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31. Episode-31:
- King: The Attendant Cheon Dong-yi is no longer an attendant of the Surveillance Bureau. Therefore, from now on, she is a Court Lady who has inherited the graces of the King and will be treated as such.
- Minister Oh Tae-seok: Your Majesty, the graces of the King? What do you mean?
- King: Do you not know what that means, minister? I hope you do not expect me to explain what that means to you?
- Minister Oh Tae-seok: Your Majesty.
31. トンイ承恩尚宮に:
- 王:よかろう。そなた等の望み通り、女官チョン・ドンイの取り調べを許可しよう。たった今、チョン・ドンイの取り調べを内禁府に許可した。しかし、まずそなた達が知るべきことがある。宮廷入りするチョン・ドンイは、今日からカムチャルブの女官ではない。チョン・ドンイは、今日より承恩尚宮として相応の待遇を受ける。
- オ・テソク:王様、承恩とは一体どうことでしょうか?
- 王:承恩尚宮の意味がわからぬか?まさか余にその意味を教えろと言うのか?
- King: Look here, Chamberlain Han.
- Han Chamberlain: Yes, Your Majesty.
- King: How should I ... explain this situation to the girl? I mean in my haste. I went ahead and created this situation in order to protect Dong-yi. But I do no know how Dong-yi will accept all of this.
- Han Chamberlain: How she will accept this, Your Majesty?
- King: How long have I known her without any ulterior motives? But all of a sudden ... this means I want to marry her. Wouldn't she be very shocked?
- Han Chamberlain: Is that what you were thinking? You weren't just bestowing your graces to her. In your heart you considered this as a step toward marrying her?
- King: Of course. I am just curious about how she feels. I hope that she is not just accepting this because she is a court lady and has no choice but because she, too, has some feelings for me.
- Han Chamberlain: Your Majesty, forgive me. But may I offer you my opinion? If that is how Your Majesty feels then you should tell her exactly what you feel in your heart. What else besides that would be necessary?
- 王:ところでハン内官、このことをトンイにどう説明したらよい?トンイを守ろうと思って、余の独断で急ぎ事を進めたのだが...トンイがこれをどう受け留めるか、それが心配でならぬ。
- ハン内官:どう受けとめるかとおっしゃいますと?
- 王:これまでずっと友達として接してきた。なのにいきなり、何というか、夫婦にと言えば、きっとかなり驚くであろう。
- ハン内官:そこまでお考えで。承恩尚宮に任命するのは形だけではなく、実際に契りを結ぶおつもりなのですね。
- 王:もちろんだ。だが、余はトンイの気持ちが気になる。王命だからと仕方なく従うのではなく、トンイの心も少しは余に向いていて欲しいのだ。
- ハン内官:王様、僭越ながら一言申し上げてよろしいでしょうか?そこまでお考えなら王様の想いをそのままお伝え下さい。それ以上他に何が必要でしょうか?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, are you aware of this? I think there's been a misunderstanding. I am afraid Chamberlain Han made a mistake.
- King: What? A mistake?
- Dong-yi: Yes. When Your Majesty came by the private residence last night, I think he misunderstood that ... So the Matrons keep telling me ...
- King: Wait ... Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Majesty.
- King: That is not a mistake. That was my command.
- Dong-yi: Do you mean all of this was commanded by Your Majesty? This royal dress, the quarters ... and that you bestowed your graces to me. All of it?
- King: Yes. I have done it all.
- Dong-yi: Why? Why did you do that?
- King: Have you forgotten? Did I not say that I would do everything I could do for you?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: It was all done to protect you. I could not let you stay in the capital with all its dangers. Nor could I let you just return to the palace, where you would paint you as a criminal. You've risked your life to provide a great service to me and the court, it is natural that I must protect you. Then as a Matron Of Grace no one will be able to treat you as they wish, because that means they are insulting me, the King.
- Dong-yi: But, Your Majesty. Even if that is the case, this just cannot be. Is this not lying to everyone?
- King: It is not a complete lie.
- Dong-yi: What?
- King: Because at least this is my heart ...
- トンイ:王様、ご存知ありませんか?何か誤解されたようです。ハン内官様が勘違いされたようです。
- 王:何?勘違い?
- トンイ:はい、夕べ王様が別邸に来られたから... きっと勘違いされたのです。皆が私のことを....
- 王:待て、トンイ。
- トンイ:はい、王様。
- 王:勘違いではない。余がそのように命を下した。
- トンイ:えっ?...それでは本当に王様が命を下されたのですが。この服もこの住まいも。それに私を承恩尚宮にすることも全て...
- 王:そうだ、余が命じた。
- トンイ:どうしてそのようなことを?
- 王:言ったとおり、そなたのため余ができることをしたのだ。
- トンイ:王様。
- 王:これはそなたを守るためだ。都にいれば命を狙われる。とは言えそのまま宮殿に戻せば罪人扱いにされる。そなたは余と国のために命をかけてくれた。そんなそなたを守るのは当然だ。承恩尚宮ならば誰も無闇に手を出すことはない。なぜなら王を冒涜することになるからな。
- トンイ:でも王様、たとえそうでもこれはいけません。周りの皆を欺く嘘ではありませんか?
- 王:そうとも言い切れぬ。
- トンイ:えっ? ...
- 王:少なくとも余は本気だ。
- King: Give me your hand. What are you doing? Hurry and give me your hand.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Do you recall? When you and I met in the marketplace long ago, I bought it because I thought it would suit you. But even I did not know then that that's how I felt.
- Dong-yi: Your ... Your Majesty.
- King: This is not a misunderstanding or a mistake. I sincerely wish to give you my heart. So will you give it some thought? I mean, if you will stay by my side and accept my feelings.
- 王:ちょっと手を出せ。どうした?早く出さぬか?
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:覚えているか?以前そなたと市場で会ったとき、似合うか思って買ったのだ。あの時、気付いてはいなかった。それが余の想いだとはな。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:今回のことは誤解でも勘違いでも嘘でもない。そなたを想う気持ちは本物だ。だから考えてみてくれぬか?余の側にいて余の想いを受け入れて欲しいのだ。
- King: Why is my heart pounding like this? Should I call the physician? Good heavens ... How strange ...
- 王:なぜ動悸が激しいのだ。主治医を呼ぶか... どうしたことだ... おかしいな。
- Cheon Matron: Now, what does that mean? His Majesty did not bestow his graces?
- Dong-yi: His Majesty only said so, because he feared I would be in danger, when I returned to the palace.
- Cheon Matron: I see. So that is how he tried to protect you. However, does that fact change anything now? Is that not His Majesty's will?
- Dong-yi: My Lady, that is ...
- Cheon Matron: Dong-yi. I think this may be the last time I can call you Dong-yi. So please listen to me considering I was once someone who had taught you.
- Dong-yi: My Lady.
- Cheon Matron: Now, many people will make your life difficult. They will say you are not qualified that you are unacceptable.
- Dong-yi: But they are all correct. How could I rise to such a position?
- Cheon Matron: No. you are more qualified than anyone else. Have you forgotten? When you first came to the Surveillance Bureau, although you were a lowborn you said that it did not mean your heart was lowly as well. And you showed us that your words were correct. You became a most qualified and confident Surveillance Lady. So how can you say that this is an impossible thing? Your have already surpassed your status with your will. So what could you no accomplish?
- Dong-yi: My Lady. But even if that were true I cannot stay in this position, my Lady.
- Cheon Matron: Dong-yi
- チョン尚宮:どういうことなのだ。承恩尚宮ではないと?
- トンイ:宮廷に戻っても危険に晒されないよう王様のお心遣いです。
- チョン尚宮:そうだったか?お前を守るためなのだな。それでもだからと言って何も変わることはない。これは王様のお気持ちなのだ。
- トンイ:尚宮様、ですが....
- チョン尚宮:トンイ、トンイと呼ぶのはもうこれが最後となるかも知れない。かつてお前を指導した者の言葉だと思って聞いて欲しい。これから多くの困難がやって来よう。お前には資格がない不相応だとそう言われるであろう。
- トンイ:ですが、それは本当のことです。私などはこのような座にはつけません。
- チョン尚宮:いいや、お前は誰よりその資格を持っている。覚えているか?カムチャルブに来た時、お前は、賤民だが志までは賤しくないと言った。そしてその言葉が正しいことを証明した。今では堂々としたカムチャルブの女官だ。なのになぜ不相応だなどと言うのだ。自力で身分を超えたのだ。だから自信を持ってよい。
- トンイ:尚宮様 ...ですが、やはり私はこの座にいる訳にはいかないのです。私は王様のお側にいられるような者ではありません。とてもいられないのです。いてはいけません。
- チョン尚宮:どういうことだ?トンイ?なぜお側にいられない?... トンイ?
- Dong-yi: Isn'5 is strange? I am uncomfortable, too.
- Cheon-soo: No. I am staring because you look pretty. n I thought you were a different person.
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: But why is your countenance so gloomy when you are wearing such lovely clothes? Are you worried about something?
- Dong-yi: I am not sure ... what I am supposed to do. If it is all right for me to stay here like this? I keep wondering if it is wrong to be here.
- Cheon-soo: Is it because of the past?
- Dong-yi: It will be revealed eventually that. I am my father's daughter. That my father was the leader of the Swordsmen Society who was wanted by the Police Bureau.
- Cheon-soo: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: I have never been afraid of this. Because the reason why I entered the palace in the first place was to find the people who wrongfully drove the Swordsmen Society to their death. But to the people of the world my father is merely a criminal. And I am merely a fugitive daughter of a criminal.
- Cheon-soo: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: But then, could I stay at His Majesty's side, just as I am, while hiding the truth from His Majesty? How could I?
- Cheon-soo: Then do you want to run away? Can you do that?
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: Like when you knew nothing, before you knew His Majesty. Can you live like that?
- トンイ:おかしいでしょ?何だか窮屈で...
- チョンス:いいや、きれいで見とれてた。すっかり別人じゃないか?
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん。
- チョンス:きれいな服を着ているのに暗い顔をしてどうした?心配事でもあるのか?
- トンイ:私、どうしたらいいのか、わからないの。こうして私がここにいていいのかしら。そんなことできる訳ないって思えてきて仕方ないの。
- チョンス:昔のことが気になるのか?
- トンイ:いつかは知られるでしょう。私が誰の娘か、私の父が国から追われるコムゲの頭だったことが。
- チョンス:トンイ...
- トンイ:それを恐れたことはないわ。私が宮廷に入ったのも、コムゲを無残な死に追いやった人達を探し出すためだったのだから。でも世間の人にとっては父は罪人でしかない。私は逃げ隠れする罪人の娘よ。
- チョンス:トンイ...
- トンイ:そんな私が王様のお側にいられるはずがないの。王様にそのことを隠して、どうやって....
- チョンス:なら、一緒に逃げるか?それができるか?
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん...
- チョンス:何も知らなかった頃のように、王様を知らなかった頃のように、生きる覚悟はあるのか?
- King: Have you forgotten already?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: I told you. I told you never to make me endure life without you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: What is it? What is causing you so much pain, Dong-yi? Can you not let me share the burden? No. You do not have to tell me. Can you just stay by my side?
- Dong-yi: May I ... May I really be by your side, Your Majesty? Wtha is what I want to do. If only I can I'd like to receive you heart and give Your Majesty mine. May I dare do that ... just as I am, Your Majesty?
- King: Dong-yi ...
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty ...
- King: Dong-yi.
- 王:もう忘れたのか?
- トンイ:王様
- 王:二度とそなたのおらぬ苦しみは味わいたくはないと言ったではないか。
- トンイ:王様。
- 王:何なのだ?そなたをこれほどまでに苦しめるものは?それを余と分かち合うことはできぬのか?いや、よい。話さなくともよいのだ。ただ余の側にいてはくれぬだろうか?
- トンイ:私がそうしてもよいのですか?。私もそうしたいです。もしそれが許されるのなら、お心を受け入れ、私の心を捧げます。私などが本当にお側にいてもよいのですか?王様...
- 王:トンイ...
- 王:这么快就忘记了吗。
- 同伊:陛下。
- 王:我不是说过。我说再也别让我。独自忍受没有你的日子吗。
- 同伊:陛下。
- 王:是什么,让你这般痛苦的事究竟是什么,同伊。... 难道你,不能让我与你一起分但吗。... 罢了。你不告诉我也没关系。你就只管留在我身边。难道不行吗。
- 同伊:小的... 小的真的可以还么做吗,陛下。小的也很想那么做。若是能那么做,小的何尝不想,接受陛下的心意。将我的心意献给陛下。这样的我,真的可以...真的可以这么做吗,陛下。
- 王:同伊。
32. Episode-32:
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty...
- King: You have come, Dong-yi.
- Fan Jushik: Lady Cheon.
- King: Hurry up and sit down.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, what is going on here?
- King: I thought it was about time you'd be feeling restless. So I wanted to get you some fresh air. Am I wrong? You always ran around like a Hunting Dog. But now you're trapped in the palace. So you must be suffering.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- Fan: In fact, we also really wanted to see you. So when His Majesty called us, we came running here.
- King: That is true. They really came running over here. How tactless of them.
- Yondal: How now. That's ...
- King: Why does it taste so bitter today?
- Yondal: He said that we should come.
- Fan: You wanted to come first.
- King: Drink up.
- Yondal: He said we should come here, first.
- King: You are still here?
- Yondal: We were just about to, about to go.
- Dong-yi: Sirs ...
- King: I'm joking ... Why are you so easily fooled? A I really good at this?
- Yondal: On one can follow Your Majesty's skills.
- ....
- Yondal: Now ... Dong-yi. Have a drink, too. When will we ever be able to share a drink like this again?
- Fan: I told you to call her my Lady.
- Yondal: I just keep forgetting to do that ...
- Dong-yi: It's all right, sir. It's not easy for me to talk informally, either. You can call me freely until you're used to it.
- Fan: Your Majesty, please allow me to pour you a drink.
- Yondal: Dong-yi ... Dong-yi... You must understand today. I've called your name for so many years. How could I stop so suddenly?
- Fan: Your Majesty, it is because this fellow is drunk, so please understand, Your Majesty.
- King: It is all right. I called you here so we could enjoy ourselves.
- Yondal: What di I tell you? I told you even His Majesty will understand today. So, Dong-yi...You should take a big gulp of this, too. Yes. Here, one gulp. Gulp. Yes.
- King: Why you, that hand. Whose hand do you dare touch?
- Dong-yi: Your ... Your Majesty.
- Yondal: Please .... please forgive me, Your Majesty. I've committed a horrible crime.
- King: Yes. So you are aware of the crime you've committed. Then, I must cut off that hand.
- Yondal: What ... my hand?
- King: Look here! Bring me a cleaver!
- Yondal: Your Majesty.
- Fan: Your Majesty.
- King: What are you doing? I said I must cut off his hand!
- Dong-yi: You want to cut off his hand? Why?
- King: What? Can I not do that?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Ha, ha, ha... It's a joke ... I'm pulling your leg!
- Yondal: Your Majesty, that went too far.
- Dong-yi: How could you tell such a joke? I was scared to death that you were serious.
- King: It was not a complete joke. I almost lost my temper before.
- Yondal: Your Majesty, I won't ever touch Dong ...I mean I won't even touch the Lady's hem ever again.
- King: Yes. Now, I am sorry to scare you. Have a drink.
- Yondal: Yes, Your Majesty.
- Fan: I was a bit shocked, but I am still very happy.
- King: Really? What do you mean?
- Fan: Because Your Majesty cares so much for our Lady.
- Dong-yi: Sir.
- Fan: Your Majesty, please always cherish our Lady as you do now. If only you would do that then it is all right if you cut off this hand twelve times over.
- Yondal: Sir, that's no right.
- King: Yes, do no worry. I will give you my word as a man.
- Fan: Your Majesty, your grace overwhelms me.
- Yondal: Your grace overwhelms me.
- King: Yes, now ... drink it all up.
- トンイ:王様
- 王:おう、やっと来たか?
- ファン・ジシュク:尚宮様、チョン尚宮様。
- トンイ:王様、一体どういうことですか?
- 王:宮廷は窮屈な所だ。そろそろ息抜きが必要であろう。違うか?あちこち駆け回っていたのに、宮廷に閉じ込められたら息が詰まるであろう
- トンイ:王様 ...
- ファン:私達も丁度尚宮様のことを恋しくて、お誘いいただき飛んできました。
- 王:本当だぞ。呼んだらすぐさますっ飛んできた。気が利かぬ。全く... 今日は苦いな。
- ヨンダル:あの、ファン様に誘われて...
- ファン:お前が行こうと言っただろう。
- 王:まあ、飲め。
- ヨンダル:ファン様が誘ったのです。
- 王:まだ居たのか?
- ヨンダル:ああ、今帰ろうかと...
- トンイ:ヨンダルさん、ファン様も...
- 王:冗談だ、冗談。あははは。
- ファン:あははは。
- 王:すぐに騙されるな。余の腕がいいのかな。
- ヨンダル:王様には叶いませんよ。...
- ....
- ヨンダル:ほらほら、トンイ、お前も飲めよ。次はいつ一緒に飲めるか分からないだから。
- ファン:これヨンダル!尚宮様だろう。
- ヨンダル:あ、すみません。すぐ忘れてしまって。
- とんい:いいんですよ。ヨンダルさん。私もすぐ敬語が出て、慣れるまで構いませんよ、ね。
- ファン:王様ももう一杯如何ですか?
- ヨンダル:トンイ、トンイ、今日ぐらいは....何年もトンイ、トンイって呼んでいたんだ。トンイ、急には変えられないだろう。
- ファン:王様、こいつは酔っていますので...どうか大目に見てやって下さい。
- 王:構わぬ。楽しくやるために誘ったのだ。
- ヨンダル:そうですよ。今日は王様もお許し下さったんですからね。だから、トンイ、お前も一息にぐっと飲み干せ。
- 王:やめよ。その手!誰の手を握っていると思っているのだ?
- ヨンダル:も、申し訳ありません。私...大変な罪を...
- 王:罪を犯したということはわかっているのだな。よし、ではその手を切り落とす!
- ヨンダル:へっ、手を!
- 王:誰か、刀を持って参れ!
- ヨンダル:王様!
- 王:何をしておる!手を切り落とすのだ。
- トンイ:えっ、王様、手を切り落とすだなんて...やめて下さい。
- 王:何だ、いけないのか?
- トンイ:王様!
- 王:はははは、冗談だ、冗談。
- ヨンダル:王様、あんまりです。
- トンイ:本当に、冗談にも程があります。本当にどうしようかと思いました。
- 王:少しは本気だ。一瞬、頭に血が昇った。
- ヨンダル:王様、これからトンイ...いや尚宮様のどこにも触れませんから。
- 王:さま、驚かせて悪かったな。余が注ごう。
- ファン:いや、驚きはしましたが、私はうれしいです。
- 王:何?王様が尚宮様をとても大事にされていて...
- トンイ:ファン様
- ファン:王様、どうかいつまでも尚宮様を大事になさって下さい。そのためでしたら、こいつの手位、いくらでも切っていただいて構いません。
- 王:ああずっと大事にする。男として約束は必ず守る。
- ファン:王様、ありがとうございます。
- ヨンダル:ありがとうございます。
33. Episode-33:
- Ok-jeong: You will stake your life. So release the attendants of your quarters? It seems you are making such an arrogant bargain, trusting His Majesty will support you. But you are wrong. This is the Inner Court. One's life or death is determined by a word, and even His Majesty has no say in what happens in the Inner Court.
- Dong-yi: I am aware of that.
- Ok-jeong: Yet, you still wish to do so? Why is that? Did you want to win over your subordinates' heart by showing such determination? Sometimes, it seems you are the scariest person of all. At first, you said you weren't qualified to be a court lady. But in the end you've harbored the same ambition as I. Am I wrong?
- Dong-yi: Did Your Highness stand up for me so long ago because of such ambitions? I do not know what you are calling ambition? But if you mean what it takes to do the right thing, then yes. I have that kind of ambition, Your Highness. I will not let anyone be wrongfully punished for a crime that did not commit. As if it is natural, as if it is nothing at all, people with power in this country and in this place have let this happen too easily. But I will do everything in my power from my position to make sure it does not happen. Because that is why I believe I have been given this position that I do not deserve.
- Ok-jeong: Yes, then why don't you try. You are still bursting with foolish and futile vigor. As if it is natural, as if it is nothing at all. Why do you think such things happen? Because that is power, because that is authority. So you, too, shall realize very soon that from your position with your meager authority, you are unable to accomplish anything.
- オクチョン:そなたの命を懸けるから女官達を返せと言うのか?王様がついているから、何をしても助けてもらえると思うか?それは違う。ここはネミョンブだ。言葉一つが命取りになる。王様だろうと口を出すことはできないのだ。
- トンイ:わかっております。
- オクチョン:なのに命を懸けるというのか?何のためだ。覚悟を見せ、そなたに仕える者を喜ばせようとでも?そなたの方がよほど恐ろしいな。女官の地位など不相応と言いながら、結局の所私と同じ野心があったのだ。違うか?
- トンイ:王妃様が何を野心と言われているのか分かりません。もし正しいことを貫くのが野心だとおっしゃっているのなら、はいそうです、私には野心があると言えます。誰であれ、無実の罪に問われるのを放っておくことはできません。これまでは力のある者が何食わぬ顔で弱い者を虐げてきましたが私は今の立場でできる限りのことをして無実の弱い者を守りたいと思います。それが私に過分な座を与えられた理由だと信じていますから。
- オクチョン:そうか。ではやってみるがいい。そなたは未だ愚かで無謀な夢を語るのだな。力のある者が何食わぬ顔で弱い者を虐げる理由は何だと思う?それが力というものだ。権力というものだからだ。そなたにも直分かるであろう。そなたの立場でそなたの力では何もできぬということをな。
34. Episode-34:
- Choi Yinbok Minister: Your Highness...
- Queen: I am happy about the Crown Prince. His Majesty wished it more than anything else.
- Choi Minister: However, this is not the Crown Prince's matter, but the Queen's matter and Your Highness's matter. Think of the power that they will gain from this. If that happens it may become even harder for Your Highness to return to the Palace.
- Queen: I am sure it will. Perhaps, I will never return to the Palace.
- Chief Matron: Your Highness.
- Queen: I do not know what I can tell you. You all worked so hard on my behalf. It is all because I am inadequate.
- Choi Minister: Your Highness, how could you say such things? It is all because of our lack of loyalty. Please forgive us, Your Highness.
- Queen: Minister.
- Choi Minister: But you must not curb your resolve like this. The Western faction may have lost power in the court, but we are gathering our supporters. We will lay down our lives in order to restore Your Highness to your rightful position!
- チョウ・インボク:王妃様...
- 王妃:世子承認はこれでよいのです。王様が望んでおられたのですから。
- チョウ・インボク:ですが、世子の承認は即ちその母である現王妃の力を強めるものです。これで連中は大きな力を得て、王妃様がまた宮廷に戻られるのはさらに難しくなるかも知れません。
- 王妃:そうですね。もしかしたらこのまま終わるのかも。何と詫びればよいのやら。皆が力になってくれたのに。私が至らないせいです。
- チョウ・インボク:王妃様、何をおっしゃるのです。すべては我々の力が足りなかったせいです。我々をどうかお許し下さい、王妃様。ですが、まだここで諦めてはいけません。朝廷では力をなくした西人ですが、志を共にしています。我々は命を投げ出してでも必ず、王妃様に必ず宮廷に戻っていただきます。
- King: This is the man who helped Lady Cheon in Uiju?
- Chief Palace Guards: That is correct, Your Majesty.
- King: Chief Palace Gurads, I must speak to this man alone, so excuse us.
- Chief Palace Gurads: Yes, Your Majesty.
- King: I am very grateful for what you have done. as a man, I owe you a great debt.
- Shim Woon-taek: A debt? Please do not say that, Your Majesty!
- King: But the reason I called you here, was not only because of the debt of gratitude. There is a task I must entrust you with.
- Shim Woon-taek: Your Majesty?
- 王:チョン尚宮を頼む。
- シム・ウンテク:尚宮様を頼むとおっしゃいますと。恐れながらそれはどういう意味でしょうか?
- 王:つまり宮廷はすべて権力で動く。チョン尚宮はその渦中で生き延びねばならぬ。そなたが以前朝廷にいた頃に出した上奏をすべて読んだ。ぶしつけではあるが実に聡明で気概を感じた。
- シム・ウンテク:恐れ入ります、王様。
- 王:チョン尚宮の力になってくれ。宮廷でつぶされぬよう助けて欲しい。強い支えが必要なのだ。
- Dong-yi: I never even imagined that a thing like this could happen to me.
- Cheon-soo: They must have done this to shake you up. they must have begun digging into you past ever since you returned to the Palace. They must have tried to find something. But they could not have found anything, because I erased everything regarding your past.
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: That is why they have resorted to this method. They are trying to trick you into revealing what yuou've hidden yourself. Do no worry, Dong-yi. Nothing will happen. I already anticipated this. I knew you'd eventually become a Royal Concubine and rise to a higher position. And if that happened you past was bound to be discovered.
- Dong-yi: Brother?
- Cheon-soo: There is something I've been preparing to hide you. but, I did not know that this would happen to you so soon. So Dong-yi, can you trust your brother and wait a bit longer? Then I will handle this situation no matter what. Don't worry Dong-yi. I will protect you.
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- トンイ:まさかこんな方法で来られるとは考えもしなかった。
- チョンス:お前に揺さぶりをかけるつもりだ。宮廷に戻った時からお前のことを調べていたのだろう。何かボロを見つけようとしたのだ。所が何も見つからなかった。俺がすべてお前に関するものを消したからな。
- トンイ:そうなの?
- チョンス:だから、お前の隠したいことをお前自ら明かにするよう連中は仕向けたのだ。大丈夫だ、トンイ。何も心配するな。これ位は予想していた。いつかお前が側室となり、より高い地位を得れば遅かれ早かれ過去のことを調べられるはずだとな。
- トンイ:兄さん。
- チョンス:過去を取り繕う用意はしてある。だが、こんなに早くその日が来るとは思わなかった。いいかトンイ。俺を信じて待っていてくれ。この件は俺が必ず解決して見せる。心配するな。俺がお前を守る。
- トンイ:兄さん。
- Dong-yi: My load, what is the matter? Did you not say that you wished to speak to me? My Lord?
- Chief Palace Guards So Yeon-gui: Long ago, I had a close friend. Although he was a commoner, he was like a teacher to me. Therefore, I trusted him like I trusted myself. But I lost my father to that man. I trusted him with my life but he was the chief of an illegal society of commoners known as the Swordmen Society. And they were murdering nobles. And after that for many years ... I wandered around looking for his daughter. The girl who shared the same name as you.
- Dong-yi: My lord?
- So Yeon-gui: Choi Dong-yi. Was that you? Tell me! The girl I was looking for! Are you that girl? Are you that Dong-yi?
- トンイ:ソ・ヨンギ様、私に話しがあるのでは...ソ・ヨンギ様...
- ソ・ヨンギ:昔のことだが、私には友がいた。賤民ではあったが、師匠のような存在だ。だから自分自身のように信じていた。しかしその男に父を殺された。私が自分自身のように信じていたその男はこの国を揺るがすコムゲの頭でコムゲは何人も人を殺していた。そして私はその後長い間男の娘を探していた。おぬしと同じ名のその娘をだ。
- トンイ:それは...
- ソ・ヨンギ:チェ・ドンイ。おぬしだったのか?おぬしは私が探していたあの娘なのか?あのトンイなのか?
- 同伊:大人,有什么是吗?您不是说有要紧的事要很我说吗。大人。
- 曾从事官:我在多年以前,曾经有位挚友。他虽然是个贱民,与我却亦师亦友。所以我相信他, 就如相信我自己。但是我的父亲却死在他的手里。我曾如性命般相信的那个人,竟然是动摇国之根本的贱民中的不法组识剑契的首领。而他们竟四处诛杀两班贵族,而我在之后许多年,一直寻找那个人的女儿。跟你有相同名字的那孩子就是她。
- 同伊:大人。
- 曾从事官:崔家同伊,那孩子是你吗。你到是说话,我在找的那个孩子, 你就是那个孩子, 同伊对吧。
- 同伊:大人。
- 曾从事官:是不是,那还组就是你对吧。
- 同伊:是,那正是我。就是我。大人一直在找的剑契首长之女。崔家同伊。那正是我本来的名字。
- 曾经céngjīng, once
- 挚友zhìyǒu, intimate friend
- 却(卻)què, but, however
- 手里shǒulǐ, in hand
- 性命xìngmìng, life
- 竟然jìngrán, actually
- 剑契jiàn qì
- 寻找xúnzhǎo, seek, look for
- 崔cuī
- 剑契jiànqì
35. Episode-35:
- Dong-yi: My lord.
