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A New Guide to English Grammar-2


Cat: LAN
Pub: 1991
#: 12092b

Taiichiro Egawa (江川泰一郎)

UP 12607

; About; Action verb; All; Another; Anybody; Anything; As; As relative pronoun; At; Bare infinitive; Be going to; But relative pronoun; By; Can; Could; Causative verb; Conjunction; Demonstrative pronoun; Each/Every; Either/Neither; Emphatic sentence; From; For; Formal subject; Future perfect; Future perfect progressive; Future progressive; Gerund; Group verb; How; In; Inanimate subject; Infinitive; Inversion; It usage; May ; Might; Modal verb; Must/Have to; Need/Dare; Nominalization; None; Of; On; One; Other; Ought to; Passive voice; Past participle; Past perfect; Past perfect progressive; Past progressive; Perception verb; Perfect infinitive; Preposition; Present participle; Present perfect; Present perfect progressive; Present progressive; Present tense; Pro-infinitive/Sprit-invinitivee; Pronoun; Restrictive/Non-restrictive use; Same; Semi complement; Sequence of tense; Shall; Situational it; Should; So; Split infinitive; State verb; Subjunctive past; Subjunctive past perfect; Subjunctive present; Subordinate conjunction; Such; Than relative pronoun ; That; To; Used to; Verbal; Volitional future; What; Who; Where; Which; Whoever; Will; With; Would;
Sample sentence
>Top <G>: <G>: <G>:
  • 現在完了 (Present perfect)
  • >Top
  • 完了とその結果:
    1. She has changed; she i very different from the girl I once knew.
    2. His small business has branched out until he now owns fifty stores.
  • 経験:ever, never, before, once, oftenなど経験を示す副詞と
    1. He is a comparative stranger to me; I've met him only once.
    2. I have oftern tood upon this platform facing a great audience, as I face you tonight. But you are different from any other audience that I have ever faces.
  • 継続:for, sinceなど期間を示す副詞と
    1. His love for her has been very steady over the years.
    2. I cannot get rid of this headache; I have had it for some days.
    3. Thet have kept diaries since they were children.
    4. Popeii is a dead city. no one has lived there for over 2,000 years - not since the summer of the year AD79, to be exact.
  • 注意すべき現在完了:
    1. It's been a long time since we met lat time.
    2. He is (=has) gone for summer.
    3. Aren't (Haven't) you finished eating yet?
    4. This work will come easy for him when he has had more experience.
  • 何らかの点で現在とのつながりを示す (current relevance)
  • 現在完了は明らかに過去を示す語句は使えない;ago, when, just nowは使えない
  • 現在完了進行形 (Present perfect progressive)
  • >Top
  • 継続:その動作が未来に及ぶ
    1. She has been waiting to see you since two o'clock (and is still waiting).
    2. He has been sleeping for ten hours now. Let's wake him up.
  • 少し前に完了、その結果がまだ残存
    1. He shoudn't drive this evening. He has been drinking.
    2. I don't feel like going out this evening. I've been working in the garaden all day.
  • 現在時制 (Present tense)
  • >Top
  • 時を表す副詞節:
    1. You'll be sick when the ship begins rolling heavily.
    2. I'll repat the firt question before I go on to the second.
    3. The test will be on my mind till I know I passed it.
    4. Cf: The queen will visit the town in May, when she will open the new hospital.
  • 条件を表す副詞節:
    1. You'll cut yourself if you walk around here in bare feet.
    2. What will hapen if my parachute doen't open.
    3. Cf: Tell me when you'll be ready.
      Cf: Tell me when you're ready.
    4. Cf: I wonder if he'll be back tomorrow.
  • 例外:条件節でも現在時制を使わない場合:相手への依頼will、意志未来のwill
    1. If you will help me, I'll soon finish.
    2. If he won't cooperate, we'll have to take more drastic measures.
      Cf: If you will eat so much, you can't compain if you get fat.
  • 主節が未来なので、副詞せつまでwillを使う必要はない =Economy of speech
  • 現在進行形 (Present progressive)
  • >Top
  • 避難・困惑・賞賛の感情的色彩:
    1. You're always/foreever finding fault with me.
    2. You're always getting invited out. No one ever invites me to any place.
    3. He's constantly thinking about other people. He never thinks of himself.
    4. I'm misspelling this word all the time.
  • 動作の強調:
    1. I am sorry you dobt my word. I ama telling the truth.
    2. Don't worry. You are helping me a lot.
  • 同一行為が進行中:
    1. When children are doing nothing, they are doing some mischief.
    2. If you set this bird free, you're doing an act of kindness.
    3. He is fookish to behave that way; he is asking for trouble.
  • 一時的な故意の状態
    1. He is being difficutl (on puirpose).
    2. Nancy is being kind for the moment.
    3. Bob is being a nuisance again.
    4. The children are being very quiet; I wonder what they are up to.
  • 有意志の動作
    1. Be quiet! I'm thinking.
    2. What are you hinking about.
    3. I'm seeing my consultant tomorrow. (meet by appointment)
    4. Shall I turn off the music, or are you still hearing?
  • emotional colorin4
  • 現在進行形:未来を示す副詞語句必要
  • >Top
  • 現在進行形:近未来の手配・約束
    1. I'm leavin togight. I'vew got my plane ticket.
    2. Our class is giving a play in October.
    3. You're not going in that old suit, are you?
  • 単純現在:確定的な未来の予定
    1. We leave Tokyho at 11 pm and arrive in Khyoto at 8:30 am.
    2. Professor Black retires nex year.
    3. Next Chirstmas falls on a Tuesday.
  • その他未来の予定:
    1. The governor is to speak over TV tonight.
    2. The apple trees are about to blossom.
  • 現在分詞 (Present participle)
  • > Past participle
  • >Top
  • S+V+現在分詞;KeepとGetの例
    1. The audience kept applauding long after the curtain came down.
    2. You must keep repeating the lines until they are known by heart.
    3. Once he gets going, he can't stop.
    4. They sat talking for hours together.
    5. I stood with open mouth watching the fireworks.
    6. She whistles to her dog and it came running.
    7. Bats have the habit of sleeping hanging head down.
    8. Early in the morning I wet fishing in the river.
  • S+V+O+現在分詞
    1. I found the old man dozing on the bench.
    2. Don't keep him waiting. He's in a hurry.
    3. He always leaves his papers lying about.
    4. I saw her kneeling on the floor of the church.
    5. He felt a cold coming on
    6. Can't you smell something burning?
  • Have+O+現在分詞
    1. She always has half a dozen men dangling around her.
    2. The family doesn't have much money coming on at the moment.
    3. We can have this coin floating on the water.
    4. Can you really get that old machine working again?
  • 分詞構文 (Participle construction) ;時・理由・付帯状況を示す
    1. Looking down from the plane, I could see the east coast of the coral island.
    2. Being a farmer, I have to get up early.
    3. She went through the drawers looking for the sweater.
    4. While staying in Paris, we fell in with a party of Swiss tourists.
    5. When resembling his father in appearance, he has inherited much from his mother in character.
    6. (Being) A man with no principles of his own, he was only too ready to bow to the wishes of his superiors.
  • 完了形の現在分詞
    1. Having lost the bet, he had to pay for dinner.
    2. Never having seen him before, I, of course, didn't recognize him.
  • 分詞構文;分詞の位置
    1. Not knowing which way to go, I had to guess.
    2. Worker bees are neuter, being neither male nor female.
    3. He shrugged his shoulders, saying he didn't know and didn't care.
    4. Johnnie, shaking his fist a him, called him very name he could thing of.
  • 独立分詞構文;分詞の主語と文の主語が不一致
    1. Cheers still ringing in her ears, she slipped out of the stage door.
    2. Other things being equal, the difference in price should be decisive.
    3. He talked on and on, the audience beginning to feel bored.
    4. there being no objection, the proposal was accepted unanimously.
    5. Looking out of the window, the mountains were beautiful. (?)
  • 分詞構文の慣用句
    1. Strictly speaking, this sentence is not grammatical.
    2. Talking of traveling, have you ever been to Athens?
  • 分詞構文:Withがつく場合
    1. With darkness closing in, the rescue party decided to break off the search.
    2. She was leaning against the wall with him facing her.
    3. What a lonely world it would be with you (being) away!
    4. I cannot live on my wages with prices what they are.
  • 限定用法・非限定用法 (Resticitive/Non-restrictive use)
  • >Top
  • Restrictive use and non-restrictive use:
    1. The flowers which she planted in the front yard are growing well.
    2. The flowers, which she planted in the front yard, are growing well.
  • 特定化された定冠詞
>Top <H>: <H>: <H>:
  • Usage of how:
    1. How on earth did you get into the room?
    2. How it blows!
    3. How he snores!
  • 法動詞 (Modal verb)
  • >Top
  • 特定の意味は持たず時制・態・疑問・否定を作る
    1. have
    2. be
    3. do
  • 意味を添える法動詞:可能・必然・義務
    1. can
    2. must
    3. may
    4. will
    5. shall
    6. outght
    7. used to
    8. need
>Top < I >: < I >: < I >:
  • 意志未来 (Volitional future)
