Cat: LAN
Pub: 1991
#: 1312b
Lee Byeong-hoon, Director
UP 13904
Cat: LAN |
Lee Byeong-hoon, Director
UP 13904 |
Dony Yi
トンイ (同伊)
- <関係部署>
- 奴婢(ノビ);
- 大司憲(テサホン)、刑曹判書(ヒョンジョパンソ)、戸曹参判(ホジョチャムパン)
- 仵作人(オジャギン) at 泮村(パンチョン);崔考元(チェ・ヒョウォン);問安婢(ムナンビ)
- 剣契(コムゲ)
- 張玉貞(チャン・オクチョン);禧嬪張氏
- 庚申換局(キョンシンファングク)
- 南人(ナミン)vs. 西人(ソイン)、西人は老論(ノロン)と少論(ソロン)に分裂。
- 捕盗庁(ポドチョン);義禁府(ウィグムブ)
- 崔同伊 Choi Dong-yi < 韓孝珠 Han hyo-ju: 掌楽院奴婢→監察府女官→承恩尚宮(正五品)→淑媛(従四品)→淑儀(従二品)→淑嬪崔氏 (正一品) Lady Choi sook-bin、粛宗の側室
- 粛宗 King Sukjong < 池珍煕 Ji Jin-hee: 李氏朝鮮第19代国王
- 張玉貞 < 李素妍 Lee So-yeon: 禧嬪張氏、南人派、朝鮮三大悪女の一人。承恩尚宮→禧嬪→王妃→禧嬪へ降格
- 車天壽 < 裴秀彬 Bae Su-bin: 捕盗庁の検死官。剣契(コムゲ)リーダー格、後に右捕盗庁武官、内禁衛軍官、内禁衛従事官、義禁府都事(従六位)
- 徐龍基 < 鄭進永 Jeong Jin-yeong: 捕盗庁従事官(従六品)→司憲府持平(正五品)→内禁衛将(正三品堂上〜従二品)
- 仁顕王妃 < 朴荷善 Park Ha-seon: 粛宗の正室、西人派: 王妃→平民へ降格→王妃へ復位
- 讲述了朝鲜第21代王英祖的生母也是第19代肃宗的后宫,贱民出身的淑嫔崔氏波谰万丈起伏跌宕人生和儿子英祖大王戏剧般的成长过程。
- 由于父亲是验尸人,同伊自小就从尸检中,对科学的分析有自己独到的见解。同伊进入掌乐院学习音乐,她的听慧伶俐得到肃宗的肯定,在宫中监察部中发挥出卓越的才能。
- 在西人和南人势力反复执政和实权更迭的肃宗时代,朝鲜历史上首次以宫中最下层宫女的身份被赐为内命府最高品阶女人-淑嫔崔氏,小小年纪就深感自己身处的位置和身份的极限,总是不失沉着和贤明,为保护有著贱民出身身份的儿子延礽君在生存和死亡相互交织的朋党政治中隐藏自己,睿智地安身立命保存了自己和儿子性命,用自己的爱和鞭策把儿子培养成王使其登上王位。
- Jiǎng shùle Cháoxiān dì21dài wáng Yīng Zǔ de shēngmǔ yěshì dì19dài Sù Zōng de hòugōng, jiànmín chūshēn de Shūpín Cuī Shì bōlán wànzhàng qǐfú diēdàng rénshēng hé érzi Yīng Zǔ Dà Wáng xìjùbān de chéngzhǎng guòchéng.
- Yóu yú fùqīn shì yànshīrén, Tóng-yī zìxiǎo jiù cóng shījiǎn zhōng, duì kēxué de fēnxī yǒu zìjǐ dúdào de jiànjiě. Tóng-yī jìnrù Zhǎng Yuè Yuàn xuéxí yīnyuèm, tā de tīnghuì linglì de dào Sù Zōng de kěndìng, zài gōngzhōng Jiān Chá Bù zhōng fāhuī chū zhuōyuè de cáinéng.
- Zài Xi Rén hé Nán Rén shìlì fǎnfù zhízhèng hé shíquán gèngdié de Sù Zōng shídài, Cháoxiān lìshǐ shàng shǒucì yǐ gōngzhōng zuìxiàcéng gōngnǚ de shēnfèn bèi cì wèi Nèi Mìng Fǔ zuìgāo pǐnjiē nǚrén-Shūpín Cuī Shì, xiǎo xiǎo niánjì jiù shēngǎn zìjǐ shēnchù de wèizhì hé shēnfèn de jíxiàn, zǒngshì bùshī chénzhe hé xiánmíng, wèi bǎohù yǒuzhe jiànmín chūshēn shēnfèn de érzi Yán RéngJūn zài shēngcún hé sǐwáng xiānghù jiāozhī de péngdǎng zhèngzhì zhōng yǐncáng zìjǐ, ruìzhì de ānshēn lìmìng bǎocún le zìjǐ hé érzi xìngmìng, yòng zìjǐ de ài hé biān cè bǎ érzi péiyǎng chéngwáng shǐqí dēngshàng wángwèi.
- Korean drame modeled after Royal consort Suk of Choe clan (1670-1718), who was a concubine of 19th King Sukjong of Joseon. She has strong belief, sure knowledge (as a coroner), profound affection, and unshaken patience, giving birth 21th King Yeongjo
- 利氏朝鮮粛宗の側室淑嬪崔氏(숙빈 최、씨 1670 - 1718)をモデルにした韓国ドラマ。強い信念、確たる技術、深い愛情、揺るがぬ忍耐を持ち、李氏朝鮮の21代英祖を生み育てる。
<Team Dong-yi at Bogyeong Hall, 宝庆堂Bǎoqìngtáng and Western Faction>
- Choi Dong-yi (崔同伊): 1693 Sukwon (Level4); 94 Sukyi (Level2) , 99 Sukbin 淑嬪崔氏(Level1, 1670-1718)
- 19th King Sukjong of Joseon Dynasty (粛宗, 1961-reigned 74-1720)
- Queen Inhyeon (仁顕王后閔氏)
- Royal Police Chief Seo Yonggui(徐龍基); Chief Palace Guard
- Cha Cheon-soo(車天壽); Palace Guard Captain
- 沈云澤 (金春澤 is the model)
- Matron Jung (鄭貴禮); Surveillance Bureau
- Matron Nam (南貞任): Surveillance Bureau
- Matron Bong (奉末今)
- Ae-jong (愛鐘)
- Master Woon-hak(雲鶴)
- Prince Geum; Prince Yeoning
- Choi Hyo-won (崔孝元)
- 崔同周
- Hwang Joo-shik (黄周植)
- Yeong-dal (方英達)
- Soli (雪姫)
- Cheon Matron
- Han Chamberlain
- Royal Secretariat
- Choi Yinbok Minister (鄭仁國), Leader of West Faction
- Gae Doo-la
- Seol-hee
- Matron Yoo(劉米来)
- Queen myeonseong
- 20th King Gyeongion 景宗 (昀1688-reigned 1720-24)
- 21st King Yeongjo 英祖 (昑1694-reigned 1724-76)
<Team Heebin at Chwiseon Hall and Southern Faction>
- Heebin Jang張禧嬪 (Ok-jeong)
- Jang Hee-jae(張希載)
- Load Oh Tae-seok(呉太錫)
- Jang Moo-yeol(張武烈)
- 1661:粛宗誕生
- 1667:王世子、仁顕王后誕生
- 1674:第19代朝鮮国王(13歳)
- 1682:仁顕王后(驪興閔氏)入内(15歳)、西人派支持
- 1688:王子李昀誕生、後の景宗3歳で世子(母は禧嬪張氏)
- 1689:仁顕王后廃位、復位運動展開(閔氏重定運動)
- 1694:王子昑、誕生 (母は和敬淑嬪崔氏、宮廷のムスリ出身)仁顕王后が復位(甲戊換局)
- 1701:仁顕王后病没(34歳)
- 1720:粛宗没(59歳、在位46年)、第20代景宗即位(32歳)、少論派支持
- 1721:延礽君(後の英祖)が世弟冊立(27歳)。老論派支持
- 1724:景宗没(35歳)、第21代英祖即位(30歳、在位52年)
- 1762:荘献思悼世子餓死(壬午士禍)
- 1776:英祖没(82歳)
- 1659:張玉貞(仁同張氏 )誕生
- 1686:張玉貞、承恩尚宮(27歳、正五品)、淑媛(従四品)
- 1688:張玉貞、昭儀(ソイ、正二品)
- 1689:禧嬪(正一品)、己巳換局、、西人派没落、南人派政権
- 1690:禧嬪張氏王妃に
- 1694:禧嬪張氏王妃から嬪に降格。
- 1701:禧嬪張氏賜薬により処刑(42歳)、朝鮮三大悪女の一
- 1670:崔同伊誕生(崔孝元の娘、後の淑嬪崔氏、本貫海州)
- 1692?:同伊、承恩尚宮(22歳、正五品)
- 1693:同伊、淑媛(従四品)、同年王子誕生、2ヶ月で没
- 1694:昑 (延礽君、後の英祖)誕生、淑儀(従二品)に
- 1695:貴人(従一品)に
- 1699:淑嬪(正一品)に
- 1718:病没(49歳)
58. Episode-58:
- New Queen (Inwon): Why did you refuse the seat of the Queen? I know that if you had wanted it, you would be siting in my seat instead of me. Then, why did you refuse it? That is what I am asking.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- New Queen: What are you trying to do? I am asking about your hidden intentions. You refused the seat of the Queen, yet why do you vie for the crown price's position? You vie for the crown prince's position but why did you handle Prince Yeoning's marriage that way? And how did you win the crown prince's heart? Tell me now. What kind of person are you and what do the rumors in the palace mean?
- Dong-yi: Why do you ask me that, Your Highness? Already, your Highness feels that here is something strange about the rumors that surround me and Prince Yeoning. Is that not why you have come to my quarters at such a late hour?
- New Queen: Then, what is it? Are you actually claiming that you sacrifice the seat of Queen for the crown prince's sake?
- Dong-yi: No, Your Highness. It cannot be considered a sacrifice. Rather, that was my great ambition: To protect both the crown prince and Prince Yeoning. To not sacrifice a single thing, that was my great ambition. However, I did not realize that my ambition would bring such a catastrophe to the palace. I did not know such a huge ...
- New Queen: What are you saying? A catastrophe in the palace?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness. There is something I must tell you. More than anyone else, Your Highness must know this.
- Matron Lee: Your Highness. It is Matron Lee.