- So Yeon-gui: Are you? Are you that child?
- Dong-yi: Yes, I am. It is me. The daughter of the chief of the Swordmen Society, Choi Dong-yi who you've been looking for so long. That is my name. I had thought that eventually a day like this would come and I have to face it. When I first told you a lie at the Police Bureau ... No since the day twelve years ago when I entered the palace in order to survive, in order to find the truth. Since that day I was bracing myself for this moment to come. But, I never expected it to be like this in such circumstances. I never expected the truth to bring pain to you and His Majesty who have trusted me so much.
- So Yeon-gui: Yes. So you do know that I trusted you? No I do not even matter. But, His Majesty ... more than anyone else His Majesty trusted in you. It was like how much I've trusted your father I believe it was the same for His Majesty to have trusted in you and dependent on you. You know? I am a military officer of the court of this land, Lady Cheon. So, no matter what kind of catastrophe this brings. Even if it brings a catastrophe I cannot hide this truth from His Majesty
- Dong-yi: Can you ... Can you allow me to do it? I beg you. Please allow me to tell the truth to His Majesty.
- So Yeon-gui: If you do so you may have peace of mind, but His Majesty ... Do you not realize the pain His Majesty must suffer from hearing the truth from you?
- トンイ:ソ・ヨンギ様。
- ソ・ヨンギ:そうか。おぬしだったのか。
- トンイ:はい、そうです。私です。ソ・ヨンギ様が探していたコムゲの頭の娘チェ・ドンイ、それが私の名前です。いつの日がこうなるであろうと覚悟しておりました。私がポドチョンで嘘をついた時、生き残るため、真実を知るため12年前に宮廷に入ってきた日その時から毎日いつかこのような時が訪れると覚悟しておりました。ですが、こんな形でこんな姿で迎えるとは... 思いもしませんでした。私の過去が私を信じて下さったソ・ヨンギ様そして王様を苦しめることになるとは...
- ソ・ヨンギ:そうか。私がおぬしを信じていたのはわかっている。いや、私のことはどうでもよい。王様が、他でもない王様がおぬしのことを、昔、私がおぬしの父を信じたように自分のことのように信頼していることをわかっているのか?私はこの国の武官だ。チョン尚宮。それ故、この事実がどれだけ大きな騒ぎとなるか、どのような結果を招こうと、王様に隠しておく訳にはいかない。
- トンイ:私に、私に言わせて下さいませんか?どうかお願いします。私から王様に真実を話させて下さい。
- ソ・ヨンギ:そうすればおぬしは楽になるであろう。しかし、王様はおぬしから直接聞かされたらどんな思いをなさるか、なぜ分からんのだ。
- Cheon-soo: How did you know about that?
- So Yeon-gui: I heard it from Lady Cheon. You and Lady Cheon will be dealt with according to the law. I do not wish you to be harmed. So please submit peacefully.
- Cheon-soo: Dong-yi. Please look the other way for her, my lord. It was not the child's fault. Please do not let Dong-yi be hurt, because of something she did not do, my lord.
- So Yeon-gui: Do you not know the laws of this land? Isn't that the reason why Lady Cheon had to hide the truth about her identity?
- Cheon-soo: My lord.
- So Yeon-gui: Do you know what it means to realize your trust was in vain? Do you know waht it feels like to know that the man you trusted the most betrayed you? Choi Hyo-won was the one who taught me that.
- Cheon-soo: The Chief was not the person who did that! Twelve years ago it was not the Swordsmen Society who dit it. Murdering the nobles, or murdering your father, we did not do any of it.
- So Yeon-gui: Do you think such excuses will work at this point?
- Cheon-soo: No. It is not an excuse. I am telling you the truth. Did you say you felt that your trust was in vain? No, you are wrong, my lord. It was you who shattered the Chief's trust.
- So Yeon-gui: What?
- Cheon-soo: It was you who wavered before false testimony. Was it not you who suspected the Chief, my lord?
- So Yeon-gui: I wanted to believe that man. I was prepared to believe anything he told me. But he could not een deny it.
- Cheon-soo: It was because he thought that was the only way to protect you.
- So Yeon-gui: What?
- Cheon-soo: That way you would not devote yourself to the Swordmen's case. Because that way, the Chief could protect you. That was the Chief's trust in you. He trusted that you would one day understand the truth. And so, for his most beloved friend he willingly stood before you and accepted the crime of murdering your father.
- ソ・ヨンギ:信頼を空しく思う気持ちが分かるか?最も信じた者に裏切られた思いがおぬしに分かるか?
- チャンス:ソ・ヨンギ様。
- ソ・ヨンギ:チェ・ヒョウオンが私にそれを教えてくれた。
- チャンス:お頭は殺しとは関係ありません。12年前の事件とコムゲは無関係です。両班やソ・ヨンギ様のお父上を殺したのは我々ではありません。
- ソ・ヨンギ:今更、言い訳が通じると思うか?
- チャンス:いいえ、言い訳ではなくこれが真実です。信頼したのに裏切られた?いいえ、そうではありません。お頭との信頼を崩したのはあなたです。
- ソ・ヨンギ:何?
- チャンス:作られた偽りの証拠に惑わされ、お頭を疑ったのはあなたの方です。
- ソ・ヨンギ:私は信じたかった。あの者が何を言っても信じようとした。だが、あの者は否定すらしなかった。
- チャンス:そうすればあなたをお守りすることができると思ったからです。
- ソ・ヨンギ:何だと?
- チャンス:そうすればあなたがコムゲに関わらなくなくなる。それがあなたを救うことになると思ったのです。それはお頭があなたを信頼していたから...いつか真実をわかってくれると信じ、そうして大切な友のためにあなたの前でお父上を殺した罪を自ら被ったのです!
- Cheon-soo: Sir, then the Chief is showing His Majesty. The document that I broght back?
- Sim Unkek: That is correct. That incident will be buried, so do not worry. The Chief of the Swordsmen Society. I guess Lady Cheon is not an ordinary person, because she takes after her father.
- Cheon-soo: Sir. Don't worry. I am a little frivolous, but I can keep a secret. And even if it were me if my status kept me from using my great talents then I would have tgaken up a sword, as well. Because that is a man. But do not go tattle on me, since I wish to becom very successful.
- チョンス:シム様、ソ・ヨンギ様は私が持ってきた記録を王様にお見せすると。
- シム・ウンテク:そうだ。あの件は伏せるから、心配するな。コムゲの頭の娘か?チョン尚宮の並外れた才気は父親譲りなのだな。
- チョンス:シム様
- シム・ウンテク:へへへ、心配するな。出しゃばりではあるが口は軽くない。それに私とて身分がじゃまして才能を活かせぬ立場だったら、絶対剣を取る。それが男だからな。あ、今の言葉は内密にな。私はもっと出世したいのでな。
- 车天寿:大人,所以徐大人,真的决定将下官所带回的文书,呈给陛下吗。
- 沈云澤:没错,那件事已经彻底结束了。你不用担心。剑契首长的女儿啊。千尚宫之所以如比胆识过人,原来是遗传了她的父亲。
- 车天寿:大人。
- 沈云澤:你放心吧。我这个人虽然轻佻,不过嘴巴到挺紧的。何况,如果换成是我,空有一身才能,却因为身分之别而无用武之地。想必也会拿起剑来。那样才算是男人嘛。就算这样你也别去告状,我啊,可是很想要发达的。
- 带回dàihuí, bring back
- 没错méicuò, that's right
- 彻底chèdǐ, through
- 结束jiéshù, finish
- 担心dānxīn, worry
- 胆识dǎnshí, courage & insight
- 遗传yćhuán, heredity
- 轻佻qǐngtiǎo, frivolous, flippant
- 嘴巴zuǐbā, mouth
- 何况hékuàng, besides
- 拿起náqǐ, pick up
- 告状gàozhuàng, sue
- Dong-yi: Why did you do that? Do you not realize? Now, you have also committed an unforgivable crime against His Majesty. My lord. Do you remeber that day? You told me that your father had died a wrongful death.
- <Pensee> So: I will not let a criminal's daughter excape me twice. Therefore, do not let me see you again.
- Dong-yi: He is not a criminal. My father did not do those things, sir. I saw the sign again. The sign the dead Inspector made. I saw a Lady make that same sign. Didn't you say that was important? So, please find the Lady and ask her.
- So Yeon-gui: That could be the reason why I wandered around looking for you for all those years. Because my heart could not let go of my belief in your father.
- Dong-yi: My lord.
- So Yeon-gui: If that is true, then I must know the truth. If that man really accepted the crime of killing my father for me. Then it is my turn now I, too, shall willingly accept my punishment for the crime I've committed against His Majesty for your father's sake. However, mark my words, you shall not. I wll one day confess to this crime. But you must never say a word to His Majesty.
- Dong-yi: My lord.
- So Yeon-gui: That is not for yours, but for His Majesty's sake. You said so once that this position nowadays does not befit you. However, there must be a reason why this positon was given to you. There must be something you must do from this position. So, you must do that, by His Majesty's side. Understand? Stake your life. Do not let anyone find out about you. And repay His Majesty's trust with your most cherished trust.
- トンイ:なぜそのようなことを?おわかりですか?ソ・ヨンギ様もぬぐえぬ罪を犯したことになってしまいます。ソ・ヨンギ様。
- ソ・ヨンギ:あの日を覚えているか?おぬしは私に父の死が無念だと言った。
- <回想> ソ: 一度だけだ。罪人の娘を二度も見逃すことはできぬ。故に二度と現れるな。
- トンイ:罪人ではありません。お父さんは人を殺していません。あの動きを見ました。テサホン様の手の動きと同じ動きをした女官の方が... 何か大事な意味があるのでしょう。その人をどうか探して下さい。
- ソ・ヨンギ:言ってみれば、それが長い間私がおぬしを探した理由かも知れない。私の心はおぬしの父への未練を消せなかったのだ。
- トンイ:ソ・ヨンギ様
- ソ・ヨンギ:おぬしの言う通りなら、真実を知らねばならぬ。おぬしの父が本当に私のために、私の父を殺した罪を被ったのなら、今度は私の番だ。おぬしの父のために、私も王様を欺いた罪を甘んじて被ろう。だが、忘れるな。おぬしは違う。私はこの罪をいつでも告げられるが、おぬしから王様に告げることはこの私が許さぬ。
- トンイ:ソ・ヨンギ様。
- ソ・ヨンギ:それはおぬしではなく王様のためだ。言っていたな。おぬしにはこの座が不相応だと。そのような座を与えられたのには理由があるはずだ。この座でやるべきことがあるのだ。だから王様のお側でそれを成し遂げろ。分かったな。命を懸け最後まで全てを隠し通せ。王様の信頼におぬしも信頼で応えるのだ。
- Cheon-soo: My lord.
- So Yeon-gui: Even if it is in the past, the crime of the Swordsmen Society cannot be covered up. Because it does not change the fact that you and Choi Hyo-won tried t shake the foundation of this land.
- Cheon-soo: I understand that.
- So Yeon-gui: However, as long as Lady Cheon remains here, you, too, must remain and protect her. I will shoulder the crime that my friend committed. All you and Lady Cheon have to do is to forget. Mark my words.
- チョンス:ソ・ヨンギ様。
- ソ・ヨンギ:過ぎたことだとしても、コムゲの罪は消えはせぬ。おぬしとチェ・ヒョウオンがこの国の根幹を揺るがしたことに決して変わりはない。
- チョンス:わかっております。
- ソ・ヨンギ:だがチョン尚宮がいる限り、おぬしはここでチョン尚宮を守れ。友が犯した罪は私が背負っていく。おぬしとチョン尚宮はすべて忘れるのだ。わかったな。
36. Episode-36:
- Dong-yi: China's motive for seeking the Border Defense Logs?
- Shim Woon-taek: Would they make such a fuss joust to attain a book? What China wants is the records of our border defense tactics within it. China is afraid of Chosun's military growing stronger. They want to look at the logs of our border defense and try to contain our military.
- Dong-yi: Then do you mean that if you possess the Border Defense Logs then Chosun will be threatened by China once again?
- Shim Woon-taek: That is correct, my Lady. His Majesty's long cherished hope was to strenghten Joseon's military which had grown weak under pressure from the Chinese. They are trying to counteract his efforrts. This is not a simple matter of selling military secrets. What they are doing is treason. The Border Defense Logs must be protected. And we must use this to seize them by their necks, my Lady.
- Dong-yi: But how do we do that? How can we prove that they tried to hand this over to the Chinese? There is a plan that I have in mind, my Lady. But it would be a huge risk to us, as well.
- トンイ:謄録類抄を欲しがる清国の内情とは?
- シム・ウンテク:これほど必死なのには訳があります。欲しがっている謄録類抄が国境の守備記録だからです。清国は朝鮮の兵力が増すのを恐れています。謄録類抄で国境の守備を確認し、こちらを威嚇するつもりです。
- トンイ:だったら、謄録類抄が清国の手に渡れれば、この国は再び清国に脅かされることになると。
- シム・ウンテク:そういうことです。
- トンイ:清国に遠慮し、弱まってしまった兵力を立て直すのが王様の悲願でした。連中はそれに反することをしようとしています。これは単なる機密の漏洩ではありません。連中のしていることは逆賊行為です。謄録類抄は何としても守らねば。そして連中の首根っこを押さえるのです。尚宮さま。
- トンイ:でも証明できますか?連中が謄録類抄を渡そうとしたことをどうやって証明するのですか?
- シム・ウンテク:そこは私に考えがあります、尚宮様。ですが、それには大きな危険を冒すことになります。
- Dong-yi: Give them the Border Defense Logs?
- Shim Woon-taek: Yes, my Lady.
- Dong-yi: Sir,
- Shim Woon-taek: This book ... it will be much more useful for them than for us. I am saying we should give it to those who need it. And you must know why I am suggesting this?
- Dong-yi: You want to give this to them and lure them in. Then, we can catch not only Lord Jin but everyone else who is involved as well.
- Shim Woon-taek: That is correct, my Lady.
- トンイ:謄録類抄を渡すのですか?
- シム・ウンテク:そうです。
- トンイ:シム様
- シム・ウンテク:たかが書です。使い道がはっきりしている連中に渡してやればよいのです。それがどういう意味かおわかりですね。
- トンイ:向こうにこれを渡しておびき出すのですね。清国側も含めてこの件に関わった者を全て捕らえるために。
- シム・ウンテク:その通りです。
- トンイ独白:(ヒビン様、どうやら決着をつける時が来たようです。)
- Chou Inbok Minister: Their interrogation has already begun, Your Highness. They will confess to their crimes very soon. It is done now, Your Highness.
- Matron: Once their cirmes are revealed, His Majesty will also believe that you are innocent.
- Matron Chief: The Western faction will also have to give their support
- Minister: Of course I will.
- Queen: Yes. However, this will not be that easy.
- Matron Chief: Your Highness,
- Queen: The Queen, Jan Ok-jeong, that person will not crumble so easily
- チョウ・インボク:ついに王妃様、直々の尋問が始まりました。連中もまもなく罪を認めるでしょう。
- 王妃付女官:これで安心です。連中も罪を認めれば、王様も王妃様が無実だと信じて下さいます。
- 女官長:西人の重臣方もどうかお力添え下さい。
- チョウ・インボク:勿論だとも。
- 王妃:ですが、そう簡単にはいかぬでしょう。相手はチャン・オクチョン、あの者はそうやすやすと倒れはせぬ。
- Ok-jeong: Have you come t delight over my present state? If not, have you come to mock me and deliver another sermon? But you are wrong. I will not collapse from this. Did you think that I would crumble over something like this?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Ok-jeong: Yes. I underestimated you. So I will pay the consequences for doing so. By swallowing tears of blood and giving you my own blood, my own brother. But, this is the end. Do you think my broher will give me up? Do you think the Southern Faction will abandon me? No, that will never happen. They will have to protect me in order to save themselves. Therefore if you are going to tell me what you will do to me it will be best to stop now.
- Dong-yi: I do not need them to confess, Your Highness. Nor Lord Jang Hee-jae's confessions or anyone else's. We did not need that from the beginning. The crime that Your Highness committed will be proven by Your Highness's own hand.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: Do you remeber, Your Highness. Long ago, when I helped you out of a trap? I did not realize that I would think of that case at a time like this. The only difference is that back then, you were innocent, but now your are guilty of a most sinsiter crime.
- Ok-jeong: What are you saying? What do you think you are saying?
- Dong-yi: It is the same method how I will prove your wrong doing. Do you understand the path through which I rescued you, that path will now prove Your Highness's guilt.
- オクチョン:何だ。無様な私を見に来たか?それともそなた自ら私を嘲り気分を良くしようというのか?そうはいかぬ。私は倒れはしない。この程度で王妃の座を降りたりするものか。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- オクチョン:確かにそなたを甘く見ていた。だからその代償なら潔く払おう。肉親である兄を涙を飲んで差し出すことでな。だがここまでだ。兄が私の関与を認めると思うか?南人が私を差し出すとでも?いいや、それはあり得ぬ。南人は生き残るために私を守る。故に私をどうにかできるなどと豪語するのはやめておくことだな。
- トンイ:誰かの自白などどうでもよいのです。チャンヒジェ様も他の者も自白する必要はありません。始めから当てにはしていないのです。王妃様が犯した罪は王妃様ご自身が立証なさいます。
- オクチョン:何だと?
- トンイ:覚えていらっしゃいますか?ずいぶん前、陰謀にはめられた王妃様を私がお救いしました。それをこんな形で思い出すことになろうとは。でも違うのはあの時の王妃様は無実で、今は罪を犯しているということです。
- オクチョン:何が言いたい?一体何の話だ。
- トンイ:同じなのです。罪を立証する方法は。わかりませんか?以前王妃様をお救いした方法で、今度は王妃様の罪を立証します。
37. Episode-37:
- Ok-jeong: Did you do this? Did you ... Did you exploit His Majesty's affection for you to entrap me?
- Dong-yi: It is all over now, Your Highness. I mean you can no longer hide your crime.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: Your hands, Your Highness's hands, your hands will prove Your Highness's wrongdoing. That what I did, and at the time Your Highness was innocent, but not this time. This is it, Yoru Highness, did Your Highness not smell the strong scent of ginger, when you received the Border Defense Logs? And we did the same to the Border Defense Logs that you received. So if you touched it ... if you touched the book that we laced with ginger extract then the traces remain on your hands as well.
- Ok-jeong: Stop bluffing! Are you saying that you will entrap me with a little ginger extract?
- Dong-yi: Hardly a day has gone by yet. The ginger extract absorbed into your fingertips will not vanish for four days. Will you still deny it? Will you still insist that you know nothing?
- Ok-jeong: Stop it, right now! No. you cannot do it! You will never be able to bring me down! I am the Queen of this land! I am the mother of the crown prince! Do you think uyou will be able to bring me down over something like this? You are mistaken! You did all this in order to restore the dethroned Queen! Do you understand? It will be you and the dethroned Queen who will fall from this!
- Dong-yi: Your Highness. It will be you and the dethroned Queen who will fall!
- King: No, that will never happen, my Queen.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- Ok-jeong: Your Majesty. Your Majesty ... This is all a trap and a conspiracy! I truly knew nothing about this at all!
- King: My Queen.
- Ok-jeong: Lady Cheon is frantically trying to restore the dethroned Queen! And everyone who serves Lady Cheon as well! That is why they have laid a trap for me! Your Majesty, you must believe me! I have fallen into a trap, Your Majesty!
- King: Stop! Please stop it now! Let us stop now, Ok-jeong. Please do not let me see you like this. I cannot bear to watch you fall so low.
- オクチョン:今言ったのはどういう意味だ。私を救った方法で罪を立証するとは?聞こえないのか?どういうことかと聞いているのだ。どのような方法なのだ。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- 王妃付尚宮:王妃様、大変です。親衛隊の兵に取り囲まれました。
- オクチョン:取り囲まれただと。一体誰がそのようなことを命じた?
- 王妃付尚宮:王様のご命令だそうです。
- オクチョン:そなたか?そなた如きが、王様のご寵愛を利用し、私を陥れたのか?
- トンイ:何もかも終わりです、王妃様。もう王妃様の罪を隠すことはできません。
- オクチョン:何?
- トンイ:王妃様の手です。王妃様の手がご自身の罪を明らかにする証拠となるのです。つまりそれは王妃様が手にした謄録類抄も同じなのです。しょうが汁が塗ってある謄録類抄に触れられた王妃様の手にはその痕跡が残っているはずなのです。
- オクチョン:たわけたことを申すのではない。たかがしょうが汁が何だ?それも昨日のことであろう。何が証明できる?
- トンイ:いいえ、まだたった一日です。王妃様の手に染みたしょうが汁は消えるまでに三日はかかります。これでも違うと仰せですか?まだしらを切り通すおつもりですか?
- オクチョン:黙れやめぬか?そなたにできるものか?そなたに私を引きずり降ろせはしない!私はこの国の王妃だ。世子の母である私をこれしきのことで陥れられるとでも思っているのか?私ではない。前王妃の復権を望むそなた達が自分で企てた陰謀なのだ。これで失脚するのはそなたと前王妃の方だ。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- オクチョン:倒れるのはそなたと前王妃だ!
- 王:いいや、それは違うぞ王妃。
- トンイ:王様...
- オクチョン:王様...王様、私は陥れられたのです。チョン尚宮は前王妃の復権に必死でした。チョン尚宮のことを慕う全ての者もです。だから私に罠を仕掛けたのです。王様、どうか信じて下さい。罠にはめられたのは私の方なのです。
- 王:やめろ。やめないか。そうよそう、オクチョン。そのような姿を見せるな。ここまで崩れたそなたを余は見たくない。
- Minister: This is the man, Your Highness. This is Shim Woon-taek, who helped Lady Cheon in this case.
- Shim Woon-taek:Unrtek: I, Inspector Shim Woon-taek are happy to greet you, Your Royal Highness.
- Queen: I've heard much about you. So you have been very helpful to Lady Cheon ever since Uiju?
- Shim Woon-taek: I'm unworthy of your praise, Your Highness.
- Queen: Thank you. I can be at peace knowing that someone like you is with her.
- Shim Woon-taek: I have only given her whatever little help I could. However, Your Highness ... please wait just a little longer I believe it is now time for all of us to pool our strength. Soo, everything will find its rightful place. I mean the place where Your Highness must be.
- 王妃:話は聞いた。ウイジュにいた頃からチョン尚宮の強い味方だったとか。
- シム・ウンテク:滅相もないことです。
- 王妃:礼を申す。そなたのような者が側にいてくれたら安心だ。
- シム・ウンテク:私の力など微々たるものです。今しばらくお待ち下さい。ここからが我々の力を結集すべき時です。誓い将来全てが元通りになるでしょう。王妃様もしかるべき座に戻られます。
- Ok-jeong: I was the one who ordered everything. It is as they confessed I knew everything about the Border Defense Logs. And I was the one who ordered them to take it from Lady Cheon's quarters.
- King: Why did you do that? I asked you why you did that? Are you asking because you truly do not know? As anyone else would using my power to hold onto my position. Is that not what anyone with power in this world does?
- King: That positon ... that position of Queen... was it important enough to lose yourself? You were more dignified than anyone I knew. You wanted to fulfill your ambitions in only the fairest ways.
- Ok-jeong: Yes, please, I was once such a person. But very long ago I realized that I had been wrong. Is there a right and wrong when it comes to gaining power? Those with power are right and those without are wrong. That is the nature of power. Will Your Majesty really say that you do not know that? Do you understand, Your Majesty? Even at this moment I will do everything possible using the power that I have in order to maintain my position.
- King: What do you mean? What do you mean by that, Ok-jeong?
- Ok-jeong: I mean the crown prince, Your Majesty. The foundation of our state I am the mother of the crown prince whom you have appointed. Do you really intend to bring me down from this position? Do you really intend to shake the Crown Prince's position yourself? Your Majesty, I am the mother of the crown prince. Please do not forget, Your Majesty.
- 王妃:全ては私が命じたことです。皆が自白した通り、謄録類抄に関する経緯も承知の上で、チョン尚宮の部屋からそれを持ってこさせたのもこの私です。
- 王:なぜそのようなことを?なぜかと聞いているのだ?
- 王妃:本当にわからず聞かれるのですか?誰もがするように自分の持つ力で自分の座を守ろうとしたのです。力を手にすれば当然誰でもそうするのでは?
- 王:王妃という座は己を失うほど大事なのか?そなたは誰よりも堂々として胸に宿る野心を正当に遂げようとしていた。
- 王妃:はい、確かに一時はそうだったかも知れません。でもずいぶん前にそれが間違いだと気付いたのです。権力を得るのに正しいも悪いもありますか。力を持つ者が正しく、持たぬ者が悪い、それが権力です。王様がそれをご存じないはずはありません。ご承知置き下さい。これから先も私は手段を選ばず、持てる力で自分の座を守ります。
- 王:何を言っている?それはどういう意味だ。
- 王妃:世子のことです、王様。王様が認められたこの国の世子を生んだのはこの私です。その私をこの座から降ろすのですか?王様自ら世子の座を揺るがすおつもりですか?王様、私は世子の母なのです。お忘れにならないで下さい。
- Chou Inbok Minister: Your Majesty, none other than the Queen of this country struck a secret deal with China for personal gain. And finally, she did not even hesitate to slander the dethroned Queen in order to cover up her crime.
- Shim Woon-taek: That is not all, Your Majesty. The Queen and her brother Jang Hee-jae made endless attempts to harm Lady Cheon in order to cover their crimes. These crimes must not go unpunished, Your Majesty. It is only fitting to dethrone and cast aside the Queen for her treacherous crime. I beg you to hear our pleas. I beg you to hear our pleas ...
- チョウ・インボク:王様、他でもない一国の王妃が私欲のために清国と内通し、しかもその罪を隠すために町で暮らす前王妃様を殺めることも厭いませんでした。
- シム・ウンテク:それだけではありません。王妃様とその兄チャン・ヒジェはその罪を隠すため常にチョン尚宮様の命を狙っていました。その罪は決して許されるものではありません、王様。
- チョウ・インボク:大罪を犯した王妃を降格させ宮殿から追放するべきです。何卒ご決断下さいませ。何卒ご決断下さいませ。
- King: I have convened you here today in order to give my ruling for the past investigation. Before I do that I must forewarn you about one thing. No matter what justification you give in opposition myb decree and its contents, and my resolution will never be changed. Royal Secretariat will read my decree.
- Royal Secretariat: Yes, Your Majesty. On April 2nd of 1964, the crimials defied their King with a grievous act of treason and committed the crime of conspiring with a foreign state. And even afterwards, they slandered the innocent dethroned Queen in order to hide their crimes and used poison in their attempt to harm the Court Lady Cheon Dong-yi. How could the insolent crimes of these outrageous be forgiven? Therefore, those officials who have been found guilty will be removed from their posts and cast out. Uiju Magistrate, Nam Hyeon-shik, and Pyeongyang Governor Lee Jeong-ho will be executed. Jang Hee-jae of the Reception office, Chief of Correctional Tribunal Oh Yoon, Correctional Tribunal Officer Hong Tae-yoon and Deputy Minister of Taxation Jeong Tae-san will be removed from office and exiled to Hwanghaedo Island, Geojaedo Island, nad Bogildo Island, respectively. Also, for their misgovernment, Minister of Personal Yoo Jong-ho, Minister of Justice, Cho Hyung-sik, Deputy Minister of Rites Kim Dae-seong, Fourth Stae Councillor Han Joo-stae, and Deputy Mayor Oh Tae-seok will all be removed from office.
- King: And there is one last sentence that remains. That is regarding the Queen. By nature, the psoiton of Queen must look after the King and the subjects with feminine virtues. However, the Queen, Lady Jang, lost her virtue and committed a crime against the throne and the court which cannot be atoned for. Consequently, the Queen, Lady Jang can no longer remain in the Queeen's Hall. And therefore, I on this twelth day of April 1964, hereby revoke Lady Jang's status as Queen and remove her from her throne.
