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Chinese grammatical terms

Cat: LAN
Pub: 2015
#: 1516a

Kanzo Kobayashi

UP 15715
  • Common or easy characters contain important usage.
  • 簡単な漢字ほど要注意。

>Top <A>:

  1. 啊 a
  2. 按照 ànzhào


  1. to express agreemnt, defensiveness, urge: 去啊!Hurry up; 你可要小心啊! Be careful!
  2. according to; 按照惯例 according to the customs


>Top <B>:

  1. 把 bǎ
  2. 把没把
  3. 饱 bǎo
  4. 抱歉 bàoqiàn
  5. 被 bèi
  6. 被bèi/让ràng/叫jiào/给gěi
  7. 比 bǐ
  8. 比方 bǐfang
  9. 比及 bǐjí
  10. 比哪儿都 bǐ nǎr dōu
  11. 必须 bìxū
  12. 不把 bùbǎ
  13. 不比 bùbǐ
  14. 不但 bùdàn〜而且 érqiě
  15. 不得 bude
  16. 不能 bè néng
  17. 不能不 bù néng bù
  18. 不是...的 búshì...de
  19. 不谓 bùwèi
  20. 不无 bùwú
  21. 不惜 bùxī
  22. 不暇 bùxiá
  23. 不详 bùxiáng
  24. 不想 bù xiǎng
  25. 不像 bù xiàng
  26. 不相容 bùxiāngróng
  27. 不肖 bùxiào
  28. 不下于 bùxiàyú
  29. 不行 bùxíng
  30. 不已 bùyǐ
  31. 不意bùyì
  32. 不翼而飞 bùyì'érfēi


  1. advance the object of a verb; 把门关上 close the doore
  2. 把の反復: 你把没把相机带来?
  3. full; 吃饱; 吃饱喝足 eat and drink one’s fill
  4. be sorry; 真抱歉,打扰了 Sorry to have disturbed you.
  5. in passive voice; 被免职; 我的钱被偷了
  6. 受身文:
    - 我的自行车他骑走了。
    - 鱼猫吃了。
    - 他老师批评过。
    - 窗户风吹开了。
  7. than; 比去年上升2%
  8. analogy, supposing; 比方说你有一百万元,你怎么花呢?Say you had a million yuan, how would you spend it?
  9. by the time; 比及医生赶到,为时已晚 It was too late by the time the doctor arrived.
  10. than anything else; 苏杭得风景比那儿都美
  11. must; 你明天必须来。You must come tomorrow.
  12. if not; 不把练习做完,我们不能回家。
  13. be unlike, be inferior to; 这个不比那个大; 弟弟不比我高; 他不比我唱得好
  14. not only ... but also; 黑猩猩不但会使用工具,在某种程度上还会制造工具。
  15. cannot/must not; 动弹不得 cannot move; 奈何不得 there is nothing to be done.
  16. cannot/should not; 这儿不能抽烟 no smorking here.
  17. have to/cannot but; 去外国旅行不能不带护照。
  18. it is not .... that: 我不是做飞机来的; 我们不是跟朋友一起去的。
  19. cannot be regarded as; 任务不谓不重 It’s really a hard task.
  20. be somewhat; 不无裨益 be of some benefit; 不无关系 be related in some way
  21. not stint; 不惜一切代价 at any cost
  22. be too busy; 不暇他顾 have no time for other matters
  23. unknown; 地址不详 unknown address
  24. not expect/unexpectedly; 你想不想喝点儿茶?; 无日不想念
  25. not like; 今天不像夏天
  26. incompatible; 水火不相容; 不相容原理
  27. unworthy; 不肖之子 unworthy son
  28. be as good as, on a par with; 我们虽然是业余球队,但水平不下于职业球队
  29. not allow; 你这样下去不行 You can’t go on like this.
  30. to a great extent; 后悔不已 feel deep regret
  31. unexpectedly; 不意大雨如注,不能起程
  32. disappear without trace; 我抽屉里的钱不翼而飞了 The money I had in the drawer disappeared without trace.