- New Queen: What is it?
- Matron Lee: Your Highness. Deputy Minister Jang Moo-yeol is seeking an audience with you.
- New Queen: The Deputy Minister?
- Matron Lee: Yes, Your Highness.
- New Queen: You mean, right now?
- Matron Lee: Yes. He said that it was very urgent.
58. ムヨルの標的:
- 仁元王妃:聞かせて欲しい。なぜ王妃の座を拒んだのか?そなたが望めば王妃の座についていたので私ではなく、そなただった。なのになぜ拒んだのか、それが聞きたい。
- トンイ: 王妃様
- 仁元王妃:一体何をする気だ?そなたの真意を知らねばならぬ。王妃の座を拒みながらなぜ世子の座を狙うのだ?そのくせヨニン君の妻に地位もない男の娘を選び、そればかりか世子の心まで掴んだ。言ってみろ。そなたは何を考えている?宮廷の噂はどこまで事実だ?
- トンイ:それをなぜ私に聞くのですか?王妃様はすでに私とヒョニン君を巡る噂に疑問をお持ちなのですね?それでこのような遅くに訪ねて来られたのでは...
- 仁元王妃:ならばそなた、世子のために王妃の座を放棄し犠牲になったのか?
- トンイ:違います。犠牲などではありません。むしろそれは私のわがままでした。世子様とヨニン君、どちらも救い何も失いたくないという欲の表れでした。ですがそのせいでこれ程の波瀾を招くとは思いませんでした。あれがこんな大事に...
- 仁元王妃:待て。それはどういうことだ?大事とは何だ?
- トンイ:王妃様、お伝えしたいことがあります。誰よりもまず王妃様が知っておくべきことです。
- 仁元王妃付き尚宮:王妃様、失礼いたします。
- 仁元王妃:何事だ?
- 仁元王妃付き尚宮:王妃様。チャン・ムヨル様がぜひお会いしたとのことです。
- 仁元王妃:チャン・ムヨルが... 今すぐか?
- 仁元王妃付き尚宮:急ぎ拝謁を求めているそうです。
- 同伊:已经这么晚了。娘娘怎么会亲自来见臣妾呢。
- 王妃:当初你为何拒绝皇后之位。
- 同伊:什么。
- 王妃:本宫也知道,若你愿意,如今在这位置的人,并不是我而是你。但是,你为什么要拒绝。这就是我要问的。
- 同伊:娘娘。
- 王妃:你究竟想要什么手段。你所隐藏的企图究竟是什么。既然拒绝了皇后之位,那为何又要觊觎世子之位。既然觊觎世子之位,为何又这样处理延礽君的婚事。又为何能够赢得世子的信任。你说说看,你到底是什么样的人。而宫里的传问又是怎么回事。
- 同伊:这件事娘娘为何来问臣妾呢。其实娘娘对宫内围绕著臣妾,与延礽君的传闻,已渐渐开始感到疑惑了。所以您才会在这深夜,亲自前来找臣妾的不是吗。
- 王妃:那究竟是什么。难不成你是为了世子。不惜牺牲自已放弃了皇后之位吗。
- 同伊:不是的,娘娘。您说牺牲未免言重了。其实应该说,那是臣妾的贪念才是,想同时守护世子殿下与延礽君。怎么也不愿失去任何一个人。几近痴心妄想的贪念。但是臣妾万万没有想到,那份贪念。竟会为宫廷带来这么大的浩劫。因为如此导致了这等...
- 王妃:你这话又是什么意思。宫廷的大浩劫。
- 同伊:娘娘, 臣妾有件事要禀告娘娘。比起其他任何任,娘娘,您必须要知道这件事。
- 李尚宫:... 皇后娘娘,小的是李尚宫... 有什么事吗。娘娘,兵曹参判张武烈大人,
- 王妃:你说现在吗。
- 李尚宫:是,似乎有非常紧急的事。
- 拒绝jùjué, refuse
- 究竟jiūjìng, outcome
- 手段shǒuduàn
- 隐藏yǐncáng, hide
- 企图qǐtú, attempt
- 既然jìrán, since
- 觊觎jìyú, covet, cast greedy eyes on
- 为何wèihé, why
- 处理chǔlǐ, treat, process
- 婚事hūnshì, marriage
- 赢yíng, wing
- 到底dàodǐ, finally, to the end
- 传闻chuánwén, rumor
- 怎么回事zěnme huíshì, what's the matter
- 围绕wéirào, revolve around
- 其实qśhí, actually
- 渐渐jiànjiàn, gradually
- 深夜shēnyè, very late at night
- 不惜bùxī, not hesitate to do
- 牺牲xīshēng, sacrifice
- 未免wèimiǎn, unavoidable, a bit too much
- 贪tān, greedy
- 几近jījìn, be on the verge of
- 痴心chīxīn, infatuation
- 妄想wàngxiǎng, vain attempt
- 浩劫hàojié, catastrophe
- 导致dǎozhì, lead to
- 禀告bǐnggào, official report
- 必须bìxū, must
- 似乎sìhū, seemingly
- Jang Moo-yeol : I have come to discuss an urgent matter with you.
- New Queen: What is the meaning of what you've just told me? Bogyeong Hall's movements are suspicious?
- Jang Moo-yeol: After His Majesty ordered Lady Sukbin to leave the palace, we have detected suspicious movements from those near her.
- New Queen: Suspicious movements, you say?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes. In particular, Lady Sukbin's brother Chief Cha Cheon-soo has been acting strange. I believe they will try some, targeting the Eastern Hall, Your Highness.
- New Queen: By Eastern Hall, do you mean the crown prince?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes, that is correct, Your Highness.
- New Queen: And evidence? Do you have the evidence to say such things?
- Jang Moo-yeol: No, I do not have any concrete evidence yet. However I am certain that they are acting strangely. And if we sense danger should we not find out what their plan is and stop them? Right now, His Majesty is not present in the palace. And the security of the palace is more endangered than ever. If they should use this chance to carry out a plot? That is what I am worried about.
- New Queen: And so? Is there a way to find that out?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes. That is why I requested an audience with you. There is something Your Highness must help me with.
- New Queen: You want me to help?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes, that is correct, Your Highness.
- チャン・ムヨル:急ぎお伝えしたいことがありまして。
- 王妃:一体どういうことなのですか?淑嬪の動きが怪しいとは?
- チャン・ムヨル:王様が、淑嬪にイヒョン宮行きを命じた後、側近達が怪しい動きをしているのです。
- 王妃:怪しい動きですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:特に、淑嬪の兄であるチャ・チョンスの動きは尋常ではありません。東宮殿を狙い、何事か企てているようです。
- 王妃:東宮殿というと狙いは世子なのですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:はい、その通りです。
- 王妃:何かそう断言できる証拠でもあるのですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:いいえ、まだ確たる証拠はありません。ですが、動きがどう見ても怪しいのです。危険を察知した際にはそれを突きとめ、阻止せねばなりません。王様の兵が大勢同行し、宮殿の警護が手薄になっています。連中がこの隙に反逆を企てないかそれが心配なのです。
- 王妃:それを確かめる方法はありますか?
- チャン・ムヨル:はい、それでこうしてまいりました。王妃様のお力が必要なのです。
- 王妃:私のですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:はい、さようです。
- Dong-yi: I beg you to understand my heartfelt plea. Can you not permit me just a few more days? Your Highness.
- Matron Bong: What happened, Your Highness? What did she say about your departure?
- Dong-yi: Prepare to leave the palace, Matron Bong.
- Matron Bong: What? Then, must you really leave the palace immediately?
- トンイ:どうか、ご理解いただけませんか?せめて数日... お待ちいただけないでしょうか、王妃様。
- ポン尚宮:如何でしたか?出発は延ばせましたか?
- トンイ:... 宮殿を出る支度をしろ。
- ポン尚宮:えっ、では本当に今すぐ出て行けと言うのですか?
- Dong-yi: What is your reason for doing this? The reason why you've taken control of the military and are threatening me so futilely.
- Jang Moo-yeol: threatening you, Your Highness? I am only worried about your well-being. How can you say such a thing?
- Dong-yi: My lord.
- Jang Moo-yeol: And forgive me but it is not I, but Your Highness who is preparing for a futile thing. Have you not provoked His Majesty into preparing but a truly unbelievable action? However, that plan will not go as Your Highness has planned.
- トンイ:目的は何なのですか?兵を掌握し、私を威圧するようなことをするのはなぜです?
- チャン・ムヨル:威圧などとんでもない。私はただ淑嬪様の身の安全を願い、心配しているだけです。
- トンイ:しかし...
- チャン・ムヨル:蔭で何か企てているのは淑嬪様では?王様をそそのかし恐ろしいことを進めているではありませんか?ならばそれだけは何があっても阻止して見せます。
- Dong-yi: The Deputy Minister knows. I am certain he knows His Majesty's intentions.
- Cheon-soo: If it is true that Jang Moo-yeol knows everything, then he must be conspiring to do something. If Prince Yeoning becomes heir apparent, he should know better than anyone else that his days are numbered.
- Sim Untek: Your Highness. You must delay your leave at whatever cost.
- Dong-yi: No, I shall leave as planned.
- Sim Untek: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: Please leave the soldiers here to protect Prince Yeoning. No matter how desperate the Deputy Minister is, he will not attack me in the middle of the capital. Therefore, please stay here and protect Prince Yeoning.
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: Please do as I say, brother.
- トンイ:あの男は知っています。王様の真意を知っているのです。
- チョンス:チャン・ムヨルが知っていれば、阻止しようと陰謀を企むでしょう。ヨニン君様が世子になれば、自分の将来はないと誰よりも強く感じています。
- シム・ウンテク:淑嬪様、何としても出発は延ばさなくては...
- トンイ:いいえ、今日出て行きます。できる限りヨニン君の護衛に兵を残して下さい。
- チョンス:ですが、それでは....
- トンイ:あの男がいくら焦っていても都の真ん中で襲ったりはしないでしょう。ですからお願いです。ヨニン君を守って下さい。
- チョンス:淑嬪様。
- トンイ:どうかそうして下さい、兄さん。
- Minister Im, South Faction: Is this really a feasible plan? If it should ever be discovered that you tried to assassinate Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning ...
- Jang Moo-yeol: Assassinate Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning? I never told you I would try to do so, my lord.
- Im: What do you mean? If you are not after their lives, what is the meaning of all this?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Of course, I will use this opportunity to strike Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning and all their subordinates. However, I will not do so with my own hands. Why would I do such a a reckless thing?
