A New Guide to English Grammar-3
Cat: LAN
Pub: 1991
#: 12093b
Taiichiro Egawa (江川泰一郎)
UP 12607
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A New Guide to English Grammar-3(改訂三版)英文法解説
Cat: LAN |
Taiichiro Egawa (江川泰一郎) |
UP 12607 |
Sample sentence
>Top <M>:
- Mayの用法
- >Top
- 許可:
- You may now leave for lunch, but hurry back.
- May I have your attention, please?
- Can I go out?
Not can, may.
OK, may I go out?
Sure you can.
- 推量:現実の可能性
- The room is full of gas. It may blow up at nay moment.
- It may be (that) he has a trained ear for bird songs.
- Let's not wait any longer. She may not come at all.
- There were at least 100 people at the gate; there may have been more.
- 容認:
- You may be right; there is no evidence to the contrary.
- Life may be compared to a voyage.
- You may well say so.
- You may call him a genius, but you cannot call him a man of character.
- 副詞節で:目的・譲歩節 (文語的)
- Speak a little louder, so that everybody may hear you.
- no matter who you (may) ask, you will get the same answer.
- 祈願:
- My you enjoy many years of happiness!
- May he rest in peace!
- May: 話者が与える許可(give you permission)
- Yes, you mayは上から目線
- Can I go out? (外へ行っていいかい?)
- May I go out? (行っていいですか?)
- Can: 事情が許す許可(Circumstances permit)
- Mightの用法
- >Top
- 許可:時制の一致の場合だけ
- She asked if she might make a suggestion.
She said, "May I make a suggestion?
- 推量:might+完了形以外は、時制の一致のみ
- I was afraid he might be offended if I persisted.
- She said she might have left her umbrella at the ticket office.
- She was the kind of person who might have passed for an actress.
- You were lucky. You might have had a serious accident.
- I might have said so, but I cannot remember.
- 容認:
- He was nervous, and well he might before such a large audience.
- 副詞節で:木邸・譲歩節 (文語的)
- School was closed early in order that children might go home ahead of the storm.
- Whatever his faults might be, meanness was not one of them.
- 現在を表す場合:許可 (さらに控えめな表現)
- Might I ask you for you opinion?
- I wonder if I might leave now.
- 現在を表す場合:推量 (さらに可能性が少ない感じ)
- I might be late tonight, so don't wait dinner for me.
- Don't get too near that bird; it might peck you.
- 現在を表す場合:容認
- You might well be surprised.
- He never listens - I might as well talk to a stone wall.
- 現在を表す場合:避難の気持ち
- You might at least say 'thank you' when someone helps you.
- 義務・必要・命令
- Whether we win or lose, we must play fair.
- I must cash this check. Otherwise I won't have any money.
- You simply must read this book; it's terribly funny.
- It was necessary to make a choice; we must either go on or turn back.
- Have to: mustより柔らかい感じ。
- You have (got) to be back by ten o'clock.
- How should I dress? Do I have to dress up formally?
- First you will have to go and get permission from your mother.
- In the middle of the race, he got a blister on his foot and had to drop out.
- Must not:禁止
- Cars must not be parked in front of the entrance.
- You mustn't go out and leave the house empty.
- Do not have to:不必要
- You don't have to get up if you don't fee like it.
- He is OK; he doesn't have to take the make-up examination.
- Everything was done for me. I didn't have to do anything.
- Must: 推定;〜に違いない
- There're lights on in their house; they must be home.
- That's an enormous animal; it mush weight a ton.
- Whoever visited the ancient city must remember its magnificent place.
- Her coat isn't here, so she must have gone.
- You were talking in your sleep. You must have been dreaming.
- 推定のmustの否定:cannot
- She can't be over thirty; she must still be in her twenties.
- He can't have done it alone; he must have had someone's help.
- 推定のhave to:米語用法
- You have to be joking.
- There had to be (=must have been) some other reason for their divorce.
- mustは現在形以外はhave to
- 時制を一致さえる場合はmust は過去形
- Mustは話者の課す義務;Have to は事情が課す義務
- You must not go.
- You don't have to go.
- Cf:
- I told him not to go.
=It is your duty not to go.
- I didn't tell him to go.
=it is not necessary for you to go.
- You must go.の否定文はYou don't have to go.
- Must+完了形は、過去の推定
- Mustは状態動詞に限る
- 未来完了
(Future perfect)
- >Top
- 未来のある時点での完了・結果
- If we don't hurry, the sun will have risen before we reach the top.
- Ten years from now you will have forgotten all these disasters.
- 経験
- If they visit English next month, they will have been there five times.
- 継続
- By midnight he'll have been unconsicous for forty-eight hours.
- We'll have lived here three hyears in August.
- やや重い感じの形
- 未来完了進行形 (Future perfect progressive)
- >Top
- 未来完了進行形:4語でやや重い感じ
- By next mont she will have been teaching at this school for ten years.
- It'll have been snowing a week if it doesn't stop tonight.
- 名詞構文 (Nominalization)
- >Top
- Noun Syntax:
- We are hoping for your quick recovery.
- This poet is widely known for his deep love of nature.
- Ben was disappointed at Jane's absence from the party.
- On his father's retirement he took over the business.
- The development of his small shop into a large business took many years.
- Columbus' discovery of America was accidental.
- Loss of health is more serious than loss of money.
- The concealment of facts by a witness is a criminal offence.
- The employers' refusal to talk to the union precipitated the strike.
- Soon a lifeguard came to my rescue.
- I can assure you of his earnestness.
- How can I prove the equality of men and women?
- In his eagerness to win her favor he sent her a gorgeous present.
- Ignorance of social usage can result in may blunders.