>Top <C>:

  1. 才 cái
  2. 曾经 céngjīng
  3. 朝 cháo
  4. 趁 chèn
  5. 除非 chúfēi
  6. 除非 chúfēi 〜否则 fǒuzé
  7. 除了〜以外 chúle〜yǐwài
  8. 除了〜就是 chúle〜jiùshì
  9. 此刻 cǐkè
  10. 此外 cǐwài
  11. 此致 cǐzhì
  12. 次序 cìxù
  13. 次要 cìyào
  14. 次之 cìzhī
  15. 从 ... 到 cóng ... dào
  16. 从来 cónglài
  17. 从...起 cóng...qǐ
  18. 聪明 cōngming
  19. 错 cuò


  1. only just; 我刚刚才到 I’ve only just arrived.; 电影才开始 The movie has just started.
  2. once; 我曾经见过他 I have seen him before.
  3. towards; 朝东走 go east
  4. take advantage of; 趁热吃 eat while it’s hot; 趁热打铁 chènrè-dǎtiě, strike the iron is hot
  5. unless; 除非另有说明 unless otherwise stated
  6. unless 〜 otherwise; 除非动手术,否则她就没救了。
  7. 除了星期六和星期天以外,我天天去学校。
  8. either ... or; 他除了看电视,就是睡觉。
  9. this moment; 此刻他该到了 He should have arrived by now.
  10. besides; 此外,我想求你给我办件事 Besides, I want to ask a favour of you.
  11. with best regards; 此致敬礼; 此致李先生
  12. sequence; 次序颠倒 be in reverse order; 按年代先后次序 in chronological order
  13. minor; 次要原因 subsidiary reason
  14. come second; 该省的自然资源以煤最多,石油次之 Among the natural resources of the province, coal occupies first place and oil comes second.
  15. from ... to; 从我家到彼家很近
  16. always, never; 她从来没有滑过冰 She has never been skating.
  17. from here... start; 从头念起 read from the beginning; 从今天算起 count from today.
  18. clever; 聪明绝顶 be extremely intelligent; 聪明伶俐 be clever and quick-witted
  19. wrong; 听错; 说错; 写错; 猜/答错 guess/answer wrong; 走错路 take the wrong


>Top <D>:

  1. 打 dǎ
  2. 大都 dàdū
  3. 大凡 dàfán
  4. 大方 dàfang
  5. 大概 dàgài
  6. 当然 dāngrán
  7. 到 dào
  8. 地 de
  9. 得 de
  10. 得 ...不 de... bu
  11. 的 de
  12. 得多 de duō
  13. 得很 de hěn
  14. 掉 diào
  15. 动态动词 dòngdài
  16. 都 dōu
  17. 断然 duànrán
  18. 笃定 dǔdìng
  19. 对 duì
  20. 对不起 duìbuqǐ
  21. 对于 duìyú
  22. 对于... 来说 duìyú ... láishuō
  23. 多么 duōme
  24. 多少】duōshao
  25. 多事 duōshì
  26. 多谢 duōxiè


  1. from, through; 打猫眼往外看 look out thryough a spyhole; 打公路走一小时就可以到家
  2. mostly; 这儿的学生大都来自农村 Most of the students here come from the countryside.
  3. generally speaking; 大凡自私的人,最终往往要吃亏 In most cases, selfish people will suffer in the end.
  4. generous, easy; 出手大方 be generous with money; 举止大方 have an easy manner
  5. approximately; 去那里大概需要半小时 It will take approximately half an hour to get there.
  6. of course; 这当然是最好的解决办法 This is certainly the best solution.
  7. indicate the result of action; 做得到 can be done; 看到 catch sight of; 说到做到 shuōdào-zuòdào, live up to one’s word
  8. used with an adverb; 认真地学习; 仔细地看看
  9. indicate result or degree; 干得很好 very well done; 漂亮得很 very beautiful
  10. either or; 他的中文说得流利不流利?;你看得清楚看不清楚?
  11. to give a positive tone; 这件事我知道的。That I know.; 我永远不会忘记的。I'll never forget it forever.
  12. much more; 今天比昨天热得多; 她得本领比他高得多
  13. very much; 漂亮得很; 周到得很
  14. indicate removal, off/away; 擦掉 wipe off; 扔掉 throw away
  15. 了le; 着zhe;过guo
  16. all; 我们三个人都要来 All three of us will come.
  17. absolutely; 二者断然不同 The two are completely different; 此事断然不可 You absolutely cannot do that.
  18. certainly; 笃定办好 be sure to succeed; 笃定没问题
  19. to; 对我有用 be useful to me; 对华政策 Policy towards China
  20. sorry; 对不起,我来晚了
  21. with regard to; 对于他们提出的意见,我们要认真考虑
  22. with regard to us: 对于我来说,这是个沉重的打击 This is a heavy blow to me; 对于父母来说,自己的孩子是最可爱的
  23. how much; 你知道天有多么高吗?Do you know how high the sky is?
  24. how many/much; 这本书多少钱?How much does this book cost?; 能记多少记多少 try to remember whatever you can
  25. do unnecessary things; 她的父母会照顾她的,你就不用多事了 Her parents will look after her, so you don’t need to worry about this.
  26. thank you very much


