>1530 Royal Eng-G
>1304 Hornby
>1209 Egawa Eng-G
>1008 Eng Idiom
0712 UK E-Idiom
>0513 Yamatei
A New Guide to English Grammar-1
Cat: LAN
Pub: 1991
#: 1209b
Taiichiro Egawa (江川泰一郎)
UP 12607
![]() |
>1530 Royal Eng-G >1304 Hornby >1209 Egawa Eng-G >1008 Eng Idiom > 0712 UK E-Idiom >0513 Yamatei |
A New Guide to English Grammar-1(改訂三版)英文法解説
Cat: LAN |
Taiichiro Egawa (江川泰一郎)
UP 12607 |
- This book contains not only abundant practical usage of examble sentences, but also in-depth grammatical comments and liguistic background.
- Followings are refered to confrim other descriptions:
- "Merriam-Webster 11th Collegiate Dictionary", 2003
- "Royal English Grammar with Complete Exambles of Usage", Y. Watanuki, et al. 2000, Ohbunsha
- "Dicitionary of English Etymology", Y. Terasawa, 1999, Kenkyusha
- "Linguistics: An Introduction", K. Kazama, et al, 1993, Univ of Tokyo Press
- 本書は豊富な例文のみならず、かなり深い文法解説や言語学の背景が描かれている。
- 以下は他の記述を確認するために参考にした。
- "Merriam-Webster 11版", 2003
- "ロイヤル英文法", 綿貫陽他、2000, 旺文社
- "英語語源辞典", 寺澤芳雄, 1999, 研究社
- "言語学", 風間喜代三他, 1993, 東京大学出版会
Sample sentence
>Top <A>:
- Allの用法
- >Top
- Usage of All:
- All traffic must make way for an ambulance.
- She was all smiles.
- We were all ears when he started to tell us the secret.
- The child was all curiosity when the present was unwrapped.
- The room was dusty all over.
- The play ended all too soon.
- If you can bring your son with you, it will be all the better.
- All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.
- I may not be all that I should be as a husband.
- All boys are not strong and rough. All girds are not weak and gentle.
- All the riches in the world could not have satisfied him.
- All 慣用句
- >Top
- Idioms including All:
- He hasn't done badly, all in all.
- Do you know him al all?
- If you do it at all, do it well.
- I wouldn't like to be in his position, for all his wealth.
- She told him, once for all, that he should stop telephoning her late at night.
- With/For all his campaigning, he couldn't get enough votes to win.
- With all this noise, I couldn't sleep a wink.
- Anotherの用法
- >Top
- Usage of another:
- They jumped into the water one after another.
- I'll be staying here for another three days.
- The two girls looked at one another (=each other)
- Actors envy one another.
- one another:やや不特定多数
- Anybody, everybody, somebody, nobodyを含む合成語
- >Top
- Usage of anybody, everybody, somebody, nobody:
- what's everybody's business is nobody's business.
- Anybody is better than nobody.
- Everybody who is anybody was present at the party.
- Is he anybody? No, a mere nobody.
- He fancies himself somebody.
- Don't marry a nobody like Ned.
- In a small village everyone knows everyone else.
- Usage of anything, everything, something, nothing:
- Anything, everthng, something, nothing
- >Top
- Idiom including anything, everything, something, nothing:
- His driving is anything but safe.
- True greatness has little, if anything, to do with rank or power.
- I haven't seen anything of Jim lately.
- He is something of a celebrity.
- I'm nothing but a student.
- You never get something for nothing.
- Their efforts were not for nothing.
- I could make nothing of what he said.
- Her son meant everything to her.
- You've told me something.
- There is something in what she says.
- What a fuss about nothing!
- As 関係代名詞的
- >Top
- As 関係代名詞
- As is usual with old people, our grandparents get up very early in the morning.
- As is always the case with success, the last efforts were the greatest.
- As was to be expected, all the speeches were too long.
- The sunrise as (was) seen from the top of the mountain was a fine spectacle.
- 限りなく接続詞的
>Top <B>
- Be going to の用法
- >Top
- 近未来の予測:兆候
- The sky is clouded over; I'm afraid it's going to rain.
- Look out! The milk is going to boil over.