- Im: then, who are you saying will do that?
- Jang Moo-yeol: His Majesty.
- Im: What did you say??
- Jang Moo-yeol: His Majesty will strike out Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning. It will be his own decision.
- Im: You will make His Majesty strike Lady Sukbin and Prince Yeoning with his own hands. What does that mean?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Because Lady Sukbin will try to assassinate the crown prince.
- Im: What? What did you say?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Today, Lady Sukbin and her subordinates will attempt to assassinate the crown prince today while His Majesty is not in the capital, my lord. The reason why I've taken control of military authority and am threatening Lady Sukbin and the Patriarchs's Faction. If Lady Sukbin must leave the palace at a time like this, they will be desperate and gather mercenaries. It is my intention to make those mercenaries attack the crown prince.
- Im: Look here.
- Jang Moo-yeol: However, you need not worry. The crown prince will be safe. Their efforts will end in failure and everyone will be executed under charges of attempted assassination of the crown prince.
- 南人派大臣イム:ぬかりはなかろうな。万が一、淑嬪とヨニン君を狙ったのがそなただと知れたら....
- チャン・ムヨル:イム様、淑嬪とヨニン君の命を狙う、そのようなことを言った覚えはありません。
- イム:どういうことだ。命を狙うのでないから、一体何のため動いている?
- チャン・ムヨル:もちろん、私はこの・機会に淑嬪とヨニン君を追放します。側近も全て。しかし、自分で手を下すような無謀なことはしません。では誰が手を下すのだ?
- チャン・ムヨル:王様です。淑嬪とヨニン君の追放は、他でもない王様が行うのです。
- イム:王様自らの手で、淑嬪とヨニン君を追放するとは、どういうことなのだ?
- チャン・ムヨル:淑嬪が世子様のお命を狙うのです。王様がご不在の隙を狙って、淑嬪と側近達が....世子様を殺めようとするのです。これなのです。私が兵を掌握し、淑嬪側をここまで威圧した理由は....今、淑嬪が宮殿を出れば、奴らは独自に兵を集めるしかありません。その兵が世子様を襲うのです。ですが心配はいりません。世子様は難を逃れ、奴らの計画は水泡に帰します。奴らは世子様を狙った罪で命を落とすことになります。
- Matron Bong: You can meet him on your way, so do not worry so much, Your Highness. Did they not just say that His Highness departed for the state banquet? Then, it means it will be at the Club of Elders at Yeonhwabang. I mean that you can pay your respects on your way.
- Dong-yi: Is this state banquet at Yeonhwabang?
- Matron Bong: Yes. Since it is summer, it will be held there.
- Dong-yi: Wait. Did you say Yeonhwabang? That is near Eehyeong Hall, where I must go?
- Matron Bong: What is the matter, Your Highness?
- Dong-yi: Then, could it be ...
- ポン尚宮:途中でお会いできますから、気を落とすことはありません。世子様が出席なさる宴が行われるのは、きっとヨナバンにある会場でしょうから。おそらく途中で立ち寄れるはずです。
- トンイ:宴はそこで開かれるのか?
- ポン尚宮:はい。夏ですから、そのはずです。
- トンイ:ということはまさか。ヨナバンには、私が行くイヒョウン宮がある。
- ポン尚宮:えっ...
- トンイ:だったら、もしや。
- Queen: What did you say? The crown prince's procession was under attack? Then, what about the crown prince? Is the crown prince safe now?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes. Luckily, he escaped the attack, Your Highness. All our fears turned into reality, Your Highness. I doubted it could happen. But Lady Sukbin really attempted to assassinate the crown prince.
- Queen: Is that true? You mean, Lady Sukbin was really involved in this attack?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Lady Sukbin's brother, Chief Correctional Tribunal Cha Cheon-soo was arrested at the scene. They mobilized the patriarch Faction's private armies and targeted the crown prince, Your Highness. ... You must arrest them before they try to run away.
- Queen: I must do that?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes. Please issue an internal decree. Give the order for the arrest of Lady Sukbin, Prince Yeoning, and all those who serve them.
- Queen: Internal decree?
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes. The crown prince has not returned to the palace yet. So right now, within the palace, an internal decree issued by Your Highness acts like a Royal Command. There is no time, Your Highness. ... There is no time, Your Highness. You must arrest them on charges of attempting to assassinate the crown prince before they escape from the palace. ... Your Highness.
- Queen: All right, I shall do so. As you advised I will issue an internal decree to arrest all the people who tried to committed such an act of high treason.
- Jang Moo-yeol: You've made the right decision.
- Queen: They tried to assassinate the crown prince, if they truly dared to deceive the royal court, then they must be punished to the full extent of the law. Go back and wait for my orders, Deputy Minister. I shall soon issue a decree.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Yes, Your Highness.
- 王妃:何ですって?世子の行列が襲撃を受けたですって?それで世子は、世子は無事なのですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:はい、非難されてお怪我はありません。恐れていたことが現実となりました。まさかと思いましたが、やはり淑嬪様は世子様を殺そうとしていたのです。
- 王妃:本当ですか?本当に淑嬪の仕業なのですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:襲撃の場で、淑嬪様の兄チャ・チョンスが捕らわれました。どうやらノロンの兵を集め、世子様の行列を襲ったようです。.... 王妃様、連中が逃げる前に捕らえねばなりません。
- 王妃:私がですか?
- チャン・ムヨル:内旨を使って、淑嬪様とヨニン君様そして側近達を捕られよとご命令下さい。まだ世子様はお戻りではありません。このような時は、王妃様の内旨には王命と同じ効力があります。事は一刻を争います。連中が逃げる前に何としても世子様を殺害せんとした罪で捕らえねば....王妃様。
- 王妃:よくわかりました。では、言葉に従い、内旨を使って邪悪な者達を捕らえることにしましょう。
- チャン・ムヨル:賢明なご判断です。
- 王妃:世子を殺そうとし、王室を冒涜したのであれば、当然罰を受けるべきです。戻って私の指示を待って下さい。すぐ命令を出します。
- チャン・ムヨル:承知しました。
- シム・ウンテク:チャン・ムヨルの狙いはこれでした。反乱と見せかけて罠を仕掛け、我々に罪を被せようとしたのです。
59. Episode-59:
- Dong-yi: They will not move an inch, my lord. Because they have come here under my orders to arrest you, my lord.
- Jang Moo-yeol: What did you say?
- Matron Bong: What are you doing? Apprehend the criminals now.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Let go! How can you arrest me? What in the world are you doing? It is not me whom you must arrest. Arrest Lady Sukbin. How do you not know that the Queen employed the Internal Decree to order Lady Sukbin's arrest?
- Dong-yi: The internal decree? Could you be talking about this, my lord? ....
- Jang Moo-yeol: Royal Secretariat, what is this ....
- Dong-yi: That is correct, my lord. Her Highness used the internal decree to issue the arrest order for the people who attempted to take the crown prince's life. And that is none other than you, Deputy Minister of Military, Jang Moo-yeol.
- Jang Moo-yeol: That is not the internal decree issued by the Queen! That is impossible! No! It cannot be! There is no way that Her Highness would issue such an order! This is fraud! It is a fake!
- Queen: No! I issued the order. That is the internal decree that I have issued.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Your Highness! What ... what in the world is happening? Why would Your Highness do that to me?
- Queen: Accept the Royal Command, Deputy Minister of Military. Did you not hear my order?
- トンイ:無駄です。兵士達は動きません。その者達は私の命令でチャン殿を捕らえに来たのです。
- チャン・ムヨル:何だと?
- ポン尚宮:何をしている?早く、罪人を捕らえぬか?
- チャン・ムヨル:お前達が捕らえるべきは淑嬪だ!王妃様が内旨を使い、淑嬪を捕らえるように命令された。わからぬのか?
- トンイ:内旨ですか?もしやそれはこれのことでしょうか?
- チャン・ムヨル:一体これは?
- トンイ:この通りです。王妃様は、チャン殿に従って、世子様を殺害せんとした罪人を捕らえよと命じた。その罪人とは他でもないチャン・ムヨル、そなたのことだ。
- チャン・ムヨル:今、何と言った?絶対に違う、偽物だ。
- 王妃:そうではない。間違いなく私が命じたことだ。
- 王妃様、これはどういうことですか?なぜ王妃様が私を...
- 王妃:チャン・ムヨル、逆らうでない。見苦しいぞ。
- Jang Moo-yeol: How did this happen? How in the world could something like this happen. ... What scheme have you pulled? What kind of plot have you carried out?
- Dong-yi: I believe you were the one who carried out a plot. Why are you accusing me of such a thing? Do you recall when I told you that not all people in this world were like you? You only chase the personal gain. You see in front of you without any hesitation. And you call that power and politics? No, my lord. Politics is something that punishes such behavior. You say there is no alternative in politics? You are mistaken. Politics is something that one could dedicate one's utmost sincerity to. Therefore my lord, you will now discover what true power really is.
- Jang Moo-yeol: Still, do you think you can entrap me at this point? Do you have evidence? Do you have any evidence that allows you to claim that it was all my doing? In the end, you will be the one to die. Do you understand? Because Your Highness tried to assassinate the Crown Prince!
- Dong-yi: Do you still believe that I knew nothing about your hidden intentions, my lord?
- チャン・ムヨル:どういうことだ、一体なぜこのようなことに。一体何をしたのだ?どんな小細工を労した?
- トンイ:小細工を仕掛けたのはそちらなのに、私に聞くのですか?チャン殿のような人でないと言ったのをお忘れですか?目先の利益だけを追い強引に目的を遂げる。それが力で政治だとでも?違います。それを罰するのが誠の政治なのです。政治だから仕方がない?とんでもない。政治にこそ真心を込めるべきなのです。これからチャン殿も何が誠の力か目にするでしょう。
- チャン・ムヨル:私を罪に問えると本気でお思いですか?証拠は?私の仕業だと言う証拠はあるのですか?結局、死ぬのはそちらです。そうでしょう。淑嬪様が世子様を殺めようとしたのですから。
- この期に及んでチャン殿の企てに気付いていないとでも?そう思いますか?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: How is the Deputy Minister of Military doing?
- Dong-yi: He was still very shocked that his plans were thwarted.
- Queen: Yes, I am sure. He must not have expected this to happen. I, too, could not have imagined such a thing until you came to me and told me of His Majesty's intention to abdicate. Until that point I placed complete faith in everything Deputy Minister Jang Moo-yeol had said.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: Anyway, we avoided a great crisis, Lady Sukbin.