  • >Top
  • 話者の意志: 意志・決心・約束・主張・拒絶
    1. Don't worry.  I'll drive you home.
    2. If he doesn't take back what he said, I'll never speak to him again.
  • 主語 (二人称・三人称)の意志:will, won'tに強勢
    1. If you will do it again, do it at your own risk.
    2. No matter what I say, he will have his own way.
    3. He is so jealous that he won't let her talk to other boys.
    4. The bag won't fasten properly.
    5. My stomach won't let me sleep.
  • 相手の意志:申し出・提案・勧誘
    1. Shall I fry the fish for dinner?
    2. Shall we leave a tip for the waiter?
    3. When shall we announce our engagement?
    4. Let's stop here, shall we?
  • 相手の意志:実質的に依頼・勧誘・招待
    1. when will you pay him back the money?
    2. Will you please sign there papers?
    3. Won't you come in and sit down?
    4. Will you stay over until Monday?
    5. Help me down the stairs with this heavy case, will you?
  • Shallの原義:義務や強勢
  • Itの用法:
  • seem, appear, look, happen
  • 状況の It (Situational It)
  • 形式主語 (Formal subject)
  • 強調構文 (Emphatic sentence) It is 〜that
  • >Top
  • Usage of it:
    1. Don't let your boy play with a knife. It's dangerous.
    2. Don't mention that she's put on weight - she is very sensitive about it.
    3. In America, if you don't express an opinion, it means you don't have one.
    4. It's time to knock off for tea.
    5. How far is it to that tower over there as the crow flies?
    6. Have your ever seen it hail?
    7. Some people say stepping on a worm makes it rain.
  • It seems, etc.
    1. It seemed as if she was going to faint.
    2. It appears that he is mistaken.
    3. It happened that we were both interested in bird-watching.
    4. It chanced that he was out when I called.
    5. As it happened, I sat next to Lynda in class.
  • 状況のit:
    1. How is it going in the fish market?
    2. When it comes to making things, Mike is the cleverest person I know.
    3. We always take it easy on Sundays.
    4. The train leaves at six; can we make it?
    5. If you are found out, you'll catch it.
    6. With the road blocked, there was nothing for it but to turn back.
    7. You're it now.
  • Formal Subject:
    1. It's astonishing, the size of his head.
    2. It gives me great pleaser to introduce our special guest for this evening.
    3. It's endless work maintaining the house in good repair.
    4. It's no use crying over spilt milk; it only makes it salty for the cat.
    5. It's a miracle he wasn't killed in the plane crash.
    6. Women, it is obvious, are freeer today than in the past.
    7. It matters nothing to him what she wore for the party.
    8. It's a strange thing how little people know about the sky.
    9. It was a bitter blow when we found out they had been cheating us all along.
    10. I felt it my duty to commit myself to working for peace.
    11. I'll leave it to uyou to buy the tickets.
    12. The threatening floods made it necesary to evacuate the town.
    13. Don't you find it unpleasnt waling in the rain?
    14. I took (it) for granted that tehy would give me a receipt.
    15. I take it from your silence that oui are not satisfied with my answer.
    16. Don't take it amiss if I criticize youir work.
    17. How do you like it when other pople play tricks on you?
  • Emphatic sentence:
    1. It was Terry who hit on this idea, not me.
    2. It is not the low prices but their quality which sells our goods.
    3. It was not until I got home that I missed my umbrella.
    4. Who is it (that) you wish to see?
    5. It's an ill wind (that) blows nobody good.
    6. It's a long lane that has no turing.
    7. It's a wise father that knows his own child.
  • Impersonal verb:
  • to avoid top-heavy sentence.

>Top < J >:

< J >:

< J >:

  • 時制の一致 (Sequence of tense)
  • 主節が過去、従節が名詞節
    1. I knew (that) he worked hard.
    2. We wer informed tha he had had a serous heart attack and was in a hospital.
    3. What did you say your name was?
  • 従節が副詞節;状況次第
    1. He was better off than he is now /than I thought him to be / than he had been before.
    2. At your age I didn7t have as much freedom as you do now
    3. She danced more gracefully than ever you will.
  • 従節が形容詞節;時制は意味上自然に決まる
    1. it was the biggest fish I've ever seen / I had ever seen.