- I feel uneasy; I think something is going to happen soon.
- This book is going to be more difficult than I expected.
- 事前の意:計画・〜するつもり
- I've thrown away my ashtray. I'm going to give up smoking.
- He's going to try for a scholarship. That's why he's studying very hard.
- Wht are you going to be when you grow up?
- All these trees are going to be cut down soon.
- 意志未来:be going to ha予定の行動、willはその場の状況次第
- There's no milk in the refrigerator
- I'm going to get some today. (買ってくるつもり)
- I'll get some today. (じゃあ買ってこよう)
- be going to ha近接未来
- willは単純未来。遠近未来あり。
- He is going to get better.
- he will get better.
- But 関係代名詞的
- >Top
- But 関係代名詞的
- There is no rule but has some exceptions.
- No leader worthy of the name ever existed but was an optimist.
- There is scarcely a man but has his weak side.
- 文語的
- But 接続詞
- But 接続詞
- It never rains but it pours.
- I never buy anything there but that I'm sorry.
- 否定語の先行
>Top <C>:
- Canの用法
- >Top
- 能力・可能:
- His schedule is very elastic, and he can change his plans at a moment's notice.
- When the fog lifts, we'll be able to see where we are.
- 許可:
- Can we take that news to be offcial?
- Can I come around and see yhou for a few minutes?
- Can I smoke in here? - So far as I know you can - there's no notice to the contrary.
- 可能性:
肯定文 (ときにあり得る)
- Bee stings can be very painful.
- It can get pretty cold here in the winter; last year the lake froze solid.
- Cf: This illness can be fatal. (命取りになることがある。)
Cf: This illness may be fatal. (命取りになるかも知れない。)
- 可能性: 否定文 (〜のはずがない)
- You can't be hungry. You've just had lunch.
- It's almost midnight. He can't be working at this hour.
- 可能性: 疑問文 (強い疑問)
- Can the rumor be true? I can hardly belive it.
- What can he mean? It seems nonsense to me.
- He can't have missed his way - he's been here several times.
- canには未来形と完了形がない
- 能力可能を強調するときはbe able to
- 許可はmayより口語的
- Canは周囲の事情が許す許可
- Couldの用法
- >Top
- 能力・可能:肯定文
- I could/was able to run much faster when I was young.
- He could/was able to cook his own meals whenever he had to.
- I was able to boroo an umbrella, so I didn't get wet.
Cf: I could borrow an umbrella .... (×)
- Fortunately I was able to find a good answer before the time was out.
- He could swim, so he was able to reach the shore when the boat overturned.
- 能力・可能:否定文と準否定文
- The door was ocked, so I couldn't/was unable to get in.
- He was dead tired and could hardly wak a step farther.
- I could only eat a slice of toast and I was full.
- Could +完了形:過去の事柄の可能性:
- Why didn't youi come and see me? You could have ssen me at any time.
- He could have noticed me. We were in the same bus.
- Could:現在を表す場合:能力・可能
- Anbytbdy can do this. Even a chold could do it (if he/she tried).
- I think she could go home by herself (if she had to).
- This lovely old town has a charm you couldn't find in a big city.
- Could:現在を表す場合:可能性
- She could never be a great singer because her voice doesn't carry.
- These two birs are quite distinct - you couldn't possibley confuse them.
- Could the rumer be true? I can hardly believe it.
- Could:現在を表す場合:許可
- I wonder if I could take my coat off. - Yes, you can./No, you can't.
- couldとwas able toの違い
- 単一の行為実行の場合はwas abel toを使う
- 知覚動詞はこの限りにあらず。能力に関係ない無意志動作
- Could+完了形
- 行為が行われなかった
- 行われたかどうか不明
- Couldの現在: 言外に仮定条件
- a
- a
>Top <D>:
- 代名詞 (Pronoun)
- 人称代名詞 (Personal pronoun)
- 後続の名詞
- we, you, they
- Paternal we (親身のwe)
- so-called you:
- 所有代名詞 (Posseive pronoun)
- 再帰代名詞 (Reflexive pronoun)
- >Top
- Pronoun:
Personal pronoun, Possessive pronoun, Reflexive pronoun; Demonstrative pronoun; Indefinite pronoun; Interrogative pronoun; Relative pronoun
- Personal Pronoun:
- On account of his ill health, Paul was obliged to give up his job.