- Dong-yi: Actually, the moment I received your order to leave the Palace, I was desperate.
- トンイ:王妃様。
- 王妃:チャン・ムヨルの様子はどうだ?
- トンイ:思いも寄らぬことに動揺しているようです。
- 王妃:ああ、こうなるとは夢にも思わなかったであろう。私もそなたから王様が王位を譲るおつもりだと聞くまで想像すらできなかった。それまではあの男の話をすっかり鵜呑みにしていた。
- トンイ:王妃様。
- 王妃:もう少しで大変なことになっていた。
- トンイ:すぐ宮殿を出ろと言われた時は私も慌てました。
- Dong-yi: Permit me to ask one thing, Your Highness. Have you decided my departure from the Palace because of Jang Moo-yeol? Is that why you still believe that I am trying to harm the Crown Prince? Your Highness, do you recall that there was something that I did not finish telling you last night? Your Highness, His Majesty intends to abdicate his throne. His Majesty is about to take such action in order to save both the Crown Prince and Prince Yeoning.
- Queen: What di you say? Abdicate?
- Dong-yi: The Deputy Minister is aware of this, Your Highness. Therefore, what Jang Moo-yeol really fears right now is not that I will try to harm the Crown Prince. He is afraid of Prince Yeoning eventually gaining access to power that can threaten him.
- Queen: Lady Sukbin. Look here, Lady Sukbin.
- Dong-yi: If the Deputy Minister wants me to leave the Palace then he must have a reason. So, I will actually leave the Palace and expose the details of Deputy Minister's hidden intentions clear. But before that could you give me the benefit of the doubt that I may be telling the truth? I beg you to consider my plea, Your Highness. Could you not give me just a little bit of time to show you? Your Highness, I will discover what the Deputy Minister's intention are soon as I can.
- トンイ:一つだけお伺いします。今日出発を命じたのはもしやチャン・ムヨルのせいですか?やはり私が世子様を狙っているとお考えですか?昨夜、私がお伝えしたいことがあると申し上げたのを覚えておられますか?王妃様、王様は王位を譲られる気です。世子とヨニン君のためを思って、王位を退くおつもりなのです。
- 王妃:何だと?誠か?
- トンイ:チャン・ムヨルはそれを知っています。ですからあの男が本当に恐れるのは、私が世子様を陥れることではなく、ヨニン君が将来あの男を脅かす力を持つことなのです。
- 王妃:淑嬪... 本当なのか?
- トンイ:その狙いを明かにすることもできます。それにはまず私が申し上げたことが事実であることを信じていただきたいのです。どうかご理解いただけませんか?せめて数日お待ちいただけませんでしょうか?王妃様、できるだけ早い内にあの男の狙いが何なのか明かにいたします。
- Sim Untek: Then, from the beginning you wanted to mobilize mercenaries in order to figure out what the Deputy Minister's plan was?
- Cheon-soo: That is correct. If the Deputy Minister resorted to such excessive force, then surely, he must have expected an excessive response from us.
- Sim Untek: So, you pretended to fall for it and played into his game?
- Dong-yi: However we had no idea that his plan would target the Crown Prince.
- Sim Untek; If that is so, then the real problem is now. It all depends on how we will gather decisive evidence.
- Dong-yi: That procedure has already begun, Inspect Shim.
- Sim Untek: What? It has already begun? ... What? His Majesty? His Majesty will find evidence for us?
- Dong-yi: Yes. Now, His Majesty will find the most important evidence for us.
- シム・ウンテク:淑嬪様、どういうことですか?チャン・ムヨルの意中を察してわざと重臣達の兵を...
- チャンス:そうです。あの男が強引に進めたのは、我々の動きを利用するためだったのです。
- シム・ウンテク:つまり、騙されたと見せて相手に合わせたのですね。
- トンイ:ですが、まさか世子様を襲うとは思いませんでした。
- シム・ウンテク:ところでこれからが問題です。動かぬ証拠を掴まなくては... それはどうします?
- トンイ:それでしたら、すでに始まっているのです。
- シム・ウンテク:えっ、すでに始まっている?... えっ、王様が証拠を探している?
- トンイ:あの男の罪の証拠は王様が探して下さいます。
- Dong-yi: How much more blood will be spilled from now on? Ultimately, both Heebin Jang and the Deputy Minister had to die like this. I had a dream of a world where we would not fight for power with schemes, where we would not repay blood by spilling more blood. I wonder what sets me apart from them, brother.
- Cheon-soo: No. That is not true. Your Highness is different from them. Your father, the late Chief, once said this to me. He asked whether it was righteous to wield a sword in order to achieve the world one wants. However, he said that the world we wish to live in will not come on its own without pain or struggle. That is the reason why we must painfully wield our swords now.
- Dong-yi: Brother.
- Cheon-soo: Your Highness, you abandoned all easier paths. You did not try to grab power using the same methods as they did. Also, you did not try to use that power for your own gain. Your Highness, at this moment you are waging a difficult war that no one else is able to win. Please remember those around you who are sympathetic to your cause, who value your dream and wish to protect it with you, Your Highness. Please do not be shaken by this long battle.
- トンイ:この先どれほどの血を見るのでしょう。結局ヒビン様もチャン・ムヨルも命を落とすことになりました。陰謀や罠で権力を争わず、血を血で洗うことにない世の中を夢みたのに、私もあの人達と違わない、そう思えてなりません。
- チョンス:いいえ、それは違います。淑嬪様は違います。亡くなったお頭も同じことをおっしゃいました。望む世の中にするため剣を取ることが果たして正しいのか?ですが、抵抗や苦痛なしに望むような世の中はやって来ないとおっしゃいました。それが苦痛に耐え剣を取る理由だと言われたのです。
- トンイ:チョンス兄さん...
- チョンス:淑嬪様は茨の道を選ばれた。あの者達と同じやり方で権力を握りはしませんでした。そして権力を自分のためには使わなかった。淑嬪様は今、誰にもできない苛酷な闘いをしているのです。それに心を痛め大切に思い共に夢を守ろうとする者達を忘れないで下さい。揺らがずにこの闘いを続けて下さい。
- 同伊:往后我们究竟还要见多少血呢。结果禧嫔娘娘,兵曹参判,以及那些人全都这么死去了。我一直怀着不以阴谋奸计斗权,不需要非得用流血。来偿还血债的梦想。但我如今却蓦然觉得,我与他们又有什么不同呢。
- 车哥哥:不,事实并非如此。娘娘,你与他们那些人不同。已故的首长大人,过去曾说过这样的话,为了自己心目中盼望的世界,而拿其剑,究竟是对是错。但是,大人却又告诉我,没有抵抗没有痛苦,盼望的世界便不会到来。那就是,此刻我们必须忍受痛苦,拿起剑来的理由。
- 同伊:天寿哥
- 车哥哥:娘娘您,已舍弃了所有平坦的大道。您绝对没有跟他们一样。用那种方式来掌握权力,也从来不曾,为了娘娘自己而使用那份权力。娘娘,您在此此时此刻,做的是那最艰难, 没有任何人能够做到的战斗。请您千万别忘记,心疼这样的娘娘,珍视这样的娘娘并一同守护,那梦想的人们,娘娘。请您務必,不要在这场站头中感到动摇。
- 究竟jiūjìng, after all
- 阴谋yīnmóu, conspiracy
- 斗权dòuquán,
- 需要xūyào, need, want
- 奸计jiānjì, evil plot
- 以及yǐjí, as well as
- 偿还chánghuán, repay
- 如今rújīn, now
- 却què, step back
- 蓦然mòrán, suddenly
- 已故yǐgù, the late
- 心目xīnmù; mentality, viewpoint
- 盼望pànwàng, hope for
- 曾céng, once
- 抵抗dǐkàng
- 痛苦tòngkǔ
- 舍弃(捨棄)shěqì, abandon
- 平坦píngtǎn, flat
- 绝对juéduì
- 不曾bùcéng, never
- 艰难jiānnán
- 任rèn, let, allow, give free rein to
- 能够nénggòu, be capable of
- 战斗zhàndòu, battle
- 心疼xīnténg, love dearly
- 務必wùbi, must
- Dong-yi: Forgive me, Your Highness, but why did you to see Prince Yeoning? Has he done something wrong?
- Queen: No. I only wanted to watch Prince Yeoning study before I made my final decision.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness?
- Queen: You must have come here to ask me to persuade His Majesty to reconsider the abdication. Yes, Lady Sukbin, I, too, believe that abdication is out of the question. However, in order to change His Majesty's mind, first, there was one thing that I had to decide on.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, did you just say that you would adopt Prince Yeoning as your son?
- Queen: Yes, I did. If that happens, after the Crown Prince rises to the throne, as the eldest son of the Queen Prince Yeoning will be most qualified to become heir apparent. What do you think? Will you entrust Prince Yeoning in my care?
- Dong-yi: But, Your Highness. How could you make such a decision for Prince Yeoning's sake? How could you do that for Prince yeoning?
- Queen: Perhaps it is because I do not wish to lose to you? When I learned of you sincerity in giving up the highest position in this land to protect the crown prince. I was very embarrassed. For I had never even imagined that such a decision could be made.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- Queen: you gave up the position of Queen to protect the crown prince. So now, as one sitting here in your stead I will protect Prince Yeoning, Lady Sukbin. And now, I understand what you meant when you said it was not a sacrifice. After I made such a decision my heart is so full of happiness. And this, too, is something I am grateful to have learned from you.
- Dong-yi: Your Highness.
- トンイ:どうなさったのですか?ヨニン君に会いに出向かれたとか。もしや何か不始末でも?
- 王妃:そうではない。決心を固める前に、ヨニン君が学ぶ姿を見たかった。
- トンイ:えつ。
- 王妃:そなたがここに来たのは、王様が王位を退かぬよう頼めというためであろう。そうだ淑嬪、王位を退くなどあってはならぬことだと思う。だが王様を説得するには私が心を決めねばならぬ。
- トンイ:心を決めるとは、何を決められるのですか?... 王妃様、ヨニン君を王妃様の養子にですか?
- 王妃:世子が王位を継いだ後、ヨニン君は王妃の子として間違いなく世子となることができる。ヨニン君のことを私に任せてはくれぬか?
- トンイ:王妃様。... ですが、王妃様、なぜヨニン君のためにそのような決意を....王妃様がヨニン君のために?
- 王妃:そなたに負けたくないという意地かも知れぬ。王妃の座を放棄し、世子を守ろうとして真意を知り、私は自分を恥じた。そのような決断を夢にも思わぬ自分が情けなかった。
- トンイ:王妃様...