  • 時制の一致 (Sequence of tense)の例外
  • 不変の真理
    1. He didn't seem to know that the bite of the cobra is/was dangerous.
    2. She wasn't aware that those woolen clothes always shrink/shrank in the wash.
  • 現在も変わらない内容
    1. I didn't know that out meeting is/was next Tuesday.
    2. He reminded his wife that the guest is/was allergic to cats.
  • 歴史上の事実;過去のまま、過去完了にはしない
    1. We were taught that the Revolutionary War ened in 1783.
  • 動詞が仮定法の場合
    1. I wish I were as slim as you.
    2. I wished I were as slim as you.
    3. I htink/tought if she were a littel older she would have more sense.
  • 時制の一致が適用される場合
    1. He said, "If John were here he would join us."
      He said if Jhon had been there he would have joined us.
    2. He said, "If I had any money, I would buy you a drink."
      He said if he had had any money, he would have bought me a drink.
  • 受動態(Passive voice)
  • >Top
  • S+V+O:
    1. They are now checking the boiler.
      The boiler is now being checked.
    2. Have you ironed this blouse yet?
      Has this blouse been ironed yet?
  • S+V+IO+DO:
    1. My aunt gave me this watch.
      This watch was given (to) me by my aunt.
      I was given this watch by my aunt. (○)
    2. She bought Jill a new seater.
      A new seater was bought for Jill.
      Jill was bought a new seater. (○)
    3. She cooked us a marvelous dinner.
      A marvelous dinner was cooked for us. (○)
      We were cooked a marvelous dinner. (×)
  • S+V+O+C:
    1. The children called the cat Tibby.
      The cat was called Tibby by the children.
    2. We painted the fence white.
      The fence was painted white.
  • 群動詞
    1. Everybody laughed at him.
      He was laughed at by everybody.
    2. Your meals will be paid for by the company
    3. She colors up when she is spoken to by a man.
    4. The clerk said, "Have you been waited on, sir?"
    5. If you bring up children badly, they behave badly
      If children are brought up badly, they behave badly.
    6. The game was called off on account of darkness.
    7. We were nicely taken in by his story.
    8. People look up to him as a national hero.
      He is looked up to as a national hero.
    9. Capital punishment has been done away with inn many European counties.
    10. There are may inconveniences that have to be put up with when you are camping.
    11. A young doctor took care of him.
      He was taken care of by a young doctor.
    12. He was made fun of by all his friends.
    13. All tax evasion must be put a stop to sooner or later.
    14. They took no notice of his warning.
      No notice was taken of his warning.
  • S+V+O+不定詞:
    1. the doctor told her to bathe her eyes twice a day.
      She was told by the doctor to bath her eyes twice a day.
    2. They asked me to take the lead.
      I was asked to take the lead.
    3. I saw him come out of the house.
      He was seen to come out out the house.
    4. They made us work all night.
      We were made to work all night.
    5. We thought him (to be) somewhat foolish.
      He was thought to be somewhat foolish.
    6. Formerly people considered night air to be unhealthy.
      Formerly night air was considered to be unhealthy.
    7. They found on trial the new clerk to be incompetent.
      The new clerk was found on trial to be incompetent.
  • People/They sayなど
    1. People say women have more delicate sense than men.
      It is said that women have more delicate sense than men.
      Women are said to have more delicate sense than men.
    2. In ancient times people believed that the earth was flat.
      In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.
      In ancient times the earth was believed to be flat.
    3. The local train is supposed to pull in at 9.
      You are not supposed to park here. This is a no-parking zone.
    4. You were supposed to come to lunch. What's happened?
  • Passive Voice
    • 能動態の主語が代名詞の場合、by 〜は不要
  • Group Verb
  • Infinitive
  • 知覚動詞の受動態は偶発的
  • 受動態とby
  • >Top
  • By 〜がない場合:
    1. Thousands of people are killed in car accidents every year.
    2. The Pyramids were built to serve as the eternal resting places for Egyptian Pharaohs.
    3. Nothing is known for certain, though very much has been speculated, of the origin of language.
    4. The eyes of the guests were all fixed upon Miss Brown.
    5. The bill was thrown out after a brief discussion in the Diet.
    6. The baseball game that we had planned to watch on TV was rained out.
    7. The figures from zero to nine, inclusive, are called digits.
    8. Friday the thirteenth has traditionally been considered an unlucky day.
  • By〜がある場合:
    1. Most chain stores are owned by a large corporation known as the parent company.
    2. The proposed highway was opposed by the affected homeowners.
    3. Restaurant and hotel kitchens are visited regularly by public health inspectors.
    4. The present education system is characterized by an emphasis on success in examinations.
  • By〜に重点がある場合:
    1. A global communications system was made possible by satellites.
    2. The show was interrupted every five minutes by a commercial.
    3. The motion was carried, but only by the casting vote of the chairman.
    4. When the book was first brought out, it was not well received by the reviewers.
  • By〜が長い婆会い
    1. She was cheered up by the prospect of being released from the hospital in a day or two.
    2. At the store, here eyes were caught by a green silk dress displayed in the window.
    3. There are some hobbies that can only be taken up by people who have plenty of time and money.
  • 受動態は、旧情報(given information) (代名詞・定冠詞で特定化された名詞)→新情報(new information)へ
  • By〜 がない場合は約80%
    1. 動作主不特定
    2. 動作主への言及不要
    3. 動作主が一般
  • 受動態がない場合
  • 受動態を作れない動詞:
    1. Your story lacks imagination.
    2. This jacket cost 90 dollars.
    3. Fortunately we escaped the storm.
    4. He resembles his father in appearance.
    5. This key doesn't fit the lock.
    6. That blazer really suits you.
  • 受動態にしない文
    1. Carl speaks English and French.
    2. I visit this temple every year.
    3. They have been repairing the road.
    4. They will be repairing the brdge.
  • 動作性の少ない動詞:have, possess, containなど
  • その他の受動態
  • >Top
  • 動作の受動態と状態の受動態:
    1. The store was closed sharp at 8 yesterday.
      The store was closed all day yesterday.
    2. Mr. Dixon was buried here last week.
      Four generations of the Dixsons are buried here.
  • 準動詞の受動態:
    1. He hates to be told to do this and that.
      Jimmy, being led by his older brother, is always getting into mischief.
    2. I remember being introduced to her at my aunt's house.
  • 日本語では能動態、英語では受動態:
    1. We were surprised at the news.
    2. They were amused at/by his jokes.
    3. The lecture was boring, and the audience was bored.
    4. I was disappointed at his failure.
    5. What are you so excited about.
    6. He was frightened at/by the sudden noise.
    7. She was greatly shocked to know that her child had been kidnapped.
    8. We are very pleased with our new house.
    9. He was easily pleased by flattery.
    10. The child was scared of the fierce-looking dog.
  • 被害を表す受動態:
    1. 20 persons were killed or injured in the landslide.
    2. Lighting struck in several places, but no one was hurt.
    3. The soldier was was wounded in the right arm.
    4. The ship was wrecked on the rocks.
    5. The mail was delayed by the heavy snow.
    6. He was drowned in the river.
      • The land in Fukushima was severely contaminated by radioactive materials.
    7. The boys were absorbed in their game.
    8. I'm not accustomed to public speaking.
    9. Are you acquainted with the lady?
    10. They are engaged in cancer research.
    11. I'm inclined to think that she is opposed to a sudden change.
  • 動作の受動態 (〜される)と状態の受動態 (〜されている)
  • 受動態関連構文
  • >Top
  • Get+過去分詞:
    1. Peter gets scolded every time he brings a dog home.
    2. One of the directors of the compnay got arrested on suspicion of bribery.
    3. Please don't wear that terrible suit; you'll get looked at.
    4. Don't get so excited.
    5. He got very confused and forgot what he wanted to say.
    6. The boy fell from a tree and got hurt.
    7. Have you got accustomed to this climate?
  • Have+O+過去分詞:
    1. I had my bicycle repaired.
      I had my bicycle stolen.
    2. Where can I have this check cashed?
    3. He has all his suits made to order.
    4. She is having her hair set for this evening's party.
    5. Let's have our fortunes told. It's only a dollar.
    6. I couldn't see my friend in the hotel, so I had him paged.
    7. He had his pocket picked in the crowed.
    8. They had their house borkne into lanst night.
    9. We had our tent blown down by the gale.
    10. I had my train of thought interrupted by a knock at the door.
  • Get+O+過去分詞:
    1. I'm going to get this car serviced.
    2. I got may gand caught in the door.
  • Get+過去分詞は、突然・不意・偶然が多い。
  • Have + O +過去分詞:
    1. 使役:〜させた
    2. 受身=被害:〜された
  • 準動詞 (Verbal)
  • >Top
  • 不定詞 (<>Infinitive)
  • 分詞 (Particple)
  • 動名詞 (Gerund)
  • 準補語 (Semi-complement)
  • >Top
  • Semi-complement
    1. She married young.
    2. The old man sat perfectly mothionless.
    3. During the night the wind blew cold.
    4. Stubborn and rebellious, Nick soon angered all the teachers.
  • S+V+Cで、必要不可欠でないC
  • 準補語 (Semi-complement)