  1. の様に

>Top <E>:

  1. 二次 èrcì
  2. 而1
  3. 而2
  4. 而... 而
  5. 而后 érhòu
  6. 而况 érkuàng
  7. 而且 érqiě
  8. 而已 éryǐ


  1. second, twice; 五的二次方是二十五 The square of 5 is 25.; 每个人都值得被给予第二次机会 Everyone deserves a second chance.
  2. and, in addition; 年轻而有才华 young and talented; 战而胜之 fight and defeat it; 少而精 small and selected member
  3. but; 说了而不做,等于白说 To speak but not to do it equals to waiste your breath.
  4. and, from; 一而十,十而百 from 1 to 10, and from 10 to 100.
  5. after that; 我们去喝一杯,而后回家 Let’s go for a drink and then go home.
  6. let alone; 小孩连走都不会,而况跑呢 The baby can’t even walk, let alone run.
  7. and; 他不只会说英语,而且也会说日语
  8. that is all, nothing more; 是梦而已 it's just a dream


>Top <F>:

  1. 凡是 fánshì
  2. 非...不可
  3. 非常 fēicháng
  4. 非此即彼 fēicǐ-jíbǐ
  5. 非但 fēidàn
  6. 非得 fēiděi
  7. 非独 fēidú
  8. 非凡 fēifán
  9. 非分 fēifèn
  10. 服从 fúcóng


  1. any; 凡是犯法者,都应受到惩罚 Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.
  2. must; 要成功,非下苦功夫不可 Success requires painstaking efforts.
  3. extremely; 非常抱歉 bàoqiàn, terribly sorry; 非常必要 highly necessary
  4. one or the other;
  5. not only; 非但我不知道,他也不知道 Not only do I not know, but he doesn’t know either.
  6. have to; 学好外语非得下功夫不行 The mastery of a foreign language involves painstaking effort.
  7. not merely; 非独无害,而且有益 It is not only harmless but also very useful.
  8. outstanding; 市场上热闹非凡 The market is bustling with activity.
  9. improper; 非分的要求 presumptuous demands
  10. obey; 服从命令 obey orders; 少数服从多数 The minority submits to the majority.


>Top <G>:

  1. 干 (幹) gàn
  2. 干净 gānjìng
  3. 给 gěi
  4. 给我 gěiwǒ
  5. 跟 gēn
  6. 跟gēn ... 一起yīqǐ
  7. 更 gèng
  8. 更加 gèngjiā
  9. 苟且 gǒuqiě
  10. 光 guāng
  11. 关于 guānyú
  12. 过多guòdu
  13. 过得去 guòdeqù
  14. 过度 guòdù
  15. 过分 guòfèn
  16. 过后 guòhòu
  17. 过来 guòlai
  18. 过去 guòqu


  1. do; 干工作 do a job; 要干就干好 If you do it, do it well.
  2. cleanly; 把毛巾洗干净 wash the towel clean
  3. recipient of an action; 给孩子们讲故事
  4. imperative sentence; 快给我闭嘴 Shut up!; 你给我走开 Go away!
  5. with; 跟我来
  6. together with; 你一起去。
  7. further, more; 更进一步 go a step further; 更简单 simpler
  8. even more; 更加复杂 be even more complicated; 更加混乱 be even more confused; 我们必须更加努力 We must double our efforts.
  9. aimless; 因循苟且 live an aimless life
  10. used up; 把啤酒喝光 finish off the beer; 用光 spent all money
  11. with regard to, about; 关于孩子的教育问题; 关于你的请求,她们正在研究
  12. too much; 吃得过多 You eat too much!
  13. feel at ease; 让你等了这么长时间,我心里怎能过得去 I feel terrible about keeping you waiting so long.
  14. excessive; 别过度紧张 Don’t overtax yourself.
  15. excessive; 你做得太过分了 You have overdone!
  16. later; 过后怎么样了?What happened next?
  17. come over; 把脸转过来!Turn your face this way!; 清醒过来 regain consciousnes
  18. away from; 警车从右边超了 The police car passed on the righ


>Top <H>:

  1. 还没 háimei
  2. 还是 háishi
  3. 还有 háiyǒu
  4. 好比 hǎobǐ
  5. 好不 hǎobù
  6. 好处 hǎochu
  7. 好多 hǎoduō
  8. 好好儿 hǎohāor
  9. 好几 hǎojǐ
  10. 好久 hǎojiǔ
  11. 好看 hǎokàn
  12. 好容易 hǎoróngyì
  13. 好生 hǎoshēng
  14. 好说 hǎoshuō
  15. 好听 hǎotīng
  16. 好玩儿 hǎowánr
  17. 好像 hǎoxiàng
  18. 好些 hǎoxiē
  19. 好意思 hǎoyìsi
  20. 和 hé
  21. 回 huí
  22. 或然 huòrán
  23. 或许 huòxǔ
  24. 或则 huòzé
  25. 或者 huòzhě


  1. not yet; 我妹妹还没上学呢; 现在两点了,他还没有
  2. still, nevertherless; 你还是去看病吧 You had better see a doctor.; 你还是留在这儿吧 You would do well to stay here.
  3. furthermore; 还有什么 What else?; 还有一个小时才吃饭呢 We still have an hour to go before lunch.
  4. be just like; 时间好比流水,有去无回 Time flows like water, never to return.
  5. exclamatory word; 大家好不高兴!We are so glad!
  6. benefit; 读书好处很多 Reading can do us a lot of good.
  7. many; 有好多问题要问 have many questions to ask
  8. all right; 电话刚才还好好儿的,怎么就坏了?Why isn’t the phone working now? It was all right just before.
  9. long; 他们已经来了好久了 They’ve been here a long time
  10. well over; 他父亲七十好几了 His father is well over seventy.
  11. good-looking; 她的照片比她本人好看多了 Her photo flatters her a great deal.
  12. difficult; 他好容易才找到这份工作 He had a hard time getting the job.
  13. very; 没有见到他,我好生失望 I was quite disappointed not to see him
  14. with pleasure; 好说,好说,您过奖了
  15. easy on the ear; 这支歌很好听 This is a very good song.
  16. fun; 太好玩儿了!What good fun!
  17. be like; 好像要下雨了 It looks as if it’s going to rain.
  18. lots of; 我花了好些钱 I spent quite a lot of money.
  19. have the nerve; 你怎么好意思又来要钱?How can you have the cheek to ask for more money?
  20. with; 他和这件事没有关系; 他和我一样高
  21. return; 回到原处 yuánchù, return to where one came from; 绝不能回到过去 There must be no going back to the past.
  22. probable
  23. maybe
  24. either ... or
  25. either... or 你可以把钱存成活期或者定期 You can deposit your money either in a current account or a fixed account.


>Top < I >:

< I >:

< I >:

>Top < J >:

  1. 既...且
  2. 将 jiāing
  3. 将要 jiāngyào
  4. 叫 jiào
  5. 叫jiào/让ràng/使shǐ/请qǐng/有yǒu/劝quàn/派pài/命令mìnglìng
  6. 几乎 jīhū
  7. 几近 jījìn
  8. 几许 jǐxǔ
  9. 进 jìn
  10. 经常 jīngcháng
  11. 极其 jíqí
  12. 即使 jíshǐ
  13. 就 jiù
  14. 就要 jiùyào
  15. 极限 jíxiàn
  16. 给予 jǐyǔ
  17. 绝对 juéduì

< J >:

  1. and yet; 既高且大
  2. with; 将鸡蛋碰石头; 将灯打开 Turn on the light
  3. going to; 将要下雨了 It’s going to rain.; 我孩子将要上大学 My child is going to university.
  4. in passive voice; 别叫人笑话!Don't make a fool of yourself; 衣服叫淋透了
  5. 兼語文:
    - 妈妈叫我去买东西;
    - 老师让我们站起来了;
    - 这件事使他高兴;
    - 大家让她唱什么?;
    - 他请我吃饭
    - 有人来了; 早上有人给你打电话了
    - 老师劝我去中国学习
    - 我派他去调查
    - 部长命令我们出差去
  6. almost; 天气几乎一日一变 The weather changes almost daily.
  7. on the verge of; 几近成功/灭绝/破产 be on the verge of success/extinction/bankruptcy
  8. how much/many; 不知几许。
  9. enter, get into; 请进!Come in, please!; 走进办公室 walk into an office
  10. frequently; 经常喝酒 rink regularly; 经常加班 often work overtime
  11. extremely; 极其深刻的教训 most profound lesson; 极其豪华 ultimate in luxury
  12. even if, though; 即使如此,我也会来的 I will be coming even so.
  13. already; 他昨天八点就睡了 He went to bed as early as 8 o’clock last night.
  14. about to; 飞机就要起飞了 The plane is about to take off.
  15. limit; 超过极限 exceed the limit; 挑战极限 challenge one’s limits
  16. render; 给予(某人)帮助 render assistance (to sb.); 给予关怀/同情 show concern/sympathy.
  17. absolutely; 绝对安全 perfectly safe; 绝对可靠 completely reliable

