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Dae Jang Geum-1


> Dae Jang-Geum2 , >Dae Jang-Geum3

Great Jang Geum-1 (Jewel in the Palace)


Kim Yeong-Hyeon

キム・ヨンヒョン (金榮眩)

Lee Byeong-Hun イ・ビョンフン (李丙勲)


  1. Preface:
  2. The second woman:
  3. Eternal parting:
  4. Dreamy palace:
  5. Mother's lesson:
  6. Reform:
  7. Outcast:
  8. Dark days:
  9. Path to a court lady:
  10. The first cooking:
  11. A card of curse::
  12. Revealing the truth:
  13. Lady Han's bet:
  14. Trouble of soybean paste:
  15. Bee's string:
  16. Cast-off foodstuff:
  17. Cordiality:
  18. Plague and trick::
  19. Faith of a cook:
  20. Mano a mano:
  21. Abduction:
  22. Taste of wiled bellies:
  23. Death of mortification:
  24. Exposure of embezzlement:
  25. Impeding crisis:
  26. Enemy of mother:
  27. A trap:
  28. False confession:
  29. Life boat:
  30. A ray of light:
  31. New challenge::
  32. The first acupuncture:
  33. Acquittal:
  34. Self-confidence:
  35. Anger of King:
  36. Suspicion:
  37. Misdiagnosis:
  38. Mother and Empress Dowager:
  39. Secret of pill:
  40. Yuh-Rii's plot::
  41. Epidemic outbreak::
  42. Yeon-Sheng's pregnancy:
  43. Illness of King::
  44. Decision of Queen:
  45. Imprisonment:
  46. Danger of blindness:
  47. Will of chief medical staff:
  48. Hush:
  49. Fall of Choi family:
  50. A short-lived peace:
  51. A ripple:
  52. Medical spirit::
  53. A misunderstanding:
  54. Two cases of love:
  55. My own way:
  56. Characters:
  1. 序:
  2. 二人目の女:
  3. 永遠の別れ:
  4. 夢の宮中:
  5. 母の教え:
  6. 変革:
  7. 追放処分
  8. 失意の日々:
  9. 女官への道:
  10. 最初の料理:
  11. 呪いの札:
  12. 真相究明:
  13. ハン尚宮の賭け:
  14. 味噌騒動:
  15. 蜂の針:
  16. 捨てられた食材:
  17. 真心:
  18. 疫病と策略:
  19. 料理人の信念:
  20. 対決:
  21. 誘拐:
  22. 野いちごの味:
  23. 無念の死
  24. 横領発覚:
  25. 危機迫る:
  26. 母の敵:
  27. 罠:
  28. 偽りの告白:
  29. 助け船:
  30. 一筋の光:
  31. 新たな挑戦:
  32. 初めての鍼:
  33. 無罪放免:
  34. うぬぼれ:
  35. 王の怒り:
  36. 疑惑:
  37. 誤診:
  38. 母・皇太后:
  39. 丸薬の秘密:
  40. ヨリの企み:
  41. 疫病発生:
  42. ヨンセン懐妊:
  43. 王の病:
  44. 皇后の決断:
  45. 投獄:
  46. 失明の危機:
  47. 医局長の遺書:
  48. 口封じ:
  49. チェ一族の崩壊:
  50. つかの間のなごみ:
  51. 波紋:
  52. 医術の心:
  53. 誤解:
  54. 二つの愛:
  55. 我が道:
  56. 登場人物:
  • The drama of 'Dae Jang Geum' is mostly fiction, but partly appers in the annals of Li Dynasty, who was asserted to be the first woman to be the royal physician of Korean dynasty in beginning of 16C.
  • In the drama, Jang Geum overcame a series of social and gender discrimination, becoming royal cook and later royal physician.
  • In East Asia it is widely believed that both food and medicine have cognate roots; Jan Geum realized this through her checkered life on her success and trouble. She was even given the of "the Great Jang-Geum" (senior third rank; 5th out of 18th ranks) by the king.
  • Lee Young-Ae attained the positon of a Korean top actress, getting a marvelous performance as Jan Geum.
  • 「チャングム=大長今」のドラマは、ほとんどが創作だが、一部は16世紀初頭李王朝の記録に登場し、女性として朝鮮で初めての王の主治医になったと言われる。
  • このドラマの中では、チャングムは一連の社会的差別や性差別を克服して、王宮の料理人に、後に医官になる。
  • 東アジアでは医食同源が広く信じられている。チャングムは彼女の成功と困難の織りなす人生を通してこれを実現した。彼女は王によって正三品大長今の称号を与えらるまでになった。
  • イ・ヨンエ(李英愛)はチャングムを好演したことで韓国のトップ女優の地位を確立した。
------------------------Summary -------------------------------
-------------------------要約 --------------------------

>Top 0. Prologue:

  • The essence of the story of Dae Jang-Geum would be:
    1. A capable persons are destined to make more efforts and can bear with more problems, because they are capable.
    2. A capable persons can imagine and depict unforeseen result.
    3. A capable persons are unaware of the limit of their own capability.
  • This drama not only describes sucess story of a historical heroine, but also signals to what will be a l challengeable way of living applicable at the present day; because Korea is challenging as one of leading countries in the Information Age, having overcome severe economic crisis after 1997. We would nominate Dae Jang-Geum as CCO (Chief Challengeble Officer)


  • 大長今の物語のエッセンスはおそらく以下である。
    1. 能力のある人は更なる努力をするよに運命づけられており、より多くの課題に耐えていける。なぜならその人は能力があるからである。
    2. 能力のある人はまだ見たことのない結果を想像し描くことができる。
    3. 能力のある人は自分の能力の限界を知らない。
  • このドラマは歴史上のヒロインの成功物語を描いただけのものではない。それは、現在でも通用するチャレンジャブルな生き様を我々に示してくれている。それは韓国が1997年の厳しい経済危機を乗り越えて、今、韓国は情報社会におけるリーダ国の一つとして挑戦しているからである。チャングムをぜひChief Challengeable Officerに指名したいものだ。

>Top Charcters (Dramatis personae):

  • Seo Jang-Geum: (played by Lee Young Ae, and Cho Jung Eun) appears in Korean history, and finally became the first female imperial physician in Korean history, and is awarded 'Dae Jang-Geum' and regular 3rd clss of nine-rank system in the royal court
  • Min Jung (Jeong)-Ho:(Ji Jin Hee); lover & supportor of Jang-Geum
  • ○Han Bek Gyong, aka Madam Han: (Yang Mi Kyung) Madam of the royal kitchen, later became Lofty Madam; Master of Jang-Geum, high-minded
  • ●Choi Song Geum: aka Madam Choi; (Kyeon Miri) Madam of the royal kitchen, later became Lofty Madam, then Chief Madam; play villain
  • ●Choi Geum-Yeung: (Hong Ri Na); rival of Jang-Geum; able but wrongful
  • □King Jungjong: (Lim Ho) 11th King of Korean Li Dynasty (1506-1544)
  • □Queen Mun Jong: (Pak Jong Suk)
  • □Empress Dowager: (Om-Yu-Jin) Dae Bi Ma Ma
  • ○Seo Chun-Soo: (Pak Chan Hwan) Jang-Geum's father
  • ○Pak Meong-Yi (Myung-ee): (Kim Hye Son) Jang-Geum's mother; best friend of Madam Han.
  • ○Jung Mal-Geum, aka Madam Jung (Zheng): (Yeo Woon-Kye) Lofty Madam with noble ambition
  • ○Kang Duk Goo: (Im Hyeon-Sik) foster father of Jang-Geum
  • ○Kang Duk Goo's wife: (Geum Bo-Ra) foster mother of Jang-Geum
  • ○Lee Yeon-Sheng, or Yun-Saeng: (Park Eun-hye) Jang-Geum's best friend. became Lady Sook-Won
  • ○Min Gyo-il, aka Madam Min: (Kim So-yi) with philosophy that moderation is the key to survival; live long & frugal; center but sympathetic to Jang-Geum
  • ○Noh Chan-Ee: (Choi Ja-Hye) always assistant to Madam Min, finally became Madam; assistnt to Madam Min
  • ●Oh Gyom-Ho: (Cho Kyung-Hwan) Right Minister, schermer
  • ●Pak Yong Shin: (Pak Jong-Su) Head of madams in the Royal Household
  • ●Yun Young Roh: (Lee Ip-Sae) Maid in the Royal Kitchen. She spies on Jang-Geum.
  • ●Yun Mak-Kyae: (Na-Song-Gyon) Chief geurd, uncle of Young Roh.
  • ●Choi Pan-Sul: (Lee Hee-Do) Brother of Madam Choi; corrupt trader
  • ○Shang Shen (San Sang): (Sinh Guk) Head of Royal Household
  • ○Jang-Deok: (Kim Yeo-Jin) the Jeju female doctor, Jang-Geum's mentor, female physician.
  • ○Master Jung Un-Bek: (Maeng Sang-Hun) Master of the Inernal Medicine House
  • ○Master Shin Ik-Bil: (Pak un-Su) became Head master of the Inernal Medicine House
  • ○Shin-bi:(Han Ji-Min) Female doctor of the Internal Medicine House, partner of Jang-Geum
  • ●Master Chung Yun-Su: (Jeon In-Taek) Head Master of the Inernal Medicine House
  • ●Pak Yuh-Ri: (Lee Se-Eun) Female doctor of the Internal Medicine House, rival of Jang-Geum as female doctor
  • ○Cho Chi-Bok: (Ji Sang-Ryeol) doctor of the Internal Medicine House, fan of Jang-Geum
  • △Eun Bi: (Lee Sung-Ah) Female doctor of the Internal Medicine House
  • ○Min So-Won: (Chang Ha-Lin) daughter of Min Jio-Ho & Jang-Geum, with full of curiosity just like the little Jang-Geum