To get out of its egg, an unborn chick must peck a hole in the shell.
When she got home, Alice set about preparing dinner.
Although it was past his bed time, the child was wide awake.
- we are getting older day by day.
You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.
You often find that just when you want something you haven't got it by you. (Murphy's law)
- How are we this morning, child?
Now it's time for our medicine, boy.
- If this is your famous French cooking, I don't think much of it!
- Possessive pronoun:
- Who lives in the house opposite yours?
- If this is your knife, then I have lost mine.
- What's yours_ What do you want to eat?
- I'm sure that's no fault of yours.
- That are lovely, those flowers of yours.
- Reflexive pronoun:
- I hope you enjoy yourself this evening.
- I excused myself from the table.
- I don't know your preference, so please help yourself.
- She flattered herself that she had made a good impression on the judges.
- Your must avail yourself of every opportunity.
- He shouted himself hoarse.
- The wind blew itself out.
- This door locks by itself.
- Our existence is a miracle in itself.
- She was beside herself with grief.
- The frame itself is worth more than the picture.
- You can't do all the work yourself in a garden as large as this.
- The lemon has a flavor all its own.
- I prefer to work on my own.
- That stubborn child wants to have his own way
- Double gentitive:
- a friend of mine
- my friend
- by oneself = alone, without help
- Don't you fell lonely living here all by yourself?
- for oneself =for one's own sake.
- You should think for youirself before asking my opinion.
- 指示代名詞 (Demonstrative pronoun)
- >Top
- Demonstrative pronoun:
- He is positive that the voice was distinctly that of a woman.
- Steve means well - that's the best you can say for him.
- My seatmate on he plane was a girl and a pretty one at that.
- It's an idea, and a good one at that.
- Listen to this;: I don't mind a joke, but this is going too far.
- What he said comes to this; he's still in two minds about what to do.
- We've tried this doctor and that.
- This is the history of the rise of civilization, and not the history of this nation or that.
- Smoking is allowed only in those carriages which have the sign 'Smoking'.
- He is one of those people who believe in the supernatural power of man.
- If you add this much salt, the soup will be just right.
- Can you come at 7 in the morning? - No, I can't get that early.
- 動名詞 (Gerund)
- >Top
- 意味上の主語;所有格
- Mans's first landing on the moon was a great accomplishment.
- I'm proud of my father's being a self-made man.
- Do you mind my smoking?
- 意味上の主語;目的格
- I once heard of a pilot having a heart attack in midair.
- I hate anyone listening while I'm telephoning.
- Do you mind me smoking?
- She complained of he room being too small.
- I can't stand things not being kept in their proper places.
- of 〜:目的語
- The child suffered from the cruel teasing of her classmates.
- He made a great contribution to the teaching of English in Japan.
- 動名詞を含む慣用表現
- On hearing the crash, I rushed out of the house.
- He felt better on going ashore.
- In climbing over the rocks, he barked his shins.
- Am I right in thinking that a nuclear war will never happen?
- There is no denying that the sun is the ultimate source of energy.
- Once they start arguing, there's no stopping them.
- It's no us trying to persuade him - he won't listen.
- It wasn't much use my pretending sickness.
- No one can help liking a lark; it is such a brave, honest, cherry bird.
- He gave me a ticket for the game, so I couldn't help going.
- I don't feel like studying tonight.
- His new book is worth reading.
- It goes without saying that country life is healthier than town life.
- Besides being a good athlete, he is a brilliant student.
- I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
- 動名詞 (Gerund)と不定詞;不定詞だけを目的語とする動詞
- >Top
- 要求・希望;ask, beg, care, claim, demand, desire, hope, long, want , wish
- He asked to be given leave for a week.
- I don't care to live in Tokyo.
- He claimed to be the owner of the land.
- I want to have a date with Dorothy.
- 意図・決心;aim, decide, determine, mean, pretend, resolve, seek
- We aim to please our customers.
- I didn't mean to offend you.
- George pretended to know the answer.
- 賛成・援助・約束;agree, consent, guarantee, help, offer, promise, swear, undertake, volunteer, decline, refuse
- We agreed to go skiing.