< J >:

>Top <K>:

  1. 看不起 kànbuqǐ
  2. 可以 kěyǐ
  3. 快乐 kuàilè
  4. 快要 kuàiyào


  1. look down upon; 她看不起别人 She holds others in contempt.
  2. be able to; 可以理解 be understandable
  3. happy; 生日快乐!Happy birthday to you!
  4. soon; 快要下雨了 It’s about to rain.


>Top <L>:

  1. 来 lái
  2. 了 le
  3. 勒令 lèlìng
  4. 离1 lí
  5. 离2 lí
  6. 两可 liǎngkě
  7. 连忙 liánmáng
  8. 了不起 liǎobuqǐ
  9. 聊且 liáoqiě
  10. 聊以自慰 liáoyǐzìwèi
  11. 了不得 liǎobudé
  12. 了了 liǎoliǎo
  13. 了然 liǎorán
  14. 力戒 lìji
  15. 力图 lìtú


  1. movement to the speaker; 拿榔头来 Bring me a hammer.; 我回来了
  2. -Completion of an action: 等雨停了再走 Wait till the rain stops.
    -Change of situation: 天快亮了。The day will break soon.; 快要下雨了。 It may start rain soon.; 你的时间到了 Time up; 你哥哥结婚了,不是吗?Your brother got married!
    -Persuation or request: 该走了 It's time to go.
  3. order; 勒令退学 expel a student from school
  4. away from; 邮局离这儿不远
  5. be without; 所有生物都离不开空气和水 All living things would die without air and water.; 这件事离了你不行 It won’t do without you.
  6. either will do; 这次会议你参加不参加两可 Whether or not you attend this meeting, either way is fine.
  7. promptly; 见一位老太太上车,他连忙让座 Seeing an old lady get on the bus, he promptly gave up his seat.
  8. amazing; 你真了不起!You’re really terrific.
  9. for the time being; 聊胜于无 liáo shèng yú wú, better than nothing
  10. just to console oneself; 令他聊以自慰的是,儿子考上了大学 He consoled himself with the thought that his son had got into college.
  11. extraordinary; 多得了不得 be in great abundance; 自以为了不得 think oneself terrific; 了不得的大事 matter of utmost importance
  12. clear; 不甚 shèn 了了 not clear about it; 心中了了 my mind is clear
  13. clear; 一目了然 yīmù-liǎorán, be clear at a glance
  14. do everything possible to avoid; 力戒骄傲 be sure to guard against conceit
  15. try hard to do sth.; 力图摆脱困境 do everything possible to get out of a difficult situation


>Top <M>:

  1. 麻烦 máfan
  2. 马上 mǎshàng
  3. 没有 méiyǒu
  4. 没有把 méiyoubǎ
  5. 明白 míngbai


  1. troublesome; 办手续很麻烦 Going through the formalities is troublesome.
  2. immediately;马上出发 set off right away; 我马上就回来 I’ll be right back.
  3. not yet; 她没有去过北京 She has not been to B. yet.
  4. not yet; 我还没有把信写完。
  5. clearly; 听明白你的话


>Top <N>:

  1. 拿2 ná
  2. 拿2 ná
  3. 拿手 náshǒu
  4. 哪边 nǎbiān
  5. 哪个 nǎge
  6. 哪里 nǎli
  7. 哪里哪里 nǎli nǎli
  8. 哪能 nǎnéng
  9. 难道 nándào
  10. 难得 nándé
  11. 难怪 nánguài
  12. 难过 nánguò
  13. 难看 nánkàn
  14. 难受 nánshòu
  15. 难以 nányǐ
  16. 难于 nányú
  17. 哪怕 nǎpà
  18. 哪儿 nǎr
  19. 哪些 nǎxiē
  20. 哪样 nǎyàng
  21. 那么 nàme
  22. 呢 ne


