1. husband; edzo
  2. happiness; feliĉo
  3. assist; helpi
  4. wife; edzino
  5. >夫唱婦随
  1. 夫唱妇随 chàng fùsuí
  2. 福无双至,祸不单行 fúwú shuāngzhì, huòbù dānxíng
  3. 相辅相成 iāngfǔ xiāngchéng
  4. 妇孺 皆知 fùrú jiēzhī
  1. husband sings and wife follows; domestic harmony
  2. blessing never come in pairs; misfortunes never come singly.
  3. supplement and complement each other
  4. understood by everyone; well known
  1. extend; etendi
  2. clothes; vesto
  3. official; ofico
  4. assistant; vic-
  5. >服を敷きて出府せり
  1. 敷衍塞责 yǎn sèzé
  2. 服务贸易 fúwù màoyì
  3. 非政府组织 fēizhèngfǔzǔzhī
  4. 副交感神经 fèjiāogǎn shénjīng
  1. perform one's duty in a perfunctory manner
  2. service trade
  3. NGO
  4. parasympathetic nerve
  1. hatch; kovi
  2. float; flosi
  3. rot; putri
  4. belly; ventro
  5. >孵化せず腐乱浮く
  1. 孵小鸡 xiǎojī
  2. 人浮于事 rénfú yúshì
  3. 流水不腐 liúshuǐ bìfǔ
  4. 腹背受敌 fùbèi shòudí
  1. hatch chicks
  2. be over-staffed
  3. keeping thins in use keeps them working-
  4. be caught between a rock and a hard place

>Top <G>:

  1. song ; kanto
  2. standard; normo
  3. self; mem
  4. each; ĉiu
  5. >歌の品格各々か


  1. 可歌可泣 kě kěqì
  2. 格格不入 gégé fùrù
  3. 自个儿 zìgěr
  4. 各执一词 gèzhí yīci


  1. move one to song and to tears
  2. be incompatible with
  3. oneself
  4. each sticks to its own argument
  1. wall ; muro
  2. nation; nacio
  3. result; resulto
  4. pass; pasi
  5. 国境の壁結果過ぐ
  1. 郭城 guōchéng
  2. 国计民生 guójì mínshēng
  3. 互为因果 hùwéi yīnguǒ
  4. 过河拆桥 guòhé chāiqiáo
  1. outer city wall
  2. national economy and people's livelihood
  3. interact as both cause and effect
  4. pull down the bridge after crossing the river; drop one's benefactor

>Top <H>:

  1. sigh; hola
  2. child; infano
  3. sea; maro
  4. harm; damaĝo
  5. >孩子海に往く


  1. 咳声叹气 hāi shēng tàn qì
  2. 孩子成器 háizi chéngqì
  3. 海底捞月 hǎi dǐ lāo yuè
  4. 不知利害 bùzhī lìhài


  1. sigh in despair; moan and groan
  2. children grow up to be something
  3. try to fish out the moon from the bottom of sea
  4. unable to differentiate good from bad
  1. merrily drunk; ebria
  2. cold; malvarma
  3. shout; krii; <кричать
  4. sweat; ŝvito; <S. sudor
  5. >飲みすぎて悪寒と汗
  1. 酒至半酣 jiǔzhì bànhān
  2. 唇亡齿寒 chúnwáng chǐhán
  3. 贼喊捉贼 zéihǎn zhuōzéi
  4. 汗牛充栋 hàn niú chōng dòng
  1. to drink until one is half drunk
  2. if the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold
  3. a thief crying "Stop thief"
  4. ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters; immense collection of books
  1. whistle arrow; sago
  2. bold; brava
  3. good; bona
  4. signal; signalo
  5. >鏑矢で号砲鳴る
  1. 嚆矢 hāoshǐ
  2. 豪言壮语 háoyán zhuàngyǔ
  3. 好事多磨 hǎo shì duō mó
  4. 号令如山 hàolìng rúshān
  1. an arrow with a whistle attached
  2. brave words proud words
  3. the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks
  4. order like a mountain; military order is inviolable
  1. >Top
  2. scar; cikatro
  3. very; tre
  4. hate; malŝati
  1. 满身伤痕 mǎnshēn shānghén
  2. 很有道理 hěnyǒu dàoli
  3. 恨之入骨 hènzhī rùgǔ
  1. full wound
  2. contain a lot of truth
  3. hate to the very marrow of one's bones
  1. roar; bruegi
  2. red; ruĝa
  3. fool; malsaĝa
  4. >轟く紅衛兵に飜弄
  1. 轰动一时 hōng dòng yī shí
  2. 红白喜事 hóngbái xǐshì
  3. 哄堂大笑 hōngtáng dàxiào

  1. create a furore; cause a great sensation
  2. weddings an funerals
  3. the room filled with laughter
  4. a
  1. >Top
  2. monkey; simio
  3. roar; rori
  4. afterwards; poste
  5. >猿は後に吠える
  1. 猴年马月hóunián mǎyuè
  2. 吼声震天 hǒushēng zhèntiān 
  3. 后发制人 hòufā zhìrén
  1. God know when.a
  2. roaring shout shakes heaven and earth.
  3. let one's opponent strike first and then get the better of him
  1. call for; voki
  2. fox; vulpo
  3. tiger; tigro
  4. door; pordo
  5. >狐を呼べば虎が戸に
  1. 呼来喝去 lái hèqù
  2. 狐假虎威 hújiǎ hǔwēi
  3. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 bùrù hǔxué,yāndé hǔzǐ
  4. 傍人门户 bàngrén ménhù
  1. to call to come and shout to go; to yell orders
  2. bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections
  3. nothing ventured, nothing gained
  4. live under another's roof; depend on sb for a living
  1. joyous; cheer; gaja
  2. encircle; ringo
  3. relaxed; agrabla
  4. exchange; interŝanĝi
  5. >乾杯勝利の交換
  1. 欢天喜地 huān tiān xǐ dì
  2. 环境保护 huánjìng bǎohù
  3. 缓兵之计 huǎnbīng zhījì
  4. 换位思考 huànwèi sīkǎo
  1. with boundless joy; wild with joy
  2. environmental protection
  3. stalling tactics;
  4. change positions thought
  1. barren; malfekunda
  2. yellow; flava
  3. curtain; kuteno
  4. shake; tremi
  5. >黄砂捲土幌揺らす
  1. 荒谬无稽 huāngmiù wú jī
  2. 黄道吉日 huángdào jírì
  3. 幌子 huǎngzi
  4. 摇头晃脑 yáotóu huàngnǎo
  1. completely ridiculous an unfounded
  2. a propitious (our auspicious) date; a lucky day
  3. shop sign
  4. wag one's head; look pleases with oneself
  1. ash; cindro
  2. return; redoni
  3. regret; bedaŭri
  4. meeting; kunveno
  5. >灰回は悔しき会得
  1. 灰飞烟灭 huīfēi yānmiè
  2. 回光返照 huí guāng fǎn zhào
  3. 悔不当初 huǐ bù dāng chū
  4. 会合点 huìhé diǎn
  1. flying ashes and smouldering smoke
  2. the last radiance of the setting sun; sudden activity prior to collapse
  3. regret having done sth.
  4. meeting point; rallying point
  1. crack> kraki
  2. active; aktive
  3. fire; fajro
  4. disaster; katastrofo
  5. >活火山の災禍
  1. 豁出去了huōchuqule; ¶豁口kǒu
  2. 死去活来 sǐqù huólái
  3. 十万火急 shíwàn huǒjí
  4. 祸国殃民 huòguó yāngmín
  1. I'll do it for my life.; ¶opening
  2. hover between life and death.
  3. very urgent
  4. damage the country and bring calamity to the people

>Top < I >:

< I >:

< I >:

>Top <J>:

  1. chicken; koko
  2. gather; kolekti
  3. oneself; mem
  4. depend on; dependi
  5. >烏合の集己の寄合

< J >:

  1. 鸡犬不惊 quǎn bùjīng
  2. 集思广益 jí sī guǎng yì
  3. 各持己见 gè chí jǐ jiàn
  4. 人生如寄 rénshēng rújì

< J >:

  1. even fowls and dogs are not alarmed; excellent army discipline
  2. draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas
  3. each sticks to his own view
  4. man's life is like a traveller's stay; 寄信jì=send a letter
  1. fierce; furioza
  2. extreme; ekstrema
  3. supply; provizi
  4. skill; kapablo
  5. >激究極は技の供給
  1. 激昂慷慨 áng kāngkǎi
  2. 极端分子 jíduān fènzǐ
  3. 自给自足 zìjǐ zìzú
  4. 技术革新 jìshù géxīn
  1. impassioned; vehement
  2. extremist
  3. self-sufficiently; autarky; Cf. 给gěi, let, give
  4. technical innovation
  1. praise; glori
  2. cheek; vango
  3. false; falsa
  4. marry; edzigi
  5. >嬉しい頬仮嫁
  1. 嘉言善行 jiāyán shànxíng
  2. 面颊红润 miànjiá hóngrùn
  3. 假公济私 jiǎgōng jìsī
  4. 嫁鸡随鸡 jiàjī suíjī
  1. wise words and noble deeds
  2. rosy cheeks
  3. use public office for private gain; jobbery
  4. if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; follow her husband
  1. >Top cross; kruci
  2. chew; maĉi
  3. horn; korno
  4. shout; krii
  5. >角交え阿鼻叫喚
  1. 交浅言深 jiāoqiǎn yánshēn
  2. 咬文嚼字 yǎowén jiáozì
  3. 口角生风 kǒujiǎo shēngfēng
  4. 大声喊叫 dàshēng hǎnjiào
  1. deep in conversation with a comparative stranger
  2. pay excessive attention to wording
  3. speak fluently
  4. shout loudly
  1. everybody; ĉiu
  2. tie; ligi
  3. elder sister; fratino
  4. boundary; limo
  5. >皆結ぶ姐の世界
  1. 皆大欢喜 jiēdà huānxǐ
  2. 开花结果 kāihuā jiēguǒ
  3. 空中小姐 kōngzhōng xiǎojiě
  4. 虚拟世界 xūnǐ shìjiè
  1. everybody is happy; to the satisfaction of all
  2. blossom and bear fruit; yield positive results
  3. air hostess
  4. virtual reality
  1. street; strato
  2. part; parto
  3. free; liverigi
  4. warn; alarmo
  5. >街の祭戒めを解く
  1. 街谈巷议 jiētán xiàngyì
  2. 节衣缩食 jiéyī suōshí
  3. 解铃系铃 jiělíng xìlíng
  4. 戒骄戒躁 jièjiāo jièzào
  1. street gossip; the talk of the town
  2. economize on food and clothing; live frugally
  3. let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off
  4. guard against arrogance and rashness; always remain modest
  1. reside; loĝi
  2. chrysanthemum; krizantemo
  3. raise; levi
  4. giant; giganta
  5. >大菊花挙げ居住す
  1. 居安思危 ān sīwēi
  2. 秋菊傲霜 qiūjú àoshuāng
  3. 举棋不定 jǔ qí bù dìng
  4. 巨大影响 jùdà yǐngxiǎng
  1. think of danger in times of safety; be vigilant in peace time
  2. autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost
  3. hesitate about what move to make; shilly-shally
  4. huge influence

