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English_idioms >1530 Royal Eng-G
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>1008 Eng Idiom
> 0712 UK E-Idiom
>0513 Yamatei

English idioms and how to use them


Cat: LAN
Pub: 1957
#: 0712b

W. McMordie, et. al.

  • "... Idiomatic turns of expression are usually forcible, tense, and vivid; the same meaning could be set forth in some other way, but not with equal force and brevity. It is the idiomatic part of a language that is the most difficult part for a foreigner to master. It adds to the difficulty that often no reason can now be given as to how or why a particular idiomatic phrase has assumed its present form ...
  • As a general rule an idiomatic phrase cannot be altered; no other synonymous word can be substituted for any word in the phrase, and the arrangement of the words can rarely be modified; any attempted change in the wording or collocation will commonly destroy the idiom and perhaps render the expressing meaningless. Frequently an idiomatic expression omits several words by ellipsis; but to fill in the words so omitted would destroy the idiom ...(W. McMordie) "
  • Some sample sentences are quoted from various dictionaries such as from American Heritage Dic. (3rd).
  • 「英語のイディオム的な言い回しは、通常は、力強く、緊張感があり、生き生きとした簡潔な表現となる。他の表現にすると同じように力強く簡潔な表現にはならない。外国人が学ぶのが一番難しいのがこのイディオム表現である。イディオムの語句でなぜどのような特殊な用語が使われるようになっているのかについては、特段の理由がないことがこれをさらに難しくしている。
  • 一般的に言って、イディオム表現は変更できない。その語句を他の同義語で置き換えることもできないし、語順を変えることも許されない。語句や語順を入れ替えようとする、通常は、ともはやイディオムではなくなり、意味を成さなくなる。またイディオム表現はしばしば一部の語句を省略する。これらの省略された語句を補おうとすることもまたイディオムを壊してしまうことになる.... W. McMordie
  • 一部の例文はAHD (第3版)など辞書から引用。
; disfali; disiĝi; kaŭzi; mallevi; ; rompi; rompiĝi; ; ;
Eng. idiom
English sample
Esperanto, remarks

< be >:

  1. be against
  2. be in
  3. be in with
  4. be off
  5. be on
  6. be out
  7. be over

< be >:

  1. be adverse to
  2. be at home
  3. be friendly with
  4. be away, go away, leave
  5. anything attached
  6. be extinguished
  7. go abroad through; come to an end

< be >:

  1. I am strongly against smoking.
  2. Is your father in?
  3. He is well in with his boss. →make frineds
  4. We must be off now.
  5. He is his cap on. >wear
  6. The candle is out. >extinguish
  7. The rain was over. >finish

< be >:

  1. 反対: Mi estas forte kontraŭ fumado.
  2. 在宅: Ĉu via patro estas hejme?
  3. 親睦: Li amikiĝas kun sia estro.
  4. 別離: Ni devas foriri nun.
  5. 着用: Li surhavas sian ĉapon.
  6. 消去: La kandelo estingiĝas
  7. 終了: La fluvo finiĝis.

< break >:

  1. break away
  2. break down
  3. break into
  4. break off
  5. break open
  6. break out
  7. break through
  8. break up
  9. break with

< break >:

  1. part, separate; escape from someone's hold;
  2. collapse; come to a stop through something breaking
  3. break; enter suddenly and forcibly
  4. to stop, to desist
  5. break; to open with force
  6. to burst forth, to escape from restraint.
  7. to penetrate an obstacle or restriction
  8. to break in pieces
  9. to cease to be friendly with

< break >:

  1. She attempted to break away, but he held her tight. >release
  2. Our TV broke down. >stave
  3. *A friend of mine had his car broken into.
  4. He broke off all relations with her.
  5. The locked case was broken open.
  6. An rebellion broke out.
  7. Your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds.
  8. The meeting broke up in great confusion.
  9. She broke up with her boyfriend.

< break >:

  1. 解放: Ŝi provis liberiĝi, sed li forte tenis ŝin.
  2. 機能停止: Nia televido paneis.
  3. 乱入: Mia amiko havis sian aŭton enrompita.
  4. 中止: Li rompis ĉiujn rilatojn kun ŝi.
  5. こじ開ける: La ŝlosita kazo estis rompita kaj malfermita
  6. 勃発: Ribelo eksplodis.
  7. 突破: Via rideto estas kiel la suno, kiu trarompas la nubojn.
  8. 粉砕: La kunveno disbatiĝis en garanda konfuzo.
  9. 別離: Ŝi rompis kun sia koramiko.

< bring >:

  1. bring about
  2. bring down
  3. bring forward
  4. bring in
  5. bring off
  6. bring on
  7. bring out
  8. bring over
  9. bring a person round, or to
  10. bring under
  11. bring up

< bring >:

  1. provoke; cause to happen;
  2. decrease; cause to come down
  3. propose; cause to advance
  4. confide; entrust; collect
  5. convey away; rescue; fetch
  6. cause to begin; induce
  7. demonstrate, expose, to bring to light
  8. convert; convey across
  9. revive; cause him to recover
  10. to subdue, to reduce to obedience
  11. to rear or train him

< bring >:

  1. What has brought about these results? >cause
  2. The government brings down the budget deficit. >lower
  3. We will bring forward the matter at the meeting.
  4. We should bring in some experts to advise on the investigation.
  5. A lifeboat goes to a sinking ship and brings off all the people.
  6. He brought on this illness by overwork.
  7. This frame brings out the picture to its best advantage.
  8. He was brought over to our side.
  9. *A bucket of cold water will bring him to.
  10. The rebels must be utterly brought under.
  11. Your uncle has his family to bring up.

< bring >:

  1. 実現: Kio kaŭzis ĉu tiujn resultojn?
  2. 引下げ: La registraro malaltigas la buĝetan deficiton.
  3. 提起: Ni prezentos la aferon ĉe la kunveno.
  4. 取り込む: Ni devus venigi kelkajn spertulojn por konsili pri la esploro.
  5. 救出: Savboato iras al sinkanta ŝipo kaj savas ĉiujn homojn.
  6. 招く: Li kaŭzis ĉi tiun malsanon pro troa laboro.
  7. 発揮: Ĉi tiu kadro eligas la bildon al sia plej bona avantaĝo.
  8. 改宗: Li estis alportita al nia flanko.
  9. 蘇生: Sitelo da malvarma akvo revivigos lin.
  10. 制圧: La ribelantoj devas esti tute subigitaj.
  11. 養育: Via onklo havas sian familion por eduki.

< call >:

  1. call at
  2. call down
  3. call for
  4. call forth
  5. call in
  6. call off
  7. call on (upon)
  8. call out
  9. call over
  10. call to
  11. call up

< call >:

  1. to come to the house
  2. to appeal to God to send blessings
  3. to require to be brought
  4. to evoke, to require the exercise of
  5. to send for him in his professional capacity; to collect the sums due.
  6. to divert the attention
  7. to pay a brief visit to
  8. to challenge to fight
  9. to recite particulars in order
  10. to address him in a loud voice.
  11. to summon him by telephone.

< call >:

  1. The ship does not call at Aden.
  2. To call down blessings or curses on one's head.
  3. A collector calls for reports from his assistants.
  4. This is a task that will call forth all his energies.
  5. A lawyer is often called in to write a man's will.; Some business houses call in their accounts every three months.
  6. The crash called off my attention from the burning house.
  7. I hope to call on you at your office at three o'clock today.
  8. He called his opponent out, but the fellow was too great a coward to come.
  9. The governor called out the militia.
  10. I saw a man on the opposite side of the river, and called to him.
  11. He was called up for active duty.