  1. by means of; 拿美元支付 pay in US$
  2. introduce the object of following verb; 我真拿他没办法 I simply don’t know what to do with him.
  3. good at; 他开车很拿手 He is a very good driver
  4. which direction; 请问,哪边是东边?
  5. which/who; 哪个要来?Who is coming?; 想要哪个拿 Take whichever you want.
  6. where; 你刚才去哪里了?Where have you been?
  7. polite response; 你的舞跳得真好!- 哪里哪里
  8. how can; 我哪能干那种事 How could I have done that kind of thing.
  9. could it be that?; 难道真是我错了?Do you really mean to say that it is my fault?
  10. rare; 我们难得见面 We seldom see each other.
  11. no wonder that; 难怪他这么生气 No wonder he is so angry.
  12. difficult; 我知道他们的日子很难过 I know they are having a rough time.
  13. ugly, awkward, out of sorts; 你的脸色很难看,是不是病了?You look awful. Are you sick?
  14. uncomfortable, sad; 他考试没及格,心里很难受 He felt very bad because he had failed the examination.
  15. be difficult to do; 难以接受 hard to accept; 难以预料 still in doubt
  16. be harder than; 第一题难于第二题 The first question is more difficult than the second.
  17. no matter how; 哪怕困难再大,也要按时完成任务 We have to finish the task on time no matter how difficult it is.
  18. where, whereever; 你在哪儿看见他了 Where did you see him?
  19. which places/things; 你到过哪些地方?
  20. what kind; 你喜欢哪样的书包?What kind of bag do you like?
  21. like that; 别那么干 Don’t do it that way.; 今天不像冬天那么冷
  22. continuation of an action; 他还在睡 He is still sleeping.


  1. の最中

>Top <O>:



>Top <P>:

  1. 凭 píng
  2. 譬如 pìrú
  3. 迫切 pòqiè
  4. 迫使 pòshǐ


  1. on the basis of; 凭票入场 Admission by ticket
  2. for example; 譬如他,就是个说话太直的人 Take him for example, he is much too straightforward.
  3. pressing; 迫切需要 have an urgent need; 迫切的愿望 fervent wish
  4. force, compel; 时间迫使我们不得不改变计划 Time forced us to make some changes to our plan.


>Top <Q>:

  1. 起 qǐ
  2. 起初 qǐchū
  3. 起来 qilai
  4. 起首 qǐshǒu
  5. 且...况 qiě...kuàng
  6. 且... 且 qiě
  7. 且慢 qiěmàn
  8. 请便 qǐngbiàn
  9. 清楚 qīngchu
  10. 请客 qǐngkè
  11. 请求 qǐngqiú
  12. 请问 qǐngwèn
  13. 请勿 qǐng wù
  14. 请坐 qǐng zuò
  15. 去 qù


  1. rise, move up; 早起 get up early; 大起大落 dàqǐ-dàluò, great ups and downs
  2. in the beginning; 起初她很紧张 She was nervous at the start
  3. indicate upward movement; 坐起来 sit up; 拣起来 pick up
  4. originally; 起首我并不会下棋 I didn’t know how to play chess at first.
  5. much (still) less; 死且不惧jù ,况困难乎hū !
  6. 且歌且舞 sing as one dances
  7. for a moment; 且慢,请听我把话说完 Wait a moment. Please hear me out.
  8. do as you wish; 要去要留,请便 Stay or go as you choose.
  9. clearly; 听清楚 hear clearly; 把情况讲清楚 put the case clearly
  10. invide sb. to dinner; 这次我请客 This is my treat.
  11. request; 请求援助 request sb.’s assistance
  12. excuse me; 请问大名?Your name, please!
  13. 请勿吸烟 No smoking
  14. 请这边儿坐! Please sit here.
  15. motion away from the speaker; 回家去 go home; 他出去了


>Top <R>:

  1. 让 ràng
  2. 仍然 réngrán
  3. 认错 rèncuò
  4. 认得 rènde
  5. 认识 rènshi
  6. 认为 rènwéi
  7. 认真 rènzhēn
  8. 热情 rèqíng
  9. 如常 rúcháng
  10. 如此 rúcǐ
  11. 如次 rúcì
  12. 如果 rúguǒ
  13. 如何 rúhé
  14. 如今 rújīn


  1. passive signifier; 我的钱包让人偷了。my wallet was stolen.
  2. still (=还); 问题仍然没有解决 The issue is yet to be solved
  3. admit an error; 认错人了
  4. recognize; 你还认得我吗?Do you still recognize me?
  5. know; 认识某人 become acquainted with sb.
  6. think; 我认为该计划不可行 I think that the plan cannot work.
  7. serious; 对她的话不要太认真 Don’t take her remarks too much to heart.
  8. enthusiastic; 热情款待 treat cordially; 待人热情 deal with people warmly
  9. be as usual; 一切如常 everything is normal
  10. such; 如此昂贵 so expensive; 事已如此 such being the case
  11. be as follows; 全文如次 The full text is as follows.
  12. if; 如果明天下雨,我就不去
  13. how; 你近况如何?How are things going with you?
  14. nowadays; 如今坐飞机是平常事 Air travel is a commonplace nowadays.