>Top <K>:

  1. harsh; severa
  2. cough; tusi
  3. can; povi
  4. visitor; gasto
  5. >過酷な咳客可か


  1. 苛捐杂税 juān záshuì
  2. 咳嗽 késou
  3. 不可抗力 bùkě kànglì
  4. 顾客至上 gùkè zhìshàng


  1. exorbitant taxes and levies
  2. cough
  3. force majeure
  4. customers reigns supreme
  1. lose, lack; manki
  2. leader; ĉefo
  3. puppet; pupo
  4. stain, burst; krevi
  5. >魁傑なく傀儡壊滅
  1. 自知理亏 zìzhī lǐkuī
  2. 花魁 huākuí
  3. 傀儡政权 kuǐlěi zhèngquán
  4. 血渍班班 xuèzì bānbān
  1. to know that one is in the wrong
  2. the queen of flowers; an epithet for a famous courtesan
  3. puppet state
  4. covered in bloodstains

>Top <L>:

  1. (蘭) orchid; orkido
  2. view; vido
  3. overflow; superflui
  4. >蘭花覧濫のごと


  1. 蝴蝶兰 húdiélán
  2. 摄影展览 shèyǐng zhǎnlǎn
  3. 滥竽充数 lànyú chōngshuù


  1. phalaenopsis aphrodite; iris
  2. photo exhibition
  3. fill a post without real qualifications.
  1. one's son; filo
  2. loud & clear; laŭta
  3. wave; ondo <S. onda
  4. >三郎朗々一浪
  1. 郎才女貌 lángcái nǚmào
  2. 天气晴朗 tiānqì qínglǎng
  3. 风平浪静 fēngpíng làngjìng
  1. well-matched couple
  2. fine sunny weather
  3. calm and tranquil
  1. scoop up; ĉerpi
  2. labor; laboro
  3. old; maljuna
  4. fall; fali
  5. >労働捞い老落す
  1. 水中捞月 shuǐzhōng lāoyuè
  2. 劳动生产率 láodòng shēngchǎnlǜ
  3. 老蚌生珠 lǎobàng shēngzhū
  4. 落价 làojià
  1. fish for the moon; make impractical or vain efforts
  2. labor productivity
  3. an old oyster yielding a pearl; have a son born in one's old age
  4. drop in price; 落luò, fall
  1. > tighten ; streĉi
  2. thunder; tondro
  3. accumulate; akumuli
  4. tear; larmo
  5. >雷鳴萎縮し涙累々
  1. 勒紧裤带 lēijǐn kùdài
  2. 雷大雨小 léidà yǔxiǎo
  3. 累进税 lěijìnshuì
  4. 泪如泉涌 lèirú quányǒng
  1. to tighten one's belt
  2. much thunder but little rain; a lot of talk but little action
  3. progressive tax
  4. tears welling up in one's eyes
  1. >Top
  2. pear; piro
  3. rite; rito
  4. (麗) beautiful; bela
  5. >梨花の礼麗し
  1. 梨园 yuán
  2. 礼尚往来 lǐshàng wǎnglái
  3. 天生丽质 tiānshēng lìzhì
  1. Líyuán
  2. courtesy demands reciprocation
  3. natural beauty
  1. leave; foriri
  2. rectify; rektigi
  3. power; forto
  4. >理離の力たり
  1. 妻离子散 zǐsàn
  2. 理所当然 lǐsuǒ dāngrán
  3. 力透纸背 lìtòu zhǐbèi
  1. breakign up of one's family
  2. naturally reasonable
  3. powerful logic penetraing the paper
  1. connect; konekti
  2. face; vizaĝo
  3. love; amo
  4. >瞳を連ねるは恋
  1. 连天连夜 liántiān liányè
  2. 愁眉苦脸 chóuméi kǔliǎn
  3. 恋恋不舍 liànliàn bùshě
  1. through days and nights
  2. look miserable
  3. be reluctant to bid farewell
  1. good; bona
  2. both; ambaŭ
  3. measure; mezuro
  4. >両良交渉量る
  1. 良莠不齐 liángyǒu bùqí
  2. 两全其美 liǎngquán qíměi
  3. 量体裁衣 liàngtǐ cáiyī
  1. the good is mixed up with the bad
  2. satisfy both sides
  3. act accoriding to actual circumstances
  1. hut; budo
  2. finish; fini
  3. material; materio
  4. >寮了たり材料
  1. 茶寮酒肆 cháliáo jiǔsì
  2. 了如指掌 liǎorú zhǐzhǎng
  3. 料事如神 liàoshì rúshén
  1. a
  2. tea house & public house
  3. know sth like the palm of one's hand
  4. predict like a prophet
  1. trickle; guti
  2. chilly; frida
  3. stingy; avara
  4. >清く貧しく美しく
  1. 晒雨淋 rìshài yǔlín
  2. 威风凛凛 wēifēng lǐnlǐn
  3. 吝惜生命  lìnxī shēngmìng; ¶吝啬sè
  1. be weather beaten
  2. awe inspiring
  3. don't miss your life;l ¶stngy
  1. >Top
  2. zero; nul
  3. receive; ricevi
  4. order; ordo
  5. >ゼロ回答令
  1. 零敲碎打 língqiāo suìdǎ
  2. 提纲挈领 tígāng qièlǐng
  3. 三令五申 sānlìng wǔshēn
  1. do sth bits and pieces.
  2. bring out the essentials
  3. warn and order repeatedly
  1. slide; gliti
  2. flow; flui
  3. willow; saliko
  4. six; ses
  5. >柳に雪折れなし
  1. 溜冰场 liūbīngchǎng
  2. 流年似水 liú nián sì shuǐ
  3. 柳绿花红 liǔlǜ huāhóng
  4. 六亲无靠 liùqīn wúkào
  1. skating rink
  2. time passes swiftly like flowing water
  3. green willow and red flowers; at the colors of spring
  4. have o relatives or friends to depend on
  1. rake; rasti
  2. tower; turo
  3. basket; korbo
  4. leak; liki
  5. >篭いくら重ねても漏れる
  1. 搂草打兔子 lōucǎo dǎ tùzi; ¶搂树叶shùyè
  2. 高楼大厦 gāolóu dàshà
  3. 字纸篓 zìzhǐlǒu
  4. 漏泄春光 lòuxiè chūnguāng
  1. catch a rabbit during cutting grass; ¶rake up fallen leaves
  2. high buildings and large mansion
  3. wastepaper basket
  4. give a hint of spring; leak out news or secrets
  1. donkey; azeno <S. asno
  2. travel; vojaĝo
  3. rule; regulo
  4. >驢馬の旅規律ありや
  1. 驴年马月 nián mǎyuè
  2. 旅进旅退 lǚjìn lǚtuì
  3. 严以律己 宽以待人
    yányǐ lǜjǐ, kuānyǐ dàirén
  1. God knows when
  2. follow the crowd
  3. forgive others but be unsparing of oneself
  1. be born twin; ĝemelo <S. gemelo
  2. egg; ovo
  3. disorder; malordo
  4. >双兄弟乱闘す
  1. 孪生兄弟 luánshēng xiōngdì
  2. 卵翼之下 luǎnyì zhīxià 
  3. 心烦意乱 xīnfán yìluàn
  1. twin brothers
  2. a bird holds an egg and return a chick.
  3. be terribly upset
  1. net for catching birds; reto
  2. naked; nuda
  3. fall; fali
  4. >天網恢恢裸落つ
  1. 天罗地网 tiānluó dìwǎng
  2. 全身裸露 quánshēn luǒlù
  3. 落地生根luòdì shēnggēn
  1. tighy encirclement
  2. whole body naked
  3. settle down

>Top <M>:

  1. mum; patrino
  2. hemp; kanabo
  3. horse; ĉevalo
  4. condemn; kondamni
  5. >妈麻、馬を罵倒


  1. 老大妈 lǎodà
  2. 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 máquè suīxiǎo, wǔzàng jùquán
  3. 马克思主义 mǎkèsī zhǔyì
  4. 骂不绝口 màbù juékōu