< call >:

  1. 寄港: La ŝipo ne visitas en Adeno.
  2. 祈願: voki malsupren benojn aŭ malbenojn sur la kapo.
  3. 要求
  4. 奮い起こす
  5. 専門家を呼ぶ
  6. 取消
  7. 訪問
  8. 呼び出す
  9. 点呼
  10. 呼び合う
  11. 招集

< come >:

  1. come away
  2. come by
  3. come in
  4. come of
  5. come off
  6. come out
  7. come out with
  8. come over
  9. come round
  10. come to
  11. come up

< come >:

  1. to leave, to depart
  2. to come by way of; to gain
  3. coming nearer, coming to one's hand
  4. to become of, to issue from
  5. to emerge, to take place
  6. to get clear of
  7. to disclose it unexpectedly
  8. to pass from one side to another
  9. to recover from illness; to change gradually to an opposite opinion
  10. to arrive at as a result
  11. to approach or overtake

< come >:

  1. Come away from this place . (Cf. go away)
  2. He would not tell me how he came by the watch.
  3. The mail has come in early this morning.
  4. Poverty often comes of idleness.
  5. The British army came off victorious in South Africa.
  6. The truth was now obliged to come out.
  7. She can always come out with a pun
  8. A troop of Arabs came over to us from the enemy.
  9. When the scheme was fully explained, he came round to our view.
  10. What will all this agitation come to?
  11. They shortened sail to let me come up in my boat.

< come >:

  1. 去る
  2. 遭遇
  3. 近寄る
  4. 起因
  5. 成就
  6. 発表
  7. 露見
  8. 渡来
  9. 回復
  10. 結局~となる
  11. 出世・上昇

< cry >:

  1. cry down
  2. cry for
  3. cry out
  4. cry out against
  5. cry to
  6. cry up
  7. cry wolf

< cry >:

  1. to depreciate
  2. to desire
  3. to shout out, to clamour
  4. to complain loudly against
  5. to call aloud to; to implore with a loud voice
  6. to praise, to extol
  7. to raise a false alarm

< cry >:

  1. The success of the English wad cried down by her foes.
  2. The child is crying for its toy.
  3. My companion cried out that he was shot in the leg.
  4. The people cry out against the high taxes.
  5. The flamingo cries to its mate.
  6. Cry up wine and sell vinegar
  7. Is she really sick or is she just crying wolf?

< cry >:

  1. けなす
  2. 泣いて求める
  3. 絶叫
  4. 反対を叫ぶ
  5. 忍び泣き
  6. 褒めそやす (羊頭狗肉)
  7. 狼が来た

< cut >:

  1. cut across
  2. cut down
  3. cut in
  4. cut off
  5. cut out
  6. cut out for
  7. cut up

< cut >:

  1. to take a short course across
  2. to fell; to diminish; to kill
  3. to join in
  4. to separate
  5. to remove by cutting
  6. to have qualities fitting oneself for that position
  7. to cut to pieces

< cut >:

  1. The new regulations to cut across the traditional lines between industries.
  2. He has cut down the old palm tree.
  3. Do you want to cut in this deal?
  4. Many kiss the hand they wish to cut off.
  5. A tailor cuts out a coat from the roll of cloth.
  6. He is not cut out for a lawyer.
  7. The butcher cut up the animal he had slaughtered.

< cut >:

  1. 横切る;超える
  2. 切り倒す;こき下ろす
  3. 参加する。
  4. 切断
  5. 切り抜く
  6. はまり役
  7. 切り刻む

< do >:

  1. do away with
  2. do for
  3. do out of
  4. do with
  5. do without

< do >:

  1. to put away, to remove
  2. to suit instead of
  3. to deprive him of that thing by cheating or cunning
  4. to make use of, to employ; to dispose of
  5. to dispense with it, to manage without it

< do >:

  1. The animal officer did away with the injured deer lying by the side of the road.
  2. This place would do for a gymnasium.
  3. Jane tried to do me out of my inheritance but the lawyer wouldn't let her.
  4. I can do with very little sleep.
  5. There was no telephone in the cabin, but we soon learned to do without.

< do >:

  1. 除去
  2. ためにする、適する
  3. うまく儲ける、うまい汁
  4. で間に合う、~で済ませる
  5. なしで済ませる

< draw >:

  1. draw back
  2. draw down
  3. draw for
  4. draw in
  5. draw near
  6. draw off
  7. draw on
  8. draw out
  9. draw out of
  10. draw to
  11. draw up

< draw >:

  1. to recede; to withdraw
  2. to attract from above
  3. is used for drawing tickets or numbers at a lottery.
  4. to retract, to bring inside, to pull in
  5. to approach
  6. to withdraw, to take away, to abstract
  7. to approach, entice, allure
  8. to extract, prolong
  9. to withdraw from, to retire from
  10. to feel attracted to
  11. to compose in due form, to draft; to arrange in order

< draw >:

  1. I have vowed sacrifice to God and I cannot draw back.
  2. A metal rod draws down the lightning.
  3. A man is said to draw for the prize.
  4. The snail draws in its horns.
  5. As autumn draws near, the cornfields show signs of ripeness.
  6. He has drawn off a gallon of water form this cask.
  7. He drew the animal on till he brought it into a trap.
  8. He drew out his remarks to a great length.
  9. You cannot draw out of your engagement now.
  10. The man is so genial, I was drawn to him at once.
  11. I drew up a statement of my affairs in writing.

< draw >:

  1. 退く、手を引く
  2. もたらす
  3. くじを引く
  4. 引っ込める、引き込む
  5. 近づく
  6. 抜く、撤退する
  7. 近づく、迫る、誘導する
  8. 引き出す、引き延ばす
  9. 引っ込める
  10. なびく、引かれる
  11. 整列、編成、立案、起草する

< fall >:

  1. fall among
  2. fall away
  3. fall back
  4. fall down
  5. fall in
  6. fall in with
  7. fall into
  8. fall off
  9. fall on
  10. fall out
  11. fall through
  12. fall to
  13. fall under

< fall >:

  1. to come among accidentally
  2. to become lean
  3. to recede
  4. to fall from a higher position
  5. to fall from above into a hollow or open space below
  6. to meet with accidentally
  7. a pit, a trap; fall into conversation
  8. to drop as a fruit from a tree; to decline from former excellence.
  9. to drop on, to descend on
  10. to drop out; to happen, to befall
  11. to miscarry, to fall, to come to nothing
  12. to apply oneself to , to begin eagerly to do a thing
  13. to come under, to be classified as

< fall >:

  1. A certain man fell among thieves.
  2. These cattle have quickly fallen away in flesh.
  3. We charged and the enemy's front line fell back.
  4. He fell down from a tree into which he had climbed.
  5. The sides of the pit fell in and buried two men.
  6. In my journey I fell in with two pilgrims going to Rome.
  7. A tourist he knew fell into conversation with him.
  8. Love cools, friendship falls off, brothers divide.
  9. A constant drop falling on a stone will wear a hole in it.
  10. In his sleep he let the money fall out of his hand.
  11. Eventually the project, which seemed so near realization, fell through.
  12. The author fell to writing again.
  13. These scores fall under choral music.