  • ソ・ジャングム (徐長今) :イ・ヨンエ (李英愛)、子役チョ・ジョンウン (趙廷恩) 主演;朝鮮実録に登場、ついに大長今 (正三品堂上相当)となる
  • ミン・ジョンホ (閔政浩) :チ・ジニ (池珍煕) ;内医院副提調、正三品堂上になる;チャングムの恋人・支援者
  • ○ハン・ペギョン (韓白榮):ヤン・ミギョン (梁美京);水刺間最高尚宮;;チャングムの気高い師匠
  • ●チェ・ソングム (崔成今):キョン・ミリ (甄美里) ;最高尚宮→提調尚宮;悪役
  • ●チェ・グミョン (崔今英):ホン・リナ (洪利奈);水刺間最高尚宮;チャングムのライバル;優秀だが理不尽
  • □チュンジョン (中宗):イム・ホ (林浩) ;李氏朝鮮11代国王(1506-1544)
  • □中殿、文定王后:パク・ジョンスク (朴貞淑);皇后
  • □大妃、慈順大妃:;オム・ユジン(嚴有珍);皇太后、中宗の母
  • ○ソ・チョンス (徐天壽):パク・チャンファン (朴賛煥) ;内禁衛武官、チャングムの実父
  • ○パク・ミョンイ (朴明伊):キム・ヘソン (金恵善) ;水刺間女官、チャングムの実母
  • ○チョン・マルグム (丁末今): ヨ・ウング (呂運計);気高い水刺間最高尚宮;
  • ○カン・ドック (姜徳九):イム・ヒョンシク (林玄植)
  • ○チュヒャン (春香):クム・ボラ(琴甫羅);カン・ドックの妻
  • ○イ・ヨンセン (李連生) :パク・ウネ (朴恩恵) ;淑媛→昭媛、正四品になる;チャングムの親友
  • ○ミン・ギョイル (閔貴烈) :キム・ソイ (金素怡);水刺間最高尚宮;細く長く生きるが信条;中道シンパ;
  • ○ノ・チャンイ (盧昌伊) :チェ・ジャヘ (崔慈惠) ;最後に水刺間尚宮;ミン尚宮の助手
  • ●オ・ギョモ (呉兼護):チョ・ギョンファン (趙卿煥)、右議政、正一品;陰謀家
  • ●パク・ヨンシン (朴容信) :パク・ジョンス (朴貞秀);提調尚宮
  • ●ユン・ヨンノ (尹令路) :イ・イプセ(李葉璽);水刺間尚宮
  • ●ユン・マッケ (尹莫介) ;ナ・ソンギュン(羅成鈞);大殿別監、ヨンノの叔父
  • ●チェ・パンスル (崔判述):イ・ヒド (李熙道);悪徳商社
  • ○チャン (張)長官:シン・グク (申國);内侍院尚膳、従二品
  • ○チャンドク (長徳):キム・ヨジン (金麗珍) ;医女;
  • ○チョン・ウンベク (鄭雲白) :メン・サンフン (孟相勳) ;内医院判官、従五品:
  • ○シン・イクビル (申益弼) :パク・ウンス (朴恩讐) ;内医院僉正 (医局長)、従四品;
  • ○シンビ (信非) :ハン・ジミン (韓志敏) ;内医員医女;
  • ●チョン・ユンス (鄭潤壽) : チョン・インテク (全仁澤) ;内医院正 (医局長)、正三品堂下
  • ●パク・ヨリ (朴烈伊) :イ・セウン (李世恩) ;内医員医女;医女としてチャングムのライバル
  • ○パク・ミョンホン (朴明洪) :イム・ムンス(林文壽);左議政、正一品;
  • ○チョ・チボク (趙治福) :チ・サンリョル (池尚烈) ;内医院奉事
  • △御医女:キム・ソニョン (金善英);内医院医女長
  • △ウンビ (銀非) :イ・スンア (李承雅) ;内医員医女
  • ○ミン・ソウォン:チャン・ハリン;好奇心旺盛なチャングム2世

>Top 1. The second woman:

  • Confucian monk:
    What a sad life.
  • Seo Chun-Soo:
    Sir, what do you mean? Please show me the way. Why do you say that my life is sad? Please tell me?
  • Confucian monk:
    Your life is in the hands of three women. The first woman is the one yo kill but not dead. The second woman, you save her but she will die because of you. The third woman, she will kill you but in turn save many lives.
  • Seo Chun-Soo:
    What should I do? What should I do to avoid such fate?
  • Confucian monk:
    Don't meet them.
  • Seo Chun-Soo:
    What should I do? What should I do to not meet the first woman?
  • Confucian monk:
    You have seen her. That's why I said it's sad.
  • Seo Chun-Soo:
    Then, the second woman. No, you said I'll die because the third woman, right? Then please may I ask, the third woman ... What should I do not to meet the third woman?
  • Confucian monk:
    Just don't meet the second woman.
  • Seo Chun-Soo:
    Then the second woman. What should I do not to meet her? Sir, please show me.


  • 老師:
  • 哀れな運命よのう...
  • ソ・チョンス:
  • 老師:
    お前の運命を3人の女が握っておる。 一人目の女は、お前が死なせるが死なぬ。二人目の女は、お前が命を助けるが、お前によって死ぬ。三人目の女は、お前を死なせるが、多くの命を救うであろう。

  • 둔명을 명의 여인이 쥐고 있구나.

  • 첫번째 여인은 니가 죽이나 죽지 않을 것이오.

  • 두번째 여인은 니가 살리나 너로 인해 죽을 것이며,

  • 세번째 여인은 녀를 죽이나 많은 사람을 살릴 것이다.

  • ソ・チョンス:
  • 老師:
  • ソ・チョンス:
  • 老師:
  • ソ・チョンス:
  • 老師:
  • 二人目の女に会わねばよいのだ。
  • ソ・チョンス:
  • >Top Seo Chun-Soo:
    Someone said I would save your life. But you then would die for me. Being with me, will only put your life in danger.
  • Pak Meong-Yi:
    My life is no longer mine. Please ... let me follow you.
  • ソ・チョンス:
  • パク・ミョンイ:

>Top 2. Eternal parting:

  • Jang-Geum:
    Mom, you see. I found something to eat.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    Good ... Jang-Geum, Listen to me.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, mom.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    Come over here, lean against me. Jang-Geum.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    in the past, the one who was always beside you, the dad who would protect you and watch over you. He is no longer with us. What are you going to do? How as I going to live?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Dad used to tell me as long as I listen to mom I will be fine. From now on I will listen to mom. Mom, I will not make you angry anymore.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    Yeah. As long as mom is alive, you need to listen to mom. But what if when mom is no longer around what are you going to do? Are you going to starve to death? Or died of diseases.
  • Jang-Geum:
    It won't happen. If I fell sick I would eat wild herbs. If I felt hungry I would pluck wild berries to eat.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    That's the way, Jang-Geum. No matter what you need to stay alive, this should be the way. Even though dad was taken away in his heart he will be happy Jang-Geum. Long time ago you dad was an army general, your mom was a servant girl serving in the kitchen. Mom was a maid in imperial kitchen.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Mom was a maid?
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    Yeah. Maid. Dad and mom both of us were being framed we had to leave the palace and ran for our lives. Even though we were treated unjustly. But our lives were filled with happiness, because we have you. Jang-Geum, you will save many in the future. There was a spiritual monk who said this to your dad. If what he said was true, you will be an incredible person. You will save many people. So, Jang-Geum please don't be sad. And don't cry. Don't ever give up. Which ever path you take, your dad will be right beside you. Wherever you go, mom will be with you. You understand?
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    Yes. ... Mom.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
    In this bag, mom wrote a letter for you. You can read it in the future. After you read it, if you don't feel like doing it, just throw the letter. Whatever you feel like doing, go ahead and do it, understand?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Mom don't say such things, eat this. Because you didn't eat anything that's why you are so sad.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi):
  • Jang-Geum:
    Do you find it hard to chew? Let me chew it for you. When I was sick you did the same thing for me. ... Mom, eat. When you eat you will have energy.
  • Mom (Meong-Yi) (voice):
    Jang-Geum. You need to hold the lofty madam in the imperial kitchen. After that you can obtain the secret book which can only be kept by the top officer. you must remember to record down mom's bitterness in the book. If you managed to go into the palace, in the corner of the kitchen of the palace, mom hid a diary of food preparation. You can use it for your own reference. Mom will always be with you.