- 王位:最高の座を放棄してまで世子を守ろうとしたそのそなたの代わりにこの座にいるのだ。私がヨニン君を守る。そなたがそれを犠牲ではないと言ったのが今わかった。こうしていざ今決心してみると、心が満たされてうれしい。これもそなたから学んだことだ。
- Queen: That is the conclusion I have come to after long contemplation. Once Prince Yeoning's status becomes stabilized even if Your Majesty does not abdicate the throne, we will be able to protect both the crown prince and Prince Yeoning.
- King: But, My Queen, how could you make such a decision?
- Queen: It must be because of Lady Sukbin.
- 王妃:これは悩んだ末に、私が出した結論です。ヨニン君の地位が安泰であれば、王様が王位を退かれなくても世子とヨニン君どちらも守ることができます。
- 王:なぜだ、王妃。なぜそのような決意を...
- 王妃:多分、淑嬪、あの者のせいかと。
- 王:皇后,
- 王妃:这便是在深思熟虑后,臣妾所得出的结论,陛下。若是延礽君的地位能稳定下来,那么即使陛下您不立即禅位。还是能同时,保住世子跟延礽君的位置。
- 王:但是皇后,皇后怎会做出这等决心。
- 王妃:恐怕是因为淑嫔的缘故吧。
- 深思熟虑shēnsī shúlǜ, mature reflection
- 结论jiélùn, conclusion
- 稳定wěndìng, steady
- 即使jíshǐ, even if
- 保住bǎozhù, preserve
- 但是dànshì, however
- 做出zhòchū, put out, issue
- 恐怕kǒngpà, maybe
- 缘故yuángù, cause, reason
- King: She will take Prince Yeoning as her adopted son and protect him. How could the Queen make such a decision?
- Han Chamberlain: Is it not because Lady Sukbin's sincerity moved Her Highness's heart? Just as Your Majesty's hear was as well as those of all the people who trust and serve Her Highness. Your Majesty, forgive me but is it not reason enough to withdraw your intention to abdicate? The crown prince and the Queen also believe you should. You should trust their intentions and stabilize the affairs of this state, at least for the crown prince and Prince Yeoning's sake.
- 王:ヨニン君を養子にし、守ってやろうとは、王妃がそのようなことを。
- ハン内官:それも全て淑嬪様の真心にお心を動かされたからです。王様そして淑嬪様を信じてきた者達と同じです。王様、恐れながら申し上げます。王位を退かれるのは取り消されてもよろしいのでは... 世子様も王妃様も同じお気持ちです。そのお気持ちを信じ、王様は世子様とヨニン君様のためにこの国をより強くされるべきかと存じます。
- 王:将延礽君收为义子,并且守护他,皇后怎么会下这种决心呢。
- 汉内官:这一切都是被淑嫔娘娘。那份可贵的真心所感动不是吗。正如陛下您,以及所有相信跟随娘娘的人,曾经经历的一样。陛下,微臣斗担说一句,这样您欲禅位的决定,也就可以收回了不识吗。世子殿下,皇后娘娘,都是同样心意。您就相信那份心,然后为了,世子殿下还有君殿下着想,为了这个国家,树立更如稳固的根基不是吗。
- 义子yìzǐ, adopted child
- 可贵kěguì, be treasured
- 正如zhèngrú, just as
- 以及yǐjí, as well as
- 曾经céngjīng, once, already
- 着想zhuóxiǎng, consider
- 更加gèngjiā, even more
- 稳固wěngù, stable
- King: This is the best thing for Prince Yeoning's future, but are you not a bit saddened that you are giving that boy to the Queen?
- Dong-yi: No, Your Majesty. I am the mother who gave birth to him. That fact will never change. So, does this not mean that Prince Yeoning will now have two mothers? Moreover, such a virtuous person like Her Highness will become Prince Yeoning's mother. I am so grateful and happy, I don't know what to do.
- King:It is now quite chilly at night these days. We should go inside and drink some tea.
- Dong-yi: Just a minute, Your Majesty. Could you stay out here with me for just a while longer?
- King: What?
- Dong-yi: I wish to inscribe everything about this place in my heart. I want to remember the talks I had with you here. The things we did here ... I want to put it in my heart.
- King: What do you mean, Dong-yi? You want to inscribe this place? You can come here whenever you please. Why do you talk as if you will not be returning? ... Dong-yi?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, I will leave the place as planned.
- King: What?
- Dong-yi: Just as Your Majesty first ordered, I shall go live in Eehyeon Hall.
- King: Dong-yi? You cannot. You absolutely cannot do that.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: When I tried to send you away, it was in order to go with you. But then, why do you say that you will go there alone?
- Dong-yi: Because that is how Prince Yeoning will be able to grow up as Her Highness's son.
- King: That is, Dong-yi ...
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. Now, the Queen is the person Prince Yeoning must dedicate his whole heart to serve as his mother. Please allow me to leave so that Prince Yeoning will be able to do so. So that prince yeoning can dedicate his all to Her Highness.
- King: No. I can never allow that. Then what about you? What will happen to you? Do you really intend to give away everything? What you should possess, even your son? Then what have I done for you? I did not keep you by my side like this just to be able to leave you with nothing.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. You are so heartbroken for me now. You have always loved me with one mind, from the very beginning. How can you say that you have not given me anything?
- King: Dong-yi.
- Dong-yi: How an I give away everything? It is because my heart is so full. It is already completely full with the love you have given me. that heart is enough for me. Now that heart is so much more than enough. Therefore, please allow me to take that heart for Prince Yeoning and your sake and go out into the world to do what I can do. Please allow me to share everything you have given me with you and all of your subjects.
- King: Dong-yi.
- King (pensee): Still .. still I cannot permit it. I cannot allow you to live outside the palace.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. When I first entered the palace, it was in order to survive. I had lost my father and brother and I knew that the only place where I could hide from the soldiers searching for me was the palace. And then, I met Your Majesty in this palace life. From Your Majesty I received a love I cannot even begin to express. And I received a child more precious than my life.
- King: Then, why do you wish to leave? I am here, and Prince Yeoning is here. So why do you want to leave?
- Dong-yi: Because I wish to live again, Your Majesty. Just as I first entered this palace in order to exonerate my father and brother who were framed and killed. Now, just as my father and brother did in the past, I wish to leave the palace in order to help those who suffer, Your Majesty. That is the example I wold like to set for Prince Yeoning. Therefore, please try to understand my intentions. I wish to leave this palace and live for the weakest people in this land just like my father, my brother and my former self. That way, when Prince Yeoning become the King of this land he will not forget those people.
- 王:夜になると肌寒い位だな。中に入って茶でも飲むか?
- トンイ:お待ち下さい。もう少しここでこうしていて下さいませんか?
- 王:何?
- トンイ:ここの全てを胸に刻みたいのです。ここで王様と交わした言葉、共に過ごしたことを刻みつけたいのです。
- 王:それはどういうことだ。胸に刻むとは... いつでも来られるではないか?まるで二度と来ないかのようだ。... トンイ?
- トンイ:王様、私は予定通り宮殿を出ます。
- 王:何?
- トンイ:最初に命じられた通り、イヒョン宮へまいります。
- 王:トンイ?ならぬぞ、それは絶対にならぬ。あれは余も一緒に行くつもりで命じたことではないか?なぜそなた一人で行くのだ。
- トンイ:それはヨニン君を宮廷で王妃様の息子として育てるためです。
- 王:トンイ、それは....
- トンイ:王様、これからヨニン君が母として誠心誠意慕うべきお方は王妃様なのです。ヨニン君がそうなるよう、ヨニン君を救ってくださる王妃様に誠意を示すためにもそうさせて下さい。
- 王:ならぬ。絶対にならぬ。そなたは、そなたはどうなる?全てを差し出すのか?ここでの暮らしも、我が子まで... ならば余がそなたのためにしたことは、そなたに何も残さぬつもりで今まで側に置いたのでない。
- トンイ:王様は私のために苦しみながらみ、一途に私のことを大事にして下さいました。どうしてそのようなことをおっしゃるのですか?
- 王:トンイ...
- トンイ:こうして全てを差し出せるのは心が満たされているからです。王様のお心で満たされているのです。そのお心で十分です。いいえ、そのお心は満ち溢れる程です。ですから、王様とヨニン君のため、私にできることをさせて下さい。王様にいただいた分、王様とこの国の民に返せるようお願いします。
- 王:余はそれでも承諾できない。そなたを宮殿の外にはやらぬ。
- トンイ:王様、私が宮殿に入ったのは生きるためでした。父と兄をなくした私が追っ手から逃れられる場所と言えば宮殿しかありませんでしたから。そして私はここで王様に出会いました。言葉では言い尽くせぬ程のお心をいただき命より大切な子も授かりました。
- 王:ならば、なぜ去るのだ。ここには余もヨニン君もいるではないか?
- トンイ:それはもう一度生きるためです。罪を着せられたまま死んでいった父と兄の濡れ衣を晴らそうと宮殿に入りましたが、今度は父と兄がそうしたように、貧しい人の力になるために宮殿を出たいのです。そしてその生き様をヨニン君に見せたいのです。お願いします。どうかご理解下さい。これからは宮殿を出て、父や兄のような以前の私のような最も弱い者達のために生きたいのです。将来、ヨニン君が王になった時にその者達を忘れないように...
- 王:即使如此... 即使如此我也不能答应。我绝对不会让你出倒私家去的。
- 同伊:陛下,一开始臣妾进入宫廷,是为了要活下去。含冤的失去父亲跟哥哥之后,能够避开四处追捕我的官宾之处,在这个国家之中,也只有宫廷而已。然后我在这个地方,遇见了陛下您。从陛下那里,接受到満満无法言喻的开爱。并且有了此生命更实贵的孩子。
- 王:那你又为什么要出宫呢。这里有我在,也有延礽君在。为什么。
- 同伊:如今我想象过去。父亲跟哥哥所做的那样,臣妾是为了在活一次啊,陛下。正如一开始,为了替无辜死去的父亲跟哥哥。洗脱罪名,而闯进这个宫廷一样。如今我想象过去,父亲跟哥哥所做的那样,为了那些活在痛苦之中的人。而迈出这个宫廷。我希望让延礽君看见,他的母亲是这样活著的,所以求您体谅臣妾这一番心意吧。离宫像我父亲一样,像我哥哥一样,还有像过去的我一样,再次为这个国家中,最卑微无力的人们而活。待日后延礽君,成为这个国家的君主,也同样不会将那些人遗忘。
- 即使jíshǐ, even if
- 答应dāying, agree
- 含冤hányuān, wronged
- 失去shīqù, lose
- 避开bìkāi, avoid
- 四处sìchù, everywhere
- 而已éryǐ, nothing more
- 遇见yùjiàn, meet
- 并且bìngqiě, besides
- 正如zhèngrú, just as
- 无辜wúgū, innocent
- 闯chuǎng, rush
- 迈mài, take a step
- 体谅tǐliàng, allow
- Cheon-soo: His Majesty will not offer his consent easily, Your Highness.