< fall >:

  1. 賊に襲われる、囲まれる
  2. やせ衰える
  3. 退く
  4. 転倒、落下、倒壊
  5. 陥没、崩壊
  6. 偶然出会う
  7. 陥る、遭遇する
  8. 衰える、離反する
  9. 降りかかる
  10. 底が抜ける、列から離れる
  11. 不成立、実現不可、おじゃんになる
  12. し始める、かぶりつく
  13. 分類に入る、該当する

< fill >:

  1. fill in
  2. fill out
  3. fill up
  4. fill with

< fill >:

  1. to fill in a map or picture
  2. to distend by inflation
  3. to make quite full
  4. both transitive and intransitive

< fill >:

  1. Can you fill in the details for us?
  2. to fill out an application form.
  3. She filled up the time between supper and bedtime with knitting.
  4. His eyes filled with tears.

< fill>:

  1. 埋め込む、書き入れる
  2. 記入する
  3. 充填する、埋める
  4. 満たす;溢れる

< find >:

  1. find in
  2. find out

< find >:

  1. to discover or ascertain through observation, experience.
  2. to detect, to discover

< find >:

  1. We found victory in defeat.
  2. Be sure your sin will find you out.

< find >:

  1. 発見する
  2. 見破る

>Top < fly >:

  1. fly at
  2. fly away
  3. fly into
  4. fly off
  5. fly open
  6. fly out

< fly >:

  1. to rush upon suddenly; to attack suddenly with angry
  2. away indicates completeness here.
  3. is used literally and figuratively
  4. to depart hastily.
  5. to become open suddenly
  6. to rush out

< fly >:

  1. The dog will fly at a man's throat.
  2. If the bird is let out of its cage, it will certainly fly away.
  3. As soon as she saw the contents of the letter, she flew into a passion.
  4. As we came near, the parrot rose and flew off.
  5. He touched a spring and the drawer flew open.
  6. The child opened the door of the cage and the bird flew out.

< fly >:

  1. 飛びつく
  2. 飛び去る
  3. 怒り出す、カットなる
  4. 飛び去る、飛び散る
  5. パット開く
  6. 飛び出す

< get >:

  1. get about
  2. get above
  3. get ahead
  4. get along
  5. get among
  6. get at
  7. get away
  8. get back
  9. get before
  10. get behind
  11. get between
  12. get beyond
  13. get down
  14. get forward
  15. get in
  16. get into
  17. get near
  18. get off
  19. get on
  20. get on with
  21. get over
  22. get out
  23. get round a person
  24. get through
  25. get to
  26. get up

< get >:

  1. to go about, to move from place to place
  2. above here indicates higher than
  3. to get in front, to advance, to prosper
  4. to proceed, to advance; to live pleasantly together
  5. to attain to the position of being among
  6. to reach, to attain to
  7. to leave, to escape, to get free
  8. to return; to receive back
  9. to arrive in front of, to arrive further forward
  10. to fall into the rear, to lag, to get into a backward position
  11. to arrive between
  12. to go outside a limit
  13. to descend from a higher position to a lower
  14. to proceed, to advance
  15. to enter; to bring in, to receive as the result of collecting
  16. to attain to a position in
  17. to approach
  18. to dismount; to escape, to become free from
  19. to advance, to succeed; to put on
  20. to move ahead, pursue one's work
  21. to overcome, to surmount
  22. to escape, to go outside
  23. to wheedle, to circumvent him by deception or flattery
  24. to pass through; to finish a thing, to accomplish a work
  25. to reach, to come close to, to attain to
  26. to rise from a seat or bed, to ascend

< get >:

  1. It is a relief to a man who has been ill to get about again.
  2. John has got above James in the class.
  3. It is the diligent student who gets ahead and wins prizes.
  4. He seems to be getting along well in his business.
  5. It was easy to see, from his beaming face, that he had got among congenial companions.
  6. Our object in this inquiry is to get at the truth.
  7. When one has business on hand it is hard to get away from home.
  8. He has just got back from his long journey.
  9. The bay horse soon got before the others in the road.
  10. A man gets behind with his rent.
  11. A body of police got between the opposing mobs.
  12. The sailor climbed up on the rock and got beyond the reach of the waves.
  13. They have climbed up the precipice, but how will they get down?
  14. I hope these boys are getting forward with their education.
  15. I went to your house today, but could not get in.
  16. This new reform is fast getting into favour with the people.
  17. It will be dangerous if the ship gets near the rocks.
  18. He cannot get his coat off.
  19. He cannot get his boots on.
  20. We've spent enough time talking about it; now let's get on with it.
  21. The boys got over the garden wall and escaped.
  22. The woman fell into the well and could not get out.
  23. He will try to get round the money-lender and thereby meet his present commitments.
  24. These labours are getting through their work slowly.
  25. When do you get to your destination?
  26. He got up and locked the door.

< get >:

  1. 出歩く、動き回る
  2. 越える
  3. 追い越す、出世する、成功する
  4. はかどる、うまくいく、暮らす
  5. 仲間入りする
  6. 目指す、意図する
  7. 逃げる、免れる
  8. 戻る、帰る
  9. 前に出る
  10. 後に回る、支払が滞る
  11. 間に入る
  12. ~の枠を越える
  13. 降りる、下ろす
  14. 進歩する
  15. 入る、到着する、参加する
  16. 入り込む
  17. 接近する
  18. から離す、放れる;出かける
  19. 乗る、取り付ける、身につける、着る
  20. ~に取り組む、~がはかどる
  21. 乗り越える、克服する
  22. 外へ出る、逃げ出す
  23. 言いくるめる、説き伏せる
  24. 通過する、到達する
  25. 到着する、達する
  26. 起床する、登る

< give >:

  1. give away
  2. give back
  3. give in
  4. give off
  5. give out
  6. give over
  7. give up

< give >:

  1. to make over to another, to transfer; away indicates completeness.
  2. to restore, to return what you receive
  3. to tender, to hand in , to make know; to yield
  4. to emit, to exhale
  5. to announce, to emit; to send out
  6. to transfer, to hand over from one to another.
  7. to abandon or relinquish finally

< give >:

  1. The father gave his daughter away in marriage.
  2. Please give me back the atlas you borrowed from me.
  3. He has given in his adherence to the Liberal party.
  4. Some flowers give off their richest fragrance at night.
  5. The jasmine gives out a sweet perfume.
  6. He gave over charge of his office to his successor today.
  7. We have given up all hope of our father's recovery.

< give >:

  1. 寄付する、引き渡す
  2. 返す、戻す、回復する
  3. 屈服する、従う、譲る
  4. 発する、放出する
  5. 放つ、発散する
  6. 明け渡す、任せる、譲る
  7. 降参する、見限る、見捨てる

< go >:

  1. go about
  2. go abroad
  3. go across
  4. go after
  5. go against
  6. go ahead
  7. go along with
  8. go aside
  9. go at
  10. go away
  11. go back
  12. go between
  13. go beyond
  14. go by
  15. go down
  16. go for
  17. go forth
  18. go in
  19. go in for
  20. go into
  21. go off
  22. go on
  23. go on with
  24. go out
  25. go out of
  26. go over
  27. go through
  28. go through with
  29. go to
  30. go up
  31. go up and down
  32. go up to
  33. go upon
  34. go with
  35. go without

< go >:

  1. to move from place to place
  2. to go to a foreign country; become public
  3. to cross, to go from one side to the other
  4. to follow, to pursue, to apply to
  5. to resist, to go contrary to; to march to attack
  6. to advance, to get before others
  7. to accompany
  8. to turn to the side, to deviate
  9. to go at a thing; to attack
  10. to depart, to go off, to leave
  11. to return to where one came from, to recede
  12. to mediate, to go in the midst of two
  13. to go outside a boundary
  14. to pass near, to proceed by way of
  15. to descend, to sink
  16. to try for, making a vigorous effort
  17. to depart, to issue from, to become public
  18. to enter
  19. to enter as a competitor with the hope of gaining
  20. to enter into
  21. to leave, to depart
  22. to continue, to progress
  23. to continue at it, to keep on doing it
  24. to go outside, become public; to cease to burn
  25. to go outside of
  26. to pass across a limit, to pass from one side to another
  27. to pass through to the other side; to examine from beginning to end
  28. to continue doing a thing till it is completed
  29. to go or reach as far as
  30. to arise, to ascend
  31. to go here and there, to go from one person to another
  32. to ascend to, go close to
  33. to act or proceed according to
  34. to accompany; to agree with
  35. o be or remain destitute of

< go >:

  1. There is a tiger going about the country.
  2. A story went abroad to the effect that this woman had committed suicide by jumping into a well.
  3. I have been where the railway goes across the Nile.
  4. The dogs went after the wounded deer.
  5. It goes against my wishes to leave the country.
  6. You two, you go ahead and talk.
  7. He started on his journey and two servants went along with him.
  8. Never go aside from the path of truth and rectitude.
  9. The horseman went at the wall and cleared it.
  10. Trade has gone away from Goa since Bombay rose into importance.
  11. The steamer arrived from England a week ago and goes back tomorrow.
  12. John acted as a go-between for the two parties.
  13. The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience.
  14. He went by the directions contained in the guide-book.
  15. They went down the river.
  16. They are going for the league championship.
  17. A rumour went forth that the Prince was poisoned.
  18. A servant opened the door and we went in.
  19. All sensible Hindus should go in for the abolition of caste.
  20. He went into the garden and picked some grapes.
  21. She went off to fetch the book.
  22. Let him go on and finish his work.
  23. While others are idling their time, the student goes on steadily with his studies.
  24. Does the life of a man go out like a candle?
  25. All the lepers went out of the city.
  26. He went over a great many points in his speech.
  27. I cannot go through these letters in an hour.
  28. They got engaged last year, but I'm not sure they'll go through with the wedding.
  29. Does this railway go to the coast?
  30. The boat was going up the river.
  31. Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people. - Bible
  32. Go up to the stature and read the inscription.
  33. Is this the principle you always go upon?
  34. Can a singular verb go with a plural noun?
  35. He has gone without his dinner, and yet he goes on with his work.

< go >:

  1. 歩き回る
  2. 外国へ行く;流布する
  3. 横断する
  4. 後を追う、追求する
  5. 逆行する、反する
  6. よく話し合う
  7. 付随する、同行する
  8. 脇に寄る
  9. 襲いかかる、攻撃する
  10. 立ち去る、退場する
  11. バックする、引き返す
  12. 斡旋、仲介する
  13. オーバーする、越える、凌ぐ
  14. を基準とする、~によって行う
  15. 下がる、下る
  16. 目指す、追求する
  17. 広まる、公布される
  18. 入る、突入する
  19. 求める、志す
  20. 立ち入る、挿入する
  21. 放れる、立ち去る
  22. 続ける、進める
  23. を進める、続行する、再開する
  24. 外へ出る、火が消える
  25. から出る
  26. を越える、反復する;うまくいく
  27. 通り抜ける;完了する
  28. 成し遂げる
  29. ~まで進む
  30. 上昇する、登る
  31. 上下する、行き来する
  32. 登る、の所に届く
  33. に基づいて判断する
  34. 同行する、伴う
  35. なしで済ます

< grow >:

  1. grow from
  2. grow in
  3. grow out of
  4. grow to
  5. grow together
  6. grow up
  7. grow upon

< grow >:

  1. to spring from, to advance from
  2. to increase or advance in respect of
  3. to spring from; advance beyond
  4. to gradually attain to, to become by increasing
  5. to adhere and unite by growth.
  6. to attain to manhood or womanhood, to arrive at maturity
  7. to acquire greater mastery over

< grow >:

  1. Some plants grow from seed and some from cuttings.
  2. May he grow in wisdom as he grows in years.
  3. These wars have grown out of commercial considerations.
  4. Many a boy educated here has grown to eminence.
  5. The wound has grown together.
  6. She will be a nice girl when she grows up.
  7. Once you live in a place, it grown on you.

< grow >:

  1. から生える
  2. 生長・成長する
  3. から生じる、起因する
  4. 育って~になる
  5. 傷口がふさがる
  6. 大人になる
  7. ますます気に入る、住めば都

< hand >:

  1. hand down
  2. hand in
  3. hand into
  4. hand on
  5. hand out
  6. hand over
  7. hand up

< hand >:

  1. to transmit in succession, as from father to son
  2. to give in, to tender
  3. to help into by means of your hand.
  4. to pass a thing on to another by hand, to transmit
  5. to bring out a thing from some place and put it forward with the hand
  6. to deliver over to another, to give over by hand
  7. to deliver up. The idea of higher authority is implied.

< hand >:

  1. Who follows the traditions handed down to us by our fathers.
  2. You hand in an application; a registration.
  3. To hand a lady into a carriage.
  4. The letter was not for me and I handed it on to the next clerk.
  5. The shopkeeper handed out his goods and the carrier took them away.
  6. He has resigned and will hand over charge of his office today.
  7. The lawyer handed up the lease to the judge.

< hand >:

  1. 後世に伝える
  2. 提出する、手渡す
  3. 手を差し伸べる
  4. 次に渡す
  5. 分配する
  6. 譲り渡す
  7. 手渡しする

< help >:

  1. help forward
  2. help on
  3. help out
  4. help oneself to
  5. help one up


< help >:

  1. to assist in promoting, to advance
  2. to assist to put on, to continue to assist
  3. to extricate, to assist in freeing from; to aid in completing a thing.
  4. to take a portion to oneself
  5. to raise him, to assist him in rising

< help >:

  1. Help forward every good project you can.
  2. I helped him on with his coat.
  3. The tutor will help you out of our difficulties in geometry.
  4. Help oneself to the money of his company.
  5. A woman was knocked down in the street and a soldier helped her up.

< help >:

  1. 促進する
  2. 手助けする
  3. 救い出す、援助する
  4. 横領する
  5. 助け起こす

< hold >:

  1. hold back
  2. hold by
  3. hold forth
  4. hold in
  5. hold off
  6. hold on
  7. hold out
  8. hold over
  9. hold to
  10. hold together
  11. hold up
  12. hold with

< hold >:

  1. to keep back; to remain behind
  2. to cling to it; to adhere to a thing
  3. to exhibit, to put forward
  4. to restrain, to restrain oneself
  5. to keep at a distance, to avoid connection with, to stay away
  6. to continue to proceed in, to continue holding or clinging to
  7. to offer, to extend; to refuse to yield; to continue
  8. to delay, to postpone, to retain
  9. to abide by; to cling to , to continue in
  10. to remain united or unbroken.
  11. to keep up; to remain unbroken; to support; not to rain
  12. to side with, to agree with

< hold >:

  1. If I had not held him back, he would have beaten you soundly.
  2. The son always held by his father's advice.
  3. She held forth her child to the holy man and asked him to bless it.
  4. If the horse had not been held in, he would have cleared the fence.
  5. Cotton is falling in price, and buyers hold off.
  6. Trade is dull at present, but if the millowner can hold on for a few months longer, better times will come.
  7. A garrison can't hold out against starvation.
  8. The judge said he would hold over your case till the next sitting of the court.
  9. Do you still hold to your intention of going to Australia?
  10. The chair is so rickety that it will not hold together.
  11. The horse holds up his head well.
  12. I hold with you that it is better to be forgiving than censorious.