  • チャングム: 
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
    はい、お母さん、お母さん ...
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • この包みの中には私の手紙が入っている。後で読みなさい。読んでみて、そうしたくなかったら、いつでも捨てなさい。お前は自分のしたいことをしなければならないから。
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ):
  • チャングム:
  • 母 (ミョンイ) (声) :

>Top 3. Dreamy palace:

  • Jang-Geum:
    In my heart, I always wish to be the maid in the imperial kitchen. Please bring me in to the palace.
  • Chimil-Sangun:
    Don't you know the rules. You should bow down. Although she is just a kid who knows nothing, but how can she be so rude? I am so sorry.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    It's alright. Maybe she really wanted to be a palace servant girl. Did you bring all this wine?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, your highness.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Is this given by Sir Pu Yuan Zong?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, it is.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Did you leave any message for me?
  • Jang-Geum:
    No, he did not. He just said that this wine is for your birthday. There are names on each bottle of wine. You have to follow the drinking order to bring out the best taste from the wine.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Follow this order, right?
  • Jang-Geum:
    No, this is wrong.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    So how should it be?
  • Jang-Geum:
    The first is Cing Xian wine. The next one is Tien Tien wine. Follow by that is Jing Dang wine. And the last one is Si Wei wine.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    You do know words?
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    I only know a little.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Oh, really?
  • Sangun:
    What happen to you, your highness?
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Is alright.
  • Sangun:
    Your highness.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Alright, you may leave now.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Office Li, you may return as well. Wait. What is your name?
  • Jang-Geum:
    My name is Jang-Geum.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    After you left, please inform the one who give you the order. How should I inform him? Is alright, you can say it out.
  • Jang-Geum:
    They accepted the wine with a grateful heart. However, it seems a very worry. This is how I will inform them.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    Do I look worried? Alright, this is how you are to inform them.
  • Sangun:
    That kid is right, you look worried. Is there anything wrong?
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    No. nothing. She is a smart kid.
  • Sangun:
    Although she is a little rude, but I can see that she is a smart kid.
  • Chinsong-Daegun (later, King):
    If there is a chance, let her fulfill her wish. You may go back now.


  • チャングム:
  • 至密尚宮:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • 至密尚宮:
  • 普城大君:
  • 至密尚宮:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • チャングム:
  • 普城大君:
  • 至密尚宮:
  • 普城大君:
  • 至密尚宮:
  • 普城大君:

>Top 4. Mother's lesson:

  • Jang-Geum:
    I have put some salt into the hot water. Please do not drink all at once. You need to drink slowly like the way yo drink tea.
  • Madam Han:
    Alright. Thanks. When your mom got the water for you, does she asked those questions too?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes. Mom will ask me. Is you lower body painful? Is your throat painful? After she had asked in detail, sometimes she will get me herbal drink sometimes she will get me hot water, sometimes she will also get me some sweat water to drink too.
  • Madam Han:
    That's right, need to ask in detail. That is the purpose I ask you to get me some water. Before cooking any food, we must be sure that the one who eat has a healthy body, or whether or not the body will accept it. We should cook only after we are sure of the situation. This is what I mean, the feeling of the cook should have. But through your mom, you already know all these principle right at the beginning. Your mom is a great person. Your mom understood that water in the bowl is the same as a bowl of food principle. Water is also part of the food. When we are sincere in understanding the person who drink the water, food represents friendship. She had understood all these. I didn't know you are a daughter of such great woman. The only thing that other people think of you is that you are a child without parents. Thus, thinking that you purposely did funny things hoping that people will love you. In that cases, all these while I wanted to punish you, my attitudes are all wrong. Don't cry. Don't even cry in the future. When I first bring you into this house, you say you will soon be the Top Officer. At that moment, I hated you. Because I did not know the reasons you say such things. But if you are too weak will, you won't soon b e able to become the Top Officer .


  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:

>Top 5. Reform:

  • Jang-Geum: 
    It's not white sugar, it's red persimmon. 
  • Madam Jung:
    How do you know it's red persimmon?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Because I tasted it ... when I chewed the meat I could taste the red persimmon. You asked me why I thought it was red persimmon, because there's red persimmon taste that's why.
  • Madam Jung:
    You have a natural born good sense of taste. That's right. They added red persimmon. Of course there'll be the taste of red persimmon. I should've asked you that stupid question. It's my fault. Yes, it's red persimmon alright. Red persimmon's taste is better than sugar. It's more smooth and good to taste. When we make this kind of cold dish, adding red persimmon is the best choice. Furthermore, red persimmon is especially effective in preventing flu and colds. It's also effective in reducing the effect of drunkenness. I heard last night Your Majesty had some wine. That's why I added red persimmon. This child guess correctly.
  • Madam Jung:
    In cooking everyone's skill and style might be different. But testing the dish there would be no difference at all. Taste is a standard thing to everyone. Therefore from now on regarding the matters of cooking I, and all the seated Madams have to be humble to learn. Learn form each other to improve ourselves. In the future all of you will have to go back to your own place to dine. You need to be faithful in your job, be more eager to learn. After all the hard work in learning you will improve from strength to strength. I will give you opportunities depending on your capabilities. And not depending on your experience of your age. Understand?
  • All:
    Yes, Madam.
  • Madam Jung:
    To make it clear, the lofty madam position is also the same. I will pass it to anyone with the best capability. So everyone of you should be humble to learn. Ok, we've used up a lot of time. Let's eat now.


  • チャングム:
  • チョン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
    え?私は、... ただ口の中で、肉を噛んだら、熟し柿の味がしたので...なぜ熟し柿だと申されても、ただ熟し柿の味がしたから熟し柿だと思っただけで...
  • チョン尚宮:
  • チョン尚宮:
  • 一同:
  • チョン尚宮:

>Top 6. Outcast:

  • Madam Han:
    This is all I can do. From today onwards, you need to take care of yourself. At least, this is better than being expelled from the palace. I feel much better. You should know those palace girl who went there as the same as those being deserted. The examination, you will not have the right to take part too. If you can't take part in the examination, you will not be a qualified palace girl. Even if you work hard, it will not work. I am not sure if you want to give up as a palace girl being chased out. Do you want to give up learning forever? All this, you have to make your own decision.


  • ハン尚宮:

>Top 7. Dark days:

  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    What do you want to do? I have already told you that you do not have to work.
  • Jang-Geum:
    I can't listen to you.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    What? You can't listen to me?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
  • Jang-Geum:
    Both of us are paid by the country. If we are paid, we have to work for our country. And if I don't work now, I wouldn't have strength. You might think that hopeless will make life much free. That can't be happening to me. Even plant anything I want to do it with hope.


  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:

  • 나드리 께서는 희망이 없어야 편하실지 몰라도,

    저는 되겠습나다.

    포가, 약초 뿌리라도 자라는 것에

    희망을 걸어야겠습나다.

  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    May I ask, other than sowing, is there any other ways?
  • A:
    There are many ways. You can also sow at the side of the paddy field. You can also plant on the higher side of the field. You can sow on the soil, or you can plant into the soil, or slightly put it on the surface. There are may ways, it is up to you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    It's weird. Why do we sow the seed all these years?
  • A:
    Maybe it is planted this way in Dynasty Ming. What is that?
  • Jang-Geum:
    It's Bai Ben.
  • A:
    That thing has never been success since we planted before.
  • B:
    How nice if our country can successfully cultivate it. Bai Ben is good for the whole body even inside and outside of the body. Every herbal soup need to add this herbs.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    You idiot, why don't you go and be a doctor.
  • A:
    The people love and hate this herbs. Nobody can't recognize this Bai Ben herb.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • B:
    In the past everyone thought the ginseng is Bai Ben. So they use it in all the soup. But since our ancestors been to Dynasty Ming, they realized that ginseng is not Bai Ben. After that, they no longer add ginseng into the herb soup. Bai Ben cannot be planted here. So the price shot up. Nobody could afford it.
  • A:
    My goodness. Right. Everyone know it is a good herb, but can't afford it.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Is it that expensive?
  • B:
    Of course, they simply increase the price.
  • Jang-Geum:
    What should we do to make it success?
  • A:
    I've told you. In these 20 years, nobody has ever successfully planted it.
  • Jang-Geum:
    This will be my goal.
  • C:
    What did you say?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Bai Ben. To plant Bai Ben is my goal.
  • C:
  • Jang-Geum:
    Because it is not easy.
  • チャングム:
  • パジA:
  • チャンクム:
  • パジA:
    明国でそうやってるからじゃないですか。 どれですか?
  • チャンクム:
  • パジA:
  • パジB:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • パジA:
  • チャンクム:
  • パジB:
  • パジA:
  • チャンクム:
  • パジA:
  • チャンクム:
  • パジA
  • チャングム:
  • パジC:
  • チャングム:
  • パジC:
  • チャングム:

>Top 8. Path to a court lady:

  • Letter of Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    I have not entered into the palace for a long time. Not, sure, if you have been transferred to other places, I wrote this letter to you. This is to ask you for a favor that the palace girl who brought this letter is the one who despite all the difficulties and have successfully planted Bai Ben. I have observed here for a long time in the farm: This child is intelligent and hardworking. i heard that the ministers and the loftys, they can borrow books with each other if they are close. So if circumstances permits let this child read whatever books she wants. Compares to a lot of ministers who are useless, this child will be of great contribution to the people.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    I am the minister working in the internal security. The internal security's tent is right next to the palace girl's training camp. if you are free you can come anytime.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Sir, you mean ...
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    This letter's content is Sir Jung asking Sir Pu to lend you the books. Do you want to borrow a poetry compilation to read?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I am just a junior palace girl. How can I read the poetry?
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Even a junior palace girl can read poetry everyday. Only people will look at the status, books will not look at the status.


  • ウンベクの手紙:
    『俺が長いこと宮殿から足が遠のいている間、お前の勤務先も変わっているかもしれない。 実は頼みがあるのだが聞いてくれないか。この手紙を持っていく女官は上からの妨害にも負けず、この度キバナオウギの栽培に成功した女官だ。俺が茶斎軒でみる限り、聡明な上に才能もある。官員たちが縁を結んだ尚宮や内人に書物を貸し出してやることがあると聞いていたが、もしできるなら、この子に書物を貸してやって欲しい。無能な官員より何倍も民の助けになるだろう。』
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:

>Top 9. The first cooking:

  • Empress Dowager:
    You didn't use flour? then what did you used?
  • This is Chinese cabbage. It was initially used in making medicine. It's planted at the farm. She feel tasty after taste it. Thus, using it to make buns.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Really? The taste is very good. Isn't this mellon? It can be made into such taste? The taste is fresh. If it's given to the king, I am sure he'll loves it. Oh yes, which place is she in?
  • Madam Jung:
    My Queen, she is eliminated.
  • Empress Dowager:
    What, eliminated? Why is this so?
  • Madam Jung:
    She has lost the flour that has been given to her. Because she did not use the flour that is prepared for her thus, being eliminated.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Did you make all this?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Empress Dowager:
    Why did you lost your flour?
  • Madam Sang Gong:
    Madam, actually this is all my fault.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Sang Gong.
  • >Top Madam Sang Gong:
    Yes. This is a long story. However, this is all my fault. Please forgive me.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Really? You lost the flour. And you are still able to make buns and buns soup. You use Chinese cabbage. Is there any reason for this?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I heard that the king's stomach is weak. The Chinese cabbage is good for the stomach. The juice of the cabbage can help to prevent catching a cold. Mellon can help in digestive system or for those who have constipation problem. I heard that the food in the palace will be passed to those outside the palace as a form of knowledge. Although the Chinese cabbage are hardly found, but as long as we plant the seed, it will easily be grown throughout the country. About the mellon every family knows the planting of different types of mellon. And the flour is too expensive. Not everyone can afford it.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Old Sang Gong shouldn't ask me to forgive you. I should reward you. If you have not lost your flour, how can you thought about such idea? As long as the taste of the food is good, and it's healthy for people, and can easily be consumed. Is there anything more important than this? And this kid, during the time when she did not have the ingredients, she wouldn't have been so concern to think of such good idea. how can you expel her from the palace? This kid will stay in the palace. Give her a chance to make more healthy food for the people.


  • 大妃:
  • チャングム:
  • 大妃:
  • チョン尚宮:
  • 大妃:
  • チョン尚宮:
  • 大妃:
  • チャングム:
  • 大妃:
  • ノ尚宮:
  • 大妃:
  • ノ尚宮:
  • 大妃:
  • チャングム:
  • 大妃:
    ホホホ... ノ尚宮は許しを請うのではなく、褒められるべきだ。お前が小麦粉をなくさなければ、この料理が生まれなかったのだからな。料理とは美味しく、体にも良く、手軽に作れて食べられる、それに越したことはないであろう。それにこの子は材料がなくても瞬間的に考え出す頭脳までそなえているのに宮殿から追い出すなどもっての他じゃ。大殿に残し、お上には勿論のこと、民のためにもなる料理を沢山作らせるように。

>Top 10. A card of curse:

  • Gun-Ying:
    I am no willing.
  • Madam Choi:
    What, not willing.
  • Gun-Ying:
    Yes, madam. I am not willing. Even if we don't do this, we can achieve it too. Based on our talents we will be able to be the top madam Sang Gong. No problem. Why must it be me to be the one to do this kind of thing?
  • Madam Choi:
    Are you afraid?
  • Gun-Ying:
    I am not afraid. It is my conscience.
  • Madam Choi:
    Did you say conscience?
  • Gun-Ying:
    Yes, madam. This kind of things will only be done by those show are greedy.
  • Madam Choi:
    You shut up. It seems like you do not understand the whole situation. It is as you say all our Cui's family madams have the real qualification and can become the top madam. However, qualification is still a qualification. In the palace, even if you have the qualification, you might not become the top Madam Sang Gong. Do you think in the past the rest of the madam has no qualification to become the top madam? You are smart, don't you understand this theory? In the palace you need to support those authorities. we have to secretly be helping them in some ways. This is the reason our family survived till now. Our position even though may not be very rich. But we can get more wealth then those rich family. Because an the rest of the rich family. This is our destiny.
  • .....
  • Madam Choi:
    Go. Go to the special kitchen and hide this "written curse." The "written curse" will turn the queen's baby prince in her womb to become princess. If queen give birth to a son, not only Sir Qu Qian Hu, even our Cui's family will be facing great danger. Do you understand?


  • クミョン:
  • チェ尚宮:
  • クミョン:
  • チェ尚宮:
  • クミョン:
  • チェ尚宮:
  • クミョン:
  • チェ尚宮:
  • チェ尚宮:

>Top 11. Revealing the truth:

  • Madam Han:
    Tell me. I ask you to tell me.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Madam Han:
    Tell me now.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, I can't tell.
  • Madam Han:
    You might die, child. Long time ago, I experienced the same thing. I experienced before. You will die. I am very sure. I don't want to go through it again. Do you know all this while. How guilty and regretful I am? You will never understand. Jang-geum, I beg you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, That thing actually it is not that I can't let you see it. One day I will tell you everything. I will let you see it too. But if I let you see it now everybody would know.
  • Madam Han:
    I believe you. I know what you are looking for is not something bad. But, why don't you let me see?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I don't know why I am so ... ignorant and foolish. No. Actually I do know when I was little my parents told me something that I can't let anyone know. But I didn't obey them. Because of this my parents passed away. When my mom died, I was right beside her. For a very long time I was right beside her. What should I do? What should I do? Because now that my parents are gone? Can I still live? Still breathe? Can I still walk? Can I still eat? Should I sit? Should I stand? I don't know. I just kept quiet. At that time I could hear my mom's reminders that was her last words. She gave me a diary and a letter. I don't know what the contents is. Even though I ama a very curious girl, but I did not read it. Because mom said I am not supposed to read, so I did not open it. Mom did tell me not to tell anyone about my parents. So I have never told anyone. I ... I promised mom I would obey her.
  • Madam Han:
    Jang-Geum, you will die.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Actually I should have been died together with my parents. Madam.
  • Madam Han:
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam. Madam.