  • Semi-complement
    1. He painted the door blue.
    2. She boiled the eggs hard.
    3. You've cut my hair too short.
    4. Most Englishmen caarry their small change loose in their trouser pocket, not in a purse.
  • S+V+O+Cで、必要不可欠でないC
  • 状態動詞(State verb)
  • >Top
  • 一般の状態(be)
    1. This book belongs to the library.
    2. This coffee contains less caffeine.
    3. Dogs and wolves differ in shape.
    4. What does it matter?
    5. He owns an advertising agency.
    6. She resembles her mother in charactger.
  • 好悪・希望(like, hate)
    1. I like skating better than skiing.
    2. She hates carrots.
    3. What do you want?
  • 思考・認識(believe, find, know, think)
    1. I don't care how the voing comes out.
    2. He found that hew was mistaken.
    3. I only know him by name.
    4. Do you remember me?
  • 知覚 (see, hear)
    1. I (can) see a squirrel over there.
    2. I (can) hear you very well
    3. We listend carefully and heard a faint noise.
  • State verb:私的動詞
  • 五感の状態動詞:
    1. see - look (at)
    2. hear - listen (to)
    3. feel - feel
    4. taste - taste
    5. smell - smell
    6. look/soundは無意志

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  • 過去完了(Past perfect)
  • >Top
  • 過去のある時点までの完了・結果
    1. She had jut gone out when I called at her house.
    2. When his mother asked him where he had been, Tom gave an evasive answer.
  • 過去のある時点までの経験
    1. That was the first time we had ever eaten Mexican food.
    2. I had never been spoken to in that way before.
  • 過去のある時点までの継続
    1. She was thirty-one years old and had been married for ten years.
    2. She had known him since she could remember.
  • 過去の過去
    1. Mrs. Wilson was a widow. Her husband had died ten years before.
  • 仮定法:仮定法過去完了
    1. If I had been Nancy, I would have walked out on him years ago.
  • 時制の一致
    1. I asked him if he had ever seen a whale blowing.
  • 過去の当て外れ(expect, intendなどと)
    1. We hadn't for a moment expected that we would be able to win the championship.
    2. We had hoped that you would be able to visit us.
    3. I had thought I was going to be invited to their wedding.
    4. I had intended to start work today, but I changed my mind.
  • 過去完了進行形(Past perfect progressive)
  • >Top
  • 過去完了進行形:現在完了進行形に準じる
    1. Her eyes were red; she had evidnetly been crying.
    2. The truth was that he had been proposing to her until he got her assent.
    3. He had been taling for half an hour before I realized what he was driving at.
  • 過去分詞 (Past participle)
  • > Present participle
  • >Top
  • S+V+過去分詞
    1. The stream presently became dammed up.
    2. She felt disgusted at the sight.
    3. How did you get acquainted (with each other)?
  • S+V+O+過去分詞
    1. On turing the corner, we found the road blocked by a big dup truck.
    2. Keep your mouth shut for a while
    3. I don't like my toast burnt.
    4. I have never seen a dog beaten or ill-treated in Japan.
    5. She heard her name called from behind.
    6. We often hear it said that Japan is a great economic power.
  • 過去分詞の分詞構文
    1. Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.
    2. Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate.
    3. Stated in the simplest terms, Buddhism is not a religion but a kind of philosophy.
    4. Once deprived of oxygen, the brain dies.
  • 独立分詞構文
    1. Her work done, Aunt Flora sat down for a cup of tea.
    2. She dashed out into the rain, her head protected only by her thin scarf.
    3. All things considered, his remark could be interpreted as a threat.
  • 前置詞Withがつく例
    1. With the windows shut, it was very close in the room.
    2. They walked with their arms linked.
  • 仮定法 (Subjunctive mood)
  • 仮定法現在 (Subjunctive present)
  • >Top
  • 条件のif節:原形を使う (古風)
    1. A book may be compared to your neighbor. It if be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
    2. And thus, if it please me, I may sit all day long and into the profounder quiet of the night.
    3. I'm ready to sacrifice my own profit, if need be.
  • 条件のwhether節とlest節
    1. whether your life be a long one or a short one, it is important to live it well.
    2. We burned all the papers lest the secret be disclosed.
    3. The airlines cannot disregard these calls, lest one of them prove to be based on fact.
  • 祈願・願望
    1. Lord have mercy on us!
    2. Heaven forbid that the misfortune should fail on us again.
  • 提案・勧告・要求のthat節
    1. Mr. Chairman, I propose that we take a vote on that next week.
    2. I suggest (that) we not jump to conclusions.
    3. In case of may death, I desire that this insurance be paid to my wife.
    4. It is requested that every candidate write legibly and that no one leave the hall till half an hour after the commencement of the examination.