  1. Madam
  2. the sparrow may be small but it has all the vital organs
  3. Marxism
  4. to scold without end
  1. bury; enterigi
  2. buy; aĉeti
  3. sell; vendi
  4. >制裁埋没売買
  1. 埋头苦干 máitóu kǔgàn
  2. 买空卖空 mǎikōng màikōng
  3. 卖狗皮膏药 màigǒupí gāoyao
  1. do one's best without looking aside.
  2. speculate
  3. coomon saying; quack remedies
  1. rough, rash; kruda
  2. full; plena
  3. rude, slow; lanta
  4. >蛮満ちて緩慢
  1. 蛮不讲理 mánbù jiǎnglǐ
  2. 满城风雨 mǎnchéng fēngyǔ
  3. 慢慢吞吞 mànman tūntūn
  1. not listen to reason
  2. become the talk of the town
  3. sluggish
  1. cat; kato
  2. hair; haro
  3. hare; leporo
  4. hat; ĉapo
  5. >猫の毛卯帽にも
  1. 照猫画虎 zhàomāo huàhǔ
  2. 毛举细故 máojǔ xìgù
  3. 子丑寅卯 zǐ chǒu yín mǎo
  4. 丢乌纱帽 diūwū shāmào
  1. copy sth. without catching its spirit
  2. bring up trifling matters
  3. the first four of 12 Earthly Branches; in an orderly way
  4. to be sacked form an official post
  1. >Top
  2. eyebrow; brovo
  3. beauty; bela
  4. young sister; fratino
  5. >眉美しき妹
  1. 眉来眼去 méilái yǎnqù
  2. 美中不足 měizhōng bùzú
  3. 兄弟姐妹 xiōngdì jiěmèi
  1. make eyes at each other
  2. fly in the ointment
  3. brothers and sisters
  1. plum; pruno
  2. every; ĉiu
  3. attract; ĉarma
  4. >東風吹かば
  1. 青梅竹马 qīngméi zhumǎ
  2. 每时每刻 měishí měikè
  3. 魑魅魍魉 chīmèi wǎngliǎng
  1. childhood playmates
  2. all the time
  3. demons and evils
  1. deceive; trompi
  2. sprout, bud; burĝono
  3. violent; violenta
  4. dream; sanĝo
  5. >タタールの軛悪夢
  1. 蒙头转向 mēngtóu zhuànxiàng
  2. 防患未萌 fánghuàn wèimén
  3. 洪水猛兽 hóngshuǐ měngshòu
  4. 人生如梦 rénshēng rúmèng
  1. lose one's bearings; be utterly confused
  2. to prevent a disaster before the event
  3. fierce floods and savage beasts
  4. life is but a dream
  1. doze off ; strabi, dormeti
  2. confuse; konfuzi
  3. rice; rizo
  4. secret; sekreto
  5. >五里霧中米秘す
  1. 眯着眼笑 zhe yǎnxiào; ¶迷瞪deng
  2. 迷恋酒色 míliàn jiǔsè; ¶迷雾wù
  3. 米珠薪桂 mǐzhū xīnguì
  4. 秘而不宣 mìér bùxuān
  1. narrow one's eyes into a smile; ¶doze off
  2. be obsessed with wine and woman; ¶dense fog
  3. exorbitantly high cost of living
  4. keep secret to oneself
  1. sleep; dormi
  2. exert; peni
  3. face; facio
  4. >睡眠勉強の面
  1. 不能安眠 bùnéng ānmián
  2. 勉为其难 miǎnwéi qínán
  3. 面面俱到 miànmiàn jùdào
  1. cannot sleep
  2. undertake to do a difficult job as best as one can
  3. try to cover every aspect
  1. >Top
  2. draw; desegni
  3. second; sekundo
  4. fine and subtle; subtila
  5. >描写一秒妙笔
  1. 描写风景 miáoxiě fēngjǐng
  2. 争分夺秒 zhēngfēn duómiǎo
  3. 妙语如珠 miàoyǔ rúzhū; ¶妙笔bǐ
  1. paint scenery
  2. race against the clock
  3. a stream of witticisms; ¶exquisite writing
  1. bright; brila
  2. drunk; ebria
  3. order; fate; fatalo
  4. >明らかな酩酊命まで
  1. 耳聪目明 ěrcōng mùmíng
  2. 酩酊 mǐngdǐng dàzuì
  3. 听天由命 tīngtiān yóumìng
  1. have good eyes and ears
  2. completely intoxcated
  3. be reconciled to one's lot
  1. feel out; palpi
  2. grind; mueli
  3. erase; viŝi
  4. ink; inko
  5. >磨刀着々抹黑か
  1. 摸牌 pái
  2. 磨刀霍霍 módāo huòhuò
  3. 淡妆浓抹 dànzhuāng nóngmǒ; ¶抹黑hēi
  4. 墨守成规 mòshǒu chéngguī
  1. to draw a tile (at mahjong)
  2. sharpen one's sword
  3. weather lightly or heavily made up; ¶discredit
  4. stick to convention; stay in a rut
  1. apperance; apero
  2. mother; patrino
  3. eye; okulo
  4. >母の目に模す
  1. 学生模样 xuésheng yàng
  2. 无私母爱 wúsīde mǔ'ài
  3. 耳闻目睹 ěrwén-mùdǔ
  1. appearacne of a student
  2. selfless motherly love
  3. hear with one's own ears and see own eyes.

>Top <N>: 

  1. hold; teni
  2. which; kiu
  3. pay; pagi
  4. >どれを取って納めるか


  1. 拿手好戏 shǒu hǎoxì
  2. 哪会儿 nǎhuìr
  3. 纳税 nàshuì


  1. showpiece
  2. about when
  3. pay tax
  1. child; infano
  2. man; viro
  3. blush; ruĝiĝi
  4. disaster; katastrofo
  5. >稚児の赤らめ難し
  1. 囡囡 nānnān
  2. 男才女貌 náncean nǚmào
  3. 赧颜 nǎnyán
  4. 难兄难弟 nàn xiōng nàn dì
  1. little darling (child girl)
  2. talented man and beautiful woman
  3. blush; be shamefaced
  4. fellow suffers; 难nán=difficult;
  1. bad; malbona
  2. bend; fleksi
  3. brain; cerbo
  4. noisy; brua
  5. >歪んだ脳は喧騒
  1. 好孬 hǎonāo
  2. 不屈不挠 bùqū bùnáo
  3. 恼羞成怒 nǎoxiū chéngnù
  4. 闹铃时钟 nàolíng shízhōng
  1. good and bad
  2. unyielding; indomitable
  3. become angry out of embarrassment
  4. alarm clock
  1. >Top girl; knabino
  2. nun; monaĥino
  3. you; vi
  4. contrary; kontraŭa
  5. >尼将軍承久の乱
  1. 妮子 zi
  2. 尼姑 nígū
  3. 你死我活 nǐsǐ wǒhuó
  4. 逆水行舟,不进则退 nìshuǐ xíngzhōu, bùjìn zétuì
  1. girl; lass
  2. Buddhist nun
  3. life-and-death; mortal
  4. like rowing a boat upstream, if you stop moving forward you fall back
  1. pick up; kolekti
  2. year; jaro
  3. twist; tordi
  4. think of; pensi
  5. >年をとり策を捻り出す
  1. 拈轻怕重 niānqīng pàzhòng; ¶拈花huā
  2. 年少无知 niánshào wúzhī
  3. 捻捻转儿 niǎnnian zhuànr
  4. 念念不忘 niànniàn bùwàng
  1. prefer the light to the heavy; pick easy jobs; ¶pick up flowers
  2. young and inexperienced
  3. a wooden or plastic top set in motion by hand
  4. bear in mind constantly
  1. girl knabino
  2. ox; bovo
  3. bond; ligi
  4. obstinate; obstina
  5. >妞牛を転回執拗
  1. 妞妞 niūniū
  2. 牛刀小试 niúdāo xiǎoshì
  3. 扭亏为盈 niǔkuī wéiyíng
  4. 执拗 zhíniù; ¶扭转zhuǎn
  1. a little girl
  2. a master hand's first small display
  3. turn losses into profits
  4. stubborn; pigheaded; ¶xturn around
  1. slave; sklavo
  2. exert oneself; peni
  3. get angry; koleri
  4. >奴の努力の怒り
  1. 守财奴 shǒucái
  2. 加倍努力 jiābèi nǔlì
  3. 怒发冲冠 nùfà chōngguān
  1. miser
  2. redouble one's efforts
  3. bristle with anger

>Top <O>:



>Top <P>:

  1. clap; aplaǔdi
  2. tablet; tabelo
  3. mortar; bombardilo
  4. dispatch; ekspedi
  5. >牌を拍して派に迫る


  1. 拍案惊奇 pāi'àn jīngqí
  2. 牌照 páizhào
  3. 迫击炮 pǎijīpào
  4. 当权派 dāngquánpài


  1. to slap the table in amazement; amazing!
  2. license plate; license certificate
  3. (military) mortar; 迫 pò, compel
  4. persons or faction in authority
  1. bang; kraki
  2. side; flanko
  3. hoe; sarkilo
  4. fat; graso
  5. >傍ら鋤あり肥満
  1. 乒乓球台 pāngpāng qiútái
  2. 旁观者清 pángguān zhěqīng; ¶旁观guān
  3. 耪 pǎng
  4. 肥胖症 féipàn zhèng
  1. table tennis table
  2. the onlooker sees the game best; ¶look on
  3. plow, cultivate
  4. obesity
  1. throw; jeti
  2. gown; robo
  3. run; kuri
  4. cannon; kanono
  5. >袍投げ大砲に走る
  1. 抛物线 pāowùxiàn
  2. 袍笏登场 páohù dēngchǎng
  3. 百米赛跑 bǎimǐ sàipǎo
  4. 炮舰外交 pàojiàn wàijiāo
  1. parabola
  2. dress up and go on stage
  3. 100-meter dash
  4. gunboat diplomacy
  1. boil; boli
  2. friend; amiko
  3. hold in both hands; teni
  4. collide; kolizii
  5. >鍋友、捧乾杯
  1. 兔死狗烹 tùsǐ gǒupēng
  2. 狐朋狗友 húpéng gǒuyǒu
  3. 捧腹绝倒 pěngfù juédǎo
  4. 碰撞造山 pèngzhuàng zàoshān; ¶碰杯bēi
  1. kill the hounds for food once hares are bagged
  2. a pack of rogues; a gang of scoundrels
  3. doubled up with laughter
  4. mountain building as a result of continents colliding; ¶clink glasses
  1. >Top criticize; kritiki
  2. skin; haŭto <G. Haut
  3. single; sola
  4. fart; furzi
  5. >皮相批判は屁の如く
  1. 自我批评 zìwǒ píng
  2. 皮包公司 píbāo gōngsī
  3. 匹夫之勇 pǐfū zhīyǒng
  4. 屁滚尿流 pìgǔn niàoliú
  1. self-criticism; 批评=批判
  2. briefcase company; a fly-by-night company
  3. reckless courage; foolhardiness
  4. be scared shitless; piss in one's pants (in terror)
  1. uncommon; polarizi
  2. parallel; paraleta
  3. show off; saĝumi
  4. slice; tranĉi
  5. >平行(骈体)の偏り片寄り
  1. 偏听偏信 piāntīng piānxìn
  2. 骈拇枝指 piánmǔ zhīzhǐ
  3. 能 piǎnnéng
  4. 片瓦无存 piànwǎ wúcún
  1. listen only to one side.
  2. redundant things
  3. show off one's skills
  4. tottaly destroyed
  1. >Top float; flosi
  2. gourd; kalabaso
  3. bleach; blankigi
  4. ballot; baloto
  5. >世論は漂う瓢箪
  1. 风雨漂摇 fēngyǔ piāoyáo
  2. 瓢泼大雨 piáo pō dà yǔ
  3. 漂白剂 piǎobái jì
  4. 无记名投票 wújìmíng tóupiào
  1. tossed about by the wind and rain
  2. heavy rain; downpour
  3. bleach
  4. secret ballot
  1. link; ligi
  2. poor; malriĉa
  3. grade; grado
  4. female; femalo
  5. >貧を併せ牝を品する
  1. 拼死拼活 pīn sǐ pīn huó
  2. 贫富差距 pínfù chājù
  3. 品头论足 pǐntóu lùnzú
  4. 牝鸡司晨 pìnjī sīchén
  1. put up a life-and-death fight; exerting one's utmost
  2. disparity between rich and poor
  3. make frivolous remarks about a woman's appearance
  4. female chicken crows at daybreak; a woman usurps authority
  1. slope; deklivo
  2. old woman; maljunulino
  3. cannot; ne-eblas
  4. compel; devigi
  5. >坂道の婆追えず
  1. 坡度
  2. 公说公有理,婆说婆有理 gōngshuō gōng yǒulǐ, póshuō pó yǒulǐ
  3. 居心叵测 jū xīn pǒcè
  4. 迫不得已 pòbù déyǐ
  1. degree of an incline
  2. both parties claim to be in the right; 舅&姑
  3. with hidden intent; with ulterior motives
  4. have no intention but to; be forced (or compelled)
  1. strike; frapi
  2. grape; vinbero
  3. general; ĝenerala
  4. exposed; senŝirma
  5. >葡萄打つ普遍被爆
  1. 扑灯蛾子 deng'ézi
  2. 葡萄干 pútáogān
  3. 普遍服务 pǔbiàn fúwù
  4. 一曝十寒 yī pù shí hán
  1. moth flying into a flame to death
  2. raisin
  3. universal service
  4. have one day's sun and then 10 days cold