- We gurantee to deliver within a week.
- We helped (to) clear up the mess.
- He volunteered to adct as a messenger.
- He declined/refused to answer the question.
- 期待;expect, think
- I expect to be there this evening.
- I never thought to see you here!
- 準備;arrange, prepare
- We arranged to meet them at 11 o'clock.
- I'm preparing to take the examination on Monday.
- 敢行;dare, venture; hesitate
- Who would dare to stand up to him?
- He didn't venture to express his honest opinion.
- An indecisive man hesitates to take any kind of action.
- その他;afford, fail, learn, manage
- We cannot afford to hire a maid.
- The drive failed to see the oncoming car in time.
- You must learn to be more patient.
- He managed to get what he wanted.
- 不定詞は未来指向
- 動名詞は、時間的に中立または過去指向も可
- 不定詞だけの動詞は動作の実現に積極的
- 動名詞だけの動詞は動作の実現に消極的
- 不定詞だけの動詞は文の主語と一致
- 動名詞の意味上の主語は文の主語と必ずしも一致しない
- 動名詞 (Gerund)と不定詞;動名詞だけを目的語とする動詞
- >Top
- 時間的に中立;appreciate, enjoy; consider, fancy, imagine, understand; practice, risk
- Most people who are sick in bed appreciate receiving flowers.
- She enjoys singing to herself.
- Just fancy/imagine being in a fairy land.
- I can't understand marrying without love.
- He practices flying a glider every weekend.
- I don't want to risk losing my money.
- 時間的に過去
- The thief admitted entering the house.
- He denied having ever touched the safe.
- Can't you recall telling me that story last week?
- 回避;消極的な動詞
- You must avoid getting involved in such matters.
- Somehow or other he escaped being punished.
- I couldn't help/resist laughing.
- Dogs do not mind being disappointed, but they hate to be misunderstood.
- I missed seeing the film on TV.
- 延期・遅延;postpone, delay; put off
- A lazy person delays starting a job.
- Don't put off studying until the last moment.
- 終了・休止;finish, quit, stop; give up, leave off
- I finished reading the book last night.
- Quit fooling around and get to work.
- Stop yawing and go to bed if you're sleepy.
- I'll have to give up singing when I get too old.
- Please leave off beating the drums.
- 許可・禁止;他人に対する許可・禁止; allow, permit; prohibit
- My health doesn't permit (my) working yet.
- They prohibited picking flowers in the alpine zone.
- 助言・勧告・提案;advise, recommend, suggest
- We advised (their) starting early.
- I recommend taking moderate exercise.
- He suggested visiting the exhibition.
- Megafeps:
Mind, Miss, Enjoy, Give up, Admit, Avoid, Finish, Escape, Practice, Put off, Stop
- 動名詞 (Gerund)と不定詞;両方を目的語とする動詞(1)
- >Top
- 意図・計画;不定詞○;attempt, intend, propose, plan
- You should not attempt to climb/climbing that mountain.
- What do you intend to do/doing after graduation?
- I propose to study/studying abroad.
- 好嫌;動名詞○;hate, like, love, prefer; choose, dislike
- They hate working/to work overtime.
- I like getting/to get up early.
- Little children love listening/to listen to fairy tales.
- She prefers traveling/to travel alone.
- We chose going/to go by bus.
- I am a girl. I like being a girl. But I don't like to be treated as a girl. I like to be treated as a person.
- 起動・継続;begin, start; continue
- They began to talk/talking about something else.
- The bay started to cry/crying.
- She continued to run/running.
- 忍耐;canを伴う;動名詞○;bear, endure, forebear, stand
- I can't bear watching/to watch a bullfight.
- She couldn't endure seeing/to see hungry children.
- Can you stand being/to be in a closed room for a whole day?
- その他;neglect, omit; cease
- He neglected to answer/answering the letter right away.
- I stupidly omitted to sign/signing the paper.
- Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be secret. (状態動詞は不定詞)
- 動名詞 (Gerund)と不定詞;両方を目的語とする動詞(2);未来指向と過去指向の使い分け
- >Top
- Forget:
- Don't forget to lick the door.