    5. The doctor advised that she remain in bed for a few more days.
    6. the informant asked that his name be withheld.
  • It is necessary that構文
    1. It is necessart that we be prepared for the worst.
    2. It was imperative that he make a final decision.
    3. It is importantthat exeptions not be made.
    4. It's unfair that the whole class be punished for one student's misbehavior.
  • Subjunctive Mood
  • 仮定法には時制の一致なし
  • 仮定法過去 (Sujunctive past)
  • >Top
  • 直説法のif節:単なる条件;直説法の動詞の時制はさまざま
    1. If you heat ice, it melts.
    2. If he is till working, don't bother him.
    3. If you have finished that book, put it back on the shelf.
    4. If you've been driving all night, you'll need a good rest.
    5. If I said that, I apologize.
    6. If she was awake, she certainly heard the noise.
    7. If you mailed the letter yesterday, it will/would be delivered tomorrow.
    8. If you were waling all day yesterday, you must be tired today.
    9. If you had met Jessy before, why didn't you speak to her last night?
    10. If she had been waiting for you so long, no wonder she got angry wit you.
  • 現在の事実に反対の仮定
    1. If he were/was here, we could being (the meeting).
    2. If there weren't so many mosquitoes, it would be a perfect evening.
    3. If it were/was not raining, we would be able to walk home.
    4. We might move to a bigger house if we had more money.
    5. I would join your chorus group if I could sing as well as you do..
    6. If I were you, I would accept the offer.
  • 現在または未来についての仮定:まずありえないが...
    1. What would you do if this building caught fire?
    2. If we caught the 10 o'clock train, we would get there by lunchtime.
    3. It would be nice if you helped me water the flower beds?
    4. Would it be all right if I came again tomorrow?
  • 仮定の条件
    1. If you took the shoes back to the sotre, they would chnge them for you.
    2. If you did your thesis next spring, you would get your degree in June.
    3. If there was one thing I could chage about Japan, It would be the university entrance exam system.
  • 現在の事実に反対の願望:wish, if only 〜
    1. I don7t like this place. I wish i were/was back home.
    2. I wish people wouldn't rustle their programs while the orchestra is playing.
    3. If only I lived where there was a good bookstore.
    4. If only this nasty humid weather would go!
    5. I'd rather you told me frankly what you think.
    6. Look at the clock; it' time you went to bd, children.[
    7. It's about time Tom was getting ready for school.
  • 仮定のwere toと条件のshould
    1. What would happen if we were to lose the secret of making fire?
    2. If all the Antarctic ice were to melt, the lvel of the seas would rise to drown most of the seports of our planet.
    3. If I should fail, I will/would dtry again.
    4. If we should take a vacation this year, it will be in late August.
    5. If it should rain, take the washing in.
    6. Shoud you be unable to come, please let me know in good time.
  • Subjunctive Past Perfect
  • 仮定法過去完了 (Subjunctive past perfect)
  • >Top
  • 過去の事実に反対の仮定
    1. He would have lost his hearing if he operation hadn't been successful.
    2. If we hadn't spent so much time in Rome, we could have gone to Sicily.
    3. What he might have done, if his life had been spared and his health had improved, it is impossible to say.
  • 過去の仮定と現在の推定
    1. If Jim had gone to college when he finished high school, he would be a senior now.
    2. He would have better teeth if he had eaten sensibly as a child
  • 過去の事実に反対の願望
    1. I wish I hadn't said that.
    2. If only we had thought of it before!
    3. Most of the guests left early wishing theyt hadn't come.
  • Subjunctive Past Perfect
  • 仮定法の構文研究
  • >Top
  • Ifの省略:主語と助動詞が倒置構文
    1. Were I in his position, I would decline with thanks.
    2. The current, extraordinary spread of the English language around the world would never have begun, were English a difficult language to learn.