  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • >Top Madam Han:
    You are such stubborn kid. Because of this, I like you. Your mind will not have any evil intention. This is good. But this will make your life difficult. You won't know how much I was worried about you. Do it this way, according to your way then. Jang-Geum.
  • ハン尚宮:
    なんて愚かなの... でも、だからこそお前が愛しい。損得を一切考えないところが好きなの。お前はその一途さゆえにこれからも苦しむことになるだろう。私はそんなお前に振り回されるだろう。でもそれでいい。そうやって生きていきましょう。

>Top 12. Lady Han's bet:

  • Madam Han:
    From now onwards, I will teach you all my secrets of success. Today, Madam Jung risks her life and suggest this to the king. There will be competition between me and Madam Choi. the one who wins will be the lofty madam. Madam Jung do this because she doesn't allow any unrighteous things happen in the kitchen. This is Madam Jung's principle. When I saw her courage I feel ashamed for my depression In the past. Thus, I want to win this competition. I must fulfill her dream. When I think about the competition, the only person that can help me is you. Your skill will be very useful for me. your enthusiasm towards food will motivate me. Your curiosity will help me to be more courageous. And you too anyone who lose in this competition, will never be able to stay in the kitchen anymore. If we fail, we will have to leave the palace. If I leave you can't stay in the kitchen too. Due to the past matter, we have to do so. Due to our relationship, we have to do so. Thus, I appoint you to be my inheritor. I will pass down all my secret recipe to you. Understand? ... Why don't you answer me?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, I can't do it. I can't do it.
  • Madam Han:
    Why? Why do you say that?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Because ... Because ... I have almost lost all my sense of taste. Last time when my body was numb, I lost my sense of taste.
  • Madam Han:
    What are you talking about?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Actually, I was the one who prepared the steamboat for Madam Qi-jyu last time. I was the one who added the flavor. I did my best but that was the outcome. Thus ... from that time on, I know that I have lost all my sense of taste. The nurse told me my numbness will slowly disappear I need to be patient. She did the acupuncture for me more than ten days. But until now, my sense of taste has not yet recovered. In this case, how can I accept your hope on me? I understand Madam Jung's feeling, I ... I can't accept this al all.
  • Madam Han:
    Didn't the nurse ask you to wait patiently?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I don't with to leave the palace like this. I want to help Madam, fulfil the her wish together with you. But I've lost my sense of taste.
  • Madam Han:
    Wait patiently as the nurse told you. Why do you think you can't? Since I know this I can't watch with folded arms. I will get the permission form madam Jung. We look for a doctor after we leave the palace tomorrow.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But, if my sense of taste can't be recovered.
  • Madam Han:
    Why do you give up easily? this is not you. Give it a try first. We need to try all kinds of way.


  • ハン尚宮:

  • 하여, 나는 이갈 것이다. 뜻을 받들어야 겠다.

    그러고 나서 쟁각해 보니 나를 도와 줄 사람이 너밖에 없다. 너의 음식 솜씨가 나를 도와 줄 것이고, 너의 음식에 대한 마음이 나를 바로 이끌어 줄 섯이도, 너의 호기심이 나를 한 발 앞으로 나가게 할 건이다.

  • ハン尚宮:
    お前にとっても大事なこと。どちらにしろ、負けた方は水刺間にはいられない。潔く身を引くのが道理なの。私が去る場合、お前も去ることになる。この間のこともあるし、私との関係でそうなるわ。だから、お前を私の上餐内人とし、奥義を伝授することにする。... なぜ返事をしないの?
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
    私もこのまま休廷を追い出されるのは嫌です。 ハン尚宮様をお助けしてチョン尚宮様のお志をお守りしたいです。でも水刺間の女官が味覚を失うというのは...
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    Madam, all the doctors said that is difficult to cure.
  • Madam Han:
    All of them said the same thing. Perhaps is one day, one year, or twenty years. It will recover one day.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, you must win.
  • Madam Han:
    I can't win without you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    If it is because of me. If I disappoint Madam Jung again, how can this be?
  • Madam Han:
    Madam will not be disappointed because of you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Please ... please give up on me.
  • Madam Han:
    I need you.
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:

>Top 13. Troubleof soybeanpaste:

  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, you can't do this. I know you love me as your very own daughter. But this is not a good idea. I am afraid this will disobey Madam Jung. Please change your mind.
  • Madam Han:
    I won't.
  • Jang-Geum:
    If you do this is because of pity on me. Then ...
  • Madam Han:
    Shut up! Jang-Geum, I am not so foolish to the point i can't make right decision.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But now I can't taste the food.
  • Madam Han:
    The sense of taste will return. Even if it doesn't, but you have the two strength of a cook. A cook needs to two strength. First, touching sense. Somebody have the touching sense with born. Some has to work hard to master the skill of touch. You ... You have been through hardship and you have the touching sense.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But I can't tell the taste.
  • Madam Han:
    Tasting the delicious food is more important for those who eat. An hump old lady who can't tell the taste even if she cook a simple soup it will still be very delicious. The second talent nether me nor Madam Choi has it. Geum-Yeung does not have it too. Only you have it. It is the most needed for a cook. I found it on you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    What is the talent?
  • Madam Han:
    That is ... that is the ability to draw the taste.
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    Draw the taste?
  • Madam Han:
    Yes. Remember in the past. You used mineral water to make the noodles for the King. And in the competition, you used the Chinese cabbage to make the bun. How did you know that using mineral water can cook nice noodle's soup?
  • Jang-Geum:
    That is because I heard that the mineral water in the palace can make nice pickled carrot soup. So ...
  • Madam Han:
    What about the Chinese cabbage bun?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I think the Chinese cabbage's texture and taste is suitable for making bun, that's the point.
  • Madam Han:
    You know the mixture of what ingredient will complement each others. Will it taste nicer or will it be less delicious? This is ... the talent of table to draw the taste. In the past I forgot an important fact. In order to let you have the ability that I don't have, therefore I use other methods to train you. Not teaching you insisting the method I've learned.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Are you saying when you asked me to go get all the salty food or to tried all kinds of water, tasting all kinds of vegetables is because ...
  • Madam Han:
    Yes, that is the point. I think I have the touching sense but don't have the talent of drawing taste, so I did not improve much. If you can draw the taste, you will be able to create various new dishes. Therefore if you add new ingredient in normal dish it can make the dish more delicious and you can change the way to cook to make the dish more delicious. All this while, while others are cooking, I don't let you learn it. But I use the dull way to train you. You didn't disobey me. Either because of your curiosity or the training, you are now better than others. You have hat others don't have. To add charcoal in the sauce, mineral water in noodles, and the Chinese cabbage bun. they all have the same point.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But Madam. i could taste with my tongue at that time.
  • Madam Han:
    No. Did you taste the charcoal before you put it into the sauce? Did you taste the mineral water before you put it into the pickled carrot soup? Tomorrow morning, go to the usual place and wait for me.


  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
    それは... それは味を描く能力だ。
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • >Top Madam Han:
    You see, you can do it. I told you so. You can. I told you so.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam. Is it true? Can I really do it? Is the bean curd steamboat taste nice?
  • Madam Han:
    Not only that. You even managed to guess that I put the prawn gravy into it. Madam Choi's steam prawn contained meat gravy. But mine is the prawn gravy. Besides, you know that you should put the salted meat in the bean curd. This is ... a good idea that me and others have never thought of. How can I give up on you? How can I?
  • ハン尚宮:
    ほら見なさい。できると言ったでしょう。できると... お前ならできると言ったでしょう?
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • >Top Madam Han:
    Do you still remember on the way back, the blind fisherman?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes. He could tell which fish is fresher even he can't see.
  • Madam Han:
    That is right. I think of you after I've thought of him. He could not see but he could tell the fresh fish by touching and smelling. So I think, is food could be done at the same way? That reminds me of the way I trained you. And I thought of other things and think of this.
  • Jang-Geum:
    So that was how you thought.
  • Madam Han:
    Yes, but ... the blind fisherman has such ability, because he has gone through a lot of hard work. I can't do the effort. Do you understand what I mean?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, I know.
  • Madam Han:
    Even if you have that but you can't use the tongue, it is still a big shortcoming. I will ask those I know for the ways of recovering the sense of taste. You need to do that as well.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, I will do as you told. I will not give up.
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
    そうよ... でも、あの商人があそこまでできるようになるには、血のにじむような努力があったはず。その努力は私がすることはできない。何が言いたいかわかるわね?
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:

>Top 14. Bee's string:

  • Jang-Geum:
    Sir. Sir, please use the bee sting on me.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    I have already told you I can't.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Sir, there must be someone to be your experiment.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    Why should it be you?
  • Jang-Geum:
    It is not me, you should think you are lucky enough to have me. No matter how is the outcome, I will not blame you.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    I am not worried about this. I am scared if ... I treat the person wrongly and burden him. You come to me for treatment. But become more unlucky because of me.
  • Jang-Geum:
    No. this will not happen. Sir, I will surely recover.
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    A doctor may kill someone if ge gave the wrong acupuncture. On top of that it is not me who do the treatment, it is the bees. How should I know where they will be heading to. Thus, please be patient and wait. Only when I feel that it is fine, I will give you the treatment.
  • Jang-Geum:
    I need the treatment now. Is it true that you just need to find the correct nerves. Then there won't be any danger?
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    This should be safer.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Then, we can do it this way.