- In my haste I forgot to lock the door.
- I will never forget meeting you for the first time.
- Remember:
- Remember to lock the door.
- I remember seeing the man three years ago, but cannot visualize him.
- Regret;
- I regret to say that I cannot come.
- We regret to inform you that your application has been turned down.
- I regret saying I could not come.
- He regretted being/having been idle in his youth..
- He was ashamed to admit his mistake.
- He was ashamed of being beaten by a beginner.
- Try:
- I tried to talk to her, but I couldn't.
- I tried talking to her, but she pretended not to hear me.
- 動作動詞 (Action verb)
- >Top
- Do;自由に進行形を作れる。
- He usually plays soccer after school, but today he is playing tennis.
- 状態動詞と動作動詞:
- This rule doesn't apply to him.
I'm applying for a summer job.
- HIs answer will depend on his mood.
I'm depending on you.
- I expect he'll pass the exam.
I' expecting a present from Gradma.
- Do you mind if I smoke?
Who's minding the store?
>Top <E>:
- Each/Every の用法
- >Top
- Usage of each/every:
- Each (of us) paid his own way on the trip.
- I have read every book on the shelf.
- We enjoyed every minute of the party.
- I have every confidence in his ability.
- He gives me a phone call every now and then.
- Garbage is collected every three days.
- I do not look upon every politician as a self-seeker.
- Every person has a right to defend themselves.
- 複数扱い:MeaningがFormに優先する現代英語の傾向
- Either, neither の用法
- >Top
- Usage of either, neither:
- Either will do. Neither will do.
- Neither parent realized what was hapening to the child.
- Nieither of them is/are right
- Neitherは単数名詞を修飾
- is 文語、are 口語
>Top <F>:
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)名詞用法
- >Top
- 主語として:
- To become an expert at anything takes time.
- To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its uses.
- It takes time to become an expert at anything.
- 補語として:
- The job of a politician to serve the whole community.
- For man in the Stone Age the principal problem was to survive.
- All I did was (to) give her a hint.
- All I wanted to do was (to) help him.
- 動詞の目的語として: Decide型;不定詞もthat節も目的語にできる
- We agreed to start early (=that we should start early).
- He pretended to be asleep (=that he was asleep).
- They promised to do their best (=that they would do their best.)
- What do you intend to do/doing after graduation?
- I intend that my son (should) go to college.
- 動詞の目的語として: Want型:不定詞を目的語にするが、that節はできない
- I can't afford (to buy) a new car.
- Would you care to wait here?
- I hate to work/working at weekends.
- How did Emily manage to marry that rich young man?
- 疑問詞+不定詞: 名詞句が動詞の目的語
- I' wondering what to do with these old clothes.
- Ask her when to serve tea and cake.
- I've forgotten whether to turn right or left.
- To = in the direction ofの意の前置詞:不定詞の表す動作は未来指向
- He decided to retire. 引退する方向に決めた。
- Toの省略は、is/wasの前にdo/didが来る場合
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)
- 名詞が意味上の主語
- We are the contemporaries of the men to walk on the moon.
- That is not the kind of story to be told in the presence of ladies.
- 名詞が意味上の目的語
- There's a lot to see in Rome.
- Do you have anything to declare.
- We have enough fruit and to spare.
- 不定詞が名詞の内容を説明
- We didn't expect his refusal to cooperate.
- We have the freedom to choose our own religion.
- I have no time to worry about such little things.
- 名詞との間に関係代名詞が入る
- I have no words with with to express my gratitude.
- His small capital formed a useful basis on which to build a fortune.
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)
- >Top
- 目的
- She was on a diet to lose weight.
- What are the raw materials used to make plastic?
- 結果
- My grandfather lived to be ninety
- She grew up to be a lovely woman like her mother.
- It is discouraging to tell the truth only to find that we are not believed.
- One day Mr. Nelson disappeared from town, never to be seen again.
- 原因
- We are delighted to learn of the arrival of you baby.
- She was hurt to find that on one admired her performance.
- 理由
- What a fool I was to think that she really loved me!
- They must be crazy to let him drive their car. He hasn't got a driver's license.
- 条件・仮定
- to look at her, you would never guess her age.
- 形容詞との結合
- Don't be so ready to promise.