  1. a
  2. a
  3. if =如若rúruò

>Top <S>:

  1. 尚且 shàngqiě
  2. 少陪 shǎopéi
  3. 是...的 shì...de
  4. 时常 shícháng
  5. 十分 shífēn
  6. 顺 shùn
  7. 属于 shǔyú
  8. 随便 suíbiàn
  9. 随时 suíshí
  10. 所谓 suǒwèi
  11. 所以 suǒyǐ
  12. 所有 suǒyǒu


  1. even; 我们尚且不行,更何况他了 If we can’t do it, then surely he can’t either.
  2. excuse oneself; 对不起,少陪了 I’m sorry. I must be leaving now.
  3. it is .... that: 我是昨天晚上到了; 你是从哪儿来的?
  4. often; 时常发生 occur frequently; 我时常去那儿 I often go there.
  5. very; 十分宝贵 extremely valuable; 十分害怕 be mortally afraid
  6. along; 顺着河边走 walk along the river; 顺着走廊走过来 come along the corridor.
  7. belong to; 属于个人财产 be part of one’s individual wealth
  8. do as one pleases; 随你的便 Do as you like, please
  9. at any time; 你随时都可以离开 You are free to leave at any time.
  10. so-callled; 所谓的自由主义者 so-called liberal
  11. 所谓 suǒwèiso; 因为找不到你,所以我走 I couldn’t find you so I left.
  12. all; 回答所有的问题 answer all the questions


>Top <T>:

  1. 当时 dàngshí
  2. 当做 dàngzuò
  3. 替 tì
  4. 通过 tōngguò
  5. 透 tòu


  1. that very moment; 收到你的信,我当时就回了信 I wrote back to you as soon as I received your letter.
  2. regard as; 我把他当做知心朋友 I count him among my close friends.
  3. for; 别替我担心。Don't worry for me.; 大家替他高兴
  4. through; 通过对话解决争端 settle dispute through dialogue
  5. complete; 庄稼熟透了 The crops are quite ripe.; 浑身湿透 be wet through


>Top <U>:



>Top <V>:



>Top <W>:

  1. 哇 wa
  2. 完 wán
  3. 往 wǎng
  4. 伪 wèi
  5. 未必 wèibì
  6. 为了 wèile
  7. 为难 wéinán
  8. 为生 wéishēng
  9. 为限 wéixiàn
  10. 为止 wéizhǐ
  11. 为主 wéizhǔ
  12. 无论 wúlùn


  1. after u/ao/ou; 你好哇? Well, how are you?
  2. finish/end; 看完; 做完 finished out; 等一等,我还没完呢 Wait. I haven’t finished yet.
  3. towards; 往东走 head east; 往前看 look forward
  4. for; 为国争光 struggle for the glory of ...
  5. not necessarily; 未必都对 Everything is not necessarily correct.
  6. for the sake of; 为了求知而学习
  7. feel embarrassed; 左右为难 be in a dilemma; 使人为难 embarrass sb.
  8. earn a living; 以捕鱼为生 make one’s living as a fisherman
  9. be withing the limit of; 有效期以一年为限 be valid for one year
  10. be up to; 迄今为止 up to now
  11. give priority to; 以自力更生为主 rely mainly on one’s own effort
  12. whatever; 无论你到哪里,我都跟你在一起 No matter where you go, I will be with you.


>Top <X>:

  1. 下来 xiàlái
  2. 想必 xiǎngbì
  3. 向 xiàng
  4. 像 xiàng
  5. 喜欢 xǐhuan
  6. 许多 xǔduō
  7. 许久 xǔjiǔ
  8. 徐徐 xúxú


  1. indicate a continuation from the past; 坚持下来 stick things out;
  2. presumably; 想必如此 I presume so.
  3. 下来 xiàláitowards; 向东流 flow eastwards
  4. be like; 今天像夏天一样
  5. to like; 喜欢看电视; 你喜欢坐哪儿就坐哪儿。You may sit wherever you like.
  6. many; 许多变化/朋友 a lot of changes/friends; 许多麻烦 a good deal of trouble
  7. long; 他许久没来了 It’s been ages since he came last time.
  8. slowly; 飞机徐徐降落在机场 The plane landed slowly at the airport.