- Dong-yi: I suppose so. But in the end, he will give in. Because he knows that more than anything else this is for my sake. If you think about it, I have always demanded that His Majesty consider my feelings.
- Cheon-soo: Must you really do that? Even if you do not go, you can stay here and ...
- Dong-yi: No. From now on there must be only one mother in this palace for Prince Yeoning. I believe in Her Highness. I am certain that Her Highness will love and take care of Prince Yeoning. I will want to be with him, see him, and hold him. I want to watch over him as he grows bit by bit every single day. But this is what I must do now for Prince Yeoning, as his mother. If my son safely rises to the throne, if he becomes King and becomes the farther of this land, I wish to teach him what he must do. Not to be embarrassed of the commoner's blood that flows in his veins, but to always remember that blood and become a King for those people.
- チョンス:どうしても行かれるのですか?宮殿にいてもいくらでも...
- トンイ:いけません。宮殿ではヨニン君の母は王妃様一人でなければなりません。私は信じています。王妃様が必ずヨニン君をかわいがり、大事にして下さいます。側にいて抱きしめたいし、見守りたい。そうやって日毎日毎の成長を一つ残らず覚えていたし、見ていたい。ですがヨニン君のために私のすべきことはそれとは違うのです。あの子が無事王位を継ぎ、この国の万民の父となった時にあの子のやるべきことを教えなくては... 賎民から生まれたことを恥じるなと教えねばなりません。そのことを胸に刻み、賎民のための王となれと。
- Queen: Please reconsider your decision, Lady Sukbin. There are many difficulties if you live outside. How will you adjust to such a a life after living in the palace?
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, I was born and raised in the Bahn Village. Have you forgotten?
- Queen: Sukbin...
- Dong-yi: Eehyeon Hall is more than enough for me. So please do not worry, Your Highness. I will come often to call on you. So do not worry about that, either.
- Queen: Is it because of me? Are you doing this because of me and Prince Yeoning? Sukbin, if that is the case, then ...
- Dong-yi: Your Highness, that is not the reason. This has also been a long cherished dream of mine. Eventually, I wished to leave the palace.
- Queen: What?
- 王妃:考え直してくれぬか、淑嬪。宮殿の外での暮らしは不便だ。王室で暮らした者にはとても耐えがたいであろう。
- トンイ:私は、パンチョンで育った賎民なのです。お忘れですか?
- 王妃:淑嬪...
- トンイ:イヒョン宮は私にはぜいたくな位です。ご心配には及びません。ご挨拶に時々参ります。どうかご安心下さい。
- 王位:私のせいか?私とヨニン君のために出て行くのか?淑嬪、もしそうなら....
- トンイ:王妃様、それだけではありません。長い間描いてきた私の夢でもあるのです。いつか宮殿を離れることは...
- 王妃:何...
- Geum: I do not want to live in the palace without you. I want to live with you, mother.
- Dong-yi: Eeheong Hall is not far away. You can come to see your mother whenver you wish. And I will also come often to see you.
- Geum: You are lying. Did you not say that now my real mother is the Queen? So are you not abandoning me?
- Dong-yi: No, Geum. That is not true. I am still your mother and even in death I will always be your mother. Do you know how much I love you?
- Geum: Mother ...
- Dong-yi: Yes. So you must stop crying now. And please do not forget your promise to me. Your must serve Her Highness with all your heart. Now, Her Highness must be first in your heart, before me, my dear.
- ヨニン君:母上がいなくなるなんていやです。私は母上と一緒に暮らしたいのです。
- トンイ:イヒョン宮はそれほど遠くない。会いたくなった時はいつでも来ればよい。母もきっと会いに来る。
- ヨニン君:そんなの嘘です。これから私の母は王妃様だとおっしゃいました。母上は私を捨てるおつもりなのでしょう?
- トンイ:それは違うクム、そうではない。今でも私は母だ。たとえ死んでもそれは変わらぬ。お前は私の大事な息子だ。
- ヨニン君:母上...
- トンイ:よいな。だからもう泣くではない。そして母との約束を決して忘れるな。王妃様を心からお慕いするのだ。これからはこの母よりまず王妃様を心に置きなさい。
- 吟:没有娘的宫廷孩儿不要。孩儿希望能跟娘一起生活。
- 同伊:李岘宫不是千里之遥。只要你想随时都可以来见为娘啊。并且为娘也会是常来看你的。
- 吟:娘,您在说谎。您不是说孩儿的母亲,从此以后就是皇后娘娘吗。所以娘现在,不就是要丢下孩儿吗。
- 同伊:不是的,吟儿。不是这样的。我现在是你的母亲。甚至在我死了之后,也是你的母亲。你知道。。知道为娘有多疼惜你吧。
- 吟:娘
- 同伊:是啊。所以现在你就不要再哭了。而且也千万不要忘记,跟为娘的约定哦。你一定要全心全意,侍奉皇后娘娘。从此以后要将皇后娘娘,放在你心里首要的位置。
- 遥yáo, distant
- 只要zhǐyào, if only
- 随时suíshí, at any time
- 并且bìngqiě, besides
- 谎huǎng, lie
- 就是jiùshì, exactly
- 丢下diūxià, abandon
- 甚至shènzhì, even
- 疼惜téngxī, cherish
- 哭kū, cry
- 千万qiānwàn, must by all means
- 约定yuē dìng, promise
- 侍奉shìfèng, serve
- 首要shǒuyào, the most important
- Crown Prince: My Lady,
- Dong-yi: Crown Prince.
- Crown Prince: Do not worry about Prince Yeoning. I will take good care of that boy.
- Dong-yi: Crown Prince.
- Crown Prince: Prince Yeoning is my precious brother. I will protect him so that he is never hurt. I never had the chance to tell you. But thank you, my Lady. I will never forget everything that my Lady has done for me.
- Dong-yi: Thank you, Crown Prince. Thank you so very much.
- 世子:淑嬪様。
- トンイ:世子様
- 世子:ヨニン君は心配しないで下さい。あの子には私がついています。ヨニン君は大事な弟です。あの子が傷つかぬよう私が守ります。今まで言えませんでしたが、ありがとうございました。淑嬪様のお心使いは決して忘れません。
- トンイ:こちらこそ感謝します。ありがとうございます。
- 世子:娘娘。
- 同伊:殿下。
- 世子:请不要为延礽君担忧。那孩子,我会好好爱护他的。
- 同伊:殿下。
- 世子:延礽君,他是我珍贵的弟弟,我会好好守护那孩子。不会让他受到伤害。过去我从来没对您说过,谢谢您了,娘娘。娘娘为了我所做的一切,我绝对不会忘记的。
- 同伊:谢谢您,殿下。实在是太谢谢您了。
- 担忧dānyōu, worry
- 爱护àifù, cherish
- 珍贵zhēngui, precious
- 伤害shānghài, injure
- 过去guòqu, former
- 忘记wàngjì, forget
- 实在shízài, really
60. Episode-60:
- Dong-yi (monologue): In the end, I got what I wanted once again, Your Majesty. But, please understand how I feel, Your Majesty. That I am not leaving your side.
- ......
- King: Dong-yi ...
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- ......
- King: So you think of me from time to time?
- King: Are you smiling now? You are smiling? How can you smile?
- Dong-yi: What is the matter, Your Majesty?
- King: You must be having the time of your life right now. I feel the fires of hell in my heart, but you are grinning from ear to ear!
- Dong-yi: That was not what I think.
- King: I was telling my self to tolerate this, for your sake. But you have gone too far! Are you that happy to leave the palace? My heart is breaking, but are you happy now? I am the only one in pain and suffering. What in the world am I to you?
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty. What is Your Majesty to me? You are my everything. Are you asking because you truly do not know?
- King: That wasn't what I meant.
- Dong-yi: I was smiling because ... , yes, it was because I am happy. I am so happy that I am with Your Majesty now. It is not like I cannot see Your Majesty like once before. That is why I was smiling, because I can see Your Majesty whenever I want. Therefore, please do not be angry, Your Majesty. Eehyeong Hall is so close to the palace. One would think I'm going off to a foreign land.
- King: Still, that is not how it feels to me. When I think that you are not there, the palace feels completely empty.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, thank you. In spite of everything you permitted all that I've desired. You've always give me only the best.
- King: Do not look at me with those eyes. That is still not enough to make me forgive you.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Just you wait. I am so angry that you are leaving me. So I will steel my heart and never think of you ever again. Even on my secret outings, I will not come visit you.
- Dong-yi: Is that really true?
- King: What? Do you think I can't do that?
- Dong-yi: Well then, there is nothing I can do. But it will not be as easy as you think.
- King: What?
- Dong-yi: Because, first, Your Majesty will miss me as much as I miss you. Also ... Even if you don't want to you will have to think of Eehyeon Hall everyday. I am afraid you will think of me and think 'that troublesome hunting dog!' and grind your teeth at me.
- King: What? I will grind my teeth? Me?
- Dong-yi: When I think about that I already feel very sorry, Your Majesty.
- King: Dong-yi, what do you mean? What you wanna do again?
- トンイ(独白):結局またわがままを通してしまいました、王様。ですがどうかこの胸の内をご理解下さい。王様のお側を離れた訳ではありません。
- ....
- 王:トンイ...
- トンイ:王様....余のことを考えていてくれたか?
- .......
- 王:おい、そなた笑うのか?
- トンイ:えっ?
- 王:この状況でよく笑えるな...
- トンイ:どうなさったのですか?
- 王:そなたはうれしくてならぬようだな。余は腹がが立っているのだ。それをそなたは笑うか?
- トンイ:そうではありません。
- 王:余は自分に我慢だ、我慢だと言い聞かせたのに... ひどすぎないか。外がそんなにいいのか?余はせつないのに、そなたは楽しいか?一人焦がれて腹を立て、余は一体何なのだ。いてもいなくてもよいものなのか?