- 王:今日は一連の件について関わった者の処分を告げる。その前に言っておくことがある。皆がどのような理由を連ねようとここで下した命令も処分に対する余の意志も覆されることはない。トスンジ、命令を読め。
- トスンジ:はい、王様。去る甲戌の年四月二日罪人らはあるまじき反逆で王を冒涜し、他国と内通する許しがたい罪を犯した。しかも罪人らはその罪を隠さんがため、無実の前王妃を弾圧し続け、毒物を用いてチョン尚宮の殺害を試みた。その非道かつ身勝手な罪は許されるものではない。よって余は尋問を通し罪が明らかになった者達の官職を剥奪するものとする。一連の陰謀に関与したウイジュの長官ナム・ションシク、平壌監査イ・ジョンホは打首、またイエビンビ署長チャン・ヒジェ、トンジ内禁府ブサ、オ・ユン、内禁府トサ、ホン・テユ、ホジョチャンパン、チョン・テサンを免職し、それぞれサンヘド、コジェ島、ホギル島への流刑を命じる。また朝廷を混乱させたイジョパンソ、ユ・ジョンホ、ヒョウンジョパンソ、チョ・ヒョンシュク、イエジョチャンサン、キム・デソン、チャチャンソン、ハン・ジョステ、そしてチャイジョン、オ・テソクの官職を剥奪する。
- 王:最後にもう一つ決定がある。それは王妃に関するものだ。本来王妃とはその徳を持って王と民とを見守るべき者である所を、王妃張氏はその任を果たさず、王室と朝廷に拭い切れぬ罪を犯した。よって王妃張氏に王妃の座に留まる資格はない。余は本日甲戌の年四月十二日王妃張氏の印璽を取り上げ、王妃の地位を剥奪する。なれど将来王位を継ぐ世子の母であることを考えるとその母に礼を欠くことはできぬ。よって王妃の地位は奪うものの以前のヒビンの称号を許し、世子が朝夕訪ねることは許可するものとする。さらに降格された前王妃閔氏は逆賊により陥れられたことが明らかとなった。よって余はその際の誤りを見直し、王妃閔氏の地位を回復させる。故に皆も相応の礼を尽くし迎えよ。
- チョウ・インボク:ありがたき幸せに存じます、王様。
- 还有,最后还剩下一个处决。就是对中宫殿的裁决。自古皇后之位乃以妇德辅佐国君并照顾百姓,可谓责任重大之职分。然皇后张氏终不免失德,对王室朝廷,犯下了无法抹灭之大罪。是以皇后张氏,已无法继续居住掌管中宫殿,因此寡人,于今甲戌年四月十二日,即收回皇后张氏的皇后任命,并且正式罢免皇后的职衔,但是念及未来,将要接续王位的世子之安危,仍应守住对其母后之礼仪,因此虽废除了张氏皇后之位,却还其过去禧嫔之职衔。而世子日常朝夕问安之礼,仍然不得废除。又过去己巳年废位的前皇后闵氏,已查明,系遭权奸之阴谋而含冤离宫,所以寡人将扭转住日的过错。让皇后闵氏再一次回宫复位,特命礼官即日遵照礼法,实行合宜程序。
- 剩下shèngxià, remain
- 处决chǔjué, execute
- 裁决cáijué, adjudication
- 照顾zhàogu, look after
- 继续jìxù, continue
- 收回shōuhuí, take back
- 并且bìngqiě, besides
- 罢免bàmiǎn, remove sb. from their post
- 衔xián, title
- 安危ānwēi, safety
- 仍réng, still
38. Episode-38:
- Queen: Your Majesty ...
- King: My Queen, Please forgive me, my Queen. I was incompetent and unworthy. I've caused you so much needless pain.
- Queen: No, Your Majesty, I am the one who should beg forgiveness. I lacked the virtue to be able to stay by Your Majesty's side and give you strengh. It was Your Majesty who still believed in me and protected me.
- King: My Queen.
- 王妃:王様...
- 王:王妃、どうか余を許してくれ。愚かであった。無実の王妃を苦しめてしまった。
- 王妃:いいえ、王様。許すなど...許しなら私が乞うべきです。私が至らず王様の力になることができませんでした。そんな私を信じて下さったのは王様です。
- 王:王妃...
- 王妃:王様...
- 王妃:陛下,
- 王:皇后,请你原谅我吧,皇后。都怪我没用。竟然让皇后无辜的含冤受辱。
- 王后:不是的陛下,快别这么说。是臣妾应该求陛下原谅。是因为臣妾不德,才未能在陛下的身边,给予陛下任何支持。而陛下却全心相信。全心守护这样的臣妾。
- 王:皇后。
- 王后:陛下
- 原谅yuánliàng, forgive
- 无辜wúgū, innocent
- 含冤hányuān, wronged
- 受辱shòurǔ, insulted, humiliated
- 未能wèinéng, unable to
- 给予jǐyǔ, accord, show
- 任何rènhé, any, whatever
- 却(卻)què, however
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Lady Cheon.
- Matron chief: Bring some more tea. It appears this will be a long night.
- Matron: Yes, my Lady.
- Queen: I still have trouble believing it, Lady Cheon, that I have returned to the Palace like this.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: I do not know how I can ever repya you in this lifetime for all that you have done for me.
- Dong-yi: You must not say such things, Your Highness. I was not the only person who worked to prove Your Highness's innocence.
- Queen: But had it not been for you none of this would have been possible. Am I wrong?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Therefore, now I believe it is my turn. Do you understand? It is my turn to protect you now.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: There is something I regretted while I was at the cottage; that although I sat on the seat of the Queen, I did not make my voice heard. I did not try to do anything. Lady Cheon, you must not do so. Do everything you can in that position. I will give you the power to do so.
- Dong-yi: Did you say power, Your Highness?
- Queen: Yes. the power to stand up against Lady Heebin, who still maintains her position in this Palace. And the power to fulfill the dream that you have in your heart.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- トンイ:王妃様...
- 王妃:チョン尚宮...
- 女官長:お茶のお替わりを、どうやら今宵は長くなりそうだ。
- 王妃:こうしていてもまだ信じられぬ。私がまた宮殿に戻ったとは。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- 王妃:何もかもそなたのお陰だ。生きている内にこの恩を返せるだろうか?
- トンイ:何をおっしゃるのですか?王妃様の無念を晴らせたのは皆が力を合わせたからです。
- 王妃:とは言え、そなたなしではとてもなし得なかった、そうであろう。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- 王妃:それ故、今度は私の番だ。わからぬか。私がそなたを守る。
- トンイ:王妃様
- 王妃:宮殿を離れて悔やんだのだ。王妃の座にありながら、私は声を上げず何もしようとはしなかった。そなたにそうなって欲しくはない。そなたの座でできることをしろ。そのための力は私が与えよう。
- トンイ:力をですか?
- 王妃:そうだ。宮殿にはまだヒビンが居座っている。あの者に対抗できる力、そしてそなたが胸に抱く志を果たせる力だ。
- トンイ:王妃様...
- So Yongi: I heard that Her Highness asked you to oversee the Surveillance Bureau.
- Dong-yi: How did you?
- So Yongi: Her Highness asked me to see her. She said you would be reluctant, so I should help you. What are you thinking about? If that is the order, should you not follow it?
- Dong-yi: However, can I really tanke on such a responsibility?
- So Yongi: I am ... as I told you if it's about the Swordmen Society, take it to the grave. Have you forgotten? You will be a Royal Concubine of this nation. What you must think of now is not whether yuou can or cannot, but how you will do it. Do not forget it, Lady Cheon. You are more than qualified to do this. How will you attain authority? How will you maintain that authority? You are different from those people who only want those things. What will you attain power for? Whom will you use that power for? You will be worrying about these things.
- Dong-yi: My Lord.
- So Yongi: That is why you must remain here. Please become that strengh for His Majesty and this country.
- ソ・ヨンギ:王妃様からカムチャルブを任されたそうだな。
- トンイ:なぜそれを?
- ソ・ヨンギ:王妃様がおっしゃられた。迷っているおぬしの背中を押せとな。何を迷うことがある?それが命令なら従うべきだ。
- トンイ:ですが、私如きにできるのでしょうか?私は...
- ソ・ヨンギ:コムゲのことなら墓まで持っていけ、そう言ったろ。おぬしはもうすぐ側室となる身だ。おぬしが考えるべきはできるできないではなく、どうするべきかだ。忘れてはならぬ。おぬしには十分その資格がある。どうやって権力を得るべきか、その権力をどう守るか、権力そのもののみを欲しがる者と違い、何のために力を得てその力を誰のために使うか、おぬしはそこに悩むはずだ。
- トンイ:ソ・ヨンギ様
- ソ・ヨンギ:ゆえにおぬしが必要だ。王様とこの国のために、力になってくれ。
- Dong-yi: Bring the incarcerated attendants to me. I will handle their sentencing first.
- Chon Matron: Yes, my Lady...
- Yoo Matron: What does that mean? Lady Cheon is supervising the Surveillance Bureau? They saythat Her Highness gave the order. She gave Lady Cheon full authority over the Surveillance Bureau.
- Attendants followers: Then, what about us? My Lady, what will happen to us now? Doesn't this mean we will die? I thought we would stay alive as long as we weren't sent to the Correctional Tribunal. What do we do, my Lady? My Lady, I do not want to die! I cannot die here like this! Please ... please say something, anything! My Lady!
- Choin yim Matron: Drag them out!
- Attendants: My Lady! Please spare our lives ... My Lady ...
- Dong-yi: I will give my ruling regarding this case. Is there something you wish to say first? If you do not then will it be all right if I decide my sentence?
- Yoo Matron: I shall take my own life! Therefore, please spare me the beheading in front of the court ladies. That is the most dishonorable death a Court Lady can have. I cannot bear to die that way, my Lady!
- Dong-yi: Why is that?
- Yoo Matron: Yes, I did all those things. I infiltrated your quarter and I plotted a false confession in order to harm you. I know that those are crimes deserving of death. However it is the duty bof a Surveillance Bureau Matron to uphold the orders of the head of the Inner Court. Whatever that may be, we must risk our lives for it. I carried out my duties as Head Surveillance Matron. Therefore, please spare me the shame of a dishonorable death, my Lady.
- Dong-yi: I do not think that will be possible.
- Yoo Matron: What?
- Dong-yi: Yes. That is correct. I have just ordered you to return to the Surveillance Bureau.
- Yoo Matron: My Lady.
- Dong-yi: Of course, you have been demoted. You will be a level 5 Matron. So let that be known. And return to work as soon as you are well.
- Yoo Matron: My Lady, how is this so? Why are you ...
- Dong-yi: Not killing you? If I do so, then you will not have a second chance. You said that a Surveillance Lady must risk her life to uphold the Queen's orders? I hope you will do so.
- チョン尚宮:尚宮様...
- トンイ:牢にいる女官達をここへ。あの者達に処分を下します。
- チョン尚宮:はい、尚宮様
- チョンイム:連れ出せ。
- トンイ:これから処分を言い渡します。先に何か言うことはありますか?ないのなら私の思うように処分します。いいですか?
- ユ尚宮:自害いたします。ですから女官達の前での打ち首は免じて下さい。それは女官にとって最も不名誉な死です。それだけはどうかご容赦下さい。
- トンイ:なぜですか?
- ユ尚宮:確かに罪を犯しました。尚宮様の部屋に忍び込み尚宮様を陥れんと嘘の証拠も仕立て上げました。わかっています。それは死に値する罪です。ですが王妃様の命に従うのがカムチャルブの長の務めです。どのような命令も命がけで果たします。私は最高尚宮の務めを果たしました。ですから不名誉な死は免じて自害させて下さい。
- トンイ:あいにくそうは行きません。
- ユ尚宮:えっ、
- トンイ:ええ、そうです。私は今、カムチャルブに復帰しろと言いました。
- ユ尚宮:尚宮様。
- トンイ:もちろん、降格しこれからは一般の尚宮となります。そのつもりで。体調が戻り次第復帰して下さい。
- ユ尚宮:尚宮様、なぜですか?なぜ私を...
- トンイ:殺さないのですか?死ねば二度目の機会は得られません。カムチャルブの女官の務めとは王妃様の命令を命がけで果たすことですよね。その言葉をどうか守って下さい。
- Dong-y: you may speak, my Lady. There must be something you wish to say?
- Chon Matron: Why did you do this? Matron Yoo is not a person who will easily change her ways, because you show her mercy.
- Dong-yi: Yes, that may be true.
- Chon Matron: My Lady.
- Dong-yi: The hand that I have extended now may return with deep cuts on it. But even if that happens I will not regret my decision today. I simply felt that everyone should be given a second chance. Just as somenone else gave me the chance. I, too, must give others a chance to live differently.
- Chon Matron: My Lady.
- Dong-yi: I wanted to use my power to give them that chance. And their decisions after that are theirs to make.
- トンイ:遠慮しないで下さい。聞きたいことがあるのですよね。
- チョン尚宮:なぜあのような処分を...尚宮様がいくら心を砕いた所で、ユ尚宮の性根は変わりません。
- トンイ:はい、そうかも知れません。
- チョン尚宮:ではなぜ?
- トンイ:差し伸べた手に傷を負うことになるかも知れません。でも仮にそうなったとしても今日の決定を悔いたりはしません。私は誰であろうと二度目の機会を与えられるべきだと思うのです。私がその機会を貰ったように他の人達も変わる機会を貰わないと。私が持つ力でその機会を与えたかったのです。この先はあの人達自身の選択に任せます。
- King: I heard the physicial is inside. What has happened? Is Lady Cheon all right?
- Queen: No, Your Majesty. She is not all right.
- King: What?
- Queen: Your Majesty, congratulations! Lady Cheon is now with child!
- King: My Queen, what did you just say? Did you say with child?
- Queen: Yes, Your Majesty.
- 王:医官を呼んだと聞いたが、何事だ。チョン尚宮は無事か?
- 王妃:いいえ、王様、無事ではありません。
- 王:何だと?
- 王妃:王様、おめでとうございます。チョン尚宮が懐妊しました。
- 王:王妃、今、何と申した。懐妊だと?
- 王妃:さようです。
- 王:听说有医官进到处所了。情况怎么样。千尚宫没什么事吧。
- 王后:不是的,陛下。千尚宫有很大的事。
- 王:什么。
- 王后:陛下,臣妾恭贺陛下。千尚宫她已经怀下龙种了。
- 王:皇后,你... 你刚才说什么。你说她有喜了。
- 王后:是,陛下。
- 情况qíngkuàng, situation
- 已经yǐjīng, already
- 有喜yǒuxǐ, be pregnant
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Announce the appointment decree.
- Matron Chief: Yes, Your Highness. This twenty-sixth day of April, in the year 1694, in accordance with the sacred rites of the throne Cheon Dong-yi is hereby appointed as a Level 4 Lady, Sukwon. Uphold the decree!
- Queen: Lady Sukwon. Just as you are now dedicate uyour all to serve His Majesty and become the greatest treasure of the Inner Court.
- Dong-yi: I shall dedicate my all to uphold your order, Your Royal Highness.
- All: Congratulations, Lady Sukwon ... Congratulations, Lady Sukwon ...
- トンイ:王妃様
- 王妃:宣旨を読み上げよ。
- 女官長:はい、王妃様。本日甲戌年四月二十六日厳粛なる王室の礼法に則り、ここにチョンドンイを淑媛に任命する。謹んで宣旨を受けよ。
- 王妃:淑媛今後も誠心誠意王様に尽くし内命婦の模範となって欲しい。
- トンイ:最善を尽くし命に従います。王妃様。
- お祝い申し上げます、淑媛様
- 同伊:娘娘
- 王妃:将册封教旨呈上来。
- 女官:是,娘娘。今日甲戌年四月二十六日依照王室至严之礼法将千家同伊册封为从四品淑媛,上前接领教旨。
- 王妃:淑媛,永远像今日一样,尽心竭辅佑陛下。全力成为内命妇最高的龟鉴。
- 同伊:臣妾必当,尽心竭力恪遵命令,皇后娘娘。
- 大家:在此恭贺您了,淑媛娘娘...
- 册封cèfēng, crown
- 严yán, strick
- 上前shàngqián, go forward
- 领lǐng, receive
- 永远yǒngyuǎn, forever
- 竭jié, exhaust
- 龟鉴guījiàn, model
- 恪遵 kèzūn, scrupulously observe
- 恭贺gōnghè, congratulations
39. Episode-39:
- Sim Untek: So, my Lady is disturbe by this as well. The Chief Palace Guard and Captain Cha also seemed to be that way. What are you so worried about? Are you worried that this is related to the Swordsmen Society?
- Dong-yi: That is ...
- Sim Untek: I have known about it as well what kind of person my Lady's father was. Well, so that is why you should tell me now as well. Just as you did for me years ago, it is my duty to assist my Lady. .... You mena the man who killed the Hwarinseo Director had this Sowrdsmen Society symbol?
- Dong-yi: Yes. But it cannot be the Swordsmen Society. I am certain this is another conspiracy.
- Sim Untek: If that is true, the culprits could be the same ones who plotted that previous incident. That's right, my Lady. About the hand signal the Inspector General showed you. My Lady, can you show me that hand signal again?
- Dong-yi: The hand signal? ... Do you know what this sign means? Do you knw what this sign means? I tried for years to figure it out, but I could not fathom it. It is neither a character o nor a symbol.
- Sim Untek: If those are the numbers of China ... I mean those hand gestures. I saw Chinese merchants make the same hand gestures while I was in Uiju.
- Dong-yi: you've seen this before?
- Sim Untek: Yes. If that is true, then those gestures symbolize numbers. But even it that is true what could it mean?
- Dong-yi: If these are Chinese numbers, what does it mean?
- Sim Untek: Eight and five, and ten and five, my Lady. But that is what confuses me even more. If hose really are Chinese numbers what could they symbolize?
- シム・ウンテク:淑媛様も気をもんでいらっしゃる。ソ・ヨンギ様や車従事官と同じご様子ですね。何がそんなに心配なのですか?今回の件がコムゲの仕業かとお考えですか?
- トンイ:それは...
- シム・ウンテク:淑媛様のお父上がどのような方かは私も知っております。ですから隠さないで私にも話して下さい。私を助けていただいた様に淑媛様をお助けしたいのです。... ファリンソの署長殺しがこれを持っていたのですか?
- トンイ:はい、ですがコムゲの仕業ではありません。これは何者かの陰謀です。
- シム・ウンテク:もしそうならば、昔コムゲを陥れた者かも知れません。ところで亡くなったテサホン様がなされた手の合図ですが、どのようなものかまだ覚えていらっしゃいますか?
- トンイ:手の合図?もしや心当たりがおありですか?... どういう意味がずっと調べていますが、いまだにわからないのです。文字でも記号でもなさそうなのです。
- シム・ウンテク:もしそれが清国の数なら... ウイジュで清国の商人が同じような合図をしているのを見ました。
- トンイ:それは本当ですか?
- シム・ウンテク:あれと同じならば数を表しています。ですがその数が何を意味するものか...
- トンイ:もし数だったら何なのですか?
- シム・ウンテク:八と五,十とまた五です。ですがその意味が見当もつきません。本当に数だとしてそれが何を示すか?
40. Episode-40:
- Gae Doo-la: No. You cannot kill me. You have no intention to.
- Soldier-A: He may be a soldier. We will take him and make him talk.
- Gae Doo-la: Wait a minute. What is it? For what reason did you abondon your sword?
- Cheon-soo: Wait.Who are you? For what reason did you turn the chief's Swordsmen Society into a murderous organization?
- Gae Doo-la: The chief?
- Soldier-A: Chief, we should take this man ...
- Gae Doo-la: Brother Cheon-soo? I'm right, aren't I? It really is you, brother? It's me, Gae Doo-la. Do you not remember? Dong-yi's childhood friend. I am Gae Doo-la. ... I never even imagined that you wold still be alive. I thought the Swordsmen Society had all died back then.
- Cheon-soo: Gae Doo-la.
- Gae Doo-la: Now that I have met you again, brother. It is almost as if it were a dream.
- Cheon-soo: How did this happen? How did you ...
- Gae Doo-la: That day my father, who I saw bleed to death before my eyes. I could not forget this. I saw everone die before my eyes. The guilty conscience of surviving alone I could not get a single night's rest after that. From that day on, I lived with only the thought of revenge. The chief and my father our rothers ...all of our mothers and sisters and even Dong-yi ... In order to avenge the souls of those who died such wrongful deaths.
- Cheon-soo: Dong-yi did not die, Gae Doo-la.
- Gae Doo-la: What?
- Cheon-soo: That child is alive.
- Gae Doo-la: But when I returned to the capital to find her she was no longer here. That is why I thought Dong-yi had died.
- Cheon-soo: No. That is not true. Dong-yi survived in the palace, Gae Doo-la.
- Gae Doo-la: What? Where is she now? Brother. Then, where is Dong-yi right now? Brother. ... What... what do you mean by that? Dong ... Dong-yi became a Royal Concubine?
- Cheon-soo: Yes. that is what happened. The Lady Sukwon in the palace is none other than Dong-yi.
- Gae Doo-la: What? That cannot be. No, that is impossible.
- Cheon-soo: What is wrong, Gae Doo-la?
- Gae Doo-la: I had no idea. I did not know the Royal Concubine we targeted is Dong-yi.
- Cheon-soo: What are you saying? The Swordsmen targeting her? ... Gae Doo-la.
- ケドラ:やめろ、お前には切れまい。そんな気はなかろう。
- 部下:軍の手先だ。連れて行って口を割らせます。
- ケドラ:いや、待つのだ。なぜだ?どうして刀を捨てた?
- チョンス:お前は誰だ?何のためにお頭の築いたコムゲを人殺しの集団の集まりにしてしまったのだ?
- ケドラ:築いた?チョンス兄さん?そうなんでしょう。チョンス兄さん?私です、ケドラ。忘れたのですか?トンイの幼馴染みの... ケドラです。
- ....
- ケドラ:兄さんが生きているとは思いもしませんでした。あの時コムゲは全滅したとばかり...
- チョンス:ケドラ...
- ケドラ:こうしてまた会えるなんてまるで夢のようです。
- チョンス:どういうことだ、なぜお前がコムゲを?
- ケドラ:シンユウの年、目の前で父が殺された姿が忘れられませんでした。皆が殺されるのを見たのです。一人生き残った自分が許せず一日も安らげませんでした。復讐のために今まで生きてきました。叔父さんと父、兄さん達... 皆の母や子供たち。それにトンイも。無念に死んでいった皆の恨みを晴らしたいのです。
- チョンス:トンイなら死んではいない。トンイは生きている。
- ケドラ:だけど都に戻って探したけれどいなかった。だからトンイも死んだものとばかり...
- チョンス:そうじゃないんだ。トンイは宮殿に入って生き延びた。
- ケドラ:それじゃ今はどこに。トンイはどこにいるんですか?兄さん?... そんな。どういうことなんですか?トンイが側室ですって?
- チョンス:そうだ。そうなったんだ。宮殿におられるあの淑媛様があのトンイだ。
- ケドラ:えっ。まさかそんな... だめだいけない。知らなかった。我々の狙いがトンイだったなんて。
- チョンス:何だって?コムゲの狙いが彼女だって?ケドラ...
41. Episode-41:
- Dong-yi: Who are you?
- Swordsmen soldier-A: So you are that precious concubine of the King?
- Dong-y: You ... you are ...
- Swordmen soldier-A: Farewell, I shall make this painless.
- Dong-yi: Are you really the Swordsmen Society? ... That symbol, the Swordsmen Society symbol. Please tell me, are you really the Swordsmen Society?
- Swordmen soldier-A: What did you say? You said, Swordsmen Society? How do you know that?
- Swordmen soldier-B: What are you doing? Kill the girl now.
- Swordmen soldier-A: Wait a minute. This girl knows something about us. ... Tell us! How do you know about the Swordsmen Society? How do you know about our society? How can a royal concubine know about us? Does that mean that the government also knows of us? Did you not hear me? Tell us right now!
- Swordmen soldier-B: There's no time for this. Hurry!
- Dong-yi: My father ... My father was a Swordsman.
- Swordmen soldier-A: What?
- Dong-yi: Choi Hyo-won, the chief who founded the Swordsmen ... He was my father.
- Swordmen soldier-B: What is this girl talking about? No, that is impossible. She is lying to us in order to save her life.
- Dong-yi: It is not a lie. It is the truth. The society that my father founded did not commit murder. But why ... Why are you doing this? Why is the Swordsmen Society committing murders so mercilessly?
- Swordmen soldier-B: Shut your mouth! You, a royal concubine, are a daughter of a Swordsman? Did you expect us to fall for such a sly flap of the tongue? What are you doing? Kill her right now. Fine. Then, I shall do it.
- Swordmen soldier-A: Wait! Is that the truth? Are you really ...
- Swordmen soldier-B: This is all a ruse. Can't your see that? This girl is telling us a lie right now.
- Swordmen soldier-C: We are in rouble! The soldiers have come! Soldiers are heading toward this house! What?
- トンイ:誰だ?
- コムゲA:お前が王の側室に違いあるまいな?
- トンイ:そなた達は?
- コムゲA:さらばだ。苦しまずに死なせてやる。
- トンイ:本当にコムゲですか?その印はコムゲの印?そなた達は本当にコムゲなのですか?
- コムゲA:何だと?お前がなぜそんなことを?
- コムゲB:どうした、なぜぐずぐずしている?
- コムゲA:ちょっと待て。この女は何か知っている。言え!どうしてコムゲを知っている?なぜ我々を知っているのだ。王の側室であるお前が知っているということは朝廷も我々のことを知っているということか?聞こえたろ?早く答えないか?
- コムゲB:かまうな、見つかるぞ。
- トンイ:私の父がコムゲでした。チェ・ヒョウウォン、コムゲを結成した頭、その人が亡くなった私の父です。
- コムゲB:一体この女は何を言っている。
- コムゲA:そんな。あり得ない。
- コムゲB:命が惜しくて嘘を言っているに決まってる。
- トンイ:嘘ではない。本当だ。父が結成したコムゲは人殺しなどしなかった。なのになぜ、なぜ人を殺す?なぜコムゲが罪もない人の命を奪ったりするのだ?
- コムゲA:黙れ!王の側室のお前がコムゲの娘、誰がそんなでまかせを信じるものか?
- コムゲB:どうした?早く切れ。いいだろう。なら俺がやる。
- コムゲA:待て1本当なのか?本当にお前は...
- コムゲB:これは罠だ。この女は騙そうとしているのだ。
- コムゲC:大変です。兵士達がこちらに来ます。
- Cheon-soo: You were safe, Your Highness. Yours Highness ...
- Dong-yi: The Swordsmen Society was here, brother. They came to my room ...
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness, I already know. That is why I rushed over here now.
- Dong-yi: You already know? How? Brother.
- Cheon-soo: I met with their Chief.
- Dong-yi: You really met with their Chief? Who is it? Who is that person? Tell me, hurry.
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness. Do you remember Gae Doo-la? The boy who was Your Highness's childhood friend, Gae Doo-la.
- Dong-yi: Gae Doo-la? Yes, I remember. Of course, I remember him well. But why do you ... Brother, it can't be ...
- Cheon-soo: It was that boy, Your Highness. Gae Doo-la is the Chief of the revived Swordsmen's Society.
- チョンス:淑媛様。... ご無事でしたか?
- トンイ:コムゲが来たんです。コムゲが...
- チョンス:淑媛様、それは知っています。だからこうして駆けつけました。
- トンイ:知っているって、どうして?兄さん?
- チョンス:やつらの頭に会ったのです。
- トンイ:コムゲの頭にですか?誰ですか?それは一体誰ですか?兄さん?
- チョンス:淑媛様、ケドラを覚えていますか?淑媛様の幼馴染みの... あのケドラです。
- トンイ:ケドラ?ええ、覚えてます。勿論覚えているわ。だけどどうして... 兄さん、まさか...
- チョンス:あいつです、淑媛様。ケドラの奴が再結成されたコムゲの頭でした。
- Dong-yi: Gae Doo-la. Is it reall you? Are you ... really my friend, Gae Doo-la?
- Gae Doo-la: Dong-yi. So it was true. You have ... You have really become a royal concubine.