>Top <Y>:

  1. 呀 ya
  2. 沿 yán
  3. 要把 yàobǎ
  4. 也 yě
  5. 也许 yěxǔ
  6. 依 yī
  7. 一次 yīcì
  8. 一次比一次 yícì bĭ
  9. 一点儿 yīdiǎnr
  10. 一定 yīdìng
  11. 一共 yīgòng
  12. 以后 yǐhòu
  13. 以及 yǐjí
  14. 已经 yǐjing
  15. 以来 yǐlái
  16. 以免 yǐmiǎn
  17. 以内 yǐnèi
  18. 应该 yīnggāi
  19. 一年比一年
  20. 因为 yīnwèi 〜所以 suǒyǐ
  21. 一天比一天 yìtiān bǐ
  22. 以为 yǐwéi
  23. 一些 yīxiē
  24. 一样 yīyàng
  25. 一样不一样
  26. 又 ... 又 yòu
  27. 于(於) yú
  28. 愿意 yuànyì
  29. 越 ... 越



  1. (after a/e/i/o/ü) 是呀!; 快睡啊!Go to sleep!
  2. along; 沿河边散散
  3. must; 我们一定要把中文学好; 请你们明天把运动鞋带来。
  4. also, too; 您也来参加吧! You should go too!; 他会英语,也会汉语
  5. perhaps; 也许我能做这件事 Maybe I can do it.
  6. according to; 依法定程序chéngx处理 handle according to the law
  7. first time, once; 一次做不了两件事 You can't do two things at once.; 再试一次 Try it once again.
  8. every time, whenever; 她们的表演一次比一次精彩
  9. a bit; 苹果比香蕉贵一点儿
  10. certainly; 我猜想他一定是迷了路 I figured that he must have got lost.
  11. altogether; 我一共要付多少钱? How much shall I pay in all?
  12. afterwards; 从今以后 from now on; 几天以后 a few days later
  13. as well as; 亚洲 Yàzhōu 以及太平洋地
  14. already; 已经到夏天了 It’s summer already.; 他已经来了 He has already come.
  15. since; 自古以来 since ancient times; 改革开放以来 since reform and opening up was initiated.
  16. lest; 你还是早些出门吧,以免迟到 lest should be late
  17. within, not more than; 三年以内 within three years
  18. should; We ought to help you.
  19. every year; 我们的工作量一年比一年增加了zēngjiā
  20. because of 〜 therefore; 因为找不到你,所以我走了
  21. every day; 最近天气一天比一天暖和了
  22. think, believe; 她以为我是大夫
  23. slightly, a bit; 请走慢一些 Please walk more slowly;
  24. same; 她的年龄跟我一样 Her age is same with me.; 说话跟写字一样重要
  25. both ... and ...; 弟弟长得 zhǎngde 又高又壮; 她又聪明又漂亮
  26. 这个跟那个一样不一样?
  27. indicating time/place, at; 满足于现状 be content with the status quo; 热中于集邮 keen on stamp collecting
  28. be willing to; 愿意帮忙 be ready to help
  29. the more ... the more; 越多越好 the more the better; 越想越气


>Top <Z>:

  1. 再 zà
  2. 暂且 zànqiě
  3. 着 zhe
  4. 正在 zhèngzài +呢
  5. 值得 zhídé
  6. 只不过 zhǐbùguò
  7. 只有 zhǐyǒu
  8. 终极 zhōngjí
  9. 住 zhù
  10. 自 zì
  11. 自... 而
  12. 自从 zìcóng


  1. again, more; 你再读一遍;欢迎明年再来; 这件事等明天商量
  2. for the time being; 暂且如此 leave it at that.
  3. action in progress; 看着电视吃饭
  4. in the process of; 正在进行磋商 Consultations are under way
  5. be worth, be worthwhile; 值得买 It’s worth buying.; 值得研究 be worth investigating
  6. merely; 你只不过是一个学生。
  7. only; 只有下水,才能真正学会游
  8. ultimate; 终极目标 ultimate aim
  9. indicate steadiness; 记住 remember firmly; 站住 stand firmly; 总也记不住 have a poor memory
  10. from; 自左而右 from left to right; 自第一天起 from the first day
  11. from ... to; 自上而下 from up to down; 自远而近 from distant to near
  12. since; 自从那次手术后,我把烟和酒都戒 jiè了



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