  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
    恨みなんかどうでもいい。私が恐れているのは、人が死ぬことだ。 病を治しに来た人が、わしのせいで死んでしまうことだ。
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
    ならば... こうして下さい。
  • >Top Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    Alright. Before the treatment I need to calm you down first. I will first do acupuncture her and here. After that, I will use the bee sting. ....
    Alright. It's done. I do as what you say. Take out the bee sting then apply it on to your tongue. But I don't know if the bee sting will still be effective. Alright, you can get up.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes. How long do I have to wait to see the effect?
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    I've told you that everything has it's own timing. How long did the injured soldier take to recover? That soldier recovered very fast. Come, take this.
  • Jang-Geum:
    What is this?
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    Everyone has different reaction towards the bee sting. Some of them get no swollen but feel pain. Some have very serious swollen on their body. Some have blotch. And ever there are people who died of hard breathing. Thus, when you can't breath well or feel itchy, take this medicine. It helps you to release from bee venom.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But, if I take this medicine, is the bee sting still effective?
  • Doctor Jung Un-Bek:
    You're not taking this medicine even you've such symptoms?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, I'll take it. Thank you, I'm sorry.
  • チョン・ウンベク:
    よし。蜂の針を刺す前に、精神を安定させるため、内関穴と曲池穴に鍼を打つ。それから蜂の針を刺すからな。... よし。終わったぞ。お前に言われた通りに、蜂から針を抜いてやってみたが、効果のほどはわからんぞ。さあ、起きろ。
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • その兵士の回復はかなり早かった。これを持って行け。
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • チョン・ウンベク:
  • チャングム:
  • >Top Madam Jung:
    Listen. If Jang-Geum has regained her sense of taste, you all shall feel happy and great for her. And, we need to learn something. Jang-Geum lost her sense of taste, because she was looking for solution to save the prince. Therefore she drank the herbal duck soup. someone who prepares food should risk one's life and willing to try oneself to differentiate if a food is good or bad for human. This is very important. Jang-Geum risked her life and she lost her sense of taste. Just as Madam Choi said someone who lost her sense of taste should not stay in the kitchen. But we are maid who live and die together, Jang-Geum encourage herself to try it. But she faced difficulty. We should suffer with her, bear with her. But Jang-Geum suffered alone in front of everyone. No one comfort her or share her burden. This should be our responsibility. I hope after everyone go back to your room, make some delicious food for Jang-Geum in order to celebrate for her.
  • Yon-seng:
  • チョン尚宮:
    皆、よくお聞き!チャングムが味覚を取り戻したとしたら... お前たち皆チャングムと一緒に喜ぶべきことだ。また、我々はこのことから学ばねばならぬ。チャン組が味覚を失ったのは王子様の麻痺の原因を突き止めるため自らユンジョジョナッタンを食べたからだ。料理人として、危険を顧みずそれを自分で食べ、人の体にどのような働きをするのかを調べるのは大切なことだ。それをチャングムはやり遂げたし、それ故、味覚を失ったのだ。チェ尚宮の言う通り水刺間は、味覚のない人間がいてはならない所だ。しかし我々は苦楽を共にする仲間として、勇気を持って行動したがゆえに辛い目にあったチャングムの痛みを分かち合い、かばい合わなければならない。にもかかわらず、一人苦しむチャングムを慰め苦痛を共にするどころか、追い出そうとしたことは反省しなくてはならない。ということで、今日は部屋に戻ったら味覚を取り戻したチャングムに美味しいごちそうを沢山つくってやるがよい!
  • ヨンセン:
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    >Top Actually I did nothing for you.
  • Jang-Geum:
    No, you lent me many books. You even sincerely comforted me. You tried to help me. And the poem you game me. Really give me a lot of encouragement. I often prepare food and I'd imagine the smile of the people who taste my food. This is my little wish. I hope I can express my gratitude to you through this food. Thank you.
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:

>Top 15. Cast-off foodstuff:

  • Madam Han:
    The cow bone soup needs to be cooked for a long time. You are clear about this right? But why did you come back so late?
  • Jang-Geum:
    I wanted to buy good cow bones and beef.
  • Madam Han:
  • Jang-Geum:
    Because Geum-Yeung, she would use good cow bones and meat. I thought I must win them.
  • Madam Han:
    What is the title of this time?
  • Jang-Geum:
    To prepare food that the folks have never eaten before. Besides ...
  • Madam Han:
    Can the folks use good cow bones and meat to cook cow bone soup? The folks, can they afford to use the camel bones to cook the cow bone soup? The folks drink cow bone soup, because they cannot afford to buy good cow bones and meat. That is why they use other bones to cook longer in slow fire. In order to bring out the taste of the cow bones, and to add the taste of beef in the soup. This would keep the body strong and full of energy. But, all you want is to win this competition. You have forsaken the basic attitude in preparing food. You have been going around to get information, using your smart brain to think of ways, crooked ways. You only want to win this competition. Few years back, you thought of putting charcoal into the sauce pot. You thought of making cold noodles with spring water. In the competition, you thought of ideas to make buns using Chinese cabbage. I thought you have talents that was why I told you that. You have the talents of drawing out the taste. I did not expect that your talents have become your poison. It has caused you to lose your heart and sincerity. Are you the child who wants to only find good ingredients and secret recipes?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Madam Han:
    Now the madam who is closest to the queen. She is not well therefore she is resting at home. We need to send an assistant to take care of this old madam. I will send you there.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, Madam, I made a mistake. Please forgive me.
  • Madam Han:
    You may go out now.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, I will not do it again. I won't do it again. The competition is around the corner. Don't you want to fulfill Madam Jung's wish?
  • Madam Han:
    That is why I can't use you anymore.
  • Jang-Geum:
    But madam.
  • Madam Han:
    You go out.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, I bet you. Madam ... Madam ...


  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:

>Top 16. Cordiality:

  • Jang-Geum:
    This was the first time I saw a sea.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    I have not been to the beach for a long time. Today is like going back to my childhood days.
  • Jang-Geum:
    When I was a kid, I always being beaten up by my mom. But I still love to climb the mountains to catch rabbits.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Looks like your mom is very strict. But ... Why are you alone? I heard that.
  • Jang-Geum:
    It was all my fault. My dad was an army in the internal security unit.


  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    Please let me know, Uncle, I am sure you have some secret recipe or something.
  • Sexton:
    I don't have nay secret method.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Uncle, please, please teach me.
  • Kan Tok:
    My goodness. If you want to learn something you should ask the right person. He doesn't know anything. Everyday he only knows how to dry and keep the vegetables, why do you ask him?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Sexton:
    Please don't keep on asking me. I really don't know anything.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Your food really taste different from the food in the palace.
  • Sexton:
    The king's food of course is better than the food here.
  • Jang-Geum:
    No. The dish you cooked yesterday was better than the food in the palace. Uncle.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Or else can you teach me how to dry the vegetable under the sun?
  • Sexton:
    It is not me who dry it, it is the sun.
  • Jang-Geum:
    In that case, may I know where do you get these vegetables?
  • Sexton:
    The whole valleys and mountains are full of these vegetables, why do you still ask?
  • Sexton:
    If the water is too much, the rice will become soft and the rice will break. If the water is too little, it will get burnt.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Please teach me, please.
  • Sexton:
    It is not fully dried yet.
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    If I dried this it will be harder than the white rice.
  • Sexton:
    Of course.
  • Jang-Geum:
    After I have dried it will it be crunchy? It is crunchy and fragrant too.
  • Sexton:
    You know it as well?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Maybe this is the one. The rice that the nanny is looking for, it could be this one.
  • Sexton:
    The nanny is looking for Jin Xia rice?
  • Jang-Geum:
    What is Jin Xia rice?
  • Sexton:
    Jin Xia rice is due to the mountain rice harvest slower, so before moon cake festival, the folks can't use the new rice on that year to worship their ancestors. So they will harvest the rice that are still not ripe. After they steam it and dried it, it taste very nice. Nanny is looking for this kind of rice?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes. When the queen's nanny is young, her brother took a hand full of this rice and give it to her as her food. Then the brother passed away. Nanny feels that this rice is especially delicious. That is why she insisted to bring along this rice when she die.
  • Sexton:
    This is so sad.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Can you give me some of this rice?
  • Sexton:
    No ... No.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Why. She can die anytime. Before she die, I must let her taste this rice.
  • Sexton:
    I know you are in a hurry but now it won't taste nice.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Sexton:
    I must dry it first then it can be served.
  • Jang-Geum:
    I will use a faster method to dry it.
  • Sexton:
    Under such good weather, we need at least four days to dry it, it will taste nice. Now still not the time yet, need to dry it ... Even if you dry it now it won't be nice. My goodness. What should I do now?
  • Sexton:
    May I come in? Everyone, I have finished drying the Jin Xia rice.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Nanny, here. Come.
  • Sexton:
    It is a bit hard, you need to chew it.
  • Madam nanny:
    This is the one, this is the rice! Now I can ... die peacefully. When I go, please remember to put this rice in my coffin. Because I want to give it to my brother.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Secret recipe? There is none. Uncle, you do not have secret recipes. Those nice dishes, the rice which has got rid of nanny's regrets, they are all being dried and kept, dried and kept. The sincerity and time, this is the secret recipe.
  • Sexton:
    That's right. My mom used to tell me. Eating may not make the stomach full. That is why, we need to be sincere to make the stomach full. Therefore no matter how busy we are, we should not let some one eat something that has not been dried completely.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • >Top Jang-Geum:
    Actually, I always complain about my master. I lost in the competition. She used to praise me for my talents. But now even my talents are denied. I did try my very best. But I realize I was wrong. The effort I put in at that time, was the effort to win. After I have come here, I still hope to find out what is other's secret recipes. But there was no secret recipes at all. Only the sincere effort of cooking rice and dishes that is the secret recipe. I thought nanny will be dying soon. that was why, I wanted to use a faster way to dry the rice. But I could not convince her. The faithful uncle, the rice which he sincerely dried it under the sun was able to convince the nanny. That's why my master told me. My master was worried that I would become proud because of my talents.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    I envy you. You really have such a good master. Your master was worried that if you are only concerned about winning. And would use any ways including bad ways. She did this for your own good. But I strongly believe that it was a mistake you make. Jang-Geum, I am sure that you'll not forsake the smile those who tasted your food. I believe you, you are not someone like that.
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • カンドック:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • そら、お日様が干してくれるんですよ。
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • 尚宮様がオルゲサルをお探しで?
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • 処士:
  • 保母尚宮:
  • チャングム:
    秘法なんて... 秘法がある訳ではなかたんだわ。処士様、秘法なんてある訳じゃなかったんですね。あの美味しい山菜も、尚宮様の願いを叶えたあの米も、日に干してはしまい、また干してはしまい... 真心と時間、それがすべてだったのですね。
  • 処士:
  • チャングム:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:

  • 참으로 좋은 스승님을 두셨습나다. 목표를 이룬다는 핑계로 서나인이 편법적인 삶을 살까 두려우셨던 모양입니다. 하지만 전 믿습니다. 잠시 실수를 했을지 모르지만, 서나인이 먹는 사람의 얼굴에 미소가 지어졌으면 하는 소망 으로 음식을 만드는 그 소박한 소망을 버릴 분이 아닙니다.

>Top 17. Plague and trick:

  • Madam Han:
    You come and taste this. Why do you always want me to repeat?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Madam Han:
    Continue to chew it.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, once I chew longer the taste would come out. Compares to the soft fresh seafood, this one is crunchy. At the beginning the smell goes up to the nose. Later on it is nice to chew. At last it leaves a refreshing feeling.
  • Madam Han:
    This is barbeque fish. The people lives by the seaside always eat this food. I was near Chi Wu Pu. I met someone from the beach and I got to know about it. This is the seafood that is available in all four seasons.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Is this good for health as well?
  • Madam Han:
    I have consulted the doctor on the way back. It does have the effect of clearing the phlegm, it can even improve digestion and blood circulation. It has the function of clearing the intestine as well. This is a very good food for the king.
  • Jang-Geum:
    So, this time we can really ...
  • Madam Han:
    We must win, must win.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam have you forgiven me? Madam, have you? Have you? Madam, please forgive me.
  • Madam Han:
    How can I not know you good character? But when a person starts to change. She will change according to her environment without her knowing it. Especially when it comes to emergency, she will not care whether what she does in right or wrong. Because everyone would be only thinking of solving the problem faced. But if this happens the road taken will be further and further away from the straight path. If continues on, she will no longer able to find the direction of the road supposed to be taken will be lost. She will only see the problems and difficulties ahead of her.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, madam. Now I will never forget your teaching.
  • Madam Han:
    Alright, it's fine now.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Madam, you are very similar to my mom who passed away.


  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
    勝たねば... 勝てるわ
  • チャングム:
    尚宮様... といことは許して頂けるんですよね?ね?ね?尚宮様...そうですよね?ね?尚宮様、お許し下さい、ね?
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:

>Top 18. Faith of a cook:

  • Jang-Geum:
    Sir, even though I am only a palace girl, but I do know a bit of food nutrition and medication. Even though we who cook are low in status. But we will not present food that is harmful to you. Sir, you have diabetes disease. You have just come from a far away land. I believe your sickness has become worse.
  • Oh Gyom-Ho
    Therefore you are taking medicines.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Diabetes disease will not improve by merely taking medicines. If you do not have healthy diet, even if you eat all kinds of medicines it will not help. Therefore Madam Han forsake the chance to perform her excellent cooking skills and put a lot of thoughts into preparing dishes that are helpful to your health. Besides, Sir will have to continue your journey in a few more days. If you don't improve your health now, your disease will become worse. Now your tongue's sense of taste is becoming numb. Sir, you must understand. Please give me ten days. No, five days. you will follow this diet, I am very sure it will make a big difference in your health.
  • Oh Gyom-Ho
    How dare you! How dare you say so much of things in front of an ambassador. Take her out immediately!
  • Ambassador:
    Wait. Don't do it first. Did you say five days?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, five days.
  • Ambassador:
    If in five days my health does not improve, are you willing to be punished according to my way? Really?
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Ambassador:
    Even at the expense of your life? Good, I don't have to kill you, but if after five days my health still has not improved, I will punish you according to the law of my country. But, you do know I am very picky on food. Even if it is good for health, I do not like to eat food that is not delicious. If it is vegetables and herbs I still can bear with it, but I can't tolerate food that are not delicious. Can you do it?
  • Jang-Geum:
    This one you don't have to worry, Sir. Madam Han is very good in ...
  • Ambassador:
    I want you to do it. This thing is caused by you. I want you to do it.


  • チャングム:
  • オギョモ:
  • チャングム:
  • オギョモ:
  • 正使:
  • チャングム:
  • 正使:
  • チャングム:
  • 心配には及びません。尚宮様の腕ならば...
  • 正使:
  • チャングム:
  • 正使:
  • >Top Ambassador:
    In the past I love all kinds of tasty food. So I have this diabetes disease of many years. I am too weak. I do understand those food will bring harm to the body. However, I don not have self control. I am not your citizen, and I will not stay here for long. Whatever I love to eat, you just need to present it to me. Why are you so stubborn?
  • Sir Shang Shen:
    Answer quickly.
  • Jang-Geum:
    I ... I only obey Madam Han's teaching.
  • Ambassador:
    What teaching is that?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Under all circumstances we must not present any food that will bring harm to the body. This is the determination one should have while preparing the food.
  • Ambassador: 
    Aren't you afraid that this will bring danger to your life?  
  • Jang-Geum:
    I am afraid Madam Han was rejected by you. You have made me feel bad and shocked too.
  • Ambassador:
    Both of you are stubborn master and disciple. Good. Very good, I understand. One who prepare the food will stand firm in her own conviction and principle. Those who eat must have the same conviction too. The one who prepares the food has been thinking of protecting my health. But I did not bother I eat whatever I wanted to eat. I have neglected my body. how can I be eating food that bring harm to my body? Thus, the eater should obey the same principle too. And you have been using the same flavoring in the food prepared by you. Thus, the taste of the vegetables are all light and mild. But, the more I eat, the more tasty it becomes. I can feel the original taste. It is delicious. This is another type of flavor which I have not tasted before. Although Korea is a small country with a small population, but you heart is even bigger than our homeland. Before I leave this place, all my meals will be prepared by your master and you who have been so stubborn.
  • 正使:
  • 長番内侍:
  • チャングム:
  • 正使:
  • チャングム:
  • 正使:
  • チャングム:
  • 正使:
  • 먹는 가에게도 도리가 있는 것이었어.

    더구나 네가 을린 음식이 처음엔 갖은 향신료에 절어 있던터

    라 풀 냄새만 나더니 먹으면 먹을 수록 그 재료의 고유의 맛이

    느껴지면서 참으로 맛있었다. 또 다른 맛의 공간이더구나.

    비록 조선의 작은 망덩이에 사는 네 배포와 심지는 데륙 땅보다 크구아.

>Top 19. Mano a mano:

  • Jang-Geum:
    Madame, your hand is shivering. Madam, when you are shivering, you look very adorable.
  • Madam Han:
  • Jang-Geum:
    I believe in you. Madam, I really believe in you. I am not sure if madam would surely win the competition. but I believe that madam will stand firm in your conviction. Even if your hand is shivering, but I believe that your heart will never be shaken. Madam, you are someone who stand firm in your own conviction.


  • チャングム:
  • ハン尚宮:
  • チャングム:
  • >Top Meong-Yi (voice)
    Bek Gyong, Bek Gyong! To present the dish for the king, let us prepare Ba Gua soup.
  • Madam Han:
    Meong-Yi ...
  • Meong-Yi (voice)
    Every time, when I see the Dung Chong Xia Cao in the Ba Qua soup, I think of you. Dung Chong means in winter the herb is an insect, Xia Cao means in summer it turns into mushroom.
  • Madam Han:
  • Meong-Yi (voice)
    I don't know, I just feel a bit sad. Although I feel sad when it turns into mushroom. It is very healthy for he person who eat it. Just like you ...
  • ミョンイ (声):
  • ハン尚宮:
  • ミョンイ (声):
  • ハン尚宮:
  • ミョンイ (声):

20. Abduction:

  • Yon-Seng:
    Madame Han why is she not back yet? You need to do all the work, it it so hard for you. What should we do, jang-Geum? If we lose again we are finished. What should we do? Besides, the round supposed to present Ba Gua soup. But our ingredients are not enough. What should we do, Jang-Geum? What should we do?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yon-Seng. Sometimes we just have to go with the flow.
  • Yon-Seng:
    What do you mean?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Which mean in certain circumstances, even there is no solutions we still need to go on with it. This is the time. Now we can only go with the flow. We need to get rid of our fear. Get rid of our mind sets. ... This it the way, right? Mom? Now I can only use the methods recorded by you, Mom. Mom, you need to help me.