- Dong-yi: Gae Doo-la.
- Gae Doo-la: I can't call you as 'you'. I must be crazy. I shouldn't act like this. I should call you Your Highness now, after all.
- Dong-yi: No, don't do that, Gae Doo-la. I am just Dong-yi. your childhood friend, Dong-yi. I almost didn't recognize you. When did you become such a strapping young man? If I didn't know it was you I'd have just passed you by. No. That's not true. If I had just heard your name, I would have known it was you. Since you must be the only Gae Doo-la in the world. your father wanted you to live a long life. So he named you that as a warning to the Grim Reaper.
- Gae Doo-la: Yes, he did. I'm sorry, Dong-yi. I had heard that the royal concubine was a commoner. But I never even dreamed that ... it was yuo. If I had known, I would never...
- Dong-yi: Don't be like that, Gae Doo-la. That was not your fault.
- Gae Doo-la: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: More than that there is something I wanted to ask you. Why did you do it? Why is the Sowrdmen Society ...
- Gae Doo-la: This matter. Let's not talk about that, Dong-yi. Even if you've become a royal concubine you are my childhood friend. So I do not wish to talk of such things with you.
- Dong-yi: Gae Doo-la?
- トンイ:ケドラ?本当にケドラなの?一緒に遊んだあのケドラなの?
- ケドラ:トンイ。
- トンイ:ケドラ。
- ケドラ:本当なんだな。お前が側室になったんだな。だめだ。お前だなんて。どうかしてた。今は淑媛様と呼ばなければ。
- トンイ:やめてちょうだい、ケドラ。私はトンイよ。昔一緒に遊んだトンイよ。でも見違えたわ。すっかり逞しい大人の男になって、言われなければ気付かなかったかも。そんなことないわね。どこにいてもその名前を聞けば気付くわ。ケドラなんて名前、おじさんしか付けないもの。そこに置いておけ、そういう意味でしょう。黄泉の国の使者に連れて行かれないようにって。
- ケドラ:ああ、そうだ。すまないトンイ。王の側室が賤民の出とは聞いていたが、まさかお前とは思っていなかった。わかっていたら、絶対にあんなことは。
- トンイ:謝らないで、ケドラ。ケドラは悪くない。
- ケドラ:トンイ。
- トンイ:それよりどうしても聞きたいことがあったの。一体なぜ?どうしてコムゲが両班を...
- ケドラ:その話はやめておこう、トンイ。たとえ王の側室とは言え、お前は幼馴染みだ。だからお前を巻き込みたくはない。
- トンイ:ケドラ。
- Dong-yi: Gae Doo-a!
- Gae Doo-la: Both of you, if you are going to condemn me, it does not matter, since I was already prepared for it.
- Dong-yi: Do you ... Do you really think that I could do that? Do you really think that Brother Cheon-soo could do that to you? I'm begging you, Gae Doo-la. Do no harm any more innocent people. Those people are not the ones that we must punish. The people who, long ago, drove the Swordsmen to wrongful deaths ... We must find those people. Bother and I are looking for them. So, can't you give us some time? Please stop these murders until we find those people and punish them, ... Gae Doo-la.
- トンイ:ケドラ
- ケドラ:俺のことを捕らえさせるなら、そうしてくれていい。それは初めから覚悟していた。
- トンイ:私にそんなことできると思うの?チョンス兄さんにそんなことできると思う?お願い、ケドラ、罪のない人を傷つけるのはやめて。罪を問うべき相手は別にいるわ。昔、コムゲに罪を着せた人達よ。その人達を探すの。私達が今探しているわ。だからもう少し待ってくれない。その人達に罰が下るまで。もう誰も殺したりしないで。... ケドラ。
- King: You go to see the prince before you see me, when you've returned. I am hurt. Have I already been replaced?
- Dong-yi: No, Your Majesty. How could that be possible?
- King: If it' not possible, then why not even send word that you'd come?
- Dong-yi: That is ... Because I am afraid that I cannot uphold the promise I made to Your Majesty.
- King: Promise?
- Dong-yi: Did I not promise that I'd only show you similes when I returned? However, I am afraid I cannot do that.
- King: My goodness. Still, were you plannning to never see me again? If you find it difficult to smile, then I can just make you smile.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesety ...
- King: Still, now that you have returned, I can finally have peace of mind. There is chaos in city because of Swordsmen Society. I was worried something happened to you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. There is something I wish to ask Your Majesty.
- King: Yes, what is it? You can tell me.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. What do you think of the Swordmen Society?
- King: What does that mean? What do I think of the Swordmen's Society? Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Right now, it is an unforgivable crime that they are murdering noblemen and shaking the forundation of this country. I am well aware of that fact. But Your Majesty, can you always remember one truth? The reason why commoners had no other choice but to take up their swords. If they did not, it was possible to protect heir own lives oand those of their families. Perhaps this is what they thought.
- 王:さびしいものだな。せっかく戻ってきても会うのは王子が先か。何だ、余はもう二の次か?
- トンイ:違います。そんなことはありません。
- 王:それにしては戻った知らせすらなかった。
- トンイ:それは王様とのお約束を守れそうになかったからです。
- 王:約束?
- トンイ:笑顔だけをお見せすると約束したではありませんか?それなのにできそうになくて...
- 王:何で、そんなことで余に会わぬつもりだったのか?笑わぬなら余が笑わせて見せよう。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:ははは、それにしても戻ってくれてやっと安心できた。コムゲの件で都は物騒だ。そなたに万一何かあってはと心配だった。
- トンイ:王様、王様にお聞きしてもよろしいでしょうか?
- 王:ああ、何だ、言ってみろ。
- トンイ:王様はコムゲの件をどう思っていらっしゃいますか?
- 王:どういうことだ。コムゲの件をどう思うかと?トンイ?
- トンイ:コムゲが罪のない両班の命を奪い、国の根幹を揺るがしているのは、勿論許されない罪です。それは私もわかっています。ですが王様、いつの日か考えいただけませんか?賤民が剣を手にするしかなったのには理由があります。あの者達はそうしなければ自分の命、家族を守ることはできないとそう思ったのかも知れません。
- Dong-yi: That was it. The tones, the twelve tones.
- Sim Untek: Your Highness. What do you mean by that?
- Dong-yi: This is it. A portion of the Southern Faction specifically adds the Records of Music to the Five Classics, and accepts the six books as their canon. They are people who particularly value music.
- So Yongi: Then, Your Highness means that the secret lies in the twelve tones?
- Dong-yi: Yes. The eighth tone of the scale is Imjong. The fifth is Goseon. The tenth is Namryeo. The fifth, again, Goseon. Of course, these by themselves have no special meaning. But if we use the first letters of Imjong and Namryeo, and the first and last letter of the fifth tone, Goseon; Im, Go, Nam, Seon.
- So Yongi: This means ...
- Dong-yi: The 'Seon' could represent an official rank. Then, the latter part of Nam Seon could point to the Southern Faction. And Im Go ... That is right.
- Sim Untek: Did you not say that the events of the year 1681 could have been committed by fellow Southern Faction members? Then, Im Go is ...
- So Yongi: That is ...
- Sim Untek: It can't be ...
- Dong-yi: That correct, Im Go is the nickname of former Deputy Mayor, Oh Tae-seok. This is it, my lord. The message the dying Inspector General wished to pass on. That hand signal could have been ... pointing to Deputy Mayor Oh Tae-seok
- Sim Untek: My lord.
- トンイ:音、音律... 八、五、十、五、ひょっとして....。
- トンイ:わかりました。音律です。十二の音です。
- シム・ウンテク:淑媛様、そうはどういうことですか?
- トンイ:楽記、これです。南人の一部は五経の他に楽記を加えて六経を経典としています。つまり礼楽を重んじるのです。
- ソ・ヨンギ:だがら音律に意味が隠されているだろうと。
- トンイ:はい。音律の八番目は林锺、五番目は姑洗、十番目は南吕、五番目はまた姑洗です。これだけでは何の意味もなしません。ですがそれぞれ頭の文字を取り、繰り返す姑洗は後の文字を取れば、林姑南洗。
- ソ・ヨンギ:何か意味をなすか?
- トンイ:洗の字は官職を表します。ならば後半の南洗は南人を表します。南洗は...
- シム・ウンテク:なるほど、おっしゃていましたよね。同じ南人の仕業かも知れないと。ならば林姑は?
- ソ・ヨンギ:それは...
- シム・ウンテク:まさか?
- トンイ:林姑というのはチャイジョンだったオ・テソク様の号です。これなのです。亡くなったテサホン様が伝えようとしていたことは。あの手の動きはオテソク様を指していたに違いありません。
- 同伊:音... 音律,八,五,十,五。这难道是...
- 徐龍基・沈云澤:娘娘...
- 同伊:我找到了,是音律。应该就是十二音律。
- 沈云澤:娘娘,您这究竟是什么意思。
- 同伊:就是这个。有一部分南人,在五经之中特别加上这乐记,将六经奉为至高的经典。这表示他们是相当注重礼乐之人。
- 徐龍基:那娘娘的意思是,秘密应该就藏在十二音律之中。
- 同伊:是。音乐中的第八个音林锺,第五个音是姑洗,第十音南吕,第五个音,又回到姑洗。只有这些音律,当然不代表任何意思。但是如果只取林锺与南吕的前字,然后取第五个音姑洗的前后两字,林,姑,南,洗。
- 徐龍基:林姑南洗就是...
- 同伊:这洗字也带友官职的意思。这么说,后面这个南洗也就是指南人派官员。而林姑... 没有错
- 沈云澤:大人不是说辛酉年之案,或也许可能是同为,南人派的人所为吗 ... . 那么,林姑是...
- 徐龍基:那是...
- 沈云澤:莫非...
- 同伊: 正是如此,林姑就是前左相吴太锡大人的别号。就是这个,大人。已故的张益憲大司憲大人, 所要传达的含义。那手势指的... 或许就是吴太锡左相大人。也说不定。
- 难道nándào, could it be that
- 音律yīnlǜ, tuning
- 究竟jiūjìng, after all
- 没有错 méiyǒu cuò, no mistake, you bet
- 也许yěxǔ, maybe
- 莫非mòfēi, could it be
- 已故yǐgù, the late
- 传达chuándá, pass on
- 或许huòxǔ, perhaps
- 说不定shuōbudìng, can't say for sure, maybe
42. Episode-42:
- Ok-jeong: I am sure that if you came to see me at such an hour, you are not merely paying your respects.
- Dong-yi: Do you remember, perchance? Long ago, when I first met Your Highness, I asked if I could see your key ornament.
- Ok-jeong: Key ornament?
- Dong-yi: Yes. At that time, Your Highness said that you had that ornament since childhood. However, is that the only key ornament you possess? Is it possible that you have another one?
- Ok-jeong: What are you talking about? Why are you suddenly asking about a key ornament? And another one? What kind of ...
- Dong-yi: This. I am asking you if you possess a key ornament like this.
- Ok-jeong: (This is my key ornament.) How do you have this?
- Dong-yi: Does that really belong to Your Highness?
- Ok-jeong: What is it? Why are you trying to confirm such a thing? Did you not hear me? I am asking you. What all these bizarre inquiries are all about?
- Dong-yi (monologue): (Was it you, Your Highness? The person who drove my father and Swordsmen Society to dead. Was that Your Highness and Lord Oh Tae-seok? Does this mean you were involved in that as well?)
- オクチョン:一体何が言いたいのだ。いきない夜遅く訪ねてきて、鍵かざりだと?それが一体どうした?
- トンイ:もしや、その絵を同じ鍵かざりをお持ちでは?ご覧いただけますか?
- オクチョン:なぜこれを?
- トンイ:それは確かにヒビン様のものですか。
- オクチョン:なら何だ?そのようなことを何のために確認するのだ。答えぬか?一体何のためそのゆな不可解なことを聞くのだ?
- トンイ独白:(ヒビン様なのですか?父とコムゲを死に追いやった首謀者、それはオ・テソク様とヒビン様ですか?あの陰謀をヒビン様もご存知だったのですか?)
- オクチョン独白:(一体何のためだ?淑媛は何を確認したかったであろう?あの者は何かを知っている。それは何だ?)
- ....
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん、オ・テソク様とヒビン様でした。父と兄を死に追いやって、自分達の罪をすべてコムゲに被せたのは... そうとは知らずに私はヒビン様にお仕えしました。ヒビン様の真心を信じ協力したのです。
- チョンス:淑媛様
- トンイ:私は許すことができません。父と兄、他の皆を犠牲にして地位を得た人達... そんな人達を絶対に許せません。
- Lord Oh Tae-seok: This manifesto was posted on my house. It say they will expose those who framed the Swordsmen Society in 1681. It says here that they know that it was I who plotted the whole thing. What is this? Is this your doing, as well?
- Jang Moo-yeol: What did you say?
- Oh Tae-seok: You have been killed my man before. And now you want to kill me, too?
- Jang Moo-yeol: My load.
- Oh Tae-seok: Do you think that you could get rid of me this way? If I go down, then Heebin Jang will also go down with me. Do you think that I will let this affect only me?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Please come to your senses, my lord. If, as you say, the events of that year are exposed, then none of us will be safe. Then, why would I have done a thing like this?
- Oh Tae-seok: However, Heebin Jang and you are the only people who know that secret. Then, this must mean that there are some others who know as well. Someone else knows the secret of that incident?
- オ・テソク:触れ文が家に貼られておった。シンユウの年コムゲに被せた罪をあばくと書いてある。それに事件を裏で仕組んだのは私だと書いてあるのだ。これもそなたの仕業か?
- チャン・ムヨル:何ですと?
- オ・テソク:私の味方を装い、いずれ私を閉め出す考えか?
- チャン・ムヨル:何ですと
- オ・テソク:これ位で私を倒せるとも思っているのか?私が倒れる時はヒビン様も道連れだ。断じて私一人で倒れたりするものか。
- チャン・ムヨル:しっかりなさって下さい。シンユウの年のことが明らかになれば皆が危ないのです。私がやる訳がないでしょう。
- オ・テソク:あの秘密を知るのはヒビン様とそなたしかおらぬ。
- チャン・ムヨル:これは他にも秘密を知る者がいるということです。誰かが秘密を知っているのです。
- Seo Yonggui: Just as you ordered, we are tailing Lord Oh Tae-seok. Now, the only thing we have left to do is to wait for him to crumble.
- Dong-yi: My lord, I leave the handling of this whole matter in your hands. However, I asked you to come today because I needed to speak with you. When these truths become public I must confess to everything I've kept hidden from His Majesty.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, that is what I must do, my lord. That is ...
- Dong-yi: Everything started with the hand signal I saw. It started with me. We cannot reveal the truth of this matter if we hid that fact. I had already prepared myself for this long ago. But I am afraid His Majesty may ...
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, the events of the past were a conspiracy. Please trust His Majesty. Even if that is revealed His Majesty will not condemn you for it.
- Dong-yi: No. How could I dare wish for His Majesty's forgiveness? My lord, whatever it may be I will not evade what I must face and endure. However if it is only possible there is just one thing that I wish to avoid. I mean the prince. That child I cannot let that child suffer because of his mother's affairs.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: So, I am afraid. I must make a difficult request of you now.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: Please look after the prince, my lord.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, what do you mean by that?
- Dong-yi: No matter what happens from now on, you must remain untouched. And you must remain in this palace, and protect the prince for me. And no matter what happens to me, you must act as though you know nothing. You only investigated this case because I asked you to. But you did not know that I am the daughter of the Swordsmen Society's Chief.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, I cannot do that. Have you forgotten? I said that I would take responsibility for it all.
- Dong-yi: So... That is why I told you that this was a difficult request. Because I know how painful it will be for you to grant me my request.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness. Please, do this for me. If something should happen to me, then you are the only person in the palace who can protect the prince. Therefore, please for the child's sake, grant me this request, my lord.
- ソ・ヨンギ:言われた通りオ・テソク様を見張っています。後は自ら崩れる時を待ち、取り逃がさぬだけです。
- トンイ:ソヨンギ様。オ・テソク様をどうするかはすべてお任せします。私がお呼びしたのはお話したいことがあるからです。すべてが明かになったら私は王様に隠していたことをお話します。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑媛様、それは....
- トンイ:話さねばなりません。すべては私が見た手の動きそこから始まったのです。それを隠したまま真相を明らかにすることはできません。もうずっと前から覚悟していました。ただそれで王様が...
- ソ・ヨンギ:シンユウの年の件は濡れ衣だったのです。それがわかれば王様も淑媛様を咎めはしないでしょう。
- トンイ:いいえ、私は王様の許しは望みません。ソ・ヨンギ様、どのような罰であろうと私は受け入れる覚悟でいます。ですが、できるものなら一つだけ避けたいことがあるのです。王子のことです。母親のことでつらい思いをさせたくはありません。
- ソ・ヨンギ:ならば...
- トンイ:そこでソ・ヨンギ様につらいことをお願いしたいのです。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑媛様
- トンイ:王子のことをお願いします。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑媛様それはどういうことですか?
- トンイ:この先何があってもソ・ヨンギ様は無事でいて下さい。そして宮廷で王子を守って下さい。それから今後何があっても私のことは知らぬふりをして下さい。ソ・ヨンギ様は私の命令で事件を調べただけです。私がコムゲの頭の娘とは知らなかったことに。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑媛様申し上げたはずです。この件は私がすべてを背負って...
- トンイ:ですからつらいことをお願いしたいと言ったのです。これがソ・ヨンギ様にとってどれほど辛いことかはわかっていますから。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑媛様...
- トンイ:どうかお願いします。私に何かあった時はこの宮廷で王子を守れるのはソ・ヨンギ様しかいません。ですからどうか、あの子のためにそうして下さい。
43. Episode-43:
- King: How did this come to pass? Dong-yi. Could it be you and that man the Chief of the Swordsmen, known each other? Is that it? ... No, that is impossible. That is not possible. There ... has been a misunderstanding. Tell me the truth now. Why are you here, and not in the palace? How do you know that criminal and what were you doing here? Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: I tried to tell you everything, Your Majesty. To meet with you to tell you everything I had concealed. But now I am afraid it is too late, Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Forgive me, Your Majesty. I am afraid I must escort the Lady Sukwon. I believe I should confirm a few facts regarding tonight, Your Majesty. What are you doing? Escort Her Highness immediately.
- 王:どういうことなのだ。まさかあの者と... まさかそんなはずはない。これは何かの間違いなのであろう。話してみよ。なぜそなたがこのような所にいるのだ。なぜあの罪人を知っている。ここで何をしていた?トンイ...
- トンイ:全てお話するつもりでした。王様に出会ってからずっと隠してきたことを...ですが、すでに遅すぎたようです、王様。
- 王:トンイ...
- チャン・ムヨル:恐れながら王様、淑媛様をお連れいたします。事の経緯をいくつか確認せねばなりません。何をしている?淑媛様をお連れしろ。
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: I shall tell you about that, Your Majesty. ... I beg of you , Brother. I am the one who must do this. Please save me from committing any more crimes against His Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. Please do not forgive me. I have been covered the truth and deceived Your Majesty along this time.
- King: No, stop that now. I am ... I shall tell you, I shall ...
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Yes. Now, I think I know what this is. Long ago, you and your father received help from the Swordsmen Society. Yes. That is certainly what the chief palace guard told me. When you and your family were running away from a nobleman's abuse. The Swordsmen Society helped you. You believe that to be crime, so you thought you could not stay by my side. But they appeared now and threatened you. They brought up past events and threatened to expose this truth. So the Swordsmen Society used you to.
- Dong-yi: No, Your Majesty. That is not true. They were not trying to exploit me. It's me. I tried to help them of my own will.
- King: What?
- Dong-yi: I am ... I am not Cheon Dong-yi, Your Majesty. Choi Hyo-won. That was the name of my father. Choi Dong-yi. That is my true name, Your Majesty. I was not a runaway slave. I was born and raised in the Bahn Village the daughter of the Chief Swordsman who died in 1681. My father was the Chief of the Swordsmen Society. My brother was a Swordsman as well. That ... that is who I am. Your Majesty, that is the past which I could not tell you about, Your Majesty. That is why I could not turn my back on them. That is why I willingly tried to help them to escape. Your Majesty. I shall gladly receive the punishment for these crimes. However, none of the ladies of my quarters are aware of this fact. Neither the chief palace guard, nor the Surveillance Ladies know of this. Therefore, please. If only them ...
- King: Stop, that is enough. Stop. Do not say another word. Not another word.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: You will gladly receive punishment? How could you ... How could you utter such words to me? How could you ... Chamberlain, are you outside?
- Chamberlain: Yes ... Your Majesty.
- King: Escort ... escort Sukwon outside. Sukwon will return to her quarters now. Did you not hear me? I told you to take Sukwon outside now.
- チョンス:淑媛様
- トンイ:そのことは私からお話します。そうさせて、チョンス兄さん。私から話すべきです。王様に対してこれ以上罪を犯したくないのです。
- 王:トンイ。
- トンイ:どうか私を許さないで下さい。これまでずっと私が恐ろしい事実を隠してきました。私は...
- 王:いや、やめろ、余が話す。余が...
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:やっとどういうことかわかった。昔、そなたと父はコムゲに助けられた。そうだ、親衛隊長は余にそう言っていた。両班の元から逃れる途中、コムゲに助けられたと。そなたはそれを罪と感じ、余の側にはいられないと思った。そしてコムゲはそなたを脅迫した。昔のことを暴露すると言ったのだな。コムゲはそなたを利用し...
- トンイ:違うのです。そうではありません。利用されてなどいません。私が自ら進んで協力したのです。
- 王:何?
- トンイ:私は、私は... チョン・ドンイではないのです。チェ・ヒョウオン、それが亡くなった私の父の名です。チェ・ドンイ、それがずっと隠してきた私の名です。逃げた奴卑ではありません。私はパンチョンで生まれたオジャギンの娘でシンユウの年にコムゲの頭である父を亡くしました。私の父がコムゲの頭でした。死んだ兄も同じくコムゲだったのです。それが本当の私です。それが王様にお話できなかった私の過去です。だからあの者達を放ってはおけませんでした。私は自らの意志であの者達を逃がそうとしたのです。王様、私はどのような罰でもお受けいたします。ですが私に仕える者はこの事実を一切知りません。ソ・ヨンギ様もそうです。カムチャルブの者も何も知りません。ですからどうかあの者達は...
- 王:やめよ。やめるのだ。何も言うな。それ以上何も言ってはならぬ。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:罰を受けるだと... どうして余にそのようなことが言えるのだ。そなたが... ハン内官はいるか?淑媛を遅れ。淑媛は住まいに戻る。聞こえぬのか。淑媛を早く連れて行け。
- Queen: How does it feel? Now that you are finally able to get rid of Sukwon. Are you satisfied?
- Ok-jeong: Forgive me, Your Highness. Her Highness, what did it mean? I don't understand.
- Queen: Really?
- Ok-jeong: I, too, am saddened by what Sukwon has done. To keep such a terrible truth hidden so well. How shocked His Majesty and even Your Highness, must fee now.
- Queen: That is true. I was shocked and angry. His Majesty must feel the same way. However the reason why I am angry is not because of Sukwon but because of you. Because you still have not learned the errors of your ways. And because you used such a devious method to entrap Lady Sukwon. Do not think that everything will go as you've planned, Heebin. I am no longer just a shell of a Queen. Therefore, bear this in mind I shall not allow Sukwon to undergo similar ordeal as I did because of you.
- 王妃:どうだ。そなたが目の敵にしていた淑媛を追い詰めたのだ。これで満足か?
- オクチョン:恐れながら王妃様、王妃様が何をおっしゃりたいのかよくわかりません。淑媛の件は私も残念です。あのように恐ろしい事実を隠していたとは、王様も王妃様も驚かれたことでしょう。
- 王妃:そうだ。驚き怒りもこみ上げた。だが私が怒りを覚えるのは淑媛にではない。そなたに対してだ。そなたは何一つ悔い改めてはいない。その上このような卑劣なやり方で淑媛を陥れようとした。全ては思い通りになるとは思うなヒビン。私はもう飾りだけの王妃ではない。覚えておくがいい。何があろうと淑媛には私と同じ苦しみを味わせたりはしない。
- King: What is your name?
- Gae Doo-la: I... I am called Gae Doo-la.
- King: You are a young man. You were Sukwon's friend, so you are hardly thirty? This is the report I received regarding this case. In it, they have written what you have done. And what atrocious crimes you and your men have committed. your crimes absolutely cannot be forgiven. And you will all pay for those crimes with your lives. However there was something missing in this. Why you dis such things? Why you and the Swordsmen Society committed such merciless murders? The reason was not reported.
- Gae Doo-la: Your Majesty.
- King: I came here to hear that reason. So tell me now. What was your reason? Why did you murder those noblemen so mercilessly?
- Gae Doo-la: Your Majesty. It was because no one would do it for us.
- King: What?
- Gae Doo-la: We wanted to get rid of all the noblemen in this land but no one would do that for us. Peasants are born as people, but cannot live like people. We are abused our whole lives. And even if we are killed for no reason, no one stands up for the peasants. That is the nature of this country. So I took matters into my own hands to teach them not to treat us in such ways. That we are people as well. To please stop killing commoners that way. So, I have no regrets, Your Majesty, I know that I have committed a heinous crime but if I am born a peasant again and must live such a miserable life. Then I will take up my sword again and commit the same crime. However, Lady Sukwon has committed no crime. And neither did the Chief who passed away in 1681. The Chief only wished to protect commoners who were abused for no reason. He took up the sword but he did not use it to take lives. Even still, he died because he had been framed. Her Highness lost her father wrongfully.
- King: What do you mean? He was framed? In what way are you saying Sukwon's father was framed?
- 王:皆を下がらせよ。... お前がコムゲの頭か?名はなんと申す。
- ケドラ:ケドラです。
- 王;まだ若いな。淑媛の友なら三十にも届くまい。これに事件の詳細が記されている。つまりお前達が何をしたか、どれほど残忍な罪を犯したか、その全てがだ。決して許されることではない。お前達全員、命をもって償うことになろう。だがここにないものがある。なぜそうしたか?お前とコムゲがなぜ非情にも人の命を奪ったか、その理由が記されていない。
- ケドラ:王様...
- 王:その理由を聞きたくて来たのだ。申してみよ。利用は何なのか?なぜ非情にも両班を殺害したのだ?
- ケドラ:王様、それは誰も制裁を加えてくれないからです。この世の両班全てを追い払ってくれる人が誰もいないからです。人として生まれても人として扱われないのが賤民です。一生こき使われ罪もなく無残に殺されても賤民のために動いてくれる人はいません。それがこの国です。だから自分でやったのです。同じ人である賤民を二度と苦しめたり、無残に殺したりせぬよう。だから私は後悔などしていません。罪だということはわかっています。でもまた賤民に生まれ同じ苦しみを味わうなら、私はその時剣を取り、また同じ罪を犯します。ですが、淑媛様に罪はありません。シンユウの年に死んだお頭もそうでした。お頭はただ虐げられた賤民を守ろうとしただけなのです。剣を取っても人を殺してなどしていません。それなのに濡れ衣を着せられ死んだのです。淑媛様は無念の内に父を亡くしたのです。
- 王:濡れ衣とはどういうことだ?淑媛の父はどんな濡れ衣を着せられた?
- Sim Untek: There is something I must tell you, Your Majesty.
- King: What is it?
- Sim Untek: It is regarding the late Deputy Mayor Oh Tae-seok and the Swordsmen Society.
- シム・ウンテク:王様、お話したいことがございます。
- 王:何だ。
- シム・ウンテク:亡くなったオテソク様と剣契に関することです。
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: So remember my words and do not falter. I shall protect you at all costs.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, this cannot be allowed to happen. You are aware of my crimes.
- Queen: Yes. You are the daughter of the Chief of the Swordsmen Society. However, your father was framed in 1681. That was neither your father's crime, nor your own. I know that the late Deputy Mayor Oh Tae-seok was the culprit. And I know that you found the evidence to prove that.
- Dong-yi: But even if that were true, my past, itself, cannot be erased. Or that I tried to help the new Chief of the Swordsmen's Society ...
- Queen: Then, will you truly bring punishment for all these crimes onto yourself? Do you not realize, Sukwon? If you continue, then you may be executed. Sukwon.