>Top <Q>:

  1. seven; sep
  2. strange; stranga
  3. rise; ekstari
  4. air; aero
  5. >七転八倒気を取り直す


  1. 七颠八倒 diān bādǎo
  2. 奇花异草 qíhuā yìcǎo
  3. 起承转合 qǐchéng zhuǎnhé
  4. 才气过人 cáiqì guòrén


  1. at sixes and sevens; all upside down
  2. very rarely seen, unusual
  3. introduction, elucidation, transition, summing up
  4. an outstanding talent; surpassing insight and acumen
  1. wife; edzino
  2. pray; preĝi
  3. beg; peti
  4. weep; plori
  5. >妻祈り泣き乞う
  1. 妻儿老小 qī'ér lǎoxiǎo
  2. 祈福禳灾 qífú rángzāi
  3. 乞哀告怜 qǐāi gàolián
  4. 泣不成声 qìbù chéngshēng
  1. parents, wife and children
  2. pray for luck and sacrifice to avoid disasters
  3. beg for mercy
  4. choke with sobs
  1. cheat; trompi
  2. flag; flago
  3. expect; anticipi
  4. agree; konsenti
  5. >旗を欺く私兵
  1. 欺软怕硬 ruǎn pàyìng
  2. 旗帜鲜明 qízhì xiānmíng
  3. 企业管理 qǐyè guǎnl
  4. 订(締)立契约 dìnglì qìyuē
  1. vully the weak and fear the strong
  2. clear flag
  3. corporate management
  4. enter into an agreement
  1. >Top thousand; mil
  2. money; mono
  3. shallow; malprofunda
  4. lacking; manki
  5. >戦費も浅く欠く
  1. 千方百计 qiānfāng bǎijì
  2. 钱可通神 qiánkě tōngshén
  3. 才疏学浅 cáishū xuéqiān
  4. 万事皆备,只欠东风 wànshì jiēbèi, zhǐqiàn dōngfēng
  1. in a thousand and one ways; by every possible means
  2. with money, you can do anything
  3. have little talent and less learning
  4. everything is ready, all we need is an east wind; lacking only one
  1. lead; plumbo
  2. hide; kaŝi
  3. send; sendi
  4. chasm; ravino
  5. >鉛潜めて塹壕に遣く
  1. 无铅汽油qiān qìyóu
  2. 潜伏敌特 qiánfú dítè
  3. 遣返难民 qiǎnfǎn nànmín 
  4. 堑壕工事 qiànháo gōngshì
  1. unleaded petrol
  2. hidden enemy agent
  3. repatriate a refugee
  4. entrenchment works
  1. gun; fusilo
  2. strong; forta
  3. snatch; ekkapti
  4. prop; apogi
  5. 銃強し危険をおして出発
  1. 枪林箭雨 qiānglín jiànyǔ
  2. 富国强兵 fùguó qiángbīng
  3. 抢险救灾 qiǎngxiǎn jiùzāi
  4. 戗风行船 qiāngfēng xíngchuán
  1. forest of spear, rain of arrows
  2. make country rich and build up its military might
  3. to provide relief during emergency times
  4. sail against the wind
  1. knock; frapi
  2. bridge; ponto
  3. skilful; lerta
  4. aperture; aperturo
  5. >石橋を敲いて渡る
  1. 敲钉钻脚 qiāodīng zuānjiǎo
  2. 过河拆桥 guòhé chāiqiáo
  3. 巧言令色 qiǎoyán lìngsè
  4. 七窍生烟 qīqiào shēngyān
  1. to make doubly sure
  2. drop one's benefactors when they are no longer needed
  3. flatter with artful speech and flashy manners
  4. fume with rage
  1. >Top cut; tranĉi
  2. eggplant; melongeno
  3. while; kvankam
  4. timid; timida
  5. >茄子切りに怯えるか
  1. 切磋琢磨 qiēcuō zhuómó
  2. 番茄汁 fānqiézhī & 茄子 qiézi
  3. 苟且偷生 gǒuqiě tōushēng
  4. 怯声怯气 qièshēng qièqì
  1. carve and polish-learn from each other by exchanging views
  2. tomato juice and eggplant
  3. muddle along from day to day
  4. speak in a timid manner
  1. parent; gepatro
  2. diligent; diligenta
  3. sleep; dormi
  4. seep; traliki
  5. >親の努め寝ても沁む
  1. 亲睦邻邦 qīnmù línbāng
  2. 勤劳致富 qínláo zhìfù
  3. 寝食难安 qǐnshí nán'ān
  4. 沁人心脾 qìnrén xīnpí
  1. friendly neighboring countries
  2. to become rich by one's own efforts
  3. cannot rest or eat in peace
  4. mentally refreshing
  1. blue; blua
  2. sunny; suna
  3. request; peti
  4. celebrate; festi
  5. >晴天に慶事請ふ
  1. 青黄不接 qīnghuáng bùjiē
  2. 晴天霹雳 qíngtiān pīlì
  3. 请您回复 qǐngnín huífù
  4. 暗自庆幸 ànzì qìngxìng
  1. white the crop is till in the blade and the old stock is all consumed
  2. a bolt from the blue
  3. RSVP
  4. congratulate oneself; consider oneself lucky
  1. >Top bent; kurba
  2. canal; kanalo
  3. 取 take; preni
  4. go; iri
  5. >曲がる運河取り去る
  1. 曲突徙薪 tū xǐxīn
  2. 渠灌 qúquàn
  3. 取信于民 qǔxìn yúmín
  4. 去粗取精 qùcū qǔjīng
  1. bend the chimney and remove the fuel; prevent a fire
  2. canal irrigation
  3. win the trust of the people
  4. separate the wheat from the chaff
  1. circle; cirklo
  2. whole; tuta
  3. dog; hundo
  4. advise; konsili
  5. >勢力圏全攻犬も勧む
  1. 圈点佳句 quāndiǎn jiājù
  2. 全攻全守 quángōng quánshǒu
  3. 犬马之劳 quǎnmǎzhīláo
  4. 劝善惩恶 quànshàn chéng'è
  1. mark good word and phrase for special attention
  2. total football
  3. be at sb.’s beck and call
  4. to encourage virtue and punish evil

>Top <R>:

  1. >
  2. (饒) plentful; abunda
  3. (擾) disturb; ĝeni
  4. (繞) coil; drato
  5. >饒舌騒乱縺れ合い


  1. 别多饶舌 biéduō raóshé
  2. 扰乱市场 rǎoluàn shìchǎn
  3. 电线电绕 diànxiàn diànraò


  1. don't be talkative
  2. disturbance market
  3. Wire & cables
  1. human; homo
  2. endure; daŭri
  3. recognize; rekoni
  4. >人格忍耐の認識
  1. 人道主义 réndào zhǔyì
  2. 忍辱负重 rěnrǔ fùzhònɡ
  3. 认贼作父 rènzéi zuòfù
  1. humanism
  2. endure humiliation for the sake of a higher objective
  3. regard the enemy as one's kith and kin.
  1. be like; kiel
  2. milk; lakto
  3. enter; eniri
  4. >乳の如く入る
  1. 百闻不如一见 bǎiwén bù yījiàn
  2. 乳臭未干 rǔxiù wèigān
  3. 入乡随俗 rùxiāng suísú
  1. Seeing is believing
  2. be wet behind the ears
  3. conform to local practices

>Top <S>:

  1. burn; bruli
  2. spoon; kulelo <F. cuiller
  3. few; malmulta
  4. introduce; prezenti
  5. >焼いたスプーン曲げ


  1. 火烧眉毛 huǒshāo méimao
  2. 一勺烩 yīsháo huì
  3. 少见多怪 shǎojiàn duōguài
  4. 自我介绍 zìwǒ jièshào