- nominalization
- 名詞構文の還元訳
- Noun syntax constitues a sentence:
- She did not believe in his professions of passionate love.
- On my entrance into the room, the students stopped chattering.
- I benefited much from my association with him.
- Her fear of dogs can be traced back to a childhood experience.
- His admiration for her beauty blinded him to her faults.
- She was very unpopular because of her idle curiosity about other people's affairs.
- He himself realized the lameness of his story he had made up to explain his lateness.
- 名詞中心の表現
- have
- take
- get
- give
- make
- >Top
- Noun syntax expressions:
- I had a good sleep last night.
Let's have a swim in the afternoon.
Go downstairs and have a wash.
We had a long wait for the bus.
- We took a short rest on the way
Take a smell of this egg and tell me whether it's good.
He took a slide down the hill on his sled.
Take a deep breath and then relax.
He took a good hold on the bat before swinging.
- I got out of bed and had a good stretch.
I could hardly get a wink of sleep last night.
She got a slight burn on her hand while cooking.
If you touch that live wire, you'll get a shock.
- He gave a loud cry with pain.
The dog gave a yelp when I trod on is paw.
if you give a good push, you'll be able to move this heavy box.
Give that cat a good brush.
She gave her mother a hug and akiss.
When I interrupted him, he gave me a dirty look.
- The little girl made a polite bow to me.
Make a wish and blow out the cnadels.
Drive to the next intersection and make a left turn.
He makes several business visits to Canada every year.
- 名詞構文 (Nominalization)
- With adjectives:
- He is a good swimmer.
- My wife is an excellent manager.
- She is a trenmendous talker.
- A fast walker can walk six kils in an hour.
- I'm a bd sailor; I easily get seasick.
- My mother was a great fighter. She never sat down under defeat.
- She's a freequnet visitor to this country.
- Being great fish eaters, the Japanese have developed keen sense and taste in easting fish.
- He is a good judge of hourses.
- a beautiful dancer. (ambiguous)
- dirty: 超...、むかつく
- concrete and forcible epression
- 未来進行形 (Future Progressive)
- >Top
- 日常の自然・都合・ついで (意志はなし)
- He says he will be working late every evening nex week.
- Will you be using your camera todya? If not, ca I borrow it?
- I'll be seeing her tomorrow, so I'll give her your message.
- futre-as-a-matter-of-course
- 無生物主語 (Inanimate subject)
- >Top
- Inanimate Subject:
- Her charm of manner made her very popular.
The scholarship enabled her to go to college.
- A bad cold caused the singer to lose her voice.
- A sudden illness forced her to cancel her appointment.
This incessant noise drives me mad.
- Her pride did not allow her to show her grief in public.
Circumstances do not permit us to stay ere for more than a week.
- The passing of the parade brought people to their windows.
All attempts at persuasion could not bring him to share our views.
- A serious of corruption led the government to fall.
- A little walk will give you a good appetite for breakfast.
This book gives us a fairly good idea of life in Colonial America.
- The condition of my health prevents me from working overseas.
What can stop us from going if we want to go?
- The news of the air accident left me uneasy.
- The host's friendly manner helped his guests feel at ease.
- Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.
- All these catalogs will save us the trouble of going shopping.
- The way he walks reminds me very much of his father.
That song takes me back to my high school days.
- That magician's tricks surprised us.
Nothing satisfies him; he is always complaining.
The violence and bad language in the program astounded some of the viewers
>Top <N>:
- Need/Dareの用法
- >Top
- 助動詞としてのNeed/Dare:準否定文と疑問文だけ
- He need/dare not go alone.
- You hardly need tell me what has happend; I can sse you have good news.
- Need/Dare you do it again?
- How dare you say that?
- Need/Dareの過去完了
- We needn't have hurried. Now we are too early. (実際は急いでしまった)
Cf: We didn't need to hurry. There was plenty of time. (実際は急がず)
- He dared not say even a word.
- 動詞としての用法
- I need to know how many of you are going to remain here.
- He hardly dared (to) speak to her.
- Noneの用法
- I wanted some milk, but there was none.
- None of the money was reconvered
- He says he comes of a noble family, but none but himself know the truth of it.
- 物質名詞もOK
- (通常)複数の否定
>Top <O>:
- Oneの用法
- >Top
- Usage of one:
- When the telephone was invented and was ready to use, hardly anybody cared to install one.
- I've lost my umbrella; I must buy a new one.
- A bitter experience has taught me that after all one has only oneself to depend upon.
- The twin sisters are so much alike that it is difficult for strangers to tell (the) one from the other.
- 普通名詞の代用
I like red winde better than white.
× white one)
- Otherの用法
- >Top
- Usage of other:
- There are some thinks that are essential and others that can be done without.
- I w0n't be home on Tuesday. How about some other day
- I wash my hair every other day.
- The hotel is not very clean, but otherwise we liked it.
- Ought toの用法
- >Top
- 義務・望ましさ:Shouldと同じ
- People often do what they ought not to do, and leave undone what they ought to do.
- I told them that they ought to think before investing.
- I ought to have suspected that something of that sort would happen.
- 当然の推量:Shouldの方が普通
- If he left home at nine, he ought to be here any minute now.
- The tailor ought to have finished my suit; I ordered it a month ago.
- ought=owedで本来は過去動詞だが、現在の助動詞
>Top <P>:
>Top <Q>:
>Top <R>:
Index |
Items |
Sample sentence |
Remarks |
>Top <M>: | <M>: | <M>: |
>Top <N>: | <N>: | <N>: |
>Top <O>: | <O>: | <O>: |
>Top <P>: | <P>: |
<P>: |
>Top <Q>: | <Q>: |
<Q>: |
>Top <R>: | <R>: |
<R>: |
Index |