- Be sure to turn off the gas.
- In the long run, prices are bound to rise.
- 独立の語句
- to do him justice, he is not as black as he is painted.
- Strange to say, a newborn baby kangaroo is only about an inch long.
- We're too busy to take a long vacation, not to mention the fact that we can't afford it.
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)
Be to〜
- 予定
- The happy couple are to spend their honeymoon in New Zealand.
- My picture is to be exhibited in the art gallery.
- 義務・命令
- You're to do your homework before you watch TV.
- This exit is not to be used except in case of emergency.
- 運命
- We can't tell what is to happen to us.
- In 1980 she met the man who was to be her husband.
- 可能
- Not a soul was to be seen no the street.
- Don't have anything to do with that fellow; he is not be trusted.
- If節:目的の意味
- We must reduce labor cost if we are to make a profit.
- If women are to be truly equal to men, they should not be given legal protection denied to men.
- Be toは第三者の意志 (神・運命・世間・先生)
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)
Seem to〜
- >Top
- Seem/appear to 〜
- He seems to be shocked.
- He appears to be sleeping.
- she didn't seem to be particularly interested in pottery.
- I can't seem to get used to wearing contact lenses.
- Happen/chance to 〜
- We happened/chanced to be staying in the same hotel
- Get to 〜とCome to 〜
- As she got to know people better, her shyness wore off.
- I don't think I'll ever get to like city life.
- The Indians came to see that the colonists were not to be trusted.
- Cars are coming to be in the same category as furniture and appliances.
- Prove to be 〜とTurn out to be 〜:to beは省略
- The information proved (to be) accurate.
- The day turned out (to be) nice and sunny.
- Fail to 〜
- The sprinkler failed to work at the time of the fire.
- We failed to reach the semifinals.
- To 〜の品詞は決まられない
- 不定詞 (Infinitive)
- >Top
- In order to 〜とso as to 〜
- He listened attentively in order not to miss a single word.
- Something fresh and green was springing forth as oas to be reedy for the summer.
- He stood all night so as not to lose his place in the queue.
- so 〜 as to
- He was so kind as to see me home.
- She was so weak as to be unable to feed herself.
- He listened attentively so as not to miss a single word.
- 〜 enough to
- You are not old enough to travel by yourself.
- There're enough sandwiches to go around.
- too 〜 to
- You are too young to travel by yourself.
- He is too good an interpreter to make that kind of mistake.
- for 〜:主語を明示する時
- It is not ethical for a lawyer to reveal information about this clients.
- I is impossible for there to be any animal on the moon.
- 副詞用法
- In order for crops to grow, there must be adequate rainfall.
- 動詞・形容詞と組んで
- I waited for the engine to cool down.
- We're eager for you to meet our guests.
・So as to:目的+結果
- 完了不定詞 (Perfect infinitive)
- >Top
- 時の関係;文の述語より前の時
- He is said to have made a fortune in mail-order business.
- The Vikings are believed to have anticipated Columbus in the discovery of America.
- I'm sorry that I haven't answered your letter sooner.
- 実現されなかった期待・意図
- He expected to have left on Monday, but was prevented from doing so.
- 実現されなかった予定
- We were to have met at eight, but he canceled the appointment at the last minute.
- I meant to have telephoned, but I forgot.
- 代不定詞 (Pro-infinitive)と分割不定詞 (Split infinitive)
- >Top
- 代不定詞:重複を避けるためtoだけ使う
- You don't have to eat it if you don't want to (eat it)
- I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings - I didn't mean to.
- He persisted in interrupting me, though I asked him not to.
- Do you play tennis? - I used to, but I don't now.
- 分割不定詞;toと原形の間に副詞が入る
- She wished to utterly forget her past.
- It is difficult for a son to always live up to the expectations of his parents.
- S+V+O+不定詞
- >Top
- Tellなどの動詞;不定詞をthat節に換えることができる
- She told him to slow down.
She told him that he should slow down.
- the doctor advised her to take a few days' rest.
The doctor advised her that she should take a few days' rest.
- He promised (me) to be here at six. Oが不定詞の意味上の主語にならない
- Askなどの動詞;that節では動詞を伴う目的語がなくなる
- I asked him to pay his rent in advance.