  1. the fire is singeing the eyebrows; desperate situation
  2. cool all things in one pot; treat different things alike
  3. the less a man has seen the more he has to wonder
  4. self introduction
  1. luxurious; luksa
  2. tongue; lango
  3. (捨) abandon; forlasi
  4. society; socio
  5. >奢る舌先社会捨て
  1. 骄奢淫逸 jiāoshē yínyì
  2. 舌剑唇枪 shéjiàn chúnqiāng
  3. 舍己为公 shějǐ wèigōng
  4. 社鼠城狐 shèshǔ chénghú
  1. lordly, luxury, loose and idle
  2. cross verbal swords; engage in a battle of words
  3. to give up one's private interests for the public good
  4. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; unprincipled thugs
  1. deep; profunda
  2. God; Dio
  3. 审(審) examine; ekzameni
  4. extreme; ekstrema
  5. >最後の審判甚し
  1. 深思熟虑 shēnsī shúlǜ
  2. 神出鬼没 shénchū guǐmò
  3. 审美眼光 shěnměi yǎnguāng
  4. 一之为甚 yīzhī wéishèn
  1. careful consideration
  2. come and go like a shadow; appear & disappear mysteriously
  3. an eye for beauty; aesthetic judgment
  4. once is enough
  1. alive; viva
  2. rope; ŝnuro
  3. save; ŝpari
  4. holy; sankta
  5. >生命の縄聖を救う
  1. 生炒热卖 shēngchǎo rèmài
  2. 进退中绳 jìntuì zhōngshéng
  3. 省吃俭用 shěngchī jiǎnyòng
  4. 圣经贤传 shèngjīng xiánzhuàn
  1. to sell while it's still hot
  2. to advance or retreat, each has its rules
  3. skimp and save; live frugally
  4. Confucian classics
  1. >Top lose; perdi
  2. time; tempo
  3. begin; komenci
  4. world; mondo
  5. >時を失うは世の始め’
  1. 失魂落魄 shīhún luòpò
  2. 时不再来 sgíbù zàilái
  3. 始终如一 shǐzhōng rúyī
  4. 世代相传 shìdài xiāngchuán
  1. be panic-stricken
  2. time that has passed will never come back a
  3. constant; consistent
  4. pass on form generation to generation
  1. teacher; instruisto
  2. knowledge; scio
  3. drive; veturi
  4. test; testo
  5. >師は識を馳せて試す
  1. 师道尊严 shīdào zūnyán
  2. 识才尊贤 shícái zūnxián
  3. 酒后驾驶 jiǔhòu jiàshǐ
  4. 科学试验 kēxué shìyàn
  1. dignity of the teaching profession
  2. to recognize talent and have great respect for it
  3. driving under the influence of alcohol
  4. scientific experiment
  1. 湿 wet; malseka
  2. stone; ŝtono
  3. history; historio
  4. show; indiki
  5. >夏草や兵どもが夢のあと
  1. 加湿器 jiāshī
  2. 石沉大海 shíchén dàhǎi
  3. 史无前例 shǐwú qiánlì
  4. 示威游行 shìwēi yóuxíng
  1. humidifier
  2. like a stone dropped into the sea; disappear for ever
  3. unprecedented in history
  4. demonstration; parade; march
  1. poetry; poemo
  2. real; vera
  3. arrow; sago
  4. influence; influi
  5. >那須与一
  1. 诗情画意 shīqíng huàyì
  2. 实际情况 shíjì qíngkuàng
  3. 一矢中的 yīshǐ zhòngdì
  4. 势成骑虎 shìchéng qíhǔ
  1. a quality suggestive of poetry or painting; poetic charm
  2. actual circumstances
  3. to hit the target with a single shot
  4. like riding a tiger; it is hard to extricate oneself
  1. >Top lion; leono
  2. eat; manĝi
  3. dung; sterko <I. sterco
  4. inspect; inspekti
  5. >狮食は糞を視る
  1. 驯狮 xùnshī
  2. 食不知味 shíbù zhīwèi
  3. 石屎森林 shíshǐ sēnlín
  4. 虎视眈眈 hǔshì dāndān
  1. tame a lion
  2. to eat without tasting the food
  3. concrete jungle
  4. eye with hostility
  1. book; libro
  2. private school; privata lernejo
  3. hot; varmega
  4. number; nombro
  5. >暑夏に数学書
  1. 书不尽言 shūbù jìnyán
  2. 私塾 sīshú 
  3. 暑假来临 shǔjià láilín
  4. 数码相机 shùmǎ xiàngjī
  1. I have much more to say than I can write
  2. private school
  3. summer vacation has come
  4. digital camera
  1. transport; transporti
  2. 熟 ripe; matura
  3. 属 belong to; aparteni
  4. method; metodo
  5. >熟練も術の内
  1. 输油管 shūyóuguǎn
  2. 熟能生巧 shúnéng shēngqiǎo
  3. 报告属实 bàogào shǔshí
  4. 不学无术 bùxué wúshù
  1. oil pipeline
  2. practice makes perfect
  3. the report is correct
  4. have neither learning nor skill
  1. who; kiu
  2. water; akvo
  3. tax; takso
  4. >税は湯水の如く
  1. ・ 
  2. 鹿死谁手 lùsǐ shuíshǒu
  3. 水到渠成 shuǐdào qúchéng
  4. 税务机关 shuìwù jīguān
  1. who will emerge victorious
  2. success is assured when conditions are ripe
  3. tax authorities
  1. although ; kvankam
  2. follow; sekvi
  3. marrow; medolo
  4. year; jaro
  5. >髄まで従属の年
  1. 虽死犹生 suīsǐ-yóushēng
  2. 随波逐流 suíbō zhúliú
  3. 敲骨吸髓 qiāogǔ xīsuǐ
  4. 岁寒三友 suìhán sānyǒu
  1. even if one dies, one's name will still live on in the hearts of the people.
  2. go with the tide
  3. suck the lifeblood
  4. three winter companions (pine, bamboo and plum)

>Top <T>:

  1. greedy; avida
  2. shoot; pafi
  3. level; nivelo
  4. charcoal; karbono
  5. >弾薬燃料不足せり


  1. 贪大求全 tāndà qiúquán
  2. 弹尽粮绝 dànjìn liángjué
  3. 坦诚相见 tǎnchéng xiāngjiàn
  4. 苍生涂炭 cāngshēng tútàn


  1. go in for grandiose projects
  2. run out of ammunition and provisions; 絶体絶命
  3. to trust one another fully
  4. the common people in a miserable state
  1. hot water; akvo
  2. sugar; sukero <F. sucre
  3. lie; kuŝi
  4. iron; gladi
  5. >糖湯で高熱か
  1. 金城汤池 jīngchéng tāngchí
  2. 核糖核酸 hétáng hésuān
  3. 横躺竖卧 héngtǎng shùwò
  4. 烫衣板 tàngyībǎn
  1. ramparts of metal and a moat of boiling water; 難攻不落
  2. ribonucleic acid; RNA
  3. lie about in disorder; ¶躺在床上chuángshàng, lie on the bed
  4. ironing board
  1. >Top billow; ondigi
  2. peach; persiko
  3. suppress; subpremi
  4. cover; kovri
  5. >桃太郎鬼退治
  1. 推涛作浪 tuītāo zuòlàng; 怒涛
  2. 桃李不言,下自成蹊 táolǐ bùyán, xiàzì chéngxī
  3. 讨价还价 tǎojià huánjià
  4. 不落俗套 bùluò sútào
  1. stir up trouble; create disturbances; いざござを引き起こす
  2. peach and plum do not speak, yet a path is worn beneath them
  3. bargain; haggle
  4. conform to no conventional pattern; マンネリに陥らない; ¶套马, 投縄で捕える
  1. ladder; ŝtupetaro
  2. put forward; proponi
  3. body; korpo
  4. replace; anstataŭi
  5. >梯子曲芸
  1. 自动扶梯 zìdòng fú
  2. 提笔忘字 tíbǐ wàngzì
  3. 黑体辐射 hēitǐ fúshè
  4. 替罪羔羊 tìzuì gāoyáng
  1. escalator
  2. to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters
  3. black body radiation (in thermodynamics)
  4. scapegoat
  1. sky ; ĉielo
  2. field; kamparo
  3. lick; leki
  4. >天までの棚田
  1. 天崩地裂 tiānbēng dìliè
  2. 田间管理 tiánjiān guǎnlǐ
  3. 猫舔爪子māotiǎn zhuǎzi 
  1. earth shattering event
  2. management of the field
  3. the cat is licking its paw.
  1. choose; selekti
  2. twig; branĉo
  3. stir up; sproni
  4. jump; salti
  5. >挑発して跳躍
  1. 挑肥拣瘦 tiāoféi jiǎnshòu
  2. 条件反射 tiáojiàn fǎnshè
  3. 挑拨离间 tiǎobō líjiàn
  4. 跳出火坑 tiàochū huǒkēng
  1. pick the fat or choose the lean; 選り好みする
  2. conditioned reflex; ¶枝条zhī, 細長い枝’
  3. sow discord; incite one against the other そそのかして仲を裂く; ¶跳动dòng, 引き起こす; 挑战zhàn, 挑発する
  4. to jump out of a fine pit; to escape from a living hell
  1. >Top listen; aŭskulti
  2. stop; halti
  3. straight; rekta
  4. >停止か前進か
  1. 听风是雨 tīngfēng shìyǔ
  2. 停酒止乐 tíngjiǔ zhǐyuè
  3. 挺身而出 tǐngshēn érchū

  1. hear the wind and mistake it for the rain; believe rumours
  2. stop winde and stop music
  3. step forward bravely; ¶挺进jìn, 真直ぐ前進
  1. connect; konekti
  2. same; sama
  3. unite; unuigi
  4. ache; doloro
  5. >同族統一の痛み
  1. 通货紧缩 tōnghuò jǐnsuō
  2. 同病相怜 tóng bìng xiāng lián
  3. 统一战线 tǒngyī zhànxiàn
  4. 痛不欲生 tòngbù yùshēng
  1. (of money) deflation
  2. those who have the same illness sympathize with each other
  3. united front
  4. be so overwhelmed with grief
  1. dash forward; sprinti
  2. map; mapo
  3. soil; grundo
  4. rabbit; leporo
  5. >不思議な国のアリス


  1. 突发奇想fā qíxiǎng
  2. 图画文字 túhuà wénzì
  3. 土崩瓦解 tǔbēng wǎjiě
  4. 兔死狗烹 tùsǐ gǒupēng
  1. suddenly be inspired to do something
  2. picture writing; pictography
  3. disintegrate, collapse
  4. trusted aids are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness
  1. >Top push forward; puŝi
  2. ruined; ruino
  3. leg; kruro
  4. 退 retreat; retriĝi
  5. >推し崩れ大腿退却
  1. 推本溯源 tuīběn sùyuán
  2. 山颓木坏 shāntuí mùhuài;¶颓败bài
  3. 花拳绣腿 huāquán xiùtuǐ
  4. 不进则退 bùjìn zétuì
  1. trace the origin; ascertain the cause
  2. mountains crumble and the trees lie ruined; ¶decayed
  3. showy but not practical skill
  4. move forward, or you'll fall behind
  1. escape; eskapi
  2. camel; kamelo
  3. appropriate; adekvata
  4. saliva; salivo
  5. >脱水駱駝唾で妥協
  1. 脱口成章 tuōkǒu chéngzhāng
  2. 弯腰驼背 wānyāo tuóbèi
  3. 牢靠妥当 láokào tuǒdàng
  4. 唾面自干 tuò miàn zì gān

  1. speech will be a perfect sentence.; ¶脱水shuǐZZZZZX
  2. slouch; stoop; poor posture
  3. reliable; sold and dependable; ¶妥协xié, 妥協
  4. let the spit on one's face dry of itself; turn the other cheek

>Top <U>:



>Top <V>:



>Top <W>:

  1. frog ; rano <S. rana
  2. baby; bebo
  3. tile; kahelo
  4. socks; ŝtrumpoj
  5. >蛙の子瓦状の靴下


  1. 井底之蛙 jǐngdǐ zhī
  2. 娃娃亲 wáwaqīn
  3. 分化瓦解 fēnhuà wǎjiě
  4. 长筒袜 chángtǒngwà


  1. person with a very limited outlook
  2. betrothal of a boy and a girl arranged by the parents of both sides.
  3. divide and dismantle; ¶瓦亮liàng, shiny
  4. stockings
  1. curved; kurba
  2. ball; pilko
  3. evening; vespero
  4. ten thousand; dekmil
  5. >歪み丸晩には満月
  1. 弯曲空间 wānqū kōngjiān
  2. 宽心丸 kuānxīnwán
  3. 大器晚成 dàqì wǎnchéng
  4. 万古长新 wàngǔ chángxīn
  1. curved space
  2. consolatory words
  3. great vessels take years to produce; great minds mature slowly
  4. to remain forever new
  1. >Top vast; vasta
  2. king; reĝo
  3. network; reto
  4. hope; espero
  5. >涙の女王ネットに望み
  1. 眼泪汪汪 yǎnlèi wāngwāng
  2. 成者为王,败着为寇 chéngzhě wéiwáng, bàizhě wéikòu
  3. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏 tiānwǎng huīhuī, shū'ér bùlòu
  4. 望梅止渴 wàngméi zhǐkě
  1. eyes brimming with tears; in tears; ¶眼泪汪汪yǎnlèi, 涙あふれる
  2. called a king if successful, called a bandit if defeated
  3. the net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through
  4. quench one's thirst by thinking of plums
  1. danger; danĝero
  2. do; fari
  3. entrust; konfidi
  4. not yet; ankoraŭ ne
  5. >危険を成し未だ委ねず
  1. 危机四伏 wēijī sèfú
  2. 为富不仁,为仁不富 wíf`f bùrén, wéirén bùfù
  3. 委曲求全 wěiqū qiúquán
  4. 未必见得 wèibìjiàndé
  1. danger lurks on every side
  2. the benevolent man cannot be rich and vice versa
  3. compromise for the sake of the general interest
  4. not necessarily
  1. tiny; eta
  2. only; nur
  3. 伪(偽) fake; falsi
  4. position; pozicio
  5. >僅か一つの偽り位を決める
  1. 微言大义 wēiyán dàyì
  2. 唯唯诺诺 wéiwéi nuònuò
  3. 去伪存真 qùwěi cúnzhēn
  4. 位置 wèizhi
  1. subtle words with profound meaning
  2. be a yes-man
  3. discard what is false and keep what is genuine
  4. position
  1. >Top warm; varma
  2. hear; aŭdi
  3. gentle; milda
  4. ask; peti
  5. >温かく聞き穏かに問う
  1. 温故知新 wēngù zhīxīn
  2. 闻过则喜 wénguò zéxǐ
  3. 稳扎稳打 wěn zhā wěn dǎ
  4. 问鼎轻重 wèndǐng qīngzhòng
  1. gain new knowledge by reviewing old
  2. be glad to have one's errors pointed out
  3. go ahead steadily and strike sure blows
  4. to inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy; seize power
  1. sob; plori
  2. nothing; nenio
  3. dance; danci
  4. awaken; veki
  5. >鳴かずに舞うのみ
  1. 一命呜呼 yīmìng
  2. 无边无际 wúbiān wújì
  3. 舞文弄法 wǔwén nòngfǎ
  4. 恍然醒悟 huang ran xing wu
  1. die; kick the bucket; give up the ghost
  2. boundless; limitless; vast
  3. pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology
  4. a sudden realization; to realize sth in a flash
  1. crow; korniko
  2. we; ni
  3. insult; insulti
  4. thing; aĵo
  5. >烏は侮れない物なり
  1. 乌合之众 hé zhīzhòng
  2. 支吾其词 zhīwu qící
  3. 欺世盗名 qīshì dàomíng
  4. 物极必反 wùjí bìfǎn
  1. a disorderly band; rabble; mob
  2. speak evasively; hum and haw
  3. win fame by deceiving the public
  4. things turn into opposites when reach the extreme

>Top <X>:

  1. hope; esperi
  2. study; studo
  3. delighted; ĝoja
  4. play; ludi
  5. >希望習慣喜戯なり


  1. 一线希望 yīxiàn wàng
  2. 习惯自然 xíguàn zìrán
  3. 喜怒哀乐 xǐ nù āi lè
  4. 假戏真唱 jiǎxì zhēnchàng


  1. faint hope
  2. habit becomes nature
  3. happiness, anger, grief and joy
  4. fiction comes true
  1. 西 west ; okcidento
  2. seat; seĝo
  3. wash; lavi
  4. system; sistemo
  5. >西席は洗う仕組み
  1. 西风东渐 fēng dōngjiàn
  2. 席不暇暖 xíbù xiánuǎn
  3. 洗耳恭听 xǐěr gōngtīng
  4. 捕风捉影 bǔfēng zhuōyǐng
  1. the West wind shifts eastward
  2. not sit long enough to warm the seat; 便席 informal dinner
  3. listen with respectuful attention
  4. chase the wind and clutch at shadows
  1. former times; pasinta
  2. daughter-in-law; bofilino
  3. happiness; feliĉo
  4. fine; fajna
  5. >昔の義姉、幸細し
  1. 今非昔比 jīnfēi
  2. 熄灯就寝 xīdēng jiùqǐn
  3. 恭贺新禧 gōnghè xīnxǐ
  4. 事无巨细 shìwú-jùxì
  1. times change
  2. put off light and go to bed
  3. A happy new year
  4. all matters, big or small
  1. >Topprevious; antaŭa
  2. able; lerta
  3. reveal; riveli
  4. current; nuna
  5. >先人の賢、現に顕わる
  1. 先到先得 xiāndà xiāndé
  2. 贤妻良母 xiánqī liánmǔ
  3. 显山露水 xiǎnshān lùshuǐ
  4. 现炒现卖 xiànchǎo xiànmài
  1. first come first served
  2. a wise wife and good mother
  3. to reveal one's talent
  4. to fry and sell on the spot
  1. immortal; senmorta
  2. bowstring; ŝnuro
  3. dangerous; danĝera
  4. 线 wire; drato
  5. >仙の弦、険しい線
  1. 仙姿玉色 xiānzī yùsè
  2. 超弦理论 chāoxián lǐlùn
  3. 险象环生 xiǎnxiàng huánshēng
  4. 线性方程 xiànxìng fāngchéng
  1. heavely beasuty, jewel colors
  2. super string theory
  3. dangers lurking on all sides; beset by perils
  4. linear equation
  1. fragrant; aroma
  2. hover; ŝvebi <G. schweben
  3. imaginary; imaga
  4. image; figuro
  5. >香翔ぶ想像の域
  1. 香轮宝骑 xiānglún bǎoqí
  2. 滑翔机 huáxiáng jī
  3. 想来想去 xiǎnglái xiǎngqù
  4. 像模像样 xiàngmú xiàngyàng
  1. magnificent carriage and precious horses
  2. glider; sailplane
  3. turn over and over in one's mind
  4. up to the mark; presentable; decent
  1. mutual; reciproka
  2. surrender; cedi
  3. joy; ĝojo
  4. direction; direkti
  5. >相降服享受向
  1. 相差不多 xiāngchà buduō
  2. 降龙伏虎 xiánglóng fúhǔ; ¶降服fú
  3. 吃苦在前,享乐在后 chīkǐ zàiqián, xiǎnglè zàihò; ¶享受shòu
  4. 向隅而泣 xiàngyú érqì
  1. not much difference
  2. subdue dragon adn tame tiger; overcome powerful adversaries; ¶surrender
  3. association of ideas; ¶enjoy
  4. we all alone in a corner; be left to grieve in the cold
  1. >Top disappear; malaperi
  2. mix up; intermiksi
  3. dawn; aŭroro
  4. smile; ridi
  5. >深夜の会合朝まで
  1. 烟消云散 yānxiāo yúnsàn
  2. 混淆黑白 hùnxiáo hēibái
  3. 户告人晓 hùgào rénxiǎo
  4. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好 shí xiàdào zuìhòu, shéi xiàode zuìhǎo
  1. vanish like smoke and disperse like clouds
  2. mix up black and white; confound right and wrong
  3. to make known to every household
  4. He who laughs last laughs best
  1. some; kelka
  2. inclined; inklina
  3. write; skribi
  4. thank; danko
  5. >此の坂写实謝す
  1. 某些事情 mǒuxiē shìqíng
  2. 斜风细雨 xiéfēng xìyǔ
  3. 博客写手 bóke xiěshǒu; ¶写实shí
  4. 必有重谢 bìyǒu zhòngxiè
  1. some matter
  2. gentle wind and light rain
  3. blogger; ¶write realistically
  4. will be very grateful if ...
  1. scorpion; skorpio
  2. evil; mava
  3. blood; sango
  4. leak; liki
  5. >蠍座邪血を排泄す
  1. 蛇蝎心肠 shéxiē xīncháng
  2. 扶正压邪 fúzhèng yāxié
  3. 血糊糊 xiěhuūhū
  4. 泄漏天机 xièlòu tiānjī
  1. as venomous as snakes ad scorpions
  2. to uphold good and suppress evil
  3. bloody
  4. to divulge the will f heaven; leak a secret
  1. >Topstar; stelo
  2. go; iri
  3. awake; veki
  4. fortune; sorto
  5. >星行き目覚め幸
  1. 星火燎原 xīnghuǒ liáoyuán
  2. 行不顾言 xíngbù gùyán
  3. 恍然醒悟 huǎngrán xǐngwù
  4. 幸灾乐祸 xìngzāi lèhuò
  1. a single spark can start a prairie fire
  2. to say one thing and do another
  3. a sud1den realization; realize sth in a flash
  4. take pleasure in other people's misfortune
  1. interest; intereso
  2. shape; formo
  3. examine oneself; ekzameni
  4. character; karaktero
  5. >興味の形か個性省くか
  1. 兴灭继绝 xīngmiè jìjué
  2. 形影相随 xíngyǐng xiāngsuí
  3. 不省人事 bùxīng rénshì
  4. 性命交关 xìngmìng jiāoguān
  1. to restore the state and revive old families
  2. be as close as body and shadow; be always together
  3. lose consciousness; be in a coma
  4. a matter of life and death; of vital importance
  1. needs; postuli
  2. slowly; malrapide
  3. promise; promesi
  4. sequence; vico
  5. >需要徐々に許す秩序
  1. 需要是发明之母 yào shì fāmíng zhīmǔ
  2. 徐娘半老,风韵犹存 xúniáng bànlǎo fēngyùn yóucún
  3. 许下愿心 xǔxià yuànxīn
  4. 先后顺序 xiānhòu shùnxù
  1. Necessity is the mother of invention
  2. Xuniang in middle age, attractive all the same
  3. to express a wish (to a deity)
  4. order of priority; sequential order
  1. declare; deklari
  2. black; nigra
  3. select; selekti
  4. dizzy; kapturna
  5. >宣言玄宗眩しい選
  1. 不可言宣 bùkě yánxuān
  2. 天地玄黄 tiāndì xuánhuáng
  3. 别无选择 biéwú xuǎnzé
  4. 头昏目眩 tóuhūn mùxuàn
  1. cannot be explained in words
  2. first line of 1000 characters
  3. to have no other choice
  4. to faint and see stars
  1. boots; botoj
  2. hole; kavo
  3. snow; neĝo
  4. blood; sango
  5. >靴穴雪に血交じる
  1. 隔靴搔痒 géxuē sāoyǎng
  2. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 bùrù hǔxué, yāndé hǔzǐ
  3. 雪崩效应 xuěbēng xiàoyìng
  4. 血管硬化 xuèguǎn yìnghuà
  1. scratch an itch from outside one's boot
  2. nothing venture nothing gain
  3. avalanche effect
  4. vascular sclerosis