< hold >:

  1. 控える、制止する
  2. 守る、従う
  3. 差し出す、提供する
  4. 抑える、抑制する
  5. 近寄らない、遠のく、避ける
  6. 持ちこたえる、踏ん張る、留める
  7. 伸ばす、差し出す、辛抱する
  8. 延期する、預かりにしておく
  9. 固執する、しがみつく
  10. まとめる、融合する、ばらばらにならない
  11. 耐える、維持する、天気が続く
  12. 同意する、見方する

< keep >:

  1. keep at
  2. keep back
  3. keep down
  4. keep from
  5. keep in with
  6. keep off
  7. keep on
  8. keep out
  9. keep to
  10. keep together
  11. keep under
  12. keep up
  13. keep up with

< keep >:

  1. to continue doing
  2. to reserve or conceal; to restrain
  3. to hold in subjection, to prevent from rising
  4. to abstain or refrain from
  5. to continue to agree with, not to quarrel with
  6. to ward off, to remain at a distance
  7. to continue doing it
  8. to cause to remain outside
  9. to adhere to , not to deviate from
  10. not to part asunder
  11. to hold in subjection; to control or restrain
  12. to maintain, to prevent from falling; to continue
  13. not to fall behind, to keep pace with

< keep >:

  1. If he will only keep at his work, he will soon finish it.
  2. I will keep nothing back from you.
  3. It will take a strong force to keep down the mountain tribes.
  4. He could not keep from the use of tobacco.
  5. He will keep in with the paymaster if he possibly can.
  6. These curtains are meant to keep off mosquitoes.
  7. They kept on singing all night.
  8. These warm clothes should keep out the cold.
  9. Always keep to your word, not to deviate from.
  10. They agreed to keep together during the evening.
  11. Everyone should keep his appetites and passions under.
  12. He kept up acquaintance with her.
  13. Can America keep up with Britain in the building of ships?

< keep >:

  1. 頑張る、せがみ続ける
  2. 隠しておく、天引きする、差し控える
  3. 押さえつける、抑圧する
  4. ~を避ける、控える
  5. ~と仲良くする
  6. ~から離しておく、~からどける
  7. ~し続ける、やり通す
  8. 入らせない、閉め出す
  9. ~に保つ、~から離れない
  10. 離ればなれにならないようにする、協調する
  11. 抑える、鎮静させる
  12. 高いままにしておく、保持する
  13. ~に遅れない、~に追いつく

< lay >:

  1. lay about
  2. lay aside
  3. lay down
  4. lay in
  5. lay on
  6. lay hands on
  7. lay out
  8. lay to
  9. lay up

< lay >:

  1. to deal blows on all sides
  2. to put away, not to retain; to discontinue
  3. to resign, to renounce, to relinquish
  4. to store up, to provide beforehand
  5. to apply blows with force; to supply gas or electricity or water
  6. to seize, to take hold of with violence
  7. to expend; to exert; to dispose inn order
  8. to impute
  9. to store up for future use

< lay >:

  1. In his survey of the London music scene, Smith really lays about him, sparing nobody.
  2. We have laid aside the use of many good old English words.
  3. They laid down their arms.
  4. The governor of the fortress has laid in a good store of provisions.
  5. Taking up a stick, he caught the boy and laid on vigorously.
  6. As soon as I lay hands on the book, I'll call you.
  7. It is foolish to lay out all your strength on this.
  8. These acts I lay to your charge.
  9. The miser lays up wealth; but who will spend it?

< lay >:

  1. ~と激しく戦う、~の周囲を打ちまくる
  2. やめる、捨てる
  3. 下に置く;放棄する
  4. 仕入れる、蓄える
  5. 殴りかかる;敷設する、提供する
  6. ~をつかむ、捕らえる
  7. きちんと配置する、努力する、費やす
  8. ~に帰する
  9. 仕舞い込む、蓄える、係船する

< lead >:

  1. lead into
  2. lead off
  3. lead on
  4. lead out
  5. lead to

< lead >:

  1. to introduce to, to bring into
  2. to lead away; to go first, to begin
  3. to continue leading
  4. to invite out, to lure
  5. to account for, be at the root of

< lead >:

  1. He is sure to lead you into error.
  2. The captain led off his team.
  3. Stop leading us on, and tell us the truth.
  4. He led out the lady to the dance.
  5. Colds may lead to all kinds of diseases.

< lead >:

  1. ~に入る
  2. 始める、口火を切る
  3. そそのかす、引き入れる、誘う
  4. 引き出す、誘い出す
  5. ~につながる、原因となる

< let >:

  1. let alone
  2. let down
  3. let in
  4. let into
  5. let off
  6. let out

< let >:

  1. not to mention
  2. to lower, to permit to sink or fall
  3. to admit, to allow to enter; to insert
  4. to suffer to enter, to admit
  5. to suffer to go free, to release
  6. to suffer to escape; to lease or hire

< let >:

  1. He can't read, let alone write.
  2. If you are not learning, no one will ever let you down.
  3. The child stood at the door knocking and crying 'Let me in.'
  4. They would not let him into the meeting.
  5. I ought to fine you for this breach of rules, but I will let you off this time.
  6. He lets out his car on hire.

< let >:

  1. ~は言うまでもなく
  2. 失望させる、期待はずれにする
  3. 入れる、招き入れる
  4. ~にはめ込む、入れる、通す
  5. 免除する、放免する、発射する
  6. 逃がす、解散する、貸し出す

< live >:

  1. live at
  2. live by
  3. live down
  4. live for
  5. live in
  6. live on
  7. live up to
  8. live with
  9. live within

< live >:

  1. live at a place
  2. hard honest labour
  3. to overcome or reduce the shame of a mistake, misdeed.
  4. to devote one's life to, to live in the hope of securing
  5. live in a country, a condition
  6. to continue to survive
  7. to live or act in accordance with
  8. to live as if married to
  9. to live within one's income

< live >:

  1. I always thought his man lived at Naples.
  2. While under our roof, you'll live by our rules.
  3. I'm afraid I'll never live down that tactless remark I made.
  4. Many a man has lived and died for his country.
  5. These people live in squalor and misery.
  6. horses live on grass and grain.
  7. Children rarely live up to their parents' ideals.
  8. I don't approve of my daughter living with her boyfriend.
  9. live within one's salary; live within walking of

< live >:

  1. 住んでいる
  2. (信条規則)に従って生きる
  3. ~を償う、乗り越える、忘れ去る
  4. ~のために生きる
  5. ~に暮らす、~の下に暮らす
  6. ~を常食とする
  7. (主義信念)に従って生活する
  8. 同居する、~と共生する
  9. (収入内・範囲内)で生活する

< look >:

  1. look about
  2. look after
  3. look at
  4. look away
  5. look back
  6. look down
  7. look for
  8. look forward to
  9. look in
  10. look into
  11. look on
  12. look out
  13. look out for
  14. look over
  15. look through
  16. look to
  17. look up
  18. look up to

< look >:

  1. to look on all sides
  2. to take care of
  3. to direct the eye towards
  4. to turn one's gaze in another direction
  5. to cast a retrospective glance
  6. to treat with indifference or contempt
  7. to search for; to wait for patiently
  8. to expect with pleasure
  9. a short visit, a quick glance
  10. to examine or inspect closely
  11. to direct the eye towards; to be a spectator
  12. to look outwards, to choose, to search out
  13. to be on the watch for, to expect
  14. to examine
  15. to see to the other side, to pursue
  16. to look towards; to watch, to take care of
  17. to direct the look upwards; to search for and find
  18. to respect him, to regard him with esteem

< look >:

  1. look about for one's hat.
  2. Look after of the pence, and the pounds will look after of themselves.
  3. Look at implies less of deliberation than look on.
  4. When I looked away for a second, they fought again.
  5. look back at the history of corporate business
  6. He is so proud of his promotion that he looks down upon all his former friends.
  7. Looking for a good time?
  8. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  9. Please look in on me at my office tomorrow.
  10. After what you have said, I shall certainly look into his conduct.
  11. I'll be candle-holder and look on.
  12. She looked out stealthily trough the blind of the window.
  13. The eagle is looking out for prey.
  14. look over an autumnal landscape
  15. Look through this book and tell me what you think of it.
  16. Look well to thy herds. - Bible
  17. Hearing a shout, he looked up and saw a boy standing on the cliff.
  18. The students really looked up to Mr. Jones.