- トンイ:王妃様
- 王妃:だから私の言葉を信じろ。何としてでも私がそなたを守る。
- トンイ:王妃様。そのようなことはいけません。私の罪はおわかりのはずです。
- 王妃:ああ、そなたはコムゲの頭の娘だ。だが、そなたの父とコムゲは濡れ衣を着せられたのであろう。そなたの父は勿論、そなたも悪くない。罪を着せたのが殺されたオ・テソクで、そなたがその証拠を握っているのも知っている。
- トンイ:いくらそうだとしても私の過去は決して消えません。私が再結成されたコムゲに協力して
- 王妃:ならば、このまま全ての罰を受けようというのか?わかっているのか、このままではそなたの命はないかも知れない。淑媛!
- King: I heard about your father. What the man tried to accomplish? And the reason he had to die.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: It is not your fault. So all of this was my fault as King. You tried to tell me the truth for a long time. However, I was the one who stopped you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Therefore, it is my fault that you hid the truth. The commoners underwent such injustices. It is my fault too So I shall handle this matter I will not allow you to be hurt. So, Dong-yi, you must ...
- Dong-yi: It's me ... I helped the Swordsmen Society I knew they had been revived. Yet, I did not report it. I tried to help their Chief escape, Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Even if may father is finally exonerated, you cannot cover that up, Your Majesty. That fact that everyone is aware of.
- King: That is why ... that is why I am telling you to lie. Do you understand? You were merely listening to an old friend's plea for help. You did not know that the man was part of the Swordsmen Society.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: That man hid the truth and approached you in order to use you. You went to that place without knowing the truth.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: If you say so, then I will handle everything.
- Dong-yi: I cannot do that, Your Majesty. Therefore ... How can you ask me to let you stand before everyone and tell a lie?
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: What would the world say? What would the ministers and subjects say to that? No, Your Majesty. I cannot do that. I cannot allow you to stain your legacy in order to save my own life. You are the King of this country.
- King: I do not care if I am not the King. Do you not see? I do not care about that. I only I can protect you ... I only I can do that ... Then I do not care if I am the world's most pathetic King. None of that matters to me anymore. Yes. I was born inside the palace. I was born as the future King and lived my whole life as a King. I, too never imagined that I could be like this. However, even if that's true I cannot lose you. Dong-yi. I just cannot give you up to them. Dong-yi. So I beg you. Allow me to cover all this up. Nothing will ever happen to you, Dong-yi. Nothing will happen to you. None of these event ever happened at all.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- 王:父親のことは聞いた。何をしようとしたのか?どうして死んだのか?
- トンイ:王様。
- 王:そなたに罪はない。罪に問われるべきは王である余だ。そなたはずっと前から事実を話そうとしていた。それを止めてしまったのは余だ。故に、そなたが事実を隠したのも賤民達が悔しい思いをしたのも王である余のせいだ。よってこの件は余が処理する。絶対にそなたを傷つけはしない。
- トンイ:私はコムゲに協力しました。再結成されたのを知りながら隠していました。それにコムゲの頭を逃がそうとしたのです。
- 王:トンイ...
- トンイ:父の無実が証明されても、この事実は変えられません。もう周知の事実です。
- 王:だったらそなたが嘘をつけばよい。そなたは幼馴染みの頼みを聞いただけだ。コムゲとは知らずにしたことだ。
- トンイ:王様
- 王:そなたの過去を知るあの者がそなたを利用し、何も知らぬそなたを呼び出して... そう言えば余がすべて処理する。
- トンイ:そのようなことできません。王たるお方が嘘をつけなどどうしておっしゃるのですか?世の中が黙ってはいません。重臣が民が黙っているはずはありません。いけません。私にはできません。自分の命を救うために王様の将来を汚すようなことはできません。この国の王ではありませんか。
- 王:王でなくともよいのだ。わからぬのか。地位などどうでもよいのだ。そなたを守ることができるのでさえあれば... この世で一番情けない王でも構わぬ。そんなことどうでもよいのだ。余は宮廷に生まれ、将来の王として生まれ、王として生きてきた。なのにこんな決断をせよとは。それでも余はそなたを失いたくない。トンイ、余はそなたを手放せない。トンイ、お願いだ。すべてを伏せさせてくれ。そなたはこのままだ、トンイ。何も起こりはしない。何も起こらなかったのだ。
- トンイ:王様...
- Ok-jeong: He wants to cover it up, knowing everything that has happened? His Majesty?
- Matron: You Highness ...
- Ok-jeong: I wish to be alone. Leave.
- Ok-jeong (monologue): Is this how it was? You were always the King, first and foremost. Now, you willing to do such things. Did Sukwon matter so much to you?
- オクチョン:全てを知っても、伏せてしまうおつもりか?王様が...
- 尚宮:ヒビン様...
- オクチョン:下がっていろ。下がれ!
- オクチョン独白:そうだったんですか?どんな時も正しくあられた王様がそのような決断を... 淑媛は王様にとってそこまでの存在ですか?
44. Episode-44:
- King: Why have you come to this place? Have you forgotten what I told you? Follow me now. We will return to the palace.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: What are you doing? I told you to follow me now!
- Jang Moo-yeol: Your Majesty.
- King: I distinctly told you that I will not permit Sukwon's investigation. Therefore, stand down now, Chief Administrator.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Your Majesty. Forgive me. But that is impossible. Her Highness has already confessed to everything. Her Highness has already confessed to her true identity, her connection to the Swordsmen Society, and that she tried to help the Chief of the Swordsmen Society. She confessed it all to the Trial Officer. Your Majesty. The Trial Officer has already recorded it all. Now, it is impossible to reverse the situation, Your Majesty. Please reconsider your position.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Why did you do that? Tell me, how could you do this to me? You confessed? Do you really not know what that means? If you admit to these crimes, you cannot survive it! The ministers will not stop attacking you until you have given your life to them!.
- Dong-yi: I am aware, Your Majesty. However, there are other things as important as my life. Like the innocent lives of my quarters' attendants. And Your Majesty's ...
- King: Do not. Do not say that it was for my sake.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: If you really thought so ... if you even thought of me one second, you should not have done this! Instead, you should have told me to abdicate my throne and run away with you! you want me to punish you myself? I cannot bear to do that! Do you understand? I will never be able to do that!
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Do not call me that! From this moment on, I am no longer King. I shall do whatever it takes!
- Dong-yi (monologue): (Your Majesty, please let me go. Please do not become so weak ever again, Your Majesty!)
- 王:なぜそなたがここにいるのだ。余の言葉を忘れたのか?一緒に来い。宮殿に戻るのだ。何をしておる。
- チャン・ムヨル:王様
- 王:忘れたのか、淑媛の取り調べは許さぬと言ったはずだ。このまま黙って下がれ。
- チャン・ムヨル:王様、恐れながらそれはできません。淑媛様がすでに全てを自白されました。淑媛様が今まで隠しておられた身分、コムゲとの関係、それにコムゲの頭を逃がそうとしたこと何もかも残らず話されました。王様、すでに記録に残されています。ですから元へ戻すことはできないのです。王様、どうかご理解下さい。... トンイ...
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:なぜ話した?余の言葉に逆らうとは。自白しただと?どうなるかわかっているのか?罪を認めれば無事では済まない。その命が尽きるまで重臣達はそなたを攻める。
- トンイ:わかっております、王様。ですが、命よりもっと大事なことがあります。私に仕えてくれた無実の者達の命や王様の...
- 王:やめろ。余のためなどと言うな。そなたが本当に余のためを思うのなら、これは間違っている。いっそ王の座を捨てて共に逃げようと言うべきだ。余にそなたを裁けと... そのようなことはできぬ。よいか。絶対にできぬからな。
- トンイ:王様...
- トンイ独白:(王様、私をお忘れ下さい。ご自分を見失ってはなりません。)
- Dong-yi: I was making the Prince a gown. I wanted him to wear it on his birthday. I did not know that I would lose the child so easily.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. Would you ... Would you let me stop this now? I do no wish to lose anything else that is precious to me. My brother will leave for exile, and Gae Doo-la will not survive this. I shall lose everyone, and then ...
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, can you understand how precious you are to me, Your Majesty? Therefore, couldn't you spare me from having to watch Your Majesty suffer because of me?
- King: Dong-yi.
- トンイ:王子の礼服を作っていたのです。王子の満一歳の祝いの日に着せたくて。こんなにあっけなくあの子を失うとも知らずにに....
- 王:トンイ....
- トンイ:王様...もうここで終わらせていただけませんか?これ以上大切なものを失いたくありません。チョンス兄さんは流刑に処せられ、ケドラは死罪となるでしょう。そして皆を失い私だけ... 王様、王様が私にとってどれだけ大事だかおわかりですよね。私のせいで王様が苦しまれるのをもう見たくはありません。ですから見ずに済むようにして下さい。
- 王:トンイ...
- King: I have lost everything that is dear to me. I've lost the Prince. And now I will lose Sukwon as well. Sukwon, Dong-yi said that to me that it was hard enough to lose the Prince. So, she wanted me to spare her from seeing me suffer as well. Yes, I know now. I was selfish. I could not bear to lose her, so I asked her to say with me to endure everything.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Majesty.
- King: Yes, it should be me. I should endure it all. But, I am not confident whether I will be able to to bear the time spent without her.
- 王:大切なものを全て失った。王子も失い、淑媛も失うことになるだろう。淑媛が、トンイが余にこう言っていた。王子を失っただけでもつらいのに、その上、余が苦しむ姿まで見せないでくれと。わかっている。余のわがままだ。余がトンイのことを手放せず、トンイに全てを耐えさせた。そうだ。それではいけない。余が耐えなくては... だが自信がない。余にできるのか。トンイがいない時を耐えられるのだろうか?
- King: Today, I will announce my decision regarding the Swordsmen Society, who challenged the court of this nation. The Swordsmen Society committed the felony of murder, and threatened the court and throne of this land. Therefore I order the execution of the Chief of the Swordsmen Society, those who served him will be exiled. However, even if they are criminals the Swordsmen Society of 1681 was revealed to have been innocent. Therefore, they will be exonerated. However, the Palace Guard Captain Cha Cheon-soo will be charged with hiding his identity and exiled to a remote island. And Sukwon, who was connected to this case had concealed the identity of her past and committed the treason of helping the Swordsmen Society. Therefore, Sukwon's crime will not go unpunished. however, I will consider the death of the Prince and will spare her her life. Instead, from this moment on, she will only retain the name and position of a Royal Concubine but will not receive the treatment of a Royal Concubine. She will be removed from the Palace. And I, too, shall never see her again.
- 王:今日、余がこの場で告げるのはこの国を騒がせたコムゲに関する処罰だ。コムゲは殺人という大罪を犯し、朝廷と王室を冒涜した。よって余はコムゲの首謀者を打ち首の刑に処し、それに賛同した者も流刑に処す。しかし、シンユウの年の件はコムゲは法を犯したが両班の殺害は濡れ衣とわかった。その無念を晴らすため罪を撤回する。但し、内禁府のチョンサガンはシャ・チョンスは身分を偽った罪で絶海の孤島への流刑に処す。そしてすべての事件に関わった淑媛は身分を隠した上、コムゲをかくまうという大罪を犯した。よって淑媛の罪も許されるものではない。しかし王子を失った境遇を考慮し、命だけは助ける。今を持って、側室の地位と名だけを残し、側室としての権利を剥奪する。よって淑媛を宮殿から追放し、余もまた二度と淑媛とは会わぬ。
- 王: 今日寡人在此,在众卿面前,对扰乱国家朝廷的剑契,正式宣布应得处分。剑契犯下了杀生之大罪,藐视我国的朝廷与王室。因此寡人,对主谋此事的剑契首长,下达斩首之刑。而跟随他的群众,全数流放边境。 但是,辛酉年剑契一案,虽然他们确实犯了罪,但诛杀两班之嫌,已证实是遭人嫁祸、故这杀人罪名正式得以伸冤。然而,内禁卫从事官车天寿,犯下欺瞒身分之罪,按国家王法,必须下达流放边境之刑。 还有,与这所有事件有所牵连的淑媛,犯下了隐瞒其身分,协助並藏匿逃逸的剑契首长之大罪。因此,淑媛的罪行亦绝不能轻易饶恕。但是,叁酌痛失王子的淑媛之情况,寡人决定免除死罪,然而,从这一刻起,只得维持后宫之名衔与地位,王室后宫之礼遇,即刻全数撤回,并将淑媛驱逐宫外私家。而寡人,也再也不会和淑媛见面。
- 扰乱rǎoluàn, disturb, perturb
- 藐视miǎoshì, despise
- 下达xiàdá, transmit down
- 嫁祸jiàhuò, impute, wrongly accused
- 伸冤shēnyuān, redress an injustice
- 欺瞒qīmán, hoodwink
- 按àn, according to
- 必须bìxū, must
- 牵连qiānlián, implicate
- 罪行xuìxíng, crime
- 饶恕ráoshù, forgive
- 情况qíngkuàng, circumstances
- King: Let us just run away instead, Dong-yi. Just like this. Run away with me.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Yes. You will tell me that I can't. Because I am the King. Because I must live as a King. Then, how am I to live as a person? Without you, how am I to live? Why? Why have you done this to me? Why have you prevented me from seeing or touching you? How can you put me through such hellish ordeal? That is why ... That is why I have comet to tell you that I hate you. I came to tell you how much I resent you ... And ... I came to tell you how much I miss you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty ... (Was it this painful, Your Majesty? Were you in so much pain that you became so frail? Please forgive me, Your Majesty. I hope that you can forgive me.)
- 王:いっそ一緒に逃げよう、トンイ。このまま余と共にどこかに...
- トンイ:王様。
- 王:いや、そなたはだめだと言うな。余は王だから。王として生きねばならぬから。ならば人としてはどう生きていけばいい、そなたなしで?どうやって?なぜこのような目に遭わせた?なぜそなたを見ることも触れることもできなくした?どうして炎の中で生きるような苦しみを与えた?だから余はそなたが憎いと言いに来たのだ。そなたをとても恨んでいると..、それに、それにそなたがとても恋しくてならぬと...
- トンイ独白:(そんなにお辛かったのですか、王様、こんなにおやつれになる程お辛かったのですか。私を許して下さい。このような私を許して下さい。)
- 王:我们干脆一起逃走吧,同伊。抛下一切,我们一起逃走。
- 同伊:陛下...
- 王:也对,你一定会说不行。因为我是国君。必须作为国君活下去。但是,作为一个人我该如何活下去。没有你,如何活下去。为何... 为何让我变成这模样。为何让我,看不见,也摸不着你了呢。为何让我。陷入这有如琉璜火湖般的痛苦之中呢。所以... 所以我,特地来告诉你,我很死你了。特地来告诉你,我怨死你了。还有... 我来也要告诉你,我想死你了。
- 同伊:陛下... (你竟然如此痛苦吗,陛下。竟然痛到这个地步。变得如此消瘦吗。 请您原谅臣妾,陛下。求您... 求您原谅这样的我吧。)
- 干脆gāncuì, simply
- 抛下pāoxià, throw down
- 一切yīqiè, all
- 因为yīnwèi, because
- 活下huóxià, survive
- 为何wèihé, why
- 痛苦tòngkǔ, pain, suffering
- 陷入xiànrù, sink into
- 特地tèdì, specially
- 竟然jìngrán, actually
- 原谅yuánliàng, forgive
45. Episode-45:
- King: Why are you crying in this place? Here, take this. Here. I heard a strange sound from under the palace wall and came here to find such a small puppy. Long ago, I found another much larger, but very pretty puppy here. So, if you are finished crying, will you stand up? You must have lost your way, so they will take you home. Look here.
- Geum: What is your name? You appear to be man of great character. Tell me. What is your name?
- King: What did you say?
- Geum: It is because I do not wish to forget this gratitude. So, do not hesitate and identify yourself.
- King: Why, have you seen such a brazen boy? What did you just say?
- Geum: What a brazen boy? Do you know who I am, to be speaking such insolence?
- King: All right, then let me hear it. Who are you to accuse me of being insolent?
- Geum: I am a prince. do you know now? I may be dressed like this but I am undoubtedly a prince of His Majesty's bloodline.
- Dong-yi: Geum ...
- King: Wait ... What did you just say?
- Geum: I said that I am a prince.
- King: You ... you are a prince? Then, are you ...
- Geum: Mother ...
- 王:どうした?なぜここで泣いている?これを使え。早く。おかしな音がすると思って来てみたら、こんな小さな子犬がいたか?以前ここでそなたより大きなかわいい子犬を見つけたことがある。さあ、泣くのが済んだら腰を上げろ。ほら。よし、道に迷ったようだな。
- クム:そなた何者だ。見たところ立派な者のようだが、誰なのだ。名乗ってみよ。
- 王:は、何だと。
- クム:そなたの恩を覚えておくためだ。だからどこの何者が申せ。
- 王:こやつ、生意気だな。今何と言った。
- クム:これ、こやつだと。誰に向かった口を聞いているかわかっているのか?
- 王:全く... よかろう。聞かせてくれ。そなたが何者ゆえ私を無礼だと言う。
- クム:私は王子だ。よいか。身なりはこのようではあるが王様の血を受け継いだ王子なのだ。
- トンイ:クム、クム... クム、どこだ?
- 王:ちょっと待て。今、何と言った。そなたが誰だと?
- クム:王子だと言った。王子ならそなたが...
- 王:母上...
46. Episode-46:
- King: Wait ... Stop ... Let us rest for a bit.
- Geum: Are you all right? How can a grown man be so weak? Are all noblemen like this? After running this short distance,
- King: Your Highness, you say the same words... This judge of the Ministry of the Capital City greets Your Highness.
- ......
- Geum: But since you treat me so well, I am thinking of my father. As you know, I was born and raised outside the Palace, so I have never seen my father's face. Have you ever seen His Majesty? If you are a judge of the Ministry of the Capital City.
- King: Yes, I have met him before.
- Geum: Really? Did you see my father from up close? How was he? What kind of man is His Majesty. I envy you. You can meet my father.
- King: Your Highness, did you not resent His Majesty? For abandoning Your Highness outside of the Palace.
- Geum: He did not abandon me! Mother said that hid did so for me and mother's sake. Mother said that even if the whole world does not know, I, at least, must know that. Therefore, I do not resent His Majesty. However, whenever mother thinks of father and becomes sad, I am sometimes sad myself. Mother still longs for His Majesty, my father. But father must have already forgotten mother or me.
- King: No. That is not true. His Majesty has never for a single day forgotten about Lady Sukwon or Your Highness.
- 王:待て、待て、ちょっと待って下さい。少し休んで行きましょう。
- クム:大丈夫か。大の男が何と情けない。どれだけ育ちがいいのか、ほんのこれしきで... 全く。
- 王:王子様も同じことをおっしゃる。私はハンソン部の判官です。王子様にご挨拶申し上げます。
- .....
- クム:いいや、そなたに優しくされて父上のことを思ったのだ。知っての通り、私は宮殿の外で育ち、父上には一度もお会いしたことがない。そなは漢城府の判官であろう。父上にお会いしたことはあるか?
- 王:それは... はい、ございます。
- クム:そうか、近くで見たことがあるのか?父上は一体どのようなお方だ?父上に会えるなんて、そなたが羨ましい。
- 王:王子様、王様をお恨みではないのですか?王子様を宮殿の外に捨て置いたことを...
- クム:捨てたなどとんでもない。母上は、全て母上と私のためだとおっしゃっていた。私だけはわかっておいて差し上げろと、母上にそう言われた。だから決して父上を恨んだりしていない。だけど母上が父上を思い出して悲しそうな時は、少し悲しくなる。母上は今も父上が恋しいのに母上も私も父上に忘れられたから...
- 王:いえ、それは違います。王様は今まで淑媛様と王子様を一日として忘れたことはないはずです。
- Geum: Are you all right?
- Woon-hak: I am all right.
- Geum: Here is your shovel. This is a verse from the Doctrine of the Middle Way.
- Woon-hak: Why? Do you know this?
- Geum: "Sincerity is the end and beginning of things, without sincerity there would be nothing. The superior man regards the attainment of sincerity as the most excellent thing." Doesn't it mean that faithfulness is the beginning and end of matter. So without faithfulness there is nothing. This is why a man of virtue values faithfulness?
- Dong-yi: Master. So you are the famous Master Woon-hak.
- Sim Untek: The Great Learning and Doctrine of the Middle Way at that age. Then, a fellow like me cannot even compare. At the Prince's age I was only muttering the Analects of Confucius.
- Sim Untek: How about it, Master Woon-hak? Will you teach the Prince?
- Woon-hak: Woon-hak is dead. I believe I already told you.
- Sim Untek: Master.
- Woon-hak: You have come here for nothing, Your Highness. He is a tempting pupil to have, but I do not take those with roots in the court as my pupil.
- Dong-yi: That child is not in a position to find another teacher. Would you please reconsider your decision?
- Woon-hak: No. Forgive me. But even the Prince's unfortunate situation is not my concern.
- Dong-yi: I understand. Forgive us for intruding. Let us go, Inspector.
- Sim Untek: Your Highness, are you going to give up so easily?
- Dong-yi: Give up? Do you not know me yet? I am still the hunting dog. Didn't Liu Bei seeks out Kong Ming three times?
- Sim Untek: Then, do you intend to attempt to convince him thrice?
- Dong-yi: I am not such a great person like Liu Bei, Inspector. Will three times be enough? From now on I shall make that man' life quite bothersome.
- クム:大丈夫か?
- トンイ:クム...
- ウラク:平気だ。
- クム:そなたの鍬だ。お、中庸の句ではないか。
- ウラク:これがわかるのか。
- クム:诚者物之终始不诚无物是故君子诚之为贵。
- トンイ:先生、あなたがウラク先生ですね。
- ....
- ウラク:あの年で中庸や大学とは... 私が王子様の年頃には論語を口ずさむ程度であそこまでは及びませんでした。
- シム・ウンテク:如何です?ウラク先生、王子様を教育していただけますか?
- ウラク:ウラクは死んだ、そう言ったはずだ。
- シム・ウンテク:先生...
- ウラク:無駄足でしたな。淑媛様、興味深くはありますが、朝廷に関わる者を教える気はありません。
- トンイ:先生以外の方を探せる状況ではないのです。考え直していただけませんか?
- ウラク:いえ、お言葉ですが王子様の事情は私には関係ありません。
- トンイ:そうですか?お邪魔しました。帰りましょう。
- シム・ウンテク:淑媛様、なぜ引き下がるのですか?
- トンイ:引き下がる?わかっていませんね。私はまだプンさんです。劉備は孔明を得るために三顧の礼を尽くしました。
- シム・ウンテク:では、三顧の礼をなさるおつもりですか?
- トンイ:私は劉備のように立派ではありません。三度では足りませんね。先生はこれから私に困らされるでしょう。
- King: It is not a great matter. I can simply issue a decree. But since your are all gather here today, I shall tell you personally. I am not certain whether you are aware of this, but the Prince outside the Palace is now seven years old. And as you may know that is the age in which he must enter the Royal academy and receive his royal education. Therefore, I shall uphold the laws of the royal court. I shall call the Prince and lady Sukwon back to the Palace and he shall receive an education befitting an heir of the King.
- South Faction minister: Your Majesty. You will have the Prince and Lady Sukwon return to the Palace? This is ...
- King: I have not finished speaking, minister! Do you know want this is? Last night, someone attempted to assassinate Sukwon and the Prince by setting fire to the house and locked the doors with this. Therefore, I shall now pose a question to you all, I have never once declared that I would execute Sukwon. And, I have never declared that I would deny the Prince a royal education. However. the lives of the Prince, the blood kin of the King and his mother are being threatened. Yet, you still will not allow them to return? All right. Then, what do you think of this? If Sukwon and the Prince remain outside of the Palace, as you wish. And if even a single hair on their bodies is harmed will you pay for that with your own lives?
- 王:皆も知っているとは思うが、宮殿の外にいる王子は今年で七歳だ。七歳と言えばもうチョウハクに入学し、王室の教育を受ける年だ。よって余は王室の掟に従い、王子と母である淑媛を宮殿に戻し、王子に王族としての教育を受けさせる。
- 南人派大臣:王様、王子様と淑媛様を宮殿に戻すなど...どうして?
- 王:余の話はまだ終わっておらぬ!これがわかるか?夕べ何者かが淑媛と王子を殺害せんとして家に火を放ち、これで閂をかけ中に閉じ込めた。そこで余はそなた等に問いたい。余は淑媛を死罪にするとは言っていない。王族である王子に王室の教育を受けさせないともだ。なのに王の血を受け継ぐ王子とその母である淑媛の命が危険に晒されている。それでも宮殿に入れるなと言うのか?ならばそう言うのなら、そなた等の意のまま淑媛と王子を戻さず、再び命を脅かされたらその時はそなた等に命をもって償わせるがよいか?
47. Episode-47:
- Queen: Sukwon ...
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: ... So, this child is the Prince.
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Highness. You should greet Her Royal Highness. Yes, Mother.
- Geum: Your Highness, I humbly greet Your Royal Highness. Please person me for not my inability to carry out my filial duty to Your Royal Highness in the past. I hope all is well with you in this sweltering summer, Your Highness.
- Queen: What a bright boy! Yes, welcome, Prince. How well-behaved and praiseworthy you are!
- 王妃:淑媛...
- 淑媛:王妃様、お元気でいらっしゃいましたか?王妃様。
- 王妃:この子が王子か?
- 淑媛:はい、王妃様。... 王妃様にご挨拶なさい。
- クム:はい、母上。王妃様、王妃様にご挨拶申し上げます。長い間お会いできず礼を尽くせませんでした。つつがなくお健やかに穏やかにお過ごしでしたでしょうか?
- 王妃:これは何としっかりした子だ。本当によく来た。頼もしい上に賢く育ったな。
- King: Child ... When have you arrived?
- Geum: Are you not Judge Lee?
- King: Judge? Yes, Your Highness. It is me.
- Geum: What are you doing here? Have you come to see me?
- King: Yes, Your Highness. After hearing that Your Highness has entered the Palace, I ran here in a single leap!
- Geum: Thank you. I was actually thinking of you just now.
- King: Really?
- Geum: Well, I will soon meet His Majesty. But I am so worried.
- King: You are worried? What are you worried about?
- Geum: I asked a Court Lady and she said that Father is a scary as a tiger! So, I am worried that I will make a mistake or disappoint father and be scolded.
- King: Is that so? A scolding. Actually, I think that may be possible, Your Highness.
- Geum: What?
- King: Just as you said, His Majesty is a very frightening man. But, Your Highness did order His Majesty around and treat him in an insolent manner? And is that all? He is the King of a nation, after all. Yet did you not throw him into a wrestling match, and also drag him to a creek? Your Highness, you will be in trouble now.
- Geum: Wit, look here! What are you saying? How would His Majesty know that I went to a wrestling match or a creek?
- King: That is ...
- Dong-yi: Geum!
- Geum: Mother!
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi, you're here.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, how did this happen? Why are you speaking to the Prince in plain clothes?
- Geum: Mother, what did you just say? Why are you calling this man Your Majesty?
- Dong-yi: What?
- Geum: This man is a judge of the Hanseong Bureau...
- Dong-yi: Geum, what you saying right now? Your Majesty, what is the boy saying ...
- King: I wonder, myself. He keeps calling me a judge. Just like you long ago.
- Dong-yi: What? Then the judge that this boy met was ...
- King: Yes, that was me!
- Geum: Then ... You were really not a judge of the Hanseong Bureau? Then, you are really ...
- King: Yes, Your Highness. I am none other than the King, your Highness's father.
- .....
- King: I thought I heard a little puppy whimpering in this area. Now, let's take a look. Is he here? Or is he there?
- Dong-yi: He seems to be somewhere around here, Your Majesty.
- King: Really? If our Geum is listening I hope he knows that I am not angry.
- Dong-yi: you mean you were not angry?
- King: Of course I am not! I only pretended to be the judge, because I missed him so much. How happy I was to spend time with my child.
- Dong-yi: Still, are you not going to scold him for acting so insolently toward you?
- King: Scold him? You are his mother and when you first met me, did you not step on my back?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty!
- King: You don't know how happy I was when I met Geum. Just like when I first met you. The time that I spent with that boy was such a happy and ecstatic time for me.
- Geum: Are you really not angry with me?
- King: Geum ... Child! We are looking for you, yet here you were all along!