- 王:王様が私にとって何かですか?私のすべてです。本当はご存知なのに聞いたのでしょ?
- 王:いや、それはだな....
- トンイ:私が笑ったのは、はい、うれしいからです。王様にお会いできてうれしかったから。以前と違って王様にお越しいただけます。だから笑みが出ました。今度はいつでもこうして会えますから。だから機嫌を直して下さい。イヒョン宮はすぐ近くです。清国などとは違います。
- 王:そうわかっていても余は寂しい。そなたがいないとどうも宮殿ががらんとして見える。
- トンイ:王様、感謝いたします。王様はそれでも全てを許し、いつも私に良いものだけを下さいます。
- 王:そのような目で見るな。これしきで機嫌を直すと思うか?
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:覚悟しろ。意地でもそなたのことを思い浮かべるようなことはせぬからな。視察に出ても立ち寄るものか?
- トンイ:本当ですか?
- 王:なんだ、できぬとでも。
- トンイ:だったら仕方ないですが、容易ではないですよ。
- 王:何?
- トンイ:私がお会いしたいと思う位、王様も私に会いたくなります。それに、いやでも毎日イヒョン宮を思い出すはずです。私を思い出しながら、プーさんめ、困った奴だと歯軋りなさることでしょう。
- 王:何?歯軋りだと?余が....
- トンイ:はい。そのことを思うと今から申し訳なくて
- 王:おい、トンイ、どういうことだ。一体何をする気だ...
- 同伊(独白):终究臣妾还是这样。任性的固执了一回。但是请您一定要明白我的心,陛下。臣妾并不是真的离开了陛下的身边。
- 王:同伊...
- 同伊:陛下...
- 王:看样子你还是会不时的思念我是吗。
- 王:你... 你现在居然在笑。你还笑,还笑的出来。
- 同伊:您这是什么了,陛下。
- 王:看来你还是高兴得合不拢嘴了。我现在是一肚子的无名火。你居然笑到嘴都裂开了。
- 同伊:臣妾不是这样想的。
- 王:我不断告诉自己为了你。我一定要忍耐再忍耐。但是你实在太过分了。离开了宫廷你就这么高兴吗。我的心著急如火烧。你还这么高兴啊。让我独自为你心焦为你心急。我对你来说到底算什么。难道我对你而言什么都不是吗。
- 同伊:陛下,您怎么会这么问臣妾呢。您是我的一切啊。难道您是真的不知道吗。
- 王:还我当然不是那个意思了。
- 同伊:臣妾之所以会笑,是,确实很高兴。此刻能这样见到陛下。实在是太高兴了。毕竟这一次,不像从前那样都见不著陛下,我是因为这样才笑的。因为不管什么时候,都能像这样见到陛下。所以您就不要再怪罪我了,陛下。李岘宫近在咫尺,您这样还以为我是去了外国呢。
- 王:可是我心里还是很不是滋味。一想到你不在了,现在就觉得整个宫廷里空荡荡的。
- 同伊:陛下,真的很谢谢您。即使如此,您还是允准了这一切。不管在什么时候,您都把最好的留给了我。
- 王:别用那种眼神看我。即使这样,我对你的怨也不会轻易消失。
- 同伊:陛下。
- 王:你走著瞧吧。我为了要报复你丢下我,我一定会咬紧牙关。绝不会让自己太想你。即使出宫暗行,我也不会来找你。
- 同伊:您是说真的吗。
- 王:怎么,你瞧不起我,觉得我做不到。
- 同伊:若您执意如此当然没办法了。不过这恐怕没那么容易吧。
- 王:什么。
- 同伊:首先就如我非常想念陛下一样,陛下一定也会非常想念我的。而且... 而且就算您不愿意,您还是会天天想到梨岘宫来。也许还会边想我边说,这丰山真让人伤脑筋,像这样对我咬牙切齿的。
- 王:什么,我会咬牙切齿。我。
- 同伊:是。我只要一想到。就已经觉得很不好意思呢,陛下。
- 王:我说同伊,你这什么意思。你到底又想要做出什么事。
- 终究zhōngjiū, in the end
- 还是háishì, nevertherless, had better.
- 任性rènxìng, wilfull, headstrong
- 固执gùzhí persistent
- 离开líkāi, leave.
- 思念xīniàn, long for
- 不时bùshí, from time to time, occasionally
- 居然jūrán, unexpectedly
- 还hái, still more; 还是háishì, still
- 无名火wúmiínghuǒ, fury
- 裂开lièkāi, split open
- 太过tàiquò, excessively, too
- 心焦xīnjiāo, anxious
- 心急xīnjí, hurried, impatient
- 对... 来说láishuo, come to talk about ...
- 算suàn, regard as
- 难道nándào, could it be that..?
- 而言éryán, with regard to
- 怎么zěnme, how/what/why
- 一切yīqiè, everything, all
- 这样zhèyàng, this way, so
- 所以suǒyǐ, therefore
- 确实quèshí, indeed
- 此刻cǐkè, now, at present
- 毕竟bìjìng, after all
- 因为yīngwèi, because
- 怪罪guàizuì, blame
- 咫尺zhǐchǐ, very close
- 滋味zīwèi, taste, feeling
- 觉得juéde, think
- 整个ghěnggè, whole
- 空荡荡kōngdàngdàng, absolutely empty
- 即使jíshǐ, even if
- 允准yǔnzhǔn, permit
- 不管bùguǎn, no matter what
- 留给liúgěi, set aside for
- 眼神yǎnshén, eyesight, meaningful glance
- 轻易qīngyì, easily
- 瞧qiáo, look at
- 报复bàofù, revenge
- 咬紧牙关yǎojǐn yáguān, bite the teeth tightly
- 执意zhíyì, insist on
- 恐怕kǒngpà, I'm afraid that
- 首先shǒuxiān, first of all
- 也许yěxǔ, perhaps
- 脑筋nǎojīn, brains, mind
- 咬牙切齿yǎoyá qièchǐ, gnashing one's teeth
- 不好意思bùhǎo yìsi, feel embarrassed
- Matron Jung; This, this could be more than a simple murder case, you mean.
- Dong-yi: Yes, The slave Dhil-bok was framed for killing his master, a Ministry of Taxation Accountant, because he could not endure the harsh slave taxes any longer.
- Seo Yonggui; But, it turns out that the dead accountant was quite an ineresting man.
- Sim Untek: He has too many assets for a Ministry of Taxation Accountant. I smell the strong scent of corruption.
- Matron Nam: The accountant manages all the slave taxes within the Ministry of Taxation. If that man accumulated this much wealth, then it must be because he embezzled from the slave taxes.
- Cha Cheon-soo: And, I am sure he was not working alone.
- Dong-yi: Yes, Those are my suspicious as well. The accountant must have struck a deal with the noblemen regarding the levy of taxes. Then, it is possible that one of those nobles could have murdered the accountant. And right now a powerless commoner is about to be punished for it.
- チョン尚宮:では、これが単なる殺しではないとおっしゃるのですか?
- トンイ:そうだ、奴婢のチュウゴクが税の取り立てに耐えきれず主人を殺したとして捕らえられた。
- ソヨンギ:調べた所、その主人というのが興味深い。
- シムウンテク:いや、これは下っ端にしては財産が多い。強烈な不正の臭いです。
- ナム尚宮:確かに殺された男は奴婢が納める税を管理していました。莫大な財産があるということは税を徴収する過程で不正があったかと...
- チョンス;おそらく、これは一人の犯行ではない。
- トンイ:ええ、実は私もそこを疑っています。殺された男は税を徴するする過程で、ホジョの両班と結託していたのでしょう。その両班の中の誰かが殺したのかも知れません。そしてその罪が力のない賎民に着せられたのです。
- King : If you are staying up all night working, then you must be working on something important.
- Dong-yi: You Majesty, you must not get involved in this matter. Are you not already suffering because of petitions against my meddling all over the capital?
- King : But you are not doing anything wrong.
- Dong-yi: There is nothing wrong with it, but it is not the work of a Royal Concubine.
- King : So, you do know that.
- Dong-yi: Yes. That is why I am already so grateful that you are looking the other way, Your Majesty. So please, continue to ignore what I am doing. That way, I will be in less trouble.
- King : However, let me know whenever you need my help. Whatever it is, what you are doing now is actually something I should have done as a King.
- Dong-yi: Yes, Your Majesty. I will make sure to do so.
- 王:それで、今度は何事だ。夜を徹してのめり込んでいる所を見ると何か大事なことであろう。
- トンイ:王様、王様が関わられてはいけません。そうでなくてもイヒョン宮が都をかき回していると上奏が届いているとか。
- 王:悪いことはしていない。
- トンイ:それはそうですが、側室のやることでは....
- 王:わかっているのか。
- トンイ:はい、私のやることに目をつぶって下さり、それだけで感謝しています。ですから今後も黙っていて下さい。でないと王様が責められます。
- 王:とはいえ余が必要な時はいつでも言え。何であれそなたのしていることは本来は王である余がすべきことなのだからな。
- トンイ:はい、王様、そういたします。
- Urak: Did you see that, Prince Yeoning? This is your lessen for the day.
- Geum: Master.
- Urak: Therefore, please do not forget this scene today, Prince Yeoning. This is much more valuable lesson, more than ten thousand books or the words of any sage.
- Dong-yi: Geum.
- Geum: Mother.
- Dong-yi: What happened? How did you come here?
- Geum: Tomorrow is your birthday, mother. Her Highness the Queen gave me special permission so that I can stay here with you tonight.
- Dong-yi: Is that true?
- Geum: Yes, mother. I will stay up all night and talk with you, mother.
- Dong-yi: Yes, let us do that.
- Geum: Mother, I made a resolution today. Now, I will no longer complain that I miss you, mother. I think I understand now. I understand why you came to live here, mother. You wanted to teach me, didn't you? You wanted to teach me how I should live.
- Dong-yi: Geum.
- Geum: I will not forget this. I will not forget, and I will inscribe your lesson into my heart.
- Dong-yi: Yes, thank you. Thank you, Geum.
- Geum: I am grateful, as well. I cannot even express how grateful I am that you are my mother.
- Dong-yi: Geum.
- ウラク:ご覧になりましたか?あれが今日の勉強です。
- クム:先生
- ウラク:今日のあの光景を忘れないで下さい。幾多の書より、賢者の言葉よりずっと貴い教えですから。
- トンイ:クム!
- クム:母上!
- トンイ:どうしたのだ。どうしてここまで来た。
- クム:明日は母上の誕生日ですので、今日は母上と過ごせと王妃様が特別にお許しになりました。
- トンイ:そうなのか?