>Top <Y>:

  1. press; premi
  2. tooth; dento
  3. elegant; eleganta
  4. crush; pisti
  5. >圧力牙優雅に潰す


  1. 压而不服 'ér bùfú
  2. 牙白口清 yábái kǒuqīng
  3. 雅俗共赏 yǎsú gòngshǎng
  4. 轧马路 yà mǎlù


  1. coercion will neveer convince
  2. speak articulately
  3. appeal to all; suit both refined and popular tastes
  4. (young couple) wander through the steets
  1. push; puŝi
  2. cliff; klifo
  3. mute; muta
  4. inferior; suba
  5. >押され崖、唖亜+
  1. 押平声韵 píng shēngyùn
  2. 悬崖绝壁 xuányá juébì
  3. 哑口无言 yǎkǒu wúyán
  4. 亚健康 yàjiànkāng
  1. to restrict to even tone
  2. sheer precipices and overhanging rocks
  3. be left without an argument; be reduced to silence
  4. somewhat healthy
  1. smoke>Top ; fumi
  2. inflammation; inflamo
  3. eye; okulo
  4. swallow; hirundo <F. hirondelle
  5. >煙炎眼に入る燕
  1. 烟花爆竹 yānhuā bàozhú
  2. 炎性反应 yánxìng fǎnyìng
  3. 眼馋肚饱 yǎnchán dùbǎo
  4. 燕巢幕上 yàncháo mùshàng
  1. fireworks and crackers
  2. inflammation response
  3. to have eyes bigger than one's belly
  4. a swallow nesting on a canopy; precarious position
  1. pharynx; faringo
  2. face; vizaĝo
  3. perform; prezenti
  4. 艳(艶) gaudy; luksa
  5. >咽喉顔演、艶なり
  1. 咽喉要地 yānhóu yàodì
  2. 红颜薄命 hóngyán bómìng
  3. 时装表演 shízhuāng biǎoyǎn
  4. 艳如桃李,冷若冰霜 yànrú táolǐ, lěngruò bīngshuāng
  1. strategic (or vital) passage; key junction
  2. beautiful women suffer unhappy fates
  3. fashion show; modelling
  4. as beautiful as peach and plum blossoms, but as cold as frost and ice
  1. center ; centro
  2. sun; suno
  3. admire; admiri
  4. appearance; ŝajno
  5. >中央の太陽仰ぐ様
  1. 长乐未央 chánglè wèiyāng
  2. 阳奉阴违 yángfèng yīnwéi
  3. 仰人鼻息 yǎngrén bíxī
  4. 不成样子 bùchéng yàngzi
  1. endless happiness
  2. overtly agree but covertly oppose; comply in public but oppose in private
  3. be dependent on the whims of others; be slavishly dependent
  4. shapeless; ruined; beyond recognition
  1. waist >Top ; talio
  2. distant; fora
  3. bite; mordi
  4. medicine; farmacio
  5. >腰遥、薬咬む
  1. 腰酸背痛 yāosuān bèitòng
  2. 遥相呼应 yáoxiāng hūyìng
  3. 咬人狗儿不露齿 yǎorén gōu'er bùlùchǐ
  4. 药剂师 yàojìshī
  1. have a sore waist and an aching back
  2. echo each other at a distance; coordinate each other from afar
  3. the dog that bites does not show its fangs
  4. pharmacist
  1. Jesus Jesuo
  2. father; patro
  3. field; kampo
  4. night; nokto
  5. >耶蘇父の野夜
  1. 耶稣会 sūhuì
  2. 求爷爷告奶奶 qiú yéye gào nǎinai
  3. 野火春风 yěhuǒ chūnfēng
  4. 夜不成眠 yèbù chéngmián
  1. the Hociety of Jesus
  2. go about begging for help
  3. wild fire burns grass, yet it grows again when spring breeze blows
  4. to be unable to sleep at night
  1. medical doctor; kuracisto
  2. doubt; dubo
  3. by means of; pere-de
  4. justice; justo
  5. >医療誤義を以て
  1. 医疗保险 liáo bǎojiàn
  2. 疑神疑鬼 yíshén yíguǐ
  3. 以毒攻毒 yǐdú gōngdú
  4. 疏财重义 shūcái zhòngyì
  1. medical insurance
  2. be terribly suspicious
  3. fight poison wiith poison
  4. distributing money, supporting virtue
  1. clothes; vesto
  2. move; movi
  3. 已 already; jam
  4. intention; intenco
  5. >衣移す既に意
  1. 衣食住行 shí zhùxíng
  2. 移花接木 yíhuā jiēmù
  3. 已见分晓 yǐjiàn fēnxiǎo
  4. 意存笔先,画尽意在 yìcún bǐxiān, huàjìn yìzài
  1. food, clothing, shelter and trasportation; basic necessities
  2. graft one twig on anothr
  3. the result becomes apparent
  4. the idea is present before the first stroke of the brush, when the last stroke is placed the idea shines through
  1. depend on; dependi
  2. lose; perdi
  3. chair; seĝo
  4. profit; profito
  1. 辅车相依 fǔchē xiāng
  2. 沧海遗珠 cānghǎi yízhū
  3. 桌椅板凳 zhuōyǐ bǎngdèng
  4. 大有裨益 dàyǒu bìyì
  1. as dependent on each other as jowl and jawbone
  2. a pearl left in the depths of the sea
  3. tables, chirs and benches; household furniture
  4. bringing great benefits; very useful
  1. sound >Top ; sono
  2. chant; ĉanti
  3. draw; tiri
  4. seal; stamp
  5. >音吟遊、印を引く
  1. 音容宛在 yīn róng wǎn zà
  2. 吟风咏月 yíngfēng yǒngyuè
  3. 引狼入室 yǐnláng rùshì
  4. 印刷错误 yìnshuā cuòwù
  1. the same voice and face seem still there
  2. sing of the moon and the wind; sentimental verse
  3. invite a wolf into the house; open the door to an enemy
  4. misprint; typographic error
  1. marriage; edzeco
  2. silver; arĝento
  3. conceal; kaŝi
  4. offspring; idaro
  5. >姻の銀子隠れ落胤
  1. 前世姻缘 qiánshì yīnyuán
  2. 金银铜铁锡 jīnyín tóngtiěxī
  3. 隐忍不发 yǐnrěn bùfā
  4. 赵匡胤 Zhào Kuāngyìn
  1. a marriafge predestrined in a former life
  2. gold, silver, copper, iron and tin
  3. to keep one's emotions inside oneself
  4. founding Song
  1. >Top cherry; ĉerizo
  2. welcome; bonveno
  3. shadow; ombro
  4. reflect; reflekti
  5. >桜歓迎影映す
  1. 樱花盛开 yīnghuā shèngkāi
  2. 迎风飘舞 yíngfēng piāowǔ
  3. 暗香疏影 ànsiāng shūyǐng
  4. 交相辉映 jiāoxiāng huīyìng
  1. cherry trees are in full bloom
  2. to whirl about in the wind
  3. faint fragrance and dappled shadows
  4. enhance each other's beauty
  1. 优(優) excellent ; elstara
  2. cause; kaŭzi
  3. friend; amiko
  4. young; juna
  5. >優ゆえに幼友
  1. 优胜劣汰 yōushèng liètài
  2. 由来已久 yóu lái yǐ jiǔ
  3. 化敌为友 huàdí wéiyǒu
  4. 年幼无知 niányòu-wúzhī
  1. survival of the fittest
  2. long-standing; time-honoured
  3. to convert an enemy into a friend
  4. be young and inexperienced
  1. 忧(憂) worry; zorgi
  2. oil; oleo
  3. exist; ekzisti
  4. seduce; logi
  5. >憂油、誘い有り
  1. 高枕无忧 gāozhven wúyōu
  2. 油光水滑 yóuguāng shuǐshuá
  3. 有备无患 yǒubèi wúhuàn
  4. 诱导误导 yòudǎo wùdǎo
  1. shake up the pillow and have a good sleep
  2. smooth and shining; sleek
  3. where there is precaution, there is no danger
  4. to mislead
  1. >Top circuitous; ĉirkaŭiri
  2. stupid; stulta
  3. universe; universo
  4. jade; jado
  5. >愚策を迂回し宇なる玉
  1. 迂回曲折 huí qūzhé
  2. 愚公移山 Yúgōng yíshān
  3. 气宇轩昂 qìyǔ xuān'áng
  4. 爆玉米花 bàoyù mǐhuā
  1. full of twists and turns; circuitous
  2. foolish old man who removed the mountains
  3. have an impressive bearing
  4. popcorn
  1. silt up; silto
  2. fish; fiŝo
  3. rain; pluvo
  4. want; voli
  5. >淤泥の魚雨欲す
  1. 出淤泥而不染 chū ní'ér bùrǎn
  2. 鱼大水小 yúdà shuǐxiǎo
  3. 雨后送伞 yǔhòu sòngsǎn
  4. 欲益反损 yùyì fǎnsǔn
  1. to grow out ot the mud unsullied; incorruptible
  2. a big fish in shallow water; without suficient resources
  3. guve sb an umbrella after the rain has stopped
  4. wishing for profit, but causing loss
  1. injustice; maljusti
  2. source; fonto
  3. distant; fora
  4. resent; indigno
  5. >冤罪源遠因
  1. 冤家路窄 yuānjiā lùzhǎi
  2. 源远流长 yuányuǎn liúcháng
  3. 远交近攻 yuǎnjiāo jìngōng
  4. 怨天载道 yuàntiān zàidào
  1. enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road
  2. a distant source and a long stream
  3. be friends with distant states while attacking those nearby
  4. cries of complaint fill the roads
  1. faint; sveni
  2. cloud; nubo
  3. meteorite; meteorito
  4. carry; porti
  5. >晕雲、隕石を運ぶ
  1. 头昏目晕 tóuhūn mùyūn
  2. 云里雾里 yúnlǐwùlǐ
  3. 巨星陨落 jùxīng yǔnluò
  4. 运动定律 yùndòng dìnglǜ
  1. dizzy and faint; ¶Kiam ŝi aŭdis la malbonan novajon, ŝi svenis.
  2. amidst the clouds and mist
  3. a big star dies
  4. laws of motion