< look >:

  1. ~を捜す
  2. ~に気をつける、世話をする
  3. 熟視する
  4. 視線をそらす
  5. 振り返る;回顧する
  6. 見下す
  7. ~を探し求める、予期する
  8. ~を楽しみにして待つ
  9. 訪問する、立ち寄る
  10. ~をのぞき込む、調査する
  11. 監察する、傍観する
  12. 外をみる、目配りする、警戒する
  13. ~を見張りながら待つ、注意して捜す
  14. ざっと目を通す、大目に見る
  15. よく調べる、見破る
  16. ~に注意を向ける、目を配る
  17. 顔を上げる、調べる
  18. ~を尊敬する

< make >:

  1. make after
  2. make away with
  3. make for
  4. make of
  5. make off with
  6. make out
  7. make over
  8. make towards
  9. make up
  10. make up for
  11. make up to
  12. make it up with

< make >:

  1. to run after
  2. to put away, to kill, to destroy
  3. to move towards, to tend towards
  4. to understand, to regard, to esteem
  5. to run away with
  6. to discover, to decipher; to prove; to write out
  7. to transfer to another person
  8. to go in the direction of
  9. to put into form; to reconcile; to adjust or settle
  10. to compensate for
  11. to approach; to ingratiate oneself with
  12. to settle one's differences with, to become friendly again with

< make >:

  1. The constable made after the thief.
  2. For long this tribe made away with their female children.
  3. Follow after the things which make for peace. - Bible
  4. He is unable to make anything of this telegram.
  5. He has made off with my books.
  6. He was instructed to make out an account of all the sums paid.
  7. He has made over all his real property to his eldest son.
  8. The swimmer made towards the right bank of the river.
  9. These men have happily made up their quarrel.
  10. Allow us to make up for the inconvenience it has caused you.
  11. The clerk was apt to make up to his employer.
  12. Hating strife, I made it up with him, and now we are friends again.

< make >:

  1. ~を追いかける
  2. ~を持ち逃げする、なくす、~を廃する、殺す
  3. ~に向かう、に寄与する
  4. ~を理解する、を判断する
  5. ~を持ち逃げする、を盗む
  6. 見分ける、判読する、まとめ上げる
  7. 作り直す、譲る
  8. ~の方へ進む
  9. 取りまとめる、仲直りをする
  10. 埋め合わせる、償う
  11. 歓心を買う、取り入る
  12. 仲直りする

< pass >:

  1. pass away
  2. pass by
  3. pass for
  4. pass from
  5. pass into
  6. pass off
  7. pass on
  8. pass out
  9. pass over
  10. pass through
  11. pass under

< pass >:

  1. to disappear, to vanish, to die
  2. to go or pass alongside of; to disregard, to omit, to overlook
  3. to have the reputation of , to be regarded as
  4. to leave, to get away from
  5. to go into; to change by gradual transition to
  6. to vanish; to happen
  7. to proceed
  8. to graduate, to faint
  9. to come and depart; to pass by, omit; overlook
  10. to go through to the other side; pass through an experience.
  11. to go beneath

< pass >:

  1. My father passed away last night at twelve o'clock.
  2. Just pass by the first few pages and you'll get to the basics.
  3. He passes for a learned man in our little community.
  4. to pass from pillar to post
  5. In a rainbow, the colours pass into one another.
  6. The rain has passed off.
  7. Let us now pass on to another branch of our subject.
  8. You'll pass out if you drink that much.
  9. I passed over many candidate and chose this one.
  10. He passed through the crowd without molestation.
  11. The Romans made their captives in war pass under the yoke.

< pass >:

  1. 亡くなる、逝く
  2. 素通りする、見逃す
  3. ~で通用する、~とみなされる
  4. たらい回しにする
  5. 移り変わる
  6. 次第に消えていく、終わる
  7. 順に進む、順送りにする
  8. 意識を失う、酔いつぶれる
  9. 経過する、除外する、見送る、見落とす
  10. 通過する、経験する
  11. ~の下を通る、屈服する

< pull >:

  1. pull down
  2. pull off
  3. pull out
  4. pull through
  5. pull together
  6. pull up

< pull >:

  1. to demolish, to destroy, to humble
  2. to accomplish in the face of difficulties
  3. to leave, depart
  4. to survive a difficult situation or illness
  5. to agree, to work together in harmony
  6. to pluck up, to draw the reins, to halt

< pull >:

  1. He has begun to pull down the house.
  2. I never thought we'd ever stage this play, but somehow we pulled it off.
  3. The bus pulled out at noon.
  4. We've had to declare bankruptcy, but I'm sure we'll pull through.
  5. If the brothers would only pull together they would succeed.
  6. He pulled up his horse and dismounted.

< pull >:

  1. 引き下げる、引き倒す
  2. (困難な中で)成功する
  3. 発車する
  4. ~を切り抜ける、命を取りとめる
  5. 力を合わせる、協力する
  6. 手綱を引く、止める

< put >:

  1. put about
  2. put across
  3. put away
  4. put back
  5. put by
  6. put down
  7. put forward
  8. put in
  9. put in for
  10. put off
  11. put on
  12. put out
  13. put up
  14. put up with

< put >:

  1. to turn and change the course of the ship
  2. to succeed in anything
  3. to renounce or discard; to put things in their proper place
  4. to hinder or delay
  5. to separate and reserve for a special purpose
  6. to write down, enter in a list
  7. to cause to advance; to propose for consideration
  8. to insert, to introduce among others.
  9. to request or apply for something
  10. to delay or postpone
  11. to inflict or impose on; to charge upon
  12. to publish
  13. to erect, build; lift to a higher position.
  14. to endure without complaint

< put >:

  1. The boat put about and returned to port.
  2. I thought he would fail, but he contrived to put it across.
  3. Put away your toys!
  4. Put back the hands of a clock
  5. Put by money for the future
  6. Please put down my name for a free ticket.
  7. He put forward the more complex idea.
  8. Be careful to put in your claim soon.
  9. I put in for a raise, or John put in for department supervisor.
  10. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  11. Why should all the blame be put on him?
  12. They put out a weekly newsletter.
  13. Put up or shut up!
  14. She's been very patient, putting up with all kinds of inconvenience.