- Geum: I have committed such a huge offense by not recognizing you. But, Your Majesty is still not disappointed in me?
- King: Disappointed? How could I be disappointed in such a lovable boy? Geum, do you recall what I told you on the banks of the creek? That not a single day went by that I did not think of you. Have you already forgotten? Therefore, Geum, you may call me father. Do you know how much I wished to hear you say those words?
- Geum: Father.
- King: That's right! One more time. Can you call me one more time?
- Geum: Father
- King: That's right! Geum! Yes, Geum! Yes, Geum! I am your father.
- 王:おう、これは...来ていたか...
- クム:おう、そなた判官ではないか?
- 王:はい、王子様。私です。
- クム:そなたがなぜここにいるのだ?会いに来たのか?
- 王:はい、王子様。王子様が宮殿にいらしたと聞きまして駆けつけました。
- クム:そうか、丁度そなたを思い出していたのだ。実は、父上にお会いするのだが、不安になってしまって....
- 王:不安とは、不安とは何ですか?
- クム:それはまたどうして?父上のことを女官に聞いたが虎も震え上がる恐いお方だとか。だからもし何か失敗をして叱られたらどうしようかと...
- 王:ああ、そうでしたか... 叱られる... それは確かに考えられることですね。
- クム:えっ...
- 王:聞いた通り、王様は恐ろしいお方です。なのに王子様は王様に対して、あれやこれや無礼を働きました。
- クム:えっ...
- 王:一国の王たるお方に、まわしをつけ相撲を取らせ、渓谷にも連れて行きました。いや、王子様は大変なことをしでかしました。
- クム:わからぬね。それはどういうことだ。父上とは相撲にも渓谷にも行っていない。
- 王:ああ、それは...
- トンイ:クム... 王様、
- 王:来たか、トンイ。
- クム:母上、どういうことなのですか?なぜこの者を王様と呼ぶのですか?
- トンイ:何?
- クム:この者はハンソン部の判官ですよ。
- トンイ:クム、何を言っているのだ。王様、この子は一体...
- 王:全くだ。なぜか余をハンソン部の判官と呼ぶ。昔のそなたのようだ。
- トンイ:えっ、ではこの子が... 会った判官とは...
- 王:そうだ、余だ。
- クム:では、ハンソン部の判官ではないのですか?では本当に....
- 王:はい、王子様。余がこの国の王、王子様の父です。
- ....
- 王:ははん、さっきからどこかで子犬のくんくん鳴く声が聞こえるが。どこにいるのだ。ここか、それとも向こうか?
- トンイ:この辺りのようです。
- 王:困ったな、怒っていないとクムに伝えたいのだが。
- トンイ:怒っていないのですか?
- 王:もちろんだ。判官を装ったのはクムに会いたかったからだ。一緒に過ごした日はとても楽しかった。
- トンイ:ですが王様に無礼を働いたのでは、それは叱るべきでは。
- 王:何をいう。母であるそなたは王である余の背中を踏んだではないか?
- トンイ:王様!
- 王:余はクムに会えてうれしくてならなかったのだ。そうだ、そなたに出会った時のように息子と過ごした一時はかけがえのない幸せな時であった。
- クム:本当に怒っていないのですか?
- 王;クム...
- トンイ:クム....
- 王:こいつ。このような所に隠れていたのか?
- クム:私は王様とは知らず無礼を働きました。それでも私のことを怒っていないのですか?
- 王:とんでもない。この上もなくいとおしい息子だ。クム、渓谷で言ったではないか?一日も忘れたことなどなかった。覚えていよう。だからクム、余を父上と呼んでみろ。その言葉をどれほど聞きたかったことか。
- クム:父上。
- 王:いいぞ。もう一度。もう一度言ってくれぬか?
- クム:父上。いいぞ、クム、そうだ。そうだ。そうだぞ。余が父だ。そなたの父だ。ははは。
- Dong-yi: It has been a long time, Heebin Jang.
- Ok-jeong: So you have returned to the Palace. You are quite an incredible person. That you could be a criminal and still walk with your head held so high?
- Dong-yi: You are wearing that key ornament, Your Highness. The butterfly shape. that day, six years ago, I know that it was Your Highness who led His Majesty to the place where my friend the Swordsmen Society's chief was. And even before then, the incident in which my father and brother were wrongfully killed. I also know that Your Highness was involved in that matter.
- Ok-jeong: Sukyi!
- Dong-yi: I am saying that it is you, not me, that is the criminal.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: So, please remember this, Your Highness. That I have not forgotten s single thing. One more thing, I shall never again lose anything precious to me, by your hand.
- トンイ:お久しぶりです、ヒビン様。
- オクチョン:宮殿に戻ってくるとは、そなたも大した者だ。罪人でありながら、堂々と顔を上げて歩けるのだから。
- トンイ:それは例の鍵飾りですね。蝶の形の... 六年前のあの日コムゲの頭のいた場所に王様が行くように仕向けたのはヒビン様だとわかっています。そして更に昔、父と兄が無念に命を落とした事件、それにもヒビン様が関与していたのを知っています。
- オクチョン:何を...
- トンイ:罪人は私ではなく、ヒビン様の方です。
- オクチョン:何...
- トンイ:ですから覚えておいて下さい。私は何一つ忘れてはいません。そして二度とヒビン様によって大切なものを失うつもりはございません。
- King: This boy, his eyes and mouth, each his little ears, how much he takes after me. Do you no agree?
- Dong-yi: I don't know. I always thought he looked like me.
- King: No, he certainly looks like me.
- Dong-yi: Well, if it pleases you then he looks like you.
- King: No, you needn't to try to please me. He really does look like ...
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Majesty. Actually he really looks just like Your Majesty. I believe that is why I was able to survive by looking at this boy. When I looked at this boy, I could see Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi. I shall never again let go of this hand or this child's hand again. I have recovered that which is most precious to me. So I shall not lose your or this child again!
- 王:こいつ、目に口に鼻に耳に至るまで余にそっくりではないか。そうであろう。
- トンイ:どうでしょう?私に似たと思いますが...
- 王:う、違う。どう見ても余に似ている。
- トンイ:そうおっしゃるのならそういうことにしましょう。
- 王:何を言っておるのだ。本当に余にそっくりだ。
- トンイ:はい、王様。この子は何から何まで王様にそっくりです。だからこの子を見て生きてこられたのです。この子を見ていると王様を見ているようで....
- 王:トンイ... もう二度とそなたの手もクムの手も離しはせぬ。ようやく大切なものを取り戻したのだ。そなた達からもう決して離れはしない。
48. Episode-48:
- Queen: So listen carefully to what I'm about to say, Sukyi. If ... If the current crown prince is unable to succeed the throne, I mean ..
- Dong-yi: Your Highness?
- Queen: If that happens, it will be your son, Prince Yeoning who will succeed His Majesty and rise to the throne. So I shall ask you do you think you can raise the boy Prince Yeoning, to be the king of this nation?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness ... What is ...What is Your Highness trying to say? Raise Prince Yeoning to be the king, Your Highness? That's ...
- Queen: Sukyi,
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, that is out of the question. How could Prince Yeoning?
- Queen: Prince Yeoning is a prince of this land. He, too, is His Majesty's heir. There is no reason why he cannot take the throne.
- Dong-yi: However ... the crown prince is there. For Your Highness to say such things while the crown prince lives.
- Queen: So, did I not tell you? If the crown prince cannot succeed the throne. In that situation, then, what will you do?
- Dong-yi: What is this situation in which the crown prince cannot rise to the throne, Your Highness? What do you mean, Your Highness? What is that situation for Your Highness to utter such words?
- Queen: Sukiyi, I cannot tell you that at the moment. However, I shall reveal all once the time is right. but at this point, I need you to remember, Sukyi, that Prince Yeoning may have to succeed the throne of this land. And that you must start preparing for that now.
- 王妃:今から話すことをよく聞いて欲しい。もし今の世子が王位を継げなくなった時は、そうなったらこの国で王様の後を継げるのはヨニン君を置いて他にない。故に聞きたい。そなたはあの子ヨニン君をこの国の王にすることができるか?
- トンイ:王妃様、それはどういうことですか?ヨニン君をこの国の王にするとは... それは一体?
- 王妃:淑儀。
- トンイ:王妃様。それはとんでもない考えです。なぜならヨニン君は...
- 王妃:ヨニン君も同じく王様の血を受け継いだこの国の王子だ。王位を継げない理由はない。
- トンイ:ですが、世子様がおいでになります。なのに王妃様がそのようなことをおっしゃるとは...
- 王妃:だから言ったではないか。世子がもし王位をつげぬ場合だ。その時は。どうだ。王にできるか?
- トンイ:教えて下さい。世子様が王位を継げぬ場合とは、どういうことですか?一体どのような理由でそのようなことをおっしゃるのですか?
- 王妃:淑儀。それはまだ今は言えぬ。ただ時が来れば、すべて話してやる。ただこれだけは肝に銘じておいて欲しい。ヨニン君がこの国の王位を継ぐことになるかも知れぬ。故にそなたも今からその心構えをするのだ。
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness. Have you been well, Your Highness?
- Dong-yi: How did this happen, brother? How did you ...
- Cheon-soo: His Majesty called me back. He asked me to be at your side, protecting you and Prince Yeoning.
- Dong-yi: Brother ....
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness. Is this ...
- Dong-yi: Yes. This child is none other than Prince Yeoning.
- Cheon-soo: Geum. Say your greetings. This person is ....
- Geum: I know, mother. Are you not my uncle? Uncle
- Dong-yi: Your Highness...
- Geum: I am Prince Yeoning. Do you know me?
- Cheon-soo: Yes. Of course, Your Highness. I have kept every single letter that Your Highness has ever written me.
- Geum: Uncle.
- Cheon-soo: How grandly you have grown. How grand ...
- Dong-yi: How you must have suffered in such a remote place, brother?
- Cheon-soo: No, I was never alone, Your Highness. I read the letters Your Highness and Prince Yeoning sent me. I was with you every single day. I was able to endure those longs years thinking that I would eventually return to protect you and the prince. And now, I shall never let you or the prince endure hardships that you've endured until now.
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: Therefore, trust in me and wait, Your Highness. It will not take every long because I will never allow them to exist under the same sky as Your Highness and Prince Yeoning.
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん。
- チョンス:淑儀様。お元気でいらっしゃいましたか。
- トンイ:でもどういうことですか?なぜこうして?
- チョンス:王様に呼ばれました。お側にいてヨニン君様と淑儀様をお守りしろと。
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん。
- クム:知っています。叔父上でしょう。叔父上!私はヨニン君です。ご存知ですね。
- チョンス:はい、もちろんです。王子様からいただいたお手紙もちゃんとこうして持っております。
- クム:叔父上...
- チョンス:大きくなられましたね。こんな立派に...
- トンイ:不便な地で、お一人でご苦労されたでしょう?いいえ、一人だなんでとんでもない。淑儀様とヨニン君様のお陰でいつも一緒にいるようでした。いつか戻ってお二人をお守りしたいとう一心で、長い歳月も耐えられました。もう二度とお二人につらい思いをさせることはありません。ですから私を信じて待っていて下さい。長くはかかりません。あの連中を淑儀様とヨニン君様と同じ空の下には置いておきません。
- Queen: I believe the time has come, Sukyi. The time to tell you what I know.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Before that, there is an answer I need to hear from you. Your reply to the question I asked last night. If for some reason, the crown prince cannot rise to the throne, are you able to raise Prince Yeoning to the throne?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness How ...How could you say such a thing? That is ...
- Queen: Soon, the palace will encounter a great whirlpool we have never encountered before. That is changing the crown prince.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, what did you just say? Changing the crown prince?
- Queen: That is right. And if that should happen, then Prince Yeoning will be considered a candidate. And if Prince Yeoning cannot become the crown prince in the end, then, hie will not be able to survive. Because that is politics, and that is the palace. I am aware that this paces you and Prince Yeoning in grave danger, Sukyi. that made this much harder. So can you promise me? That you will survive it. No matter what happens, that you and Prince Yeoning will survive in this palace. And you will make that boy the King.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- 王妃:時が来たようだ。そなたに全てを教える時が来た。王妃様。その前にそなたの答えが聞きたい。以前聞いたことへの答えだ。もし事情により世子が王位を継げなくなったら、ヨニン君を王にする覚悟はあるか?
- トンイ:王妃様。なぜそのようなことをおっしゃるのですか?
- 王妃:遠からず、宮廷内を大きな嵐が襲うであろう。それは世子の交代だ。
- トンイ:王妃様、今なんとおっしゃいました?世子様の交代?
- 王妃:そうだ。そして世継ぎとしてヨニン君が取り沙汰されよう。だがもしヨニン君が世子になれなかった時は、おそらく生き残れぬであろう。それが政治で、それが宮廷だ。このことがそなたとヨニン君を危険に晒すということを承知している。故に辛かった。だからこそ約束してくれぬか?必ず生き残ると。どのようなことがあってもヨニン君と共に宮廷で生き残り、あの子を必ず王にして欲しい。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- Queen: I have your brother's subordinate, Heebin Jang. And that man seemed to know why they were after the missing royal nurse, and what you were trying so hard to conceal all this time.
- Ok-cheong: Are you threatening me right now? With something as a ludicrous as this?
- Queen: Not at all. I am here to give you an opportunity, Heebin Jang. Therefore, you must reveal the whole truth to His Majesty and follow His Majesty's decision. And I am doing this not because of you, but for the crown prince. I'm worried of the impact the crown prince will experience when other people reveal his secrets. I shall not wait very long. Therefore ...
- Ok-cheong: No. I will do no such thing. I will never do such a thing.
- Queen: Heebin Jang.
- Ok-cheong: You want me to reveal the whole truth? What truth? Over that little badge and one royal nurse?
- Queen: No.
- Ok-cheong: Your Highness will not be able to prove a single thing.
- Queen: That is enough, Heebin Jang. How many more crimes will you commit? How much long will you deceive His Majesty? Till when ...
- Ok-cheong: Your Highness. It is not I, but you who have committed the crime. Do you truly not realize what a huge act of treason it is to threaten the crown prince. There is only one crown prince in the land! I mean that that the crown prince is the only person who will become the future King! and this fact can never be changed!
- Queen: No, that is not true. It can be changed.
- Ok-cheong: What did you say?
- Queen: If you continue to conceal the crown prince's condition and ultimately deceive the King, I mean...
- Ok-cheong: Stop. Please stop that now.
- Queen: You are also committing a crime against the crown prince as a mother. Do you not see? The crown prince is your son, but as Queen, he is also my son. That is why I cannot bury this truth. your actions, in deceiving His Majesty deceiving the crown prince, and deceiving our subjects. Therefore, mark my words, I will not wait very long for you.
- 王妃:そなたの兄の部下は私が預かっている。その部下がなぜ消えた医女を追うのか?そなたが隠そうとしたことが何なのか、知っている。
- オクチョン:私を脅すおつもりですか?たかがそのようなことで...
- 王妃:そうではない。脅すのではなく機会を与えるのだ。つまりそなた自ら王様に事実を申し上げ、王様の処分に従うのだ。私がこうするのは他ならぬ世子のためだ。他人に事実を明らかにされたら世子の心がどれだけ傷つくことか... 長くは待たぬ。故に、
- オクチョン:いいえ、私にはできません。絶対にできません。
- 王妃:ヒビン!
- オクチョン:事実とは何ですか?どこに証拠が?兄の部下と医女の証言ですか?無理です。王妃様は何も証明などできません。
- 王妃:やめぬか、ヒビン!いつまで罪を犯すのだ。一体いつまで王様を欺くのか?
- オクチョン:罪を犯しているのは王妃様です。世子の座を揺るがし国に混乱を招くのはとても大きな罪なのではありませんか?
- 王妃:ヒビン。
- オクチョン:この国の世子は一人しかおりません。この国の王になるのは世子唯一人だけです。その事実は決して変わることはありません。
- 王妃:いいや、それは違う。変えられるのだ。
- オクチョン:何ですって?
- 王妃:そなたが世子の問題を隠し、伏せたままにするのなら、それは王様を裏切る....
- オクチョン:おやめ下さい。
- 王妃:母として世子に罪を犯しているのだ。わからぬのか?世子はそなたの息子でもあるが、王妃である私の息子でもある。だからなおさら目をつぶる訳にはいかぬ。王様を欺き、世子を欺き、民を欺くそなたの罪に。よいか。肝に銘じておけ。私は決して長く待つつもりはない。
49. Episode-49:
- Dong-yi: matron An, what did you just say? The crown prince ... may not be able to see an heir. Matron An ...
- Matron An: Everything is as I have just told you. That is what Heebin Jang has been hiding, Your Highness. Her Highness, the Queen, discovered this very truth. It was so terrible that Her Highness could bear not to tell you, Your Highness. She feared that you would be placed in danger.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Matron An: Last night, Her Highness went to Chiwiseon Hall in order to give them one last chance for the crown prince's sake. She gave Heebin Jang the chance to reveal everything herself. But then, this suddenly happened.
49. 危篤の王妃:
- トンイ:アン尚宮、今そなた何と申した?世子様が世継ぎを望めぬかも知れぬ?
- アン尚宮:何もかも申し上げた通りです。ヒビン様はそれを隠しておられたのです。そして王妃様はその事実を突きとめました。あまりに大事過ぎて王妃様は淑儀様にお話できずにいました。話せば淑儀様の身に危険が及ぶと。
- トンイ:王妃様....
- アン尚宮:昨夜王妃様は、世子様のために最後の機会を与えようとヒビン様に会われたのです。最後にヒビン様自ら全てを明かす機会を与えに... ですが、このようなことに...
- Queen: Sukyi,
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Highness.
- Queen: Will you .... will you hold my hand? Promise me. Please promise me that you and Prince Yeoning will survive, that you will keep that promise.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: That way ... I must hear you say those words.
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Highness. I shall do so. I will not give up and keep fighting no matter what lies ahead. I will keep this promise to Your Highness. I will ...
- Queen: Thank you. Thank you, Sukyi.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Do not forget, Sukyi. I was ... so glad to have met you. I have ... such a good friend as you. I really ... feel glad to have you.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness. Why do you say such words now? Your Highness ...
- 王妃:手を握ってくれ。誓いを。ヨニン君と共に必ず生き残るというあの約束を...
- トンイ:王妃様...
- 王妃:きっと必ず守ると... 私はどうしてもその言葉が聞きたい。
- トンイ:はい、王妃様。お誓いいたします。どんな試練があろうと必ず生き残るという王妃様との約束を必ずまもります。
- 王妃:ありがとう、ありがとう淑儀。忘れるでない。私はそなたと出会い、うれしかった。そなたのように良い友を得て....どれほど幸せだったことか。
- トンイ:王妃様... 王妃様... どうしてそのようなことを....
- King: My Queen ... My Queen.
- Queen: Please forgive me, Your Majesty. Please forgive me for leaving your side first. Please ...
- King: No, do no say such things, My Queen. Your are not leaving. You cannot do that. I shall not let you go, My Queen. I shall not let you go.
- Queen: Your Majesty.
- King: Please. Just give me one more chance, My Queen. I have never ... done anything for you. I cannot just let you go like this. So, I beg you ...
- Queen: No, Your Majesty. Your Majesty has give me more than I could every ask for. As its Queen, I have never done anything for this country. But Your Majesty always embraced me warmly. Will your Majesty understand how grateful I have always been for that?
- King: My Queen. I am sorry, My Queen. I am sorry.
- Queen: And Your Majesty I have ... one last desperate request to make of you.
- King: a request? My Queen.
- Queen: Please ... protect Prince Yeoning. Sukyi ... Please protect both of them.
- King: My Queen.
- Queen: Sukyi ...
- King: My Queen, please save your strength. My Queen.
- Queen: Pleas entrust the seat of the Queen to Sukyi.
- King: Please gather a little bit more strength, My Queen!
- Queen: Your Majesty. It must be so. It must be Sukyi. That way both the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning can be safe.
- King: My Queen.
- Queen: Your Majesty, please remember this. Please protect ... the throne by doing so. Please ...
- 王:王妃... 王妃
- 王妃:王様...私をどうかお許し下さい。こうして先にお側を離れる私を...
- 王:そのようなことを言うでない。離れるなどと... 許さぬ。逝かせたりはしない。余は離したりしない。
- 王妃:王様
- 王:余に一度だけ機会をくれ。そなたに何もしてやれなかった。このまま逝かせる訳にはいかぬ。
- 王妃:いいえ、王様、王様はいつも私に多くのものを下さいました。王妃として、何もできなかった私を王様はいつも暖かく包んで下さいました。私がどれほど感謝しているか。王様は決してそれを忘れないで下さい。
- 王:王妃。すまない、王妃、すまない。
- 王妃:それと王様、私から王様に最後の切なるお願いがあります。
- 王:王妃。
- 王妃:ヨニン君をお守り下さい。淑儀を、王様が淑儀を....淑儀を... 王様、淑儀でなければ、世子もヨニン君も無事ではいられないのです。王様、覚えておいて下さい。そうして王室をお守り下さい。
50. Episode-50:
- Ok-jeong: So what is the reason you have come to my quarters all alone, at this hour?
- Dong-yi: It is because no none must know the reason why I have come to see you.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: Because this must remain a secret between Your Highness and me.
- Ok-jeong: Wht is this?
- Dong-yi: Please open it?
- Ok-jeong: This is ... What is the meaning of?
- Dong-yi: Evidence that Your Highness's brother, Jang Hee-jae and your mother employed a shaman to try to murder the Queen.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: They brought a shaman into the palace and performed a curse on the Queen, Your Highness. and that sharman, too, is already in our custody.
- Ok-jeong: Shut your mouth! Cursed the Queen? Are you trying to frame me because you cannot find fault with the crown prince? Did you thing that I would fall for such empty threats? How you conspired with the Queen to threaten the Crown Prince? After you lost the royal nurse who knew the crown prince's secret. And it is your plan to strike me, to thraten the CRown Prince's postion?
- Dong-yi: I will give you this, my Lady.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: I mean that I will give this up to my Lady.
- Ok-jeong: What did you just say? You will give this up to me?
- Dong-yi: Yes. That is correct. This is undoubtedly a severe felony in this country. However, I know that this was not your doing. I also know that one cannot kill another person with such misguided attempts at witchcraft.
- Ok-jeong: What are yu trying to do? What cleaver trap have you come up with this time? How dare you....
- Dong-yi: Also... I will not tell His Majesty a single thing regarding the crown prince's condition. Therefore, the crown prince will safely rise to the throne, Your Highness.
- Ok-jeong: What is ... What is your motive for telling me this? Why in the world are you doing this?
- Dong-yi: I wished to earn an opportunity.
- Ok-jeong: What?
- Dong-yi: An opportunity that may be the last for Your Highness, me and the crown prince and Prince Yeoning. I wish to give Prince Yeoning a life, not power, my Lady. A life to filled with things wiich much more valuable than power. A life with more value. Therefore those things that you dread and fear will not happen. So, can you give me your trust? Can you allow the crown prince and Prince Yeoning to live as two brothers who share a close bond? When I returned to the palace and met you again, I told you that I had not forgotten a single thing. Among those memories I could not forget also remained the moment that I first met my Lady. I wish to trust Your Highness as I did then. I wish to believe that we all still have one last opportunity, Your Highness.
- オクチョン:それで、友の者も連れず遅くに尋ねてきたのはなぜだ。
- トンイ:私がここに来たのは事を誰にも知られるためです。
- オクチョン:何?
- トンイ:これは、私とヒビン様、二人だけの秘密だからです。
- オクチョン:これは何だ。
- トンイ:お開け下さい。
- オクチョン:これは... これは一体?
- トンイ:ヒビン様の母上とチャンヒジェ様が巫女を使って王妃様を亡きものにしようと呪詛したその証拠です。
- オクチョン:何?
- トンイ:お二人は巫女を宮殿に入れ、王妃様の呪詛を行いました。その巫女もまた私達の手にあります。
- オクチョン:何を言う。王妃を呪詛しただと... 世子を陥れられず、今度は私を狙おうと言うのか?そのようなことで私を脅すつもりか?そなたが王妃と手を組み、世子を陥れようとしたのはわかっている。世子の秘密を知る医女を取り逃がしたから、私をつぶして世子を陥れるつもりか?
- トンイ:これはお渡し致します。
- オクチョン:何?
- トンイ:ヒビン様にお渡し致します。
- オクチョン:そなた何と申した?これを私に渡すだと?
- トンイ:はい、これは確かに重罪ではありますが、ヒビン様が仕組んだことではありません。それにこのようなことでは人は殺せないこともわかっております。
- オクチョン:一体、何のつもりだ?今度は何を企んでそのような...
- トンイ:それに私は、世子様のご病気についても何一つ王様にお話するつもりはございません。ですから世子様はこのまま王位を継がれるでしょう。
- オクチョン:なぜ、私にそのようなことを話す?何のためにそのようなことを?
- トンイ:機会が、機会が欲しかったのです。ヒビン様と私、そして世子様とヨニン君、皆にとって最後になるかも知れぬ機会です。... 私はヨニン君に権力ではなく、人生を与えたいのです。権力よりもっと大事なもので満たされたそんな貴い人生をです。ですから、ヒビン様が恐れているようなことは起こりません。私を信じていただけませんか?そして世子様とヨニン君が仲睦まじい兄弟として生きられるよう見守っていただけませんか?宮殿に戻ってヒビン様にお会いし、何一つ忘れていないと申しました。忘れられない記憶の中には、ヒビン様に初めて出会った時のことも含まれています。ヒビン様をまた信じたいのです。そして私達にはまだ最後の機会が残っていると信じたいのです、ヒビン様。
51. Episode-51:
- Dong-yi: Will you really agree to it, my Lady?
- Ok-jeong: Yes, I shall do it. For you and I, and for the Crown Prince ad Prince Yeoning. I will take the last opportunity you had gave to me.
- Dong-yi: My Lady.
- Ok-jeong: And, I will use that last opportunity to let you know that you are the shadow, not I. And your child Prince Yeoning, is the shadow, not the Crown Prince.
- Dong-yi: My Lady.
- Ok-jeong: Do you understand? That is how I shall make you kneel before me at all costs.
- Dong-yi: My Lady, what do you mean?
- Ok-jeong: For a brief moment, I considered taking your offer. I am exhausted too. And what you said sounded rather convincing. But in the end, I realized that is is not possible. No matter what price I will pay. I realized that I cannot live as someone else's shadow. So, though I appreciate it, I will refuse this. You can use this and everything you have to try to catch me. Me too, will stake everything I have to get you.
- Dong-yi: My Lady ... Please do not do this, I am begging you ... If at least for the Crown Prince's sake.
- Ok-jeong: For me, this is all for the Crown Prince's sake. That child was born a Prince and raised as a Crown Prince. Becoming King is what that child's life is all about. I will not allow you and Prince Yeoning to take that away from him. So I will take this to the very end, Sukyi. To see what fate lies in store for me. you and I ... No, the conclusion of the battle that now includes the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning as well. What do you think? You are not curious as well?
- トンイ:本当にそうしていただけるのですか?
- オクチョン:ああ、そうさせてもらおう。そなたと私、世子とヨニン君の機会を掴もう。そしてこの機会に思い知らせてやろう。影はそなたの方だということを。世子ではなく、そなたの息子ヨイン君が影だ。
- トンイ:ヒビン様
- オクチョン:わかったか。そして必ず私の前に跪かせてやる。
- トンイ:ヒビン様。なぜそのような。
- オクチョン:ほんの一時、そなたと手を握ろうかと思った。疲れた余り、そなたの言葉がそれらしく聞こえたのだ。だが、それはできぬことに気がついた。どのような代償を払おうと私は断じて他人の影として生きることはできぬ。それ故、これは返しておこう。この証拠とありとあらゆる手を尽くして私を捕らえてみよ。私もあらゆる手を尽くして闘う。
- トンイ:ヒビン様、お待ちを。どうかお考え直し下さい。世子様のためにも。
- オクチョン:これは世子のためを考えてのことだ。あの子は世子として育った。この国の王となることがあの子の人生のすべてだ。それをそなたやヨニン君如きに奪われる訳にはいかぬ。だから私は最後まで闘う。どのような運命が待っているのか、そなたと私、世子とヨニン君まで巻き込んだこの闘いがどうなるか、どうだ、そなたおも知りたいであろう。
- Dong-yi: your Majesty... Your Majesty. Why did you say such a thing at the Royal Council Hall? Even if you were angry over the matter with Prince Yeoning, those words were too extreme.