    3. Had this vote gone against the ministry, it could no have carried on the government.
    4. Should you change your mind, no one would blame you.
  • 仮定法を含む慣用表現
    1. If it were not for music, the world would be a dull place.
    2. If it had not been for his quickness, the boat would have capsized.
    3. Had it not been for Chinese influence, Japanese culture would not be what it is today.
    4. They treat/treated the child as if she were their own.
    5. She looks/looked as if she had seen a ghost.
    6. I remember how it happened as clearly as if it were only yesterday.
    7. He spoke to me as though he had known me all his life before.
    8. Jim stood up ad if to leave.
    9. I lifted the beer glass as if to strike it against the table.
    10. Mn is, as it were, a parasite of machines.
    11. They live in a place of delicate and magical beauty - a fairyland, as it were.
  • If節に相当する語句
    1. But for the heat, we could go shopping.
    2. I would have been in real trouble but for your support.
    3. Without his tail, a dog would look very funny.
    4. I saw it with my own eyes; otherwise I couldn't have believed it.
    5. A knowledge of a foreign language makes us see what we would otherwise fail to see.
    6. We were barely in time. A minute later, and the train would have started.
    7. I think that picture would look better on the other wall.
    8. Things which would be absolutely unthinkable in Japan are not only thinkable, but doable and actually done here.
    9. A hundred years ago not a doctor in the world could have assured a patient that that an operation would be painless.
    10. The same thing, happing in a jumbo jet, would cause a panic.
    11. Priced a little lower, these sneakers would sell well.
    12. Freed from the tremendous weight of ice, the Antarctic Continent would rise to a total of 500 to 600 meters.
    13. To hear him talk, you would take him for an economist.
    14. It would be madness try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.
    15. I would give anything to know where she is.
    16. A wife who really loved him would make concessions.
    17. Iris would refuse any job that would take her away from home.
    18. A wise mother would be stricter with her children.
    19. The use of nuclear weapons would be an outrage against humanity.
    20. A lifetime of happiness! No one can bear it; it would be hell on earth.
  • If節に相当する語句がない場合
    1. San Francisco is a city you would enjoy living in.
    2. Jim would explain everything, but nobody will pay any attention to him.
    3. You shouldn't have driven that car with the brakes out of order. You might have had a serious accident.
    4. I would like to liver hire (if I could find a house).
    5. Would you like a coffee (if I offered you one)?
    6. Would you mind stepping aside?
    7. Could you please pass me the pepper?
  • 倒置構文:
    1. 仮定法過去完了:
    2. 仮定法過去:were/hadのみ
  • 過去進行形 (Past progressive)
  • >Top
  • 意図の未実現を含意:
    1. When I was going to get on the bus, someone tapped me on the shoulder.
    2. We were going to call on you lanst night, but we had visitors ourselves.
    3. I was just going to catch the bird when it got away.
  • 丁寧な依頼:
    1. I was hoping you would give us some advice.
    2. I was wondering if you colud give me a hand.
  • 丁寧の順番:
    1. I hope you will give us some advice.
    2. I am hoping you will give us some advice.
    3. I hoped you would give us some advice.
    4. I was hoping you would give us some advice.
  • 形容詞の型(to)
  • >Top
  • 第1型:未来への準備・意欲・傾向
    1. We are ready to start.When in a hurry, we are apt to be careless.
    2. He is always eager to win
    3. You are free to do what you like
    4. I'm anxious for him to meet my sister.
  • 第2型:感情とその原因・理由
    1. I'm glad to see you.
    2. I'm so happy to be back home.
    3. We're proud to have you stay with us.
    4. She was surprised to find the case empty.
  • 第3型:可能性についての話者の判断
    1. He is likely to succeed. (=It is likely that ...)
    2. He i sure/certain to win (=It is certain that ...)
  • 第4型:難易・快不快;主語は人・物
    1. This car is easy to drive. (It is easy to ...)
    2. The river is dangerous (fro children) to swim in.
    3. She is really pleasant to talk to. (=It is really pleasant to ...)
    4. The 'r' sound is difficult (for Japanese) to pronounce.
    5. Your question is impossible to answer.
    6. Some words are hard to define because ...
    7. This round is comfortable to sit and drink in.
  • 第5型:親切・賢明・軽率;主語は人
    1. You are kind to say so. (=It is kind of you to ...)
    2. You were careless to leave your camera in the train.
    3. Ben was really polite to offer me a chair.
    4. The boys were stupid/reckless to try to skate on this thin ice.
  • S+be+aj+to〜
  • 形容詞の型(節)
  • >Top
  • 第1型:感情の原因・理由
    1. I'm glad (that) you've got well.
    2. Sally was angry that she was neglected.
    3. We are proud that our school has a very long history.
    4. She is delighted/surprised (that) you're starting a new school.
  • 第2型:他動詞の目的語
    1. I'm sure (that) he's coming.
    2. I was afraid that I might hurt her feelings. (=I was afraid of hurting ...)
    3. They were not aware that they were driving in the wrong direction.
    4. I'm absolutely positive (that) everything will come right.
  • 第3型:形容詞固有の前置詞を伴う(省略可)
    1. I'm not sure where he lives.
      • Cf. I'm not sure of/about his address.
    2. Be careful how you cook this fish.
    3. We can't be certain (of) what's going to happen.
    4. We are doubtful (about) whether this prosperity will last long.
  • S+be+aj+that節/wh-節

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