  • ヨンセン:
  • チャングム:
  • ヨンセン:
  • チャングム:

>Top 21. Taste of wild berries:

  • Jang-Geum :
    I have prepared the best dish, too.
  • Empress Dowager:
  • King:
    What is it?
  • Jang-Geum:
    This is mountain berries.
  • Empress Dowager:
    What? You said this mountain berries?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes, Empress Dowager.
  • Empress Dowager:
    This is your best cuisine, what is the reason?
  • Jang-Geum:
    Mountain berries was the last food that I let my mother eat before she died. My mom was injured, she did not have any appetite to eat. At that time I was very worried about my mom. So I found these wild berries. But I was worried that my mother could not swallow. So I chewed it first before I put it in her mouth. After my mom ate the food I had sincerely prepared. She smiled at me, and passed away. Your highness, you are the parents all nations. I hope you even if you were to just eat such small berry, you would be like my mom to respond with a smile. I hope you would use your kindness and grace to protect the nations. I present this cuisine with the same heart that I presented it to my mom.
  • King:
    This is so delicious. I will never forget the feeling yo had when your mom left you. Just like she was worried when she left you alone in this world, what you would do. I will also have the same heart towards my nation in my dealing with the nations. The mountain berries, to me, this is the best cuisine. And you are .... the best kitchen place girl in the whole of Korea!
  • Empress Dowager:
    Since the KIng has already said that I have nothing to say.
  • >Top King:
    No, Empress, what I said is only my personal opinion towards this palace girl. The competition is still conducted by you at the end. The end results will be judge by you.
  • Empress Dowager:
    I know. but since your highness ...
  • King:
    No. Empress. You don't have to bother what I have just said. You will give the final result.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Well ...
  • Queen:
    Empress, I want to put aside the result. On the other hand, I would very much like to meet the child's master, madam Han.
  • Empress Dowager:
    Me too.
  • Madam Jung:
    I would like to inform express that Madam Han is back.
  • King:
    Really? If that is the case, then ask her to come in. I would very much like to meet her.
  • Empress Dowager:
    You did not even prepare the ingredients well. And did not even come back on time. My heart was on Madam Choi's side. But, you could train up such an excellent child. This is one of the quality a top madam needs to have. You have such a clever and witty disciple, this is you blessing. Now that I have seen you face to face. It confirms what I have been thinking.
  • King:
    Further more if your disciple is already so good, you skill must be even better.
  • Empress Dowager:
    The King has nothing but praises for your personal assistant and your capability, which means, the King is more determined that me in this. Alright then in order to respect the King I will decide Madam Han as the place Kitchen's top madam


  • チャングム:
  • 大妃:
  • 王:
  • チャングム:
  • 大妃:
  • チャングム:
  • 王:
  • チャングム:
  • 王:
  • 大妃:
  • 王:
  • 大妃:
  • 王:
  • 大妃:
  • 中殿:
  • 大妃:
  • チョン尚宮:大妃様!恐れながらハン尚宮が戻りましてございます。
  • 王:そうか、ならばハン尚宮を呼ぶがよい。直ちにここへ連れてくるのだ。
  • 大妃:
  • 王:
  • 大妃:
  • >Top Madam Jung:
    Even though, there are people coming and going in the palace, but the palace is a lonely place. Perhaps everyone is lonely. That is why there is jealousy and suspicions. Because of loneliness they desire for the King's approval, and strive to please the King. Because of loneliness, they desire for wealth. Therefore hurt others. Because of loneliness, they desire for power. Therefore abuse the authority in their hands. You need to understand them and have mercy on them. Just like the way you stand firm in your conviction. You also need to try to understand these people. Your determination and decisiveness will only make people feel that you are a scary stranger.
  • チョン尚宮:

>Top 23. Exposure of embezzlement:

  • Madam Han:
    Now, I will continue to fulfill the mission which was held on by our previous lofty Madam Jung. Taste is equal. Whatever your status is you still need to learn from one another. You need to praise one another from your heart. In order to help one another to grow, we need to have the same heart. The kitchen is a place to prepare meals for people. Whatever the reason is I will continue Madam Jung's mission. I will absolutely not allow any other things to happen in the imperial kitchen. I will also support Madam Jung's will. All of you should bear with one another's burden and pain. And we should have the conviction of being one family, no differences between one another. This is Madam Jung's wish. It is also mine. This is all I have to say.
    Now, I will announce the new responsibilities. First, Madam Choi of the imperial kitchen will be transferred to the sauce department. Next Madam Li of the sauce department will be transferred to the kitchen. Next, in order to replace Madam Jung there are more madams in the eastern palace. Thus, Madam Chi will also be transferred over to the imperial kitchen. Finally, all the rest of the madams will remain in the same positions. And all the assistants will also remain in the same position. But, I want to add a new role which has not been there before. From King Tai Zong onwards until King Shi Zong this role was there at first, later it became a puppet role. In the end, during King Yan Shan this role was eliminated. I want to bring back this role again. The role is the auditor. The person will be going to all the different kitchen. She will get all the figures of the number of stocks in the storage house, the grocery stores, Nei Zhan temple to find out if there is any discrepancy in the stock. It will be compared and recorded. I feel that there is no need for another Madam to take this place. Thus, I will let Jang-Geum handle this. Although she is only an assistant, she has a role to play and she has to do stock check in different places. I hope that all of you will assist her. Understand?
  • All:
    Yes ...


  • ハン尚宮:
  • 全員:

>Top 24. Impeding crisis:

  • Min Jio-Ho:
    How can this thing happen? Although it could be the desire for power and wealth.
  • Jang-Geum:
    That is why I am here to ask for your help. Things that happened in my childhood were so frightening to me that I have never thought of finding any further information. But actually I rally want to find out how is my dad now.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Please don't worry. I will help you to investigate. I thought you know all about it. He has been a soldier in the internal security unit. He was being framed up. But, ever since the current King took over the throne all of the people who were framed up have been released. I am sure there are information about this matter. Tomorrow I will inform you after my investigation.
  • Jang-Geum:
    Yes. And another thing. My mother's incident I am not sure if we could still punish those people. Can you help me to find out?
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    This incident I think the people involved should be punished. But your letter of proof is missing. Besides, the incident of Madam Han being kidnapped, even the police department were helping them to cover up this case as well. Until now I still do not know how big Sir Cui corporation's influence is.
  • Jang-Geum:
    So does that mean there is no other ways?
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Actually now I am out of the palace, is because I want to secretly investigate Sir Cui and Sir Wu, and the forces behind them. although we have all the audited accounts, and we have impeached them before. But this has instead put us in greater danger. Please wait a little longer. Although now it is impossible for us to use that matter to punish them. But when we are able to expose all their crimes, then we would also use your mom and dad's incident to punish them as well.
  • Jang-Geum:
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Although you have ben trough so much, but you are still very strong.
  • Jang-Geum:
    I am not strong. I just don't know what are the ways to survive.
  • Min Jio-Ho:
    Jang-Geum. From now on can I share your burden and pain in your heart?
  • > Continued: 25. Enemy of mother:


  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • チャングム:
  • ミン・ジョンホ:
  • >つづく: 25. 母の敵:


>Top Onara

  • Come, come, forever come
  • Go, go, forever go
  • I'm flying. but even though I'm flying, I can't have fun.
  • No, even though I don't like it, I I won't have fun.
  • heyeeya dieeya
    heyeeyana ranino
  • even though I can't do it, bring me there too
  • heyeeya dieeya
    heyeeyana ranino
  • even though I can't do it, bring me there too


  • Onara onara aju ona
  • ganara ganara ajugana
  • nanari naryodo motnonani
  • aniri aniri aninone
  • heyeeya dieeya
    heyeeyana ranino
  • ojido mothana daryogana
  • heyeeya dieeya
    heyeeyana ranino
  • ojido mothana daryogana


  • 오나라 오나라 아주오나
    가나라 가나라 아주가나

  • 나나니 다려도 못노나니
    아니리 아니리 아니노네

  • 헤이야 디이야
    해이야나 라니노

    오지도 못하나 다려가나

  • 헤이야 디이야
    헤이야나 라니노

    오지도 못하나 다려가나

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