< put >:

  1. 針路を変える
  2. うまくやり遂げる
  3. 片付ける、収納する
  4. 遅らせる
  5. 脇へやる、蓄える、貯蓄する
  6. 書き付ける、登録する
  7. 提示する、提出する、推挙する
  8. 差し込む、提出する、申請する
  9. 延期する、遅らせる
  10. 身につける、装う
  11. 加える、負わせる、苦しめる
  12. 生み出す、出版する
  13. 揚げる、打ち立てる、提案する。
  14. ~に耐える、辛抱する

< run >:

  1. run after
  2. run against
  3. run at
  4. run away
  5. run away with
  6. run down
  7. run in
  8. run into
  9. run off
  10. run on
  11. run out
  12. run over
  13. run through
  14. run to
  15. run up

< run >:

  1. to follow, to try to catch
  2. to encounter a difficulty unexpectedly.
  3. to attach
  4. to flee; to bolt
  5. to win handily
  6. to make or be tiered, cause to decline
  7. to insert, or include something extra
  8. to collide with
  9. to flow off, drain
  10. to be continued; to talk incessantly
  11. to waste, to become poor; to expire
  12. to ride or drive over; to overflow
  13. to piece; to waste, to expend; review quickly
  14. to amount to; to lean toward, favor
  15. to grow, to enlarge

< run >:

  1. The boy run after the carriage.
  2. We didn't know we'd run up against so much opposition.
  3. The bull ran at the farmer.
  4. Our dog is no watchdog; he runs away from stranger.
  5. The film ran away with all the important awards.
  6. His long illness ran him down.
  7. The quotation should be run in rather than set as a paragraph.
  8. The car ran straight into the retaining wall.
  9. By noon all the water had run off to the driveway.
  10. In her talk she ran on so that no one could get in a word.
  11. My lucks run out!
  12. The hot water runs over the bathtub.
  13. I had to run through the book in an hour.
  14. run to a lawyer; run to excess
  15. That offer will run up the price of the stock.

< run >:

  1. ~を追いかける
  2. ~と衝突する
  3. ~に向かって飛びかかる
  4. 逃げ去る
  5. ~を独り占めする
  6. 力を弱める、疲れさせる
  7. 流し込む、挿入する
  8. 衝突する
  9. 流出する、排水する
  10. 続く、書き続ける、話し続ける
  11. 使い果たす、底を突く、終わる
  12. ~を越える、溢れる
  13. ~に通す、突き通す、走り読みする
  14. ~の方へ駆け寄る、~に及ぶ、助けを求める
  15. 駆け上がる、急成長・急上昇する

< send >:

  1. send away
  2. send by
  3. send for
  4. send off

< send >:

  1. to dismiss; to dispatch as a message, a parcel
  2. to send by way of or by means of
  3. to send a message requiring to come
  4. to dispatch

< send >:

  1. I sent away for those gloves last month but they haven't arrived yet.
  2. Send me me an atlas by book post.
  3. I sent for the doctor without any delay.
  4. Troops were being sent off to the Continent.

< send >:

  1. 送り出す、派遣する
  2. (郵便、郵送手段で)送る
  3. ~を呼びにやる、~を注文する
  4. 発送する、派遣する

< set >:

  1. set about
  2. set against
  3. set apart
  4. set down
  5. set forth
  6. set in
  7. set off
  8. set on
  9. set out
  10. set to
  11. set up
  12. set up for

set >:

  1. to begin, to apply oneself to
  2. to be or cause someone to be opposed to
  3. to reserve, or separate to a particular use
  4. to cause to alight; to record; to censure
  5. to manifest, to exhibit, to proclaim
  6. to begin to happen
  7. to depart; to decorate or embellish; distinguish
  8. to incide, to urge on; to attack
  9. begin an earnest attempt
  10. to apply oneself, begin , work energetically
  11. to elevate, raise;
  12. to establish oneself as, to pretend to be

< set >:

  1. I recommend you to set about your business without delay.
  2. Civil wares often set brother against brother.
  3. One day in seven is set apart as a holy day.
  4. Just set down all the facts as you remember them.
  5. He set forth his views with clearness and force.
  6. This year the rainy season will set in earlier than usual.
  7. That coat sets her off from the others in the picture.
  8. Two dogs set upon the poor old beggar.
  9. He set out to prove his point.
  10. She set to studying for he bar exam.
  11. They set him up as their leader.
  12. Do you mean to set up for a philosopher?

< set >:

  1. ~に取りかかる、着手する
  2. ~と対照する、~に対抗する
  3. 取っておく、話す
  4. 下ろす、~を書き留める
  5. 公にする、示す、陳述する
  6. (天候・流行など)始まる、起こる
  7. 出発する、始める、引き起こす、目立たせる
  8. ~に心を注ぐ、そそのかす、攻撃する
  9. ~に着手する、企てる、デザインする
  10. ~へ無カル、本気でやり始める
  11. 配置する、組み立てる、構成sるう、提起する
  12. ~を気取る

< speak >:

  1. speak for itself
  2. speak of
  3. speak out
  4. speak with

< speak >:

  1. to be significant or self-evident
  2. to speak about
  3. to talk loudly
  4. to converse with him

< speak >:

  1. The figures speak for themselves.
  2. Ulysses spoke of the men and the cities that hi had seen.
  3. speak out about allegations that
  4. speak with conviction (expression, emotion)

< speak >:

  1. 雄弁に物語る
  2. ~のことを話す
  3. 遠慮なく言う
  4. ~と話す、相談する

< stand >:

  1. stand against
  2. stand aloof
  3. stand back
  4. stand by
  5. stand for
  6. stand off
  7. stand on
  8. stand out against
  9. stand to reason
  10. stand up
  11. stand up for

< stand >:

  1. to withstand, to resist
  2. to stand distant, apart
  3. to retire, withdraw
  4. to be near, to defend or support, to agree to
  5. to advocate, to support, to uphold
  6. to remain at a distance, to keep aloof
  7. to insist on observance of
  8. to refuse to comply, to remain opposed
  9. to be logical or rational
  10. to remain valid, sound
  11. to defend, to vindicate

< stand >:

  1. No king could stand against Alexander.
  2. stand aloof (apart, aside) from worldly things
  3. stand back to allow someone to pass
  4. I'll stand by your decision.
  5. The National Writers Union stands for freedom of the press.
  6. The police stood off the angry strikers.
  7. Let's not stand on ceremony.
  8. The one juror is standing out against a guilty verdict.
  9. It stands to reason that if you don't like hot weather you shouldn't move to Florida.
  10. His claim will not stand up in court.
  11. Are you going to stand up for this scoundrel?

< stand>:

  1. ~に立ち向かう、抵抗する
  2. ~を超越する
  3. 手を引く、距離をおく
  4. 用意する、~を援助する
  5. ~を指示する、~を意味する
  6. 離れている、避ける
  7. ~に依存する、を主張する;格式張る
  8. 突き出る;あくまで頑張る、あくまで抵抗する
  9. ~ももっともだ
  10. 持ちこたえる、有効である
  11. ~を擁護する、弁護する

< strike >:

  1. strike at
  2. strike down
  3. strike for
  4. strike in
  5. strike into
  6. strike off
  7. strike out
  8. strike up

< strike >:

  1. to try to hit, to aim a blow at
  2. to fell with a blow or misfortune
  3. to try to attain to
  4. to come in suddenly, to interpose suddenly
  5. to turn aside to the path and walk in it
  6. to print copies; to cut off by a blow
  7. to erase; to contrive; to deal a blow
  8. to cause to sound; to begin to sing or play as a musician

< strike >:

  1. These proposals strike at the liberties of the people.
  2. He is struck down with cholera.
  3. The spinners have struck for higher wages.
  4. He struck in and joined in the fray.
  5. strike into another alley.
  6. to strike off register of public companies.
  7. This merchant aims at striking out a new course of business.
  8. The band struck up 'God Save the Queen.'