- King: Toll extreme? What do you mean? Do you mean when I said that you could become queen? Do you believe I said that only because I was angry?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: I was sincere when I said those words at the Royal Council Hall, Dong-yi. I am sincerely considering the possibility. Before the Queen drew her last breath, she made that request to me, to make you the next queen. That way, she said both the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning could be safe.
- Dong-yi: However, Your Majesty.
- King: Yes, of course, I know that you do not want this. I also know how large of a burden I am about to place on you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: At first, for the Crown Prince's sake I thought that I would have to make Heebin Jang become queen. I thought it was the best course for both the throne and the nation. However, after I experienced such an outrageous event today, I, too, understand what the Queen was worried about, Dong-yi. This will only be the beginning. Now, the ministers will continuously try to threaten the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning. And inevitably, if Heebin rises to the seat of queen, we may not be able to guarantee Prince Yeoning's future. However, you would be different. you would want to protect the Crown Prince.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Therefore, couldn't you consider it one more time? For the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning and for my sake, as well.
- トンイ:王様、なぜあのようなことをおっしゃたのですか?ヨニン君のことでお怒りとは言え、やり過ぎではありませんか?
- 王:やり過ぎ?何がだ?そなたも王妃になれると言ったことか?怒りに任せて口走ったと思うか?重臣達に言ったことは余の本心だ。余は真剣にそれを考えている。
- トンイ:ですが王様...
- 王:むろん、そなたはそのようなことを望むまい。そなたに重荷を負わせることになってしまう。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:始めは世子のことを考え、ヒビンを王妃するべきだと思った。それが王室と国のために最善だと。だがな、今日のような出来事を見て、王妃が案じていたことが改めてわかったのだ。これは始まりに過ぎぬ。重臣達は世子とヨニン君を巡って争い続ける。そしてヒビンが王妃の座につけば、ヨニン君の将来はないかも知れない。だが、そなたが王妃なら世子を守ってくれよう。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:だからもう一度よく考えてみてはくれぬか?世子とヨニン君のため、そして余のためにも。
52. Episode-52:
- Crown Prince: Is it because of my illness? Is that why you fear that I will not succed to the throne? That Prince Yeoning may take my position. Is that why you are tying to target Prince Yeoning?
- Ok-jeong: What do you mean, Crown Prince?
- Crown Prince: I know what illness I suffer from. I mean, I know that I may not be able to see an heir.
- Ok-jeong: Crown Prince. How did you ... How did you find that out, Crown Prince? I just asked you how you found that out!
- Crown Prince: Mother.
- Ok-jeong: No, Crown Prince. Whatever you heard, it is not true! Do you understand? You are just frail from chroic illness.
- Crown Prince: This is my affair, mother. So I beg you, I beg you not to lie to me anymore. Plese listen to my plea, mother. Please do not make Prince Yeoning suffer because of that.
- Ok-jeong: Crown Prince.
- Crown Prince: I cannot scrifice Prince Yeoning in order to maintain my position. I cannot be such a wicked brother to a younger brother who has shown me such affection.
- 世子:私の病のせいですか?だから王位を継げぬかも知れぬからヨニン君に王位を奪われぬようヨニン君を陥れるのですか?
- オクチョン:それはどういうことです、世子?
- 世子:私は自分の病を知っているのです。私は子を望めぬかも知れぬ病なのでしょう?
- オクチョン:世子... どうして... どうしてそれを知ったのですか?どうしてかと聞いているではありませんか?
- 世子:母上...
- オクチョン:それは違います。何を知ったとしてもそれは間違いです。いいですか?世子はただ病弱なだけです。
- 世子:これは私の問題です。ですからもう嘘をつくのはやめて下さい。お願いです、母上。そのためにヨニン君を傷つけないで下さい。自分を守るために弟を陥れたくありません。私を慕ってくれる弟にそのようなことはできません。
- King: Yes, Crown Prince. What is it? What did you want to say to me?
- Crown Prince: Father. I am not qualified to be the Crown Prince.
- King: What?
- Crown Prince: I learned that as Crown Prince and the foundation of the nation. It is my duty to preserve the throne and the state. However ... I suffer from a serious illness, father. I cannot remain in the positon of Crown Prince while hidng that fact.
- King: Did you say illness? What do you mean, Crown Prince? you have a conceled illness? Impotence? Why would you ... Whym how could it so suddenly ...
- Crown Prince: No. It is not sudden, father. For the past few months I have been taking tonic to treat that illness.
- King: What?
- Crown Prince: I may not be able to see an heir, father. That is the illness I suffer from. But no one kew about it, because the herbs wer brought in from outside the palace. Father. Mother broght in the herbs secretly only because she was frightened. It was only because she feared for me. therefore, please forgive my mother, father. I am sure mother did not intend to conceal it forever.
- 王:それで世子、一体何の話だ。
- 世子:父上、私は世子の座にふさわしくありません。
- 王:何?
- 世子:王室と国を守ることが世子としての私の努めだとわかっています。ですが私は大病をわずらっています。それを隠したまま世子の座に居座れません。
- 王:大病とは?それはどういうことだ、世子?何を言っている?余に大病を隠していただと?
- 王:それはどういうことだ?痿疾だと?急にそのような病に...
- 世子:急ではないのです、父上。もう随分前から治療のための煎じ薬を飲んでいます。私は世継ぎを作れないかも知れません。それが私の病なのです。なのに誰も知らなかったのは薬剤を宮殿の外から調達したからなのです。父上、母上がそのようなことをしたのは唯不安だったからです。私を心配した上のことなのです。ですから母上のことはお許し下さい。母上は決して隠し通すつもりではなかったのです。
53. Episode-53:
- Ok-jeong: You didn't, did you, crown prince? You could not have told His Majesty about your condition?
- Crown Prince: This is ... This is what you should have done from the start, mother. You should not have concealed such a terrible truth. Not from me. Nor from father.
- Ok-jeong: Crown Prince. So, do you mean that you told him? You told His Majesty the truth? No. No, you could not have done that. How... How could you do this, crown prince? Why did I go through all that? For who's sake? It was for you, crown prince. I did it to protect you. But you told His Majesty about the secret? the secret that I risked my life to protect, for you sake. You told His Majesty, yourself?
- Crown Prince: Please do not say it was for my sake. If yo had really thought of me, then you should not have done this, mother. I am the crown prince of this land, I never once thought that I could not become the King of the land, I wanted to become a King like father who could touch the hearts of his subjects, bring prosperity to the land, and leave behind a great legacy. I truly wanted to become a good and wise King. But you tried to make me a sinner to the throne and our nation, mother? I wanted to become a great King yet you tried to make me a pathetic King who weakens the throne and the nation.
- オクチョン:違いますよね。まさかあのことを?王様に話してはいませんね?
- 世子 : 初めからこうするべきだったのです。隠したりせず話すべきでした。私にもそして父上にも...
- オクチョン:全て話したのですか?病のことを全て?そんな、何ということをしたのですか?どうしてそのようなことができるのですか?私がなぜ隠しただと、誰のためだと... 世子のためではありませんか?世子を守るためなのに... なのに自ら王様にお話するとは... 世子のため母が命がけで隠してきた秘密を世子の口から話すとは...
- 世子 : 私のためと言わないで下さい。本当に私のためと言うのなら話して下さるべきでした。私はこの国の世子です。当然、王になるものと信じていました。そして父上のように民をいたわり、国を強くし、後世に名を残す王になりたかったのです。聖君と呼ばれるような王になりたかった。なのに母上は、私を王室と国を揺るがす情けない王にしようとしたのです。
- King: How long have you known? How long have you known about the crown princes's condition?
- Ok-jeong: A year ago ... After the crown prince suffered from a high fever.
- King: Did you say a year? Do you mean you hid such a terrible truth from me. His father and his King, for that long? Do you realize what you have done?
- Ok-jeong: He could have been cured, Your Majesty. I could have cured the crown prince's illness, Your Majesty.
- King: Heebin Jang!
- Ok-jeong: Your Majesty. Please ... Please give me just a little more time. We are bringing in medicine that was imported from China. They said that it could cure the illness. So please give me and give the crown prince a chance, Your Majesty.
- King: Stop! Stop that, Heebin Jang! your are using Chinese medicine? You are bringing medicine in from outside? Is that why you refused the Royal Physician and choose Physician Nam instead? The crown prince is the foundation of this country. But, how could you treat the illness on your own and hide the illness of this country's crown prince? Do you not realize that it could have worsened the illness? Have you never considered that your actions may have made the crown prince sicker?
- Ok-jeong: We can still cure the crown prince's illness, Your Majesty. Please give me time. Give me a chance, Your Majesty.
- King: What did you say? Even in this state, you want me to give you another chance? And what will you do during that time? you want me to give you another chance, when you have deceived me and committed acts that could ruin the throne, the state, and the crown prince? And if I gave you the chance, were you planning on driving out Prince Yeoning who may threaten the crown prince's position?
- Ok-jeong: Your Majesty.
- King: Did you think that I would no know? Did you think that I would not know who was instigating the Disciple's Faction make falsely accuse to Prince Yeoning? Was that the reason? Because of the crown prince's condition. Is that why you worked so hard to get rid of young Prince Yeoning?
- Ok-jeong: Your Majesty.
- 王:いつからだ。世子が病を患ったのはいつからなのだ?
- オクチョン:一年前、世子が熱病を患った後です。
- 王:一年前だと?一年もの間、このような大事なことを父であり王である余に隠したのか?自分は何をしたかわかっているのか?
- オクチョン:直せるのです。王様。世子の病は私が直してみせます。
- 王:ヒビン!
- オクチョン:王様。ですから、どうかもう少し時をいただけないでしょうか?良い薬剤を清国から調達しました。その薬剤が効くと聞いています。ですからどうか世子に機会を下さい、王様。
- 王:やめよ。やめぬか、ヒビン。良い薬剤だと?清国から調達した?だから最高の主治医を遠ざけ、南医官にみせたのか?世子は国の世継ぎだ。なのになぜそなた一人で治療を進める?病を隠したのだ。その勝手な振る舞いがより悪化させたとは思わぬのか?
- オクチョン:世子の病は治せるのです。ですからどうか何卒機会を下さい。
- 王:なのにこの後に及んで、機会をくれだと... 機会があれば何をする気だ?余を冒涜し、王室と国を揺るがし、世子を傷つけたそなたに機会を与えろだと。機会を与えたら、世子の座をおびやかすヨニン君を再び陥れる気か?余が知らぬと思ったか?ヨニン君を責める重臣を操るのか誰か、余がわからぬとでも思ったか。これだったのだな。罪もない幼いヨニン君を追い詰めたのであろう。
54. Episode-54:
- Sim Untek: They resourted to such terrible methods in order to harm the late Queen, Your Majesty. Lady Sukbin learned of this truth, but for the crown price's sake she tried to give Heebin Jang a chance. But instead, they attempted to assassinate Lady Sukbin and the Prince, Your Majesty.
- King: How could this be ... How could they do something like this?
- シム・ウンテク:連中は王妃様を亡き者にせんとこのようなことまで行っていたのです。淑嬪様は全てを知りながら、世子様のためヒビン様に機会を与えようとされました。ですがあの者達は淑嬪様とヨニン君様のお命を狙ったのです。
- 王:何という... なぜこのようなことを。
- King: An unspeakable crime occurred in the palace last night. These criminals attempted to bring chaos to this state through such contemptible crimes, that besmirched the throne and this court. I shall not forgive those who are responsible. The arson and attempted assassination of Prince Yeoning and Lady Sukbin. The attempt to harm the Queen with witchcraft. and finally, an even bigger crime committed to cover all those crimes. The second attempted assassination of Lady Sukbing and Prince Yeoning. Therefore, whoever that is, I will find every last person who was involved in this matter. And whoever that is, those who are guilty will pay for the crime with their lives.
- Chief Seo Yonggui: Your Majesty.
- King: Interrogate Heebin Jang of Chwiseon Hall.
- 王:昨夜この宮殿で実におぞましい出来事があった。そして朝廷と王室を冒涜し、恐ろしい陰謀を企てこの国の将来を滅ぼそうとした者を余は断じて許すつもりはない。以前、淑嬪の家に火をつけ亡き者にしようとした罪、呪詛によって王妃を殺さんとした罪、そしてさらにその罪を隠すための拭いようのない大罪、それは淑嬪とヨニン君を殺害せんとしようとした罪だ。余は許さぬ。その罪に関与した者を必ず探し出し、それが誰であろうと、唯の一人も断じて生かしてはおかぬ。
- ソヨンギ;王様...
- 王:チュソン堂のヒビンも尋問せよ。
- King: An unspeakable crime occurred in the palace last night. These criminals attempted to bring chaos to this state through such contemptible crimes that besmirched the throne and this court. I shall not forgive those who are responsible. The arson and attempled assassination of Prince Yeoning and Lady Sukyi. The attempt to harm the Queen with wichcraft. And finally, an even bigger crime committed to cover all those crimes. The second attempted assassination of Lady Sukyi and Prince Yeoning. Therefore, whoever that is, I will find every last pereson who was invlved in this matter. And whoever that is, those who are guilty will pay for the crime with their lives.
- So Yongi: Your Majesty.
- King: Interrogae Heebin jang of hiwiseon Hall.
- ソヨンギ:ここは尋問場です。ヒビン様は罪人としてここにきたのです。
- オクチョン:罪人?そうだとも罪人は私だ。全ては私は指図してやらせた。巫女に呪詛を行わせ、王妃を殺めようとしたのも、淑嬪の家に火を放ち、宮殿で刺客を送ったのも私だ。よいか。王妃を殺したかったのも、淑嬪とヨニン君を殺したかったのもこの私だ。これでいいのであろう。私を捕らえて母上と兄上を解放しろ。そなた達が捕らえたいのは私なのであろう。
- 王:ヒビン!ヒビン
- オクチョン:これが王様が知りたかった真実です。王妃になりたいが故に王妃様の殺害を企て、世子を守りたいが故に淑嬪とヨニン君の命を狙いました。これでご満足ですか?これが王様の望んでいた答ではありませんか。
- Ok-jeong: I am surprised that you came to see me. Did you want to see for yourself how pitiful I had become? No if that is not it, then did you want me to kneel down before you and beg for forgiveness?
- Dong-yi: Yes, that is correct, Your Highness. You tried to kill me. You tried to kill Prince Yeoning. I think I deserve to know why you did so. I believe I serve an apology. Why did you do it? I told you that Prince Yeoning would never threaten the crown prince. I told you that my only desire was for the crown prince nd Prince Yeoning to live as brothers. That was my sincere wish. But then, why? What could you not trust to do such a thing?
- Ok-jeong: Must you really hear the answer? Because I could not trust politics. I did it because I could not trust this palace. Do you see? Your feeble words are not important. Ultimately, those who want power. Ultimately, those who want power will use Prince Yeoning to kill the crown prince. And you, too, will eventually do the same.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness...
- Ok-jeong: Beg for forgiveness? Not a chance. I have done nothing wrong at all to you. Do you understand? I am only disappointed that I could not kill you and Prince Yeoning with my own hands.
- Dong-yi: So it has come to this. It did not have to come to this. We could have undone everything. Did you mention fate when you last visited me? One person must be the light and one person must be the shadow. The fate you mentioned. No, Your Highness. There is no such thing as fate. All of this is a result of Your Highness's choice.
- Ok-jeong: What did you say?
- Dong-yi: Therefore, please do not blame politics or the place or even fate, Your Highness. It did not have to come to this. If Your Highness had only made a different choice. And now, I, too, understand. I know that we can no longer undo anything between us.
- オクチョン:驚いた。そなたが訪ねてこようとは。私がいかに惨めな顔をしているのか確かめに来たのか?そうでないとしたら、まさか私がそなたに許しを乞うとでも期待したのか?
- トンイ:はい、そうです、ヒビン様。私とヨニン君をなぜ殺そうとしたのか?その理由を聞き、謝罪していただくべきだと私はそう思っております。なぜなのですか?世子様を脅かしはしない、そう申しました。世子様とヨニン君に只仲睦まじい兄弟でいて欲しい。それが私の本心です。なのになぜ、それを信じず殺そうとしたのですか?
- オクチョン:どうしても聞きたいか?政治とこの宮廷を信じることができなかったからだ。わからぬのか。そなたの言葉など重要ではない。権力を欲する者はヨニン君を使って世子を脅かす。そして結局そなたも同じことをする。
- トンイ:ヒビン様。
- オクチョン:謝罪しろだと?とんでもない。そなたに悪いことなど一切していない。私は、そなたとヨニン君をこの手で殺せなかったのが悔しい位だ。
- トンイ:残念でなりません。このようなことになるのだけは避けられたのです。最後に訪ねられて来られた時、運命の話をされましたね。一人は光になり、もう一人は影になるしかない、そのような運命だと。それは違います。運命などではありません。これは全てヒビン様が選ばれたことです。
- オクチョン:何だと?
- トンイ:ですから、政治や宮廷は運命のせいにして恨むのはおやめ下さい。違う結末もあったのです。ヒビン様が選択を誤っただけです。そして私もようやく気付きました。こうなっては何一つ元には戻せないということを。
- 禧嫔(Ok-jeong): 真讶异。你竟然还会亲自过来找我。莫非你是想要过来亲眼看看。我这狼狈的模样。倘若不是这样,莫非你是期待我、在你面前俯首称臣,下跪向你求饶吗。
- 同伊:是,您说得没错,娘娘。您想杀我的事。您想杀了延礽君这件事。我事认为,我至少要知道理由是什么。我认为娘娘必须向我谢罪。您为何要那么做。我已经承诺过、延礽君是绝对不会危害世子殿下的。我分明对娘娘说过,我只希望世子殿下与延礽君能成为好兄弟。那就是我的肺腑之言。那么为何您还是不相信。竟然做出这种事。
- 禧嫔:你真的想知道吗。我不相信的是政治。我不相信我身处的这宫廷。明白了吗。你承诺什么一点也不重要。那此想要夺取权势的人。终究会藉延礽君意图打压世子,而到头来你终究也会那么做的。
- 同伊:娘娘。
- 禧嫔:要我向你谢罪,别傻了。我从来究不认为自己,对不起你什么。明白了吗。我只恨自己未能亲手杀了你跟延礽君。留下一代大遗憾。
- 同伊:还是走到这一步了。其实可以不必走到这一步。其实还是可以挽回的。您最后一次来找我的时候,曾经提起过命运是吗。一人是那到光彩,另一人便只能成为影子的。那所谓的命运。您错了,娘娘。这世上根本无所谓命运,所有的一切,都只在于娘娘自己的选择罢了。
- 禧嫔:什么。
- 同伊:所以,政治和宫廷,命运或是任何事,您都不要归咎了,娘娘。其实可以不必走到这一步的。只要当初娘娘肯做另外一个 选择。而现在我似乎也明白了。事到如今所有的事,恐怕都已经不可能再挽回了。
- 讶异(異)yàyì, surprised
- 竟然jìngrán, unexpectedly
- 狼狈lángbèi, in a difficult situation
- 倘若tǎngruò, if
- 莫非mòfēi, could it be
- 俯首fǔshǒu, bend one's head
- 下跪xiaguì, kneel
- 求饶qiúráo, beg forgiveness
- 认为rènwéi, believe, think
- 为何wèihé, why
- 承诺chéngnuò, promise
- 肺腑fèifǔ, bottom of the heart
- 政治zhèngzhì, politics
- 权势quánshì, power
- 到头来dàotóulái, in the end
- 傻shǎ, foolish
- 对不起duìbuqǐ, sorry?
- 留下liúxià, leave behind, remain
- 遗憾yíhàn, regret
- 其实qíshí, actually
- 挽回wǎnhuí, retrieve, redeem
- 曾经céngjīng, once
- 命运mìngyùn, fate
- 光彩guāngcǎi, splendor
- 影子yǐnzi, shadow
- 你错了 nǐ cuòle, you are wrong.
- 所有suǒyǒu, all
- 选择xuǎnzé, choice
- 归咎guījiù, blame
- 恐怕kǒngpà, I'm afraid that
- King: At first.... At first I only hated you. How you could have done such terrible things? How could have caused so much grief for the crown prince, and for me. I hated you for that. But I knew that it was not your fault alone. You were so brilliant and confident. But I let you become like this. So I am at fault as well. However, I also cannot forgive any of this. You have come too far for me to do so. Therefore ... take your own life. That is the last thing that I can do for you.
- Ok-jeong: Take my own life? No, Your Majesty. I cannot do that. I shall die by Your Majesty's hand. So sentene me to death, Your Majesty.
- King: Heebin jang, that is ...
- Ok-jeong: I do not regret a single thing. Even if I were to turn back time, I would have made the same choice. But there remains one thing ... the one thing that I regret from the bottom of my heart is that I sincerely loved you. I should not have done so, if I had not loved you. Then I would not have wanted so much. I would not hve hated Lady Sukyi so much. So the crime that I have committed... The cost of my crime of loving Your Majesty allow me to pay for it this way.
- King: Ok-jeong.
- Ok-jeong: Your Majesty. Please take my life with your own hands. And do not avoid the pain of having to kill me yourself, Your Majesty. Is that not the least you could do? If there was a time, however short when you cared for me ... then shouldn't Your Majesty feel as much pain, as well?
- 王:始めはただそなたのことを恨んだ。なぜこのようなおぞましいことができたのか。世子や周りの者、そして余になぜ苦しい思いをさせるのか、そう恨んだ。だが悪いにはそなただけではなかったのだ。凛として輝くそなたがこうになったのは、側にいた余にも否があったのだ。しかしそれでもそなたを許すことはできない。それにはあまりに遠くに行き過ぎた。故に自決しろ。最後にしてやれるのはこれだけだ。
- オクチョン:
- 王:ヒビン、それは....
- オクチョン:私は何も悔いてはおりません。たとえ時が遡っても同じ道を選ぶことでしょう。 ですが、唯一つ胸が痛むほど悔やまれるのは王様を本気でお慕いしたということです。そうでなかったならば、本気でなければ、すべてを欲するようなことも、淑嬪を憎むことも決してなかったでしょう。私が犯したたった一つの過ち、王様を本気でお慕いした過ちを罰して下さい。
- 王:オクチョン...
- オクチョン:王様の手で私の命の火を消して下さい。そして私を自ら殺す苦痛から逃げないで下さい。私のささやかな願いです。一時でも、ほんの刹那でも、私を愛おしんだなら王様も少しは苦しむべきではありませんか?
- King: Today, from this throne, I shall deliver my sentence for the criminals who harmed the throne and disrupted stae affairs in the tenth month of 1701. Criminals Jang Hee-jae and Yoon have committed the unforgivable crime of contempt against the throne and the court. I cannot begin to describe ther heinous crimes. Yet, utlmately, they attempted to harm the Queen with witchcraft and tried to kill Lady Sukyi and Prince Yeoning. I cannot tolerate their teriible deeds. Therefore, I will punish them. Former Police General Jang Hee-jae and his mother Yoon as well as all else involved will be sentenced to death and exile in accordance to the severity of their crimes. Also, Heebin jang, from Chiwiseon Hall, she failed to uphold her duties as the mother of the crown prince and committed the great crime of planning all these crimes. Her crimes cannot go unpunished, either. Therefore, I shall punish Heebin Jang of the same crimes, today, October 8th, 1701, Heebin Jang's title will be revoked, and she will be sentenced to death.
- 王:今日、余はこの場でシンシの年十月おぞましい罪で王室を害し、国を乱した罪人達の処罰を言い渡す。チャン・ヒジェとユン氏は長きに亘り、王室と朝廷を冒涜し許されざる罪を犯した。その罪状たるや筆舌に尽くしがたい。呪詛により王妃を亡き者にせんと企て、淑嬪とヨニン君まで狙った。決して許される罪ではない。よってその罪を問い、かつての重臣チャンヒジェそしてその母ユン氏他関与した者全て罪の重さに応じ死罪あるいは流刑に処す。さらにチュソン堂のヒビン張氏は、世子の母としてその責務を果たすことなく、全ての事件を画策するという大罪を犯した。その罪も許されるものではない。よって余はヒビン・張氏もその罪に問い、本日十月八日ヒビンの地位を剥奪し毒薬を与える。
- 王:寡人今日要再这里,向众卿宣布。辛巳年十月以残酷的罪行。危害王室混乱社稷的罪人们,之最终处决。罪人张希载尹氏,在过去犯下凌蔑王室与朝廷,断不能抹灭的极大罪行,这残酷的罪状,甚至无法述说完全。这此罪人使用了邪行咒术欲谋害皇后,并试图要杀淑嫔与延礽君,这等罪大恶行岂能轻言饶恕,寡人将在此问罪,前捕盗大将张希载,包含张希载的慈堂尹氏,以及所有的相关党羽,要依基罪行轻重,判斩首之刑或是流放边境之刑。至于就善堂禧嫔张氏,身为世子的母后,未能克尽其莫大深远之贵,犯下了在背后谋算,并策划一切的重大罪行。因此亦不得轻言饶恕。是以寡人,同样在此向禧嫔张是问罪,今日辛巳年十月八日,将禧嫔张氏之牒纸收回,赐药处死。
- 寡人guǎrén, Royal we
- 凌líng, insult
- 邪行xiéxíng, strange
- 咒术zhòushù, curse technique
- 岂能qǐnéng, how could be ....?
- 相关xiāngguān, interrelated
- 党羽dǎngyǔ, henchmen
- 罪行zuìxíng, crime
- 饶恕ráoshù, forgive
- 牒dí, official document
- 处死chǔsǐ, execution, put sb. to death
55. Episode-55:
- King: It would be even more unbearable for Heebin Bang to endure disgrace and humiliation as a criminal. I wanted to save her from even a day of that. Because that is the Heebin Bang I know.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty ...
- King: Still, I truly wished to spare her life if there had been ... even the slightest alternative. I did not want to have to take her life.
- 王:罪人として宮廷で屈辱を受ける方が、ヒビンには死ぬより余程辛いことなのだ。だから一日でも早く、その苦痛から解放してやりたい。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:命だけでも助けてやりたかった。少しでも、ほんの少しでも酌量の余地があったならば... 命を余の手で奪いたくはなかった。
- 王:以戴罪之身, 在宫中经历诸般凌辱,这对禧嫔... 会是个比死更大的痛苦吧。我只想替她减轻这样的羞辱。因为那就是我认识的禧嫔。
- 同伊:陛下...
- 王;我也很希望至少免她的死罪,若能有一丝... 那怕只是一丝丝细微的余地也好。我都不想... 用我的手取走她的性命。
- 戴罪dàizuì, put on crimes
- 经历jīnglùi, experience
- 凌辱língrǔ, insult
- 痛苦tòngkǔ, pain
- 羞辱xiūrǔ, humiliate
- 细微xìwēi, tiny, subtle
- 性命xìngmìng, life
- Ok-jeong: When you said that ... you would keep the crown prince from harm. Were you being sincere? I was trying to see you. If I could do it, I needed to see you. Did you not say that this was not fate, that was my choice? Yes, if that is true, if this is the consequence of my choice then I shall take it. However, the crown prince I cannot let that boy be harmed because of my wrongdoing.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Ok-jeong: Tell me. Is there still a chance for the crown prince? Is there still a chance ... Is there any chance at all to preserve the crown prince's fate? Yes, I tried to kill you. I tried time and time again. But now, you are the only person that I can ask to protect the crown prince. The person I detested ... you are the only one. I will take everything with me to my death. So, please protect the crown prince, protect that boy ... You must protect him, Lady Sukpin. Lady Sukpin. Please protect that boy, Lady Sukpin. This is my final request. I bet you to hear my final request ... The crown prince ... my child... I beg you. I am begging you, Lady Sukpin.