- クム:はい、母上、ですから、母上、今夜は夜通しお話しましょう。
- トンイ:ああ、そうしよう。
- クム:母上、私が心に決めたことがあります。もう母上に会いたいとダダをこねたりしません。やっとわかりました。母上がなぜここに来られたのか。私に見せるためですね。私に生き方を示して下さるため...
- トンイ:クム...
- クム: 私は決して忘れません。忘れずに母上の教えを胸に刻みます。
- トンイ:そうか。ありがとう。母はうれしい。
- クム:それは私の方です。母上が私の母であることがどれほどありがたいか...
- トンイ:クム...
- King: You are utterly hopeless when it comes to understanding man. A man wants to do everything for the woman he loves? Aso! Who am I? I am the King! And if I am the King, then I am the greatest man in the land! The greatest man wants to give you the greatest. But you don't want this, you don't want that.
- Dong-yi: But, have you not already given me the greatest gift, Your Majesty? This ring. You gave me our heart when you gave me this ring long ago. So I really do not need anything else.
- King: Dong-yi
- Dong-yi: Therefore, do not be so upset that I wanted to do nothing this year, Your Majesty. There is severe famine in the land this year. So I do not wish to use the Royal Treasury for a banquet. Well, is today the only day? There is also next year, and the year after that, and ten years later, even twenty years later. I will always be your Your Majesty's side. You can hold a banquet and give me gifts then.
- King: Yes, I give up. Well, have I ever won a fight with you? However, you must keep that promise. Next year, the year after that and even after twenty years have passed, that you will always be by my side.
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty.
- King: Yes, I am content with that. That is the only thing that I will ever want from you. ... My Dong-yi, let's have a look, and look pretty that way. And still pretty this way.
- 王:男心がわからぬにも程がある。男は好きな女には何でもやってやりたいのだ。しかも、余は誰だ。余は王なのだぞ。つまりこの国で最高の男だ。最高の男の最高のことをあれもこれも断るとは...
- トンイ:最高のものはもう頂きました。この指輪、この指輪と共にお心も頂きました。もう何も要りません。
- 王:トンイ...
- トンイ:ですから飾り一つだけと寂しく思わないで下さい。今年は飢饉がひどいのです。宴などの浪費はしたくありません。次があります。来年だって再来年だって、10年後でも20年後でもずっと王様のお側におりますから。その時は宴でも何でもお願いします。
- 王:ああ、余の負けだ。くやしいがそなたに勝ったためしがない。その代わり約束は守ってもらうぞ。来年が過ぎ再来年が過ぎても、20年が過ぎてもずっといつまでも余の側にいるのだ。
- トンイ:王様...
- 王:ならそれだけでいい。そなたに望むのはただそれ一つだからな。... どれどれ見せてみろ。どこを向けても、どこから見てもそなたは可愛い。
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty ... just one more time?
- King: What? Are you telling me to climb the wall right now?
- Dong-yi: How can Your Majesty climb it? I will climb the wall. So please kneel down.
- King: You want me to kneel down? I am the King! Before, you did not know that, but how can you ask me that now?
- Dong-yi: You just said you're not a King, but a man!
- King: Wait, that was ...
- Dong-yi: You will have to choose between the two. Are you a king right now, or a man?
- King: I ... But,... that
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty!
- King: All right! I will kneel down, all right? Get on!
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, I am stepping up.
- King: Dong-yi!
- Dong-yi: Your Majesty, a little higher.
- King: It seems you've gotten heavier than before.
- Dong-yi: You Majesty, please use a bit more strength! How can you still be as weak as you were before?
- トンイ:王様、... あれを... 一度だけだめですか?
- 王:何?まさか、余に塀を越えろと?
- トンイ:塀は私が越えますから、馬になって下さい。お願いします。
- 王:馬になれだと、余は王だぞ。前は知らなかったからよかったようなものの...
- トンイ:王である前に男なのでは...
- 王:あっ、それは....
- トンイ:どちらか選んで下さい。今は、王ですか、男ですか?... 王様!
- 王:わかった。よかろう、馬になってやる。乗れ。
- トンイ:では乗りますよ。
- 王:あ、トンイ、
- トンイ:王様、もう少し上に上げて下さい。
- 王:昔より重くなっているぞ。
- トンイ:王様、もう少し頑張って下さい。相変わらず力がないのですね。...
- Yeongjo (Geum): Last night, i met my mother in a dream, uncle. I was so happy to see her. So I held her close. I confided to her that I was worried how I would be a King from now on. Do you know what she said to me?
- Chanson: What did she say?
- Yeongjo: She gave a big smile and told me to lift up my pants for a whipping. How could she be the same, even in the afterlife? If I do not want to be punished by my mother, I will have to work very hard.
- Chanson: Your Majesty.
- Yeongo: Yes. I will do so, uncle. At least for my mother's sake, I will become the most kingly of all Kings in this land.
- 英祖:夕べ夢で母上に会いました。どれほどうれしかったことか。母上を抱きしめ、王になるのが不安だと訴えました。母上が何と言ったと思います?
- チョンス:何でしょう?
- 英祖:笑顔を浮かべられてふくらはぎを出せと。あの世に行かれても全く変わりません。母上にぶたれることのないようしっかりしないと。
- チョンス:王様
- 英祖:ええ、そうしてみせます。母上のためにも最も王らしい王にならなくては。
- 英祖:昨夜在梦中我见到娘了,舅舅。简直高兴得不知所措。一直抱着娘,不断诉说着往后即将要登基为王,心里非常担忧。 您知道娘如何回答我吗。
- 车:娘娘如何回答。
- 英祖:娘她只是对着我微笑,便要我把裤管卷上来。都到了另一个世界,还是一点没变。如果不想再被娘家法伺候,可一定要打起精神才行。
- 车:陛下。
- 英祖:是,我一定会那么做的,舅舅。即使是为了我娘,都要成为我国最象样的一个君主。
- 梦中mèngzhōng, in a dream
- 简直jiǎnzhí, simply
- 不知所措bùzhī suǒcuò, not knowing what to do
- 一直yīzhí, straight
- 不断bùduàn, continuous
- 诉说sùshuō, tell sb.
- 往后wǎnghòu, from now on
- 将要jiāngyào, will, be going to
- 登基dēngjī, ascend the throne.
- 担忧dānyōu, worry
- 卷上juǎnshàng, roll up
- 如果rúguǒ, if
- 即使jíshǐ, even though
- Father of Dong-yi-II: Dong-yi?
- Dong-yi-II: Father.
- Father of Dong-yi-II: Really? That nobleman really said that to you?
- Dong-yi-II: Yes. So he told me to hold a great purpose in my heart, too. He said that a person's value does not depend on one's status. If we have a great purpose in our hearts, we can become great people.
- Father of Dong-yi-II: What a wonderful nobleman for telling you that.
- Dong-yi-II: But father, is that really true? Is one's heart more important than one's status? Even as a commoner can I really become a great person, if I have a greet purpose in my heart?
- Father of Dong-yi-II: Of course. Just like Lady Sukbin, just like His Majesty. You can become a great person. Now, let us go. Let us go and watch His Majesty's procession.
- Dong-yi-II: Yes, Father.
- トンイ二世の父:トンイ...
- トンイ二世:お父さん
- トンイ二世の父:そうか、その旦那様がそんなことを言ったか?
- トンイ二世:はい、だから貴い志を抱けとおっしゃいました。人の貴さは身分ではなく心次第だと。志が貴ければ貴い人になるって。
- トンイ二世の父:ありがたいことをおっしゃってくださるお方だな。
- トンイ二世:だけどお父さん、それは本当なの?身分より志が大事?本当に志が貴ければ私も貴い人になれるの?
- トンイ二世の父:そりゃそうだとも。淑嬪様や王様のように貴い人になれる。
- 同伊2父亲:同伊。
- 同伊2: 爹。
- 同伊2父亲:是吗。那位两班大人对你说了还种话。
- 同伊2: 是,所以大人说。要在心里怀抱珍贵的志向,一个人的高卑贱,并不在于身分如何, 而是在于他的心。只要怀抱珍贵的志向。就可以成为珍贵的人。
- 同伊2父亲:真谢谢那位大人,竟然对你说出这番实贵的话。
- 同伊2: 不过爹,这句话是真的吗。比身分更重要的就是心吗。只要我怀抱着珍贵的心,我就不是贱抿,而是珍贵的人吗。
- 同伊2父亲:是啊,当然了。就像淑嫔娘娘,像皇上陛下一样。会成为很珍贵的人,好, 我们快走吧。我们去看皇上陛下的行伍吧。
- 同伊2: 是,爹。... 同伊
- 心里xīnli, heart, mind
- 怀(懷)抱 huáibào, cherish
- 珍贵zhēngui, precious
- 志向zhìxiàng, ambition
- 卑贱bēijiàn, mean & low
- 并不bìngbù, not at all
- 而是érshì, rather
- 只要zhǐyào, if only
- 竟然jìngrán, unexpectedly, actually
- 不过bùguò, but
- 行伍hángwǔ, parade
- "...♪ 随着水,随着路走去。
- 随着梦一路走去。
- 以云为友,
- 以风为伴、
- 聊慰我心。
- 靠着双脚一走再走
- 没有何处到不了
- 将心头虚妄的梦全数丢弃
- 任它支离破碎
- 爱情.... 当那时节来临 ...♫"
- "Going forward through the road and water
- Going forward with the dream
- The cloud is like a friend
- The wind is like a brethren
- Warming my heart
- Working hard by myself
- There are no places I can't go
- Forget all the dreams
- Love .... when i arrives"
Dong-yi's way of life: SOFT
- Self-dicipline
- Organization works
- Team building
- Familiy reliance
- 经常锻炼jīngcháng duànliàn
- 组织生活zǔzhī shēnghuó
- 联结友情liánjié yǒuqíng
- 亲情qīnqíng
Title |
Dony Yi |
トンイ (同伊) |
Index |
Dept |
Cast |
Story |
Why |
Key |
<Team Dong-yi at Bogyeong Hall, 宝庆堂Bǎoqìngtáng and Western Faction>
<Team Heebin at Chwiseon Hall and Southern Faction>
His |
Original |
Kanbun |
>Top58. Episode-58:
58. ムヨルの標的:
>Top59. Episode-59:
59. 真心の内旨標信:
>Top60. Episode-60:
60. トンイ相談所:
Comment |
Dong-yi's way of life: SOFT