< strike >:

  1. 攻撃する、~を突く
  2. 打ちのめす、(病気が)襲う
  3. 賃上げ要求する
  4. 邪魔する、急に割り込む
  5. 急に~し始める、別の方向にそれる
  6. 切り落とす、抹消する;印刷する
  7. 消す、機会を逃す;案出する
  8. 始める、歌い出す、浮き彫りにする

< take >:

  1. take after
  2. take away
  3. take back
  4. take down
  5. take for
  6. take from
  7. take in
  8. take off
  9. take on
  10. take out
  11. take over
  12. take to
  13. take up
  14. take upon oneself

< take >:

  1. to imitate, to resemble
  2. to remove, to deprive one of
  3. to withdraw
  4. to bring down; to pull down; to record
  5. to consider mistakenly
  6. to deprive of; to subtract
  7. to reduce in size, make smaller or shorter
  8. to become well known or popular, to achieve sudden growth
  9. to undertake, to begin to deal with
  10. to obtain as an equivalent in different form
  11. to assume control, management of
  12. to become fond of
  13. to raise; to settle; to accept an option
  14. to assume, to undertake

< take >:

  1. The boy takes after his father in temperament.
  2. Take away a child's creative development.
  3. I take back all I've said.
  4. To take down from dictation.
  5. Don't take our silence for approval.
  6. Take four from seven and three remain.
  7. I've lost some weight so I'll have to take in my clothes.
  8. Sales took off around the holidays.
  9. Student services take on new meaning in online university.
  10. We took out the money she owed us by having her bay-sit.
  11. The pilot told his copilot to take over the controls.
  12. These two schoolboys took to each other from their first meeting.
  13. When one girl ceased the chant, another took it up.
  14. take upon oneself an important task.

< take >:

  1. ~に似る
  2. 取り去る、減じる
  3. 元に戻す;撤回する
  4. 記録する、書き取る
  5. 誤認する、人違いする
  6. ~から引く、減らす
  7. 縮める、小さくする
  8. うまく行き始める、急増する
  9. 役割を担う;性質を呈する、獲得する
  10. 取得する、除外する、控除する
  11. 継承する、交代する、引き取る
  12. ~が好きになる、~に頼る
  13. (注意を)引く、~に従事する、再開する、続ける
  14. 重任を引き受ける

< tell >:

  1. tell about or of
  2. tell against
  3. tell from
  4. tell off
  5. tell on or upon

< tell >:

  1. to mention, to narrate or describe
  2. to prove adverse to him
  3. to distinguish
  4. to rebuke severely, reprimand
  5. to affect, to have an influence on

< tell >:

  1. Tell about the ship.
  2. In an investigation, a new fact becomes known, which tells against a suspected or accused person.
  3. I can tell from your face.
  4. It's time someone told her off about her behavior.
  5. Sleeplessness is sure to tell on his health.

< tell >:

  1. ~を話す、しゃべる
  2. ~の不利となる
  3. ~から分かる、区別する
  4. 叱る、非難する、戒める
  5. ~にこたえる、身体に響く、影響する

< turn >:

  1. turn about
  2. turn against
  3. turn aside
  4. turn away
  5. turn back
  6. turn down
  7. turn in
  8. turn off
  9. turn on
  10. turn out
  11. turn over
  12. turn to
  13. turn up

< turn >:

  1. to face in the opposite direction
  2. to become hostile to
  3. to avert; to deviate
  4. to dismiss; to avert
  5. to return; to drive back
  6. to reject, fail to accept
  7. to hand in, to give over
  8. to affect with dislike or boredom
  9. to cause to become excited or interested
  10. to be found in the end, to result or eventuate
  11. to shift position; to rotate, to cycle
  12. to appeal to , to apply to for help
  13. to happen unexpectedly

< turn >:

  1. Turn about is fair play.
  2. Turn against the government
  3. Never turn aside from the path of rectitude.
  4. A soft answer turns away anger, but a sharp word makes tempers hot. -Bible
  5. There's no turning back now.
  6. turn down a scheme is to reject it.
  7. Application must be turned in by Monday.
  8. The vulgar comedian turned us off completely.
  9. My wife was the first to turn me on to Korean drama.
  10. Forget it. It turned out okay.
  11. The engine turned over but the car wouldn't start.
  12. Turn to God for mercy and help.
  13. Something turned up so I couldn't go to the play.

< turn >:

  1. 交代するのがフェアプレー: La ŝanĝo nomiĝas vizaxĝludo.
  2. ~に背く、敵対する
  3. その場を繕う、脇へ避ける
  4. そらす、向きを変える
  5. 引き返す、きびすを返す、逆戻りする
  6. 低くする、衰退する;取り下げる、却下する
  7. 中へ入る;提出する
  8. ~にうんざりする
  9. ~に夢中になる
  10. 結局~になる
  11. 向きを変える;回転する
  12. ~に頼る、救いを求める
  13. (出来事・機会)が不意に生じる

< work >:

  1. work against
  2. work away
  3. work at
  4. work into
  5. work for
  6. work off
  7. work on
  8. work out
  9. work to
  10. work up
  11. work with

< work >:

  1. to work in opposition to; work against time
  2. to continue working
  3. to be engaged upon
  4. to penetrate laboriously
  5. to work for wages
  6. to get ride of it gradually by sustained efforts
  7. to continue working; to influence
  8. to effect or produce a result; to solve
  9. to end, to conduce to that end or purpose
  10. to excite; to use up materials in work; to elaborate
  11. to work with persons or tings

< work >:

  1. to work against Japan's standing in the international community.
  2. *to work away at a job.
  3. *I worked at my lesson.
  4. *works into various shapes
  5. Tell me why you'd want to work for us.
  6. It'll take him months to work off that debt.
  7. Let the men work on till sunset.
  8. I hope everything will work out.
  9. work to the advantage of the consumer
  10. The writer has worked up his story well.
  11. What kind of people do you like to work with?

< work >:

  1. 足を引っ張る: labori konatraŭ la reputacio de Japanio de la internacia komunumo.
  2. 仕事を励行; por laborii forte in la lab oro.
  3. 学業に励む: Mi multe laboris pri miaj studoj.
  4. 様々な形に加工する: procesi en diversajn formojn.
  5. 我々のために働く理由: Diru al mi kial vi volus labori por ni.
  6. 借金返済には数ヶ月かかる: Necesos pluraj monatoj por li pagi sian ŝuldon.
  7. 日没まで働きかける: Ni labou pri la viro ĝis la sunsubiro.
  8. 万事結果を出したい: Mi esperas, ke ĉio iras bone.
  9. 顧客利益につながる仕事: laboru kiu profitigas konsumantojn.
  10. 物語を仕上げた: La verkisto sukcese finis sian rakonton.
  11. 誰と一緒に仕事したいか: Kun kaij homoj vi ŝatas labori?
  • Here are essential idiomatic expressions using basic 40 verbs.
  • It would be most difficult for a foreigner to master such idiomatic expression, because an idiomatic phrase cannot be altered.
  • But if we could use properly, the expression would become simple and vigorous.
  • In IT industry, there are many essential acronyms, which appear and vanish quickly. But English idiomatic connections live much longer than those.
  • 上記は基本語40語の必須のイディオム表現である。
  • 外国人がこのイディオムに習熟することは最も難しいことであろう。理由はイディオム表現は変更不可だからである。
  • しかしうまく活用すればその表現は簡潔かつ生き生きとしてくる。
  • IT業界では多くの頭字語があるが、現れてはすぐ廃れていく。しかし英語のイディオムのつながりはそれらより遙かに長く継続する。

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