I asked that he should pay his rent in advance.
- The officer ordered his men not to retreat.
THe officer ordered that his men should not retreat.
- I expect him to com (=that he will come.)
- Allowなどの動詞;許可・強制;that節に換えられない
- Please allow me to introduce myself.
- The fever caused her body to ache.
- She invited me to stay for lunch.
- They left me to do all the chores.
- May farther taught me (how) to swim.
- S+V+(O+不定詞)
- >Top
- 目的語はO+不定詞;受動態は不可
- She didn't like him to kiss her.
- Would you like me to mince the meat for you?
- Jon loves me to tell adventure stories.
- I hate you to say such a thing.
- I would prefer you to play the guitar.
- My parents wanted me to go to a famous university.
- I wish you to come home with me.
- S+V+O+to be〜
- 文語的;that節を使う方が普通
- We thought him (o be) a nice man.
We thought (that) he was a nice man.
- I'd guess her to be about 30
- I know this to be a fact.
- The radio reported the airliner (to be) missing
- S+V+O+原形不定詞 (Bare infinitive); 知覚動詞 (Perception verb)
- >Top
- 知覚動詞の場合
- We heard the explosion and saw the house burst into flames.
- Did I really hear someone come in or was it only a fancy?
- I felt myself turn pale; I felt my knees tremble under me.
- Just look at her pretend not to see us.
- tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched him go.
- S+V+O+現在分詞との比較;不定詞は終始ずっとの間、現在分詞は動作の途中
- I saw him walk across the road.
I saw him walking across the road.
- 受動態はtoが必要
- We heard something fall onto the floor with a thud.
Something was heard to fall onto the floor with a thud.
- Have+O+原形不定詞;使役動詞 (Causative verb)
- >Top
- Make;使役
- They made him sign the contract against his will.
He was made to sign the contract against his will.
- Nothing will make him work; the mere idea of it makes him shudder.
- Money makes the mare (to) go. 古文
- Let;使役
- The policewoman let him go after warning him not to drive recklessly.
- Don't let yourself be beaten by an amateur.
- Let me taste just a little of your fried chicken.
- they didn't let their daughter use gaudy cosmetics.
Their daughter was not allowed/permitted to use gaudy cosmetics.
- Hold it tight and don't let go.
- Help;使役
- Will you help me (to) translate this poem?
- I offered to help (to) mow the lawn.
- Have+O+原形不定詞;Have
- Have;使役;Oに〜させる
- I'll have someone put these things away.
- One of the most difficult thins in the world is to have people realize their latest powers.
- Cf: We got him to buy us lunch.
- Have;許容;Oが〜するのを許す
- I'm sorry, but I can't have you stay here so long.
- I won't have him say such things about my sister.
- Have;経験;Oが〜するのを主語が経験する
- A few days after this, he had a most extraordinary thing happen to him.
- We had our daughter run away. She was gone for a few weeks and came back.
- I don't like to have somebody else tell me I ought to do this and that.
- 原形不定詞を含む慣用表現
- >Top
- had better 〜
- You had better make hotel reservations before you leave Japan.
- It would be better for you to make hotel reservations. (丁寧)
- would rather/sooner 〜than
- I would rather/sooner starve than work for that company.
- I'd rather/sooner go by plane.
- cannot but 〜 (=cannot help 〜ing)
- I cannot but think that no creatures are more beautiful and useful than birds.
- do anything but 〜
- we couldn't do anything but/except pray for the weather to change.
- He does everything in the house but put the children to bed.
- She did nothing but/except complain about her noisy neighbors.
- Why (not) ...?
- Why argue with him? You can't get him to agree.
- Why not come over here? I want to talk to you.
- Do you think Carl could write a novel? - Carl write a novel? Hardly likely.
Index |
Why |
Items |
Sample sentence |
Remarks |
>Top <A>: | <A>: | <A>: |
>Top <B> |
<B> |
<B> |
>Top <C>: |
<C>: |
<C>: |
>Top <D>: | <D>: | <D>: |
>Top <E>: | <E>: | <E>: |
>Top <F>: | <F>: | <F>: |
・So as to:目的+結果 |
Index |