>Top <Z>:

  1. meet with; renkonti
  2. chisel; ĉizi
  3. early; frua
  4. make; krei
  5. >凿と遭遇し早く造れ


  1. 险遭不测 xiǎnzāo bùcè; ¶遭遇yù
  2. 方枘圆凿 fāngruì-yuánzáo
  3. 早睡早起 zǎoshuì zǎoqǐ
  4. 造茧自缚 zàojiǎn zìfù


  1. have a near or narrow escape; ¶Li renkontis ŝin je la unua fojo antaŭ tri jaroj.
  2. like a square tenon for a round mortise; completely incompatible
  3. early to bed, early to rise
  4. to spin a cocoon around oneself
  1. prick; piki
  2. wood piece; ligneto
  3. blink; okulsigni
  4. explode; eksplodo
  5. >札突く通し貶め炸裂
  1. 扎耳朵眼儿 zhā'ěr duoyǎnr
  2. 札记 zhájì
  3. 眨眼睛 zhǎyǎnjīng
  4. 计时炸弹 jìshí zhàdàn
  1. prick ears
  2. reading notes
  3. blink
  4. time bomb
  1. extract; eltiri
  2. residence; loĝejo
  3. compress; densigi
  4. debt; debeto
  5. >宅を摘発絞る債務
  1. 摘要 zhāiyào; ¶摘取qǔ
  2. 住宅泡沫 zhùzhái pàomò
  3. 心胸狭窄 xīnxiōng xiázhǎi
  4. 债权债务 zhàiquán zhàiwù
  1. make a summary; ¶pick up
  2. housing bubble
  3. petty; ungenerous; infarction
  4. credit & debt
  1. attract; altiri
  2. arrive; veni
  3. look for; serĉi
  4. reflect; reflekti
  5. >招く着地探す照らす
  1. 招财猫 zhāocái māo; ¶招待dài
  2. 前不着村,后不着店 qián bù zháo cūn, hòu bù zháo diàn; ¶着急jí
  3. 找工作 zhǎo gōngzuò
  4. 照猫画虎 zhàomāo huàhǔ
  1. beckoning cat; ¶invitation
  2. get stranded in an uninhabited area; ¶be anxious
  3. look for a job
  4. draw a tiger with a cat as a model; without catching its spirit
  1. >Top cover; kovri
  2. philosophy; filozofio
  3. person; persono
  4. this; ĉi tiu
  5. >哲学を遮す者は此れ
  1. 遮风避雨 zhēfēng bìyǔ ¶遮蔽bì
  2. 哲人其萎 zhérén qíwěi; ¶哲学xué
  3. 二者之一 èrzhě zhīyī
  4. 这样那样 zhèyàng nàyàng
  1. to give shelter from the wind and rain; ¶hide from view
  2. a wise man has passed away; ¶philosophy
  3. either
  4. this or that; in one way or another
  1. knowledge; scio
  2. value; valoro 
  3. finger; fingro
  4. wisdom; saĝo
  5. >知の価値知恵を指す
  1. 知己知彼,百战不殆 zhījǐ zhībǐ, bǎizhàn bùdài
  2. 价值连城 jiàzhí liánchéng; ¶值得de
  3. 指点迷津 zhǐdiǎn míjīn
  4. 智勇双全 zhìyǒng shuāngquán
  1. know yourself and know your enemy, and you'll never be defeated
  2. worth several cities; invaluable
  3. to show sb how to get to the right path; ¶be worth
  4. both intelligent and courageous
  1. this; ĉi tiu
  2. job; tasko
  3. purpose; celo
  4. will; volo
  5. >之の職良き志
  1. 井底之蛙 jǐngdǐ zhī
  2. 尽职尽责 jìnzhí jìnzé; ¶职业yè
  3. 言近旨远 yánjìn zhǐyuǎn
  4. 志不在此 zhìbù zàcǐ
  1. a frog in a well; with a very limited outlook
  2. responsible and diligent; ¶occupation
  3. simple words but deep meaning
  4. to have one's ambitions elsewhere
  1. branch; branĉo
  2. plant; planto
  3. paper; papero
  4. arrive; alveni
  5. >枝を植え紙に至る
  1. 枝繁叶茂 zhīfán-yèmào; ¶枝干gàn
  2. 栽培植物 zāipéi zhíwù
  3. 洛阳纸贵 Luòyáng zhǐguì
  4. 至理名言 zhì lǐ míng yán
  1. be prosperous; ¶branch & trunk
  2. cultivated plant
  3. paper is dear in Luoyang; circulation of a popular work
  4. famous dictum; maxim
  1. bear; porti
  2. straight; rekta
  3. only; nur
  4. quality; kavalito
  5. >正直を支えるは只質のみ
  1. 支离破碎 zhīlí pòsu; ¶支持chí
  2. 直截了当 zhíjié liǎodàng; ;¶直接jiē
  3. 只争朝夕zhǐzhēng zhàx
  4. 质量数 zhìliàngshù
  1. be all broken up; ¶support
  2. straightforward; blunt; ¶support
  3. there is no flowing without damming and no motion without rest
  4. mass number
  1. fat; graso
  2. hold; teni
  3. stop; halti
  4. cure; kuraci
  5. 脂執りを止め治す
  1. 高脂血症 gāozhī xuèzhèng; ¶脂肪fáng
  2. 执迷不悟 zhímí bùwù; ¶执行xíng
  3. 望梅止渴 wàngméi zhǐkě
  4. 治国安民 zhìguó ānmín
  1. high blood fat disease; hyperlipidemia; ¶fat
  2. be wilfull ¶perform
  3. console oneself with false hopes;
  4. run the country well and give the people peace & security.
  1. >Top circle; cirklo
  2. axis; akso
  3. broom; balai
  4. daytime; tago
  5. >周一掃除昼間に
  1. 计划周密 jìhu zhōumì; ¶周期qī
  2. 同轴电缆 tóngzhóu diànlǎ
  3. 敝帚自珍 bìzhǒu zìzhēn
  4. 昼伏夜出 zhòufú yèchū
  1. percise plan; ¶cicle
  2. coaxial cable
  3. cherish one's own possessions even though they may be of little value.
  4. hide in the daytime and go out in the night
  1. vermilion; cinabro
  2. bamboo; bambuo
  3. main; ĉefa
  4. pole; fosto
  5. >朱竹は主の柱
  1. 青龙 朱雀 白虎 玄武 qīnglóng zhūquè báihǔ xuánwǔ
  2. 青梅竹马 qīngméi zhúmǎ
  3. 主导主题 zhǔdǎo zhǔtí
  4. 一柱擎天 yīzhù qíngtiān
  1. strings of pearls and girdles of jade; a perfect pair Green dragon, Scarlet bird; White tiger; Black warrior
  2. green plums & a bamboo horse; boy & girl playing innocently together
  3. leitmotiv; leading motive
  4. one pillar supporting the sky; heavy responsibility
  1. pearl; perlo
  2. 烛(燭) candle; kandelo
  3. entrust; konfidi
  4. bless; beno
  5. >珠の蝋燭祝託す
  1. 珠联璧合 zhūlián bìhé; ¶珠翠cuì
  2. 洞房花烛 dòngfáng huāzhú; 烛光guāng
  3. 千叮万嘱 qiāndīng wànzhǔ
  4. 新年祝词 xīnnián zhùcí
  1. an excellent combination; ¶peal & jade
  2. wedding festivities
  3. repeatedly urging; imploring over & over again
  4. new year's congratulatory speech
  1. pig; porko
  2. chase; ĉasi
  3. boil; boli
  4. pour; verŝi
  5. >猪遂に煮られ注ぐ
  1. 猪狗不如 zhūgǒu bùrú; ¶猪肉ròu
  2. 笑逐颜开 xiào zhú yán kāi; ¶逐次cì
  3. 煮鹤焚琴 zhǔhè fénqín
  4. 命中注定 mìngzhōng zhùdìng
  1. worse than a dog or a pig; ¶pork
  2. beam with smiles; ¶gradually
  3. burn a lute for fuel and cook a crane for food; act like a philistine
  4. be predestined
  1. tax; takso
  2. foot; piedo
  3. group; grupo
  4. >租税の足組み
  1. 出租汽车 chū qìchē; ¶房租fáng
  2. 足不出户 zúbù chūhù; ¶足球qiú
  3. 标准组织 biāozhǔ zǔzhī
  1. taxicab; 出租 rent; ¶housing rent
  2. not putting a foot outside; ¶soccer
  3. standard organization
  1. suck; suĉi
  2. yesterday; hieraŭ
  3. left; liva <слева
  4. sit; sidi
  5. >乳子昨年左に座る
  1. 小孩嘬奶 xiǎohái zuōnǎi;
  2. 今是昨非 jīnshì zuófēi; ¶昨天tiān
  3. 左顾右盼 zuǒgù yòupàn
  4. 坐标空间 zuòbiāo kōngjiān
  1. baby sucks breasts
  2. today right, yesterday wrong; ¶yesterday
  3. glance right and left; look around
  4. coordinate space
  • The number of chacters looks infinite, but never.
  • There was the human beings who really created the characters.
  • 漢字の数は無限に見えるがそんなことはない!
  • 漢字を作った人間が確かにいたのだから。

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