- オクチョン:そなた、世子を傷つけないと言ったのは、あれは本心なのか?そなたに会いたかった。できることなら最後にそなたに... 運命ではなく、私が選んだことだと言ったな。そうだ。それならば、自分が選んだことの代償は払おう。だが、世子だけは絶対に私の過ちの犠牲にする訳にはいかぬ。
- トンイ:ヒビン様
- オクチョン:教えてくれ。世子にはまだ機会があるのか?まだ私に何か方法が... 世子を王に就かせる方法が何か残されているのか?そうだ、私はそなたを殺そうとした。何度も殺そうとした。だが、最後に世子を守ってくれと頼めるのはそなたしかいない。私があれほど憎み続けたそなただけだ。私のしたことは全て私の死をもって償う。だから頼む。世子のことだけは... あの子だけはそなたが守ってくれ、淑嬪。頼む、淑嬪... どうか世子のことを守ってくれ。最後の願いだ。どうか... 私の最後の願いを...どうか世子を... どうかお願いだ淑嬪、淑嬪... 最後の頼みだ。
- Officer: As a Royal Concubine of the Inner Court, and the mother of the crown prince, Heebin Bang committed an unforgivable crime. She plotted against the late Queen, and committed countless heinous deeds and attempted to assassinate Lady Sukpin and the Prince Yeoning. How could such a person be forgiven of these crimes? Therefore, I sentence Heebin Bang to death by poison, so that order may be restored within the kingdom and the court.
- Ok-jeong: Have you spoken to His Majesty? ...
- Ok-jeong (monologue) Are you there, Your Majesty? Are you watching me now? It was a lie, Your Majesty. It was a lie when I said that I regretted loving Your Majesty. Your Majesty's love I knew that I should not desire to have it all. But I tried to have everything to myself.
I know that I was foolish and wicked for loving you that way. I knew that. But please forgive me for causing you this final pain, Your Majesty. Please forgive me I begged you to watch my final moment. Because I could not stop myself, till the very end. This foolish desire of mine. But I wanted to make you remember me. Remember ... my final moment. I need ... Your Majesty to remember. Therefore, your Majesty, please remember. Please remember ... (.... I love peonies. Flowers whose blossoms are so large and splendid ....)
- 官吏:ヒビン張氏は、王の側室、世継ぎの母として拭いきれぬ大罪を犯した。前王妃の殺害他、数々の悪行を企て、さらに淑嬪とヨニン君をも殺めようとした。そのおぞましい罪は許されるものではない。よって余は、ヒビン張氏に毒薬を与え、この国の混乱を収めるものとする。
- オクチョン:王様には伝えたか?
- オクチョン (独白):おいでですか、王様。どこかで私をご覧になっていますか?あの言葉は本心ではありません。お慕いしたことを悔やむと言ったのは偽りです。王様のお心、その全てを望んではいけないと知りながら、手にしようとしたのも間違いでした。そこまで想ってしまった私が愚かだったということをよくわかっております。そう知りながら、最後まで王様を傷つける私をどうかお許し下さい。最後の姿を見て欲しいという私の願い、捨てることができない、この最後の願いこそ愚かです。それでも覚えておいて欲しいのです。私を、私の最後の姿を、誰よりも王様に... ですから王様、どうか覚えていて下さい。私を...ずっとこの私を...
- Dong-yi (monologue): Please rest in peace now, Your Highness. You've let go of the pain of this world. So now, please rest in peace.
- トンイ (独白):ヒビン様、安らかにお眠り下さい。全ての苦痛から解放され、安らかに...
- 同伊:娘娘,从今以后请您安吧。您以将今世所有得痛苦放下,就比安歇吧。
- Urak: I understand very well how Your Highness must be feeling now. However ... at times like this you must be even more focused. You must focus your heart with your studies and use that heart to look after other things.
- ウラク:王子様のお気持ちは私もよくわかります。ですがこんな時こそ精神を集中させるべきです。学問で心を整え、その心で物事を見るのです。
- Dong-yi: The Disciples' Faction is right. If I become Queen, no matter what I do to prevent it, the Patriarch's Faction will try to threaten the crown prince.
- Cheon-soo: However, Your Highness. Then, what will you do about Prince Yeoning's and your own future? Even if you wish to protect the crown prince, you cannot sacrifice yourself.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, the chief speaks the truth. Just s the crown prince will survive only if he becomes King, Prince Yeoning also will survive only if he becomes King.
- Dong-yi: If that is so, then they will both have to be King.
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness? Why do you think that only one of the two can live? There will be a way for both the crown price and Prince Yeoning to survive.
- Seo Yonggui: Your Highness, what do you mean?
- Dong-yi: I will not sacrifice a single thing. I do not care if I must lose everything. Even this position does not mean a thing, I will stake my everything and my life in order to protect both the crown prince and Prince Yeoning at all costs.
- トンイ:ソロンの重臣達の言う通りです。もし私が王妃になれば、いくら私が止めようと、ノロンは世子様を引きずり降ろそうとするでしょう。
- チョンス:ですが、淑嬪様。淑嬪様とヨニン君様の身の安全のため、世子様を守るためにも、王妃となるしかありません。
- ソ・ヨンギ:確かに他に道はないでしょう。世子様は王になれば助かります。ですが、それはヨニン君様も同じことです。
- トンイ:それならどちらも王になればよいのです。二人の内どうしても一人でないといけないのですか?世子様もヨニン君も生き残れる道があるはずです。
- ソ・ヨンギ:淑嬪様、もしやそれは....
- トンイ:私はどちらもあきらめる気はありません。すべてを失っても構いません。私の地位はどうでもよいのでです。私の全てと命を賭けても必ずや世子様とヨニン君を守って見せます。
- Dong-yi: Please look after the crown prince's feelings, Your Majesty. You must do so. It is the crown prince who suffers from the most pain at this moment.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: I will not take the position of Queen, Your Majesty.
- King: However, Dong-yi...
- Dong-yi: That is the way to end these. Because a Royal Concubine can become Queen, because of that reason, Heebin Jang was gripped her whole life by such a painful ambition. That was the very reason why we have all been hurt, Your Majesty. Therefore, if I become Queen as a Royal Concubine again, the Royal Court of this nation will undergo the same tragedy again.
- King: So... so you want to put an end to it? You will abandon a position you can take.... abandon everything you can have?
- Dong-yi: It is because there is something more valuable. Something more precious than having more and rising to a higher position. Please let me keep that precious thing, Your Majesty. Instead of a position and influence that means nothing, please let me keep the one thing that I most wish to protect. And please put an end to these tragedies with your own hands. Please ... Please do that, Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi...
- トンイ:王様...世子様をいたわってあげて下さい。今回の件で誰よりも傷ついたのは世子様なのですから。
- 王:トンイ
- トンイ:私は王妃になるつもりはありません。
- 王:しかし、トンイ。
- トンイ:でないと、王室の悲劇は終わりません。側室には王妃になる資格がある、それ故にヒビン様は欲にさいなまれ苦しまれたのです。そのせいで皆の心に傷が残りました。ですから私が側室から王妃になれば、王室の悲劇はまた繰り返されることになるでしょう。
- 王:だからそなたが終わらせようというのか?そなたが手にできる全てを捨ててもよいのか?
- トンイ:もっと貴いものがあるのです、王様。高い地位や富みを手にするより、もっと大切なものが... それを失わずに済むようにさせて下さい。意味のない地位や権勢ではなく、心を尽くしてその大切なものを守りたいのです。王様の力でこれ以上悲劇を招かぬように... どうかそうして下さい、王様。
- 王:トンイ。
- Chan-Muyol: Your Highness, was this your doing? I am asking if it was Your Highness's decision to refuse the seat of the Queen?
- Dong-yi: That is correct.
- Chan-Muyol: You will come to regret this, Your Highness. Pushing away my extended hand and voluntarily letting go of the influence you could have had.
- Dong-yi: Well, do you really think so? I may seem dense and pathetic in your eyes, my lord. But in my eyes, that is how you look. Chasing ambition, betraying people, spilling blood, and avenging that blood with more blood. That is not all there is to this world. Do not assume that all people are like that, my lord. There are more people in this world who choose not to step on others. There are people who make sacrifices for others, people who voluntarily protect others. There are more people who consider that a greater happiness. This is politics? This is the palace, so we have no choice? No. That is not true. I will prove to you that one can achieve his aim within the palace without acting like you. I will show you with politics.
- チャン・ムヨル:淑嬪様、淑嬪様のご意思ですか?王妃の座を拒まれたのは淑嬪様かと聞いているのです。
- トンイ:ええ、そうです。
- チャン・ムヨル:後悔なさることでしょう。私の手を払いのけ、掴みかけた権勢を自ら投げ出したことを...
- トンイ:果たしてそうでしょうか?私を愚かだとお思いかも知れませんが、そちらも同じではありませんか?欲に駆られて人を裏切り、争い、血を血で洗うばかりがこの世の全てではありません。誰も皆そうするとは限らないのです。人を踏みにじることを知らぬ者は大勢います。自分の物を与え、人を暖かく包む方がより幸せだと思える者は大勢います。政治だから、宮廷だから仕方ない?いいえ、それは違います。私が証明します。チャン殿と違うやり方でも意を遂げることはできます。この宮廷でその政治とやらをやってみます。
56. Episode-56:
- New Queen: Yes, That is what I said.
- Dong-yi: However, Your Highness. Prince Yeoning is still too young to ...
- New Queen: No. His age is more than old enought to be married, Sukbin. And as you may know all princes with the exception of the Crown Prince must leave the palace after they are wed.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, please forgive me, but are you saying that .
- New Queen: Yes, I am telling you that I believe it is time for Prince Yeoning to be married and sent outside of the palace.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- 仁元王妃:それはヨニン君の婚礼のことだ。
- トンイ:ヨニン君の婚礼ですか?
- 仁元王妃:そうだ、私はそう言った。
- トンイ:ですが、王妃様、ヨニン君はまだそのような年では...
- 仁元王妃:いや、婚礼を挙げても十分おかしくない年だ。知っているであろうが、世子以外の宮殿にいる王子は婚礼の後、宮殿を出ることになる。
- トンイ:王妃様、そのお言葉はつまりヨニン君が
- 仁元王妃:そうだ、私はヨニン君が婚礼を挙げ、宮殿から出て行く時が来たとそう言っているのだ。
- トンイ:王妃様...
- New Queen: What? You want to oversee this appointment?
- Dong-yi: Yes, My Queen. I will carry out the marriage. However, please permit me to decide on the bride's family.
- New Queen: Your insolence seems to know no limits. It is the Queen's right to preside over royal marriages. Are you tryinng to usurp my rights?
- Dong-yi: That is not so, Your Highness.
- New Queen: What?
- Dong-yi: This is a record of royal marriages from the Surveillance Bureau. If you look here, there are many instances of the marriages of pricens other than the Crown Prince being deciding by the mother. You want Prince Yeoning to be married because of justification, yes, I shall allow you to do so. However, does that not mean that Your Highness must also preserve the old precedents of the royal court?
- 仁元王妃:何、妃選びを任せてくれだと?
- トンイ:はい、王妃様。王妃様の仰せの通り婚礼は挙げます。ただ、ヨニン君の相手は私に選ばせて下さい。
- 仁元王妃:あきれたものだ。黙って聞いていれば何と無礼な。王室の婚礼は王妃の権限だ。それを奪おうというのか?
- トンイ:それは違います。
- 仁元王妃:何?
- トンイ:これはカムチャルブに残された王室の婚礼に関する記録です。これに依れば、側室が生んだ世子様以外の王子は、母親が相手を選ぶのに関与した例がいくつもございます。慣例を盾に取り、婚礼を挙げろとおっしゃるのなら、はい、それに従います。ですが、それならば王妃様も古くからの王室の慣例に従って下さい。
- Seo Jong-je: Please forgive me for escorting you to such a humble abode.
- Dong-yi: Not at all. I am sorry to pay such a sudden visit. I wanted to speak to you because ...
- Seo Jong-je:
- I have already heard from my teacher, Your Highness. It is a great honor that you have sought a humble man like me. But we are not a family worthy of making ties with the royal court. There must be many worthy families who can provide the Prince with the political power he needs. I have no interest in politics nor do I have experience.
- Dong-yi: That is why I had you in mind, sir.
- Dong-yi: Did you speak of power, just now? Yes, I, too, believe that Prince Yeoning needs such a family to help him. However, I do not mean the kind of power that the world speaks of. Not the power that dominates and takes, but the power that shares and knows humility. And most importantly the power that realizes that whai it possesses is nothing. I wish to give Prince Yeoning real power such as that. I wish to show him a world where such power triumphs. I wish for Prine Yeoning to dream of such a world. And I wish for a scholar like you to protect him, so that that dream will not die as only a dream.
- Seo Jong-je's daughter: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: Did you say your name is Hye-in?
- Seo Jong-je's daughterYes, madam.
- Dong-yi: Yes. Your eyes are as pure and intelligent as they say.
- ソジョンジェ:このようなむさ苦しい所で申し訳ありません。
- トンイ:いいのです。私の方こそ突然押しかけまして... 今日私が来たのは...
- ソジョンジェ:先生に聞いて存じております。私のような者を訪ねて下さり、誠に光栄ですが、我が家は王室の姻戚になれるような一門ではありません。ヨニン君様の後ろ盾となり政治的な力のある名家は他にいくらでもあります。私は政治に関心がありませんし、経験もありません。
- トンイ:だからこそ先生がいいのです。
- ソジョンジェ:淑嬪様。
- トンイ:力のある名家ですか... 確かにヨニン君には後ろ盾が必要だと思います。ですが、それは世間の言う力ではありません。奪う力ではなく分け合う力... 恥じることを知る力、そして何より己が手にしたものが取るに足らぬと知る力、そんな誠の力をヨニン君に与えてやりたいのです。誠の力が勝つ世の中、ヨニン君にはそのような世の中を夢見て欲しい。そして更には夢見るだけでは終わらぬよう先生のような方に側にいて見守って欲しいのです。
- ソジョンジェの娘ヘイン:どうぞ...
- トンイ:ヘインと言ったな?
- ヘイン:はい。
- ソジョンジェ:
- トンイ:聞いた通り清らかで聡明な目をしているな。
- Dong-yi When I first came here after hearing your suggestion. I did not know that it would come to be used like this.
- Urak: Yes. At the time, Your Highness took my suggestion and passed it off as a joke.
- Dong-yi: I hope that this will protect Prince Yeoning.
- トンイ:先生の話を伺って、ここに来たことがこのような形で功を奏するとは...
- ウラク:はい、あの時淑嬪様は話を聞き、只笑っておられました。
- トンイ:この木がヨンン君を守ってくれればよいのですが...
57. Episode-57:
- King: I am about to ask you a very important thing, Dong-yi. I am asking not as a King. But as the father of a child to the mother of that child. What do you think, Dong-yi? Do you not think that Prince Yeoning must rise to the throne? And that is the one and only way to save the child from this palace.
- Dong-yi: Only the crown prince must succeed Your Majesty to take the throne, that must come to pass. However, in order to save Prince Yeoning, he must ... I believe the only way to save him is to make him King. Yes. That is correct, Your Majesty. That is the determiantion that I have dared to come to, as the child's mother.
- King: The crown prince ad Prince Yeoning raise both children to the throne and save them both? Yes, that is very like you. To have such a wish in this palace, where one must kill or be killed. Ony you are able to have such a dream.
- 王:今から余はそなたに大事なことを聞きたい。王としてではなく、一人の父として、我が子の母であるそなたに聞く。本心を聞かせて欲しい。ヨニン君は王位に就くべきだとそう考えているか?それが宮廷であの子を救える唯一の道だとそう思わぬか?
- トンイ:王様の後を継ぎ、この国の王となるべきは世子様しかいません。これは断じて変えてはならぬことです。ですが、ヨニン君を救える道、それはヨニン君もまた王になるしかないと思っております、王様。その通りです、王様。これがあの子の母として、私が心に決めた答です、王様。
- 王:世子とヨニン君、二人どちらも王位に就かせ、どちらも救うのか?いかにもそなたらしいな。先にやらねばやられるこの宮廷でそれができるか?まさに夢だ。そなたにしか抱けぬ夢だな。
- King: I summoned you all and the cown prince here today, because I wished to convery an important decision to you all. Thereofre, crown prince, you must take heed of what I will say now.
- Crown Prince: Yes, Yours Majesty.
- King: I am aware of the rumors that circulated within the palace, after Prince Yeoning entered the palace after living outside. Also, I am aware of what kind of battel my ministers are fighting over such roumors. However, from this moment on, I shall not tolerate any discussion over the successor to my throne. The foundation of this nation and the person who will succeed me to the throne is the crown prince, and only him. Do you understand? That is my clear intention and I will not tolerte any maneuvers to weaken the crown prince's position. Therefore, for this day forth, in order to ensure that the crown prince is fully capable of rising to the throne and overseeing state affairs. The crown prince will attend the Royal Council meetings. On matters concerning the Ministryof Rites and the Board of Works, would hand in the state affairs to the crown prince and carry out the jobs duties accordance to crown prince.
- Minister of West Faction: But, Your Majesty. It is too early to ...
- King: No. I am not finished speaking, minister. There is one more thing. I must announce another dcision today. That matter is regarding Lady Sukbin.
- .......
- Shim Woon-taek: Forgive me, Your Majesty. Did you just say that yould would send Lady Sukbin out of the palace?
- King: I did.
- Sim Untek: But, Your Majesty, what is your reason for doing so...
- King: Lady Sukbin should be aware of my reason, Inspector Shim. And, I am certain that you also know what that reason is. This is the decision that I wished to convery to you all today. Lady Sukbin will live outside the palace in the Eehyeon Hall from now on. Therefore, the Board of Works, must commence renovation of the Eehyeon Hall immediately and once it is complete, the Minister of Rites, will manage the procedure to send Sukbin out of the palace.
- 王:こうして皆と世子を同席させたのは、今日余が下す重大な決定を伝えるためだ。世子もよいな。余の言葉を胸に刻め。
- 世子;はい、王様
- 王:ヨニン君が宮廷に入ってからというもの、何と噂されているかは承知している。しかもその噂のせいで皆が争っていることもわかっている。だが今後は、何と言おうと後継者に関するいかなる論争も許さぬ。この国の将来の根本となり、王位を継ぐ者はここにいる世子だけだ。よいな、それが余の確固たる意思だ。余は世子の座を脅かすどのような動きも断じて許さぬからそう思え。よって今後は世子が将来王位を継ぎ、円滑に政務を全うできるよう会議の際同席させることにする。また国の行事に関してはまず世子に稟議を諮り、誰より先に世子の意見を聞くように。
- 大臣(西人派):ですが、王様、それはあまりに急な....
- 王:まだだ。まだ余の話は終わっておらぬ。実はもう一つ今日この場で告げておくことがある。... それは淑嬪に関することだ。
- .....
- シム・ウンテク:恐れながら、王様... 淑嬪様を宮殿から出されるのですか?
- 王:そうだ。
- シム・ウンテク:しかし、そうなさる理由は?
- 王:理由なら淑嬪自身がわかっているはずだ。そしてそなたも同様に承知しているものと思うが。... 以上が余が皆に伝えたかった余の決断だ。淑嬪はイヒョン宮に居を構える。よって担当部署は直ちにイヒョン宮を修繕せよ。修繕が終わり次第、淑嬪が宮殿から出る手続きを進めるのだ。
- Crown Prince: Father, why did you make such a decision? Could it be because of the heinous roumors circulationg within the palace?
- King: Yes, it is.
- Crown Prince: But father, that is not Lady Sukbin's intention. I know that very well. At one point, even I resented Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning, however, that was because of myself. I lamented my own pitiful conditon and tried to direct all that anger toward lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning, who had done no wrong.
- King: Crown Prince...
- Crown Prince: But Lady Sukbin even forgave my mother who tried to kill her and Prince Yeoning. She even embraced me, the son of such a mother. It was Lady Sukbin who cared for me more than anyone else in this palace. Therefore, I beg you to withdraw this order, father. Please do not cast out the innocent Lady Sukbin in my name.
- King: I am grateful that you feel that way, corown prince. I am grateful and relieved.
- Crown Prince: Father.
- King: However, not that I know how you truly feel, that is all the more reason why I cannot change my mind.
- Crown Prince: Father ...
- King: Do you understnd? this decision will never be reversed.
- 世子:父上、あの決定はどういうおつもりですか?まさか宮廷に広まる忌まわしい噂のせいですか?
- 王:ああ、そうだ。
- 世子:ですが、父上。それは淑嬪様のせいではありません。私はちゃんとわかっています。一時は私も淑嬪様とヨニン君を恨みました。ですがそれは筋違いでした。自分の境遇を嘆く余り、怒りの矛先を罪のない淑嬪様とヨニン君に向けていたのです。それなのに淑嬪様はヨニン君と淑嬪様を狙った母上のことをお許しになった上、その母の息子である私をいたわって下さいました。誰よりも私を大切にして下さったのは淑嬪様なのです。ですからどうかあの王命を取り消して下さい。私のために淑嬪様を追い出すのはやめて下さい。
- 王:そのように思っていてくれたか?それを聞いて嬉しく思うぞ。
- 世子:父上。
- 王:だがな、今そなたの気持ちを聞いて一層余の決心は固まった。決してこの決定が覆されることはない。
- Cha Cheon-soo: Why are yiou not going to His Majesty, Your Highness? Shouldn't Your Higness know the reason why His Majesty gave such an unbelievable order?
- Dong-yi: His Majesty is telling me right now to wait, brother. Do you not understand? He converyed his intentions to me through the Queen, because he was ordering me to wait. So what I must do now is to continue doing what I can do from here and uphold His Majesty's orders.
- チョンス:なぜ王様にお会いになさらぬのです?理解しがたい命令を下された理由を淑嬪様は知るべきです。
- トンイ:この命令は王様の待てという合図です。わかりませんか?王妃様を介して伝えられたのは、きっと待てという意味なのです。私のやるべきことは、今ここで何もせずに王命に従うことなのです。
- King: This is the place. The place where you will live outside the palace. How is it? Is it to your liking?
- Dong-yi: Yes, however, it seems too large for me to live in.
- King: You respond in such a nonchalant way, with such a nochalant face. While looking at me, when I have ordered you to be sent out of the palace, when I stand before you with such thick sking. Why do you not ask me, Dong-yi? Why are you waiting so long to do that?
- Dong-yi: It is because I am afraid. It is because I am afraid of what Your Majest will say.
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: I had been waiting for Your Majesty to speak to me. But when I say you at my quarters, when I saw Your Majesty's eyes I knew that what you had to say was much more difficult and more frightening than what I'd imagines. But I cannot even begin to fathom it. So that is why I am afraid, Your Majesty.
- King: Do you remeber? Long ago, when I sent you out of the palace, at the time, I told you that I'd rather run away with you. Yes, I sincerely felt that way. If I could only be with you I didn't mind living my life s a common man. If only I could do so, I did not mind sacrificing everything else. And, even though so much time has passed, that feeling still has not changed. Because I am still so grateful that you are in my life.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: You will have to live in this place. However, you will not be alone here, Dong-yi. I, too, will come here and live with you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. What do you mean? Your Majesty will live here, too? Your Majesty... Your Majesty, please tell me. What is the meaning of ... what you just told me?
- King: You are the one who said this to me that both the crown prince and Prince Yeoning must rise to the throne. You said that is the only way everyone can survive. Do you know? That is the first ambition that you have ever expressed. And that was also a dream that I had buried in my heart.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: If it were Prince Yeoning ... Yes, if that child ... He would certainly become a king to bring glory to this dynasty. Therefore, I thought to myself how wonderful it would be, if that child could succeed the crown prince who cannot see an heir, to the throne. However, there can only be one heir to the throne undere the King. That is the only way to preserve the King's authority and govern the state. Do you understand? As long as I am King, the crown prince and Prince Yeoning cannot both be heirs to the throne.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. Are you saying ....
- King: Yes. That is why I will abdicate the throne to the crown prince. If I abdicae my throne and the crown prince becomes King, then Prince Yeoning will become the heir apparent and eventually, the future King.
- Dong-yi: But, Your Majesty .... Abdication is ... How can you say such a thing, Your Majesty? How can you say that, Your Majesty.
- 王:ここだ、そなたが宮殿を出て暮らす場所は。どうだ、ここは気に入りそうか?
- トンイ:はい... ですが、私が暮らすには大き過ぎるようです。
- 王:なぜ、そのように平気な顔で平然と答えられるのだ。そなたを追い出す余がこうして臆面もなく会いに来たのに。どうして何も聞かぬのだ?なぜそうして黙っている?
- トンイ:それは怖いからです。王様が何をおっしゃるのか怖くて聞けません。
- 王:トンイ...
- トンイ:ずっと、王様のお言葉を待っていました。ですが、先ほど王様に会い、王様の目を見た途端、私が考えていたよりずっと厳しく、容易ならぬことだと感じました。ですが、それが何か見当がつかず恐ろしくてならないのです。
- 王:覚えているか、かつて余がそなたを宮殿から出したことを?余はあの時、いっそ一緒に逃げようと言ったであろう。そうだ、あの言葉は本気だった。そなたとなら平凡な男として生きてもいい。そうできるのなら本当に全てを捨ててもいいと思った。あの時の思いは、長い時を経た今でも変わりはせぬ。余はそなたをありがたく、かけがえなく想っている。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:今後そなたはここで暮らす。だがそなたは一人ではない、トンイ。余もまたそなたとここで共に暮らす。
- トンイ:王様、何をおっしゃているのですか?王様がここで暮らすとは... 王様、教えて下さい。今、私におっしゃったことは一体...
- 王:そなたは余にこう言った。世子もヨニン君もどちらも王位に就くべきだと。それが二人を救う道だとな。あれはそなたが初めて見せた欲だった。そしてそれは胸にしまっていた余の夢でもあった。ヨニン君なら、あの子なら王朝に名を残す立派な王になろう。それ故、世継ぎを望めぬ世子の後をヨニン君が継いでくれたらそうできたらどんなにいいだろうかと、ずっと考えていた。しかし王位を継ぐ者は一人でなくてはならぬ。それが王権を守り朝廷を治める術だ。わかるか?余が王でいる限り、世子とヨニン君は共には王位を継ぐことはできぬ。
- トンイ:王様、ということはまさか?
- 王:そうだ。だから余は世子に王位を譲ることにする。余が王位を退き、世子を王に就かせたら、無事、ヨニン君は世子となり、後に王位を継ぐことになる。
- トンイ:ですが王様...いいのですか?王位を譲るなどとおっしゃって.... なぜそのような、王様...
- King (Letter to Dong-yi): My journey will be quite long. So when I return, you will have left already. However, you must not forget my promise that I will not leave you alone there. That is what you did, Dong-yi... You relinquished the seat of Queen tahat you colud have taken in order to protect the crown prince, Prince Yeoning and me. And now, it is my turn to do the same. However, by choosing this path, I am not relinguishing anything but fulfilling my greatest desire instead. Because I have gained an entire lifetime to be with you. So believe in me and wait for me Dong-yi. I will make sure no one is hurt. The dream that you wished to protect, now, I will protect it for you.
- 王(トンイへの手紙):長い滞在になる故、余が戻った時、そなたは宮殿にはいないだろう。だが忘れるでない。そなたを一人にしないと言った余の言葉は本気だ。そなたは自ら就いていたはずの王妃の座をあきらめ、世子とヨニン君、そして余を守ろうとした。故に、次は余がそなた等を守る番だ。これは余にとってあきらめではない。大きな欲を満たす道だ。これにより余はそなたと生きる道を得るのだ。だから余を信じて待っていてくれ、トンイ。誰も傷つくことはなかろう。そなたが守ろうとした夢はこれから余が守っていこう。
- 王(书信):这趟旅程相当长远,待我回宫之时,你恐怕早已身在宫外了。但是你不要忘了,我说过不会放你一个人的。那一番诺言,你是这样的,同伊。宁可抛弃已唾手可得的皇后之位,也要尽力守护世子,延礽君还有我。所以现在也该轮到我这么做了。但是这对我实在不是抛弃,而是欲填満我极大贪念之路。因为这样,我便能与你攜手共度这余生了。所以,请你相信我,等著我吧,同伊。我不会让任何人受伤害的。你想守护的梦想,现在轮到我来替你守护了。
- 趟tàng, round trip
- 恐怕kǒunpà, fear
- 早已zǎoyǐ, long ago, for a long time
- 诺言nuòyán, a promise
- 宁可nìngkě; rather, be better to
- 抛弃pāoqì, abandon
- 唾手可得tuòshǒu kědé; within easy reach
- 轮到lúndào, one's turn to do with
- 填tián, fill or stuff
- 因为yīnwèi, because
- 相信xiāngxìn, believe